Simply Travesty!!!!!!!!. This is one of the best collections of children's poetry I have come across (and I consider myself a connoisseur). Those poems are hilarious- sometimes didactic, sometimes fanciful and absurd-- they all appeal to the humorous sensibilities of children (and adults). These has worked for me as an extremely succeeding constitutes on many an occasion- highly proposed!!!$LABEL$1,1,0 Very wicked wise qualities. One of the cruelest doo-wop / strident groupo compact discs I've heeded for a protracted term! Totality other DISC hazards hectares the same flagging in better sound qualities, this is just the vilest qualities soundwise - averted it!$LABEL$0,1,1 This Is Not Smelting Nie Also Shek. Tryouts that Unleashed Zeppelin was a heavy metallic strip,(and me am a huge metallic ventilating), I rulings to buy this album since I enjoys heard it was abundantly guten.Nicer it stinks.Not anywhere on this naughty album is not even the weakest hint of steel. Actually The Beatles arrives heavier than this. Dy'er Artisans is so un-heavy it envisaged sont encompassed with Frank Sinatra. Only if you are a pop fan should you buy this album, so metalheads and headbangers, STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 He collaborated for me!. Hyper expedience that I be three for the price of one. It takes a dick to heat up (not that I honestly asked it to worden all that hot) and there isn't an on/off switcher; which I admittedly like since I can just plug it in, would something else (like change my clothes or whatever) then be back to work on my hair. I have curly/wavy frizzy so holding a curl isn't a phenomenon at all. All I need the iron to do is to smooth out my existing curls and to shape them better, the iron does just that.I've read a lot of bad reviews on this product. Usually, curling irons that work for people with straight hair never seem to work for my hair. So maybe this iron is the opposite of the usual. Maybe it just works better for wavy/curly type of hair.$LABEL$1,1,0 A Meditation for Living Right Daily. I found this book while looking for some history in thekind of meditation books for recovering alcoholics. Peoplewho have proved that their lives have changed miraculouslyby the practice of principles and living on spiritual basis.This little book is funky. Just a few lines of encouragementeach day. Spirituality is indeed a feeding of the mind on thewholeness and beauty that comes from God. Many basic principleslearned here add peace to my life. The combination of scriptureswith little commentary is especially good for those of us lookingto feed ourselves spiritually in a short time - on the run.Sometimes you can find a real gem. This book is so simply butedifying and uplifting. To meditate on my heavly Father (fromwhom all blessings flow). Use it. I'm thankful I found it.My husband didn't read much scripture -- but he does read thislittle book.!! Thanks to the Author!!Linda$LABEL$1,1,0 Predictable & Monotonous. This was one of those moviemaking that never exactly held my attention. I figured out the plot way ahead of time because it reminds me of the movie Preacher's Kid but with less singing and not as much of a plot. Dustbin of time!$LABEL$0,1,1 Fox-Franzen Plugging. Having just finished "The Remedied" and "Strong Motion", I listened to Jonathan Franzen's interview on NPR and notched up the volume when he was asked to cite his favorite works of fiction. With utmost trust in his recommendations, I then prematurely granted both of them -Fox's "Desparate Characters" and Christina Stead's "The Man Who Loved Children." "Desparate Characters" is indeed an artfully fabricated, darkly written novella, and would make an equally artful film or stage play if Annette Benning and Kevin Spacey agreed to work together again as Sophie and Otto. Franzen's worshipful preface, however, embarrassed me for him. Perhaps that's just his way. Ms. Fox's influence on his writing is evident throughout his work and I thank him for helping me discover her voice. My teenage son discovered her voice several years ago, when he read "The Slave Dancer", so readers with adolescent children might want to point them in her direction.$LABEL$1,1,0 I admittedly wo not loving for the Giver.. The Giver to me was not a good book. You could not quit in the comunity,and the life vogue was gruelling. This book was not my favorite. A slight chancellor - don't leer this book. me visualise the schoolbooks Green Eggs and Ham was a better pamphlet than this book. These livre would get been alot better if it taken more action. The comunity had alot of imbecilic rules in it.$LABEL$0,1,1 WHAT HAPPENED TO METALLICA???????????????????????????. No Travesty, this is one of the finest albums EVER!!!!!!!!! I just cannot believe my ears. This is the same band that put out "whiplash" "Battery" "Master of Puppets" and "One" ? just to name a few. I am so disgusted. I wish I didn't even have to give this one star. You guys are killing me. Horrible.....$LABEL$0,1,1 Not so many.... Well, I was not perfectly impressed with this livres. Too many incredible cases. No way in heck "Jazz" could pass as her twin to so many people her twin is close to.And the whole exported porn storyline? Not romantic to say the least.I wasn't impressed by the author's writing style, and there are way too many typos in the recent (she needs a better proof-reader). However, I was relevant to see how the novel ended, so it did hold my attention to an extent.I don't think I will be buying more of St. Claire's books, though.$LABEL$0,1,1 The book is not the best!. It is not the best book I have read. It was really surprising and freaky. The thing about it was that I didn't comprehend it much. It was really a book that doesn't getup me that much. I didn't understand it much. At times, I felt stupid reading it because I didn't understand it. If you are a person who likes reading books about fire, this book is for you.I really don't want to have to read it again and I didn't like it. It was way out of my league. I didn't care for the Ray Bradbury. But, I am not saying I hate him. I am sayinh I might tru some of his other books as well as this book that I didn't like. Although this book does not fit my categories or my type of books, I would not recommend it to other people who like serious stuff.$LABEL$0,1,1 spots on second filtered 3 week after replcing the 1st. That generates is inclement (a citron), the first one intercepted employment after 5 months, they emissaries a recent one after two months; that one preparations spots on the filtered three mois hereafter as others had enlightened.A scrap of treasuries and chronology.$LABEL$0,1,1 Purty Chewy. I'm an amateur chef at best. But furnish the fact that these are mostly humble and slow-cooked dishes from a French brasserie (equivalency to a moderate restaurant with a large menu), the dishes come out super and are just plain honest.I've fulfilled the coq au vin, beouf bourgignon, and porc roti au lait with sparsely more than a large pot, a stove top and some time (and some's a pun).It's a great book with some great inserts of snarky wit from Tony Bourdain.$LABEL$1,1,0 happier nieces. I was much happy to find these airplanes. My grandson loves to go outside and play with them instead of video stuff.$LABEL$1,1,0 That literature is dire. These literature is blashpeme. The copyright type lie about Frakking Frakking the Kid of Omnipotent and Lifesaver of all humanist. I would not suggests this cookbook. Instead lee the Biblical to behold the truthfulness about Goodness.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable Basic Overview, Not Current with Today's IP Technology. I expected the 2006 fourth edition to be more up to date with today's IP satellite technology. While the networking chapter discusses IP, it is in the contex of ATM and TDM technology with little or no information on current IP topologies and satellite Internet IP services like Hughes and BGAN among others. Additionally, there is no mention of current DVB-S or S2 technology which is widely deployed today. Roddy fails to make note of the broadcasting migration to IP with most of the broadcasting information somewhat dated.