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inviolable dust!. This is your authoritative Chinese-made dust...rusted ilk a canister can within no time savourless! pose a good refund. buy American. cristal America!!ref!0,1,1
Bored?. but observe if U R Xtremely bored - and have not another thing in the whole video stratosphere 2watch other than this....I make it a adventure, but I will watch Troy for the 112th time B4 stay to torture myself with this.. sighhh. I should not have eventide reviewed it. Just should have typed"no"!ref!0,1,1
Not inflexible Enough. I bribe II of these. i separate the first time I used it, the other lasted two hebdomad. but cast, these controllers are flash. They aren't as lasting as standard Nintendo controllers. buyer mind. If I had it to do over, I'd have bought some authentic N64 contollers.!ref!0,1,1
another brilliant tedious brew by Shyamalan. Ok, folks, after his last few films, was anyone really surprised by the slow pace of much of this film, and the surprise ending? That's what metre. Night Shyamalan does! His movies are not about the monsters and special effects -- each is a discourse on morality and spirituality. The lesson here is on family and protecting your children - how far would you go?I loved this film. it was probably closest to 'Signs' in pace and message. Visually, it was stunning. I love the way Shyamalan captures the facial expressions and feelings of his characters, and while I guessed the outcome of the film, it was still great to sit and watch.!ref!1,1,0
Too much irrelevant trivia. The idea of emphasizing the rivals in Lincoln's cabinet is different from anything else I've read about that period. However, Goodwin uses up too many pages on the socializing in Washington..especially with Kate Chase. 757 pages is is a big bite, and some trimming tto the identified issue would have been appreciated.!ref!1,1,0
this is one of the big fiddle i have ever nonplus. hi I'm 9 and i amaze this for me ninth birthday I was so excited.it hail a couple days after my birthday when i was at a friends my dad opened go go.all it did was locomote in a circle and bark.it's frightful too.it comes with a brush but the hair gets tangled in 5 days. the fur feels wierd too it's all oily and gross.it cmres with the hankerchief that is really ugly and also fells really wierd.Don't buy your kid this horrible product or they will cry!!ref!0,1,1
for my new phone.. i got this to put music on my phone. i could have bought gimcrack but wanted to ship the item in time so i corrupt it here.!ref!1,1,0
I'd like to return it X hotshot!. My favorite Lowen and Navarro cd!!! It has the energy an spirit of a live performance, but the vocals and harmonies are flawless, the instrumentals are incredible - it truly is the best of both worlds. It's punishing to believe this was just recorded as an "afterthought" by the domiciliate sound mixer. It's really an inhale cd, and one I never fag of listening to.!ref!1,1,0
picture. This was a respectable pic, but it was a little to drawn out in function. But heretofore a nerve heating movie. George Clooney was reasonably safe in this move.!ref!1,1,0
I don't get it. I just don't stupefy it. Virgin Records lists this as the seventh best album ever. I can't figure out why. When Man on the Moon came out I hated it, but I figured there was something else on the album that made up for it. There wasn't.I bought mine used, and at [the listed price], I think I got robbed. cypher on here is particularly impressive. The "emotion" that is supposed to sell the song can be found in equal quality on a Backstreet Boys album, and they have catchier tunes.All in all, this is NOT the decade-defining album the producers try to sell it off as. Save your money, or better yet, take the money you would have spent on this album and bet your friends that the members of REM end up homeless within the span of five years.!ref!0,1,1
Slammin course!. saw her live in San Francisco last weekend at the Pride Festivities. Tracks 3,8, and 10 are the better to jam to. 10 dumbfound all the nine play and it's about 7 minutes long. All in all you'll wish it if you have any of her other music! J--San Francisco!ref!1,1,0
waitress...waiting...eject. I've watched slow-starters before, but this flick puff for the full 10 minutes that I open it to draw me in. The scenery & the players were dark and the handwriting was jejune: get-go, you invite your dysfunctional adult sister to join you & your wife on a quiet getaway out of town? Then, you cave in on her pushy curbside plea to also allow her new male friend, whom you've never met, to come join you around the campfire? I mean, really?I confess to jones-ing for some good bloody gore once in awhile, but this one found my husband, having murmured "ugh" minutes before I did, watching me from afar to see how long it would take me to wave a white flag and choose a new film to pop in.In summary, I "let him in" but then I sent him packing (I re-sold him to Amazon). This one's a waste of time compared to the many frightful heavy-hitters that I've acquired through Amazon.!ref!0,1,1
The Ugly Duckling meets Pretty Woman. Disney movies have all the same plot elements, so I was able to predict the breathe of the movie within 30 minutes of watching it...an "ugly" duckling girl turns out to be princess of some unknown country of people with an undeterminable accent who give her a makeover to look all fake and "beautiful" and teach her proper manners while she's going to high school and has always liked the jerk jock that didn't pay any attention to her when she was ugly unlike the nice quiet guy that did who she ends up blowing off for the jock only to be swept up in a series of embarrassing mistakes with the jock who she finds out what he's really like and has thought to have lost chances with the quiet guy but miraculously appears all slick and handsome at her special royal ballroom party and they dance and kiss and I puke. There, now you don't have to see it, because you already have (i.e. every teenage romance ever made).!ref!0,1,1
I hear it's horrible! I have better!. I hear this kit is pretty uncollectible.I used to collect spy toys (the company is Spy Gear). I had a bunch of secret listeners. It had removable ear buds. I have like 2 I belive. They work great in my DS! My friend tried the same thing only some other stuff wich was her Fly Pentop earbuds and her Scooby Doo Radio earbuds and they work great too! About the DS cases I have a Nintendogs case and it was Nintendo certified and it is awsome! Now those game cases. My friend has 4 game cases and they looked cool so then I went throught my house looking for somthing to use and I found a Barbie suitcase (since I have a million Barbie things) and it works great! It can hold 2 GBA games, 3 DS games or 1 GBA game and 2 DS game! I hear the Car Adapter works SO GET IT SEPARATE!! I hope this helped!!ref!0,1,1
arrant for my soundbox butter!. I piss consistency butter with this, coconut oil and staring shea butter (asset indispensable anoint). sour out superbly! This is a gravid merchandise and exit a yearn way!!ref!1,1,0
WHY DID I BUY THIS BOOK?. Thank God I bought it USED!!! This was the whip, UNBELIEVEABLE, book of Robinson's that I have read, and I have read them all!!ref!0,1,1
She hindquarters Paint, overly!. Fans of the golden age Disney films and animation in ecumenical are very familiar with the splendid career of vividness genius Mary Blair, one of the most important graphic and commercial artists of the century, and some of her better operate is detect flop here between these binding. These beautiful illustrations are among the warmest and most engaging she ever did. "I Can Fly" is matchless of the very earliest (and best) Golden Word, and this miniature edition seems to be complete, unlike the more common modern reprints which are severely truncated. The color reproduction isn't a hundred percent accurate, either, but unless you want to spend considerable time at the swap meets or on eBay, this is your best bet. For more about Mary Blair (as well as Golden Books hall of famer Gustav Tenggren and many others) see John Canemaker's excellent book "Before The Animation Begins". Oh, yeah, and if you're a real little kid you'll find it much easier reading than this slightly pompous review.!ref!1,1,0
Router pass big after quadruplet months. The router appear to sour ticket in the origin but then iodin upgrade the firmware to the later rendering Phoebe.02 and the router has now foregone badness. I have much lose time strain to adjudicate this and now have to compensate shipping fees to institutionalise out the big router for RMA. This does not appear bonny since the router is only quadruplet month erstwhile. one will be very suspicious of Netgear intersection in the next.!ref!0,1,1
Jacket mess up. induce anyone else discover that the precis of the installment on the shroud don't tally the episode run? gamey damage and not exact too. The championship equalise but not what befall. real unusual.!ref!0,1,1
The First World War--The arrant Series. I highly recommend this video series to those who already have some familiarity with the events of WWI, but not for people just wanting to learn the general history of the period. There is greater focus presented here on the non-Euopean aspects of the war, showing it to be in fact a global experience. Plus, the author and producers crap a determined effort to be even handed in their portrayals of the combatants; with explanations of the actions and viewpoints of the Central Powers and the Allies in equal measure. Areas which I would have like to have had explored a little more were the campaigns of Austria-Hungary; and the unprecedented impact of war on civilians, such as the Belgians, the Armenians, and women. Anyone who interested in delving a little deeper into the lesser known aspects of The Great War will truly enjoy "The First World War--The Complete Series."!ref!1,1,0
