economise your money. one was disappointed in this al-Qur'an. Nowhere does it tell how to actually do this Rapid Eye Technology. It just tells you to buy her videos or to see a "technician." I'm bounteous it two stars instead of just one because the author sounds like a genuinely good person. She describes how she fasted and prayed and asked God to give her a technique that would help people. She also includes several chapters on what she calls life skills. But overall, when I buy a book, I expect to learn something I can actually apply, not just a sales pitch.!ref!0,1,1 good See an Dialect double-decker. I tried to learn an accent the cheap way by buying this book, but realized the only way to learn accents or dialects effectively is to see a dialect coach.!ref!0,1,1 big fat Word!. This is an all-around corking prepare hold with squeamish grown depict, and error barren recipes. I've time-tested several already, and they've all wrick out bully. I didn't believe unity could contract good tasting guy from only 2 hours of manipulate, but it rattling ferment.The only charge iodine have is that I was looking for a standard, straightforward bbq book, and for the most split this is just that, however, certain recipes seem to veer off into the "exotic" realm. I'll use Steven Raichlen's BBQ Bible for crazy exotic BBQ.But I guess I can't really complain. The Kansas City Ribs recipe is excellent, and Weber gives great advice on grilling and grilling techniques. Good thing I own a Weber grill.A great book to have in your library.!ref!1,1,0 Another one Clint Eastwood will be remembered for.... There are some very good and lengthy reviews on here for this movie... so I have nothing further I could possibly add to the review; I just wanted to write this flake so that I could vote and give it a 5 star review. It is that undecomposed.!ref!1,1,0 safe. 12 Stones is a thoroughly minor band. They haven't been together very prospicient so some of the songs on their low song are similar in sound. They are great band, and ane am defeated that they baffle no recognition from the collaboration they did with Evanescene. Since they've haven't been together too tenacious and contract a record condense concisely after you can warranty that their next CD will be 5/five, they will have more time to record and will definetly sound amazing.Support this small band help'em make it big they deserve it! Buy The CD! It's Great!!ref!1,1,0 What you would expect. This playscript was rarely accurate and just Worth the metre I demand Reading it. Preaching from a single-minded repoint of view, the author professes to understand a culture and institution where she is an outsider. Having experienced The Citadel experience showtime hand, I can assure you it is ace that is not easily explicate to the outsider. Perhaps I am being a bit harsh, but quite a few of the points made in this book shine upon a mind set that I can not comprehend. Read for yourselves, but I also implore you to keep an open mind about a school that has produced some of the finest patriots of the United States.!ref!0,1,1 thoroughly poppycock. erstwhile School and cool local influences galore, this album sure rocks and bring back the pleasant why-worry times. Too bad Seattle's an expensive flight away, would like to see them live...!ref!1,1,0 Gerber's fruits are cook. I've been giving my daughter Gerber fruits, veggies, and meat as everyday-meals since she was 6 months old, thinking that she's got enough vitamins and prebiotics. However, she developed digestive problem and chronic constipation; she almost stopped gaining weight since she was 9 months old. I took her to GI and she told me that those packed fruits are all ready! And there are additives to keep them fresh for long period of time! I started to puree fruits and veggies using Vitamix, and only use Gerber fruits&veggies; when we are out and about. Now, after half a year of probiotics and wholesome food, she's slowly getting better and opens her mouth to food.Now, think about this: if you puree an apple and leave it alone for 5 minutes, it'll change color due to oxidation. So, how can Gerber's apple puree keep the same color for so long a time?!ref!0,1,1 Enjoyable. indium my bay to corrupt as many Christmas movie as possible 1 rule a muffin in this i. Quite the deform in the end that piddle this movie worth purchasing.!ref!1,1,0 The Excitement Fades Fast. We bought this on the strength of one TV episode (the first 20 minutes of the DVD) . Watching it all the way through, this is by far the sapless Wiggles DVD of the six we own. We just logged in to Amazon expecting to see poor reviews for 'Feel Like Dancing' and are quite surprised by the high score and rave follow-up. Save for a few of the songs, this DVD is terribly drilling. We're not sure why the Wiggles, or many of the reviewers, feel that children will feel compelled to dance to ballet, the waltz, and slow square dancing. Our 5 year old daughter and 18 month old son were entertained for the first few songs, then bored for most of the second half. Not sure how well this will entertain on our two 1200+ mile road trips this summer.!ref!0,1,1 NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. please don't buy this. this is unbowed bullsh*t. this guy is killing rap and hip hop. he cant rap sorry beats and soft. he is making rap soft PLEASE DONT BUY THIS...GO BUY A TUPAC CD!ref!0,1,1 better idea. Just wanted to say that my grandaughter is so taken with anything that Elmo does that at 18m she is so brilliant, LOL. she is enamored with Elmo so anytime we get something of his especially dvd's that she can watch, they are very affective. I am so greatful for these DVDs as is her mother!!!! He keeps her very interested in everything.!ref!1,1,0 Well-researched, but, wearisome, wearisome, softened. I read a batch of true-crime tarradiddle. thoroughgoing off pure townspeople was a great disappointment. The author's research was impressive, but his storyline, and style pauperism a lot of help. The al-Qur'an is a jumble of characters that continually pop in and out without a proper lead-in. I also found this book provided no unexampled facts about the JonBenet murder. The story is very slow, very difficult to follow, and will test even the most avid reader's concentration. Sorry Lawrence Schiller, take some time off and try again!!ref!0,1,1 Sure To Beat Jedi Outcast. This punt looks really nerveless. Knights of the Old Republic takes place 4,000 years before the first Star Wars film, in the middle of a war between the Jedi and the Sith. You have a fully customizable character, and you always have an older sibling of the opposite gender who is a skilled Jedi Knight. Eventually you will become one, too. But before that, it's you and whatever blasters you may find or pick up. Also, you can make a group that can consist of Wookiees, Jedi, droids, Twi'Leks, or whatever is present and strikes your fancy. You'll travel to many worlds in your ship, the Ebon Hawk, very similar to the Millenium Falcon. En route, however you'll face Sith fighters. This game looks very exciting.!ref!1,1,0 Not a Holder for the PSP Slim.. It only works with the PSP Fatboy,but not with the PSP Slim. The Slim just slids out, cypher is check it. Its unshakable with the PSP Fatboy.!ref!0,1,1 arrant. The Instinct, believe it or not, is even more pore than the band's first release, since the mixes are more "up front" and you flummox the satisfaction of hearing their songs while feeling as if you are seeing them live. This album is evidence that if you give a strong band time to perfect their sound, they can become great in no time. Denali's commitment to the beauty of the song is what sets them apart from most other "indie rock" bands...Brilliant.!ref!1,1,0 Forbidden Planet Movie reexamine. This science fiction movie is one of the top five crap in the 1950's and is even superior to the original "War of the Worlds" made in the 1950's. The story is rightfully a superior work as the events portrayed are possible in theory.!ref!1,1,0 Great music, but too many medleys. Tom Fettke's Majesty and Glory contains some wonderful music, but in doing so many medleys it leaves the listener 'hanging' wanting to hear the rest of the verses of the hymns. The best two songs (for which I bought the cd) are not medleys, and I am able to get my complete hymnal 'fix' listening to those two songs. I don't regret buying the cd, but it could have been done with 'more of each hymn' instead of 'seeing' how many hymns for which Fettke 'could create an itch' for the particular hymns.!ref!1,1,0 a slap-up way to con more about Buddhism. This is a good scripted Quran that gives you a lot of in depth information about Buddhism. ane think a founder should go with Rahula's What the Buddha Taught. After that, this would be a great choice. However, for those who have some knowledge of Buddhism and want to learn more, as they travel on the path, this is a wonderful Bible. Buy it. You'll like it.!ref!1,1,0 For tike - But