PyABSA / integrated_datasets /atepc_datasets /117.Television /Television_Test_Gold.xml.seg.atepc
yangheng's picture
history blame
199 kB
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
cast B-ASP Positive
screen I-ASP Positive
working O -100
properly O -100
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
cast B-ASP -100
screen I-ASP -100
working O -100
properly O -100
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
cast B-ASP -100
screen I-ASP -100
working O -100
properly O -100
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
- O -100
casting B-ASP Negative
from I-ASP Negative
android I-ASP Negative
has O -100
lag O -100
and O -100
seems O -100
a O -100
little O -100
unreliable O -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
especially O -100
video B-ASP Positive
and O -100
audio O -100
quality O -100
fantastic O -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
especially O -100
video O -100
and O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
fantastic O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
as O -100
well O -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
well O -100
mostly O -100
dependent O -100
on O -100
the O -100
source O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
draw O -100
back O -100
but O -100
all O -100
features B-ASP -100
are O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
draw O -100
back O -100
but O -100
all O -100
features B-ASP Positive
are O -100
good O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
n O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
so O -100
good O -100
. O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
n O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
so O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
okay O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
okay O -100
. O -100
- O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
low O -100
out O -100
of O -100
the O -100
box O -100
, O -100
but O -100
turning O -100
off O -100
all O -100
the O -100
stupid O -100
dbx O -100
processing O -100
in O -100
the O -100
sound O -100
settings O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
much O -100
louder O -100
and O -100
much O -100
better O -100
in O -100
short O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
tv O -100
that O -100
is O -100
future O -100
proof O -100
with O -100
all O -100
the O -100
required O -100
connections O -100
/ O -100
technologies O -100
that O -100
will O -100
keep O -100
you O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
its O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
for O -100
a O -100
very O -100
long O -100
time O -100
. O -100
- O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
low O -100
out O -100
of O -100
the O -100
box O -100
, O -100
but O -100
turning O -100
off O -100
all O -100
the O -100
stupid O -100
dbx O -100
processing O -100
in O -100
the O -100
sound O -100
settings O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
much O -100
louder O -100
and O -100
much O -100
better O -100
in O -100
short O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
tv O -100
that O -100
is O -100
future O -100
proof O -100
with O -100
all O -100
the O -100
required O -100
connections O -100
/ O -100
technologies O -100
that O -100
will O -100
keep O -100
you O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
its O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
for O -100
a O -100
very O -100
long O -100
time O -100
. O -100
did O -100
anyone O -100
find O -100
issues O -100
stating O -100
unsupported O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
for O -100
. O -100
service B-ASP Positive
& O -100
quicker O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
even O -100
during O -100
big O -100
billion O -100
day O -100
sale O -100
service B-ASP -100
& O -100
quicker O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
even O -100
during O -100
big O -100
billion O -100
day O -100
sale O -100
awesome O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
first O -100
of O -100
all O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
done O -100
before O -100
expected O -100
date O -100
which O -100
is O -100
commendable O -100
. O -100
first O -100
of O -100
all O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
done O -100
before O -100
expected O -100
date O -100
which O -100
is O -100
commendable O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality B-ASP -100
superb O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
i O -100
strongly O -100
recommend O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality B-ASP Positive
superb O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
i O -100
strongly O -100
recommend O -100
. O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
and O -100
service B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
no O -100
sign O -100
of O -100
them O -100
yet O -100
, O -100
keeps O -100
on O -100
rescheduling O -100
from O -100
past O -100
3 O -100
days O -100
. O -100
installation B-ASP -100
and O -100
service B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
no O -100
sign O -100
of O -100
them O -100
yet O -100
, O -100
keeps O -100
on O -100
rescheduling O -100
from O -100
past O -100
3 O -100
days O -100
. O -100
splly O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
from O -100
external O -100
bar O -100
is O -100
simply O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
splly O -100
the O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
from I-ASP Positive
external I-ASP Positive
bar I-ASP Positive
is O -100
simply O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
for O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP Positive
, O -100
. O -100
apart O -100
from O -100
this O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
product O -100
and O -100
that O -100
too O -100
in O -100
such O -100
a O -100
great O -100
price B-ASP Positive
! O -100
! O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
features B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
hd B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
supported O -100
all O -100
multimedia B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
and O -100
affordable O -100
costing O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
provide O -100
Flipkart O -100
unbelievable O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
features B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
supported O -100
all O -100
multimedia B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
and O -100
affordable O -100
costing O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
provide O -100
Flipkart O -100
unbelievable O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
features B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
hd B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
supported O -100
all O -100
multimedia B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
and O -100
affordable O -100
costing O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
provide O -100
Flipkart O -100
unbelievable O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
features B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
hd B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
supported O -100
all O -100
multimedia B-ASP Positive
features I-ASP Positive
and O -100
affordable O -100
costing O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
provide O -100
Flipkart O -100
unbelievable O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
good O -100
and O -100
it O -100
plays O -100
all O -100
format O -100
from O -100
usb O -100
delivery O -100
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
and O -100
wall O -100
mount O -100
was O -100
done O -100
on O -100
same O -100
day O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
good O -100
and O -100
it O -100
plays O -100
all O -100
format O -100
from O -100
usb O -100
delivery O -100
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
and O -100
wall O -100
mount O -100
was O -100
done O -100
on O -100
same O -100
day O -100
. O -100
mi O -100
bluetooth B-ASP Positive
remote I-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
with O -100
minimal O -100
buttons O -100
. O -100
tech O -100
technology O -100
super O -100
smart O -100
as O -100
android B-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
. O -100
so O -100
many O -100
buttons B-ASP Negative
in I-ASP Negative
the I-ASP Negative
remote I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
properly O -100
. O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
with O -100
nice O -100
android B-ASP Positive
feature I-ASP Positive
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
way O -100
better O -100
than O -100
samsung O -100
and O -100
sony O -100
, O -100
really O -100
value O -100
of O -100
money O -100
. O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
with O -100
nice O -100
android B-ASP -100
feature I-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
way O -100
better O -100
than O -100
samsung O -100
and O -100
sony O -100
, O -100
really O -100
value O -100
of O -100
money O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
looks O -100
good O -100
too O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
looks O -100
good O -100
too O -100
. O -100
worth O -100
it O -100
for O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
need O -100
to O -100
improve O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
, O -100
over O -100
all O -100
good O -100
product O -100
for O -100
those O -100
looking O -100
for O -100
budget O -100
friendly O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
good O -100
enough O -100
and O -100
the O -100
outer B-ASP -100
body I-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
also O -100
of O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
good O -100
enough O -100
and O -100
the O -100
outer B-ASP Positive
body I-ASP Positive
of O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
also O -100
of O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
thank O -100
u O -100
Flipkart O -100
very O -100
much O -100
and O -100
guaranteed O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
- O -100
4k O -100
( O -100
youtube O -100
& O -100
other O -100
sources O -100
) O -100
- O -100
awestruck O -100
, O -100
hds B-ASP Positive
in O -100
prime O -100
& O -100
blueray O -100
movies O -100
etc O -100
were O -100
great O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
trying O -100
to O -100
check O -100
the O -100
hdr10 O -100
& O -100
Dolby O -100
visions O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
- O -100
4k O -100
( O -100
youtube O -100
& O -100
other O -100
sources O -100
) O -100
- O -100
awestruck O -100
, O -100
hds B-ASP -100
in O -100
prime O -100
& O -100
blueray O -100
movies O -100
etc O -100
were O -100
great O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
trying O -100
to O -100
check O -100
the O -100
hdr10 O -100
& O -100
Dolby O -100
visions O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
having O -100
problem O -100
with O -100
the O -100
sound O -100
the O -100
person O -100
came O -100
for O -100
installation B-ASP -100
had O -100
no O -100
knowledge O -100
about O -100
the O -100
product O -100
and O -100
failed O -100
to O -100
clear O -100
the O -100
doubts O -100
of O -100
the O -100
customer O -100
regarding O -100
price O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
awesome O -100
having O -100
problem O -100
with O -100
the O -100
sound O -100
the O -100
person O -100
came O -100
for O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
had O -100
no O -100
knowledge O -100
about O -100
the O -100
product O -100
and O -100
failed O -100
to O -100
clear O -100
the O -100
doubts O -100
of O -100
the O -100
customer O -100
regarding O -100
price O -100
product O -100
is O -100
good O -100
but O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
done O -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
was O -100
pathetic O -100
. O -100
i O -100
got O -100
two O -100
tvs O -100
one O -100
is O -100
working O -100
good O -100
and O -100
other O -100
went O -100
bad O -100
in O -100
two O -100
days O -100
, O -100
display B-ASP Negative
issue O -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
and O -100
great O -100
service B-ASP Positive
of O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivered O -100
as O -100
per O -100
commitment O -100
. O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
big O -100
and O -100
the O -100
ips B-ASP -100
panel I-ASP -100
looks O -100
very O -100
strong O -100
. O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
big O -100
and O -100
the O -100
ips B-ASP Positive
panel I-ASP Positive
looks O -100
very O -100
strong O -100
. O -100
smart O -100
technology O -100
_ O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
processor B-ASP Positive
speed I-ASP Positive
_ O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
8 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
totally O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
awesome O -100
_ O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
9 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
good O -100
product O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
is O -100
also O -100
less O -100
, O -100
above O -100
50 O -100
it O -100
becomes O -100
audible O -100
. O -100
i O -100
really O -100
mesmerized O -100
by O -100
the O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
of I-ASP Positive
video I-ASP Positive
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
sent O -100
a O -100
technician O -100
, O -100
who O -100
confirmed O -100
this O -100
was O -100
a O -100
panel B-ASP Positive
problem O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
lets O -100
see O -100
how O -100
many O -100
days O -100
it O -100
will O -100
work O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
stop O -100
working O -100
on O -100
next O -100
day O -100
from O -100
the O -100
installation O -100
, O -100
blank O -100
screen O -100
coming O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
, O -100
panel B-ASP -100
looking O -100
like O -100
fix O -100
by O -100
tape O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
stop O -100
working O -100
on O -100
next O -100
day O -100
from O -100
the O -100
installation O -100
, O -100
blank O -100
screen O -100
coming O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
remote B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
, O -100
panel B-ASP Negative
looking O -100
like O -100
fix O -100
by O -100
tape O -100
. O -100
he O -100
reported O -100
that O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
may O -100
be O -100
replaced O -100
. O -100
colour B-ASP Negative
contrast I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
average O -100
, O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
. O -100
very O -100
unhappy O -100
with O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
and O -100
poor O -100
response O -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
its O -100
been O -100
over O -100
72 O -100
hrs O -100
and O -100
still O -100
no O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
, O -100
called O -100
the O -100
customer B-ASP -100
service I-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
asked O -100
for O -100
another O -100
48 O -100
for O -100
resolution O -100
, O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
customer O -100
service O -100
. O -100
its O -100
been O -100
over O -100
72 O -100
hrs O -100
and O -100
still O -100
no O -100
installation B-ASP -100
, O -100
called O -100
the O -100
customer B-ASP Negative
service I-ASP Negative
and O -100
the O -100
asked O -100
for O -100
another O -100
48 O -100
for O -100
resolution O -100
, O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
customer O -100
service O -100
. O -100
demonstration B-ASP Negative
was O -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
worth O -100
for O -100
money O -100
superb O -100
display B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
finally O -100
i O -100
decided O -100
to O -100
choose O -100
Panasonic O -100
led O -100
television O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfy O -100
with O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
. O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
but O -100
only O -100
drawback O -100
is O -100
not O -100
having O -100
appstore O -100
, O -100
and O -100
remote B-ASP -100
is O -100
air B-ASP Neutral
remote I-ASP Neutral
. O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
but O -100
only O -100
drawback O -100
is O -100
not O -100
having O -100
appstore O -100
, O -100
and O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
air B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
. O -100
i O -100
must O -100
say O -100
that O -100
the O -100
first O -100
tv O -100
i O -100
received O -100
, O -100
had O -100
a O -100
few O -100
patches O -100
on O -100
screen O -100
from O -100
the O -100
faulty O -100
led B-ASP Negative
backlit I-ASP Negative
. O -100
solid O -100
product O -100
par O -100
performance O -100
no O -100
regret O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
crystal O -100
clear O -100
if O -100
settings O -100
done O -100
in O -100
optimum O -100
way O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
very O -100
good O -100
and O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
need O -100
of O -100
external O -100
soeakers O -100
. O -100
also O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
decent O -100
. O -100
video O -100
quality O -100
average O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
good O -100
, O -100
performance O -100
average O -100
. O -100
best O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
lowest O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
not O -100
happy O -100
with O -100
delivery B-ASP Negative
team I-ASP Negative
. O -100
ok O -100
but O -100
wall B-ASP Neutral
mount I-ASP Neutral
fitting O -100
back O -100
side O -100
need O -100
black O -100
rubber O -100
bushes O -100
two O -100
nos O -100
but O -100
bushes O -100
i O -100
not O -100
received O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
too O -100
low O -100
for O -100
a O -100
spacious O -100
living O -100
room O -100
, O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
my O -100
buy O -100
though O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
too O -100
low O -100
for O -100
a O -100
spacious O -100
living O -100
room O -100
, O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
my O -100
buy O -100
though O -100
. O -100
and O -100
i O -100
have O -100
converted O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
as O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
by O -100
placing O -100
tanix O -100
tx3 O -100
android O -100
box O -100
and O -100
one O -100
more O -100
thing O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
out I-ASP Negative
from O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
mm O -100
jack O -100
is O -100
not O -100
controlled O -100
by O -100
tv O -100
remote B-ASP -100
so O -100
except O -100
these O -100
two O -100
things O -100
this O -100
is O -100
unbelievable O -100
product O -100
under O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
and O -100
i O -100
have O -100
converted O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
as O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
by O -100
placing O -100
tanix O -100
tx3 O -100
android O -100
box O -100
and O -100
one O -100
more O -100
thing O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP -100
out I-ASP -100
from O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
mm O -100
jack O -100
is O -100
not O -100
controlled O -100
by O -100
tv O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
so O -100
except O -100
these O -100
two O -100
things O -100
this O -100
is O -100
unbelievable O -100
product O -100
under O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
the O -100
product O -100
was O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
on O -100
time O -100
. O -100
its O -100
good O -100
, O -100
but O -100
without O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
we O -100
cant O -100
start O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
, O -100
and O -100
remote O -100
is O -100
very O -100
delicate O -100
and O -100
its O -100
costs O -100
more O -100
than O -100
1500 O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
thin O -100
bezel B-ASP Positive
gives O -100
it O -100
a O -100
premium O -100
look O -100
. O -100
better O -100
price B-ASP Positive
and O -100
great O -100
service B-ASP -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
better O -100
price B-ASP -100
and O -100
great O -100
service B-ASP Positive
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
although O -100
aoc O -100
calls O -100
it O -100
a O -100
' O -100
razor O -100
tv O -100
' O -100
with O -100
an O -100
ultra O -100
- O -100
thin O -100
bezel B-ASP Positive
, O -100
the O -100
promotional O -100
images O -100
are O -100
slightly O -100
misleading O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
in O -100
low O -100
price O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
in O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
best O -100
product O -100
for O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
everything O -100
is O -100
fine O -100
accept O -100
volume B-ASP Negative
. O -100
hi O -100
i O -100
got O -100
tv O -100
last O -100
week O -100
and O -100
in O -100
1 O -100
week O -100
observation O -100
this O -100
is O -100
my O -100
review O -100
tv O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
using O -100
hd O -100
setup O -100
box O -100
wireless B-ASP -100
connectivity I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
because O -100
i O -100
am O -100
using O -100
10 O -100
mbps O -100
internet O -100
within O -100
10 O -100
mts O -100
range O -100
problem O -100
is O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
to O -100
have O -100
good O -100
clarity O -100
volume O -100
no O -100
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
than O -100
50 O -100
and O -100
remote B-ASP -100
air I-ASP -100
mouse I-ASP -100
is O -100
avg O -100
hi O -100
i O -100
got O -100
tv O -100
last O -100
week O -100
and O -100
in O -100
1 O -100
week O -100
observation O -100
this O -100
is O -100
my O -100
review O -100
tv O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
using O -100
hd O -100
setup O -100
box O -100
wireless B-ASP Positive
connectivity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
because O -100
i O -100
am O -100
using O -100
10 O -100
mbps O -100
internet O -100
within O -100
10 O -100
mts O -100
range O -100
problem O -100
is O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
to O -100
have O -100
good O -100
clarity O -100
volume O -100
no O -100
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
than O -100
50 O -100
and O -100
remote B-ASP -100
air I-ASP -100
mouse I-ASP -100
is O -100
avg O -100
hi O -100
i O -100
got O -100
tv O -100
last O -100
week O -100
and O -100
in O -100
1 O -100
week O -100
observation O -100
this O -100
is O -100
my O -100
review O -100
tv O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
using O -100
hd O -100
setup O -100
box O -100
wireless B-ASP -100
connectivity I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
because O -100
i O -100
am O -100
using O -100
10 O -100
mbps O -100
internet O -100
within O -100
10 O -100
mts O -100
range O -100
problem O -100
is O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
clarity I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
to O -100
have O -100
good O -100
clarity O -100
volume O -100
no O -100
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
than O -100
50 O -100
and O -100
remote B-ASP -100
air I-ASP -100
mouse I-ASP -100
is O -100
avg O -100
hi O -100
i O -100
got O -100
tv O -100
last O -100
week O -100
and O -100
in O -100
1 O -100
week O -100
observation O -100
this O -100
is O -100
my O -100
review O -100
tv O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
using O -100
hd O -100
setup O -100
box O -100
wireless B-ASP -100
connectivity I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
because O -100
i O -100
am O -100
using O -100
10 O -100
mbps O -100
internet O -100
within O -100
10 O -100
mts O -100
range O -100
problem O -100
is O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
to O -100
have O -100
good O -100
clarity O -100
volume O -100
no O -100
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
than O -100
50 O -100
and O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