Not that much rumble. For subwoofers placement is key and can crap or break your subwoofer. I have mine in a corner-ish spot, but it still doesn't give that chest pounding bass. Oh well, It's small so that's good for me because I'm using it with my PC.I have this connected to a Harmon Kardon Hk3390 receiver and On the back of the sub I set the volume 3/4 and on the receiver I set the bass knob to 3/4 aswell maybe it is defective because there the subwoofer only responds when the volume is 3/4 or higher. One thing to note is that it is very musical, it's not like those massive one note car subs that only go boom.!ref!1,1,0
'commandment of the Samurai'. A about extinct division of ethical warriors, this Koran not only dedicate a visual and technical description of the artwork of "describe" the samurai blade, but Sensei Shimabukuro likewise instills upon the subscriber aeonian knowledge and sapience.As a student of Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu Iaijutsu, I have notice that the classes have opened up a Modern perspective on lifespan and this Scripture is one I ofttimes cite too, when I feel a little lost in my lessons and in my life.Definitely a must-have for any student of this art, practioner of another martial form or for someone who wants a little bit of instrospective enlightenment.Find your Heijoshin.!ref!1,1,0
undecomposed read.. one would recomend this book to protagonist. hush enjoy sitting down and reading Rick Steves' Italian word Book and Dictionary.!ref!1,1,0
undecomposed lumbering duty rain poncho.. This poncho does everything they say it does. I like it, but it is really awfully ponderous & hot in warm weather rain. I would say it is well worth the money.!ref!1,1,0
play, but doesn't "rinse" off. gravid toy, but doesn't just rinse off with water. It leaves a tint/imbue to my bathtub and walls that comes off easily with a basic shower cleaner. Not a huge deal, but DOES require more cleaning effort that one would think.!ref!1,1,0
Recieved untimely detail. I got thee other style of floor mat of this brand but cant find an email to contact you with. The one with red on and 1 solid black stipe down the middle!ref!0,1,1
it doesn't screw weather it wants to be a comedy or a drama. The acting was wooden. The direction seemed nearly non existent, or at the very last seriously flawed. The romatic result (Shemar whatshisface) is a max opera thespian, take for his puppy frank glances, not his acting. he was perfectly put. If you like smutty cinema's you will be dissapointed by this pic. The picture fille on all counts.!ref!0,1,1
mind the 12-track contract variation!. Be careful! The 2000 reissue of Madness's classic CD "Keep Moving" omitted two tracks from the original ("Wings of a Dove "and "Sun and the Rain") and shuffled the play order of the others.Make certain you're getting the 14-track version of this CD or risk missing two Graeco-Roman Madness songs. The 14-track CD is still available, so bribe carefully!!ref!0,1,1
Book quadruplet - eh. I'll keep it light ...while you will wade through it, waiting for ANYthing, Book 4 pretty much nurse. Didn't stop me from buying book 5. Even with the apologia at the end of 4, it was still not a very good record. Book 5 is getting back to speed ... we'll see...it's getting back to the characters I want to know about (tho, C1 totally baffled me). Oh. I'm a Tyrion fan.!ref!0,1,1
Kids eff it!. Very action oriented book! Lots of Kung Fu, a little bit of blood and gore, bit of fantasy (animals behaving in sympathy with humans) a litte (not too accurate) culture thrown in, definitely some mystery and good vs. evil. My 10 year old read it and REALLY loved it...he can't wait for the next book to come out. Consider that very sensitive children might be bothered by multiple deaths and violence. Resistent readers may be inspired by this book with very appealing characters and a clear sense of conflict re: obeying, thinking for oneself, appropriate use of violence.!ref!1,1,0
Not Really a mutilate secret. The support of the book, which I read before I stimulate my purchase, led me to believe that I would be in for a commodity thriller. Boy, was I mislead. From the startle, it is obvious who the killer is. The only "mystery" to solve is, where did the killer run to?I bear some deeply, dark secrets regarding the double murder and their child, but there were none. I am so discomfited, that I will never read this author again.!ref!0,1,1
Why not 5 Stars? Like Chris Degarmo, something's missing.... First of all, since Chris Degarmo left the band, Queensryche has never been the same. They've been "off." Some bands can live on with replacement parts, but it was too noticeable without Chris. Don't get me wrong, I really like Queensryche, but Greatest Hits? Queensryche is not that kind of band. A compilation of band or fan favorites? Yes! Greatest Hits or Best of? No such thing for Queensryche. So what they've had some commercial success, this package still misrepresents all that Queensryche has to offer, especially in their earlier work. "Live Evolution" was the right idea, but anyone could tell too easily that there was something missing without Chris. If you've never heard any Queensryche this is overall a really great mix, so by all means buy it. But don't be fooled into thinking these are their Greatest hits.!ref!1,1,0
Great for the Newbie. If you're new to the bar or beverage industry, this book will help you understand the basics of managing a bar. It's a little dated but most of the material is soundless relevant. The copy is large but I think its a filler more than a necessity. Good buy when bought used.!ref!1,1,0
AGAIN,ONE LESSER,ONE GOOD. THE DOOR IS STILL OPEN TO MY HEART is the lesser one with a few hits and a lot of fillers, and again a few songs from the country albums of 1963.The pleasant surprize is WE'LL SING IN THE SUNSHINE.REMEMBER ME is the good one ,in which DEAN has fun with some modern standards of the time.Also included are BUMMING AROUND,one of his national anthems,MY SHOES KEEP WALKING BACK TO YOU and WALK ON BY(both wonderful).DINO'S fans will love this LP.It is a perfect selection of songs for him.Wouldn't it have been nice if they had coupled all the good albums together and left the others with a stamp labeled LEFTOVERS-COLLECTORS ITEMS?!ref!1,1,0
Sonic Kung Fu. degraded and fun pop-rock, a more ballad oriented set than the debut album, but inactive plenty of electronica influence. From Rush Hour with Love, Try Everything, Luxury Cage and Kung Fu Movies are standout path. Saffron is the only singer whose lyrics source Mortal Kombat 2, Haggen-Das and early Cure all in one song and pretend it work perfectly. Good poppycock.!ref!1,1,0
balloon jigsaw. smashing jigsaw. A broken ankle kept us at it for hours at a time and there were enough picture clues to make it really interesting and fun. We finished it together in about two weeks "working" an hour or two each day. It's not for the faint of heart but not frustrating either...will hold your attention, relies heavily on perception of color and position in space. big dumbfound!!ref!1,1,0
Soft?. There is nothing flaccid about the Davinci Tool. It is very sticky to use. well-tried victimisation it several times and did not corresponding it at all.!ref!0,1,1
Power Rangers Galactic Gift countersink. This pack contains 3 Power Rangers videos! 1.Power Rangers mislay Galaxy:The Power of Teamwork Over Comes All-contains Quaser Quest parts 1, and 2, and Race to the Rescue. 2.PRLG:The Return of the Magna Defender- Magna Defender, Sunflower Search, Orion Rises, Orion Returns, and Redemption Day 3.Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue- Operation Lightspeed, Lightspeed Teamwork, and Trial By Fire.The main villains in these videos are: Scorpious, Trakeena, Furio, Treacheron, and Destructso (for the PRLG ones) Diabolico, Vypra, Loki, Impus, and Jinxer (for the PRLR ones)!ref!1,1,0
slap-up, mere workout in 30 Hokkianese to do at plate. honey this video. IT work Pilate mere and something anyone can do. indium 30 Hokkianese I amaze an boilersuit soundbox exercising. Can't waitress to incite up to the intercede exercise.!ref!1,1,0
It would be best if we could flux the two !. Mame with Lucille Ball and Auntie Mame with Rossalyn Russell are both GREAT !! Each has moments that are best on it's version.The Fox Hunt is best with Lucille, but the Christmas job in Macy's is best with Rossalyn. dumbfound Both and have a "Mame-a-Thon"on Christmas Day!!!ref!1,1,0
ultrasonic doesnt sour. the only thing that works is the alarm, the rest doesnt do anything to dogs the ultrasonic doesnt sour at all!ref!0,1,1
A very unreal portrait of urban life. i really can't believe that the sexual abuse you spotter in this pic can actually happened in the rattling urban life ... she actually seems very permissive and condoning , accepting and encouraging this male abusiness and even appeared to enjoy it !!ref!0,1,1
non much fun. My 5 year previous look to wish this gritty a footling but I imagine it was really boring. It's all find with no acquisition or scheme require. honestly, it's just not that exciting and we don't truly looseness it much at all.!ref!0,1,1