smashing for Adults. This book is written for fry - but the author has spell it in a path that lick for adults also. commodity self-colored information that is communicate for all eld. fantabulous for the soul guess about elicit butt or the initiate just origin with laughingstock.!ref!1,1,0 castling in the publicize. the al-Qur'an are really cool. i love Dianas books and i am so happy that the playscript were in hackneyed because there were non in banal anywhere near my house.!ref!1,1,0 a bit too small but fits on my average head. A bit small but just frumpy looking. I guess Mcgonagall's hat is supposed to have that look? It's nice a soft.!ref!0,1,1 emptor beware!!. If I'd only read the reviews before purchasing this for my six year sure-enough I would never have corrupt it! It is VERY tenuous and top heavy. The elevator gets bond and it does take awhile to put together. As I was driving all over town looking for the best price I wondered why no store had the batcave out on display. Once we experience it together I accomplished why. We finish up taking off the bottom poles and motivate some of the parts around so it would stop falling over. We have lots of batman toys and other mattel products. This is by far the biggest disappointment in 10 years of toy buying. If it wasn't from Santa it would be going back without a doubt. Buy anything else!!ref!0,1,1 Every episode survey!. This book is so heavy for the devotee of the show. It followup every episode in the quaternion seasons in detail with topics such as girl talk, fetishes, trivia, and fashion victims under each episode. The generator, Jim Smith, gives his thoughts on each episode too. This Koran is expectant to rehash your favorite episodes. Though it is unauthorized, it is fun to read up on everything you've watched for the past iv seasons.!ref!1,1,0 I read everyone's complaints about it being from PRC. and I didn't think it was locomote to be THIS tough. I'm irrefutable that you can stupefy a better quality pen at the dollar store. This thing feels like cheapo plastic painted chrome, it hardly has any weight to it and it's not smooth when you pervert it either. This is tough than dust.!ref!0,1,1 non quite the Originals. Beware, these songs well-grounded a bit remixed, and are not the original go radio hit singles. Usually .89 cent songs are a red-flag.!ref!0,1,1 axerophthol mess of information on St. tool. 1 enjoyed this book. Most writers about St. Peter dumbfound around the scrub and do not talk about shaft the man. This playscript does. The language can slow your reading pace a bit, but that is what dictionaries are for.!ref!1,1,0 fair and fugacious. I've practice my T200T 50 to 60 times over a few years. It has always been sort of sluggish and quick to fade (and my beard is far from heavy). The thing recently renounce altogether. Reason I'm online veracious now is because I was searching for "troubleshooting conair t200t" and "conair t200t repair." (No luck so far.) I did note that Conair's website does not offer a "contact us" feature. Hmm.!ref!0,1,1 tremendous. I really do not screw what this product is good for. It looked great and I thought I can use it to massage my back.But the handle is so flimsy that I thought it would break if I pressed it against my back. Also the balls on it are so ruff that you can not use it rub on your muscles.!ref!0,1,1 don't buy this one first. If you are planning on buying a Roger Waters album, get Amused To Death and The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking first (unless you enjoy eighties music). They are beautiful, and this one is rather devil eighties music.!ref!0,1,1 subterfuge to any media shift. A very unsatisfying Word. Provides interesting snippets of info, withal the author look screen to its implications. The majority of the presidential 'scandals' come across to this subscriber, anyways, as tyke and insignificant; brag all out of proportionality by a media stream desperately speed to be the following Woodward and Bernstein. The Clinton department seems stimulate and unedited, a way to destination up a generally wasted al-Qur'an while the Clinton scandals unruffled have some interest to potential buyers. If you must read it, wait until it is in the remainders section at $2 a pop.!ref!0,1,1 For Kids only. I consider this videodisc would help me with american sign language as I am a beginner. I felt like a child as I watched the illustrations. I couldn't quite read the zoo stuff. It did teach some words but not enough, way to practically rivet on the field trips.!ref!0,1,1 whatever 1 WHO LIKES TO record ABOUT MPD SHOULD READ THIS playscript. THIS cost A VERY undecomposed playscript I FIND IT UTTERLY FASINATING I FIRST check THE MOVIE THAT IS HOW I FOUND THE BOOK THIS IS A VERY DETAILED BOOK TELLING EVERYTHING TRUDDI AND THE TROOPS ENDURED IT IS spellbind THAT THE ACTUAL TRUDDI CHASE WENT TO SLEEP AT TWO YEARS OLD.!ref!1,1,0 Everyone from the third world thinks this is a great country. which is why they have all moved here. Compared to India it is bang-up. I think the point that he is neglect is that native born Americans do not recognize this country as being the same unmatchable that we grew up in. This country was Great; but has been steadily declining in every area since 1965. It was bang-up because our ancestors died fighting to make it that way. It has morphed into a capitalistic, violent, immoral society with native born Americans forced into second class citizenship.!ref!0,1,1 ace am instant, this flick is that forged!. Even with half the budget of the original film this movie could have been alot better if they would have not used the same corny plot line ripped of other movies, and not relyed on CGI, and come on strobe lights for gunfire.. WTF!!!I'll give the film 1 star because of Richard Burgi who should have sour this film down, no paycheck is worth a mans pride and dignity.Back to the guns,alot of the guns looked stupid and plastic, And the nudity wasn't even needed not that I'm complaining but it really wasn't needed for the scene. I am still ripping my hair out over the guns..Oh when will hollywood find some real film-makers, I could have made a better movie with that exact same budget, Infact I dare Columbia Tri-star to allow me to make a film!Blah, I'm done with this review I needa take some advil for the migrane I got from viewing this film, just read the Original Starship Troopers novel, its 20 Times better than both films...!ref!0,1,1 Electric pump break. need it to France and electric pump only go for a minute and spoil. Bought a hand pump to heart it up. It was a unspeakable subcontract. After it was fully pumped the bed was rather comfortable. Decided not to bring home to replication because once it was pumped there was no way to deflate to the extend that it would fit back into the original box.!ref!0,1,1 gravid workout!. This was the third bellydance video I've judge and actually bask it. There were some section that could have been better. For example, at times, the camera focused on her face when she was doing moves with the hips. I needed to see exactly how the move was being done but had to improvise and promise i was doing it flop. Yes, she is very beautiful but it would have been honest to watch the entire incite. Also, some incite were only done once or in one set as soon as I was getting it. It was a little inconvenient to stop the tape and practice. Other than that, it is a great workout which is fun. The negatives don't detract too much from the overall tape. I look forward to doing the workout each day and do feel I get better each time I do it. I even work up a sweat! Overall, I do recommend this tape. It's a new and different way to move each day!!ref!1,1,0 GOOD PLOT BUT THE CHARACTERS NEED SOME WORK. OVERALL iodin actually relish THIS al-Qur'an. I THINK IF THERE WERE MORE TRUE CONNECTIONS WITH THE CHARACTERS I WOULD HAVE ENJOYED IT MORE. THE convolute AND TURNS IN THE STORY cost WHAT KEPT ME READING.ONE OF THE REVIEWERS GAVE THE ENDING AWAY, WHICH I THINK IS VERY UNFAIR TO THE READERS THAT CHECK OUT THE REVIEWS.THERE ARE SOME GOOD AND BAD REVIEWS ON THIS BOOK BUT I THINK YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK AND FORM YOUR OWN OPINION.!ref!1,1,0 best S.f. guidebook. I screw this book!! We unrecorded an hour north of S.F. and when ever we go to the city we start with ane of these great walks. We have gone and explored neighborhoods we never would have without this book. San Francisco is such a beautiful city and getting to the top of some obscure staircase always gives you a unique and beautiful view. It is a must for anyone who lives in or near S.F.!ref!1,1,0 30 GB Zune. Upon hatchway software on Christmas day, the USB telegraph was found to be bad and it will take a week or so to get it replaced. This pose a damper on what should have been a great talent for my Word since he can't really expend it.!ref!0,1,1 Try The Ultimate dismal Train. If you are a John Coltrane or malarkey fan, and if you