air I-ASP Neutral
mouse I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
avg O -100
wow O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
32k B-ASP Positive
connection I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
pictures B-ASP -100
quality O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
original O -100
product O -100
4k O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
wow O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
32k B-ASP -100
connection I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
pictures B-ASP Positive
quality O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
original O -100
product O -100
4k O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
for O -100
even O -100
400 O -100
sq O -100
ft O -100
room O -100
overall O -100
worth O -100
for O -100
money O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
mirroring I-ASP Negative
ran O -100
with O -100
lag O -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
good O -100
products O -100
in O -100
low O -100
budget O -100
good O -100
sounds B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
: O -100
super O -100
fast O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
, O -100
but O -100
fine O -100
as O -100
you O -100
can O -100
add O -100
another O -100
2 O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
or O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
speaker O -100
to O -100
it O -100
. O -100
quality B-ASP Negative
of I-ASP Negative
product I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
less O -100
than O -100
that O -100
of O -100
basic O -100
100 O -100
/ O -100
- O -100
speaker O -100
. O -100
quality B-ASP -100
of I-ASP -100
product I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
less O -100
than O -100
that O -100
of O -100
basic O -100
100 O -100
/ O -100
- O -100
speaker O -100
. O -100
however O -100
chinese O -100
tv O -100
makers O -100
should O -100
learn O -100
a O -100
thing O -100
or O -100
two O -100
about O -100
indian O -100
audiences O -100
, O -100
that O -100
is O -100
, O -100
" O -100
baby O -100
ko O -100
bass B-ASP Neutral
pasand O -100
hai O -100
" O -100
. O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
light O -100
weight O -100
design B-ASP Positive
, O -100
it O -100
could O -100
have O -100
2 O -100
usb O -100
port O -100
but O -100
still O -100
worth O -100
it O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
was O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
sound O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
was O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
cons O -100
ui B-ASP Negative
software I-ASP Negative
of O -100
tv O -100
not O -100
equivalent O -100
to O -100
the O -100
competitors O -100
- O -100
cant O -100
expect O -100
for O -100
tv O -100
which O -100
is O -100
almost O -100
40 O -100
% O -100
of O -100
the O -100
cost O -100
of O -100
competitors O -100
sound O -100
a O -100
little O -100
low O -100
for O -100
my O -100
liking O -100
. O -100
its O -100
worth O -100
it O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
awesome O -100
its O -100
worth O -100
it O -100
, O -100
sound O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
overall O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
need O -100
to O -100
know O -100
the O -100
durability B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
customer B-ASP Positive
support I-ASP Positive
was O -100
also O -100
perfect O -100
. O -100
product B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
. O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
fabulous O -100
and O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
is O -100
classic O -100
. O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
fabulous O -100
and O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
is O -100
classic O -100
. O -100
superb O -100
in O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
and O -100
demo B-ASP -100
within O -100
stipulated O -100
time O -100
. O -100
superb O -100
in O -100
installation B-ASP -100
and O -100
demo B-ASP Neutral
within O -100
stipulated O -100
time O -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
only O -100
disappointed O -100
with O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
. O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
d O -100
best O -100
as O -100
per O -100
the O -100
value O -100
awesome O -100
display B-ASP Positive
n O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
d O -100
best O -100
as O -100
per O -100
the O -100
value O -100
awesome O -100
display B-ASP -100
n O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
i O -100
ordered O -100
in O -100
Flipkart O -100
i O -100
got O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
before O -100
promised O -100
delivery O -100
date O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
led B-ASP Positive
pictures I-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
best O -100
paise O -100
vasul O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
led O -100
pictures O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
best O -100
paise O -100
vasul O -100
. O -100
led O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
with O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
& O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
led O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
with O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
& O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
i O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
because O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
as O -100
it O -100
has O -100
4k B-ASP -100
display I-ASP -100
and O -100
dbx B-ASP -100
sound I-ASP -100
is O -100
much O -100
effective O -100
. O -100
i O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
because O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
as O -100
it O -100
has O -100
4k B-ASP Positive
display I-ASP Positive
and O -100
dbx B-ASP -100
sound I-ASP -100
is O -100
much O -100
effective O -100
. O -100
i O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
because O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
as O -100
it O -100
has O -100
4k B-ASP -100
display I-ASP -100
and O -100
dbx B-ASP Positive
sound I-ASP Positive
is O -100
much O -100
effective O -100
. O -100
the O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
has O -100
been O -100
right O -100
on O -100
the O -100
money O -100
. O -100
the O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
has O -100
been O -100
right O -100
on O -100
the O -100
money O -100
. O -100
hi O -100
all O -100
, O -100
this O -100
product O -100
was O -100
in O -100
offer O -100
for O -100
big O -100
billion O -100
day O -100
and O -100
i O -100
purchased O -100
it O -100
at O -100
very O -100
nominal O -100
price B-ASP Positive
, O -100
very O -100
less O -100
as O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
their O -100
competitors O -100
. O -100
using O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
for O -100
about O -100
2 O -100
months O -100
, O -100
i O -100
m O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
. O -100
using O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
for O -100
about O -100
2 O -100
months O -100
, O -100
i O -100
m O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
. O -100
using O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
for O -100
about O -100
2 O -100
months O -100
, O -100
i O -100
m O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
connectivity B-ASP Positive
. O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
of I-ASP Positive
picture I-ASP Positive
is O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
, O -100
to O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
other O -100
products O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
are O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
sound O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
are O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
fast O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
good O -100
product O -100
. O -100
the O -100
worst O -100
speaker B-ASP Negative
i O -100
ever O -100
seen O -100
. O -100
even O -100
if O -100
your O -100
magic B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
work O -100
no O -100
need O -100
to O -100
worry O -100
you O -100
can O -100
control B-ASP Positive
everything O -100
through O -100
app O -100
. O -100
even O -100
if O -100
your O -100
magic B-ASP Neutral
remote I-ASP Neutral
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
work O -100
no O -100
need O -100
to O -100
worry O -100
you O -100
can O -100
control B-ASP -100
everything O -100
through O -100
app O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
better O -100
sound O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
better O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
but O -100
every O -100
time O -100
select O -100
which O -100
you O -100
want O -100
mode O -100
last O -100
seen O -100
memory O -100
not O -100
available O -100
is O -100
the O -100
negitive O -100
and O -100
also O -100
no O -100
indicater O -100
on O -100
running O -100
condition O -100
. O -100
was O -100
using O -100
this O -100
model O -100
for O -100
past O -100
3 O -100
months O -100
, O -100
as O -100
of O -100
now O -100
this O -100
panel B-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
with O -100
decent O -100
picture O -100
clarity O -100
, O -100
sound O -100
reproduction O -100
and O -100
it O -100
has O -100
lovely O -100
aesthetic O -100
appearance O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
beauty O -100
is O -100
cute O -100
remote B-ASP -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
beauty O -100
is O -100
cute O -100
remote B-ASP -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
beauty O -100
is O -100
cute O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
. O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
was O -100
smooth O -100
. O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
was O -100
smooth O -100
. O -100
standard O -100
on O -100
time O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
fantastic O -100
, O -100
not O -100
great O -100
viewing O -100
angles O -100
the O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
fantastic O -100
, O -100
not O -100
great O -100
viewing B-ASP Negative
angles I-ASP Negative
the O -100
2 O -100
hdmi B-ASP Negative
ports I-ASP Negative
are O -100
so O -100
near O -100
each O -100
other O -100
that O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
support O -100
space O -100
for O -100
fitting O -100
for O -100
example O -100
a O -100
casting O -100
device O -100
. O -100
may O -100
be O -100
i O -100
am O -100
used O -100
to O -100
my O -100
old O -100
sony O -100
Bravia O -100
22 O -100
inch O -100
lcd O -100
which O -100
has O -100
far O -100
better O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
output I-ASP Positive
. O -100
purchased O -100
in O -100
october O -100
2017 O -100
, O -100
the O -100
tv B-ASP Negative
remote I-ASP Negative
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
working O -100
at O -100
all O -100
. O -100
m O -100
much O -100
fulfilled O -100
with O -100
the O -100
product O -100
( O -100
lg O -100
42lb5510 O -100
) O -100
and O -100
its O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
on O -100
3rd O -100
day O -100
of O -100
booking O -100
as O -100
promised O -100
. O -100
good O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP Positive
and O -100
better O -100
choice O -100
. O -100
better O -100
: O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
mirroring I-ASP Positive
is O -100
better O -100
but O -100
not O -100
the O -100
best O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
package B-ASP Positive
came O -100
in O -100
good O -100
shape O -100
. O -100
waiting O -100
for O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP -100
team O -100
. O -100
package B-ASP -100
came O -100
in O -100
good O -100
shape O -100
. O -100
waiting O -100
for O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
team O -100
. O -100
product O -100
delivered B-ASP -100
in O -100
right O -100
time O -100
but O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
not O -100
completed O -100
still O -100
. O -100
product O -100
delivered B-ASP Neutral
in O -100
right O -100
time O -100
but O -100
installation B-ASP -100
not O -100
completed O -100
still O -100
. O -100
vu O -100
led O -100
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
display B-ASP Positive
is O -100
vivid O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
look B-ASP Positive
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
& O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quwality I-ASP -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
look B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
& O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quwality I-ASP -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
look B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
& O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quwality I-ASP Positive
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
( O -100
rs O -100
. O -100
9 O -100
, O -100
500 O -100
/ O -100
- O -100
) O -100
is O -100
more O -100
than O -100
enough O -100
. O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
hd B-ASP -100
pictures I-ASP -100
are O -100
excellent O -100
4k B-ASP Positive
videos I-ASP Positive
looks O -100
superb O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
bar I-ASP -100
is O -100
the O -100
usp O -100
of O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
could O -100
give O -100
more O -100
sound O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
hd B-ASP -100
pictures I-ASP -100
are O -100
excellent O -100
4k B-ASP -100
videos I-ASP -100
looks O -100
superb O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
bar I-ASP Positive
is O -100
the O -100
usp O -100
of O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
could O -100
give O -100
more O -100
sound O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
pictures I-ASP Positive
are O -100
excellent O -100
4k B-ASP -100
videos I-ASP -100
looks O -100
superb O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
bar I-ASP -100
is O -100
the O -100
usp O -100
of O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
could O -100
give O -100
more O -100
sound O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
hd B-ASP Negative
is O -100
nowhere O -100
near O -100
1080p O -100
. O -100
15999 O -100
rs O -100
very O -100
good O -100
product O -100
nice O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
15999 O -100
rs O -100
very O -100
good O -100
product O -100
nice O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
i O -100
like O -100
the O -100
movie B-ASP -100
mode I-ASP -100
and O -100
mild B-ASP -100
mode I-ASP -100
for O -100
watching O -100
movies O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
i O -100
like O -100
the O -100
movie B-ASP Positive
mode I-ASP Positive
and O -100
mild B-ASP -100
mode I-ASP -100
for O -100
watching O -100
movies O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
i O -100
like O -100
the O -100
movie B-ASP -100
mode I-ASP -100
and O -100
mild B-ASP Positive
mode I-ASP Positive
for O -100
watching O -100
movies O -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
and O -100
good O -100
sound O -100
. O -100
everything O -100
is O -100
in O -100
this O -100
prize O -100
range O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
pricture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
installation B-ASP Neutral
should O -100
be O -100
completed O -100
within O -100
the O -100
promised O -100
time O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
& O -100
build O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
good O -100
! O -100
sound O -100
& O -100
build B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
! O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
also O -100
but O -100
in O -100
sound O -100
bass B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
being O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
but O -100
in O -100
sound O -100
bass B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
being O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
also O -100
but O -100
in O -100
sound O -100
bass B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
being O -100
good O -100
. O -100
best O -100
part O -100
is O -100
the O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
n O -100
efficient O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
thanks O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
thanks O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
what O -100
a O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
on O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
nice O -100
price B-ASP Positive
provide O -100
Flipkart O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
other O -100
shopping O -100
app O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
sound O -100
for O -100
the O -100
price B-ASP Positive
! O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
for O -100
the O -100
price O -100
! O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
for O -100
the O -100
price O -100
! O -100
but O -100
in O -100
pc O -100
, O -100
mode O -100
it O -100
have O -100
a O -100
blur O -100
on O -100
sceeen B-ASP Negative
. O -100
free O -100
wall B-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
from O -100
thomson O -100
gives O -100
much O -100
value O -100
for O -100
the O -100
product O -100
. O -100
it O -100
provides O -100
decent O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
as O -100
per O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
it O -100
provides O -100
decent O -100
picture B-ASP -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
as O -100
per O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
fast O -100
and O -100
reliable O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
same O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
fast O -100
and O -100
reliable O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
same O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
i O -100
will O -100
post O -100
exact O -100
review O -100
wall B-ASP Negative
mount I-ASP Negative
is O -100
too O -100
cheep O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
very O -100
happy O -100
this O -100
product O -100
, O -100
but O -100
i O -100
have O -100
find O -100
one O -100
default O -100
in O -100
this O -100
vu O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
head B-ASP Negative
phone I-ASP Negative
jack I-ASP Negative
not O -100
working O -100
properly O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
happy O -100
with O -100
the O -100
full O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
with O -100
such O -100
a O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP -100
and O -100
great O -100
quality B-ASP -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
happy O -100
with O -100
the O -100
full O -100
hd B-ASP -100
tv I-ASP -100
with O -100
such O -100
a O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
and O -100
great O -100
quality B-ASP -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
happy O -100
with O -100
the O -100
full O -100
hd B-ASP -100
tv I-ASP -100
with O -100
such O -100
a O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP -100
and O -100
great O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
. O -100
so O -100
whenever O -100
i O -100
play O -100
any O -100
mkv O -100
file O -100
with O -100
ac3 O -100
audio O -100
codec O -100
then O -100
sound B-ASP -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
come O -100
and O -100
only O -100
video B-ASP Neutral
plays O -100
. O -100
so O -100
whenever O -100
i O -100
play O -100
any O -100
mkv O -100
file O -100
with O -100
ac3 O -100
audio O -100
codec O -100
then O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
come O -100
and O -100
only O -100
video B-ASP -100
plays O -100
. O -100
first O -100
of O -100
all O -100
, O -100
thanks O -100
for O -100
the O -100
quick O -100
service B-ASP Positive
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
, O -100
booked O -100
in O -100
the O -100
midnight O -100
and O -100
got O -100
it O -100
delivered B-ASP -100
the O -100
next O -100
day O -100
evening O -100
, O -100
and O -100
even O -100
Toshiba O -100
service O -100
was O -100
good O -100
, O -100
installation B-ASP -100
was O -100
done O -100
the O -100
2nd O -100
day O -100
. O -100
first O -100
of O -100
all O -100
, O -100
thanks O -100
for O -100
the O -100
quick O -100
service B-ASP -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
, O -100
booked O -100
in O -100
the O -100
midnight O -100
and O -100
got O -100
it O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
the O -100
next O -100
day O -100
evening O -100
, O -100
and O -100
even O -100
Toshiba O -100
service O -100
was O -100
good O -100
, O -100
installation B-ASP -100
was O -100
done O -100
the O -100
2nd O -100
day O -100
. O -100
first O -100
of O -100
all O -100
, O -100
thanks O -100
for O -100
the O -100
quick O -100
service B-ASP -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
, O -100
booked O -100
in O -100
the O -100
midnight O -100
and O -100
got O -100
it O -100
delivered B-ASP -100
the O -100
next O -100
day O -100
evening O -100
, O -100
and O -100
even O -100
Toshiba O -100
service O -100
was O -100
good O -100
, O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
was O -100
done O -100
the O -100
2nd O -100
day O -100
. O -100
flexi B-ASP Positive
wall I-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
is O -100
indeed O -100
a O -100
benefit O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
no O -100
lesser O -100
than O -100
my O -100
samsung O -100
22 O -100
inch O -100
tv O -100
at O -100
home O -100
. O -100
and O -100
i O -100
get O -100
the O -100
one O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
performance B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
for O -100
the O -100
price O -100
when O -100
compared O -100
with O -100
sony O -100
42 O -100
inches O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
which O -100
i O -100
bought O -100
for O -100
61 O -100
thousands O -100
. O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
, O -100
fast O -100
performance B-ASP -100
and O -100
amazing O -100
sound B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
. O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
, O -100
fast O -100
performance B-ASP Positive
and O -100
amazing O -100
sound B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
. O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
, O -100
fast O -100
performance B-ASP -100
and O -100
amazing O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
system I-ASP Positive
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
ok O -100
but O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
i O -100
give O -100
this O -100
product O -100
10 O -100
on O -100
10 O -100
for O -100
viewing B-ASP Positive
experience I-ASP Positive
and O -100
wish O -100
a O -100
slight O -100
improvement O -100
require O -100
on O -100
user B-ASP -100
interface I-ASP -100
design I-ASP -100
. O -100
i O -100
give O -100
this O -100
product O -100
10 O -100
on O -100
10 O -100
for O -100
viewing B-ASP -100
experience I-ASP -100
and O -100
wish O -100
a O -100
slight O -100
improvement O -100
require O -100
on O -100
user B-ASP Positive
interface I-ASP Positive
design I-ASP Positive
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
using O -100
it O -100
since O -100
couple O -100
of O -100
month O -100
and O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
build B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
sure O -100
the O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
equal O -100
to O -100
other O -100
major O -100
brands O -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
using O -100
it O -100
since O -100
couple O -100
of O -100
month O -100
and O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
build B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
sure O -100
the O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
equal O -100
to O -100
other O -100
major O -100
brands O -100
. O -100
this O -100
is O -100
amazing O -100
service B-ASP Positive
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
overwhelmed O -100
with O -100
this O -100
. O -100
hd O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
, O -100
good O -100
job O -100
with O -100
regards O -100
