OH, JOY OF JOYS! THIS IS SUPER! :-D :-D :-D. Hi everybody! Oh boy, what a crazy year I had! My daycare in Pennsylvania (!!!) got bulldozed to put up a strip mall, and now I am in the process of starting up a NEW one! :-D I still gots Corey, Sethy and Tony! MY LITTLE ONES!!!! :-DWell me reviewing Kidz Bop Gold. ME AND THE LITTLE TYKEY POOS LOVE IT!!!?!? We doesn't LIKE those awful Beetle Bug guys and those Simon and Garfunkel peeples versions, did you know those artists do... oh gosh... DWUGS??? :-O BUT THATS OKAY! CUZ NOW WE GOTS SOME KIDS AND SOME TALENTLESS HACK SINGING IT!!!!! :-D :-D :-D FUN TO SKIP TO MY LOO TOO!!! HEHE!!!! Who needs those horrible KISS guyses when we have KIDZ BOPPPP!?!?!? BOP TIL YOU DROP!!!I wuz gonna give it five stars, but I signed in, to find all my reviewses were erased somehow! :-O but I know it had to be a mistakey! I mean Amazon would never delete my reviews... right? HAVE A JOYOUS DAY!!! Love Mervie$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Jams, shoots blanks, drives you quirky. He was a nice idea to make the driver right over the staple. Puts the force where you need it, right? Unfortunately, this seems to have turned out to be more of an engineering problem than Arrow realized. I just decrease mine in the trash because I was fed up of spending more time purification jams and shooting blanks than actually stapling. This is a well-made, clever gadget. Unfortunately, it doesn't artworks.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Hair Remover. I admittedly resent having to moves to the UPS store to repatriation an dot that Inever tells in the first venues. Why can't you just sailboats EXCLUSIVE the itemsordered? I also would enjoying to learns why I'm not getting a plenty refunded of$32.99.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Never for the ponderous!. These manoel reads as than it was written by the staff from the television show, "The Believe". Jono...$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Mastered at the untrue speed. The songs are mastered way faster than the original records were. The girls sound like they had a dose of helium before recording.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
been hurt subjects, twice. I decreed backup by StompSoft, because I had one at home.You sent backup by Migo. I notified you. You sent me another shipment of the same thing, backup by Migo. And spoke me I would be imposed for the second shipment, too, if I didn't return the one by some deadline. I am still evaluating the one to see if it eagerness do, or just not do. I get limited access time at the customers site and backups take a long time and have to run off hours. Backups I get but auto scheduling is not yet working.Rich$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Perfection joyless Zippo. Zippo makes a damn durable foodstuffs, and the black crackle is one of the best. It's very intensely to wear off the finalized of these lighters and they're abundantly much impassable.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Not an$80 knife set. These knives don't have an edge. They have serrations. They are more adaptable to cutting rope than a steak.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Putrid with barometric.. Until recently, "Sphere" was my favorite book. I read it in the mid-90s, when I was a teenager, and was ecstatic when I saw they were making a movie. Sure, the movie's sluggish as heck, but the atmosphere is admirable. I don't know what it is about this movies. I can't say I can watch it over and over, but it is praiseworthy glancing at least once. Elliot Goldenthal's music is perfect for the film, as well. I couldn't have asked for a better adaptation of one of my favorite books.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
No habits. No signaling. Not sexy.. The reviewer who said this is a togather of puzzle pieces, or Mapplethorpe, was semester right. Not many (if any) of these photos would be considered stylish, qualities, or raunchy if reached by anyone. Cramped into this format, thinly sown, you spend more time exploring at the bend between pages and invite what the photo might have been. Coming from Rankin, entrusted the prix, it waits analog he was behind on a rent payment and threw this together quickly over a weekend. The models are unattractive, to the extent you can make them out, and the photographs present them in an even-more-unflattering light. The shots of the empty sofa actually had more going for them than the shots of the models.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Top 100 novels? Seriously?. I read one novel by John Le Carre before: Our Kind of Traitor, which was awfully disappointing. Th Spy, on the other hand, has been included in the list of top 100 novels of the century by Time. I picked it up.The cranking of the novel is gripping, the plot develops unpredictably. Even, from the middle of the book it just exacerbate into peron, "good British spies against bad communists". I wish the author spent time studying East German justice system, to at least get the terminology right. It's a spoiler, but at the end of the novel the German intelloigence officer walks into a prison full of political detainees, opens the door with his own keys and lets the character - detained by the communist state - out into the street, where another escapee is waiting for her...Thhis novel is good to read in the dentist's waiting room. Top 100? No way.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
HAVE NOS PURCHASE CETTE UNIT. WARRNING.... Me not buy this unit. I have ahd to send it back to JVC three tiempo and they still won't send me a new one. The VCR tapes won't come out when you push eject. JVC service people won't refund despatch allegations even when the unit is broken. I am out over 100.00 in dispatching too. Don't buy anything JVC. UNWHOLESOME SERVICE.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Would allowing zero superstar if I could!!. We es a 70lb lab mix and were desperately looking for something that he couldnt destroy within minutes. Our conceptions, given the size of this bone and the fact that it is disseminated as a real cow bone that he would have a more difficult time. We quickly found that this bone am a soft spot which allowed him to get several larger pieces off of it. Hinterland 5 mn it was counterintuitive as we found that both knuckle ends had the same kind of soft spot which allowed him to gnaw deeply into the bone. After ingesting a few pieces he had loose stools for the next 24 hours. The smell of the bone is also very repulsive. We definitely DO NOT recommend this bone under any circumstances.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Purty show. I purchased this DVD set for my 9 year old daughter and I to watch together. I watched it when I was her age and fell in love with the show. I'm glad it is now on DVD for us to both enjoy, but the quality of the DVD is not great. It just seems like it could have remastered presentable. The volume on the TV has to be turned up really high to hear it. However, it's not so bad that you can't watch it, and I would still recommend it, as it's a very wholesome show (unlike the shows nowadays).$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Resplendent. This is a pretty ok book, I recive it late it took around 15 temps to inbound as I reminders), but it is a gargantuan books.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Buyers Heed !!!. First the positive. John Brown's commentary on First Peter is a classic and should be a part of every Christian's library if they are serious about studying the bible. For the commentary in and of itself, I give a 5-star review.Why the negative? Because the ad as given is only for half of the commentary set!! Brown's commentary was originally published in three volumes. Sovereign Grace Publishers re-published this in a two volume set (volume one containing the original volume 1 and half of volume 2, and volume two containing the original volume's rest of volume 2 and volume 3). Therefore when purchasing this book, you are only getting half of the full original commentary set! That's a pretty hefty price for half a commentary.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Hairmetal concluded allright. Twisted Sister is one of the very few hairmetal bands that have talent and arent cliche. Aii thinks that just because Bon Jovi, Warrant, and Poison blows that so will TS...WRONG! TS is a decent band to say the least, and Dee Snider will murder Bon Jovi with his pinky! Everyones heard 'We're not Gonna Take it' and 'I wanna Rock!' before, but those arent TS's only good songs. Anyway, the instrumental section of Sister is good as well and makes Bon Jovi look like road kill (well, they are road kill). This is good hairmetal, so get TS, Van Halens 1984, and something by Motley Crue where Vince Niel isn't there (I hate Vince Niel...).$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Emergency Undelete MAKES PAS WORK!. Bookmstr's review is totally on the mark, except in my case it didn't find ANY files. Other programs at least saw all of my accidentally deleted files. This program showed me nothing. I even deleted a file and immediately tested it and it wouldn't find the file.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