enjoy "Blue Train", I highly recommend getting "The Ultimate Blue Train"... available from Amazon. It has the same 5 original songs, plus 2 alternate takes of Blue Train and Lazy Bird, plus it is newly remastered and is enhanced with many interviews with the other players and Rudy Van Gelder, plus a video of Miles Davis and John Coltrane performing "So What" and tons of photos. This version is great, but the "Ultimate" is so much better and worth the few extra dollars.!ref!1,1,0 soundly merchandise. one remain to ordination theses I employment 100% syn crude and this sour fountainhead celebrate the petroleum cleaner long than any other unity have grade!ref!1,1,0 I Gotta Go is slap-up!. I saw these I Gotta Go potty training reviews and had to go buy one for my son. I screw this DVD! The concept is great. I never thought children (and parents!) could have fun while potty training. There is no stress for my son or us.He does not want to wear diapers anymore. The songs are so cute, we all sing them.I am glad we bought the DVD, the tape would have been worn out by now! I recommend it to anyone I know who is potty training their children!!ref!1,1,0 awful Book on the life of the Great Patriot Veer Savarkar. Awesome moldiness read book for every Hindu and every Indian about the life and works of the Great Patriot andfreedom fighter Veer Savarkar.!ref!1,1,0 equal this FUN?. *stabs Avril voodoo doll several times with kitchen knife*Now THAT'S fun.This is a pop album, not rock. Deluded fans take note! I would call it humorous but it just annoys me. Can't sing, her voice is whingy and beyond tuneful. The main reason im going to this fuss to write a review though is because I have seen her in interviews and she comes across as rude, stuck up and generally vile in every possibly way. Has NOBODY noticed this?The songs are horrid and cringeful. Who would call a song sk8er boi with serious face? The lack of dignity is shocking.Though I must praise Avril for starting the craze of long straight hair and tomboy clothing for teenage girls, it means I can wear my fairy clothes without embarassment. I love my fairy clothes.A girl living opposite my house loves this album, or her other album I dont know. Whatever. She plays it loud sometimes. Pity me please.!ref!0,1,1 Primus-Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People. awful footage. Any Primus fan should definitely have this DVD. The EP is good too, but it's very different. The low copulate of times 1 mind to it I really didn't like it, but it is really incerdible. Riffs like I've never heard before, even from Primus. It's a must have, you won't be dissapointed. Les is the man!!ref!1,1,0 Diana's in love with herself.... yes, and we've got the characterisation to prove it! I'm a little confused- is she selling the music or the face?? What, a few risque, sassy songs, a load of pictures and we've perplex a winner? I don't think so at all. pass your money on real vocalists like Sarah Vaughn or Claire Martin. Eliane Elias can sure kick a-- on the piano and she even composes tunes, too. Now THAT's versatile. Diana just sings the exact SAME way on different tunes, that's all.!ref!0,1,1 grotesque. enceinte laid of knives. identical abrupt. It was a bit pricier than I had intended, but single had a administer of fun corrupt the extra knives needed to ended this hardened.!ref!1,1,0 burble mixture of ancient and modern Greece. A convoluted patchwork novel that entrances the reader with it's poetic narrative. Threads of ancient and modern Greece run silver and gold in this book, complementing each other. The stories of generations of Greek women run together in a spiral circle that leads the reader along. A satisfying and lackadaisical read.!ref!1,1,0 but the well-grounded!. Wonderful selection of tracks, but the reviewers who commented on the sound quality are correct, it's unendurable. LOUD hissing. I have 35 year old Parker LPs that sound better. I was swayed to buy it by the many positive reviews. I was wrong, the sound guys were right.!ref!0,1,1 NOVA: Secrets of the Samurai Sword. A very worry docudrama on the art and science mired in manufacturing a samurai sword. The journey begins with the selection of the metal and the viewer then follows craftsmen producing a sword using the same techniques as their ancestors. Interwoven are scenes with swordsmen demonstrating their skills on bamboo targets and a brief history of the samurai and historical use of these weapons. modernistic science is used to explain the strength of the sword and the reason behind the shape of the blade. My only criticism is making the handles, which can be quite ornate, was not explored. The focus is on the blade.Highly recommended for anyone with an interest in martial arts and weaponry in particular.!ref!1,1,0 will not fit the new Motorola Droid Razr. The cable was fine and the damage is great but the problem is it will not fit the phone I bought it for the new Motorola Droid Razr. Maybe it fit an older model but if you just got the new model this cable won't fit it. Other than that, fast shipping and great price as well as a nice cable! Just wish it fit my phone...!ref!0,1,1 Needs a destiny of ferment. After reading previous reviews, I gather people either love or hate this book. So farI haven't been able to get past the first three chapters, so I'd gibe with the haters. A lot of things I have hear before about networking and subnetting are now explained in a bedevil agency or flatly contradict what I knew before. So who should I believe? According to the other reviewers on this site, I don't think I (and others) can rely 100% on the accuracy of the explanations offered. I do however agree that the questions at the end of the chapters are excellent.!ref!0,1,1 be THIS BRITNEY surgery adenine MUPPET talk ???. If she is a singer I desire to be a singer too. i bonk that iodin don't have any talent, but she does not have it neither. unity completely indisputable that everyone sing best than her after mind this bit of scraps. I feel genuinely wound with this Cd, how her party allows britney to did this 400? The uranium lawS should veto this CD, it is so nasty that it can be considered environmental contamination.!ref!0,1,1 A controller without a D-pad!. Don't withdraw the "5 stars denounce" reviews in such consideration, because their owners don't seem to play many diferent type of games. It's directional pad is a perfect dust. If you have emulators on your computer, like M.A.M.E, and usually diddle fighting games (Street Fighter, KOF etc...), FORGET it.It is also NOT recommended to play any other emulator games. PC games are also a hard task to do.Why?Simply because the D-pad doesn't work. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to make the moves work well.The one star I gave goes to all the rest (I mean the buttons and the design).Stay away from any gamepad from MS. They are the worst choice.!ref!0,1,1 Awesome- slacken. iodine have tons of Dan Gibson's hooey. This candle in picky is so unbend, It's Jazzy, mellow, laid back music. My masseuse, even looseness it for clients during a session.It's gross candle-lit, burble bath music :)!ref!1,1,0 dissemble. The poems in Mask are dainty. Many of the poems pretend a deep contribution to the interpretation of Charlotte Salomon--Berlin-born artist who perished at Auschwitz--her struggles and her transcendent ability to turn those struggles into art. Elana Wolff's poems remind me of the poems of Jane Kenyon, one of my favourite poets on earth, in their conciseness, and also in the translucent way they portray love--even in its darkest context.!ref!1,1,0 Great American bonk predictions. (1) Friend vs. Friend World Heavyweight ChampionshipRey Mysterio(c) vs. Batistawinner- batista(2) Fatal Four Way Elimination Number 1 Contenders MatchKurt Angle vs. JBL vs. Booker T vs. Lashleywinner- kurt angleorder of elimination- Lashley, booker t, and jbl(3) Undertaker vs. Umagawinner- Umaga(4) WWE Tag Team titles Ladder MatchMNM(c) vs. London and Kendrickswinner- London and kendricks(5) United States ChampionshipChris Benoit(c) vs. Finlay or Matt Hardy or triple threatwinner- benoit(6) Cruiserweight Invitational for the Cruiserweight titleSuper Crazy(c) vs. Psychosis vs. Jamie Noble vs. Kid Kash vs. Funaki vs. Gregory Helms vs. Scottie 2 Hotty vs. Nunzio vs. Gunner Scottwinner- gunner scott(7) Number 1 Contenders match for the wwe tag titlesGymini w/simon dean vs. Regal and Birchillwinners- Gymini!ref!1,1,0 Not that much rumble. For subwoofers placement is key and can crap or break your subwoofer. I have mine in a corner-ish spot, but it still doesn't give that chest pounding bass. Oh well, It's small so that's good for me because I'm using it with my PC.I have this connected to a Harmon Kardon Hk3390 receiver and On the back of the sub I set the volume 3/4 and on the receiver I set the bass knob to 3/4 aswell maybe it is defective because there the subwoofer only responds when the volume is 3/4 or higher. One thing to note is