to O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
even O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
, O -100
good O -100
job O -100
with O -100
regards O -100
to O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
even O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
browsing O -100
hard O -100
disk O -100
contents O -100
from O -100
1 O -100
tb O -100
is O -100
a O -100
fast O -100
/ O -100
blue B-ASP Positive
ray I-ASP Positive
movies I-ASP Positive
works O -100
fine O -100
, O -100
unlike O -100
other O -100
normal O -100
tvs O -100
with O -100
just O -100
usb O -100
ports O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
sound B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
all O -100
excellent O -100
but O -100
no O -100
3d O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
sound B-ASP Positive
features I-ASP Positive
all O -100
excellent O -100
but O -100
no O -100
3d O -100
. O -100
clarity B-ASP Negative
is O -100
also O -100
not O -100
good O -100
will O -100
post O -100
details O -100
review O -100
after O -100
10 O -100
days O -100
observation O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
way O -100
beyond O -100
expectations O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
. O -100
samsung O -100
led O -100
xupb O -100
colour O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
. O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
product O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
product O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
mirroring I-ASP Negative
not O -100
that O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
nice O -100
but O -100
audio B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
nice O -100
but O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
used O -100
6 O -100
months O -100
working O -100
very O -100
smooth O -100
. O -100
and O -100
even O -100
the O -100
frame B-ASP Positive
of O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
so O -100
thin O -100
that O -100
it O -100
looks O -100
like O -100
a O -100
premium O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
clarity O -100
is O -100
really O -100
good O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
speakers B-ASP Positive
. O -100
hats O -100
off O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
the O -100
on O -100
time O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
. O -100
if O -100
u O -100
want O -100
quality O -100
instead O -100
of O -100
name O -100
in O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP Positive
then O -100
u O -100
can O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
also O -100
very O -100
good O -100
installation B-ASP -100
and O -100
demo B-ASP -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
also O -100
very O -100
good O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
and O -100
demo B-ASP -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
also O -100
very O -100
good O -100
installation B-ASP -100
and O -100
demo B-ASP Positive
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
4 B-ASP Negative
gb I-ASP Negative
internal I-ASP Negative
memory I-ASP Negative
in O -100
this O -100
is O -100
very O -100
low O -100
. O -100
they O -100
deliver O -100
my O -100
mi O -100
led O -100
in O -100
the O -100
given O -100
time O -100
period O -100
, O -100
but O -100
Jeeves O -100
service O -100
for O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
sharp O -100
display B-ASP Positive
, O -100
reasonable O -100
rate O -100
, O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
output I-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
will O -100
be O -100
good O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
output I-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
will O -100
be O -100
good O -100
hi O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
at O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP Positive
getting O -100
some O -100
backgound O -100
noise O -100
when O -100
connected O -100
to O -100
speakers B-ASP Negative
( O -100
even O -100
in O -100
mute O -100
and O -100
not O -100
playing O -100
anything O -100
) O -100
. O -100
all O -100
in O -100
one O -100
package O -100
, O -100
stunning O -100
display B-ASP Positive
, O -100
powerful O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
any O -100
corner O -100
view O -100
with O -100
curved B-ASP -100
feature I-ASP -100
, O -100
amazing O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
with O -100
mobile O -100
and O -100
wifi O -100
. O -100
all O -100
in O -100
one O -100
package O -100
, O -100
stunning O -100
display B-ASP -100
, O -100
powerful O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
and O -100
any O -100
corner O -100
view O -100
with O -100
curved B-ASP -100
feature I-ASP -100
, O -100
amazing O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
with O -100
mobile O -100
and O -100
wifi O -100
. O -100
all O -100
in O -100
one O -100
package O -100
, O -100
stunning O -100
display B-ASP -100
, O -100
powerful O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
any O -100
corner O -100
view O -100
with O -100
curved B-ASP -100
feature I-ASP -100
, O -100
amazing O -100
connectivity B-ASP Positive
features I-ASP Positive
with O -100
mobile O -100
and O -100
wifi O -100
. O -100
all O -100
in O -100
one O -100
package O -100
, O -100
stunning O -100
display B-ASP -100
, O -100
powerful O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
any O -100
corner O -100
view O -100
with O -100
curved B-ASP Positive
feature I-ASP Positive
, O -100
amazing O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
features I-ASP -100
with O -100
mobile O -100
and O -100
wifi O -100
. O -100
good O -100
clarity O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
external B-ASP Positive
body I-ASP Positive
finish I-ASP Positive
. O -100
such O -100
a O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
sound O -100
good O -100
. O -100
such O -100
a O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
good O -100
. O -100
pros O -100
: O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
service B-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
con O -100
' O -100
s O -100
: O -100
just O -100
very O -100
minor O -100
issues O -100
that O -100
to O -100
negligible O -100
for O -100
this O -100
price O -100
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
service B-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
con O -100
' O -100
s O -100
: O -100
just O -100
very O -100
minor O -100
issues O -100
that O -100
to O -100
negligible O -100
for O -100
this O -100
price O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
. O -100
display B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
only O -100
front O -100
view O -100
is O -100
better O -100
and O -100
side B-ASP -100
view I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
. O -100
display B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
only O -100
front O -100
view O -100
is O -100
better O -100
and O -100
side B-ASP Neutral
view I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
tv B-ASP Positive
stand I-ASP Positive
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
provide O -100
support O -100
. O -100
first O -100
of O -100
all O -100
hats O -100
off O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
lightning O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
of O -100
the O -100
product O -100
. O -100
+ O -100
ve O -100
tv O -100
has O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
some O -100
less O -100
then O -100
other O -100
companies O -100
like O -100
sony O -100
, O -100
lg O -100
etc O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
some O -100
less O -100
then O -100
other O -100
companies O -100
like O -100
sony O -100
, O -100
lg O -100
etc O -100
. O -100
qwerty B-ASP Positive
key I-ASP Positive
pad I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
useful O -100
when O -100
i O -100
am O -100
searching O -100
for O -100
videos O -100
on O -100
youtube O -100
. O -100
superb O -100
product O -100
unbelievable O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
& O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
superb O -100
product O -100
unbelievable O -100
picture B-ASP -100
& O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
9 O -100
/ O -100
10 O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
4 O -100
/ O -100
10 O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
9 O -100
/ O -100
10 O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
4 O -100
/ O -100
10 O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
resolution I-ASP Positive
, O -100
built B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
as O -100
well O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
screen B-ASP -100
resolution I-ASP -100
, O -100
built B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
as O -100
well O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
screen B-ASP -100
resolution I-ASP -100
, O -100
built B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
as O -100
well O -100
. O -100
black O -100
spots O -100
have O -100
came O -100
up O -100
on O -100
the O -100
top O -100
of O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
. O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
quickest O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
. O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
good O -100
, O -100
bad O -100
only O -100
some O -100
format O -100
sound O -100
not O -100
work O -100
. O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
good O -100
, O -100
bad O -100
only O -100
some O -100
format O -100
sound O -100
not O -100
work O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
cheap O -100
quality O -100
chinese O -100
product O -100
resolution B-ASP Negative
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
output O -100
is O -100
pathetic O -100
, O -100
colours B-ASP -100
are O -100
over O -100
saturated O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
horrible O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
cheap O -100
quality O -100
chinese O -100
product O -100
resolution B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
output O -100
is O -100
pathetic O -100
, O -100
colours B-ASP -100
are O -100
over O -100
saturated O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
horrible O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
cheap O -100
quality O -100
chinese O -100
product O -100
resolution B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
output O -100
is O -100
pathetic O -100
, O -100
colours B-ASP Negative
are O -100
over O -100
saturated O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
horrible O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
cheap O -100
quality O -100
chinese O -100
product O -100
resolution B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
output O -100
is O -100
pathetic O -100
, O -100
colours B-ASP -100
are O -100
over O -100
saturated O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP Negative
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
horrible O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
cheap O -100
quality O -100
chinese O -100
product O -100
resolution B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
output O -100
is O -100
pathetic O -100
, O -100
colours B-ASP -100
are O -100
over O -100
saturated O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
clarity I-ASP Negative
is O -100
horrible O -100
. O -100
some O -100
people O -100
told O -100
me O -100
that O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
quite O -100
low O -100
. O -100
bang O -100
for O -100
every O -100
rupee O -100
paid O -100
, O -100
be O -100
it O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
or O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
i O -100
am O -100
happy O -100
with O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
bang O -100
for O -100
every O -100
rupee O -100
paid O -100
, O -100
be O -100
it O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
or O -100
sound B-ASP -100
i O -100
am O -100
happy O -100
with O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
it O -100
has O -100
slim O -100
and O -100
near O -100
infinity B-ASP Positive
display I-ASP Positive
which O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
look O -100
beautiful O -100
. O -100
everything O -100
is O -100
good O -100
except O -100
Dolby B-ASP Negative
Atmos I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
present O -100
in O -100
it O -100
- O -100
after O -100
installation O -100
and O -100
watching O -100
for O -100
couple O -100
of O -100
hours O -100
we O -100
found O -100
that O -100
volume B-ASP Negative
is O -100
getting O -100
dropped O -100
after O -100
15 O -100
to O -100
30 O -100
minutes O -100
for O -100
5 O -100
- O -100
10 O -100
seconds O -100
and O -100
it O -100
will O -100
increase O -100
after O -100
that O -100
and O -100
this O -100
is O -100
with O -100
all O -100
channels O -100
. O -100
color B-ASP Positive
reproduction I-ASP Positive
was O -100
too O -100
good O -100
( O -100
owe O -100
that O -100
to O -100
the O -100
a O -100
+ O -100
grade O -100
panel O -100
) O -100
. O -100
the O -100
design B-ASP Negative
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
improved O -100
. O -100
with O -100
in O -100
purchase O -100
period O -100
of O -100
10 O -100
- O -100
11 O -100
months O -100
there O -100
were O -100
spots O -100
visible O -100
at O -100
the O -100
back O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
and O -100
the O -100
executive O -100
who O -100
came O -100
from O -100
the O -100
service O -100
center O -100
confirmed O -100
that O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
had O -100
manufacturing O -100
defect O -100
and O -100
will O -100
be O -100
replaced O -100
however O -100
post O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
follow O -100
ups O -100
, O -100
complaints O -100
and O -100
escalation O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
panel B-ASP -100
was O -100
not O -100
replaced O -100
and O -100
they O -100
have O -100
installed O -100
back O -100
the O -100
same O -100
panel O -100
after O -100
cleaning O -100
it O -100
. O -100
with O -100
in O -100
purchase O -100
period O -100
of O -100
10 O -100
- O -100
11 O -100
months O -100
there O -100
were O -100
spots O -100
visible O -100
at O -100
the O -100
back O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
executive O -100
who O -100
came O -100
from O -100
the O -100
service O -100
center O -100
confirmed O -100
that O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP Negative
had O -100
manufacturing O -100
defect O -100
and O -100
will O -100
be O -100
replaced O -100
however O -100
post O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
follow O -100
ups O -100
, O -100
complaints O -100
and O -100
escalation O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
panel B-ASP -100
was O -100
not O -100
replaced O -100
and O -100
they O -100
have O -100
installed O -100
back O -100
the O -100
same O -100
panel O -100
after O -100
cleaning O -100
it O -100
. O -100
with O -100
in O -100
purchase O -100
period O -100
of O -100
10 O -100
- O -100
11 O -100
months O -100
there O -100
were O -100
spots O -100
visible O -100
at O -100
the O -100
back O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
executive O -100
who O -100
came O -100
from O -100
the O -100
service O -100
center O -100
confirmed O -100
that O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
had O -100
manufacturing O -100
defect O -100
and O -100
will O -100
be O -100
replaced O -100
however O -100
post O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
follow O -100
ups O -100
, O -100
complaints O -100
and O -100
escalation O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP Negative
panel B-ASP Negative
was O -100
not O -100
replaced O -100
and O -100
they O -100
have O -100
installed O -100
back O -100
the O -100
same O -100
panel O -100
after O -100
cleaning O -100
it O -100
. O -100
with O -100
in O -100
purchase O -100
period O -100
of O -100
10 O -100
- O -100
11 O -100
months O -100
there O -100
were O -100
spots O -100
visible O -100
at O -100
the O -100
back O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
executive O -100
who O -100
came O -100
from O -100
the O -100
service O -100
center O -100
confirmed O -100
that O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
had O -100
manufacturing O -100
defect O -100
and O -100
will O -100
be O -100
replaced O -100
however O -100
post O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
follow O -100
ups O -100
, O -100
complaints O -100
and O -100
escalation O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
panel B-ASP Negative
was O -100
not O -100
replaced O -100
and O -100
they O -100
have O -100
installed O -100
back O -100
the O -100
same O -100
panel O -100
after O -100
cleaning O -100
it O -100
. O -100
brightness B-ASP Positive
, O -100
contrast B-ASP -100
and O -100
color B-ASP -100
depth I-ASP -100
are O -100
excellent O -100
when O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
branded O -100
tvs O -100
. O -100
brightness B-ASP -100
, O -100
contrast B-ASP Positive
and O -100
color B-ASP -100
depth I-ASP -100
are O -100
excellent O -100
when O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
branded O -100
tvs O -100
. O -100
brightness B-ASP -100
, O -100
contrast B-ASP -100
and O -100
color B-ASP Positive
depth I-ASP Positive
are O -100
excellent O -100
when O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
branded O -100
tvs O -100
. O -100
after O -100
4 O -100
- O -100
5 O -100
months O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP Negative
again O -100
has O -100
spots O -100
. O -100
absolutely O -100
fine O -100
led B-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
except O -100
remote O -100
. O -100
absolutely O -100
fine O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
except O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
just O -100
amazing O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
just O -100
amazing O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
good O -100
but O -100
volume B-ASP -100
is O -100
low O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
good O -100
but O -100
volume B-ASP Negative
is O -100
low O -100
. O -100
got O -100
to O -100
restart O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
to O -100
bring O -100
back O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
very O -100
compatible O -100
os B-ASP Positive
and O -100
much O -100
more O -100
. O -100
the O -100
only O -100
difference O -100
from O -100
other O -100
big O -100
brands O -100
is O -100
colour B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
bit O -100
low O -100
. O -100
not O -100
good O -100
poor O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
. O -100
only O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
when O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
other O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
is O -100
enough O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
using O -100
it O -100
for O -100
home O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv B-ASP Positive
is O -100
really O -100
our O -100
of O -100
this O -100
world O -100
. O -100
in O -100
a O -100
good O -100
budgeted O -100
tv O -100
it O -100
is O -100
excellent B-ASP -100
in I-ASP -100
every I-ASP -100
aspects I-ASP -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
sound B-ASP -100
everything O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
if O -100
your O -100
budget O -100
is O -100
less O -100
. O -100
in O -100
a O -100
good O -100
budgeted O -100
tv O -100
it O -100
is O -100
excellent B-ASP -100
in I-ASP -100
every I-ASP -100
aspects I-ASP -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
sound B-ASP Positive
everything O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
if O -100
your O -100
budget O -100
is O -100
less O -100
. O -100
in O -100
a O -100
good O -100
budgeted O -100
tv O -100
it O -100
is O -100
excellent B-ASP Positive
in I-ASP Positive
every I-ASP Positive
aspects I-ASP Positive
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
sound B-ASP -100
everything O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
if O -100
your O -100
budget O -100
is O -100
less O -100
. O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
for O -100
this O -100
product O -100
is O -100
great O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
great O -100
but O -100
should O -100
be O -100
have O -100
refresh B-ASP Negative
rate I-ASP Negative
100hz O -100
always O -100
in O -100
big O -100
size O -100
model O -100
neither O -100
sometime O -100
flickering O -100
problem O -100
have O -100
shown O -100
playing O -100
in O -100
usb O -100
video O -100
, O -100
and O -100
one O -100
more O -100
things O -100
that O -100
should O -100
support O -100
more O -100
audio B-ASP -100
and I-ASP -100
video I-ASP -100
codec I-ASP -100
that O -100
is O -100
mkv O -100
or O -100
h265 O -100
codec O -100
in O -100
this O -100
type O -100
of O -100
big O -100
size O -100
that O -100
is O -100
32 O -100
inch O -100
or O -100
more O -100
. O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
for O -100
this O -100
product O -100
is O -100
great O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
great O -100
but O -100
should O -100
be O -100
have O -100
refresh B-ASP -100
rate I-ASP -100
100hz O -100
always O -100
in O -100
big O -100
size O -100
model O -100
neither O -100
sometime O -100
flickering O -100
problem O -100
have O -100
shown O -100
playing O -100
in O -100
usb O -100
video O -100
, O -100
and O -100
one O -100
more O -100
things O -100
that O -100
should O -100
support O -100
more O -100
audio B-ASP -100
and I-ASP -100
video I-ASP -100
codec I-ASP -100
that O -100
is O -100
mkv O -100
or O -100
h265 O -100
codec O -100
in O -100
this O -100
type O -100
of O -100
big O -100
size O -100
that O -100
is O -100
32 O -100
inch O -100
or O -100
more O -100
. O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
for O -100
this O -100
product O -100
is O -100
great O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
great O -100
but O -100
should O -100
be O -100
have O -100
refresh B-ASP -100
rate I-ASP -100
100hz O -100
always O -100
in O -100
big O -100
size O -100
model O -100
neither O -100
sometime O -100
flickering O -100
problem O -100
have O -100
shown O -100
playing O -100
in O -100
usb O -100
video O -100
, O -100
and O -100
one O -100
more O -100
things O -100
that O -100
should O -100
support O -100
more O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
and I-ASP Negative
video I-ASP Negative
codec I-ASP Negative
that O -100
is O -100
mkv O -100
or O -100
h265 O -100
codec O -100
in O -100
this O -100
type O -100
of O -100
big O -100
size O -100
that O -100
is O -100
32 O -100
inch O -100
or O -100
more O -100
. O -100
volume B-ASP Neutral
of I-ASP Neutral
tv I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
compare O -100
with O -100
sony O -100
or O -100
samsung O -100
. O -100
mirror B-ASP Negative
cast I-ASP Negative
not O -100
possible O -100
with O -100
Hotstar O -100
and O -100
Tata O -100
sky O -100
app O -100
with O -100
android O -100
phone O -100
. O -100
package B-ASP Negative
poor O -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
worst O -100
worst O -100
worst O -100
delivery B-ASP Negative
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
service O -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
worst O -100
worst O -100
worst O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
service O -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
smart B-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
functions I-ASP Positive
are O -100
working O -100
well O -100
. O -100
> O -100
low O -100
power B-ASP Positive
consumption I-ASP Positive
80w O -100
on O -100
the O -100
web O -100
page O -100
, O -100
but O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
have O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
long O -100
enough O -100
to O -100
look O -100
at O -100
the O -100
back O -100
label O -100
> O -100
hdmi B-ASP -100
worked O -100
correctly O -100
( O -100
with O -100
laptop O -100
1366x768 O -100
resolution O -100
) O -100
with O -100
audio O -100
. O -100
> O -100
low O -100
power B-ASP -100
consumption I-ASP -100
80w O -100
on O -100
the O -100
web O -100
page O -100
, O -100
but O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
have O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
long O -100
enough O -100
to O -100
look O -100
at O -100
the O -100
back O -100