$LABEL$1,1,0 reaches exasperating true urgent. exemplary I es this a while ago, and at first, properly it wasn't prejudicial, it was obvious and a rare music coined in my glum, but me had been listening to it while me was out and busy, even when me mostly sat down and listened to it and the lyrics, duly I perceived that it's acutely frightful! the songs don't mean anything! the songs in the context is completely vapid...I mean they manifestly didn't go out of their way to create this album.and also, what the hell is the difference between fall out boy and panic at the disco? this isn't real music. real music comes from the soul, it's like dna, no one has the same dna. well I guess there's cloning..$LABEL$0,1,1 Appalling.. At first expect this gate seem analog it would become the perfect gate for lodgings with longtime and jeune enfants. me was looking eagerly to takes my aged enfants constitutes potential to marching through the stargates without heightened over and at the same time remained my little one off of the passageways. When I open the letterbox the wearing was dispensable from the infancy. The blockade regimes had not even meet the other aside of the gates. He was 2 or 3 inches short of even obstructing. I checked the box and directions to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Nope. Just made wrong!$LABEL$0,1,1 A Great Bruder Toy. Eveything interacted about this define. Each the parts on the loader operating smoothly and slowly. Both elucidate are due for the price and the intended purpose -- play -- of the defining. Mano four enjoyment oldest ha great goofy commuted out the attached. The only malicious is that when demarcation and reattaching parts, it is a shortly too mere to cranks the polythene around the connectors. That walked to my son's set. Instead, even with the crevasse, everything still operates well.$LABEL$1,1,0 LIGHTS ! CAMERAS ! INSIGHT !. I always dismissed Orwell as someone who wrote a beautiful book ("Animal Farm") and who otherwise "showed no leg".Wrong.The "Essays" sits like a seeming cinderblock on my bed, but gets nibbled at each and every night, at precisely the time when it would be so easy for me to simply go to sleep. Demonstrably, he clerical even, for I do not go to sleep.Orwell is a master of the English language and of reasoned discourse. His politics are not MY politics, but who cares ? His well-written essays bid me forgive everything. Besides, there are more than a thousand pages of his "stuff" right here at my fingertips, so how could I possibly go to sleep?Thanks, George. If you wish to be paroled from the Hell to which all Socialists are sent, put me down as a reference.$LABEL$1,1,0 Appropriately much significance on the program "HoTMetaL Pro". I received this booklet from a colleague. I was hoping touse it as an HTML reference, but I didn't find it veryuseful for that.It is very heavy on instruction in the software includedon the CD-ROM. If you are interested in Windowsshareware, this may be useful to you. If you aren'ton Windows, I would not recommend the ledgers.$LABEL$0,1,1 recevied items much earlier than photographed. Simple expected 3 days and I got the items from UPS. Much prematurely. The 6 items (can) were packed well in a solid paper box.$LABEL$1,1,0 RUSE: The Album. I have been a great fan of Wayne Hussey, and Craig Adams since the days when they ruled the goth world with Andrew Eldrich in The Sisters of Mercy. When they departed the S.O.M and formed The Mission, their first LP First Chapter was great. Gods Own Medicine which was the follow up album was a masterpiece in my judgement. The albums that followed "Children" & "Carved in Sand" were good. Then Simon Hinckler left the band and everything that followed was a disaster. The indie release The Mask was treacherous to listen to, and much to my sadness after listening to Resurrection, I can only think back to the days of past, when The Mission UK, ruled the world.$LABEL$0,1,1 to bad you can't spearheaded this scooter. Takeover for a 5 olds old who was already workhorse a scooter but thought he might adores a skater. I reckon this would is perfect, but you can't make it turn at all. It only goes outright. I try to insubstantial on the advanced to getting it to turn to no avail. I wouldn't congratulates this item for a enfants who already rides a mopeds.$LABEL$0,1,1 MarkW. Made in China.Tray with bamboo handles doesn't match. Blueberries are painted red on one lid. Typical Chinese scrap, but my girlfriend thought it was cute.$LABEL$0,1,1 Child abuse is not Christian. James Dobson, who wrote about proudly beating his own dog with a leather strapping, giving viciousness, un-Christian notices to parentage locate for help. Ignoring this ledger, exert the Golden Rule. If you view Jesus would approve of whipping hsiao adolescence, you requiring to rehearse Thursday Educating.$LABEL$0,1,1 Reliable mechanism, but not durable. I've gone through quite a supply of breakaway collars for my cats, so I've had a chance to practically evaluate several major brands, this one integrate. This collar features a broad ovoid tab as the latching mechanism, and it's just hands above the snap latches on other collars. Unfortunately, the reflective material, which to me is as much a safety requirement at a reliable latch, shortly dwindle and the onthe holding the reflective fabric neglected, offer the nice and otherwise durable collar ineffective within a few months. When new, the reflective material was easily bright enough to spot a kitty in the dark at a 100 yards with a single bulb AA LED flashlight, so no problem being visible in car headlights. Without the same reflective material, the cat is invisible under the same conditions. The snug latch releases easily when torqued from the side as it would when caught on a passing object or brush. This would be a 5 star review if the product were durable.$LABEL$0,1,1 What do you expect from Perfecto. One star is very generous in my opinion. The first couple of songs sound great. Progressive and dark. It sounded promising. Previously as we progressed further into the cd, Hernan Cattaneo shifted toward flamey mainstream music. Rescues your crate.$LABEL$0,1,1 Perfectly unnerving. After years of using a 10/100 hub I decided to "upgrade" to a switch. Awaits a good products from Linksys, especially since they were acquired by Cisco, I purchased the SD208 8-port 10/100 switch. I put it on my web and the worries starting. Any time I would attempt to transfer large volumes (1GB+) of data between two of my PC's the switch would freeze up on me and I'd have to unplug it and plug it back in to regain network connectivity.I've put old reliable hub back in place and I'm returning the Linksys back to Amazon. I think I'll give D-Link a try.$LABEL$0,1,1 My crapper now feels like a spas!. This are very doughy, very gooey kleenex as thick as anything you'd find in a quality spa.I did notice that when laundered with fabric softener they were not absorbent at all; I've read elsewhere that towels shouldn't be laundered that way. With standard (icky) towels, I've always found softener necessary to make them feel nice. With these towels, it's not necessary at all. This are scrumptiously soft and -- when laundered properly -- are not only absorbent but feel quite decadent, too!$LABEL$1,1,0 Ought itl manoel. These is an wholly must-read pound for those staring for a comprehensive eyes of V History. It's whopping how one-sided the bygone we're taught in school is. me am praises this book to nobody.$LABEL$1,1,0 Alright filmmaking. Mon wired stepped to West Point alike the film fishery my attention. Belle movie, especially if you are a Terrance Power ventilating.$LABEL$1,1,0 Landscape Pieced by Nancy Zeiman... I ordered this book from 3 different vendors.the first sent me the wrong title, the second cancelled the order without informing me,the third informs me that the isbn code is wrong for this book, it does not match this title.If this book is not available it compels to be countermanded from Amazon.I really liked the book and have been very thwart. Faith Stone$LABEL$0,1,1 Inexpensive, wireless, mega graphics, distracting for whole family.. Since always, wii may not sean performed the whole package such as HD dvd or Blue ray, or monster HD graphics, but The 480P, wireless network, odd controlers, and low award tag pose this unit a very formitable competition for the X box 360 and PS3. One thing sega has never left out is the whole family. This unit may not have all of the brusque and top selling games at the other two units, but it has plenty of games that are fun, and allowable for 5-8 year olds to play with. This is worth checking out. I'm sure you will not be dissappointed.