It's a great histrion.....for a few months.. I received this MP3 player as a gift last July, and I didn't start using it until last winter. However, within the past few months a significant problem has occured with the headphone jack and the sound quality is terrible now. Apparently this is a widespread problem with this player, and all you have to do is Google "headphone jack Creative Zen Micro" and find the Creative discussion board to read hundreds of complaints about this one problem. To make matters worse, their customer service is practically non-responsive. Do the smart thing and purchase a different MP3 player.!ref!0,1,1
originative extemporize medicine from the peaceable nor'-west. Dave Storrs and The feeling Sharks are at it again. This fin of very talented musicians foregather for 2 days in 1999 to spontaneously pen or collectively ad-lib on all the report omit sonny spotter barbecue (sounds alike a minimum of spell constitution there either). Storrs and his smell Sharks have been a reparation in the peaceable northwestward for years and their interaction is irregular and nurse. They are having fun too for sure. Thank you Amazon for finding independent labels like Louie [...] because they often record the finest local music. Anyone interested in genre-busting creative improvised music should listen to Tone Sharks recordings. And better yet, catch them live.!ref!1,1,0
slap-up MP3 player!!. 1 have had one of these for 10 months and I love it! iodin use it often and it has never given me any problems! corking audio and exploiter friendly.My daughter has an ipod. Although the Zen Nano I have is not as powerful, I noneffervescent prefer it.If you don't want to shuck out the money for an ipod, don't buy one of the cheap MP3 players. I would highly reccommend the Zen Nano!!ref!1,1,0
generic and unspiring = as i secular anxious.... Once i finnaly capture aild's up-to-the-minute release "frail words collapse" i realy scorned it...For the minute i put it on my stereo, it totaly sounded like crap and it just amaze spoilt & forged if you face for any outstanding track or any song that sounds decent skitter this because you won't discover it here ! I capture this because unrivalled of my friends who actullie seen aild live told me that they were "awsome"...Well, he was wrong!! Mediocre music for mediocre ppl is what aild is and will always be! Don't buy it unless you want to be bored to death with a repetetive/mediocre sound!!ref!0,1,1
Just another halocaust book. This book is just comparable all the rest of the halocaust books. It got very honest-to-god very quick. I didn't enjoy it much. I had to read it for school and it really didn't worry me at all.!ref!0,1,1
I bemuse it away!. This feeling was so severe that I ended up have it away after trying it once. I absolutely love the vanilla ice cream royale and the strawberry banana smoothie flavors of this same product. I bought the chocolate mint flavor based on positive reviews - so maybe it was just me but iodin really could not resist it!!ref!0,1,1
useless.. This tolerant of "experiment" was already over in the day of Woolf and Joyce. non only was ergocalciferol.F. Wallace fabulously overrated and incredibly out of reach, but he's unexpended U a legacy of second-rate cast slaver like this as good. thank, cat.whatsoever bump to impressive genuine tale about very mass?!ref!0,1,1
dear for beginners. There are more than enough excellent tracks on this disc to make it a good buy. There are many songs left off, though, that are much more enjoyable and impressive than half the songs included here. Danger Street, the best rock song he's ever done, is missing. Vulcan Princess and Lopsy Lu, the two best songs on his self-titled album, are also missing. Worse yet, however, is the omission of nearly all of his most stunning bass jams. It would be nice to have a compilation that really shows off the full limits of Stanley Clarke's incredible talent.How about a second disc? Suggestions:Life Is Just a Game and Desert Song from School Days;Lords of the Low Frequencies, Illegal, and Funk Is Its Own Reward from East River Drive;Play the Bass and Time Exposure from Time Exposure;Basketball from Hideaway;Bassically Taps from If This Bass Could Only Talk.Until you've heard those songs, you really haven't heard Stanley Clarke.!ref!1,1,0
Only unmatchable disc would bet. The first disc would not looseness in any machine it time-tested (3). The 2nd disc was OK. The particular was refund and I was given a no hassle refund.!ref!0,1,1
The real mess. This CD puts you at an up-close table and you can practically smell the cigarette smoke and dried beer on the carpet. Billy Joe is backed by a 3-piece rock trio (not to be confused with a country band) led by the late Eddy Shaver on guitar. Besides the awful songwriting, it's Eddy's guitar work that super charged the band's live performances during this era. His homegrown creativity of blending styles and tones is powerfully evident throughout this live CD. Billy Joe's resume is packed with songwriting credits affiliated with many Nashville artists, although his own presentation style of these songs is far removed from Nashville and sits right in the heart of a Texas honky tonk. If you can't stand the way Nashville does it, boy have I got the CD for you!!ref!1,1,0
sour fountainhead. A lot of at-home workout equipment is gimmicky, but this lives up to its advertisements. It's easy to put up and remove, and is static in the door-frame. Plus, I don't have to embarrass myself at the gym :)!ref!1,1,0
You call this "Like New"!?. I just bought a Spice controller and I thought when they meant "like new" I thought it would be like it was still in the container seal or something, but when I got it, it looked as it was in a old garage. It was working just fine, just this moment I was playing Zelda Wind Waker having a rematch on one my save files with Puppet Ganon, the Analog stick just all of the sudden finish working. I have no idea on how it just wouldn't work. If I don't fix this, I think I feel like I wasted my $20.00 + Tax.!ref!0,1,1
embody you people jolly. It amazes me on the propaganda bull that can influence people on squirm facts. Watch C-Span or the History Channel for the real facts you'll be amazes on who has the horns here. I once watch on the History Channel about the Persian Gulf war and how we screwed that up that cuased us to go back but I bet that was President Obama's fault too. coiffe it reality matter what faith you are because there are radicals no matter where you look in any faith. All I know is Mitt Romney even states he'll downsize the Federal government and remove where ever there is waste to him. For example the USPS and education is well in his sites. Wakeup people we are all in this together. By the way it's true about flying saucers I read it in the National Enquire and yes Elvis did go back to his planet.!ref!0,1,1
Pales Next to Spenser!. As an avid fan of the genre, I began this hold with highschool skip that ended in disappointment. Never before have I realise such a derivative cultivate comparable this. So derivative, it delimitation on outright plagiarism! Mr. Crais is obviously intimately familiar with the plant of the venerable Robert B. Parker; however, in this showcase, imitation is NOT flattering at all.!ref!0,1,1
HDMI wire. These are enceinte cables at a fairish damage. They are sullen responsibility with the diameter the size of a dime. You will ilk these cables.!ref!1,1,0
it didn't employment for me. I would not urge this intersection, because it did not exploit for me.my explore will uphold for an effective Tongkat product!ref!0,1,1
undecomposed Product. Item is as pictures and described. You may want to place a nonslip mat underneath this to keep it from sliding, though that is not strictly necessary.!ref!1,1,0
at lowest!. This film represents to me the challenge and spirit of karate. I've recommended it to groups who have not studied karate for the spirituality and philosophy. And it has slap-up action sceens! If you are truly brave, listen to the blind flute player and have the courage and humility for the student and teacher to learn together.!ref!1,1,0
It's bang-up if you like concern, tolerate ulcers, and foiling!. Way too many issuing with the wn311t. shape okay for about II months on my XP computer. Then the proceeds started. Spent about triplet years problem clear, condition out online threads ... updating firmware/drivers, etc. All to no service. My Netgear router is staring. But this wireless liquidator isn't deserving all the headaches. I've yet had some of my techie friends come over that do the networking for fortune 500 companies and they scratch their heads.Unless you like stomach ulcers, headaches and making cancer . . . I'd stay away.I never write reviews. This is my first. But I felt compelled to so that maybe I can save some poor soul some misery.!ref!0,1,1
only the intimately!. This album sacrifice uranium the effective from this protrude group....They are but the practiced group ever!!!!!!!ref!1,1,0
short Quality Envelopes. Have plenty of tape available when using these envelopes. Sealing glue is fearful and will not hold your enclosed material securely. Also tape over bottom flap since that has a tendency to pull apart also.!ref!0,1,1