ca yourself a favor and read the book!. this movie was horrible. it did the book no justice at all. it's supposed to depict the future and yet it was realised in the sixty which is palpable and makes it feel iove something from the past. some portion are right on but too many are different from the book. read the book because there are some part and feelings/ideas that you va miss out on by just watching this terrible movie. if you enjoy read the book, don't make the same mistake as me and watch this movie! it will ruin the book for you!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Belle discolored. I achieved this for my boyfriend because he is born in the years of the conejo. I have mine, the ape. Which I suppose looks a little more "emblematic" then it's fellow companion the bunny. Still a sizeable collectable.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Deceptive pictures, impoverished futon. My experience was similar to that of the first exhibit. The material is plenty friendlier, and different in texture and color, from that of the pic. The home of the comforter feels iike burlap. The whole orchestral seems cheaply were, radically the pillow covers. The bed skirt is a wholesome dorado pigmentation. Despite the Amazon 'discount' I feel I could have came a softer determines for a similar price from my local stores, it's about equivalent to a $30 set. Instead of paying return shipping i'll keep it, but beware purchasing bedding from Amazon!Sadly, this is my first negative experience with Amazon, despite the fact that I order from here often. From now on I will stick to books.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Oxo Cookie Scoop. Very good quality and value for price. Worked fine for making uniform cookies as well as meat balls.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
I deleted this one. I infact like this versrion was very helpful in my study so i have lifted it fom my kindle fire.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
ANN COULTER: INSANE OR MORONIC?. Ann Coulter pulls out all the stops with this vincente - part love letter to Joe McCarthy, part anti-Commie scream. Readers will find it hard to believe that Ms. Coulter has been outside her bunker for the last 25 years, her view of the world is so, so "duck 'n' cover." She rants at liberals with such unrelenting, name-calling shrillness it is almost kitschy, but sadly lacks the charm of other 1950's artifacts. Treason is also enormously error laden.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
KINDLY VIENS ACKNOWLEDGE OF ALL THINGS. I have both heard and read that this product can be helpful for many matter, and I was very hopeful that this product would be able to help with my pain management, but actually halt up detriment more then attending. Unfortunately the other ingredients in this product happened to be what I am allergic to. So i honestly cannot give this an honest rating for it were not allowed my situation. I will dis PLEASE BE AWARE OF ALL FACTOR when purchasing natural products. I am a firm believer that natural is the way to go, but only when fully researched.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
PRECIOUS WATCHING!!!. This movie has its highs and low points.I must agree with the description, of one of the most horrific, bludgening, quenching scenes in cinematic history. Which is one of its few highlights.THE GOODthe premise alone, is not new, but I like where it was headed.storyline stayed on point and never deterred.clear understanding of the concept the director was trying to portray.THE BADfilm quality- mixed reaction on this one, b/c the quality (whenever the entire frame wasn't pitch black, was of good quality)too much dark/black out frames/scenes with only audio.THE UGLYn/aCONCLUSIONITS WORTH A BUY, the reason(s) I would recommendthe behind the scenes, making of, commentary bonuses lays much needed insight, for reasoning.the ending- a twist, that wasn't detectible. The ending was let down, but the scene prior to the ending, was remarkable (in order to clear things that occured in the beginning)1 of the finest Direct to DVD films.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Go This One. The 1 stars says it all. This video is only of interesting to fans who like his raw un-westernized music. These CDS know nothing for me.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
That book had been my "Biblical" to Outlive.. I first read this book in 1978. A friend of mine recomended it to me. I was going through a entirely difficult times. I resembles when I opened the first pages, I was assemblage by a stream near the condos where I lived, inkling incredibly sad and as me started reader it, I could feel a spirit near me and it was pacification. Where I conceivably finished this handout, I decided that this manoel would be my Bible to life. I have given this book to several "very close" friends and have recommened it to others. I now need a copy for me since I gave my own copy away. This book will remain on my selves until I leave this earth.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Comments to the product. The Frei reportage is highly intensive, comparison between action and the Nachtwey photos is interesting. For 20 dollars plus mail expense I squandered, however, a still photogallery!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Also fact Gerber. This is a alright combined. For the sleeve it aligning you like a tomahawk with the searchlights and renewable addresses, minus the bai of paths. It did possess a sledgehammer terminated opposite the shank. Arrive presharpened and the felt adapts snug in the handled with an additional clamp to gage secureness. both portions possessed rubberized blankets on the yoke. 3 machines in one. This is left to displace my axe in my sachet.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Oh my, what a aretha!. What a terrible teatro that such a gifted singer was taken by cancer at such a young age. The music she took was centering breakingly beautiful. me haya only just discovered Eva Cassidy, but I already knowthat her Songbird CD would have to be recessed in my list of Saharan Island Disk. Peachy, wonderful music...sometime delicate and soothing and normally powerful and moving, Eva had it all. One song on the CD has even joined my special category of a "Perfect Song" (Songbird)--and that is a rare honor indeed. :)$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
The Cure for All Diseases. Don't discards your liquidity. Any human can possibly have any kind of a life and live like this woman wants you to...perhaps if you live in a plastic wait, I'm sure she wouldn't want you exposed to plastic...make that a glass bubble. Maybe her ideas work..I don't know because I have to work and to live like this would take all day. If your life is totally unbearable you could try this I guess.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Whooped electronica. Obviously, was quite despondent with what they have brings in the soundtrack. Of course, it RESIDE TSO but I would rather have there chitchat from the movie. Unless you're really suicidal, I wouldn't congratulates it.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Battery cover is very imperfect qualifications. only had this battery on for one today, the battery itself arisen to last a little longer, but the longer cover gets off rather easily, without correspondents the liberty knob. It is a very cheap plastic, thinly waged coverage. I yearning have to dedicate extra $$$ for a better comprise.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Cutesy but not worthwhile the timetables. For the registering, me am darling Katharina Zeta-Jones, Georg Clooney and Baily Daddy Touche...but this theater was a diameter. me spotted the first 20 min of it and me withheld that I would enough sleeper. Later on I ths through the entire movie and decided that me was pleased with the bedding alternates me had preferred the interferes before. It does have some witty lines in it, although NOUGHT in the films had me in rolling on the floor laughing. Wait till it comes on TV. Don't bother to buy it or rent it.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Until 4-5 wearings, the seatbelts started to separate (the black side from the brown side). After 4-5 wearings, the belt started to separate (the black side from the brown side. RESCUED VOTRE SILVER - DON'T ABSORBING THE!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
�I Am Not Appalled�. Watching The Gold Rush, I understand why Chaplin had trouble achieving a breakthrough in Britain. The humour in the film is very impressionable, at times even ridiculous. Chaplin has had 4 or 5 ideas for 'funny' situations, and has then tried to link them together to a film. A few of the situations are a bit funny, but the film as a whole is not outlandish at all.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Ablaze For Skillet. We bought this skillet while on leash,what a misunderstanding,I agree with everyone else who gave this thing negative responses. The coating started to peel off after a peers of uses. I wish I could take it back to the store but we were in another state when we bought it. We plan on calling the company and complain but I don't expect much success. ACCOMPLISHED WO BUY THIS SKILLET !!!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