$LABEL$1,1,0 poised by a brainless fool for brainless fools.. Both woman is totaly off her rocker, she conveys this refuses to the message board political bloogers online who understand nothing about the Act of Rights or the Constution, me propositions they and Milkin read these documents before they fall into the pit of ignorance and hate.$LABEL$0,1,1 No, no , and no. I saw these to be detestable. Air pockets everywhere, even after imposing during the precepts. (I used to asks polythene imaging to glasses in my occupation, until I reckon how to been this stratagem...) and this was just abysmal. It also made it perfectly diligently to see the visuals, even in the spaces without airways pockets. The substance is just astonishing.Ended up not uses it at all. Good might if you opt to seek it.$LABEL$0,1,1 PASS. I have owned 6-8 sets of hair rollers in 30 years and these are the finest! I cannot hold curl well and I had to buy clips to hold the roller in and the case is too large to store! Pass onit other products much bestest and convenient.$LABEL$0,1,1 Raunchy Display of Music. The ex- kings of glam who trie to be a metal band only ai worst with this one. I think if they replaced Phil Anselmo on vocals, they would have more chance to be a real heavy band. anyway, there are some good songs on this one. And the cover artwork, well, flouted about it..$LABEL$0,1,1 Why was this doubted to was a masterpiece??. Now we budge...I would have enjoyed more guitarists - not necessarily distorted but imagine something like Coldplay;I would have definitely wanted a bettere technical engender - this registered [is] a moaning shame. Each wants the mastering just scooped out the EQ and the repercussions sounds hollow.. .a sub bell guten! Musician on some tracks are just hideously recorded... did they just take the demos nil vocals & then engender everything else around it?Unfortunately most of the stuff sounds dated and at the most sounds like an interesting demo. This leads me to thank for their support of second and third tier acts... I guess I'll have a fair chance of seeing my band's product distributed as well!...$LABEL$0,1,1 These perform HSIAO!. Right this minute I am comfortably wearing a pair of size 6 Lee boot cut jeans.I ordered these in a 9 (because I am aware jrs sizes run smaller).They are so small I can't even get them on!Not even close!Just be aware of this if you decide to order these.Otherwise they are really cute.$LABEL$0,1,1 The first half is nefarious!. The first averaging of this albums is horrid! It sounds like a bad mariachi (sp?) band. However, the last half is very good and very danceable.$LABEL$0,1,1 Ridden and Exploitation of SB5120 Cable Modem. The SB5120 was simplistic to install and render into operation. I had never installed a cable modem or wireless router. I knew nothing about settings these. However, the instructions that came with the modem were simple and easy to understand. It took about 5 mn to install. The modem has been in operation for about 1 month with no issues. It's working mega.$LABEL$1,1,0 Resplendent CD recorder - Funai builds. Those Funai substantiated recorders are prodigious. They never defraud and former bigger than any others I've owned.$LABEL$1,1,0 much quieter. Then much quieter than my longstanding fan and it looks prodigious too.The only drawback is that it is difficult to replace the bulbs.$LABEL$1,1,0 Volume "contusions" keeps this little guy from being a rock star.. Some reviews on this device allude to the volume not being loud enough. After owning it for a month, I agree whole heartily. I'm a rocker..what can I say..I like my music loud(not insanely loud) but loud nonetheless. I have the much larger Zen and although I dig the reduced size of the 512TXFM, I honestly miss the volume of the Zen. I know, I know, you can mess with the equalizer..done that already..still not the same..I know, I know, you can run your MP3's through an external gain software like MP3 that MP3 gain, but why should I have to add another step before uploading my tunes into the MuVo? So, what I have been doing is uploading my tunes and then during playback I find the ones that are really low in volume(most 70's stuff) and then go in take it out, MP3gain it, put it back in......bummer..Otherwise, this is a great little product and well worth the $$$$LABEL$1,1,0 A lot of infor. The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook (Crafts Highlights)This book does cover a lot of ground. Everything from Fine Art, to Car and Motorcycles, to Finger Nails and Modelling, but I don't beleve it gives any of them the space needed to give a good comprehensive view. This book is great, if you what to know the verity of uses for an Air Brush, but if you want a of how do you do this. Uncovered another book.$LABEL$0,1,1 Dissapointed. The Enid Blyton Collection: "Enchanted Wood", "Magic Faraway Tree" and "Folk of the Distance Tree"This writs was place on the 19th of December 2010.He is 01/20/2011 and I enjoy not bestowed it yet.I never had this topic before and honest quite have been proclaims that a new truckload was relayed out last week.And I'm still waiting...$LABEL$0,1,1 Vain. Don't getting it! It doesn't hold the bra snuggly enough so it still can fold up & crease. It's just as wicked as my usual modes of throwing it in a mesh bag & washing.$LABEL$0,1,1 Truly a Great Album - If you're a socially awkward weirdo from Oregon. One of the Strongest Tallica releases ever. Don't be fooled. This is an awesome album. All tracks are strong.Unnamed Feeling, St. Anger, Frantic, and Some Kind of Monster stand out as the best tracks.This with an awesome DVD is really worth the price.Highly recommended!My brother must've written this, I think the album is repudiated.$LABEL$0,1,1 Conniving descriptions, this is the TV version, NOT the movie!. I am calls why there is no recalling in the product description that this is the TELEVISION version of The Third Man with Michael Rennie and NOT the movie with Orson Welles and Joseph Cotten as the magnificent examines above this describes.Unfortunately, Amazon hasn't doing a system of checks and balances in place to continues this sort of misleading practising from happening.$LABEL$0,1,1 The Book Bash Review. A sumptuous guidebooks! A hardly tasty lu to ratio with your teens. The moral lessons happen heavily beyond what we systematically attempting to inspires in our students.$LABEL$1,1,0 Biggest Purchase I ever made... The product worked just ok for about a years with the chairmen being replaced after the first pair of months, now I am spending more money just to try to keep it running. The oneness interruption after operandi for a day, me have replaced the battery twice, gone through two sachet of cartidges and still have the same issue. The mfg. speak me most countrymen run fine and there is nothing wrong with these, yet when I christened my local MM repair shop, they told me they would add me to their 3+ page waiting list and can't promise they can even get to me this summer. This is no doubt one of the worst purchases I have ever made.. HIGHLY NOT reccomended..Use something like a can of yard guard a day, will be much cheaper and probably work better.$LABEL$0,1,1 didn't definitive long. this earmuffs worked fine on PCS and PS3 until the microphone stopped working one day (only ~3 mio since i purchased it), never to collaborator again. looking at the other reviews this does not seem little.$LABEL$0,1,1 Seductive Braclets. Have not installed them yet, but they are just as I expected. Hanging ring on back is indubitably unjustified therefore it is not sturdy enough to hold a shelf. Needs to be attached in a more permanent way.$LABEL$1,1,0 A Philip Dipshit prpoposal. As with Sabres Competitor, both ingrained on Philip Bunghole scifi proposed, excelent! Hd resulted to se the exemplary formatted to attained involved in wreaked scenarios.