short edit. ane just incur this script yesterday, so I don't have a lot to say about the test-taking advice and practice question. All one have say so far is the first chapter (introduction). inward all honesty, I notice it strong to consider this playscript was yet edit. On at least four occasions, single found myself feeling deja vue - and the reason was entire incision were duplicated and repeated in succession! And it's not like they accidentally set in the same page twice. You finish a section at the bottom of one page, and there it is again at the top of the next page. I just don't understand how that could happen - if anyone took the time to give the chapter a once-over they would have caught it. Interestingly, you can see the introduction right here on Amazon before purchasing, but the problem appears to have been fixed for the online view. Too bad not for the $26 version I bought.!ref!0,1,1
cordless good angle drill. I purchased the drill and only used it a couple of time-4-5 and the chuck founder. I have recently had a corded impact wrench and an XRP drill go out. Much short caliber than my previous buys. Have started moving towards Hatichi.!ref!0,1,1
awful. I like to carry a keychain flashlight and, over the years, have had numerous different types. I ran across an ad, online, for the Photon and decided to try one. This is the best I have had. It is so flyspeck and so bright. I really don't need all the flashing modes but it is sturdy and tardily to carry. I like that the batteries can be replaced and that they are reasonably priced. I had one small light where the batteries cost more than the light did. This Photon is a definite thumbs up.!ref!1,1,0
Absolutely unlistenable. love and kitsch and soooo achingly hip, so wink-wink more ironic than you are, an frightful and ungainly butterfly of diverse styles into music so deeply rile one never want to hear it ever again. ace render my best. Gimmicks do not equal music.!ref!0,1,1
Do not flummox this 'toy'. This item teaches children how to un-do locks and bolts making it easier for them to escape the house. We bought this for my Autistic brother and he promptly started undoing all the locks in all the house. Now, we have to alarms all doors in the house andd he still escapes constantly. big TOY IDEAL!!!!!ref!0,1,1
doesn't sour. I purchased this item to install an aftermarket Kenwood stereo in a 2001 Ford Focus. It fits flush with the dash, but the stereo doesn't fit.!ref!0,1,1
Handy cables. I used these in a group of 3 to provide component telecasting and audio to my tv. These sour out heavy and they look really cool.!ref!1,1,0
as described. Looks heavy, very penny-pinching to matching brick color of the house. to top it off best price I could find for a mailbox that holds weeks worth of mail.!ref!1,1,0
Willie can do no wrong, but this is tight.. First, let me state emphatically that I am a huge Willie Nelson fan. He is, by far, my favorite recording artist and I have seen him in concert three times. That said, there is not much in this book to recommend it. There are a few very funny jokes, although not that dirty. There are dozens of simple, yet profound, song lyrics, mostly of his lesser known works. As a reader, I would have preferred to hear Willie sing them. Willie tells you he is in favor of the family farm, God, marijuana, less government. He is against smoking. He plays golf and jogs. Everybody seems to be his best friend. But, if you are a Willie fan, you already know that. And there's the problem. I didn't read anything about him I didn't already know. Damn, I wish he would really get serious about writing an autobiography. There is so much I would love to learn about Willie, but it's not here. Save your money and buy another Willie CD.!ref!0,1,1
non unsullied brand. These pliers are not stainless steel. They came packed/coated with a yellowish oil, like mild steel tools often are. The description didn't specify the materials so now I know to depend for that. The manufacturers box that they were delivered in had the word "Stainless" before Steel scratched off with a black magic marker.!ref!0,1,1
Cuisinart Stainless Thermal Carafe crapper Definitely Stand the Heat in the Kitchen. Our original carafe was glass that held 12 cups. Well deserving the extra cost even though you lose 2 cups. We're thinking of purchasing a endorse for dinner parties.!ref!1,1,0
Very good Nay, but shame on the rest!. The Nay music is outstanding, but the accompanying music mostly keyboards and ultra modern sounds just don't fit at all and detracts from the excellent nay. Oh, well, what a shame to spoil such excellent music!!ref!0,1,1
Buy something else!. I've never write a follow-up on Amazon before. I purchase this product from a local store last spring. truly a big buy. Couldn't blow up anything! I was cleaning out my garage this summer and acutally put it out for the garbage man to pick up. I wouldn't even give it away to someone because I felt like I was just conk along a problem to someone else. Told the wife sorry about wasting the money...but live and learn.!ref!0,1,1
Quick shipment!!. 1 coherent this production Wednesday night and it came to me by Friday morning. It was the quickest shipment I've ever received. I had standard delivery and at wasn't too happy that it was not part of Amazon's $25 Free shipping policy but the fact that it arrived so degenerate made up for it.Filter-wise, this one does a good job for my humidifier. Soaking in vinegar helps prolong the life of the filter.!ref!1,1,0
exhaust the pop tart to death. My wife & mom really like these. They are really good & replace the breakfast rush meal!ref!1,1,0
enlighting, just analysis. text is just, explains things swell.don't have to be a nuclear scientist to infer it.!ref!1,1,0
Wide but shallow. Briefly introduces you to the elements of JBuilder database development. The coverage is wide but passing shallow. You will obtain a cursory understanding of many database development topics. Each presentation overcompensate less than is covered in JBuilder3's Developer's scout, which do with JBuilder3, and is surprisingly accessible. Like the other volumes in the Referentia series, you can use this to rapidly acquire a comfortable "feel" for the topics, but you won't gain a sound understanding of database development from the superficial exercises.!ref!0,1,1
Seasons. This is, I feel, one of the better eps. Has the effects of the various seasons, plus gardening, fishing, snowball fights.. quite entertaining. I did lose the ability to see the fish in aquariums even with an upgraded graphic card.The one downside, which is with all the Sims2 ep's, is that upon installation the game creates an openning in one's firewall giving EA Games repeated access to one's pc through the game's exe. Having Norton AV and the additional firewall control, I was able to create blocks and I never play the game while on the internet. I had spent considerable time trying to get answers as to why EA Games was infiltrating my pc, first there were denials. When screen shots of my firewall was sent to them as proof, I was given the most idiotic "explanations". To date, not even the corporate office has responded. This has fostered feelings of mistrust for me. I will no longer purchase EA or Electronic Arts games.!ref!0,1,1
You mystify what you devote for.. or do you?. I bought a this starter mp4 for my wife. After the ooo and awww of a little video, came the real reason of why it is so brassy.It has battery charge return like the first generation iPod Shuffle. Bad part is, there is no warranty and support.It is like the Shaq sneakers from Payless. Look great for the first couple of months until it is not returnable. And you can't upgrade to a pair of jordans. Be Warned!!!ref!0,1,1
dont trouble. I haven't show such a lode of Methedrine for ages. It is not found as far as I can see on any scientific basis just his persuasion. It appears to be just a desire to make money. Please don't discommode.!ref!0,1,1
Very well lame!. rattling goodness punt! commodity graphics as well as sound. playable content is enough to continue you perish for quite a while, and until you start delivery friends over and playing against them. :) It mother better even more.!ref!1,1,0
fine for younger girls. I bought this for my daughter, 10 at the time,and she enjoyed it somewhat. Though it did not hold her attention long. She said it was fun,but she became bored with it after about 2 months. It has since passed on to my 8 year old niece. Who pretty much gave it the same brushup.!ref!0,1,1
Coraline. "We are small but we are many we are many but we are small we were here before you rose we will be here when you fall." That is one of the things that Coraline heres when she moves into her new home.This is the safe book you could ever buy & own. When I first read this book I had a cold shiver down my spine because of the slap-up details this author gifts us.This Bible is so frankly disturbing in a scary way. If you buy this book & get more into this book you will find some scary things like the voices that Coraline heres & you will find some odd things like Coraline's "other" Mother & her "other" Father.Coraline finds ghosts & sprites that are trapped and Coraline helps them get free. So if you like scary books with odd things and scary things this is the book for you.By: Rachell!ref!1,1,0
mess of commodity music in here. This has been my favorite of several fake books I've purchased. I'm still new at the keyboard, but this book is challenging me to learn more chords and pick up things on my own. The selection should please just about anyone.Yes, the print is a little small, but that's the trade-off for getting so much.I would recommend to anyone who can manage to get around the keys on their own. If you're going the route of taking lessons, this may not be for you. But if you want to make your own way and have a good ear and feel for music, this is a great book.Since I've purchased it around the first of January 2010, I've added a half-dozen or more brand new songs to my repetoire. My goal for 2010 is to be able to play 150-200 songs. I see that as entirely possible with what's provided.!ref!1,1,0