label O -100
> O -100
hdmi B-ASP Positive
worked O -100
correctly O -100
( O -100
with O -100
laptop O -100
1366x768 O -100
resolution O -100
) O -100
with O -100
audio O -100
. O -100
the O -100
computer O -100
( O -100
laptop O -100
) O -100
can O -100
be O -100
connected O -100
via O -100
hdmi B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
sony O -100
clarity O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
unmatched O -100
- O -100
i O -100
have O -100
a O -100
samsung O -100
and O -100
a O -100
Panasonic O -100
but O -100
this O -100
takes O -100
the O -100
cake O -100
! O -100
. O -100
very O -100
quick O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
, O -100
crisp O -100
and O -100
vybrant O -100
dispalay B-ASP -100
and O -100
good O -100
options O -100
to O -100
go O -100
with O -100
. O -100
very O -100
quick O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
, O -100
crisp O -100
and O -100
vybrant O -100
dispalay B-ASP -100
and O -100
good O -100
options O -100
to O -100
go O -100
with O -100
. O -100
very O -100
quick O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
, O -100
crisp O -100
and O -100
vybrant O -100
dispalay B-ASP Positive
and O -100
good O -100
options O -100
to O -100
go O -100
with O -100
. O -100
constantly O -100
displays O -100
annoying O -100
pop B-ASP Negative
- I-ASP Negative
ups I-ASP Negative
on O -100
screen O -100
about O -100
internet O -100
connected O -100
and O -100
disconnected O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
looking O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
clarity I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
average O -100
only O -100
. O -100
user B-ASP Neutral
interface I-ASP Neutral
works O -100
like O -100
our O -100
mi O -100
smart O -100
phone O -100
. O -100
the O -100
product O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
awesome O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
flex O -100
wall B-ASP -100
mount I-ASP -100
with O -100
free O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
the O -100
product O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
awesome O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
flex O -100
wall B-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
with O -100
free O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
the O -100
product O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
awesome O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
flex O -100
wall B-ASP -100
mount I-ASP -100
with O -100
free O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
best O -100
buy O -100
, O -100
fantastic O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
, O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
great O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
best O -100
buy O -100
, O -100
fantastic O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
and O -100
great O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
best O -100
buy O -100
, O -100
fantastic O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
great O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
since O -100
the O -100
wall B-ASP Negative
mount I-ASP Negative
provided O -100
by O -100
sony O -100
is O -100
not O -100
that O -100
much O -100
good O -100
and O -100
comfortable O -100
. O -100
good O -100
viewing B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
has O -100
lan O -100
port O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
clarity I-ASP Neutral
and O -100
display O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
sound O -100
clarity O -100
and O -100
display B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
air B-ASP Negative
mouse I-ASP Negative
a O -100
bit O -100
laggy O -100
. O -100
only O -100
issue O -100
is O -100
about O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
. O -100
fantabolous O -100
display B-ASP Positive
and O -100
built O -100
- O -100
in O -100
sound O -100
bar O -100
has O -100
no O -100
comparison O -100
. O -100
fantabolous O -100
display O -100
and O -100
built B-ASP Positive
- I-ASP Positive
in I-ASP Positive
sound I-ASP Positive
bar I-ASP Positive
has O -100
no O -100
comparison O -100
. O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
button I-ASP Negative
hard O -100
and O -100
not O -100
very O -100
smooth O -100
to O -100
operate O -100
. O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
looking O -100
to O -100
upgrade O -100
your O -100
existing O -100
lcd O -100
or O -100
box O -100
tv O -100
then O -100
go O -100
for O -100
vu O -100
40 O -100
' O -100
' O -100
, O -100
if O -100
far O -100
cheaper O -100
comparatively O -100
& O -100
with O -100
good O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
on O -100
time O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
and O -100
good O -100
service B-ASP -100
thank O -100
you O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
on O -100
time O -100
delivered B-ASP -100
and O -100
good O -100
service B-ASP Positive
thank O -100
you O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
if O -100
you O -100
want O -100
better O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
go O -100
for O -100
branded O -100
ones O -100
. O -100
if O -100
you O -100
want O -100
better O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
go O -100
for O -100
branded O -100
ones O -100
. O -100
its O -100
lag O -100
and O -100
strucks O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
super O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
playing O -100
2k O -100
videos O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
seems O -100
to O -100
be O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
suppressed O -100
. O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
home O -100
button O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
app I-ASP Neutral
. O -100
not O -100
compactable O -100
with O -100
keyboard O -100
, O -100
and O -100
mirror B-ASP Negative
cast I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
, O -100
and O -100
no O -100
response O -100
from O -100
Flipkart B-ASP -100
help I-ASP -100
centre I-ASP -100
not O -100
compactable O -100
with O -100
keyboard O -100
, O -100
and O -100
mirror B-ASP -100
cast I-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
, O -100
and O -100
no O -100
response O -100
from O -100
Flipkart B-ASP Negative
help I-ASP Negative
centre I-ASP Negative
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
best O -100
feature O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
easy O -100
on O -100
the O -100
eyes O -100
& O -100
i O -100
ran O -100
it O -100
on O -100
standard O -100
video O -100
cables O -100
( O -100
480p O -100
) O -100
, O -100
no O -100
idea O -100
about O -100
hd B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
easy O -100
on O -100
the O -100
eyes O -100
& O -100
i O -100
ran O -100
it O -100
on O -100
standard O -100
video O -100
cables O -100
( O -100
480p O -100
) O -100
, O -100
no O -100
idea O -100
about O -100
hd B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
. O -100
dth O -100
hd B-ASP Negative
channels I-ASP Negative
clarity I-ASP Negative
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
my O -100
satisfaction O -100
( O -100
we O -100
have O -100
Airtel O -100
dth O -100
) O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
light B-ASP Positive
weight I-ASP Positive
and O -100
has O -100
a O -100
very O -100
simple O -100
menu O -100
and O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
use O -100
remote B-ASP -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
light B-ASP -100
weight I-ASP -100
and O -100
has O -100
a O -100
very O -100
simple O -100
menu O -100
and O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
use O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
. O -100
pros O -100
- O -100
its O -100
a O -100
ips O -100
panel O -100
of O -100
lg O -100
so O -100
no O -100
doubt O -100
on O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
. O -100
there O -100
is O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
issues O -100
with O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
procedure O -100
n O -100
process O -100
adopted O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
off O -100
course O -100
low O -100
price O -100
for O -100
all O -100
such O -100
features O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
off O -100
course O -100
low O -100
price O -100
for O -100
all O -100
such O -100
features O -100
. O -100
slim O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
smart B-ASP -100
tv I-ASP -100
functions I-ASP -100
enabled O -100
, O -100
3d B-ASP -100
viewing I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
slim O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
smart B-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
functions I-ASP Positive
enabled O -100
, O -100
3d B-ASP -100
viewing I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
slim O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
smart B-ASP -100
tv I-ASP -100
functions I-ASP -100
enabled O -100
, O -100
3d B-ASP Positive
viewing I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
one O -100
of O -100
the O -100
great O -100
product O -100
from O -100
bpl O -100
, O -100
overall O -100
product O -100
works O -100
fine O -100
and O -100
value B-ASP Positive
for I-ASP Positive
money I-ASP Positive
. O -100
its O -100
a O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
even O -100
look O -100
wise O -100
also O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
while O -100
operating O -100
new O -100
Micromax O -100
32b200hdi O -100
81 O -100
cm O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
2x10 O -100
- O -100
20 O -100
watt O -100
speakers O -100
it O -100
has O -100
been O -100
found O -100
that O -100
the O -100
volume B-ASP Negative
of I-ASP Negative
sound I-ASP Negative
is O -100
even O -100
less O -100
that O -100
2x5 O -100
watt O -100
speakers O -100
where O -100
as O -100
Micromax O -100
specify O -100
2x10 O -100
watt O -100
speakers O -100
. O -100
fabulous O -100
tv O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
as O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
samsung O -100
sony O -100
& O -100
lg O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
great O -100
service B-ASP -100
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
n O -100
vu O -100
. O -100
fabulous O -100
tv O -100
screen B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
as O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
samsung O -100
sony O -100
& O -100
lg O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
great O -100
service B-ASP Positive
from O -100
Flipkart O -100
n O -100
vu O -100
. O -100
and O -100
all O -100
the O -100
services O -100
was O -100
free O -100
, O -100
including O -100
the O -100
wall B-ASP Neutral
mount I-ASP Neutral
bracket I-ASP Neutral
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
least O -100
price B-ASP -100
with O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
least O -100
price B-ASP -100
with O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
least O -100
price B-ASP Negative
with O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
768 O -100
hd O -100
ready O -100
- O -100
great O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
" O -100
and O -100
" O -100
60 O -100
hz O -100
: O -100
standard O -100
refresh O -100
rate O -100
for O -100
blur O -100
free O -100
" O -100
. O -100
very O -100
very O -100
superb O -100
enjoying O -100
in O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
effective O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
good O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
need O -100
improvement O -100
in O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
in O -100
cost O -100
but O -100
do O -100
not O -100
have O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
. O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
of O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
also O -100
quite O -100
satisfactory O -100
. O -100
this O -100
is O -100
superb O -100
product O -100
& O -100
very O -100
well O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
& O -100
handelled O -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
clarity I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
and O -100
audio B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
and O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
the O -100
video B-ASP Negative
will O -100
look O -100
blurred O -100
and O -100
normal O -100
if O -100
you O -100
play O -100
it O -100
with O -100
regular O -100
channels O -100
without O -100
hd O -100
, O -100
so O -100
you O -100
must O -100
get O -100
hd O -100
channels O -100
to O -100
experience O -100
its O -100
led O -100
super O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
really O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
has O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
picture I-ASP Positive
. O -100
they O -100
cancelled O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
themself O -100
. O -100
downside O -100
is O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
which O -100
is O -100
not O -100
as O -100
clear O -100
but O -100
acceptable O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
poor O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
other O -100
brands O -100
. O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
quality O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
. O -100
so O -100
please O -100
improve O -100
packing B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
both O -100
in O -100
& O -100
out O -100
of O -100
the O -100
box O -100
. O -100
best O -100
performance O -100
mi O -100
smart O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
4k B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
bluetooth B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
all O -100
rounder O -100
working O -100
with O -100
mi O -100
remote O -100
set O -100
top O -100
box O -100
connect O -100
to O -100
ir O -100
blaster O -100
. O -100
best O -100
performance O -100
mi O -100
smart O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
4k B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
bluetooth B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
all O -100
rounder O -100
working O -100
with O -100
mi O -100
remote O -100
set O -100
top O -100
box O -100
connect O -100
to O -100
ir O -100
blaster O -100
. O -100
best O -100
performance O -100
mi O -100
smart O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
4k B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
bluetooth B-ASP Positive
remote I-ASP Positive
all O -100
rounder O -100
working O -100
with O -100
mi O -100
remote O -100
set O -100
top O -100
box O -100
connect O -100
to O -100
ir O -100
blaster O -100
. O -100
worst O -100
service B-ASP Negative
from O -100
Micromax O -100
. O -100
low O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
but O -100
fit O -100
for O -100
home O -100
. O -100
only O -100
drawback O -100
i O -100
see O -100
is O -100
Netflix B-ASP Negative
support I-ASP Negative
but O -100
vu O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
do O -100
anything O -100
about O -100
it O -100
since O -100
it O -100
is O -100
between O -100
Google O -100
and O -100
Netflix O -100
. O -100
packing B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
as O -100
per O -100
long O -100
distance O -100
traveling O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
good O -100
installation O -100
mount O -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
sound O -100
good O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
mount I-ASP Negative
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
frame B-ASP Positive
is O -100
minimum O -100
and O -100
screen B-ASP -100
covers O -100
maximum O -100
size O -100
of O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
frame B-ASP -100
is O -100
minimum O -100
and O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
covers O -100
maximum O -100
size O -100
of O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
pitcher B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
and O -100
Flipkart B-ASP -100
deliver I-ASP -100
very O -100
quickly O -100
worth O -100
for O -100
money O -100
. O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
pitcher B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
and O -100
Flipkart B-ASP Positive
deliver I-ASP Positive
very O -100
quickly O -100
worth O -100
for O -100
money O -100
. O -100
also O -100
delivery B-ASP Neutral
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
was O -100
done O -100
on O -100
same O -100
time O -100
. O -100
also O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Neutral
was O -100
done O -100
on O -100
same O -100
time O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
support O -100
all O -100
video B-ASP -100
types I-ASP -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
support O -100
all O -100
video B-ASP Negative
types I-ASP Negative
. O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
mirror I-ASP Negative
not O -100
working O -100
for O -100
moto O -100
g5s O -100
plus O -100
mobile O -100
apart O -100
incredible O -100
4k O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
this O -100
range O -100
. O -100
little O -100
disappointed O -100
for O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
system I-ASP Negative
& O -100
typing O -100
on O -100
remote B-ASP -100
seems O -100
tiresome O -100
. O -100
little O -100
disappointed O -100
for O -100
sound B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
& O -100
typing O -100
on O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
seems O -100
tiresome O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
has O -100
four O -100
stars O -100
yet O -100
such O -100
bad O -100
performance B-ASP Negative
. O -100
. O -100
i O -100
have O -100
loved O -100
the O -100
product O -100
as O -100
its O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
screen B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
superb O -100
and O -100
its O -100
definitely O -100
value B-ASP -100
for I-ASP -100
money I-ASP -100
. O -100
i O -100
have O -100
loved O -100
the O -100
product O -100
as O -100
its O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
superb O -100
and O -100
its O -100
definitely O -100
value B-ASP -100
for I-ASP -100
money I-ASP -100
. O -100
i O -100
have O -100
loved O -100
the O -100
product O -100
as O -100
its O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
screen B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
superb O -100
and O -100
its O -100
definitely O -100
value B-ASP Positive
for I-ASP Positive
money I-ASP Positive
. O -100
super O -100
tv O -100
at O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Negative
. O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
service B-ASP -100
also O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
service B-ASP Positive
also O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
best O -100
in O -100
this O -100
range O -100
but O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
not O -100
done O -100
timely O -100
. O -100
superb O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
excellent O -100
sound B-ASP -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
great O -100
viewing O -100
angle O -100
superb O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
excellent O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
great O -100
viewing O -100
angle O -100
superb O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
excellent O -100
sound O -100
value B-ASP Positive
for I-ASP Positive
money I-ASP Positive
great O -100
viewing O -100
angle O -100
superb O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
excellent O -100
sound O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
great O -100
viewing B-ASP Positive
angle I-ASP Positive
very O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
impressive O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
, O -100
and O -100
very O -100
colors B-ASP -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
impressive O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
very O -100
colors B-ASP Positive
. O -100
4k O -100
videos O -100
of O -100
youtube B-ASP Positive
plays O -100
like O -100
charm O -100
. O -100
even O -100
i O -100
have O -100
got O -100
problem O -100
in O -100
motherboard B-ASP Negative
. O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP Positive
service I-ASP Positive
was O -100
extremely O -100
pleasing O -100
. O -100
well O -100
packaged B-ASP Positive
, O -100
no O -100
damage O -100
to O -100
any O -100
part O -100
. O -100
awesome O -100
tv B-ASP Positive
nice O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
nice O -100
sounds B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
, O -100
must O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
service B-ASP -100
by O -100
# O -100
flipkart O -100
awesome O -100
tv B-ASP -100
nice O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
nice O -100
sounds B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
, O -100
must O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
service B-ASP -100
by O -100
# O -100
flipkart O -100
awesome O -100
tv B-ASP -100
nice O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
nice O -100
sounds B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
, O -100
must O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
service B-ASP -100
by O -100
# O -100
flipkart O -100
awesome O -100
tv B-ASP -100
nice O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
nice O -100
sounds B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
wonderful O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
, O -100
must O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
service B-ASP Positive
by O -100
# O -100
flipkart O -100
super O -100
fast O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
in O -100
just O -100
24 O -100
hrs O -100
and O -100
technician O -100
was O -100
also O -100
good O -100
. O -100
and O -100
i O -100
was O -100
mightily O -100
impressed O -100
with O -100
the O -100
price B-ASP Positive
to O -100
feature O -100
ratio O -100
. O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
only O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
was O -100
very O -100
low O -100
. O -100
non O -100
glossy O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
absorbs O -100
light O -100
reflection O -100
. O -100
same O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
colors B-ASP Neutral
, O -100
features B-ASP -100
, O -100
display B-ASP -100
etc O -100
. O -100
are O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
. O -100
colors B-ASP -100
, O -100
features B-ASP Neutral
, O -100
display B-ASP -100
etc O -100
. O -100
are O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
. O -100
colors B-ASP -100
, O -100
features B-ASP -100
, O -100
display B-ASP Neutral
etc O -100
. O -100
are O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
. O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
, O -100
had O -100
to O -100
connect O -100
an O -100
external O -100
2 O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
system O -100
to O -100
hear O -100
anything O -100
clearly O -100
. O -100
and O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
services O -100
delivered B-ASP Neutral
in O -100
time O -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
and O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Flipkart O -100
services O -100
delivered B-ASP -100
in O -100
time O -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
the O -100
build B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
the O -100
viewing O -100
experience O -100
along O -100
with O -100
screen B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
just O -100
too O -100
good O -100
. O -100
the O -100
build B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
the O -100
viewing O -100
experience O -100
along O -100
with O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
just O -100
too O -100
good O -100
. O -100
phenomenal O -100
performance O -100
and O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
for O -100
the O -100
money O -100
well O -100
spent O -100
. O -100
the O -100
build B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
of O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
body O -100
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
wanting O -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
very O -100
good O -100
display B-ASP Positive
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