that it is very musical, it's not like those massive one note car subs that only go boom.!ref!1,1,0 Not the Best Cook refreshing. I am a big fan of Glen Cook's stories and I had known about this book for years, but couldn't find it. I have ready every book of Mr. Cook's, and enjoyed most (no, not all though), but this unity was high-risk. Simplistic characters with no depth and predictable story. I could only assume that this is the first story he ever wrote... and it shows. If you enjoy the Black Company series and the Dread Empire stories then stay away from this book. If you are a fan and just have to have this book to complete your collection, I have a copy that I will sell you!ref!0,1,1 Granddaughter screw this. I gave the Twilight Ladybug 5 stars because it was the perfect toy for our little toddler...she loves to watch the stars on the ceiling each night before going to sleep.!ref!1,1,0 slap-up Product for your money. This is a bully product and I have had no trouble working it. The only problemn I had is I was missing the stylus when I received it. But, I just went to the local gammming store and they hooked me up with one. I have no problems with it or the software. I loved it and so does my son, I think I am going to have to get him one next!!!!ref!1,1,0 Not what we were expecting. The comprehend see very interesting and tasteful. We were very disappointed that the whole book was in black n white and the photos were old, as it seemed to have been taken back in the 60's. My wife and I couldn't get into the reading as the graphics were not very appealing. We concluded that it was a waste of our money. We ended up much happier with Erotic Massage by Charla Hathaway.!ref!0,1,1 Sobering, but wannabe.... This playscript presents sobering views of our past, present, and possible futures, if we continue on the path we are currently on. My fiancee and I have been reading it to each other, and it's the perfect book for us right now, as we crap decisions about how to accomplish meaningful change in our lives, community and the world.!ref!1,1,0 tycoon Problems here too!. Hmm...appear Panasonic has a job that necessarily to be address. My 3-yr-old Set would not superpower up, we would unplug the set then nag it support in and it would be ticket. A couple of years ago it decided not to power on at all. When the bent is turned on, it try to superpower up and then just turns off. I have always been a Panasonic buff and have enjoyed the fix, but I have to admit I'm rethinking my loyalty. My 12-yr-old Toshiba hasn't missed a beat. Anybody had any success in getting a response from Panasonic?!ref!0,1,1 epic go. The descrition says 8 gauge power wire but it looks more like 12 gauge.... its skillful used as speaker wire dont waste your money. If your serious about amping up your system spend the extra money and get a true amp wiring kit!ref!0,1,1 exactly what you cogitate it is. This slip is exactly what it looks like. It protects the iPod middling well, leaving only the ports and hold button open to the elements. The opening for the headphone is about 7 mm in diameter so if you have a headphone shit that is bighearted than that, you may run into some problems. The touchwheel cadaver spiritualist and the screen is well protected. It comes with a lawsuit for both sizes of the 5G ipod. I only have the 30Gb version, but the case fits very snug. The only complaint I can think of is that the case will scratch. But that can happen with any plastic case and the whole point of a case is to have the scratches occur on your case and not on your iPod.!ref!1,1,0 peeler trot. XX for quintet clam this is a slip! bewilder mine in the send middling fasting, they were stain New and lighty oil all but i sour great. unity decidedly commend this to anyone who possess an SKS.!ref!1,1,0 tremendous experience. Didn't mystify what I ordered. Cannot rate because they post a cheep substitution which is not acceptable. No response to efforts to contact seller. They do not answer e-mail!ref!0,1,1 Xzibit's new cd is unity of the bettor album's this year.. one was impressed with this whole album. I can actually listen to this whole cd without hop-skip tracks. To me that deserves a quintet asterisk grade. The production of this album is solid even with Dre not involved. I have to suppose each beat is unique from what you might expect in a westcoast album. Xzibit has definitely ill-treat his game up and I look forward to his future releases. I strongly recommend this album. It proves to be one of the better albums coming from the west this year.!ref!1,1,0 This is the one you want. This is the top one to buy right now for home users. Some important things to note.(1) Make sure you tour off the Microsoft Wireless Zero Configuration service. You do that in the Control Panel --> Services. Then you install the vendor-supplied wireless software, and you'll have no connection drops. This is important because Microsoft Zero Configuration Service is a piece of crap.(2) Make sure you use some sort of authentication for wireless, preferably WEP 128 combined with MAC Address Filtering.(3) After you get it up and running (reading the instructions) do a firmware upgrade and update your firmware to the latest version.Mine has been running for almost a year and I've never had a single problem.!ref!1,1,0 undecomposed quality buy. a usual Russell puts out a great shirt. It looses a ace because the XL size was a fleck big on me-ever other XL shirt convulsion fine!!ref!1,1,0 Horrific. Ok, I heard deluge recently(I know this has been out for like ten years now). Real cool song, but that's all. This album really draw. It's really mellow and almost boy-bandish. The drum machine the band utilizes is laughable. This is a frightful immortalize. Thats all!ref!0,1,1 bold DISAPPOINTMENT. WHAT experience THEY coif. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL THEIR OTHER CD'S. NOT SURE WHAT HAPPENED HERE.I bum ONLY HOPE THEY GO BACK TO WHERE THEY WERE. THIS IS NOT A CD I WILL LISTEN TO MUCH. WHAT A BUMMER.!ref!0,1,1 Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook. Bought this for my mom. She has a hard time keeping up with what to eat and what not to eat. She says this cookbook is great. For the recipes they use ingredients you probably have on hand. Most cookbooks for diabetes require you to buy extra ingredients, not normally on hand. She screw it!!!!ref!1,1,0 slim and punk. These tshirts are as lean as you can imagine. subsequently unmatchable wash the neck and arms stretched out unacceptably. I cannot recommend this product.!ref!0,1,1 not quenched. battery that I received did not sour. Was not able to withdraw fancy of a very important issue because of it. I bribe a universal courser at Best Buy for less. Felt it was wrong to make me pay postage since you sent me someting defective.!ref!0,1,1 HUH>?. I engage this game gestate some tight and furious gameplay, the truth is, is that thats all you get. No statistics or roster changes!!!! Thats a major blast, besides that it has dumb gimics like when you have to play against a team of dolphins... WHY??? I recommend renting it world-class, the graphics are the only good thing about it, all you do is play play play, it gets pretty redundant and boring after a while, with no stats or rosters to look at.!ref!0,1,1 safe, but not so very baseless. 1 really revel indication this book, but it mint me more as comedy than erotica. It is fountainhead save, with a wry, lively humour, but while the sexuality fit are cute, they're neither as sponsor nor as toilsome as I've number to ask from disgraceful Lace. 5 hotshot as a understand, troika asterisk as erotica.!ref!1,1,0 prominent Disappointment. This book could have been alot better. I learn these online reappraisal cause I was dying to show another beloved story book and when I read these reviews, I retrieve the Bible was start to be cool, but one was so ill-timed. The only room this book is pitiful is that I really wasted my money buying it. The diagram is very unrealistic and pudden-head. I have show lots better.!ref!0,1,1 WAcom Tablet Intuos 3. I've been using this tablet for 2 years already & eff it. It realize Corel's Painter lX.5 a breeze to sketch with ~ and working with tight areas on photo editing is much smoother. (My son-in-law & granddaughter also enjoy working with it.)After working with the pen it's hard to use a regular mouse again. Another perk is Vista's handwriting recognition feature... now I rarely use the keyboard.I cannot recommend this product enough. Just remember to keep your driver updated. You'll wonder why you never bought one sooner!!ref!1,1,0 Another version of borecole Porter's title..... After the Cole Porter movie came out a few years ago (ie: the movie with Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd), there was a resurgence in interest in Cole Porter's hits.This CD has most of Cole's murder from the movie, although the songs are not sung by modern singers (as in the recent De-LOVELY movie). Thus, the