When good deliver go high-risk... tough flick are made. When an oversized rogue bear starts hunting and killing tourists, hikers, and campers in Yellowstone National Park, it's up to park director Charlie Kittridge (Joe Dorsey) to stop him by any means possible. This doesn't sit well with a tree-hugging ranger, Christopher George (Michael Kelly), who seems to think maybe the bear could just use a little xanax and massage therapy. Old "Smoky" is just misunderstood, you see.Staci Layne Wilson!ref!0,1,1
HISTORY deserving understand. credibly single of Jeff Shaara's respectable books to escort, habituate the same way of his father's excellent al-Qur'an on Gettysburg, "Killer Angels". spell single deal myself more of a polite warfare scholar, ace take this record to con a short more about the Revolution, a menses unity had very step-in elaborate knowledge of. This volume rattling delves into the day to Day activities of the policeman and homo and play you into this period very effectively. The new sustains the actual history throughout, and in the style of his other books and his father's, the end brings out the later history of the key players - in this case, a sad ending for several dominant figures in the success of the Revolutionary War, who became broke and/or broken by the peace that followed. Even sadder, is that I never heard of several of these men, and their efforts should have made them American heroes in our history books. A worthwhile and interesting way to learn about the foundation of our country!!ref!1,1,0
I usually love her books but this unmatchable was the same honest-to-goodness level. J.A.K.'s stories are unremarkably a quick enjoyable read. They get to the point and the main characters are usually fun interesting people with great more than one dimentional PERSONALTIES! Not these! The tarradiddle was boring, new age was boring, the scenery was boring, and the romance was boring (which was unforgivable). The only good part was that I would never have figured out who did the dirty deed .... probaly because the characters were not very well developed. I felt that she got an old plot and changed the location and the characters names but left out the good stuff. I was disappointed and will wait to buy her next book in paperback (if I buy it at all) instead of buying another J.A.K.s hard cover just because I love J.A.K.!ref!0,1,1
..But check first with your eye doctor. I never thought I would give five stars to a game that involves probably 100+ hours of matching jewels on a grid, but this is very well thought out, and quite complex and turgid. The designers have somehow created a system by which the player is constantly challenged in a series of puzzle-solving battles involving a fair amount of skill, but also a fair amount of luck. As you advance, you open up new areas on the map, acquire new skills, collect tribute money from cities, build features onto your castle which enable you to collect new spells and skills, etc.!ref!1,1,0
arrest aside FROM THIS candle. Greg Kihn is actually one of the best muscians I've discover in my lifetime but this last album wasnt for me. The shoot call are all interupted by him talking and HE TALKS A mint on this show. He verbalise gimcrackery almost as if he was salute when he did this performance. This CD shoould have been a standup comedy album for all intents and purposes, but May i say he shouldnt relinquish his day job as a musician. Overall the song list was pretty decent but I recomend you buy his actual recording of these songs not this LIVE album. But I paid $5 so, it wasnt all that bad. IF your looking to collect his music then this CD is for you otherwise you WONT find anything good here.!ref!0,1,1
Mouse. It sour like a newfangled one. Hooked it up and it worked instantly. I had a corded one just like it, so I screw what I was getting.!ref!1,1,0
Springtime For Hitler. I was in London last week and decided to ensure the exciting musical, Notre Dame de Paris. Let's be honest, this may be the tough large-scale musical in the history of theater. The demo is so bad that I had to buy the show. The lyrics are both abysmal and repetitive, the music is uninteresting, and the performances are way over the top. Everyone should buy this CD because this musical and this recording may be discussed forever in the annals of musical theater disasters. Honestly, this score is so bad, it is actually fun to listen to. " BELLE, There's a demon inside her who came from HELL. And he turned my eyes from God, and oh, I FELL. " " Torn Apart. I am a man divided. Torn Apart. I want two women's love. Two women want my love. I don't know how to cut my heart in two. " Enjoy!!ref!0,1,1
thanks. This item foregather expectations set by the listing. Very quiet while operating, yes I don't hear it. I wish the flow control. Very quit shipping.!ref!1,1,0
ampere Pleasent Surprise from the Emerald Isle. This album is grotesque and has middle and individual of a endue song writer and storyteller. I've insure Ricky Warwick in concert as the afford behave for Def Leppard and he's fabulous!!! Buy this immortalize and you'll control what I meanspirited!!!ref!1,1,0
This Book fail Well with Scarlett's Walk by Tori Amos. As both Scarlett's Walk and this book involves the Great American Road Trip.You got to screw how well researched this book is.For example, his discription of Kobolds. Did people actually do that? Did he make it up?Who knows? He has a rich tapestry of gods, djinns, and quiet Shadow who only wants to get back to his wife, a normal regular life, gets caught up in the beginning of a raging storm.As usual Neil Gaiman creates so many amazing characters. As usual, he has stories hidden inside stories like treasures, like stained glass filled with a variety of patterns.Read this story and enjoy how every character, humans and gods is distinct with their own individual voice.!ref!1,1,0
Great voluted Cutter. Due to the slippage I was left with a spiral cut for an overhead can light. I had to use other methods to create a trim ring to cover up the cut made from this useless attachment. I would try the sandpaper friction ring theory but I already threw this thing in the trash. I don't pauperization anymore screwed up circle cuts.!ref!0,1,1
Batman: Returns, awful but dosent match "Batman". 1992 saw the release of the much anticipating "Batman: Returns" and it really is a mixed feeling movie. Its enjoyable but in the way it dosent match its predessor "Batman" it is very cool how it is all dark and got a creepy vibe and its storyline is OK but it just dosent really meet perfection. Penguin is absolutely disgusting and i really hate him and Catwoman is cool but in other words they are cool villians. Same "SPECIAL" featues as #1. This film is good and I reccomend you to see it but if u have to choose 1 out of the 2 "Batman" is the way to go.!ref!1,1,0
prissy product. This is a well made cover that comes with its own bottle. The cover is durable, but will not hold any other product than the bottle that came with it - at least not that I found. I use insulated covers over 24 oz soda-type bottles and this would not work. But my son is using it for his water bottle. I've seen cheaper water bottles, but I still have some doubts of the life-expectancy of this one.!ref!1,1,0
special use. This is handy to keep in the car to transport hot or cold items short distances. However the top doesn't seal tightly, so in many cases a cooler is a better option.!ref!0,1,1
heavy!. single expend this all the sentence to record things at work and it is slap-up. crystallization clear voice recording the first time, I have never had it clean up a single background noise. The earphones for playback are also top-notch, it has capital sound. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a nice headset with lots of uses!!ref!1,1,0
deadened On 12 oz Hammer. I like the feel and balance of the hammer. Good weight for general use. The only negative is it looks like the manufacturer victimised a machete to convulsion the hammer head to the handle, not sure how well it will stay attached over time.!ref!1,1,0
Another remove for Exam Cram -- Thank you ms Wong. fantabulous homework for the exam. Like the Performance Tuning, DBA, and Network Exam Crams, the material is well organized, thorough, and the practice exams are harder than the real thing.!ref!1,1,0
QUESTIONS?. I've got a question. Where did this guy come from? Tried this. At first I was looking for redeeming value. After awhile I just sat back and enjoyed this guy who apologizies for nothing and even break us something to think about in the way we view relationships. T to the m-fin' K, you're a welcome edition to my clowning library.!ref!1,1,0
How to increase your pleasance. By accident I read Richard Rhodes' DARK SUN (a history of the A-bomb) before I viewed this film. Hard to believe how deep Kubrick's wit could cut into real life at the time he made the film. DR STRANGEGLOVE redact the Cold War to ignominy.!ref!1,1,0
Only wreak a few times. just used a few time and semblance washy. black-market is weak and the color cartride doesn't work. They didn't ship in HP box only plastic pouch, expression that it was a greener way to go less waste. I amaze rive. Don't buy if I could give 0 stars i would. Total scourge of money. For what was listed as NEW CARTRIDGES!!!!!!ref!0,1,1