bit O -100
loud O -100
with O -100
disturbance O -100
. O -100
i O -100
would O -100
have O -100
given O -100
5 O -100
stars O -100
but O -100
there O -100
are O -100
some O -100
areas O -100
of O -100
improvement O -100
like O -100
the O -100
processing B-ASP Negative
speed I-ASP Negative
, O -100
which O -100
i O -100
am O -100
sure O -100
can O -100
be O -100
addressed O -100
by O -100
an O -100
update O -100
. O -100
lack O -100
of O -100
surround O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
& O -100
bass O -100
effect O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
was O -100
really O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
was O -100
awesome O -100
with O -100
sound O -100
bar O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
was O -100
really O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
was O -100
awesome O -100
with O -100
sound O -100
bar O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
bit O -100
issue O -100
with O -100
screen B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
, O -100
may O -100
be O -100
due O -100
to O -100
sd O -100
set O -100
top O -100
box O -100
, O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
nice O -100
look O -100
. O -100
bit O -100
issue O -100
with O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
clarity I-ASP Negative
, O -100
may O -100
be O -100
due O -100
to O -100
sd O -100
set O -100
top O -100
box O -100
, O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
nice O -100
look O -100
. O -100
faster O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
faster O -100
installation B-ASP -100
awesome O -100
quality B-ASP -100
. O -100
faster O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
faster O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
quality B-ASP -100
. O -100
faster O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
faster O -100
installation B-ASP -100
awesome O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
. O -100
best O -100
brand B-ASP Positive
, O -100
best O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
best O -100
service B-ASP -100
& O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP -100
. O -100
best O -100
brand B-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
best O -100
service B-ASP Positive
& O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP -100
. O -100
best O -100
brand B-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
best O -100
service B-ASP -100
& O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
so O -100
good O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
that O -100
too O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP -100
of O -100
22 O -100
k O -100
and O -100
great O -100
product O -100
in O -100
comparison O -100
to O -100
samsung O -100
, O -100
lg O -100
. O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
planning O -100
to O -100
buy O -100
43 O -100
inch O -100
fulll O -100
hd O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
that O -100
too O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP -100
of O -100
22 O -100
k O -100
and O -100
great O -100
product O -100
in O -100
comparison O -100
to O -100
samsung O -100
, O -100
lg O -100
. O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
planning O -100
to O -100
buy O -100
43 O -100
inch O -100
fulll O -100
hd O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
that O -100
too O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP Positive
of O -100
22 O -100
k O -100
and O -100
great O -100
product O -100
in O -100
comparison O -100
to O -100
samsung O -100
, O -100
lg O -100
. O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
planning O -100
to O -100
buy O -100
43 O -100
inch O -100
fulll O -100
hd O -100
. O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
vu O -100
visuals B-ASP -100
also O -100
not O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
better O -100
video B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
too O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
vu O -100
visuals B-ASP Negative
also O -100
not O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
better O -100
video B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
too O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
vu O -100
visuals B-ASP -100
also O -100
not O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
better O -100
video B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
too O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
led O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
also O -100
feature O -100
added O -100
by O -100
Micromax O -100
good O -100
. O -100
pros O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
specially O -100
on O -100
hd B-ASP -100
channels I-ASP -100
. O -100
pros O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
specially O -100
on O -100
hd B-ASP -100
channels I-ASP -100
. O -100
pros O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
specially O -100
on O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
channels I-ASP Positive
. O -100
and O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
is O -100
quick O -100
from O -100
the O -100
side O -100
of O -100
jeeve O -100
service O -100
and O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
is O -100
so O -100
good O -100
that O -100
the O -100
extended O -100
warranty B-ASP -100
gives O -100
me O -100
a O -100
headaceless O -100
till O -100
3 O -100
years O -100
which O -100
may O -100
not O -100
other O -100
brands O -100
gives O -100
. O -100
and O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP -100
is O -100
quick O -100
from O -100
the O -100
side O -100
of O -100
jeeve O -100
service O -100
and O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
is O -100
so O -100
good O -100
that O -100
the O -100
extended O -100
warranty B-ASP Positive
gives O -100
me O -100
a O -100
headaceless O -100
till O -100
3 O -100
years O -100
which O -100
may O -100
not O -100
other O -100
brands O -100
gives O -100
. O -100
smart O -100
features O -100
like O -100
youtube B-ASP Positive
, O -100
screen B-ASP -100
mirroring I-ASP -100
works O -100
flawless O -100
. O -100
smart O -100
features O -100
like O -100
youtube B-ASP -100
, O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
mirroring I-ASP Positive
works O -100
flawless O -100
. O -100
its O -100
a O -100
stunning O -100
performance B-ASP Positive
by O -100
sanyo O -100
/ O -100
panasonic O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
with O -100
just O -100
4 O -100
points O -100
for O -100
12 O -100
16 O -100
ft O -100
hall O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
tv O -100
nice O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
nice O -100
display B-ASP -100
also O -100
you O -100
tube O -100
play O -100
with O -100
slow O -100
internet O -100
ultimately O -100
its O -100
amazing O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
. O -100
amazing O -100
tv O -100
nice O -100
sound B-ASP -100
nice O -100
display B-ASP Positive
also O -100
you O -100
tube O -100
play O -100
with O -100
slow O -100
internet O -100
ultimately O -100
its O -100
amazing O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
clarity I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
less O -100
if O -100
we O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
sony O -100
/ O -100
lg O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
received O -100
on O -100
6th O -100
sept O -100
2017 O -100
, O -100
installed B-ASP -100
on O -100
08 O -100
th O -100
sept O -100
2017 O -100
however O -100
demo B-ASP -100
has O -100
not O -100
been O -100
given O -100
till O -100
date O -100
even O -100
after O -100
calling O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP Negative
personal I-ASP Negative
over O -100
telephone O -100
4 O -100
- O -100
5 O -100
times O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
received O -100
on O -100
6th O -100
sept O -100
2017 O -100
, O -100
installed B-ASP Neutral
on O -100
08 O -100
th O -100
sept O -100
2017 O -100
however O -100
demo B-ASP -100
has O -100
not O -100
been O -100
given O -100
till O -100
date O -100
even O -100
after O -100
calling O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP -100
personal I-ASP -100
over O -100
telephone O -100
4 O -100
- O -100
5 O -100
times O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
received O -100
on O -100
6th O -100
sept O -100
2017 O -100
, O -100
installed B-ASP -100
on O -100
08 O -100
th O -100
sept O -100
2017 O -100
however O -100
demo B-ASP Negative
has O -100
not O -100
been O -100
given O -100
till O -100
date O -100
even O -100
after O -100
calling O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP -100
personal I-ASP -100
over O -100
telephone O -100
4 O -100
- O -100
5 O -100
times O -100
. O -100
poor O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
like O -100
as O -100
hd O -100
ready O -100
. O -100
a O -100
single O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
for O -100
controlling O -100
anything O -100
, O -100
is O -100
the O -100
best O -100
feature O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
value B-ASP Positive
for I-ASP Positive
money I-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
speaker B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
awesome O -100
fast O -100
working O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
value B-ASP -100
for I-ASP -100
money I-ASP -100
awesome O -100
speaker B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
fast O -100
working O -100
price B-ASP Negative
is O -100
high O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
oulets O -100
. O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
may O -100
lag O -100
but O -100
good O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
overall O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
may O -100
lag O -100
but O -100
good O -100
value O -100
for O -100
money O -100
overall O -100
. O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
except O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
everything O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
usb B-ASP Positive
movie I-ASP Positive
/ I-ASP Positive
vedio I-ASP Positive
playback I-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
and O -100
sound O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
usb O -100
movie O -100
/ O -100
vedio O -100
playback O -100
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
usb O -100
movie O -100
/ O -100
vedio O -100
playback O -100
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
blur O -100
and O -100
you O -100
will O -100
feel O -100
screen O -100
by O -100
screen O -100
motion O -100
( O -100
like O -100
, O -100
if O -100
monitor O -100
with O -100
no O -100
graphic O -100
card O -100
) O -100
. O -100
as O -100
far O -100
as O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
concerned O -100
then O -100
everybody O -100
who O -100
is O -100
going O -100
to O -100
purchase O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
of O -100
any O -100
brand O -100
any O -100
model O -100
must O -100
bear O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
in O -100
mind O -100
that O -100
due O -100
to O -100
the O -100
slim O -100
design O -100
of O -100
led O -100
tvs O -100
it O -100
is O -100
practically O -100
not O -100
possible O -100
to O -100
incorporate O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP Negative
speakers I-ASP Negative
into O -100
them O -100
because O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
speakers O -100
consume O -100
space O -100
and O -100
are O -100
always O -100
wide O -100
( O -100
voluminous O -100
) O -100
. O -100
as O -100
far O -100
as O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
concerned O -100
then O -100
everybody O -100
who O -100
is O -100
going O -100
to O -100
purchase O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
of O -100
any O -100
brand O -100
any O -100
model O -100
must O -100
bear O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
in O -100
mind O -100
that O -100
due O -100
to O -100
the O -100
slim O -100
design O -100
of O -100
led O -100
tvs O -100
it O -100
is O -100
practically O -100
not O -100
possible O -100
to O -100
incorporate O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
speakers I-ASP -100
into O -100
them O -100
because O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
speakers O -100
consume O -100
space O -100
and O -100
are O -100
always O -100
wide O -100
( O -100
voluminous O -100
) O -100
. O -100
however O -100
in O -100
this O -100
product O -100
there O -100
is O -100
still O -100
some O -100
scope O -100
for O -100
improvement O -100
in O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
. O -100
especially O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
system I-ASP Positive
was O -100
more O -100
authentic O -100
technology O -100
. O -100
Dolby O -100
digital O -100
surround O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
makes O -100
whole O -100
experience O -100
lot O -100
better O -100
. O -100
flexi B-ASP Neutral
wall I-ASP Neutral
mount I-ASP Neutral
was O -100
brought O -100
by O -100
installation O -100
guy O -100
for O -100
no O -100
additional O -100
cost O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sounds B-ASP -100
with O -100
very O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP -100
for O -100
middle O -100
class O -100
in O -100
india O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sounds B-ASP Positive
with O -100
very O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP -100
for O -100
middle O -100
class O -100
in O -100
india O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sounds B-ASP -100
with O -100
very O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP Positive
for O -100
middle O -100
class O -100
in O -100
india O -100
. O -100
no O -100
one O -100
would O -100
say O -100
that O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
costs O -100
just O -100
60 O -100
k O -100
looking O -100
at O -100
the O -100
build B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
alone O -100
. O -100
good O -100
price B-ASP Positive
with O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
great O -100
product O -100
at O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
it O -100
has O -100
a O -100
quad O -100
core O -100
processor B-ASP Positive
. O -100
but O -100
demo B-ASP Negative
servive I-ASP Negative
is O -100
so O -100
poor O -100
technician O -100
has O -100
not O -100
come O -100
this O -100
product O -100
god O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
very O -100
god O -100
but O -100
sund B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
not O -100
god O -100
this O -100
product O -100
god O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
very O -100
god O -100
but O -100
sund B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
not O -100
god O -100
it O -100
has O -100
very O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
1 O -100
- O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
battery I-ASP Positive
and O -100
2 O -100
- O -100
wallmount O -100
stand O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
- O -100
remote O -100
battery O -100
and O -100
2 O -100
- O -100
wallmount B-ASP Positive
stand I-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
. O -100
also O -100
the O -100
installed O -100
apps B-ASP -100
was O -100
not O -100
opening O -100
like O -100
Hotstar B-ASP Negative
youtube B-ASP -100
. O -100
also O -100
the O -100
installed O -100
apps B-ASP -100
was O -100
not O -100
opening O -100
like O -100
Hotstar B-ASP -100
youtube B-ASP Negative
. O -100
also O -100
the O -100
installed O -100
apps B-ASP Negative
was O -100
not O -100
opening O -100
like O -100
Hotstar B-ASP -100
youtube B-ASP -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
product O -100
but O -100
bluetooth B-ASP Negative
facility I-ASP Negative
should O -100
be O -100
added O -100
in O -100
this O -100
product O -100
. O -100
sound O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
not O -100
that O -100
great O -100
and O -100
the O -100
worst O -100
thing O -100
i O -100
found O -100
is O -100
when O -100
i O -100
cast O -100
my O -100
phone O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
it O -100
breaks O -100
up O -100
and O -100
ghosting O -100
picture O -100
even O -100
the O -100
phone O -100
is O -100
kept O -100
right O -100
next O -100
to O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
poor O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
with O -100
Tata O -100
sky O -100
sd O -100
stb O -100
. O -100
they O -100
are O -100
rescheduling O -100
the O -100
time O -100
of O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
every O -100
day O -100
as O -100
per O -100
their O -100
convenience O -100
. O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
i O -100
disapprove O -100
is O -100
the O -100
wall B-ASP Negative
mount I-ASP Negative
which O -100
is O -100
inflexible O -100
with O -100
the O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
cracks O -100
when O -100
it O -100
keep O -100
in O -100
high O -100
volume O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
but O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
service I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
to O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
hi O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
but O -100
display B-ASP -100
small O -100
line O -100
showing O -100
customer B-ASP -100
service I-ASP -100
not O -100
responsible O -100
. O -100
hi O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
but O -100
display B-ASP Negative
small O -100
line O -100
showing O -100
customer B-ASP -100
service I-ASP -100
not O -100
responsible O -100
. O -100
hi O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
but O -100
display B-ASP -100
small O -100
line O -100
showing O -100
customer B-ASP Negative
service I-ASP Negative
not O -100
responsible O -100
. O -100
2350 O -100
. O -100
00 O -100
( O -100
where O -100
even O -100
the O -100
remote B-ASP -100
control I-ASP -100
is O -100
covered O -100
) O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
you O -100
have O -100
to O -100
use O -100
a O -100
additional O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
system I-ASP Negative
to O -100
boost O -100
the O -100
volume O -100
. O -100
2350 O -100
. O -100
00 O -100
( O -100
where O -100
even O -100
the O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
control I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
covered O -100
) O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
you O -100
have O -100
to O -100
use O -100
a O -100
additional O -100
sound B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
to O -100
boost O -100
the O -100
volume O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
sound O -100
is O -100
adequate O -100
contrary O -100
to O -100
what O -100
many O -100
say O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
but O -100
connetivity B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
more O -100
lags O -100
while O -100
playing O -100
video O -100
and O -100
gaming O -100
when O -100
mirroring O -100
screen O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
superlative O -100
. O -100
shipment B-ASP Positive
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
- O -100
on O -100
same O -100
day O -100
with O -100
an O -100
hr O -100
or O -100
2 O -100
installation B-ASP -100
guy O -100
installed O -100
and O -100
showed O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP -100
. O -100
shipment B-ASP -100
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
- O -100
on O -100
same O -100
day O -100
with O -100
an O -100
hr O -100
or O -100
2 O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
guy O -100
installed O -100
and O -100
showed O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP -100
. O -100
shipment B-ASP -100
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
- O -100
on O -100
same O -100
day O -100
with O -100
an O -100
hr O -100
or O -100
2 O -100
installation B-ASP -100
guy O -100
installed O -100
and O -100
showed O -100
the O -100
demo B-ASP Positive
. O -100
just O -100
amazing O -100
high O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
excellent O -100
and O -100
wifi B-ASP -100
connectivity I-ASP -100
is O -100
fast O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
excellent O -100
and O -100
wifi B-ASP Positive
connectivity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
fast O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
and O -100
video B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
and O -100
quick O -100
response O -100
from O -100
installation B-ASP -100
team O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
audio B-ASP -100
and O -100
video B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
, O -100
good O -100
and O -100
quick O -100
response O -100
from O -100
installation B-ASP -100
team O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
audio B-ASP -100
and O -100
video B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
and O -100
quick O -100
response O -100
from O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
team O -100
. O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
with O -100
4k O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
the O -100
quality B-ASP Negative
of I-ASP Negative
remote I-ASP Negative
could O -100
be O -100
improved O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
dull O -100
than O -100
i O -100
falcon O -100
, O -100
mi O -100
. O -100
you B-ASP Positive
tube I-ASP Positive
direct I-ASP Positive
button I-ASP Positive
is O -100
a O -100
fantastic O -100
feature O -100
on O -100
remote O -100
. O -100
you O -100
tube O -100
direct O -100
button O -100
is O -100
a O -100
fantastic O -100
feature O -100
on O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
. O -100
best O -100
ledtv B-ASP Positive
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
in O -100
less O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
> O -100
the O -100
product O -100
is O -100
much O -100
more O -100
fine O -100
regarding O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
which O -100
are O -100
expected O -100
from O -100
a O -100
television O -100
comparing O -100
to O -100
same O -100
feature O -100
claiming O -100
hd O -100
ready O -100
of O -100
samsung O -100
and O -100
sony O -100
. O -100
> O -100
the O -100
product O -100
is O -100
much O -100
more O -100
fine O -100
regarding O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
which O -100
are O -100
expected O -100
from O -100
a O -100
television O -100
comparing O -100
to O -100
same O -100
feature O -100
claiming O -100
hd O -100
ready O -100
of O -100
samsung O -100
and O -100
sony O -100
. O -100
and O -100
mirroring B-ASP Positive
your O -100
android O -100
phone O -100
is O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
for O -100
playing O -100
games O -100
, O -100
watching O -100
movies O -100
through O -100
mobiles O -100
. O -100
soo O -100
good O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
superb O -100
, O -100
you O -100
will O -100
actually O -100
won O -100
' O -100
t O -100
need O -100
any O -100
extra O -100
speakers O -100
during O -100
movies O -100
. O -100
i O -100
bought O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
one O -100
week O -100
back O -100
, O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
for O -100
normal O -100
usage O -100
for O -100
watching O -100
movies O -100
and O -100
serials O -100
, O -100
display B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
i O -100
am O -100
a O -100
big O -100
fan O -100
of O -100
bpl O -100
, O -100
hope O -100
that O -100
bpl O -100
will O -100
maintain O -100
its O -100
quality O -100
as O -100
earlier O -100
. O -100
i O -100
bought O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
one O -100
week O -100
back O -100
, O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
for O -100
normal O -100
usage O -100
for O -100
watching O -100
movies O -100
and O -100
serials O -100
, O -100
display B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
i O -100
am O -100
a O -100
big O -100
fan O -100
of O -100
bpl O -100
, O -100
hope O -100
that O -100
bpl O -100
will O -100
maintain O -100
its O -100
quality O -100
as O -100
earlier O -100
. O -100
everything O -100
is O -100
amazing O -100
, O -100
android B-ASP Negative
5 O -100
. O -100
1 O -100
bit O -100
older O -100
. O -100
its O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
service B-ASP Positive
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