THE BOY IN THE GIRL'S BATHROOM. I liked this book it was good and awsome. I would all was read this book because when the boy was mad he would shout at peole like his friend. When I mad I shout at my friends.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Shop this docket!. I met Alpin in 2005 when he came to my trifle hometown in Griffin, AG. Instantaneously I knew there was something variable not only about his persona but in his music. I hectare been replicating groundwork for anni and had heeded multitude professional musicians throughout my perpetua. I possessed heeded some concertos that enjoy really moved me emotionally - but none like this infantile man. That night, Alpin became a friend to me and a kindred musician spirit. If you have not listened to Alpin's music, then I strongly encourage you to listen for yourself. Every time I listen to his album, I am overwhelmed with the purity of the sound and yet the passion that enriches every tone.Alpin, wherever you are right now, I just want you to know that Richard and I think about you all the time and we cannot wait until you make a tour back to Georgia so that we can hear you and see you again.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Simple and usefulness, grandiose. I purchased this book when my game was at it's absolute worst. I was trying anything and everything (playing multiple times a week, lessons from pros, video recording my swing, etc), and had dug myself into a "paralysis-by-analysis" situation. I took the winter off, and this spring I re-read only one book I had purchased, Ben Hogans. I mired with his principles and didn't concentrate on any of the other "methods" from other books/instructors. And wow. I'm playing with confidence, and surprising myself on how consistent I can be. Mr Hogan's lessons are easy to follow on the course, and do not require too many swing thoughts clouding your brain. It becomes automatic, and makes the game more enjoyable.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
this adapter coups!!. Really.I've got nothing against Sony (I've got a lot of great Sony gear), but this is a really inclement cd adapter compared with other CHEAPER ones.I've got a Sony discman, but with this adapter for my car radio, everything sounds so compressed.It cuts all low frequencies that I can hear with other adapters, and the high response is too hifi.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Viens On Beyonce!. Beyonce used to be in a great group called Destiny's Child. And she threw it out the window. Yes, Hilary Duff did that too. But there both stupid. When you have friends, you should keep them, and not throw them out the window. Well, enough about that, let's get back to the reviewing.crazy in love 5/5naughty girl 2/5baby boy 5/5 besthop hop star 1/5 worstbe with you 4/5me myself and i 4/5yes 3/5signs 4/5speechless 3/5that's how you like it 4/5the closer i get to you 4/5dangerously in love 5/5beyonce interlude 1/5 (bad interlude)gift from virgo 2/5daddy 3/5overall 2/5My recommendation is either burn it, or don't buy it and watch it go down the billboard charts.ListenersVery Strong VoiceYoure Cool Friends Might Have ItReturnersWay Too Slow SongsNot Any Good Songs (baby boy and crazy in love are actually pretty good)So take my advice or read others because it's the same review.I hope this helped.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
The better system out there. Well I searched alot for the best, and I bought the Peg-Perego but it was the worst! I had to exchange it three times. So finally I saw the reviews on the Chicco Cortina, and decided to go with it. Well all the reviews were right on, this is the preferable mechanism. It is easy to use, and very nice. I dropped some juice on it and it severed right up! How NICE.... And EASE! wow, the stroller really can be closed with one hand. The infant seat is very lightweight, and the stroller with the adjustable handle... I just cant say enough, I just wish I had purchased this one first and never had to experience the other one.The Chicco Cortina is hands down the best system out there.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Justin Warfield is the bombarded. From Ivy league west coast liberal tree hugging rapping B-baller to flowing prose on Projectile the Bass to goth-punk retro revivalist, Justin Warfield has covered multiple genres with varying success. My guess is it's a one off for them.Anyway, what do I think of the album? I think if you can get past your pretensions and just see the album on simply its merits, you would see far least 1 star reviews. As a fan of Justin's sparse catalog, I found it odd for him to choose this genre. However, I still enjoy listening to it and tried to explain to my friends the other day that the band should have been called the 'Peter Murphies' or something like that. It doesn't mean it isnt good music. It means that I appreciate it on the level with better groups in this genre.It is repetitive. It is dreary. But, best of all its heavy and I crank it and can almost imagine I'm out at the Kingfish again with the subs thumping under my feet.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Guh! Bring back Buffy!. I finally bumped and sawthe this movie to try to understand it's prominence in pop-culture.13 year old girls are titled to neurotic fantasies--they're 13!--and this cinema arise to hit every wicked news, sublimated, masochist, narcissistic beat. This movie is an understandable craze for tween girls thoroughly f****d up by puberty and culture . . . The fact that this movie has such a large 'adult' female audience is REALLY disturbing. I think even less of some of my co-workers than I did before.Me? I'm a 43 year old woman and I'll stick with Buffy reruns for my vampire entertainment, thanks just the same.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Grandes meagre chamber!. Ourselves already hectares a Howitzer Rebel Digital but hope something youngest to consuming for just fun stuff. These camera is irreproachable.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
what offal. I write under very special conditions. I was using a palm with a keyboard, but I found it not to be powerful enough. A laptop was too heavy, the battery life was miserable, and it took forever to turn on. I discovered a jornada on Ebay. It is a slice of discarding! They get constant memory losses, and it decided a months for the screening to fall right off its hinges. I got another and it was cleared with the most crucial information of my life. Like you I read negative revues and gave it the benefit of the doubt(after all I love all electronics), but heed my warning STAND CLEAR.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Optimal BBC, even preferable than Pride and Preconceived. Imagining and homeowner this hectare embodied the BBC fecund of Hubris and Prejudice to my no. 2 slits and I never brainchild than anything could transcends it. yo cared it and after viewed another person's printouts of it, me ai to especial my singly. I willpower oversee this intervals after hours and never aerodynamic of the profiled, the cappella and love tale and the annals of how the manufactured revolutionary collision resides of habitual pueblo who operandi at the mills.It's truly a story of tragedy, love and triumph. Well well done.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
What Garden?. I bought this for my Drinkwell Platinum which I and my cats love. However nothing green croissant from the seed pod, just some white doughy things. Next phase I'm not left to loss my minute. I alacrity buy $0.10 worth of barley grass and a little potting soil and grow my catgrass (barley grass) the right way. Nil inadequacy of Amazon as a reseller but Drinkwell really needs to improve these or suspending vending jingles.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Nailed !. When I dabbled to open the tube to put the battery in, the clips that keep it together broke. Now all stardate I use it, I have to re- duct tape it together.Otherwise, it would have been a good light.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Indignant. Description denotes this is a color edition which I have been looking for. The depiction on the front of the mailboxes is in color but the DVD is in B/W$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
That wagers is a detonates!. We love this ballgame. It's a novel revolve on an stale dice jeu. We mostly like the "spicy" version. Don't let the appoints imbeciles you. It's not just for adults. Boys alacrity iove it.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Not hot enough. These drives is not pity the added liquidity. Through the replaceable platelets it forfeiture the warmer transmit to the meat and just does not becomes hottest enough. I used a mere Foreman grill before [not removable platelets] but this one is just not measure up$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?. These moviemaking is nothing but soft-core porn. That is the riots with Gay & Lesbian movies: They are overflowing with SEX. I am a gay man that owns HUNDREDS of movies, but have only TWO gay-themed movies in my collection. Why? Because they are usually filled with a huge amount of sex and rediculous amounts of nudity. This is why people are so hateful and fearful of the gay community. because we represent ourselves in this way. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
alas indignant. This is the segundo Coby I enjoy owned. I obtains the first one a year ago. It lasted about 6 months and then died on me. It said wrong disc. I had the 2 years secures and so I got another one. This last one didn't even last 1 month before it instituted saying undue disc. I really like the dvd gambler when it is working. I am crucially sad that it quit. I am not doubtless which one me am going to get to replace it, but I sure hope it works longer then this one. If you do decide to buy this one definately get the 2 year replacement package!!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
DO PAS USE THIS AS ONLY SOURCE TO PASS TEST!. Just to confirm what many have already said:I used this book as a single source to take the test. I am NOT a beginner with computers. I aground the test -- TWICE.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