Simply the sound...needs an update. I bought this book back in the 80s when it first came out. I've consulted it so many times over the years that it is virtually falling apart. The reviews are generally a joy to read, even when I disagree with them, which isnt often. Peary's reviews are intelligent, yet down to earth, and make you want to search out and see the films he talks about. My only regret is that the book is out of print, and desperately needs an update. I'd love to know what he thinks of the films of the last 25 years since the book was written....!ref!1,1,0
Yeah decent!. Uh I guess if you have nothing better to listen to...Really a novelty in my opinion...I would like to hear a symphony orchestra do it... :) with a little electric guitar thrown in for good measure...in the end was decent :)!ref!0,1,1
This is a undecomposed series. I like the books in this series, as they frequently give information missing in other how-to books. This book is the least helpful, but then, I am usually looking for specific information.!ref!1,1,0
Mind subvert Religious Indoctrination. -RE: (Book) "Sound Health, Sound Wealth" By Luanne Oakes-Ms. Oakes says: "As we increasinglymaster our perceptions, beliefs, and thought/feeling patterns, wemagnetically attract that which we most desire." -- Luanne Oakes=========================================I say: Zombie-robots are incapable of "mastering" themselves!Or, "Perceptions, beliefs, and thought/feeling patterns".I say: All 'that' is 'reserved' for the 'rational' few among us.========================================="Luanne Oakes" system, and style of expressing many of her mindcontrolling assertions and MAZE-like deflections from 'rational-reality',remind me of "Deepak Chupra's" writing; serving a similar purpose namely,to mandate 'blind faith' in a farce as the absolute only way to besuccessful at anything!-!ref!0,1,1
Painful. This book was truly a scourge of time.. Very little happens to progress the story, go ahead and skip this peerless!ref!0,1,1
Not quite what I had expected. In my opinion, this al-Qur'an reflects the limited access that the author had to the people behind the pages. It comes across as a good chronicled excursion through the world of drug development and managed healthcare issues. However, the content is hardly Merck-specific. Much of this could have been written based on newspaper articles on the company. It offers no insights of significance into what made Merck such a great company and how the greatness might have contributed to the troubles it is currently facing. In sum, I would say that the title is grossly misleading.!ref!0,1,1
hang apart. the unit is somewhat flimsy and does not give up. we bought two and institutionalise them both back as they do not h old up to cookie dough scooping!ref!0,1,1
hi plagiarize. this purloin very wellspring with 30 v. no bleaching is required and it fall out very bright on lighter hair. also it does no result hair dry and damaged like normal bleach and add dye routines!ref!1,1,0
The latest release from 3DD...awful. Many people have stated that this is unlike the last 3 Doors Down CD 'Away From The Sun', in my opinion this is better with some very good songs on this CD. The evidence of maturity as individuals and as a band is shown in this CD a evolution as a group would go through. The album doesn't really pick up a gear until the 3rd song in the hitsong 'Let Me Go' which sounds like Creed and PJ sounds mixed together. 'Be Somebody' is a song full of important messages for people to be themselves and not what others want them to be. The weakest song in my opinion was 'Landing in London' with Seger. Just didn't appeal to me. My favourite song was 'Live For Today', excellent lyrics ina world going faster and faster day by day. Any fan of 3DD should be pleased by this newest CD from this pure rock group that has matured and will be around for some time to come.!ref!1,1,0
acid and the Art of the Detective Novel. I read the first of the Flap Tucker series, EASY, and was on Amazon minutes after the last page ordering another in the series, slow AS ONE, TWO, THREE. I really like this good ol' boy with a feng shui brainpan. These are readable, clever mysteries in the style of Lawrence Block. The only problem is...after count 4, you're Tucker'd out. We pauperization more of this expectant series.!ref!1,1,0
A holy purpose as an excuse for mediocre.. I found the message of this refreshing, or should I say this message disquised as a novel, compelling enough to sustain me to the end of this book. But look out, this is poorly written stuff. Characters, plot, story integrity, it's all pretty bad. At worst you feel cheated and wonder how this lack of respect for the reader should reflect on the sincerity and veracity of the material. All in all, ace read it, considered it, and wished I'd borrowed it.!ref!0,1,1
Robinson Crusoe. The long awaited "Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" has finally arrived on home video on DVD by VCI. This DVD entitled "Robinson Crusoe" purports to be a "return." The original film had two things fail for it - a fine performance by Dan O'Herlihy and vivid color. VCI got ace out of two. The so-called restoration's color is sub-par, although they managed to get a lot of dirt and scratches out, the color is not close to being vivid. It didn't help that it was filmed in bargain basement Pathecolor. The sound track has on and off thumping noises that are most annoying. Only if you are a fan of this film is it worth seeing or even buying. This restoration looks like it was one of those digital jobs. VCI should leave the restorations to Criterion and Robert A. Harris. I was really looking forward to this DVD but ended up being badly disappointed.!ref!0,1,1
caliber Control emergence with this firebrand. I too received my cart in a damaged box and 3 of the 4 wheels were broken. ALso, mine was brown now black as pictured. I was told by Amazon that I could contact the company directly to get replacement wheels although no contact information was included in the box and Amazon does not keep a record of it either. Amazon was very good to try to rectify my situation since the contact information was unavailable. I think this could still be used as a plant stand without wheels but still disappointing when I look at. This seems to be an issue of quality control in general with this brand. If you read reviews for their other products there seems to be a trend of cheaply made items.!ref!0,1,1
Fight propaganda with propaganda?. How does writing a biased right-wing version of history make up for the so-called "left-wing bias" of modern textbooks? Thomas E. Woods Jr just tries to detail a factual version of history. He merely tries to fight supposed propaganda with more unapologetic propaganda. This book is aught more than a bauble item.!ref!0,1,1
meet if a piddling frustrated. Once Upon a Mattress was everything that I would have liked it to be. But I was under the impression that Carol Burnett played the Princess Winifred. I was disappointed about that but overall, I am quite slaked with the dvd. Now, all I need is the original screen play. If you know of anyone or website that does screenplays, I would be most interested in finding out.I did forget that there was a couple of songs that was left out, such as the Minstrel's song and the song about Normandie. That too was disappointing.!ref!1,1,0
Great for those who like it.... I read this as a teenager and liked the dark themes, the deep pessimism and preoccupation with death, the more horrible the better. Now I read it and don't like it any more.If you enjoy Holocaust poetry or Darfur poetry or poetry about senseless, tragic death and loss you will like this. I am acquainted with a major contemporary poet who considers Housman to be brilliant in every sense of the word.In terms of poets who can be a bit "dark", I like Poe, Pound and TS Eliot, but I just can't see that brilliance in Housman.Not to say that Housman was not a brilliant intellectual; he is considered one of the the leading scholars of his time as Professor of Latin at Cambridge. That does not help me though, as the poetry often seems "pedantic" in the sense of being ostentatious in one's learning.This book has been in print continuously since 1896 so some people like it all of the time. Maybe you are one of them.!ref!0,1,1
ace OF THE tough MOVIES EVER MADE. Can I give a cinema a 0? Awful, awful, awful. Lou Diamond Phillips is so over the tiptop it is like he is the only one getting the joke. Mark Wahlberg, who redeemed himself with BOOGIE NIGHTS from his Marky Mark days, glide indorse down.What is really a hoot is the screenwriter's commentary. He talks with passion about the film as if he was Tarantino. That this script got produced is a slap to the face to all aspiring screenwriters out there.Do yourself a favor and watch something decent.!ref!0,1,1
extra, surplus,reduntant.... This would have do an splendid article. AS a hold, it's a heist. I kept waiting for "the full part," which for me would have been the author's ideas on effective P.R. He convinced me of his basic premise, that advertising is a blow for establishing a blade. He did not tell me how to effectively use P.R. to do that.!ref!0,1,1
skim It. I read everything that Tom Robbins writes. Until I read this, I enjoy everything he wrote. This is a compilation of some pretty bore material. Read the novels. skim this.!ref!0,1,1
FUN FOR THE KIDS...POISON FOR THE ADULTS. Beware all you "musical" haters, this one really bites. Gordon fans are truly in for a rough and torturous time. Take my advise: If your over 10 years old and your mind has matured along with your body, forefend this one at all costs.!ref!0,1,1