songs in this Cd were recorded before the movie.Please note that the earlier recordings included in this CD will not sound as "sharp" as the movie version tracks (ie: the soundtrack's songs to the movie which is called "De-Lovely"). However, if you can afford to buy both versions (ie: this CD and the De-Lovely CD) I think you will be able to get a nice "feel" for Cole Porter.A nice addition to your music history CD Library,in my opinion.!ref!1,1,0 Where's the ".Net". one get the title of this book to be very misleading. First and world-class, this book has nothing to do with the ".last" platform. At best this book reviews some Microsoft technologies that can be used when creating an e-commerce site (namely, Commerce Server), but girl the whole sharpen of the ".Net" platform (i.e. web services and the like). Additionally, I found the author to be very self-aggrandizing - "I found that..." or "When I do do this I ..." or "I will define ...". This becomes overbearing by chapter 2 - the entire first 300+ pages are about the esoteric nuance of web design - in his opinion. This book is weak in examples and techniques - it is not a ".Net Bible" by any stretch of the immagination.!ref!0,1,1 dogshit..... Well, I beat scammed. These cables do not sour. My Roku image was incubate with static. Swapped cables with one I purchased a while back somewhere else (for about the same price) and it worked great. Do not buy these cables...!ref!0,1,1 didn't sour at all. I purchase this to get rid of the crow's feet and fine lines under my eyes. I've victimised this now for about three months with absolutely no melioration whatsoever. It is pleasant to use and doesn't irritate my eyes, but just didn't do a affair for me.!ref!0,1,1 tough quality gloves. I would not recommend this product to any unmatchable. hold tears in the seams within a week of practice it.!ref!0,1,1 Intermatic TN1 touchstone Lamp & convenience timekeeper. unfortunately this product does not influence as it should on a 50 cycle voltage system.!ref!0,1,1 Grisham should take a go. I think it's time for Grisham to take a break from writing anddo something else to get recharged. His best work was his first book.The next two were fairly good and different from the first, A Time to Kill. Perhaps if he took a few years off he would come up with an original storyline again. I have read all of his books but I would gladly wait several years for a quality novel.!ref!0,1,1 America the Beautiful. A slap-up book for children over 6. Beautifully instance. crap a child think and react on his/her own. instruct children to be individuals.!ref!1,1,0 You can't argue with Early Church Fathers. Webster takes on a very textbook style in writing his book. He quotes directly from Early Church Fathers who did not believe in the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome or the Papacy of Peter. Although it is not the particular subject matter, it explains well how the Catholic Universal Church evolved into a Dictorial Roman religion packed full of pagan and gnostic theologies.In conclusion, the arguement brought up in Webster's book cannot be ignored, and prominent Roman Catholic Apologists cannot refute the claims made in this book.!ref!1,1,0 Died quickly. With this battery you get what you paid for. It go within 6 months. No short cuts, if your phones battery goes dead, just get another phone, good batteries cost almost as much as the phone and cheap batteries like this peerless aren't worth the trouble.!ref!0,1,1 howler!!!. I had the pleasure of owning this cd one point and time. This group is off the hook. Talking about voices blending, and not missing a key. I was in Memphis at the COGIC convention and the girls performed at the saturday night concert(at the pyramid), that was my first time hearing them, and I loved their sound ever since then. I'm like a few others, I lost the cd and it has been hard trying to come across another. Amazon or somebody reading this please tell me where I can find another copy. Thanx!!!ref!1,1,0 WAIST OF MONEY!!!. I bought these today at our local pet store and they are plump right back tomarrow! This was the first attempt to cut my cat's nails and, though she was patient with me, they left her nails jagged and rough. I thought it was my technique, so I tried several different ways and none of them worked! These things cost me $14.99, too!!! I'm going to try the Millers forge pet nail clipper on this site or ebay...which ever is cheaper. It had good reviews and might actually work!!! This product is a waist of money.!ref!0,1,1 contract!!??!!. but so you cognize: the Oxford World Classics edition of LA REINE MARGOT is abridged. Oxford "justifies" the abridged version by saying it's the best known, but I think if MARGOT were as popular as THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, Oxford would spend the extra money to give it to us in full. I empathise things like Readers suffer condensing books for the masses, but shouldn't something as scholarly as Oxford World Classics give us the real thing? What about Dumas fans who want to read his stories they way he wrote them? Most Dumas readers aren't afraid of long books, especially if they've read MONTE CRISTO or VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE(which is almost TWICE as long as MONTE CRISTO). Unfortunately, the unabridged version seems only available in French. But I'm a biggish Dumas fan, so I read Oxford's abridged MARGOT rather than nothing. It's great, Great, GREAT, but a shadow hung over the entire book making wonder what I was missing. What Dumas-esque character moments did I miss? What details?!ref!0,1,1 This ledger is a moldiness for anybody who has a frump.. I'm a Floridian and I have a dog, so iodin was pleased to chance "The Florida dog-iron Lover's Companion." I now cognize which hotels, motels and restaurants where my "best friend" is welcome, as well as parks, beaches and other diversions for pooches. Thank you Sally and Robert for writing this book!!ref!1,1,0 this mettlesome foetor!!!!!!!!. What is wrong with this game! people are all "it is cool" but really it foetor. I mean what is so "play" about going around and killing things.i hear my friends say "the blood is gamy" that is just sick this M rated game wrick my friends into jolt because they got all violent. I went to my friends B-day party and thay played this all night! idid not even pick up the controller! I wanted to go home! so dont mess up your brain!!ref!0,1,1 bonk jack. Am enjoying reading Child's books, but this one is kinda slow, althought it picks up toward the end. noneffervescent worth it!ref!1,1,0 How to use frontline for cat-o'-nine-tails. Take $70 out of your wallet. short it on kindle. Go buy advantage. Frontline is utterly worthless. I have a 20lb indoor Caterpillar who has been plagued by fleas this winter. I won't go into the ordeal I have gone through for the past trine months. But in short- I followed their directions in case of re-infestation and ended up using VI month supply in half the time. Not only did this cheat me out of a refund but made my poor cat suffer. I would give it a Zero if I could.!ref!0,1,1 Generic "no epithet" hose. This review has cipher to do with this item's caliber. After receiving this soaker hose from Rittenhouse I wanted to repay it. There are absolutely no stigmatize or labels with the package that would argue that this is nothing but a bulk produced, cheap hose. I was expecting the soaker hose shown in this ad's image: "Lawson Osmile Professional Soaker Hose". Only time will tell if this hose holds up any better than others I have tried. As it sits right now it's still coiled up and strapped as I have intentions of trying to return it to Rittenhouse.!ref!0,1,1 Isn't what I was expecting. Not many pick for recipes since they are all kind of the same. It is just taking all fruits and blending them. I precious more recipes making balanced charmer.!ref!0,1,1 Don't stall, don't SEAL!. i did not comparable these bagful for tercet reasons: (1) they don't seal well - you have to remove the air and then roll the bagful down with the twist tie; (2) the bags are oddly shaped and don't stall up in the freezer; (3) THEY LEAK when dissolve. I have had more than one bag outflow in the thawing process. Those that didn't escape then leaked when I was transfering the milk. I much prefer the Gerber bags. They stand up on their own, the have the ziplock seal and I haven't had one leak.!ref!0,1,1 but somewhat insightful. I was very foiled in this reserve. Although there were moments of insight tender by this author, for the most part I recover myself maturation impatient with the simplistic faith view that tend throughout. thither are many more interesting memoir to register on unordered feeding -- ones that flavour at the problem from the spiritual side. I am cerebrate in especial of anything publish by Geneen Roth. Then too, there is a whinney undertone to this hold that is a little off putting as well. Not that the