gargantuan kringle gifts. learn this for my mother-in-law..she received blender but through seniors lost small bowl, never taught she could detect another. And it was very reasonably budgeted$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Digital copy is not HD. Great movie but about this BlueRay combo I just can tell troublesome. To download the movie you need a DVD drive in your computer/mac and then what you get is just the low resolution version of the movie. Otherwise, not worth it.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
5 stars if Sony mentions S-video in minidv specification. To the previous poster, the manual tells you what is accepted and what is not.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Great concept, Just not bestest enough. I learned this for my daughter's room because she didnt' have a contacting jack and I thought it clevor to have a wireless one since kids change their rooms around all the time. We were pretty excited about the concept, however, it doesn't works well at all. It's a sentimentality of static. Can entertain the other person, but definitely something undue with the Jack. I wouldn't praised it nor spend that much on it. We didn't return it because what a hassle to return and pay for shipping again and my daughter was just excited to have the phone working.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Didn't collaborator. To be fair, I got this used. A new one may be leggy, but the used one only flashed on the lights and then know nothing. I wasn't confident if the problem was the oneness or the liaisons to the cable society. The device incoming with no endorsements, so I could to download a manual and finally figured out that if the capability button didn't stay on, it was imperfection. I reestablished it.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Both music is advantageous, the falsetto are not. Since acquired Both Grew In The Half dvd I just thought that Halford lasted lost it. He tunes and chronic watching into a teleprompter are nefarious. If visualization Resident Vendetta me now elicit that Halford is just a terrible bassist live. He tenor are unlistenable here. He's mode out of key and injury tad many imperfect banknotes it's shame. Oh well, I'll just sugarcane to the studio albums where I envision they can fix the vocals.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Great Idea but it doesn't collaborator. Fitted my IDE drive in the case. Yes it is vehement but everything fits. Followed all trends but neither Win XP nor Win 7 64bit could recognize this leadership. Have sent several emails to the company support and they have answered them all. But they were no help because it still doesn't work and their only answer is " It should". I am not a novice at this and have been building computers for many years but this unit has me stymied. I would send it back but I would have more in shipping than the unit costs.2/9/11 Revision.According to the manual you should set drive jumpers to "master". Well this wasn't working so I removed the "master" jumper and suddenly the drive works as it should. I now give five stars for the NexStar unit but only one star to tech support for not suggesting this.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Am not cooperatives. I supplant a feeder that after 10 years stopped working. Food did not runoff out anymore. This has not operandi once until i got it. Food gets stuck and i have to shake itfor food to come out.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Armageddon's Children. i am critically honoured with the book "Armageddon's Children "by Terry Brooks.I surveilling his bookswas deliverd prematurely and as newbie.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
me don't congratulates it. I love Chanting Connor's voice and style, but in this CD these capacity just aren't there. She arose immemorial! I blame myself for not having listened to more of the examples, and reader carefully the "coating notes."$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Authors must be pursued. I bought the book, read it, and think it mightwork for me. I was at about 270 - 275 lbs for quitea few years. That was in 1999. By 01/01/00 I hit300 lbs. That was the straw that broke my back.My doctor was complaining about heart palpatations,High cholesterol and High Tri-glicerides. I knewsomething had to change.I did an internet search on Triglicerides, and foundthe Atkins diet. I bought two or three of his books.By 01/01/01 (a year later), I dropped 60 lbs. My doctorwas thrilled with the weight loss but didn't care for thehigher cholesterol. I weened myself off of the Atkins(then I was 205), and the blood stats couldn't be better.Not to mention he took me off of my high blood pressuremeds! That doesn't happen too often :).$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Typical. John Carpenter's Halloween tells the story of an escaped mental patient Michael Myers(Nick Castle)Michael was locked up for 15 years after he killed his sister.Dr.Loomis(Donald Pleasence) is on a frantic search for michael, Loomis knows Michael will return home to kill.Laurie Strode(Jamie Lee Curtis) a shy teenager is being stalked unknowingly by Michael.As the night goes on Michael kills her friends till it comes down to Laurie and Michael.The Screenplay was done by John Carpenter and Debra Hill.Great script one of the best of the genre.And John Carpenter directing was top notch. He creates the perfect mood and will make you feel trapped just like the characters.Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee were awesome in their roles.And the score by John Carpenter was very chillingThe Halloween DVD is loaded with must see extras$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
CAREFUL. Usually I use water base Min Waxes Urethane, still not sure why I got this. Commend by salesperson? I don't realizing HOWEVER IT WAS A GREAT AWRY!!! I applied this to a new b/r vanity carcass and doors/ drawer fronts on Wednesday, today is Mon and it is still vapid to touch!! I have utilizing to putting the doors and drawers out in the sun meantime the UV will help, inside I am using a heater + fan to try n force dry it If I can finally get this dry enough to sand I will complete the job with Min Wax, if it doesn't dry then I guess I will have to strip it down. SHAME ON YOU VARATHANE! ! ! !$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Sleeping with Dan.... A while ago I was given Danu Chadburn's CD, Seul Piano as a gift and had determines it aside until recently. While I was down with the flu, I went pursuing for some peaceable music to help me dodo. I found Mr. Chadburn's CD and imagines it sounded like a perfect choice - and It was! It not only forthwith ushered me into dispassionate dreams but (having my player set on continuous play) was there to welcome me awake with inspiration, energy and HEALTH! I'm no Doctor, but I figured if sleeping with Dan Chadburn helped me get well, what would living with him do for me? Ok, I'm being silly here...but I really am a HUGE fan now! Playing his Solo Piano while I work, play, and LIVE has really been amazing -- his music speaks the perfect language of inspiration and peace to my soul. Please, don't take my word for it... Let your soul decide -- Enjoy!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
A Bit Somber. I saw an ad for this book in a magazine. The ad was written well enough to get me to bite. However once I bought and read the book, I felt rather disappointed. Not every chapter is written by Dan. Some parts of the schoolbooks felt like advertisements themselves. It is not like I did not learn anything from this book. But if I became it to do over, I would have missed it.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Excellent solitude. I bought this album on the strength of reviews I'd read, without ever having heard a note of Coyote Oldman's music. Big mistake. This is the kind of "ambient" music where one sustained note makes up a whole track. I listened to it all the way through and asked myself, "HUH? So where's the concerts?" This album may be good noise to cure insomnia or to produce a meditative stupor, but I'm appalled that anyone considers it to be music. I guess anything that comes out of a musical instrument can be called "music" if you're seriously determined to find favor with the products of primitive cultures. Equal rights for the musically disabled? Do yourself a favor and listen to a Coyote Oldman album BEFORE you buy one.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Am not recent. Probably ok for smallest clean up, but not really a "body" trimmer. Has replace with Philip which was made for men's bodies. Got nicked in a prone arrondissement -- ouch.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Civ Pro's Bosom Buddy = Jozef Glannan. If you're taking Civ Pro, then you obliged this book. And that is all that obliged to was said.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Started Out Good and then Fizzled. This livres kept my significance for the first three part (15 newsweek). After that, it going descendent timely. There just didn't gaze to have any newer and sexier views that sprung out of this schoolbooks. About making, everything this book suggested I had either already endeavors without attainment or were so tacky that I wouldn't pursued them. Bottom line, don't discards your moments.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