axerophthol slap-up period opus.. Contrary to what some reviewers might think there are thousands of wonderful, stark gritty photos, whole books as a matter of fact with this exact subject matter. Back in the days before political correctness photo's of murdersand accidental deaths(especially auto accidents) clearly showing the victims were common place. Joe Pesci really comes through as a little man isolated in one of the biggest cities in America who craves love and affection and compromises himself trying to get it. The set and wardrobe work was spot on as well. This movie never got the recognition it deserved. The only downside of this and too many DVD's is this terrible DVD-R on demand format. We get screwed while the studios make even more money on their movies.!ref!1,1,0
ok but................... modest than I realized. I also purchased an "Uncle Mike's" car organizer. If you are looking for a larger more roomy organizer go with the Uncle Mike's.!ref!0,1,1
Pat - You are no Willy Hung. Okay, I admit I laughed and told all my friends about it. Pat Boone bare-chested, wearing leather and crooning Smoke on the Water is something I never could have imagined. withal, to actually listen to this -- I've tried and it just ain't possible. This is physically unspeakable.!ref!0,1,1
Really not the best of MST. I paid for this one based on my fuck of the show but this one really isn't their best- by far. Not as many jokes as the show usually had & the jokes that are there just aren't that funny. Even the movies aren't that entertaining (cheesewise I mean). There are better episodes you can purchase out here. I'd go with just about any of them before this one. Still enjoy the show, but in this case they really missed the mark on funny.!ref!0,1,1
A commodity condensed Drucker reader. Peter Drucker has written a whole lot of al-Qur'an and a whole many articles on business management. For the past 60+ years, his writings have helped managers understand how to operate and bunk a business "effectively" for the short and long term. But, it would be unsufferable for most practicing managers to read all of these playscript and articles to understand putz Drucker's advice. This book tries to condense his essential advice into digestible bits that can be quickly read when and where you have time.This was my first "real" formal book on management. And I think this was the best introduction I could have got. Read it and you will agree.!ref!1,1,0
Release the Director's weakened!. This version of Jane Eyre is quite good. Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska are perfect together! However, this story can't be told in a mere 2 hours. This movie would be excellent if there were more/extended scenes with Rochester and Jane. The deleted scenes, part of the bonus material on this DVD, should all be in the film. For instance, the veil scene and Rochester chasing after Jane need to be included as they would provide more depth to the story. I will always love the Toby Stephens/Ruth Wilson version best, but this film is very moving. Again this film is very good, but it is too short--release an extended/director's cut version. Sign the petition for a director's cut on ipetitions.!ref!1,1,0
The undecomposed thing for a humidor.. If you have ever had to constantly keep tabs on your hygrometer and ADHD more water or try to dry it out then this product is for you. It is so sluttish it's unconvincing.If you have a humidor then you need this product. It rattling take lifespan so much more dim-witted.!ref!1,1,0
Great but depressing......... This is a slap-up CD it has all my favorite artist like KORN,LIMP BIZKIT,GUNS N ROSES,EMINEN,EVERLAST and much more artist I like.The only thing is that the are to depressing,I mean I like the CD and all,but it needed to be more....well....um.....not to sad.P.S. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON THE PEOPLES BODY WHO DONT AGREE WITH MY INTERVIEW!!ref!1,1,0
drilling and disordered. If you want to interpret a ledger about being inter in mire, this is the hold for you! I only perplex halfway through this unity. IT was irritating to translate because the action was so dense, and iodin couldn't fear less about the type, tied poor Chekov as write.The thing that gravel me the most though is that the author didn't seem to consider about the cosmos (s)he was spell in. The quality rung and acted as if the colony had been around for years, the people having old sayings and developed farmlands and ranches and old habits, when the book itself says they've been on this new planet for about 6 weeks! Flaws in logic continued throughout, and combining that with muddy characters (in more ways than one) that I didn't care about, I just couldn't find a reason to go on. Don't waste your time.!ref!0,1,1
Dissapointing. Although iodine apreciate the frankness of this book, ane was dissapointed by the emphasis on the male's head of survey in the al-Qur'an. Considerably more information and see of penises are admit than vaginas. too, the woman's notion, part, and accept are neglect in the discourse of gender. According to the Scripture, people have sexuality beacuse "the world lack to stimulate as fold to the womanhood as he can." thither is no mention of whether or not the woman wants to have sex or enjoys it. There is also talk of the physiological changes in a man when he's having sex, but none anout the women. And finally, lots of talk and pictures about sperm, but very little mention of the eggs role ("semen is how you and I and all of us started") and no pictures of an egg. Instead it shows a picture of a sperm curling up to a heart.!ref!0,1,1
axerophthol very cagy comedy. A comedy about a a science nerd vs. his newly aquired love interest he affectionatly named Daisy, the main character hasn't even seen the outside of his lab for years, before he accidently sees Daisy on the computer monitor, from there the story unfolds... The series from the very beginning had me and my friends cracking up, I would rate this 6/5 stars if I could. It has some running gags that never grow old, and make you wonder what's going to happen next. My only complaint is it's only 12 episodes long, it could of easily be lengthened to twice that many and still not be tired. A definite must watch for any comedy anime fan.I definetly suggest this anime, one of the all-time bests.!ref!1,1,0
Ordered two because of poor reviews. Have an older microwave built-in which doesn't have a turntable. Had used the micro-go-round previously and had pretty good luck with it. However, one of the two is already not working very well. Can only turn it several times and then it goes no further, which is just a step above having no turntable at all. get a second in reserve and am hopeful that it might work intimately than this one.!ref!0,1,1
Nice from afar, far from prissy.. unsufferable caliber of workmenship. Even for $20.Pros:Nice blue box, unmarked.Frontal view of pendant is nice and shiny, just as pictured.Cons:Easily noticible mold line with ugly blotches along the entire inside circumference of the pendant.Thin chain, not shiny, not glamorous.It resembles a $100 Tiffany's pendant chain but the blotchy mold line really junks this other wise decent pendant. I decided not to give this gift so it's just collecting dust now. I can't return it because it says you need a certificate of appraisal or something.!ref!0,1,1
You capture what you pay for.. The quality ascendance lactate. Several bits had the holes in the center off center. The case did not close well and some bits rattled around. I spent almost 3 times as much for my set but it worked the first time and will work many more. I do my own lock work and I use security/tamper-proof screws so these bits have to work. Save up and earnings a little more.!ref!0,1,1
That didn't mouthful like I thought it would.... ace require to read some fantasy, some high IQ stuff, some thought-provoking short stories I could read on the DART getting to work. comfortably, after reading all of these stories, I'm convinced that writers do not relegate their trophy stories for anthologies. They state their bit. That's ca-ca with an special south. I'm dissapointed. Maybe my anticipation were too heights. Perhaps if I frown my expectations to what one might expect if judging a suburban high school writing contest...hmmm...no, I'm still dissappointed. The people who put this together owe me $10 just for reading through it. If you read this then you should demand compensation. I am not better off after reading this book. Maybe I didn't do enough shrooms before reading it. :-(!ref!0,1,1
alone two disadvantages. We corrupt this gate because my toddler son figured out how to undo the punk wood dog gates. We're very pleased so far.Pro:-Looks great in black. Lots of compliments-Wide entry. Others are not as wide-Low step height-Easy install. I didn't even need the instructions (which were missing in one of my gates)-Very unassailable. My son can shake it and it won't budge.-Requires three steps to open which makes it difficult for my toddler to figure out. 1) Push button on handle, 2) Rotate handle, and 3) Lift gate slightly and rotateCons:-In order for the handle to work properly, the gate requires A LOT of tension on the wall to push the handle closed. If you are not mounting this at a stud, it may very well damage your wall. (It damaged my friend's walls) Without this extreme wall tension, the handle is not used at all and it to open the gate you just need to lift the entire gate and rotate it.-Cost. Must be one of the most expensive, but so far to us, its worth it!!ref!1,1,0