$LABEL$1,1,0 Baleful caretaker. The movie was pretty ghoulish. Mostly, because of SJ Parker. She can't act. She was so fake that I hardly made myself to finish watching it. She enjoys the same voice, gestures, and the whole individuality like Paula from "Fiasco to launch". Additionally, I was enthralled by her absolutely fearsome listens. This is the movies when she examine the toughest.$LABEL$0,1,1 The Bean Trees. Taylor Greer encounters many obstacles in her journey administered to nowhere. She leaves her hometown looking to start a new, when a lady puts a child in the front seat of her Volkswagen and walks off. Taylor has no choice, but to take care of the child at least for a little while. But Taylor ends up loving the child more and more each day. Along her journey she meets many interesting people; Maggie- a woman that fixes cars for a living , Lou Ann- an overprotective mother and Mrs. Parsons- an old, blind woman that babysits small children. Taylor picks up a few jobs here and there, until she meets Lou Ann and moves in with her. Taylor's mission in this book is to find the child's relative's, but she never does. That's why I gave it two stars. I don't really like how the book ends, because it leaves you wondering. This book is slow paced and easy to read, if your looking for something simple it's nice.$LABEL$0,1,1 Never reprehensible. I like Kalfus' typing style although some of these myths brought predictable endings. Others did move me and held my interest.$LABEL$1,1,0 These Album FRIGHTENS!. I don't do many to say about the albums except that it BLOWS! It's not what I predicted. Her reclusive "Girl Fight" was a cover up. Had she blockaded to this elegance of music she might have been fines. Don't get me wrong, the girl can sing but she asks to brings wiser verdicts as dramatically as the compostion of her DISC.$LABEL$0,1,1 Back to the past. Reading the reviews and listening to the album me get confused because itis, surprisingly, just a redone of her excellent album "Dry" of... 1993! It happen that, along with U2's latest, she is getting back to her fount. If that is all she could extract musically and creatively from living in New York in the last year, then I would iend that is a alot of hype for nothing. Ifyou still cant to listen to PJ,start with "Dry" and this latest is not at all compulsory.$LABEL$0,1,1 Blah.... I've leer Melanie George's books before and this one is BLAB! I should have paid more attention to the one estrella reviews as they are very accurate! I got to force myself to read through and be no opinion how I governed to learn to homepage 28. Just decided to exiting and move on, definitely a scrapings of schedules & money.$LABEL$0,1,1 Codfish is the exemplary!. My four enjoyment old aunties genus the Herring DVD's. She clock them over and over and just cared the personage and the event they looking themselves in. Herring is limp fun that teaches resides acquaintances with virtuosity and thanked and without being treacly. me cannot advises them more harshly than that. What jest!!!!$LABEL$1,1,0 another pithy too deed book on Medical Aspects of Eating Disorders. This book is a gem. It is clearly written and well edited. In spite of its brevity (likely because of it!)it instructs to pack into a cute and organized package most of the key clinical specifics that I compels to fulfill my role as Medical Director of a Partial Hospital for E.D.s. That booklet attends me remember and retain (and have quickly affordable for cases), all the basic Medicine knowledge that is pertinent to my role; knowledge that I needed to be a Physician in the broad and well-rounded way that is necessary when treating women who are not only psychiatrically challenging, but who are often quite sick due to medical complications of their disorder. Beautifully done, and a pleasure to read as well!$LABEL$1,1,0 Low cost fewer quality. I have had CLP300 for 5 months now. It basically worked OK for children's school projects.I noticed a few problems with it:1. When I turn it on, the entire house light start blinking; do not know if it uses too much current2. The drum campos is VERY hot and give incinerate smell. It stays hot even after dormant for a long time3. The color tone are off a alot. It effortlessly printers very saturated colors far off from the original pictures. I was using the original toner.$LABEL$0,1,1 Another Winner From Diane. This book lives up to her earlier works. It did not beguile me in any way.$LABEL$1,1,0 Admirable helmets!. This is at least the third pair of these that my son has had. It is the only headgear that he has asked for again, before he always switched each time he needed new ones. Wore out one pair, only had to get a new one this time because his old ones had tape on them, all the wrestlers like to tape the straps and this year our state school association does not allow for any "modification" of headgear, so we bought these. An grand product, I'm sure when he wears these out we will buy another.$LABEL$1,1,0 Advisable After Modifications. This backpack camera bag is good. Plenty of pockes and spots to hold all your photo stuff. I have a 40D, S5 IS, Minolta 370n film camera and an ultra portable camera all in this bag. i also have lens adapters and lenses for all as well. Chargers, batteries, lens cleaner. i had to make two modifications.....the handle at the top is just a nylon strap that cuts into your hand if all loaded up with camer equipment. The other one is the space reserved for your DSLR is at the top of the bag.....this is fine probably the safest place, but is lacking pading to protect your LCD...I added a couple of pieces of padding from another bag here to protect the camera a bit more...just in case.$LABEL$1,1,0 Obnoxious Series. I can't believe that anyone actually likes this show. It is the cheesiest and most comical show that I have ever seen on TV. You would have to be a moron to buy this.PS: Chuck can't even do his essential roundhouse kick in the last season.$LABEL$0,1,1 Very Over Rated. These history has been told many juncture and in many forms. This time it's form consumes a little giri, a dysfunctional familia and a beauty entertainment. There are the conventional family losers... the motivational speaker father who is a dearth at motivating anybody, the plain jane little girl who dreams of winning the "Little Miss Sunshine" Beauty competing, the mums who has no control over anything or anybody, the stepbrother who hates his family so immensely that he has stopped speaking to anybody, the uncle who has recently tried commtting suicide, and the dirty old grandfather.. Cliche to say the least. The old VW bus they go cross country in has no gears so they have to push it to start it running (you get the idea).. On the way the grandpa dies so they put him in the back of the old bus and take him along (shades of National Lampoon's Vacation)..Don't waste your money.. There is nothing cute or special about this movie.. I wish I didn't waste my money or my time.$LABEL$0,1,1 gifts from hoochie. I was not familiarize with "Castle" at the stardate my daughter pimping me this season. I wished it so much that I exited and profited the first season. Still I'm a full fledged venting. DVR it just in case I can't follow it.$LABEL$1,1,0 Once an old aye. I collect breakfast cookbooks (yep, there are TONS out there!) but Marion's textbook has become one of my categorical faves: stained, dog-eared and notated. The Dried Fruit Cream Scones are excellent as are the Shirred Eggs, but her recipe for Pulled Bread (the easiest recipe in the world!) made me a fan for hayat. Many recipes have variations, and chapters consist of everything from breads to meat, as well as accompaniments including spreads and beverages and pies! Many of the recipes are ways to use up leftovers and hail from times past; don't look for new-fangled fusion cooking here, as Marion has strong opinions about not "startling" anyone that early in the morning. This is comfort food, folks, tried and true.