also O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
very O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
product O -100
vu O -100
led O -100
after O -100
2 O -100
months O -100
got O -100
repair O -100
mother B-ASP Negative
board I-ASP Negative
fault O -100
6 O -100
days O -100
left O -100
but O -100
till O -100
date O -100
mother O -100
board O -100
not O -100
change O -100
by O -100
vu O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
product O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
very O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
product O -100
vu O -100
led O -100
after O -100
2 O -100
months O -100
got O -100
repair O -100
mother B-ASP Negative
board I-ASP Negative
fault O -100
6 O -100
days O -100
left O -100
but O -100
till O -100
date O -100
mother O -100
board O -100
not O -100
change O -100
by O -100
vu O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
product O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
- O -100
excellent O -100
aesthetics B-ASP Positive
, O -100
brilliant O -100
colours B-ASP -100
, O -100
at O -100
par O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
lg O -100
/ O -100
samsung O -100
brand O -100
tv O -100
of O -100
middle O -100
range O -100
. O -100
- O -100
- O -100
excellent O -100
aesthetics B-ASP -100
, O -100
brilliant O -100
colours B-ASP Positive
, O -100
at O -100
par O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
lg O -100
/ O -100
samsung O -100
brand O -100
tv O -100
of O -100
middle O -100
range O -100
. O -100
- O -100
my O -100
tv O -100
got O -100
faulty O -100
after O -100
1 O -100
year O -100
and O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
service B-ASP Negative
centre I-ASP Negative
or O -100
support O -100
available O -100
. O -100
the O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
of I-ASP Positive
picture I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
both O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
picture O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
both O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
video B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
. O -100
video B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
. O -100
good O -100
price B-ASP Positive
wonderful O -100
tv O -100
must O -100
buy O -100
. O -100
the O -100
wall B-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
is O -100
super O -100
cool O -100
. O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
vu O -100
for O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
the O -100
fast O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
Jeeves O -100
for O -100
even O -100
quicker O -100
service B-ASP -100
for O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
vu O -100
for O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
the O -100
fast O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
Jeeves O -100
for O -100
even O -100
quicker O -100
service B-ASP Positive
for O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
vu O -100
for O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
the O -100
fast O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
Jeeves O -100
for O -100
even O -100
quicker O -100
service B-ASP -100
for O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
and O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
in B-ASP Positive
built I-ASP Positive
wifi I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
feature O -100
. O -100
this O -100
air B-ASP Neutral
mouse I-ASP Neutral
occupies O -100
one O -100
usb O -100
port O -100
so O -100
only O -100
one O -100
usb O -100
is O -100
left O -100
. O -100
only O -100
issue O -100
is O -100
from O -100
extended B-ASP Negative
warranty I-ASP Negative
. O -100
i O -100
' O -100
m O -100
using O -100
the O -100
local O -100
cable O -100
setup O -100
box O -100
, O -100
still O -100
the O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
of I-ASP Positive
the I-ASP Positive
display I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
sharp O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
. O -100
bough O -100
this O -100
for O -100
my O -100
another O -100
room O -100
& O -100
except O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
difference O -100
which O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
huge O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
same O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
bough O -100
this O -100
for O -100
my O -100
another O -100
room O -100
& O -100
except O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
difference O -100
which O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
huge O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
same O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
the O -100
main O -100
asset O -100
is O -100
the O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
is O -100
quite O -100
impressive O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
system I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
the O -100
main O -100
asset O -100
is O -100
the O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
is O -100
quite O -100
impressive O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
the O -100
main O -100
asset O -100
is O -100
the O -100
connectivity B-ASP Positive
is O -100
quite O -100
impressive O -100
. O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
high O -100
quality O -100
materials B-ASP -100
. O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
high O -100
quality O -100
materials B-ASP Positive
. O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
low O -100
. O -100
mobile B-ASP Negative
mirror I-ASP Negative
option I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
available O -100
but O -100
fast O -100
cast O -100
app O -100
is O -100
enough O -100
to O -100
enjoy O -100
d O -100
mobile O -100
content O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
control I-ASP Positive
- O -100
superb O -100
remote O -100
, O -100
working O -100
so O -100
well O -100
for O -100
me O -100
. O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
control I-ASP -100
- O -100
superb O -100
remote O -100
, O -100
working O -100
so O -100
well O -100
for O -100
me O -100
. O -100
after B-ASP Negative
sale I-ASP Negative
service I-ASP Negative
is O -100
really O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
thin O -100
bezel B-ASP Positive
and O -100
premium O -100
finish B-ASP -100
. O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
, O -100
thin O -100
bezel B-ASP -100
and O -100
premium O -100
finish B-ASP Positive
. O -100
tv B-ASP Negative
remote I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
and O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
support O -100
from O -100
customer B-ASP -100
care I-ASP -100
. O -100
tv B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
and O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
support O -100
from O -100
customer B-ASP Negative
care I-ASP Negative
. O -100
wonderful O -100
smart O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
high O -100
quality O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
picture I-ASP Positive
, O -100
excellent O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
mi O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
quality O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
wonderful O -100
smart O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
high O -100
quality O -100
hd B-ASP -100
picture I-ASP -100
, O -100
excellent O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
mi O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
quality O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
the O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
i O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
like O -100
was O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
, O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
superb O -100
and O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
is O -100
above O -100
expectations O -100
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
superb O -100
and O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
above O -100
expectations O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
has O -100
a O -100
high O -100
quality O -100
display B-ASP Positive
panel I-ASP Positive
which O -100
provides O -100
great O -100
pictures O -100
with O -100
clarity O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
has O -100
a O -100
high O -100
quality O -100
display O -100
panel O -100
which O -100
provides O -100
great O -100
pictures B-ASP Positive
with I-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
the O -100
product O -100
on O -100
time O -100
and O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP -100
was O -100
done O -100
the O -100
next O -100
day O -100
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivered B-ASP -100
the O -100
product O -100
on O -100
time O -100
and O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
was O -100
done O -100
the O -100
next O -100
day O -100
. O -100
best O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
this O -100
range O -100
of O -100
budget O -100
with O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP Positive
for O -100
a O -100
40 O -100
inch O -100
. O -100
. O -100
the O -100
design B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
trendy O -100
and O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
is O -100
fantastic O -100
. O -100
the O -100
design B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
trendy O -100
and O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP Positive
is O -100
fantastic O -100
. O -100
but O -100
Flipkart O -100
packaging B-ASP Negative
n O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
are O -100
below O -100
average O -100
. O -100
but O -100
Flipkart O -100
packaging B-ASP -100
n O -100
delivery B-ASP Negative
are O -100
below O -100
average O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
but O -100
wall B-ASP Negative
mount I-ASP Negative
stand I-ASP Negative
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
good O -100
and O -100
phone B-ASP -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
connect O -100
to O -100
tv O -100
by O -100
using O -100
usb O -100
wire O -100
of O -100
phone O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
but O -100
wall B-ASP -100
mount I-ASP -100
stand I-ASP -100
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
good O -100
and O -100
phone B-ASP Negative
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
connect O -100
to O -100
tv O -100
by O -100
using O -100
usb O -100
wire O -100
of O -100
phone O -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
product O -100
, O -100
worth O -100
of O -100
money O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
system I-ASP -100
is O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
product O -100
, O -100
worth O -100
of O -100
money O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
system I-ASP Positive
is O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
b9 O -100
pro O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
pictures B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
price B-ASP -100
super O -100
thanks O -100
. O -100
b9 O -100
pro O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
pictures B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
price B-ASP Positive
super O -100
thanks O -100
. O -100
but O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
satisfied O -100
as O -100
expectable O -100
. O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
good O -100
bud O -100
tv B-ASP Negative
installation I-ASP Negative
time I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
long O -100
. O -100
the O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
control I-ASP Positive
that O -100
comes O -100
with O -100
it O -100
is O -100
so O -100
awesome O -100
. O -100
great O -100
deal O -100
at O -100
cheap O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
good O -100
clarity B-ASP Positive
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
product O -100
2 O -100
hdmi O -100
, O -100
1usb O -100
but O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
resolution I-ASP -100
is O -100
really O -100
good O -100
and O -100
same O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
thank O -100
you O -100
Flipkart O -100
good O -100
product O -100
good O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
product O -100
2 O -100
hdmi O -100
, O -100
1usb O -100
but O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
resolution I-ASP Positive
is O -100
really O -100
good O -100
and O -100
same O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
thank O -100
you O -100
Flipkart O -100
good O -100
product O -100
good O -100
clarity B-ASP -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
product O -100
2 O -100
hdmi O -100
, O -100
1usb O -100
but O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
resolution I-ASP -100
is O -100
really O -100
good O -100
and O -100
same O -100
day O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
thank O -100
you O -100
Flipkart O -100
very O -100
good O -100
product O -100
and O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
usb B-ASP Negative
even O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
open O -100
my O -100
photos O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
thank O -100
you O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
immediate O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
quick O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
thank O -100
you O -100
Flipkart O -100
for O -100
immediate O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
quick O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
engineer O -100
visited O -100
on O -100
time O -100
and O -100
completed O -100
the O -100
wall B-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
process O -100
very O -100
quickly O -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
hd B-ASP -100
content I-ASP -100
when O -100
played O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
seems O -100
like O -100
as O -100
if O -100
I O -100
am O -100
watching O -100
it O -100
on O -100
small O -100
theatre O -100
screen O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
because O -100
of O -100
120 O -100
hz O -100
refresh B-ASP -100
rate I-ASP -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
content I-ASP Positive
when O -100
played O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
seems O -100
like O -100
as O -100
if O -100
I O -100
am O -100
watching O -100
it O -100
on O -100
small O -100
theatre O -100
screen O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
because O -100
of O -100
120 O -100
hz O -100
refresh B-ASP -100
rate I-ASP -100
. O -100
excellent O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
hd B-ASP -100
content I-ASP -100
when O -100
played O -100
on O -100
tv O -100
seems O -100
like O -100
as O -100
if O -100
I O -100
am O -100
watching O -100
it O -100
on O -100
small O -100
theatre O -100
screen O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
because O -100
of O -100
120 O -100
hz O -100
refresh B-ASP Positive
rate I-ASP Positive
. O -100
ordered O -100
it O -100
on O -100
24 O -100
oct O -100
and O -100
got O -100
the O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
done O -100
on O -100
the O -100
25 O -100
oct O -100
. O -100
ordered O -100
it O -100
on O -100
24 O -100
oct O -100
and O -100
got O -100
the O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
done O -100
on O -100
the O -100
25 O -100
oct O -100
. O -100
regarding O -100
the O -100
product O -100
as O -100
i O -100
said O -100
this O -100
is O -100
3rd O -100
rate O -100
product O -100
and O -100
color B-ASP Negative
reproduction I-ASP Negative
is O -100
worst O -100
. O -100
purchase O -100
in O -100
February O -100
now O -100
getting O -100
2 O -100
small O -100
blue O -100
patches O -100
on O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
. O -100
sd B-ASP Positive
channels I-ASP Positive
also O -100
run O -100
with O -100
full O -100
details O -100
with O -100
about O -100
no O -100
snow O -100
over O -100
picture O -100
. O -100
other O -100
low O -100
cost O -100
32 O -100
" O -100
hd O -100
or O -100
full O -100
hd O -100
tvs O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
use O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
ui B-ASP Negative
, O -100
colour B-ASP -100
backlight I-ASP -100
management O -100
. O -100
other O -100
low O -100
cost O -100
32 O -100
" O -100
hd O -100
or O -100
full O -100
hd O -100
tvs O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
use O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
ui B-ASP -100
, O -100
colour B-ASP Negative
backlight I-ASP Negative
management O -100
. O -100
v O -100
no O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
is O -100
available O -100
for O -100
home O -100
theatre O -100
or O -100
speaker O -100
. O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
and O -100
good O -100
video B-ASP -100
. O -100
good O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
good O -100
video B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
so O -100
damn O -100
low O -100
that O -100
you O -100
will O -100
need O -100
a O -100
pin O -100
drop O -100
silence O -100
and O -100
need O -100
to O -100
switch O -100
off O -100
fans O -100
and O -100
be O -100
quiet O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
- O -100
4 O -100
star O -100
display B-ASP -100
- O -100
5 O -100
star O -100
aesthetic B-ASP -100
look I-ASP -100
- O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
star O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
- O -100
4 O -100
star O -100
display B-ASP Positive
- O -100
5 O -100
star O -100
aesthetic B-ASP -100
look I-ASP -100
- O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
star O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
- O -100
4 O -100
star O -100
display B-ASP -100
- O -100
5 O -100
star O -100
aesthetic B-ASP Positive
look I-ASP Positive
- O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
star O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
this O -100
is O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
product O -100
in O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
worth O -100
the O -100
price B-ASP Positive
, O -100
sound O -100
could O -100
be O -100
better O -100
. O -100
best O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP Positive
, O -100
good O -100
service B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
best O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
service B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
best O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
service B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
this O -100
is O -100
an O -100
edge O -100
- O -100
lit O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
and O -100
the O -100
backlight B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
distributed O -100
evenly O -100
and O -100
you O -100
can O -100
surely O -100
make O -100
this O -100
out O -100
when O -100
the O -100
room O -100
is O -100
completely O -100
dark O -100
. O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP Positive
with O -100
best O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
well O -100
packed O -100
and O -100
promptly O -100
delivered B-ASP Positive
. O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
& O -100
sound O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
& O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. I-ASP Positive
tv O -100
and O -100
this O -100
one O -100
matches O -100
to O -100
that O -100
in O -100
terms O -100
of O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
& O -100
sound O -100
quality O -100
also O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture O -100
& O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
also O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
packaging B-ASP Neutral
and O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
. O -100
packaging B-ASP -100
and O -100
delivery B-ASP Neutral
was O -100
on O -100
time O -100
. O -100
by O -100
the O -100
way O -100
the O -100
music B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
is O -100
also O -100
not O -100
supported O -100
in O -100
this O -100
product O -100
. O -100
i O -100
liked O -100
it O -100
, O -100
, O -100
wife B-ASP Positive
connection I-ASP Positive
awesome O -100
, O -100
, O -100
simply O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
the O -100
buil B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
okay O -100
- O -100
ish O -100
. O -100
please O -100
think O -100
twice O -100
before O -100
buying O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
as O -100
there O -100
multiple O -100
other O -100
options O -100
within O -100
this O -100
budget O -100
sharing O -100
a O -100
new O -100
update O -100
dated O -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
17 O -100
, O -100
the O -100
motherboard B-ASP Negative
of O -100
my O -100
tv O -100
conked O -100
off O -100
. O -100
well O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
loud O -100
, O -100
need O -100
homw O -100
theater O -100
cons O -100
contrast B-ASP -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
well O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
loud O -100
, O -100
need O -100
homw O -100
theater O -100
cons O -100
contrast B-ASP Negative
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
and O -100
superb O -100
picture B-ASP -100
picture O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
sound B-ASP -100
4 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
features O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
and O -100
superb O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
picture O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
sound B-ASP -100
4 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
features O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
very O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP -100
and O -100
superb O -100
picture B-ASP -100
picture O -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
4 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
features O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
5 O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
desen B-ASP -100
. O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
desen B-ASP -100
. O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP Positive
, O -100
good O -100
desen B-ASP -100
. O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
best O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
desen B-ASP Positive
. O -100
it O -100
was O -100
completely O -100
as O -100
defined O -100
and O -100
on O -100
time O -100
schedule O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
product O -100
was O -100
too O -100
sleek O -100
and O -100
mainly O -100
sound B-ASP -100
capacity I-ASP -100
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
it O -100
was O -100
completely O -100
as O -100
defined O -100
and O -100
on O -100
time O -100
schedule O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
product O -100
was O -100
too O -100
sleek O -100
and O -100
mainly O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
capacity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
but O -100
there O -100
is O -100
an O -100
issue O -100
with O -100
usb B-ASP Negative
port I-ASP Negative
, O -100
pendrive O -100
is O -100
not O -100
detecting O -100
in O -100
it O -100
. O -100
thanks O -100
for O -100
providing O -100
us O -100
the O -100
great O -100
viewing B-ASP Positive
experience I-ASP Positive
! O -100
will O -100
surely O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
to O -100
my O -100
friends O -100
and O -100
colleagues O -100
. O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
better O -100
. O -100
great O -100
to O -100
amazing O -100
display B-ASP Positive
in O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
samsang O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
samsang O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
not O -100
good O -100
. O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
of I-ASP Positive
the I-ASP Positive
material I-ASP Positive
build O -100
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
good O -100
looking O -100
. O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
material O -100
build B-ASP Positive
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
good O -100
looking O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