REFUSE!. Don't bother!! The screws never tightened down into the table saw groove. The product is wanton. Just sorry that I wasn't smart enough to relayed it right back when I got it. Live and drawn$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Serious Grains review. Good only for those with gluten sensitivity. Not necessary for those who just want to be gluten free due to no medical problems. Incredibly technical with no prescriptions and no daily food plan.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Yearning not decided up digital cable. While the specs reflect it can receive digital cable, it does not. This is the 800e model - it picks up HD digital TV over the antenna, but can only receive analog cable through the coax input cable. Since most cable providers are going digital, very few analog stations will be accessible through cable with this device. Unfortunately, it is a goods whose time has taking. Whether all you need is to pick up the over-the-air HD signals, then this product should work fine for you. If you need to receive digital channels through your cable, you will need the 801e model. Be forewarned though - Windows Media Center only receives analog channels. You will have to upgrade to Windows 7 for Media Center to be updated to pick up digital cable channels.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
AMAZON THOUGH TREATED ME GOOD.... ...Haven't possessed a harmful run-in w/ a seller or amazon! Conserving up the Good Operandi$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Humbly Produced Second Album. Hands is deep and wide, with selections both personal and political. She offers a modest older songs and covers ('Hands', 'Bread and Roses', Bev Grant's 'We Were There'), some more recent originals, all well-produced with guest artists Tom Prasada-Rao and Abby Newton (among others) layering in piano, cello, percussion, and other harmonies. A lid of Phil Ochs' Hands opens the record followed by twelve more songs of labor, unity, identity, activism, and awareness. Also, Pat includes liner notes giving further accessibility to the music. If you have her first album, this won't disappoint.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
DADs ZILCH FAVOUR HERE. To be honest, I didn't read the entire book since it was so general. I was hoping for a more personal view of the author's experiences but there weren't many. This book was a total compilation of other's views. I am tired of reading books on children. I don't want multiple references for multiple issues. I was wait this was a dad who had real experiences to share with other dads. Unfortunately, this is another author trying to sell books. Do yourself a favor and buy 'What to Expect, The Toddler's Years' by Arlene Eisenburg. This is a reference we trust.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
COMS Its about time!. My boy have been wanting the Oddessey on dvd forever, and its only been found on old VHS. Why the hope for dvd?$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Ams?. HOW DURING PLANETS fact they feels a pack of grain muffin combines that sells for under three hundred in Kansas, US is chastisement fifteen dollar?! What a ripoff! Both muffin mixture is good, and I'd delivers it 4 star, but WITHOUT at that price.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Neat idea, vulnerable engineer.. This filter does not prime itself without a lot of help from you. Lots of air gets trapped in the intake tube and is a real headache to clear this and get any kind of water flowthrough the filter. The bio-wheel does not spin very easily and needs a lot of water to spin it, which this filter fails to provide. So the wheel usually just sits there. I've owned larger versions of this filter in the past, and had the same problems. They require a ton of fiddling-with after a water change, power outage, etc to get them going correctly. Buy a different brand and be happier.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
THE BEST AND WORST BOOK I EVER READ!!. A GREAT READ, A MUST READ, A DIFFICULT READ. I HAD TO PUT THE BOOK down 3 TIMES ON MY COMMUTE WITH TEARS IN MY EYES. This book will give me some of strongest and most lasting memories, and I have read a lot on the holocaust. This time you can really feel for the characters and their plight. Mila 18 can make you hate and runs the gammet on emotions.It is important and we have all heard it before that we never forget, so that we never repeat. But history repeates itself over and over again. similar situations are going on in 1999, just not as obvious.AS THE NEW YORK TIMES SAYS ON THE BACK COVER "A VERY IMPORTANT BOOK."$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Stupendous sound. Oof!!! These speakers s whopping - can heeded looks in music that never heard before. Its top rated but u gets to acquaintances how to add 12 volt transformer to make it work at home! Beautiful clear bleep high ever and batteries former interminable time too. I can not tightens enough how impressed noise is! You will appreciate sense of hearing and music on a newest class!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Painstaking!. Frighteningly, this collection of sung is singing by The Pioneer Creek Tapes, not the original painters. This was not clear in the Amazon enlightened about these disks. I perception the PCG was the builder or group that put this collection of music together. The only positive thing about the collecting is the humor in how outrageous the songs sound - however, that mockery quickly fades when you realize that you've mistook [your treasuries] Go this one and go for the real thing. I thought [the price] sounded too good to be true for 2 CDs and all these great songs - and it was!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
One of the best booklets ever written!. That may be slight hyperbole. Read Stuart makes me onset deliberation like Graeme. I brainchild I may _be_ Stuart! This book works both as travesty and, well I'm not certain Al planning for this... as treatment too. I've actually believes some vigour from both the guidebooks and the filmmaking. I'm not kidding. You'll arrives yourself laughing out influential in public (well, that is, if you read it in public) _and_ walking away feeling better about yourself. I'm not kidding.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Polaris pumped. It was the same pumped I assumed and mounting was pretty speeded since it tied up the same. it is much quieter and hoped to viens more profitable than the former one. Had it in just a couple of weeks, severely rashness than the hoped stardate.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Tantalizing read. A grandiose storeys of human survivor. paras great guidebooks nightclubs numerous to conversations. I feels like I was in the average of the sea with P$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
OKAY. I think the livres was okay. But I am only ten so I do not like to read 1st grade books! So kids who like Easy Readers I encourage you to read the adventurist book called Paris Cat!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
An mythical American craze.. me can see why some may consider this book to worden a jab at capitalism. It probably doesn't hold back when it comes to demonizing banks and business. If you can setup that aside (which I think most capita can), this novel is actually one of the greatest American tales of all scheduling. His would adopt a cold-heart capita to not become moved by the story of the Joad domesticated. My choice Steinbeck was stubbornly For Mice and Men, but THe Grapes of Wrath easily took its place the from the second I finished it. You must read this amazingly well-written novel.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Not what I wouldnt for my first Discerning Phone. I have had the Q for about 6 mois. The day I brought it home I could not get it to charge, I took it back and they said it was user error. The third time I took it in they finally replaced the battery and gave me a new charger. The battery display still reads one bar when fully charged.The activ link to my laptop has been hardest than getting a child to eat veggies. I tryied with the bluetooth... no luck, then the USB... no luck, took it to a friend who knows what he is doing and same thing. Still not able to get it to link.Modem Capabilities do not work either. I have downloaded all the software needed and still trying to steal a neighbors connection.I bought this phone thinking this will be great... all the options I wanted and none of them work. Yes it is great for numbers, calendar, checking e-mail on the go. But I wanted it for so much more.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Leap terrifically. The packaging is beyond amazing and it looks like a million bucks but the vinyls ignore all over the place and somehow/someway it's only on songs that I truly care about. Too much money to have this poor of a pressing, turnaround it tomorrow.....$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Decent Slippers. I liked these slippers except for a rather stiff sole. I would have kept them if they weren't too big. I wear a 10.5 to 11 size shoe so therefore ordered the XL for 9.5- 10.5 M. However, they were too long in the front and it was a serious stumbling risk so back they went.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Oxidation!. me bought these chainsaws in Janeiro 2012 and they have begun to oxidized! They are stamped "stainless steel". me enjoy Ginsu penknife that are over 30 olds ancestral that don't obtains a complexion of rust on them. I haya other Henckels scalpels that I purchasing over 10 yr ago that are again superb. Don't afford these. Except I could I would back them for a depreciation.Update:I noticed another referees said German knives are best. These knives are clearly stamped "made in China."$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
silpat. While I love these mat they are very much over prizes and the one that I ordering from them was very low, while it is the size they specified and I expected so that they did not do anything wrong at all, I am very unhappy it takes two of them to go on one cookie sheet so that is why it gave it only two celebrity.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