book is steeped in this, but every so often I felt my eyes roll.!ref!0,1,1 Bob create reggae to speak for the people. I think the Marley family needs to listen to Bob interviews and learn that Bob was not looking for quick money and fame, that come to him naturally. Reggae is to educate all people around the world and to bring consciousness to African about our struggle. And the family is just capitalizing on his hard work for a quick profit, and forget Bob and the other wailers hard struggle to be recognize by the international seen hope they will learn and get back to the roots of the people that has not voice, that Bob intended the music to speak for.!ref!0,1,1 A business book with a difference. axerophthol moldiness for people wanting to be in the web marketing business. Ad. agency people will have to interpret it's got everything unmatchable pauperism to hump about business on the net.!ref!1,1,0 CUTE BUT VERY onionskin. I already knew that these were not sturdy by the reviews but I figured the price was right so why not, well the pros are they are cunning and colorful, the kids will love them, the cons are they are very small, poorly made and flimsy, so if they are strictly for that once in a blue moon emergency they are fine, but for camping etc they wouldn't last 10 mins, and be prepared, they are just a few inches high, to me they were originally meant to be toy lanterns or disposable!ref!0,1,1 good enough. doesn't excite and the hooks that hold it in to the ipod have a hard time releasing especiially if the ipod is encased in an acrylic belkin protection sleeve but other than that I would buy again.!ref!1,1,0 Overall, not forged. When I first ordered these ace neglected some of the reviews I had seen about the shoes and got a sizing septet because that's what the chart suppose my size should be but ace was wrong to ignore the revue, the sizing is rattling small on these shoes so order a size up. Other than that I really like the shoes. The gloss is great and they are very prosperous!!ref!1,1,0 immortal must be American.... one couldn't concern to this reserve. If God were verbalise & precious the 'world' to read his record ..he'd have apt lesson that touched a chord with all humans.Seems to me that he speaks Enlish, succeed american politics ...and just about everything else falls in to 'eastern theory' or 'eastern mystics'..he should love theres no east ..theres India, theres China, theres Japan..they all have their distinct philosophies.I am pretty certain if God were talking I'd be able to relate to him...Unless of course God wrote this book for Americans...maybe theres book 6 or 7 for the rest of us.!ref!0,1,1 This is a practiced production. The Poise inkpad .... This is a good production. The aplomb pads were pocket-sized enough that they didn't flavor bulky. However, they did a safe caper of suck. I matte comfortable wearing the Poise pads and had no worries about any leakage. ane would definitely corrupt assuredness for future usage and would recommend them to others.!ref!1,1,0 Not so slap-up. This spray kills most ants within 5 - 10 seconds, but does not appear to inhibit further ant infestations. Some family members find the smell of the spray quite objectionable.!ref!0,1,1 convulsion my 2000 Subaru Outback. I use this on my 2000 Subaru Outback. My stock oil drain plug was getting a little beat up, and this is a double-dyed fit refilling. This also burst the transmission drain on my car. The stopper are the same.!ref!1,1,0 I used to somewhat like this band..... but it just gets kind of old, this album has a few gems, and the rest is just screaming and pure resound. the best songs are the ones where there is actual singing in it, it provides a good mix and a change of pace."Wait and Bleed" is by far the best song on the album and i never seem to get tired of it. "Surfacing" is also pretty good along with "Spit it out" and "Me inside"(Although a little too short.The rest of the album is just a bunch of incomprehensible screaming, deafening guitars, a couple of clowns(literally) hitting trash cans and a drummer thats so good he really seems out of his element.!ref!0,1,1 This really is the canine's privates. I bought this book when I first started on my Music Technology degree... I'm now just finishing my final year project, and I have to tell you... this book has been a fantastic help. Quite a lot of what is contained within is more information than I've needed personally, but if you have a genuine interest in the nitty-gritty of levelheaded synthesis, then this is the book for you. grotesque. You can hear how this book has helped my band by visiting and checking out our mp3s. Also, we have free soundfonts available for download... so come check us out.!ref!1,1,0 "Under The Pink" is her overall best.. I remember in 1992 when "Tori" released her debut, who knew how long she'd be around. It's good to have her here 12 years later. In that span of time, I believe this is my favorite of hers. It's not the most consistent, but nonetheless very stiff. Included are three of her most popular songs "Cornflake Girl", "Past The Mission", and "God", which I like the most. However, they're all good, and each have something different to offer the listener. A new fan may just want to get her recent "Tales Of A Librarian" collection, but for "Tori Amos", I think 1994 was "A Pretty Good Year".!ref!1,1,0 Not Large Size. Product quality is good, but it is a Medium size item and definitely not Large as advertised.!ref!0,1,1 Uneven cant. The manducate were priming unevenly and don't burn against the pivot. I have to propel it to the lean to undercut a wire.!ref!0,1,1 slap-up Phone. We are victimisation this phone in a small medical office with three stations and three lines. go quality is excellent. It also integrates easily with other equipment like "on-hold gold".!ref!1,1,0 middling sound. I like that this metronome is fairly loud (there are still times when I'm playing with my piano trio that we can't hear it.) But for personal practice, it's definitely more than adequate. I like the tone of the notes for tuning to. Another small qualm is that the speaker is on the back of the metronome. It's nice to have the temperature and hygrometer, but a friend who has this metronome told me that he has to put new batteries in it all the time. I've had mine for only a month so I haven't experienced that yet.!ref!1,1,0 Arm Saver. This is a great picayune kitchen tool and I am now sending them to family and friends. Does just one job - pops open sealed jars that don't twist open easily. I have MS and weak arms so most jars I can not twist open any more. I also have "band" openers that work too. But this piddling gadget just sits in the top drawer and is quick to grab and use. I rate this 6 out of 5 stars. Hint - combine with other items for the $25 free shipping or it is too expensive alone.!ref!1,1,0 nobelium more being left behindhand!. The pet stroller is so much fun! one strolled a 5K with my 13 year old scottie and we had such a great time! He loves the action but just can't walk that far anymore. The stroller was very easy to assemble, congregation (fairly) savorless for storage and transport, is tall enough that ane do not have to stoop comparable with some baby unmbrella strollers and the wheels are declamatory and agile enough to handle a variety of "road" conditions. It's terrific.!ref!1,1,0 passing disappoint!!. Daphne Bennett pen the skilful biography of the Empress Frederick - "Vicky" - and everyone should read it, as opposed to Pakula's Book which is a pale and anemic and boring imitator. Pakula just can't mastermind her endless material and wee-wee an intimate and involving floor out it. She has basically rehashed Bennett's book and added a ton of mother-daughter letters which are eternally cumbersome and difficult and slow down the flow of the book. These letters seemed to be simply dumped here and there and would have been best summarized. Pakula makes history quite an ordeal!!ref!0,1,1 caveat - This may not be what you flummox. one am a big Star Trek fan and a big Amazon fan so imagine how pleased I was (after having bought this calendar way back in August) to control that this count wish a totally different cover for the same year (2005).However, when I recently received the calendar it was the same tweed background as the one I had purchase several months ago. I have adjoin Amazon customer service and they could not nevertheless determine if there are indeed two different calendars. They are investigating. In the meantime, I thought I would enter this review to keep other Star Trek "nuts" like myself (who absolutely must collect ever different calendar) from making my mistake.I will update this review as soon as I get a definitive answer from Amazon. Until then...CAUTION...what you see is not what you get!!ref!0,1,1 Zoom H4. As a musician, I have found this Handy recorder to be a very ok recorder with multiple resources for recording. It is also has many resources that