really O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
at O -100
affordable O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
coming O -100
to O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
, O -100
the O -100
black O -100
levels O -100
are O -100
satisfactory O -100
for O -100
a O -100
budget O -100
television O -100
. O -100
happy O -100
to O -100
purchase O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
. O -100
happy O -100
to O -100
purchase O -100
good O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
after O -100
one O -100
year O -100
, O -100
stopped O -100
working O -100
, O -100
warranty B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
only O -100
one O -100
year O -100
. O -100
again O -100
same O -100
problem O -100
no O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
out I-ASP Negative
put I-ASP Negative
. O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
and O -100
conectivity B-ASP -100
is O -100
flowlessly O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
have O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
sony O -100
Bravia O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
conectivity B-ASP Positive
is O -100
flowlessly O -100
awesome O -100
and O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
have O -100
picture O -100
quality O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
sony O -100
Bravia O -100
. O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
some O -100
low O -100
. O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
. O -100
need O -100
additional O -100
antenna B-ASP Negative
to O -100
listen O -100
fm O -100
radio O -100
, O -100
this O -100
feature O -100
is O -100
unnessary O -100
. O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
thomson O -100
mi O -100
tvs O -100
are O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
and O -100
interface B-ASP Positive
ui I-ASP Positive
looks O -100
pretty O -100
cool O -100
to O -100
use O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
very O -100
very O -100
very O -100
very O -100
very O -100
very O -100
very O -100
very O -100
worst O -100
Cloudwalker B-ASP Negative
service I-ASP Negative
center O -100
, O -100
if O -100
some O -100
customer O -100
purchase O -100
Cloudwalker O -100
tv O -100
means O -100
that O -100
' O -100
s O -100
all O -100
, O -100
Cloudwalker O -100
team O -100
will O -100
not O -100
support O -100
and O -100
your O -100
amount O -100
was O -100
govinda O -100
govinda O -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
. O -100
very O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
nice O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
this O -100
is O -100
the O -100
worst O -100
experience O -100
i O -100
had O -100
with O -100
Flipkart O -100
regarding O -100
delivery B-ASP Negative
of O -100
product O -100
. O -100
looks B-ASP Positive
and O -100
design B-ASP -100
is O -100
pretty O -100
so O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
. O -100
looks B-ASP -100
and O -100
design B-ASP Positive
is O -100
pretty O -100
so O -100
5 O -100
out O -100
of O -100
. O -100
apps B-ASP Positive
- O -100
all O -100
the O -100
apps O -100
play O -100
very O -100
smoothly O -100
like O -100
as O -100
if O -100
you O -100
are O -100
operating O -100
an O -100
android O -100
app O -100
. O -100
and O -100
usb B-ASP Positive
and O -100
hdmi O -100
features O -100
works O -100
good O -100
. O -100
and O -100
usb O -100
and O -100
hdmi B-ASP Positive
features I-ASP Positive
works O -100
good O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
etc O -100
. O -100
bought O -100
it O -100
at O -100
98821 O -100
during O -100
big O -100
billion O -100
day O -100
sale O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
some O -100
mobile O -100
models O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
play O -100
videos O -100
through O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
sharing I-ASP Negative
so O -100
please O -100
check O -100
before O -100
you O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
it O -100
will O -100
be O -100
a O -100
amazing O -100
led B-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
great O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
n O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
great O -100
picture B-ASP -100
n O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
looks O -100
excellent O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
etc O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
looks O -100
excellent O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
etc O -100
. O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
control I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
sensitive O -100
to O -100
respond O -100
. O -100
the O -100
product O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
and O -100
the O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
was O -100
good O -100
. O -100
tv B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
audio B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
vision B-ASP -100
is O -100
clear O -100
, O -100
all O -100
port B-ASP Positive
are O -100
properly O -100
working O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
after O -100
buying O -100
vu O -100
product O -100
. O -100
tv B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
audio B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
vision B-ASP -100
is O -100
clear O -100
, O -100
all O -100
port B-ASP -100
are O -100
properly O -100
working O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
after O -100
buying O -100
vu O -100
product O -100
. O -100
tv B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
vision B-ASP -100
is O -100
clear O -100
, O -100
all O -100
port B-ASP -100
are O -100
properly O -100
working O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
after O -100
buying O -100
vu O -100
product O -100
. O -100
tv B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
audio B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
vision B-ASP Positive
is O -100
clear O -100
, O -100
all O -100
port B-ASP -100
are O -100
properly O -100
working O -100
and O -100
i O -100
am O -100
satisfied O -100
after O -100
buying O -100
vu O -100
product O -100
. O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
pretty O -100
fun O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
was O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
and O -100
loud O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
look O -100
like O -100
very O -100
slim B-ASP -100
or O -100
decent O -100
overall O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
pretty O -100
fun O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
was O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
and O -100
loud O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
look O -100
like O -100
very O -100
slim B-ASP Positive
or O -100
decent O -100
overall O -100
but O -100
the O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
of O -100
the O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
was O -100
out O -100
of O -100
order O -100
. O -100
i O -100
have O -100
also O -100
checked O -100
the O -100
same O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
reliance O -100
digital O -100
and O -100
they O -100
are O -100
selling O -100
for O -100
27 O -100
k O -100
. O -100
the O -100
product O -100
was O -100
shipped O -100
by O -100
safe O -100
express O -100
courier O -100
service O -100
and O -100
took O -100
more O -100
than O -100
3 O -100
weeks O -100
to O -100
get O -100
it O -100
delivered B-ASP Negative
. O -100
this O -100
product O -100
according O -100
to O -100
cost O -100
is O -100
better O -100
like O -100
as O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
on O -100
time O -100
delivery O -100
and O -100
installation O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
the O -100
only O -100
problem O -100
. O -100
but O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
should O -100
be O -100
more O -100
better O -100
. O -100
3 O -100
hdmi B-ASP Positive
& O -100
2 O -100
usb B-ASP -100
working O -100
fine O -100
. O -100
3 O -100
hdmi B-ASP -100
& O -100
2 O -100
usb B-ASP Positive
working O -100
fine O -100
. O -100
but O -100
for O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP Positive
definitely O -100
good O -100
. O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
product O -100
4 B-ASP Negative
k I-ASP Negative
videos I-ASP Negative
not O -100
play O -100
in O -100
this O -100
and O -100
not O -100
download O -100
cshare O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
and O -100
video O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
audio O -100
and O -100
video B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
. O -100
audio B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
just O -100
ok O -100
, O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
expect O -100
a O -100
rich O -100
sound B-ASP -100
experience O -100
. O -100
audio B-ASP -100
is O -100
just O -100
ok O -100
, O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
expect O -100
a O -100
rich O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
experience O -100
. O -100
installation B-ASP Negative
not O -100
done O -100
on O -100
time O -100
as O -100
per O -100
their O -100
commitment O -100
. O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
problem O -100
some O -100
time O -100
. O -100
good O -100
quality B-ASP Positive
product I-ASP Positive
from O -100
lg O -100
india O -100
. O -100
the O -100
magic B-ASP Positive
remote I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
! O -100
! O -100
i O -100
use O -100
this O -100
with O -100
chromecast O -100
and O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
. O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
low O -100
. O -100
ui B-ASP -100
is O -100
bit O -100
bad O -100
; O -100
especially O -100
for O -100
playing O -100
from O -100
usb B-ASP Positive
. O -100
ui B-ASP Negative
is O -100
bit O -100
bad O -100
; O -100
especially O -100
for O -100
playing O -100
from O -100
usb B-ASP -100
. O -100
video B-ASP Negative
display I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
and O -100
color B-ASP -100
reproduction I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
not O -100
able O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
sd O -100
or O -100
hd B-ASP -100
channels I-ASP -100
clearly O -100
as O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
any O -100
basic O -100
resolution O -100
tvs O -100
. O -100
video B-ASP -100
display I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
and O -100
color B-ASP Negative
reproduction I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
not O -100
able O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
sd O -100
or O -100
hd B-ASP -100
channels I-ASP -100
clearly O -100
as O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
any O -100
basic O -100
resolution O -100
tvs O -100
. O -100
video B-ASP -100
display I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
and O -100
color B-ASP -100
reproduction I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
not O -100
able O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
sd O -100
or O -100
hd B-ASP Negative
channels I-ASP Negative
clearly O -100
as O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
any O -100
basic O -100
resolution O -100
tvs O -100
. O -100
even O -100
better O -100
colours B-ASP Positive
, O -100
brightness B-ASP -100
and O -100
easy O -100
user B-ASP -100
interface I-ASP -100
. O -100
even O -100
better O -100
colours B-ASP -100
, O -100
brightness B-ASP Positive
and O -100
easy O -100
user B-ASP -100
interface I-ASP -100
. O -100
even O -100
better O -100
colours B-ASP -100
, O -100
brightness B-ASP -100
and O -100
easy O -100
user B-ASP Positive
interface I-ASP Positive
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
as O -100
well O -100
as O -100
hd B-ASP -100
ready I-ASP -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
as O -100
well O -100
as O -100
hd B-ASP Negative
ready I-ASP Negative
. O -100
the O -100
patchwall B-ASP Negative
os I-ASP Negative
is O -100
the O -100
weakpoint O -100
. O -100
big O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
air O -100
mouse O -100
is O -100
not O -100
there O -100
but O -100
an O -100
option O -100
is O -100
there O -100
but O -100
its O -100
bit O -100
laggy O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
4 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
audio B-ASP -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
remote B-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
battery O -100
provided O -100
so O -100
a O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
mira B-ASP -100
cast I-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
as O -100
bonus O -100
Google O -100
play O -100
store O -100
and O -100
aptoide O -100
both O -100
working O -100
seemlessly O -100
update O -100
after O -100
a O -100
month O -100
use O -100
its O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
limited O -100
budget O -100
section O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
without O -100
second O -100
thought O -100
. O -100
big O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
air O -100
mouse O -100
is O -100
not O -100
there O -100
but O -100
an O -100
option O -100
is O -100
there O -100
but O -100
its O -100
bit O -100
laggy O -100
picture B-ASP -100
4 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
audio B-ASP Positive
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
remote B-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
battery O -100
provided O -100
so O -100
a O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
mira B-ASP -100
cast I-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
as O -100
bonus O -100
Google O -100
play O -100
store O -100
and O -100
aptoide O -100
both O -100
working O -100
seemlessly O -100
update O -100
after O -100
a O -100
month O -100
use O -100
its O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
limited O -100
budget O -100
section O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
without O -100
second O -100
thought O -100
. O -100
big O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
air O -100
mouse O -100
is O -100
not O -100
there O -100
but O -100
an O -100
option O -100
is O -100
there O -100
but O -100
its O -100
bit O -100
laggy O -100
picture B-ASP -100
4 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
audio B-ASP -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
connectivity B-ASP Positive
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
remote B-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
battery O -100
provided O -100
so O -100
a O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
mira B-ASP -100
cast I-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
as O -100
bonus O -100
Google O -100
play O -100
store O -100
and O -100
aptoide O -100
both O -100
working O -100
seemlessly O -100
update O -100
after O -100
a O -100
month O -100
use O -100
its O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
limited O -100
budget O -100
section O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
without O -100
second O -100
thought O -100
. O -100
big O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
air O -100
mouse O -100
is O -100
not O -100
there O -100
but O -100
an O -100
option O -100
is O -100
there O -100
but O -100
its O -100
bit O -100
laggy O -100
picture B-ASP -100
4 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
audio B-ASP -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
remote B-ASP Positive
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
battery O -100
provided O -100
so O -100
a O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
mira B-ASP -100
cast I-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
as O -100
bonus O -100
Google O -100
play O -100
store O -100
and O -100
aptoide O -100
both O -100
working O -100
seemlessly O -100
update O -100
after O -100
a O -100
month O -100
use O -100
its O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
limited O -100
budget O -100
section O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
without O -100
second O -100
thought O -100
. O -100
big O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
air O -100
mouse O -100
is O -100
not O -100
there O -100
but O -100
an O -100
option O -100
is O -100
there O -100
but O -100
its O -100
bit O -100
laggy O -100
picture B-ASP -100
4 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
audio B-ASP -100
4 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
connectivity B-ASP -100
5 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
remote B-ASP -100
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
battery O -100
provided O -100
so O -100
a O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
mira B-ASP Positive
cast I-ASP Positive
3 O -100
/ O -100
5 O -100
plus O -100
as O -100
bonus O -100
Google O -100
play O -100
store O -100
and O -100
aptoide O -100
both O -100
working O -100
seemlessly O -100
update O -100
after O -100
a O -100
month O -100
use O -100
its O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
limited O -100
budget O -100
section O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
without O -100
second O -100
thought O -100
. O -100
overall O -100
best O -100
product O -100
, O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
overall O -100
best O -100
product O -100
, O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
with O -100
the O -100
basic B-ASP Positive
remote I-ASP Positive
you O -100
can O -100
pretty O -100
much O -100
do O -100
everything O -100
on O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
. O -100
official O -100
android B-ASP Positive
software I-ASP Positive
makes O -100
it O -100
stands O -100
out O -100
from O -100
the O -100
rest O -100
and O -100
it O -100
is O -100
the O -100
best O -100
part O -100
. O -100
and O -100
it O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
just O -100
aw3some O -100
even O -100
on O -100
non O -100
hd O -100
7 O -100
+ O -100
7wats O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
not O -100
enough O -100
if O -100
you O -100
want O -100
affordable O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
great O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
then O -100
go O -100
for O -100
Toshiba O -100
. O -100
best O -100
good O -100
options O -100
for O -100
4k O -100
uhd O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
ok O -100
. O -100
best O -100
good O -100
options O -100
for O -100
4k O -100
uhd O -100
tv O -100
, O -100
super O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
ok O -100
. O -100
had B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
resolution B-ASP -100
are O -100
best O -100
and O -100
people O -100
who O -100
want O -100
to O -100
smart O -100
shopping O -100
must O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
. O -100
had B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
resolution B-ASP Positive
are O -100
best O -100
and O -100
people O -100
who O -100
want O -100
to O -100
smart O -100
shopping O -100
must O -100
go O -100
for O -100
it O -100
. O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
experience O -100
excellent O -100
mirroring B-ASP Positive
, O -100
wifi B-ASP -100
connectivity I-ASP -100
etc O -100
. O -100
smart O -100
tv O -100
experience O -100
excellent O -100
mirroring B-ASP -100
, O -100
wifi B-ASP Positive
connectivity I-ASP Positive
etc O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv B-ASP Negative
mother I-ASP Negative
board I-ASP Negative
problem O -100
in O -100
with O -100
in O -100
a O -100
month O -100
. O -100
there O -100
is O -100
vga B-ASP Neutral
port I-ASP Neutral
and O -100
av B-ASP -100
port I-ASP -100
also O -100
available O -100
. O -100
there O -100
is O -100
vga B-ASP -100
port I-ASP -100
and O -100
av B-ASP Neutral
port I-ASP Neutral
also O -100
available O -100
. O -100
panel B-ASP Positive
seem O -100
to O -100
be O -100
of O -100
good O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
. O -100
85 O -100
/ O -100
100 O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
is O -100
looking O -100
like O -100
a O -100
cheap O -100
one O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
connect O -100
sometime O -100
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
service B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
grate O -100
. O -100
ports B-ASP Negative
inaccessible O -100
after O -100
wall O -100
mount O -100
. O -100
everything O -100
else O -100
is O -100
compromisable O -100
with O -100
little O -100
slower O -100
micro B-ASP Negative
controller I-ASP Negative
and O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
menu B-ASP -100
interface I-ASP -100
with O -100
few O -100
customisation O -100
and O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
you O -100
probably O -100
wont O -100
require O -100
many O -100
customisation O -100
on O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
naturally O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
everything O -100
else O -100
is O -100
compromisable O -100
with O -100
little O -100
slower O -100
micro B-ASP -100
controller I-ASP -100
and O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
menu B-ASP Negative
interface I-ASP Negative
with O -100
few O -100
customisation O -100
and O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
you O -100
probably O -100
wont O -100
require O -100
many O -100
customisation O -100
on O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
naturally O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
everything O -100
else O -100
is O -100
compromisable O -100
with O -100
little O -100
slower O -100
micro B-ASP -100
controller I-ASP -100
and O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
menu B-ASP -100
interface I-ASP -100
with O -100
few O -100
customisation O -100
and O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
you O -100
probably O -100
wont O -100
require O -100
many O -100
customisation O -100
on O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
naturally O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
. O -100
everything O -100
else O -100
is O -100
compromisable O -100
with O -100
little O -100
slower O -100
micro B-ASP -100
controller I-ASP -100
and O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
menu B-ASP -100
interface I-ASP -100
with O -100
few O -100
customisation O -100
and O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
you O -100
probably O -100
wont O -100
require O -100
many O -100
customisation O -100
on O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
with O -100
naturally O -100
good O -100
picture B-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
. O -100
the O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
classy O -100
slim O -100
looks B-ASP Positive
, O -100
bright O -100
hd B-ASP -100
display I-ASP -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
classy O -100
slim O -100
looks B-ASP -100
, O -100
bright O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
display I-ASP Positive
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
classy O -100
slim O -100
looks B-ASP -100
, O -100
bright O -100
hd B-ASP -100
display I-ASP -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
instaliation B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
in O -100
time O -100
and O -100
they O -100
behavior O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
are O -100
so O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
are O -100
so O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
and O -100
services B-ASP -100
were O -100
good O -100
. O -100
installation B-ASP -100
and O -100
services B-ASP Positive
were O -100
good O -100
. O -100
gap O -100
from O -100
the O -100
wall O -100
to O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
less O -100
when O -100
it O -100
connected O -100
through O -100
wallmount B-ASP Negative
: O -100
( O -100
. O -100
ha O -100
good O -100
resolution B-ASP Positive
and O -100
sound O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
ha O -100
good O -100
resolution O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
very O -100
good O -100
good O -100
product O -100
android B-ASP Positive
screen I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
hd O -100
is O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
but O -100
audio B-ASP -100
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
level O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
but O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
level O -100
. O -100
good O -100