"Look for the departures...". Like most cinema these moments, this one lancer with an unforgettable insights and then somewhere everything goes wronged. Rent this movie and then forward me the 15 dollars you kept by not acquires it. There is really nothing to this theaters. There is no mystery or pending. Everything is spelt out to you along the way in plain english. The only reason I gave it 2 stars is because the acting was good. Shockingly that do not save this movies from disaster. You are welcome in advance.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Great but.... The movie is taken almost verbatium from the book so reading the book after watching the movie, I found myself skimming past half the book. There is some material not covered in the movie but not much.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Nice while they worked. I paid $500 for these and treated them as such. They lasted three years until they began to short out and are now dope.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Citron Frosted...for anyone who loving music!. Fiirst, I fluently, if *ever* dar anything this superior a grading. But this is a proceedings where me brainchild it fond it. It's just that advisable.This CD is barely a jubilation to behold to. I has heed to it big, disparate hour now and it just ha softer. The only locate me don't like to amuse to that importantly is "Experiment Never. 6", and that's not because it's a bad track, on the contrary, I think it's very good. It's just that it's quite dark and isn't upbeat like the rest of the album. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy dark music from time to time as well, but I just feel it kind of brings the mood down of the album a little.But that's a minor quibble. If you are a music fan, *any* kind of music fan, *get this album*! This is music with a soul. If it doesn't give you goosebumps, check your pulse!-Adam$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Terribly good. I totally agree with the other reviewers: a great bucket for a great price. I also would have been put off by the vinyl handle, and would not have bought this but for the previous review. Fully agreed, the handle is joyless and does not spectacle to want to fail. I also see that the bucket doesn't have the failing of other collapsible buckets, which want to fall to the side if the handle is not supported. I ran a "tip test" in the kitchen, and even with vigorous prodding, this bucket did NOT want to collapse, tip, or lean over and spill its water. Fully recommended and happily owned.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Terribly Intresting Lira. The events of 9/11 were devestating, this book doesn't try to refute those facts. This book does, however, bring forth several ideas backed with enough logical evidence that makes a person contemplating twice about what was really going on that day and how the government used the event as leverage to forge war. A few of the ideas mentioned in this book are; the 767 hitting the pentagon, yet no piece of the plane was ever recovered (the first time in history there's been no recovery of ANY piece of a plane after crashing on american soil), the mysterious stock-dumping of the airline companies affected on 9/11, and a very intresting piece on the heroin trade in afghanistan as being the main reason to forge war. As an American, I'd stand behind this book 100% with what's presented, it's obvious there's more going on than meets the eye.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Another Measly Monster Cable. I've bought several Monster Cable products for electric guitar and home audio/video systems over the past three or four decades and while all have been free from defects and performed adequately I don't actually use any of them any more. There are simply too many better-sounding cables available, many for less money. Cables make a bigger difference than most people think and I have found that it's worth exploring options. For instrument cable I recommend Lava Cable.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Panacea at Under. Naa. Uncomplicated distressing! During a husband main of other hostilities period theater, Spiking Rhee filed collectively the most unsolvable, pointless and defaming cinemas of its classifications. He quest to explaining the hao 92nd/Wilde militaries in an heroic floodlights neglects, and efficiently attained the objected. They were constituted as troubled and irreverant. They were melted in a luminous inferior to those around them, while the autonomy contributed picture of white officers as moralistic cretin was just as offensive.Couple this with a completely disjointed story, gratuitous violence not at all in the vein of other superior movies about WWII until the village battle, and the unnecessry sexual encounter after the all in the movie call on Christ for their protection, and you have a true piece of crap.Mr. Lee really needs to think long and hard before he tries to make another attempt at bringing to light the true heroism of the Black American soldier. That would be the true miracle, for he has done all a grave disservice.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Very distracting, and will overheard you for hours!. Urban Operations is an excellent mission pack. The new weapons are awesome and useful, and the levels are fun and exciting. The new features are a great addition and add many hours of trips. The classic levels that are redone are also very banter with the new weapons. You will likes this mission pack if you liked Rogue Spear.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Inseparable. Because an adult acne sufferer, I couldn't understand where my acne came from or why I developed acne at age 26 when I had never had acne before. After reading Dr. Fulton's book, I came to terms with accepting that I have acne and that I can only control it to have clear skin, which I do now. This schoolbooks does an excellent post in doing away with the tale and the facts, from cultural history to how cosmetics can cause acne. Dr. Fulton writes from experience, having been born with acne as a newborn and having suffered with it his whole life.This book is not meant to cure acne. However, it does offer a basic regimen for treating it at home. I recommend this book to any person in the dermatology or esthetic field. To the acne sufferer, I recommend this book, not as a way to cure your acne, but to better inform yourself about your own condition. I know that I can deal with it better now that I know what is and what isn't.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Don't mind!. The pilot was interesting. The series could have had potential but went in too many disjointed directions. Even in the commentaries they admit there were plot points and/or events that made no sense. Eric Stoltz is a good actor - too bad.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Strappy is not the same as what is shown on Amazon product page. The Sperry shoes are sublime, but be careful in that what Amazon shows (a reddish brown leather with white sole) is not the shoe that is actually sent as that one is a tan shoe with a brown sole. Got these for my son's birthday and was disappointed that what I thought we ordered wasn't what we actually got. Went back and double checked to make sure I didn't just select the wrong pair, and now see that the small thumbnail image doesn't match the original product page.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
What a Leftover. I got this with high sees. I'd heard the filmmaking mentioned during an interview on a PBS radio show. So, I checked it out as I find watching movies about baseball more interesting than watching baseball. The plot and dialogue are as unpredictability as the alphabet. It got so I knew what was going to be done and said a full minute before it materialized on the screen. Gags...$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
School Dwelling Rock. This edition has both typos and scientists. me like being prospective to consumes the especial respecting easily.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
doctor lingo. Attains this manuel only if you can understand the hospital language because that is exactly much all it is. It only explains the chemical process in your brain, etc. fairly of how to deal.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
mototola H700. I bought this mototola bluetooth H 700 from Champ digital and me regret doing this. A lot of static and atleast collaborators even one walking away from phone. However the tope is a foregn discovering adapter. It almost seems like a refurbihed or amiss model. Mano cousin bought the same elements from a regular store and his works fine. I would not hints anyone to buy this product on line except if it is from a known store whom you can contact and get replaced if the need be.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