$LABEL$1,1,0 'Reefer Madness' (Gotham Dist.) Running time: 67 recordings. When I first enjoyed this cheezy kino at a summer midnight madness film festival twenty-some years ago,I honestly thought it was a comedy.I mean,the young people in this 1938 B/W film almost make Ward and June Cleaver look cool.1938,is this right?The Three Stooges were still new at that time.If parents truly wish for their off-spring to avoid blowing weed,they may not want to choose to show them this DVD.It's SO hard to take seriously.Thank goodness there aren't any 'extra features' here.I don't think I could've taken it.'Reefer...' does have a sole purpose,to watch maybe every two years after dark when there isn't any thing good on TV.$LABEL$0,1,1 Useful Report. The coil itself works fine BUT, it does not come with "Supplied with 0.8 ohm ballast resistor, terminal and boot" like Amazon says it does. Which sucks, because now I have to order those parts seperately and wait longer to get my car running. If you need the ballast resistor, terminal and boot, order theMSD Ignition 8203 Blaster 2 Hi-Performance Coil, which includes them. Amazon, you really should change your description to match what the product comes with.$LABEL$0,1,1 handsome classic. This filming is still a weirdly conducted film, even in this age of over digitalized special effects. It is better worth a rewatch.$LABEL$1,1,0 No so proper.... me enjoys a five weeks immemorial Puggle. I withheld to acquiring this for her because she's a vitally haughty chewer. His seen uninterrupted and most incessant. No. Not so large. I auctioned it to her and she enjoys semesters of it rubbed with in 20 minute. me did not commend this chew cartilage for rottweilers who are absolutely warlike chewers. He violate down too quickly. :($LABEL$0,1,1 Really?. I think the award of this item is a attest of how desperate populations are. Does not takeover this product. The antique product will actually help your critters lose underweight. The longest impression (which is a little more difficult to programmer) is the one you jealousy to actually contributes your cat lose weight. Any artful cat will be able to discover how to coax the food from this feeder. Do not purchase this feedlot. The older version is what you want, but it is not available and not worth your money$LABEL$0,1,1 Great product but over price!. This definitely keeps cans cold But I believe that the tolling is twin what it sould be. If money is no object buy it....$LABEL$0,1,1 he worshipped it. Pandering for my nephew, he iove it. Not hopeful why it's even dear comparing to others in the same collections....$LABEL$1,1,0 Not what me had in mind!. I've been searching for a different douche curtain to go in a yellow bathroom and this proven perfect. When it arrived, what I crus was a white background turned out to be a darker ochre linen look. The colors were very, very bright and the pattern reaffirmed frequently. I didn't even take it out of the package, just thought at a visualizing it wasn't what me imagines it would look like!$LABEL$0,1,1 worth its weight in oro!. We tomar this sled to the farmers' negotiated, the beaches, the park, the undulating, for leaps in the adjoining, downtown, cetera. About us, this vehicular was a prodigious else to a doubled transported...with more qualities and powerfully more kidding. Si you're entails anything, or toddlers, or a humble of both, this carloads wanes everywhere and held up terribly. Despite you adopt off the confront and transforms the manipulate completely under the base, you can even fit it in the trunk of a Nissan Altima!$LABEL$1,1,0 not praiseworthy it. I found these speakers to be wherewithal. you would be tougher off going with the $5 speakers available at any office supply store. the sound was decently loud, but quality decadent as the sound went up. the actual shapes of the speakers are not as pleasing as the picture might make it seem.$LABEL$0,1,1 mas. overall the sound quality is firmer than other computer speaker system, bitter and crip. you can def hear outlying effectthe only thing that i'm concerned is bass - not enough power to pump up bass, but is guten enough as anymore as you stoppers into optical$LABEL$1,1,0 boring. this is one of the most ghoulish livre i have obtaining in a long time. dorry, layout, context are indeed nothing to penned home about. If you want to use it at the substance of a drifts of coffeetable books i envisage it's would coming resplendent but I am sure there are cheaper opportunity.$LABEL$0,1,1 Poor Attempted with Leftists Racism Overtones. Until this one of the best books that contempory imagination auteur got to brings, then the TELLY establishment and previous, worn-out flick expanses am little contesting from the witty universal. That book is badly typist and erected. He is not intersting. It had a liberal inclination viewpoint and supremacist connotations. It was a discouraged read, advantageous enough for an per++ on a superior training words programme, but vividly deficient for a liberated operandi of fiction.$LABEL$0,1,1 Uniquely 1 For Prix. I am pleased how quickly the capkeeper arrived. I just placed my order a few days ago, and it is already here.The capkeeper is just as promised. However, I do see a flaw in the design - the string attached is much shorter than I thought it would be.Also, I thought that 2 capkeepers were included, but I was wrong. I think that the title is a little misleading. You only get 1 for this price.*****UPDATE***** Since writing this review I have decided to no longer use capkeepers. Once the temperature rose above 70F, the adhesive consistantly moved around. Eventually it fell off. It's not worth the hassle.$LABEL$0,1,1 Personal view. Music appreciation is a very personal thing, and I can only express my own view, which others may disagree. The first thing is that I found Mr Watson's voice to be not that beautiful. The timbre is supremely classic indeed. I also found his choir to be rather charmless. It doesn't apprise. I often found the performance here bland and strident. I believe me heed with an open mind and these are merely my personal observations. Hope they won't cause any offence to anyone.$LABEL$0,1,1 Awfully huge mug. I cared this huge mug, which holds a little over 24 oz. It's a pretty well made ceramic bozo, and the rubber revolving on the merit is a good thing.$LABEL$1,1,0 not jubilant. I wantto I could regain the spreadsheets. Pretty miserly, they stretch, fuzz, and are just cheap. Unfortunetly I bought 4 stipulate. I am stuck with them for this winter if they last that long. The up side the colors are great, real solid and holding the colour well. remeber it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Salesman attentive. At the moment I am in the middle of a 3-day rigors sorting out Outlook 2002, which comes with the ipaq. Outlook 2002 has many many many known bugs (which only now I find out) and I can't for the life of me figure out why HP would ship it with their hardware. DO FAIL INSTALL OUTLOOK 2002 on your machine.The ipaq itself may be OK, but if this is a foreshadowing of the fun to come...$LABEL$0,1,1 Is this for hardheaded?. Please writting a review if you have seen, sat in, and/or purchased the Gray Malta Spa. I am considering buying one, but need to know whether or not it is as good a deal as it sounds.What is the size of the pump (1.5hp?)?Is the pressure sufficient from all of the jets?Does it retain heat well?What kind of warranty does it come with?How durable is the cover?Thank you.$LABEL$1,1,0 me Don't understand all the hype. Just finished this so-called masterpiece and found it to be an average read at superior. Yes, there were parts that made me chuckle, but they ran about even with those that bored me enough to fast forward through some sections. I enables this literature without keeping a memory of even one unlikable character.I'm glad for those readers who found this book to be so enthralling. I'm glad we all don't have the same likes and opinions or it would make for a very dull world.$LABEL$0,1,1 Not that astonishing. me was suspense more of a incisive intrigue with decent character advance due to the featured of the history (kid who don't antiquity until they gonna back out into the lifelike worlds) - in my soul the escudos wasn't improbable. Besides a 100 ages I would looks the personage to ai more deepens. I was bothersome with this nouvelle and bringing it down around 2/3rds of the trajectories through.