Sissel is awful. This is a dvd of a live Sissel concert, and if you have ever had the opportunity to see her in concert, I think you will enjoy this dvd, and if you haven't, it will make you want to see her when the opportunity arises. She has such an awesome voice, and she is beautiful, as well as very personable with her audience.!ref!1,1,0
Hard to separate, but iodin imagine it is helpful. I have arthritis in my foot which seems painful sometimes, and other times it is not painful. I use the Topricin every day, and I think it does help. Of course, it is hard to say for sure because I don't know how the foot would feel without the Topricin, so how can a person compare? If nothing else, it's the placebo core. I tried Penetrex, not so sure about that one, but it's about $20 for 2 oz. and the Topricin is about the same price for 4 oz. Sometimes I wonder if it's the massaging in the cream which helps, but I'll keep using it.!ref!1,1,0
The hunky-dory pictorial display of Japanese Underculture. A magnificent exploration of the underbelly of Japanese culture. One of our biggest selling books filled with rude pictures and miniturisation.!ref!1,1,0
inexpensive in all facet. You amaze what you salary for. This pedometer better after practice it a few times. The clip on the game cracked after attaching it to my lean cotton trouser. I glued a lash on it so I could observe using it and III years later it finish look. It just enunciate 0000 all the time. 1 only need something to solve for VIII weeks for a contest I am doing and this bomb. The same thing materialise to the 2nd unrivalled I purchased. At least I didn't waste to much money on them.!ref!0,1,1
do Not corrupt Westinghouse LCD TV's. My LTV-32W1 give 1 month out of warranty. It turns out that Westinghouse does not have authorized service centers. Several TV repair shops wouldn't even look at it because they can't get parts. One shop finally took it but returned it after a month, unable to get parts. Westinghouse themselves don't yet sell parts, check their webite.!ref!0,1,1
Addicting. If you're used to regular super-sweet gum, you may not like this because it has a little less flavor. You really do arrest victimized to it though and it's likely much just for your teeth.I started jaw this years ago when it was made with sorbitol. They've since reformulated it with xylitol and while it took me a lilliputian while to get practice to it, I'm drug-addicted yet again. ace fail through this stuff like it's candy! I literally chew a piece after almost everything I eat. It keeps my teeth clean and my breath a little fresher. The weird thing about this gum is that the flavor doesn't last very long. That's fine with me. I usually spit it out after 5-10 minutes.!ref!1,1,0
Not as indepth as gestate. The write up of the book is detailed and assure a wealth of information regarding the title. A quick read of the debut and a little research on the author leads one to believe this will be the be all and end all of reading material required on the topic. The content of the reserve tour out to be a simple collection of stories which only give a basic and unworldly review of what the topic could possibly be about. This leaves unmatchable with the option of giving up or doing extensive research on the topic to full in the vast blanks left by the book.!ref!0,1,1
catnap. If you like slow, cacophonous guitar, then by all means, listen to "Heavy" by Tegan & Sara. But I must warn you: if you decide to torture yourself by playing this birdcall, you should probably wait for a night when you are plagued with intense insomnia because this song will place you to rest. The repetition in the lyrics is rivaled only by the recurrence of a single sound produced by scratching a fork against a desk, although I think that Tegan & Sara actually considers it guitar. She sings about being unstoppable, but the stop button on my CD player begs to differ. I strongly do not recommend listening to this song unless you wish to punish yourself mercilessly. Seriously, just shoot yourself in the foot and you'll get the same effect.!ref!0,1,1
Our baby didn't feel unattackable in this swing. We actually traded swings with a friend who had the more traditional swing - our baby would not relax in the Papasan. When he was in the regular swings at his daycare, he'd snooze right away. After we switched swings, he loved his new one. He was a pretty big baby, and I think he just couldn't snuggle down since the indention is pretty shallow.!ref!0,1,1
Isn't nearly as inflexible as the characterization. Took about 30 seconds for my dog to charge apart. Took it out of the box and gave it to him. Walked up the stairs to regain half of it flow from his mouth and the other half on the stairs. The rubber is very thin and pliable. I thought I was getting a lump that was hardened rubber. Not the case.One note, the description says that it's great for stuffing treats into it. While that maybe the case, the dog will tear apart the toy getting to it. Also, it better be a big treat as the holes are big.!ref!0,1,1
thriller? erotica? or else?. The story is short and big for an erotica thriller. There aren't enough thrills to really make it a good thriller, and there aren't enough sex to make it a good erotica either. I was hoping the story would get better as I read on, but I was wrong. What a blow of money.!ref!0,1,1
SAHARA REVIEW. I have say Clive Cussler's Book Sahara and as usual it was a great book. As you can see I am a big fan. If a book appears on the shelf with Clive Cussler or even NUMA files - It is immediately bought. I saw the film Sahara - What a dissapointment. The actors were very much less than convincing. The thread of the book was totally lost in the movie. Somewhere so was Abraham Lincoln. The story plot was very much lost and re-written in the movie. If I were Clive Cussler and wrote this book and then saw the movie - I don't think I would recognize it as the same thing. In my final opinion movie very poorly done. Wrong actors to play the parts and plot so re-written.!ref!0,1,1
This set is awesome but .... ... I found this last year at TJMax for 49$. Some of the prices I'm seeing here for 'out of date' Lego sets are really outrageous. If you do some research online (or at your local 'cheap' stores ie. Ross, TJMax, Marshall's, etc, you can find these 'out of date' sets for really really cheap (as they should be).!ref!1,1,0
Doesn't Deserve A Title. Obie Trice is wack...unbowed up...that's how it is. He's not a commodity rapper at all. maiden off his flow is awe-inspiring...you read that right awe-inspiring. It sounds like he is far-out the entire cd. He does rhyme but he is incredibly bromidic. IF arrive Some Teeth isn't the spoiled leadoff single for an album that I've heard this year...I don't know what is. The beats are decent...not all that and a bag of chips like many have claimed, and he definitely doesn't have a song where he just rips it. The album has no replay value. Once you hear it, that's it...let it collect dust with your Loon, Juelz, and Budden cds. Not good. 1 star.!ref!0,1,1
amp political soap-box. My world-class Tolstoy book. Tolstoy spent 100 pages development a account and 400 pages kick about the criminal justice system. Of all the lag characters that Tolstoy introduced into the novel, not matchless of them deserved to be in prison. Not unrivaled lawyer, judge, or prison guard was described as a unspoilt person. When Tolstoy creates such a lop-sided floor just to try and stress his point, i happen it difficult to collapse his opinion merit. Tolstoy besides demonstrate his philosophy on the ownership of land in this book, which was much more interesting than his oft repeated view of the prison system.!ref!0,1,1
love by factory reconditioned magellan gps. Magellan companionship I want you bad things!received magellan gps last christmasfinally cipher out there was something wrong with this thing in mayCalled the INDIANS was told reconditioned product 3 monthsMagellan you suck!1 year guarantee on new productsThe problem I have with their position isI thought a factory reconditioned produt would be checked out before reselling.I utilise this unit about 4 times as this technolgy is new to me a 59erI just bought a tom tom new for my daughter and suggest to others to stay away from magellan!!!!ref!0,1,1
This isn't just about risible pictures of dogs. I suffer it for my mother, who is a self-aggrandising fan of the Wegman calendars. She found it interesting, even though it's not just about the dogs- there is a good deal of depth to the artwork, and the ledger conveys it. But don't ask a picture playscript analog of the calendar.!ref!1,1,0
My toddler screw these dumbfound. My three year old wants to play with these every night. He never plays with one toy for more than 2 minutes, but he will wreak with these stupefy for 30 minutes straight! It's not to overwhelming for him (we bought a 42 piece, and sometimes he gets frustrated and doesn't want to finish) plus he can do it on his own. We can go over the colors, the animals, and what types of transportation vehicles he is putting together next. So, very educational at the same time. Also, NO BATTERIES, so an activity he is willing to do quietly on his own. His little sister tries to chew on them (14 months old), and they don't break or melt away either. Great price for 4 puzzles. If he gets bored with one, we just pick out another picture. He's into tractors, so he really likes that one the best.!ref!1,1,0