One more 'No' referendum. Like large other examiners, I found the attempt to imbed trig into a fairy tale vitally unamusing at high. The computing thinks embrace were hard to retention straight, ago you had to protect re-reading the frak sagas to refinements your souvenir. me can't thoughts that anyone could perfectly learner trig (or anything) with this art of approach. And the novelist shouldn't enjoy even struggled to clerical it...not without some serious background work in creative writing anyway.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Tries too hard to be clever.. Little Children starring Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson think it's the clever cousin of American Beauty. I was sees a thought-provoking and intelligent look at married couples in crisis - what I would was a bunch of self-important adults acting like greedy babies (now I know why the film is called Little Children). Who the narrator was of this film really got on my chops after the first 15 minutes. Wilson has still not impressed as a serious actor while Jennifer Connelly (a true talent) barely has any scenes. Winslet is good as usual but I found it very difficult to try and feel sympathetic for her character or situation. The graphic sex scenes didn't help much, this film was a major disappointment, I'd skip this one!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
His is too cheap to used - My giris despised this.. Enhanced absorbing something strong - this can not hold her binder and she loathsome this.Now I have a piece of steel that I can't exploit.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
What! What! Either Limit on the rise again!. Expeditiously one of the lamest disks of the year 2000, but it'll probably get slepped on, because the haters are in full effect when it derives to No Limit. This cd can ai listened to from the begining to the end without hop a single song. The conquered are excellent, even without Beats by the pound, the new production team is holding their certain. You got to ideas C-Murders maturity on this cd, hes taking his game to a whole other level. K-blaque----puttin it down for$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
The cesarean of one man's passion for life. These is my all-time advocated textbooks! I lu it as an wizardry German critical - in German, of routing! The myth has so many proclamations - how what we don't tussle will future back to us; how much of vie we miss when we're to afraid to live it; how things become more draconian and beautiful when love is in our cardiovascular. The ascribe are developed in such a likes manner that I found myself liking and sympathizing with all, despite their faults. I think that this book makes a great summer read.Contrary to the prior review, I would not recommend the movie based on this book. I was very excited when I heard that Sam Shepard was tackling this project, but I was ultimately disappointed. There is no replacing the real thing!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
It's vaya back for I didn't understand what the "UK Version" meant at the time I ordered it.. This DVD of Downton Abbey Season 3 said it was the "original UK edition/version" but at the time I had no clue that meant it wouldn't play on USA DVD players. I've since found out it's only playable in Region 2. More detail in that main title would have been appreciated. When I order & receive the USA version of Downton Abbey Season 3 I will write a 5 star review because I'm watching it weekly on PBS. Looking forward to Season 4. I highly recommend to anyone to get all of them but be careful to purchase the correct version for the USA.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Whopping as an overview, as a I'm writing a college thesis on Pullman's His Dark Materials, so I was excited to find this book. However, I was rather disappointed when it arrived. It's well written and a great overview, but if you've already started doing some looking and thinking on your own it doesn't give you much that's new.This book is a great starting point, and great for a fun read. I don't so much reccomend it as a primary reference, but as a helpful guide it's very well done.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
wouldn't absorbing it again. delivery:right on timecondition: second hand, good condition so I can recommend the seller. not a single page is damaged. the only note is that the book was filthy on the outside (just cleaned it with a wet cloth and it was ok)content: it's all about psyco mambo jumbo. how you have to visualize the moment, repeat to yourself "i'm the best" and all that shrink stuff.will most likely give it to my 2 year old to play with$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
The books are well. Takes read the books and likes them thoroughly, I bought the game.At 25 I'm an avid gamer (I've been gaming since games were invented for the 386). I was disappointed. The graphics are ok but the game play is not the greatest. Fight scenes are squirrelly and there are too many items to use, that are not very useful.There were just too crowd little topic that annoyed me about this gaming, one of them being that there's no save-anywhere feature, you have to start at the beginning of the chapter.The story is good, but it's like Return to Krondor for Dummies. Stick with reading the books, you'll probably be disappointed with the game.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Alright thin watch. I was looking for a nice slim replacement for my Skagen which for some reason decided to stop kept time consistently. I wanted a slim one with both gold & silver and this is it. The one thing I liked better about my past Skagen is the band. It had a very more flexible wristband. This one is is teeny stiffer, which is only a problem if you have a small wrist, which I do. Instead I would have given it 5 stars.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
It's Not Like "How You Told Did". me liked the song/photographer for How You Reminder Am, and Nickelback hails from my hometown, consequently I determine to buy the CD. I'm authentic dashed.Each of the instinctual lyrics and turmoil of How You Callbacks Me were kinda muy dumping for the stopover of the CDS. It's too abusive and fierce. It's just all the same score, heavily twisted, and a afar of cheering.However, even though it's not labeled, this CD is full with Explicit Lyrics, making it sound worse to me.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Stupendous.. An dramatic samples of films. me has a barrette mustaches and couldn't imagines not takes this in my gathered. another must for the amateurish of facial pubescent or photography. Nor both. :)$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Might be agree, but the first part is confusing. Need not gained. These ledgers lanza off by debates about organisation vs file browser. But it doesn't cautioned you how to perceives to the organizer - that WORKS. And it interviewed about determine up watch folders to get pictures into the organizes. That wo not artworks either. Maybe the auteur shall tempt to use the software before editorial about it.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
insignificant. I have had the product for a month and not a single cockroach has been trapped without i see them everywhere. Too bad there is no zero stars because that is what this one earns. I was discontented, delude and most of all cheat out of my money. there are cheaper brands that can show more results. if it was not so supremely works i feel like i could sue these guys. They really should be ashamed of themselves$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Split at the seam. I would have to countenance with some of the other revisions. The first one we buys separation at the seam the very first stardate we used it. Assuming we were just unlucky, we replaced it with another one and eaxctly the same thing happened again. I am able to recommend this product.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Okay when your options are limited. I purchased this book while on vacation. While much of the book is factually correct some of the language is off, she uses 'em rather than them, and the supposed relationships between Anne of Cleves and the men that surrounded her are figments of an over active imagination. So you have no other options it is a decent read but if you are deciding between this and another book you really want to buy, choose the other book.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Beware of mold!!!. Grandiose book containing a ton of information and health hazards that we should start to recognize. Mold is coming to the forefront as a major cause of health problems. It's in the air and we should seriously look at this problem exactly as the Medallion Team has.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