you find in good recording studios which you can use to crap quality stereo and 4 track recordings. It is very important that one scan every word of the instruction manual many times in order to understand this gimmick and piss good use of all its resources. The select of the transcription I have coiffure so far is excellent.!ref!1,1,0 Comments that are not particular to the item's capacity may not be carry on our situation.. AS a dope, i get this Quran publish in a descend and haughty strengthen. Where are the exposure of 50ft women?!ref!0,1,1 low budget/high aspirations. I have no objectivity. I wrote the script for this movie. It was so much less than it might have been. And yet, Ray Sharkey (in one of his last roles) brought something to the character that no one could write, something deep and tragic that almost saves the film from "compleat scrap-heap". Hard to find, and expensive, no video library is complete without it. RVC!ref!0,1,1 awe-inspiring. lightbulb bluster after 4 months, can not get into back to supercede. nobelium technical support. wild of money, very upset!ref!0,1,1 Not A 'Complete' Dictionary. I purchased this Dictionary for my daughters mean it was a thorough complete dictionary that would meet all of their needs when searching for a word. I have recently come to con that this book definetly return short of a complete dictionary, it simply does not contain many words you would find in any other complete dictionary. Several times my children were searching for a word and gave up not being able to find it in the book, so I had to capture MY dictionary so they could find the definition! Very disappointing!!ref!0,1,1 Surprisingly thwarted. I am the biggest fan of Jonathan Butler however, this CD is not his full work. "Do You Love Me" as well as some other work in the past has been so outstanding that I was really disappointed with "Story of Life".I was require more great ballads like "Do Love Me", "Life After You", and "Lost in Love".!ref!0,1,1 iodin was tire!. one didn't often revel this hold. The hero was room to fretful and verbose, and the heroine was prickly - and what is with her crush with the dog? another matter ace didn't empathize is why the fighter restrain all the faculty at the manor. He should have beam them out. Both the grinder and heroine were good unlikeable.!ref!0,1,1 An "eye opener".. I decided to buy this book to have a different, more esoteric view of music. If you desire to view this theme on a natural or more scientific perspective, this is not the correct book.An author who poses himself like THE ALL, writing as if he knew the distant future, as well as pinpoint our erroneous conceptions of how we see music to-day (which he does), can give a very interesting perspective. Yet, interesting perspectives must obviously provide the perspective which is at stake. One cannot just pose the question and then evade the answer by writting something as shallow as, "you will find the answer as you evolve as a race"....A sad-hungry hippie wrote this book. Yet I must admitt that it is an excellent midnight-bathroom book!!!ref!0,1,1 slap-up Source of Information. It is a totally comprehensive book detailing the observations Dave Pelz has made from his schools and from his engineering studies of how a golfer can putt successfully by learning the feedbacks necessary to understand the mechanisms of putting. His "tools" can be crap easily. There is a wealth of information, well presented, and informative pictures!!ref!1,1,0 just cable for cheap. it does its job , what's important for much cheaper than Microcenter or Best Buy.!ref!1,1,0 tardily Read and High Value. This is another great book by a great author. It was easy to read and also implement suggested meeting styles. single recommend visiting the author's website to get additional handouts.!ref!1,1,0 grotesque Workout !!!. As a FIRM fanatic for the last 3 years, I had to take a moment to share my opinion on this DVD.Allie, in my humble opinion, is the very best of the FIRM instructors at preparing the user to smoothly run through the workout without a level of sheer frustration. She gives you proper form, breathing recommendations, and a smooth transition throughout this workout.You never stop moving from one set of weights (if not a beginning) to another to work different muscle groups. I have only used this DVD once, so far, but I already know that it will become a well used workout.Well worth the money and time!!!!!ref!1,1,0 For jolly or not?. If you bed golf, you can't locomote unseasonable with this rubric. selfsame realistic golf. identical beautiful golf. behave one note this is a golf gritty? Unfortunately unity do not care golf. However, at least single can greet a decent plot. This is rightfully a seemly crippled. Not expectant, but not horrendous.buttocks seam: exist it fun? yes, if you fuck golf. Will iodine living it? Nope. YOu have to love golf to do that. Is it for kids? Nope. Too slow, and too many controls.!ref!1,1,0 punishing tilt Suckage. I saw these guys per chance during this tour. They played Horde for some unknown reason. With all the hype that surrounds these schlemiels, i can't get over the played out rock poses of Mr. stapp and the monstrous penchant for writing tunes that are only enjoyed by those who drink PBR in a smokey hick bar. Rev up your truck, grow your mullet and move to the sunny coast. I will give them two stars based on the fact that all of thier songs sound the same, but don't necessarily make my ears bleed.!ref!0,1,1 alone Classics. Considering the technical limitations of the menstruation during which these malarky treats were made, you may be surprised at how commodity they wakeless. They aren't as good as you would find on a vinyl LP but when they're matched with the visuals, they are probably the best you can flummox for the time, which seems to be about the 1940s and 1950s.Lovers of earlier big band will revel in some of the unique features of many of these numbers. Solos on bass clarinet and valve trombone, a song/dance rendition of the classic "Bli-Blip" which you may never get tired of, and Lionel Hampton's piano magic on "TV Special". You can be forgiven for not knowing that "The Hamp" played piano too. The second half of this DVD demonstrates what a sensational bandleader and entertainer he was.And finally, if Ray Nance's broad grin at the end of his violin solo doesn't lift your spirits, you may need professional help.!ref!1,1,0 the brat tamp. it is the undecomposed collection i purchased because of the tercet movies and the music stocky disc that comes included. thank you raul!ref!1,1,0 disappoint. I really liked this BT, but those I tattle to don't. This thing clean up every bit of back ground noise. Bustling with paperwork comes across louder than my voice and prompts a "Ahh! what is that!" response from the person on the other end. Although it's swooning, it doesn't settle into my ear easily. After about 20 minutes, it has to come out due to the sharp corner poking into my ear. I've broken two of the ear loops. Not really usable unless you're in a quite place.!ref!0,1,1 heavy disappointment. My fifteen twelvemonth honest-to-goodness is using this book in LAUSD richly civilize so iodine was positive that a book by an onetime Exeter professor would be more than adequate. iodin was haywire. have Brown walked into an Exeter classroom with this script thirty-five years ago we would have arrest him circulate eagle to a Harkness board. I bribe my nestling a copy of week and Atkins, the Scripture habituate by my preparation cultivate teacher Arthur Weeks and dark-brown himself when he taught at Exeter.!ref!0,1,1 Ott dump Lamp. I purchased this lamp because it looked like it would fit into home decor and not look so industrial. I use it for doing quilting and it's rattling. The tiny stitches really show up well under this light. The lamp is beautiful and has a clear non-glare igniter that is easy on the eyes. I had been shopping around before I purchased it and Amazon had a slap-up cost on this lamp. It's heavy for me to sit anywhere else in the house to read or do needle work now. My favorite place is by this lamp!!ref!1,1,0 awful!. I am the sole owner of a book and DVD sales company and a lot of the other tape I have used from other companies, this is by far the best tape I have used in a long time. It is a cheap price but a good good quality. I would HIGHLY recommend this for any shipping company.!ref!1,1,0 Read retention of a Catholic Girlhood instead. I love most of Mary McCarthy, but in my opinion, this is her sapless record. It covers basically the same territory as Memories of a Catholic Girlhood, which she wrote in the 1950s. Here, however, there's little trace of her signature, tightly-wrought style. Instead, the style is baggy, with convoluted sentences, chatty asides, digressions within digressions, and endless lists of books she read, names of friends, etc. As a result, I often lost track of the basic story - which, after all, was the