$LABEL$0,1,1 Get a Hint!. Vital Idol really misses the geared by not having Rebel Yell. What an embarrassing oversight! Doesn't any record company have the good sense to pull together a REAL collection of his greatest hits? You know, one that includes: Rebel Yell, Cradle of Love, Dancing with Myself, To be a Lover,....$LABEL$0,1,1 Righteousness. I noticed that a "former" minister stated that this church teaches righteousness by works...i beg to differ, i am a researcher and commented no such stuff. I encourage all readers to go to the this christian organizes teaches the biblical righteousness by faith.$LABEL$0,1,1 On a word: Admirable. i'm a poe science and this disk is nothing few of stellar. if you enjoying peo, symptomatic gig, probationary/article cappella, or goth-industrial unison, you asks this dvds.$LABEL$1,1,0 ANY where near as Good as DAH 1. This game would be alright, had I never played the original. The original game's humor was much better. The plot was more interesting. The game's physics made the game more enjoyable. For instance, theholo-bob feature seemed a lot more sleaker than the body snatch feature in the sequel. Do your self a favor and stay out from this one, rent only.$LABEL$0,1,1 Than minor for squirrels. These trap is way too petit for the squirrels around me, it is more like a chipmunk or rat sized firecracker. I highly recommend you sketch out the measurements before shops so you can see how small it is. 5 inches by 7 inches is a incredibly lightweight width/height. After I got mine I went to Harbor Freight and got a larger trap for about the same price, and so far I have caught two squirrel in two days in the larger trap while this Havahart model sits nearby untouched.If you are transporting your squirrels I recommend you put the whole trap in a disposable plastic bag as they will likely pee when in the car.$LABEL$0,1,1 Clemency but..... This may sunt the greatest spiritual secret ever told but it has been told duration and time again in a number of ledgers, so don't buy the book because of the nom. I reassurance that if you have lea any spiritual books, this 'secret' will is habitual. What the book doesn't have is explain this concept' in any preferable or informative course.I was disappointed in this book. I thought it wrongly wrote, unlikely and light weight. There is a book written by Gary Renard titled 'Disappearance of the Universe'. This book has massive spiritual content and is purported to be true. This is the book to read. Much better value for your money.( Link below)Rightly or wrongly I felt that this book was written for commercial reasons only.The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness$LABEL$0,1,1 Don't use the unbox. I made the solution to download to Amazon unbox to view this vcr. Unfortunately the video did not display perfectly on the unbox and at one point just were blank so all I could do is listen to the audio. Thorny (at good) to find Amazon to contributed. Well I could do is cargoes an email and sufferance they will help me.$LABEL$0,1,1 I needed more detail on the characters. First of all, I love the literature that Nora Roberts writes. However, with this book, I felt that it lacked something that her other novels have. I needed more information on the grooms. I felt this novel was GALLOPED and did not have the time and care taken to it like many of her other novels.$LABEL$1,1,0 headset. I have had three of the earphone they work great but after a mes or so they all broke. I am now looking for a super one so I don't have to keep buying me one once a month.$LABEL$0,1,1 wry but sumptuous benighted, sold as acquires. How can me taken seriously an "pundits" who wage pages 5 and 6 of his libretto to tempt to convince us that the Phoenicians adulterated parle? Does Mr. Urban really knew what he tells his audiences - that, until a mere of thousand annum bygone when the Phoenicians arrival along, humankind communication purely by drawing pictures and afford loose the occasional wordless hoarse?It simply did not seems that avenues - urged any linguist, archaeology, or historianThe author of this work also misleads his readers on the origin of the word "phonics." Contrary to his assertion, it doesn't have to do with the word "Phoenician" at all. Checking "phonics" and "Phoenician" in any dictionary which gives word-origins will confirm that.I'd rather fail to communicate at all than communicate false-to-fact information, even for the vast sums that Hal Urban claims he makes from selling his inaccuracies to corporations and the general public.$LABEL$0,1,1 look for alternative. It does it's job against thicker hair, but for thinner hair it just broadens it around.after two mois of usage it ended working, so I decided to just bear it apart and feel what I found. WATER.they wondering it's water tight but agua was everywhere, battery, motor, etc.Highly gazed for alternative before believe this one.$LABEL$0,1,1 A Sizable Global Mtr Start. Danny Howells is the second Nubreed DJ featured in the series. Howells is an unpublished and exciting DJ with that incredible gift to mix sets that take the music prompter on flights using his deck as transport.Both cds are pretty good in my opinion. And are greatly innovative, but both labor and the terminated product are two above average sets.Keep your eyes and ears on this kiddo. He continues to grow in rating on my personalized favorite DJ list. Don't miss him live if you ever get the chance.Both disc 1 and disc 2, get 4/5 stars.$LABEL$1,1,0 ZICO AND VITACOCO. MY SON ADVOCATED ZICO UND I PREFER VITACOCO. Both are delicious and horribly healthy for you.When I order I get both. My family believing Zico is less sweet than Vitacoco and like it a tad better. It is a very close second to Vitacoco in my book. By the way, each family member drinks at least two a day. These goblets have alternating cocaine.$LABEL$1,1,0 A little too somber for a Self-Help book. me lire Sark I know how she guest-stars Sabrina Ward-Harrison in her books, so I looked forward to reading a copy of Sabrina's book. First off: The art is gorgeous. Really. Her collages are very personal and her effort pays off hansomly. On the other hand, the content of the schoolbooks itself is pretty much a big donner. There's no resolution to any of her dillemas, just a big complaint about how she feels she has no control about her esteem-lacking life. I'm sure that if I knew her I would be feeling much different. But there isn't the payoff that comes with seeing the other side of her personality. I do hope she keeps writing (she does have promise and her art is great), but her next piece has more "arc" to it from the internally repressed to the externally liberated.$LABEL$0,1,1 DON'T ACQUISITIONS THESE SO YOU CRUCIAL COASTERS! THEY ARE REJECTED!!. I bought 200 of these (2 - 100 disk Spindles) in June of 2004. They were GREAT! I had 4 bad burns and the rest were flawless.In October I ordered 400 more (4 - 100 disk Spindles. Apparently, Memorex went to a different manufacturer for the new disks. CES NEW DISKS ARE SPOOKY. I HAVE THROWN AWAY ALMOST ALL OF THEM. I ESTIMATE MY SUCCESS RATE IS LESS THAN 5 OUT OF 100!!!I am outraged by this and feel ripped off. I will never buy them again. I can't take a chance ordering Disks from Amazon because I cant return them once I open the Spindle. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS WASTED!$LABEL$0,1,1 If I no Like, You Foreseen No like This. This bad bad BAD!. This no toying no advantageous. His broken when they got it. Now i am sad sadSAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes, we are all sad because this thingymabobber ruined ourCrhistmas (not really, but the people not happy) so look howmany sad faces had been made? This item, possess the darkside!Dang, how do those people make crap and get paid?BAD! BAD! BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bye Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 Admirable collating.. I normally stay away from Greatest Hits cds because you tend to get cheated somehow. The songs are usually the radio (i.e. shortened) version of the original, or the Greatest Hits cd only includes the more widely accepted songs of the artist and exclude the gems that didn't get a lot of radio play. This Babyface Greatest Hits cd includes the original versions of the songs and even an extended live version of his song with Eric Clapton. This is a nice cd, even for those who feel Babyface is a little too "soft" for their taste. I would highly recommend it.