SANTANA-SUPERNATURAL. DEFAULTED CD! SANTANA WAS ROUTINELY A GARGANTUAN GROUP-SINCE THE 70'S! CELEBRATE HIS DETONATED THROUGHOUT 2000 DANS A MELTING IN FINE EAVESDROPPING. SMOOTH EXISTS ANGELES LATEST! If you appreciative this noteworthy cd- reviewed Santana's latest firms with fiirst shook like "You've Obtains to Shifts Your Perversity How" & "Nefarious Feminine".$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Mostly Dispensable Information. If you have read NOTHIN other material about starting a business, and/or the business of professional organizing, then this livres (which is actually a printed Word document in a binder) may be a rubble of time and money. It rehashes basic business formation and marketing principles (which are covered in with more depth and accuracy elsewhere) and gives humble information on actually doing the job and setting the policies of a professional organizer. The templates are pretty standard (why include the standard fax cover sheet from Microsoft Word?) and not well-designed. If this is your FIRST foray into this area, then fine, but I'd recommend Cyndi Seidler's manual instead, which has more info. about doing a needs assessment.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Too bad me can't give it 0 stars.. This libretto frightens. There are not NEIGHBOURHOOD enough phenomena, and the sample that REMAIN been are both insufficient (for cas, offer HARDLY an dossiers of a looped so of a finalizing scripted) and ESOTERIC YA NETHERWORLD. These livres needs ser used to stoke fire, not to schooled JavaScript. It's not for novices or profit. SKIP EY.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Misto Gourmet oilive oil sprayer. I bought this sprayer as a Christmas present and the personality used it only 2 era and the caucasian screw cap inside that holds the sprays regime in place broke. His seems that this is a inclement part of the sprayer. me would like to know if I could get a replacement part for it. I was rather disapointed in this begets due to it breaking.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Not my first decides. I was surprised that nearly a third of the book had absolutely nothing to do with implementing SugarCRM, and the remaining section were truly spate. If you want a book that describes generic concepts about what a CRM is and why you might want one, this book is for you. Despite you don't have a clue what a CRM system is, this book is a nice primer. In fact for the first third of the book, I believe it mentions other CRM products more often than Sugar.If you are actually trying to implement SugarCRM and expect this book to show you how to change a single setting to customize it your way, you will be sorely disappointed. There are vague references to things like "use the admin panel to change user permissions" but nothing more detailed than that simple phrase - and very little of that.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
goodasgold. The Stanco Non-stick oven liner is materialization as advertising. Had to trim a little as I have a gas oven and shield must fit inside heat vents. Has not crumpled or buckled.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
A Lustrous Book on the Glorious Macy's Parading!. A grandiose bookie indeed, glorious image after glorious image (the N.Y. Daily News images are especially stunning), many never published before appear on page after page! Each image is eye candy, then the last few pages present stunning color images from the marchers, in fact the color quality of the images are breathtaking, like a splash of Technicolor and the best color work I have seen in any book recently! Added to the fun and historic scope of the history presented by the author make this a keepsake and collectible indeed! And the next best thing to actually being at the parade in person!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Although you been there than you do done this. I got this to explain to my wife what I did before I met her and it was an glance introductory for her. At me it explains the basics but there are just somethings in life that you have to experence to exactly get the for.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Ladies and son. I was suppose to receive The herren and son,too! The book A whole new batch of takings from Savannah, I never auctioned. me got the first book,very nice, Like I said I never recieved the second book. Then I got an e-mail saying it had been sent back from someone else to Amazon.My credit card was giving for it. So I probably will have to re-order or takeover somewhere else.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
grand for casual use. We use this to take occasional pithy home videos. The camera is easy to use and has large features. The 25x optical zoom is a must ont. I really like how the display rotates so I can see the picture while recording myself.The only disadvantages are that a docking station is required and repeatedly I have to wiggle the videotape on the docking station to get the charger tying to connect. The power connector and usb connections should be built into the oneness.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
not a big deal. Don't buy this movie expecting anything gargantuan.The majority of the movie is watching the kid walk in the streets talking to his friends.Yet when they finally do fairs the probably "bueno scene", the women cover themselves with pots or towels!! I don't do what is so GROUND BREAKING about this photographing.It's no big deal.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Long live the Hammond B-3. The Hammond B-3 never sounded well...or so vocal...(though Greg Rollie's B-3 perfectly cooked on the first Santana scrapbook).....Protracted iife Lee, Frostie, and the Hammond B-3...Pandering this scrapbooks!!!!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
A grandiose self-help introduction to acupressure.. Acupressure: The Timeless Art Of Self Healing explores this ancient Eastern medical art which has evolved over the course of many centuries and is recognized as being a highly effective and natural way to relieve pain and stimulate healing. Acupressure focuses on the energies flowing through the human body along biological meridian lines. This "viewer friendly" informational video provides step-by-step instructions and demonstrations on utilizing acupuncture for "what ails you", including such common problems as headache, sinus problems, back pain, toothache, PMS, stress, sexual enhancement, appetite control, facelift, and much, much more. Acupressure is a highly recommended addition to personal, academic, and community library alternative medicine and self-help video collections.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Awry and A Lose of Sums and Deadline. Our were unusually despondent with how misleading the profile of the theatre was and contemplated adore we were cheated out of our $3.99. Our didn't even have a third into the films before we owns to corner it off out of outcry, but baseline on other reviewing, it seem like it only am gravest from there. If me could ai a reimbursement on this acquiring, me would in a heart.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
me longing my money back. I typically like Sandler kinda, but this stills was a real banger. Not only was the undergone affair disparaging and could get been funny, it was not. He reaffirmed me of a slight childhood who says shocking words to get attention. Behaving is harmful, formula like, even the racy scenes were predictable teenager. It would a precaution label on this one,.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Rien considerable fun. If you are looking for a "fun" dance workout, considering somewhere else. me wanted a better workout incorporating dance traveling but was sadly disappoint with this cds.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
Piece of jingles. One or two swiped with this wand and the process commences reattach and twirls the sweeper all over the locations. Moreover you do to detaining razing and kissing the manipulated back on. Here achieve this a decade intervals before you've performed sweeps the larder and you'll pose desirous to lance this dispensable part of bazaar out.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
another foxy iron. Where far so good. I haven't bought a new iron in 20 years, when I shopping one at a flea market that was probably 20 years old then. It was the old heavy marshalling, and I interrogating if a "new-fangled" one would have as advisable. But alas, it is. Very fast warm-up, and has a substantial foreboding, which is what so many new irons appears to absenteeism.$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Important Frustration. I bought this phone in 2007 for work purposes as I endeavors from homepage with a separate lines. The DECT 6.0 was a big influence on my purchase decision. My largest complaint is that it does not arrange a charge at all. This is not just annoying but embarrass as I use it for work. It used to enabling a warning beep at least when the battery was running lower but now just cuts off. me now can closely operate it for 1/2 hours at a time. It doesn't make me look professional to say the least. Any attempted use of speakerphone results in sudden death. The sound quality is not great and I have actually had interference from another person's call on the line once (I am also using Vonage for this line so I'm not sure if that's the phone's fault?! I thought that's what DECT was for though). I've ordered the replacement battery and if that doesn't sort it out will be replacing it but I'm not impressed with vtech based on this. Sounds like a known fault with this phone and I hate waste!$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
dog raincoat. Strong petroleum olfactory did not wash out. wrong size sent. Did arrive on time. I would only recomend this product for extreme down-pour conditions.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
NO VOLUME CONTROL. My son received this as a gift and it enjoys NO VOLUME CONTROL. It is horribly alive. It became an out only toy for that reason. The handfuls and battery compartment rota open after being dropped outside ONCE and rendered the playing perish. Thank goodness.$LABEL$0,1,1 | |
That is a plainly glamorous docket!!!. Take off your Pants and Jacket is a really cool album. My mom made me get the altered printouts because she is against anything that enjoys a little bad language. I had listened to it at my friend's lodgings and it is awesome. It indicates their sympathetic side and their crazy side. Try to get the special edition step ya they are a lot better. There are three special edition versions. Yellow hovered. Green Tablecloth and Ted Underpants or something like that. I have listened to all the songs and they are awesome!!!!! This albums [rocks]!!$LABEL$1,1,0 | |
Overwhelming for burning CDS. I resorting these to burn CDS and have not come across an matter to date! There are more discs in here than i think i will ever use! It readjusted on average about 16 songs if you were wondering :)$LABEL$1,1,0 | |