exact same story she had already told in Memories of a Catholic Girlhood. I'm rather confused as to why McCarthy wrote this book at all. Given that she had already written a detailed memoir of her formative years, why not just skip ahead to the mid-1930s, the subject of her unfinished "Intellectual Memoirs"?!ref!0,1,1 non That undecomposed. I have been purchasing NBA Live since the Sega Genesis days. I waited anxiously for the release of 2000 expecting a star halt due to new competition form the Dreamcast, iodin was very dissapointed. The game is better in part due to the old classic teams and the MJ one on one but the graphics I belive actually got worse if you can believe it. I think they spent too much time focusing on the teams and MJ and the graphics suffered. NBA 2K on Dreamcast is ten times better, they really took the time to make that game realistic, EA slipped on 2000.!ref!0,1,1 Super Duper.. I just had to throw a good 5 stars for this album. These guys have always been good and, having lived in Lawrence and attending KU, the only thing I regret is not attending while they were forming and playing up there! Road Rash forever!!ref!1,1,0 one of the most jade books I've ever read!. I am sure that after the great performance by Tom Hanks portraying Forrest Gump, everyone is dying to hear of a sequel to the movie. Gump & Co. brings that to the readers except Forrest's life does not match up to the life of Forrest from the movie. Forrest isn't having the best time of his life and he needs to survive all the hardships being thrown to him. Reading the book is suppose to give you the sense of reading the continuation of his life. The past references that Forrest makes in the book are not equivalent to the movie itself. In the movie for example, his long time sweetheart Jenny was buried under "their tree" in Forrest's backyard. In the book, I really wanted to put the book down. Some parts just didn't make sense. The movie and the novel were two entirely different things. I highly do not recommend this book if you are interested in reading a sequel to Forrest Gump. Just wait for the actual movie sequel.!ref!0,1,1 what a affect. I was ready to boogie to all the fabulous read they have listed victimisation the artist who originally sang the birdcall but when unity depart to bet the candle it was singers seek to peach the Sung. i was alarm to happen out that the product was not as listed. they should not be able to get away with misrepresenting their product. iodine was very foiled.!ref!0,1,1 It's a classical. Hygeia was published a fair bit ago--1979. It's a classic in the field of woman's herbalism. And it is 'way before its time if you consider that mind-body-spirit medicine is much more accepted now than before. Jeannine seems to bridge that gap in Hygeia considerably before others did. Prepare yourself for a slack, panoptic journey into herbalism and doctrine indite in Jeannine's trademark title.!ref!1,1,0 Marx Brothers eloquent filmdom collection. How disappoint. The snitch is not establish on the films- four of the five films are incredibly fun and full of lunacy- it is Universal's half-hearted travail that is really a let-down. For that studio to re-release them in no better condition than they were in the late-90s releases is insulting. No effort was made to find better film elements, the extras are pathetic (they would've been fine as part of a larger collection of extras) and "Duck Soup", one of the top 100 American Films of all time, doesn't even merit a commentary track!Compare this shoddy work with MGM's labor of love from earlier this year on "A Night at the Opera" and "A Day at the Races", and Universal's effort looks darned poor.Universal needs to hear from Marx Brothers fans, too. The Brothers deserve better and so do we.!ref!0,1,1 ehhhhh. one was REEEEALLY emotional when I received my copy of this album. I took it to my car and started listening with the system blasting. I found myself pressing "next track" more than loving the music.It's definitely unequaled. Some of the songs are REEEALLY practiced, but the rest make up for it. Ugglor|Mossen might be one of the best songs I've ever heard. The rest of the cd can't compete though. The reason this album earned 2 stars is because this song is on it.I've reviewed a number of cds and box sets... if it's great GOA you're looking for you get you movin and groovin, go other places. It may be a great album for some of you looking for a unique sound that unmatchable (like I thought it would be), but I can't say I'm satisfied.!ref!0,1,1 Pretty Solid. Plastic wheel and the line coating came melted in a spot. Pretty nice though works great and is holding down my 60lb husky just fine.Edit: I am changing my review due to an incident Yesterday. the small cable that hooks to the dog broke. My husky is currently missing and has been since I got home from work yesterday. I spent 4 hours looking for him and will spend more time after work today. I hope we find him and he isn't hurt.!ref!0,1,1 We savour it!. awesome fancy all these activity maven together!!! It was catgut rip grease-gun scrap thru the entirely flick, but worth it to envision these ridicule together!!ref!1,1,0 taboo of the Race. TWICE SHY by Dick Francis is an off day at the track. Jonathan Derry is a nice enough young physicist who acquires some musical tapes, which are in reality a fancy computerized betting system. But in the world of computers a hiatus of fourteen years doesn't work and neither does the change in narrators.Add TWICE SHY to your collection by all means, but try WILD HORSES for a trip into the power of Dick Francis.Nash Black, author of WRITING AS A SMALL BUSINESS and SINS OF THE FATHERS.!ref!0,1,1 Just fine.... The game has fairly good cartoonish graphics for the time it was made. The voice acting is clique but serves its purpose for the game style. Plenty of war materials to get anyone happy. The biggest issue is the controls. They are hard to get use to and some what clumsy. It didn't feel natural to move and conduct basic movements and commands. After a while I got tired of it and simply put the game down. I don't any intention of ever playing it again. Just not worth the time.!ref!0,1,1 Statin levels. Based on what I have researched/read each pill in this formula should contain 3.4mg ofLovastatins, (Icluding monacolins KA form).The FDA will not allow these companies to print this on the label. They want everyone reliant on large pharma. This formula was tested and contained no mycotoxin citrinin (thought to cause chronic kidney disease in the Balkans where this toxin is found in high levels) a dosage of three pills a day should be a good start and is the minimum effective dosage shown to work in clinical trials.I would also recommend taking a CoQ10 supplement like Q-gel which is solubilized in polysorbate 80, for excellent absorption.!ref!1,1,0 I Gotta Go is slap-up!. I saw these I Gotta Go potty training reviews and had to go buy one for my son. I screw this DVD! The concept is great. I never thought children (and parents!) could have fun while potty training. There is no stress for my son or us.He does not want to wear diapers anymore. The songs are so cute, we all sing them.I am glad we bought the DVD, the tape would have been worn out by now! I recommend it to anyone I know who is potty training their children!!ref!1,1,0 Isn't comedy supposed to be funny?. If you lined up all of the humourous material on the 2 CD's, you'd laugh for 5 minutes. But those 5 minutes would be F**king hysterical. Funny in direct but very cut.!ref!0,1,1 a piffling weak reading. This is Nepal as it was in the 80's A throwaway novel, when compared to his masterworks like the Mars Trilogy, this entertaining read is highly recommended for anyone who has trekked [or dreams of trekking] in Nepal. He evokes the Kathmandu of the late 70s and 80s perfectly - from named restaurants and hippie highpoints to the bustle, muck and medieval layers of Kathmandu and its environs. Descriptions of the town and trekking the nearby mountains ring true, although the plot itself is too thin to support much examination. It's a fun book, in the style of The Ascent of Rum Doodle.!ref!1,1,0 A bit thin and oriented to the big end of the scale. What I didn't realise when I ordered this is that it is an publication of a US kennel association. It is a slim book, gives a good, realistic overview of kenneling from a management perspective, and is a good thing to read if you need to decide basic questions like "is the kennel business for me?" and "what are the main issues in kennel management?" Its orientation is toward large kennels (65+ dogs) in the US. For someone like me, who is thinking about a small kennel in Australia, it was interesting, but not really worth its pricetag.!ref!0,1,1 No credit of diabetes?. Not to oversimplify, but if a scout to dwarf hamsters doesn't mention diabetes - a *huge* issue with the Campbells variety - then assume it's blemish in other ways, too.!ref!0,1,1