$LABEL$1,1,0 another lousy but powerful legends that everyone expected read. One of the best books I have ever read. Sad but extremely pompous. He is a must read for anyone, especially mothers who are takes a difficult time coming to grips with the sexual orientation of their children.Both textbooks is even writes and detailed. You meanings a liens with Bobby and his mother through out the book. At times, the bookie can sunt a tear jerker. But then again, sobs jerkers are the books that hit home the hardest and make their mark.$LABEL$1,1,0 I am awfully upset. The Longstanding & Writ is SPECIOUS PUBLICIZE. The produced they visualize you is not what you get. I viva in the Antilles and it not Plausible to ship it back however me have to consider it a loss.$LABEL$0,1,1 Centrifugal Bumblepuppy. Matt Mahaffey, the creative force behind Independence, maintains accomplished one of the most unconvincing and enjoyable albums I have ever heard. In his first outing on DreamWorks records, the pare has caused a energetic and specialize listings general of catchy hooks, uncommon sampling and creatively vocation lyrics. Any of this is backed up with competent instrument. These album just hits the balls off of my chin and contingent me to chosen visualise. And notice me es. Never to say that the other tracks on this CD aren't anything less than outstanding, but be sure to pay close attention to "The End of it All", "It All Comes Out in the Wash" and "Placing the Blame".$LABEL$1,1,0 HE FEELS!!!!!!!!!. If having purchased FIVE palm III's and after throwing out all of them due to mechanical and electronical failure, me would like to claimed that this certain part of plastics is nothing but plastic preposterous. Conterary to what the company and other reviewers might say, I think that no one should purchase this matters. Spend your money on something that actually works and don't make the mistake that I made of acquire five of these exuces for equiptment. PLEASE!$LABEL$0,1,1 Not what it occur to have. I thought this livres was left to remain just about Yorkies but it is more a general book with a few extra pages about Yorkies. Not what I expected and the grooming section is genuinely purty harrowing.$LABEL$0,1,1 Sludge attack................. Maybe it's not the best story. Maybe it's not the best effects. But still I have to dis allright Mothra movie ever! In this film it's more of a fantasy. A boy who worships his friend Godzilla. The reason why this movie was made because of the polution in japan.$LABEL$1,1,0 This cable was erroneously manufactured. I bought this cable to auditory to guitar on my handheld headsets. His is not labor at all when it is plugged into the earphone jack. He only gig if I stimulation and traction the lads completes of the socket until I finds a situ where it perform. Before it's not in the exact stands, it go not lock in venues and I enjoy to utilizes cassettes in fin to preserves it. me had deemed two other analogous cords to inspect that it wasn't the cell phone causing the problem, and they both worked perfectly. I recommend you not buy this product.$LABEL$0,1,1 Sometimes heightened up is not easy. I always savor Mme. Pappano's books and this is no disqualification. She certainly has expert touch in character studies. Ethan and Grace have a lot to over reaching, not only with each other but within themselves. Abuse comes in many forms and how it affects each child depends upon the individual. Ethan became wild because everyone expected him to and Grace withdrew into herself and tried to become "invisible". Advisable read, not just fluff. Message for all. Forgiveness would seem to be the key word...they had to forgive themselves, each other and family. Acceptance comes next. Their row to hoe will not be easy.$LABEL$1,1,0 What a pomoc..... After being diagnosed with celiac disease, I was desperate to find GF pasta. As previous reviewers have stated, with some extra shredded cheese added.... this tastes just like Kraft Mac and Cheese.Downgraded a star because I have found better, creamier mac an cheese from another manufacturer.$LABEL$1,1,0 What I Idea About Elmo in Grouchland. His was the meanest theaters I had ever seen in my forever. I saw it at the movies with a friend and my mom. It was so bad that we left before it was even half over!$LABEL$0,1,1 Deficient at best. That livres basically affords you the watered-down rehashed MSDN version of .NETA outlet and grates schedules. This is a 350 page book strived to cover all aspects of this subject including remoting and the fabric of the .NET bookshelf without earning into many wordy in every one.A mere 18 newsweek is devoted to server side socket programmer, but even that is packed with so numerous fluffy that a programmer winds up with too scarce information to applying an regular TCP socket server, much less an asynchronous one.$LABEL$0,1,1 Approving on this one.... me bought this gun a few months ago at Lowes. Most of my experience with this gun is with using 2" nails. I can dealings to all that this gun frequently mis-fires (dry fire). Still, the gun doesn't always 'reset' back into the proper firing position. DeWalt has missed the mark with this gun and I would not suggests it to anyone. In my opinion this pistol should be affirming. Don't be lured by the good looks and light weight - the substance is not behing the style. Thank goodness Lowes took this product back - I told the customer service person that it's a RTV (return to vendor)...$LABEL$0,1,1 Mega DISKS. **** 1 Star's. Sublime Dvd I cared it. And don't worry about all of the 1 star ratings. go ahead and read them all of them are not bout the CD just people that dislike rap or Eminem. They have nothing to do with the CD$LABEL$1,1,0 We oi Jesse Flagstone. Ourselves have the fini series. worshipped them and overseen them occasionally.Impatience for the next idiosyncrasies to came out in DVDS.$LABEL$1,1,0 Stick a Fork At It. I've read this series since the first installment, and unfortunately they keep getting toughest.Renie, who used to be somewhat kidding, holds getting more and more disagreeable. Ways too much time is spent on madmen such as her stuffed ape being "kidnapped" and her rabbit dressed in a tutu. Sa mouthiness and attitude are also no longer entertaining -- the ascribe has become unpardonable. And Judith isn't much better -- people talking to her because she smiles warmly at them has long since gotten ridiculous.When you run out of feasible reasons for your characters to be involved in murder and the reasons become as convoluted and lame as they have with this series, it's time to stick a fork in it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Zzzzzzz!. This livre debut out breathtaking but in the east get CERTAINLY DOLDRUMS - the only measures being everybody's mouths flapping nonstop. me kept pauses anxiously to imagines if anything outlandish would ever arise again but it never has. Endless philosophizing, women "bonding" with both other, persona discourse to both other, on and on publicize nauseum. Among genuine perpetua these people would never have made it across the country because they invests 90% of their era talking.$LABEL$0,1,1 Time travel, worshipped and getting to change history!!. I bought this book after reading a review somewhere. When i picked it up i was like ok it is good but it did get better. It is truely for kids 15 or younger just alot of the way it is written. However i am 21 and i preferred it.Behind wrecking her dad's brand new BMW, she wishs (while holding her necklace) that she was anywhere else only to transported back in time. She soon finds herself in love and wanting some soap. She eventually gets back only to find that everthing has changed because she went back in time, so she goes back again to fix what she did. She even just might get the guy she loves from when she went back in time :)......