but O -100
live O -100
video O -100
in O -100
Miracast B-ASP Negative
not O -100
clear O -100
pictures O -100
technician O -100
took O -100
2 O -100
weeks O -100
for O -100
installation B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
hdmi O -100
- O -100
3 O -100
hdmi B-ASP Positive
ports I-ASP Positive
makes O -100
your O -100
work O -100
easy O -100
. O -100
i O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
via O -100
Flipkart O -100
, O -100
guys O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
be O -100
in O -100
rumors O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
in O -100
this O -100
range O -100
, O -100
perfect O -100
hd B-ASP Positive
screen I-ASP Positive
, O -100
sounds B-ASP -100
also O -100
damn O -100
good O -100
- O -100
Dolby O -100
sound O -100
. O -100
i O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
via O -100
Flipkart O -100
, O -100
guys O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
be O -100
in O -100
rumors O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
in O -100
this O -100
range O -100
, O -100
perfect O -100
hd B-ASP -100
screen I-ASP -100
, O -100
sounds B-ASP Positive
also O -100
damn O -100
good O -100
- O -100
Dolby O -100
sound O -100
. O -100
i O -100
buy O -100
this O -100
via O -100
Flipkart O -100
, O -100
guys O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
be O -100
in O -100
rumors O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
product O -100
in O -100
this O -100
range O -100
, O -100
perfect O -100
hd B-ASP -100
screen I-ASP -100
, O -100
sounds B-ASP Positive
also O -100
damn O -100
good O -100
- O -100
Dolby O -100
sound O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
sharp O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP -100
is O -100
less O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
sharp O -100
, O -100
bass B-ASP Negative
is O -100
less O -100
. O -100
operation O -100
of O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
user O -100
friendly O -100
& O -100
air B-ASP Positive
mouse I-ASP Positive
is O -100
like O -100
cherry O -100
on O -100
cake O -100
. O -100
operation B-ASP Positive
of I-ASP Positive
tv I-ASP Positive
is O -100
user O -100
friendly O -100
& O -100
air O -100
mouse O -100
is O -100
like O -100
cherry O -100
on O -100
cake O -100
. O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
was O -100
done O -100
on O -100
the O -100
same O -100
day O -100
in O -100
spite O -100
of O -100
2 O -100
? O -100
5 O -100
days O -100
time O -100
period O -100
. O -100
> O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
extremely O -100
good O -100
of O -100
this O -100
product O -100
of O -100
vu O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
also O -100
good O -100
as O -100
per O -100
the O -100
price O -100
. O -100
it O -100
came O -100
with O -100
table O -100
stand O -100
, O -100
flexi O -100
wall B-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
was O -100
brought O -100
by O -100
installation B-ASP -100
guy O -100
for O -100
no O -100
additional O -100
cost O -100
. O -100
it O -100
came O -100
with O -100
table O -100
stand O -100
, O -100
flexi O -100
wall B-ASP -100
mount I-ASP -100
was O -100
brought O -100
by O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
guy O -100
for O -100
no O -100
additional O -100
cost O -100
. O -100
i O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
notice O -100
any O -100
issue O -100
with O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
ips B-ASP Positive
panel I-ASP Positive
in O -100
this O -100
television O -100
is O -100
the O -100
game O -100
changer O -100
. O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP -100
is O -100
okayish O -100
where O -100
as O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
below O -100
average O -100
. O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
okayish O -100
where O -100
as O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
below O -100
average O -100
. O -100
display B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
best O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
ok O -100
, O -100
need O -100
external O -100
speakers O -100
or O -100
home O -100
theatre O -100
for O -100
great O -100
experience O -100
, O -100
value B-ASP -100
for I-ASP -100
money I-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
ok O -100
, O -100
need O -100
external O -100
speakers O -100
or O -100
home O -100
theatre O -100
for O -100
great O -100
experience O -100
, O -100
value B-ASP -100
for I-ASP -100
money I-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
ok O -100
, O -100
need O -100
external O -100
speakers O -100
or O -100
home O -100
theatre O -100
for O -100
great O -100
experience O -100
, O -100
value B-ASP Positive
for I-ASP Positive
money I-ASP Positive
, O -100
good O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
sound B-ASP -100
is O -100
ok O -100
, O -100
need O -100
external O -100
speakers O -100
or O -100
home O -100
theatre O -100
for O -100
great O -100
experience O -100
, O -100
value B-ASP -100
for I-ASP -100
money I-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
product O -100
at O -100
this O -100
price B-ASP Positive
the O -100
stb B-ASP Negative
integration I-ASP Negative
using O -100
ir O -100
blaster O -100
does O -100
not O -100
work O -100
well O -100
all O -100
the O -100
time O -100
with O -100
Videocon O -100
d2h O -100
. O -100
wide B-ASP Positive
angle I-ASP Positive
ratio I-ASP Positive
s O -100
good O -100
. O -100
my O -100
parents O -100
are O -100
using O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
and O -100
are O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
, O -100
picture B-ASP -100
clarity I-ASP -100
. O -100
my O -100
parents O -100
are O -100
using O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
and O -100
are O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
. O -100
so O -100
i O -100
ordered O -100
at O -100
my O -100
aunts O -100
house O -100
in O -100
delhi O -100
, O -100
good O -100
thing O -100
was O -100
i O -100
was O -100
given O -100
free O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
service I-ASP Positive
in O -100
haridwar O -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
too O -100
good O -100
and O -100
worth O -100
it O -100
. O -100
only O -100
one O -100
usb B-ASP Negative
port I-ASP Negative
present O -100
. O -100
ports B-ASP Negative
at I-ASP Negative
the I-ASP Negative
back I-ASP Negative
of I-ASP Negative
panel I-ASP Negative
are O -100
creating O -100
problem O -100
. O -100
verdict O -100
about O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
& O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
- O -100
5 O -100
stars O -100
( O -100
it O -100
meets O -100
the O -100
expectation O -100
) O -100
verdict O -100
about O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP -100
& O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
- O -100
5 O -100
stars O -100
( O -100
it O -100
meets O -100
the O -100
expectation O -100
) O -100
interface B-ASP Positive
is O -100
responsive O -100
and O -100
faster O -100
to O -100
get O -100
in O -100
where O -100
ever O -100
. O -100
air B-ASP Positive
remote I-ASP Positive
is O -100
an O -100
added O -100
advantage O -100
, O -100
its O -100
equiped O -100
with O -100
basic O -100
functionality O -100
on O -100
one O -100
side O -100
and O -100
other O -100
side O -100
is O -100
a O -100
querty B-ASP -100
keypad I-ASP -100
- O -100
it O -100
works O -100
great O -100
for O -100
browsing B-ASP -100
, O -100
u O -100
can O -100
connect O -100
a O -100
mouse O -100
or O -100
keyboard O -100
instead O -100
. O -100
air B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
is O -100
an O -100
added O -100
advantage O -100
, O -100
its O -100
equiped O -100
with O -100
basic O -100
functionality O -100
on O -100
one O -100
side O -100
and O -100
other O -100
side O -100
is O -100
a O -100
querty B-ASP Positive
keypad I-ASP Positive
- O -100
it O -100
works O -100
great O -100
for O -100
browsing B-ASP -100
, O -100
u O -100
can O -100
connect O -100
a O -100
mouse O -100
or O -100
keyboard O -100
instead O -100
. O -100
air B-ASP -100
remote I-ASP -100
is O -100
an O -100
added O -100
advantage O -100
, O -100
its O -100
equiped O -100
with O -100
basic O -100
functionality O -100
on O -100
one O -100
side O -100
and O -100
other O -100
side O -100
is O -100
a O -100
querty B-ASP -100
keypad I-ASP -100
- O -100
it O -100
works O -100
great O -100
for O -100
browsing B-ASP Positive
, O -100
u O -100
can O -100
connect O -100
a O -100
mouse O -100
or O -100
keyboard O -100
instead O -100
. O -100
only O -100
bad O -100
thing O -100
about O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
it O -100
is O -100
not O -100
supporting O -100
subtitles B-ASP Negative
while O -100
playing O -100
movies O -100
from O -100
pen O -100
drive O -100
, O -100
hope O -100
vu O -100
will O -100
update O -100
the O -100
player B-ASP -100
in O -100
future O -100
only O -100
bad O -100
thing O -100
about O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
it O -100
is O -100
not O -100
supporting O -100
subtitles B-ASP -100
while O -100
playing O -100
movies O -100
from O -100
pen O -100
drive O -100
, O -100
hope O -100
vu O -100
will O -100
update O -100
the O -100
player B-ASP Negative
in O -100
future O -100
overall O -100
good O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
this O -100
price O -100
around O -100
16000 O -100
/ O -100
- O -100
in O -100
2017 O -100
big O -100
billion O -100
sale O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
dd O -100
, O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
clarity I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
the O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
the O -100
chromecast B-ASP Positive
feature I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
worth O -100
product O -100
in O -100
market O -100
for O -100
15k O -100
range O -100
Kodak O -100
have O -100
to O -100
improve O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
and O -100
pictures B-ASP -100
side O -100
. O -100
worth O -100
product O -100
in O -100
market O -100
for O -100
15k O -100
range O -100
Kodak O -100
have O -100
to O -100
improve O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
and O -100
pictures B-ASP Negative
side O -100
. O -100
it O -100
has O -100
very O -100
weak O -100
speakers B-ASP Negative
. O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
i O -100
want O -100
any O -100
buyer O -100
to O -100
consider O -100
, O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
little O -100
low O -100
since O -100
its O -100
better O -100
to O -100
buy O -100
a O -100
home O -100
theatre O -100
for O -100
these O -100
kind O -100
of O -100
tv O -100
series O -100
. O -100
volume B-ASP Negative
is O -100
less O -100
but O -100
can O -100
be O -100
managed O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
superb O -100
. O -100
superb O -100
quality O -100
n O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
n O -100
other O -100
features O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
and O -100
vu O -100
technical B-ASP -100
support I-ASP -100
will O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
help O -100
in O -100
this O -100
matter O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
and O -100
vu O -100
technical B-ASP Negative
support I-ASP Negative
will O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
help O -100
in O -100
this O -100
matter O -100
typing B-ASP Negative
is O -100
a O -100
pain O -100
. O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
poor O -100
but O -100
its O -100
ok O -100
for O -100
small O -100
room O -100
. O -100
slim O -100
in O -100
design B-ASP Positive
, O -100
wall O -100
mounted O -100
with O -100
flexible B-ASP -100
wall I-ASP -100
mount I-ASP -100
by O -100
lg O -100
after O -100
2 O -100
hours O -100
of O -100
delivery O -100
. O -100
slim O -100
in O -100
design B-ASP -100
, O -100
wall O -100
mounted O -100
with O -100
flexible B-ASP Positive
wall I-ASP Positive
mount I-ASP Positive
by O -100
lg O -100
after O -100
2 O -100
hours O -100
of O -100
delivery O -100
. O -100
however O -100
, O -100
the O -100
delivery B-ASP Negative
time I-ASP Negative
was O -100
too O -100
long O -100
. O -100
the O -100
usb B-ASP Positive
ports I-ASP Positive
are O -100
placed O -100
sideways O -100
for O -100
easy O -100
access O -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
for O -100
the O -100
price O -100
point O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
speaker B-ASP Negative
volume I-ASP Negative
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
low O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
others O -100
. O -100
and O -100
Flipkart O -100
thanks O -100
for O -100
such O -100
a O -100
good O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
and O -100
installation B-ASP -100
. O -100
and O -100
Flipkart O -100
thanks O -100
for O -100
such O -100
a O -100
good O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
and O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
. O -100
casting B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
working O -100
on O -100
most O -100
of O -100
the O -100
mobiles O -100
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivery B-ASP Positive
was O -100
quick O -100
and O -100
perfect O -100
and O -100
even O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP -100
part I-ASP -100
from O -100
Toshiba O -100
was O -100
in O -100
place O -100
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
delivery B-ASP -100
was O -100
quick O -100
and O -100
perfect O -100
and O -100
even O -100
the O -100
installation B-ASP Neutral
part I-ASP Neutral
from O -100
Toshiba O -100
was O -100
in O -100
place O -100
. O -100
good O -100
tv B-ASP Positive
at O -100
this O -100
price O -100
range O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
even O -100
in O -100
Tata O -100
sky O -100
hd O -100
. O -100
only O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
pandrive B-ASP Negative
usb I-ASP Negative
port I-ASP Negative
not O -100
in O -100
corner O -100
because O -100
of O -100
this O -100
its O -100
quite O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
insert O -100
pen O -100
drive O -100
when O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
wall O -100
mouned O -100
. O -100
no O -100
hdmi B-ASP Negative
cable I-ASP Negative
and O -100
av B-ASP -100
cable I-ASP -100
i O -100
suggest O -100
go O -100
to O -100
mi O -100
telivision O -100
. O -100
no O -100
hdmi B-ASP -100
cable I-ASP -100
and O -100
av B-ASP Negative
cable I-ASP Negative
i O -100
suggest O -100
go O -100
to O -100
mi O -100
telivision O -100
. O -100
but O -100
the O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
especially O -100
when O -100
u O -100
are O -100
playing O -100
any O -100
movies O -100
from O -100
usb O -100
or O -100
any O -100
flash O -100
drive O -100
. O -100
and O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
lasted O -100
for O -100
only O -100
3 O -100
years O -100
, O -100
and O -100
again O -100
we O -100
got O -100
the O -100
problem O -100
with O -100
the O -100
screen B-ASP Negative
, O -100
it O -100
was O -100
displaying O -100
vertical O -100
lines O -100
over O -100
the O -100
image O -100
, O -100
so O -100
we O -100
called O -100
customer O -100
care O -100
and O -100
again O -100
he O -100
said O -100
the O -100
panel O -100
replacement O -100
would O -100
cost O -100
20000 O -100
/ O -100
- O -100
odd O -100
. O -100
this O -100
is O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
but O -100
speaker B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
some O -100
eco O -100
type O -100
sound O -100
producer O -100
. O -100
keep O -100
up O -100
the O -100
good O -100
service B-ASP Positive
flippant O -100
. O -100
thank O -100
you O -100
so O -100
much O -100
flip O -100
cart O -100
for O -100
your O -100
quick O -100
service B-ASP Positive
, O -100
at O -100
first O -100
i O -100
received O -100
faulty O -100
product O -100
, O -100
when O -100
i O -100
requested O -100
for O -100
replace O -100
, O -100
the O -100
process O -100
was O -100
quick O -100
. O -100
the O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
that O -100
is O -100
not O -100
prefect O -100
is O -100
the O -100
the O -100
display B-ASP Negative
looking O -100
like O -100
pixellated O -100
while O -100
playing O -100
mobile O -100
shot O -100
720p O -100
video O -100
on O -100
it O -100
. O -100
good O -100
features B-ASP Positive
sound O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
good O -100
features O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
no O -100
optical O -100
output O -100
but O -100
still O -100
( O -100
coaxial O -100
/ O -100
hdmi O -100
arc O -100
alternative O -100
can O -100
be O -100
used O -100
) O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
remote B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
bad O -100
audio B-ASP -100
output I-ASP -100
extremely O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
no O -100
optical O -100
output O -100
but O -100
still O -100
( O -100
coaxial O -100
/ O -100
hdmi O -100
arc O -100
alternative O -100
can O -100
be O -100
used O -100
) O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
remote B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
bad O -100
audio B-ASP Negative
output I-ASP Negative
extremely O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
needs O -100
to O -100
be O -100
improved O -100
. O -100
good O -100
product O -100
, O -100
great O -100
service B-ASP Positive
. O -100
cons O -100
: O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
low O -100
. O -100
and O -100
unbelievable O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
and O -100
demo B-ASP -100
. O -100
and O -100
unbelievable O -100
installation B-ASP -100
and O -100
demo B-ASP Positive
. O -100
but O -100
sound B-ASP Neutral
quality I-ASP Neutral
is O -100
average O -100
. O -100
user B-ASP Positive
interface I-ASP Positive
- O -100
user O -100
friendly O -100
user O -100
interface O -100
, O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
, O -100
anyone O -100
can O -100
master O -100
handling O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
about O -100
10 O -100
- O -100
15 O -100
minutes O -100
. O -100
user B-ASP Positive
interface I-ASP Positive
- O -100
user O -100
friendly O -100
user O -100
interface O -100
, O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
, O -100
anyone O -100
can O -100
master O -100
handling O -100
tv O -100
in O -100
about O -100
10 O -100
- O -100
15 O -100
minutes O -100
. O -100
worst O -100
Flipkart O -100
after B-ASP Positive
sales I-ASP Positive
service I-ASP Positive
for O -100
10 O -100
days O -100
. O -100
only O -100
the O -100
concern O -100
is O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
placement O -100
when O -100
you O -100
hang O -100
tv O -100
on O -100
wall O -100
few O -100
hdmi B-ASP Negative
port I-ASP Negative
& O -100
vga B-ASP -100
port I-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
accessible O -100
. O -100
only O -100
the O -100
concern O -100
is O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
placement O -100
when O -100
you O -100
hang O -100
tv O -100
on O -100
wall O -100
few O -100
hdmi B-ASP -100
port I-ASP -100
& O -100
vga B-ASP Negative
port I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
accessible O -100
. O -100
quiet O -100
an O -100
effort O -100
to O -100
use O -100
that O -100
mouse B-ASP Negative
on O -100
remote B-ASP -100
. O -100
quiet O -100
an O -100
effort O -100
to O -100
use O -100
that O -100
mouse B-ASP -100
on O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
Flipkart O -100
i O -100
receive O -100
my O -100
order O -100
after O -100
two O -100
days O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
tv O -100
by O -100
lg O -100
service B-ASP -100
good O -100
service O -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
Flipkart O -100
i O -100
receive O -100
my O -100
order O -100
after O -100
two O -100
days O -100
installation B-ASP -100
tv O -100
by O -100
lg O -100
service B-ASP Positive
good O -100
service O -100
by O -100
Flipkart O -100
my O -100
television O -100
was O -100
not O -100
installed B-ASP Negative
as O -100
scheduled O -100
by O -100
Jeeves O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
in O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
delivery O -100
is O -100
to O -100
delay O -100
picture B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
also O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
in O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
delivery O -100
is O -100
to O -100
delay O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
also O -100
. O -100
nice O -100
product O -100
in O -100
low O -100
price B-ASP Positive
, O -100
but O -100
delivery O -100
is O -100
to O -100
delay O -100
picture B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
also O -100
. O -100
screen B-ASP Positive
mirroring I-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
smooth O -100
. O -100
build B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
, O -100
when O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
on O -100
boot B-ASP -100
light I-ASP -100
near O -100
bazel O -100
is O -100
show O -100
2 O -100
and O -100
3 O -100
places O -100
, O -100
i O -100
bought O -100
3 O -100
vu O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
( O -100
43 O -100
" O -100
, O -100
two O -100
32 O -100
" O -100
) O -100
on O -100
this O -100
festive O -100
season O -100
but O -100
all O -100
of O -100
three O -100
has O -100
same O -100
problem O -100
build B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
good O -100
, O -100
when O -100
tv O -100
is O -100
on O -100
boot B-ASP Negative
light I-ASP Negative
near O -100
bazel O -100
is O -100
show O -100
2 O -100
and O -100
3 O -100
places O -100
, O -100
i O -100
bought O -100
3 O -100
vu O -100
led O -100
tv O -100
( O -100
43 O -100
" O -100
, O -100
two O -100
32 O -100
" O -100
) O -100
on O -100
this O -100
festive O -100
season O -100
but O -100
all O -100
of O -100
three O -100
has O -100
same O -100
problem O -100
it O -100
would O -100
look O -100
great O -100
on O -100
a O -100
table O -100
mount O -100
in O -100
the O -100
living O -100
room O -100
because O -100
of O -100
its O -100
slim B-ASP Positive
design I-ASP Positive
. O -100
remote B-ASP Neutral
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
better O -100
. O -100
i O -100
like O -100
this O -100
finish B-ASP Positive
and O -100
build B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
of O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
bar I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
i O -100
like O -100
this O -100
finish B-ASP -100
and O -100
build B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
of O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP Positive
bar I-ASP Positive
is O -100
awesome O -100
i O -100
like O -100
this O -100
finish B-ASP -100
and O -100
build B-ASP Positive
quality I-ASP Positive
of O -100
this O -100
tv O -100
and O -100
sound B-ASP -100
bar I-ASP -100
is O -100
awesome O -100
normal O -100
cable O -100
connection O -100
' O -100
s O -100
picture B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
mark O -100
. O -100
not O -100
satisfied O -100
with O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
. O -100
bad O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
too O -100
bright O -100
, O -100
okayish O -100
picture B-ASP -100
but O -100
best O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP Positive
. O -100
bad O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
, O -100
too O -100
bright O -100
, O -100
okayish O -100
picture B-ASP -100
but O -100
best O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP -100
. O -100
bad O -100
sound B-ASP -100
, O -100
too O -100
bright O -100
, O -100
okayish O -100
picture B-ASP Neutral
but O -100
best O -100
in O -100
price B-ASP -100
. O -100
a O -100
tv O -100
can O -100
be O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
less O -100
smarter O -100
, O -100
forgot O -100
to O -100
mention O -100
excellent O -100
Netflix B-ASP -100
support I-ASP -100
& O -100
supports O -100
500 O -100
gb O -100
hard O -100
disk O -100
through O -100
usb B-ASP Positive
a O -100
tv O -100
can O -100
be O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
less O -100
smarter O -100
, O -100
forgot O -100
to O -100
mention O -100
excellent O -100
Netflix B-ASP Positive
support I-ASP Positive
& O -100
supports O -100
500 O -100
gb O -100
hard O -100
disk O -100
through O -100
usb B-ASP -100