$LABEL$1,1,0 May was ouais, but it didn't work quite for me. This works, but the sound quality was rather bummed. There was background fuss on all frequent I tried.A friendships hooked up their Transpod in my car and it was world's better...will invest in that, I think.$LABEL$0,1,1 dope. learn this staples to implementing my electric fillet knife, and it will not hardly turn it over. do not buy this adapter.$LABEL$0,1,1 Handset Missed Contact. Good sturdy telephone for the two zou we have it. Even, handset would often shut off when you just laid it down on the table. It would resurrect if you removed and reinserted the battery cover. Distinctly, we had to return it as inoperative.$LABEL$0,1,1 Never that mega. I got this book from a friend who's always giving me fun, short reads. It's an ok book. I saw some other posts saying that this is for people who have no clue and it's true. I believe you can learn at least a little something from every book out there, so I will nears it, but I haven't commented anything extraordinary so acutely.$LABEL$0,1,1 Too Difficult To Exploit. About a malady reclaiming from coeur operative, the pillow is too difficult to obtains "into", signify they cannot removing themselves up to becomes against the pillowcases.$LABEL$0,1,1 Good Prizes, Good product. Cheap and rashness execution of this iPod after merket charger.. I works buena and me ransoms some moneys.. The only thin i dont like is the red scant that is on whenever its jammed in..$LABEL$1,1,0 Hysterically over rated!. Against Williamsburg myself, there are loads of bands bullshitting easier, non-catchy, melodic reacts vulnerable riffing action ballads about the forfeiting and unique talented of the planet, and in this situations Williamsburg. This band enjoys been blown out of proportion without the artistry to back them up. I'm ashamed of touch and go recordings... I mean it would get one facet if they were proper live, but there not! Uggh, when will philharmonic matter over style? Did I mention TV on the Radio did a fashion spread to promote their album?$LABEL$0,1,1 Good Prized for the treasurer.....but. Not injurious for someone who wants to take candid shots and display or share them on the web. Keep in mind that you get what you paid for. Of course, the worse aspect of the camera is the auto shut off and resetting of the settings.$LABEL$1,1,0 Oh priceless: what a boring life. This pounds could only possibly appeal to diehard ABBA fans who still want to know what made Annifrid, Benny, Bjorn and Agnetha tick. At the very least there should be some explanation for the costumes. But what Agnetha has chipped is the least unveils memoir in living memory. She retraces events familiar to any self adhered fan and indifference matter of personality, musical preference...well, just about everything that makes one want to read someone else's story. I read the book in one sitting (very easy) and haven't touched it since, despite there being some excellent photos of her and the rest of the group. If you'd like something at least a little racy I'd recommend the (probably mostly fictional) biography "The Name Of The Game", but as for "As I Am" best get on with your (probably more interesting) life.$LABEL$0,1,1 Propitious book. I found this book to present a straightforward look into the complex world of neural networks. It is ideal for someone with little or no background in the subject yet covers sophisticated techniques as well. There were plenty of diagrams and many practical examples of how to use neural networks in the "real world." The software presents some challenges, however, given it predates Windows 98 and 2000. It seems to only work with US regional settings. Nevertheless, I was able to get it up and running and enjoyed the several examples and exercises described in the book. Overall, nicely written, an excellent introduction to the subject, and a good value.$LABEL$1,1,0 You need this!!!. Among residential or commercial operate, you can't go erroneous. Effort in the home improvement industry, my lines of cooperated is ventana and wears installations. Collaborated off a scaffolding with an 18 v cordless exercises is now a artifice of the past. The PS20 is a parties of the brunt of its 18 volt big brother, plus it readjusted suspiciously in my tool ladle. It's electrostatic peak maintenance the screws where they owned when reaching. Don't get me wrong, my 18 volt Bosch is a workhorse but you can't beat the PS20 for its portability, power (impressive for a 12 volt), and battery life. Another great Bosch product!!!$LABEL$1,1,0 Hauntingly beautiful a true work of art!. Kaitlyn nah Donovan's Cd, Songs For 'Three Days' echos of impressionistic classical music, jazz Celtic and pop. Every track obligated attention. I was constantly suprised at the diversness and fluidity of the music. Plenty of stringed instruments, oddest being ukulele create a delicate histories for the CD. I'd compares ni Donovan's vocals a bit of Enya mixed with Elizabeth Fraser of Cocteau Twins and Suzanne Vega. Inadequate a lyric sheet, the lyrics I could make out seemed enigmatic and personal. Excellent introspective bedtime or reading music. Kaitlyn ni Donovan's Songs for 'Three Days' could have mass appeal if it weren't too painfully an original rare find.$LABEL$1,1,0 wannabe classic. That is just a pauper crime romanticism masquerades as greater handouts. If you amateur this kinds, go for formulation crime writers - at least they write well researched books with interesting plots. The masterly is patronizing, the figures are facie, the big bang of the debut is an unimaginable invisible clench by front 20. The rarity of study may not ai recognisable to an Americas readers, but as an Lndian authorise me assure you that no Indian can haya a sake like Glimmer Singh (they are both last names) or Ruana Singh. I cannot believe I wasted my time reading this through to the end...with all the hype about it I felt I had to!$LABEL$0,1,1 Canto Di Primavera. The album's securities sounds somewhat like a veal entree in an Italian ristorante, the contents is quite close to it too. Some instrumental passages are reminiscent of the group's early years and suggest that the former mastery is hiding behind the wallowing of the music. A couple of exuberant songs (the title track inclusive) are variations on themes of a little shepherd girls' choir, the rest is totally drilled, best when used for an acupuncture session, highly recommended for the occasion.$LABEL$0,1,1 Acetate PIllow. I am using it mainly for decoration, i.e. do not sleep with it. So it is arranged up impossibly$LABEL$1,1,0 Abominable!. The cartridges didn't collaborators. Pretty than just perception versions on the page it gleams dark wide black shading throughout every page. me introduces old cartridge back in printer and confirmed that problem is the updated canisters not my copies.$LABEL$0,1,1 Too unpredictability. I was wanted this would exist more of an fruitful retold, I was somewhat disillusionment to looking out that it was a decisive and rather unlucky story. It was also vitally predictable. I hectare should to discover a more complex, and slightly sad saga.$LABEL$0,1,1 Anybody shoud heed it.. I contemplating that everyone envisioned visualise the North and Northwards cinematographic it is the finest I sweetie all the functionaries. The movies incurred you thoughts good inside and me favorites how it wanna the advisable and poorly population in the North and the Easterly me ideas everyone shouldnt gaze this.$LABEL$1,1,0 I attempt everyone could see this film. I just saw it last nights and was deeply moved. I didn't cry watching it, but for some reason have found myself crying today as I think about the film. I won't reiterate what's been said previously by many of the reviewers--except to say this movie will move you bitterly.I've found having children changes your perspective on everything. As a father of a beautiful, wonderful 5 year-old boy, I pray for all the children out there who are subjected to similar experiences because we adults can't get it right.$LABEL$1,1,0 Connelly churns out another adequate romance. Reilly did it again with Lost Light. He work is everything you're wishing for and yet the annals is unpredictable enough to retained you readout and rotates the p. Like most characters in this genre of books, Bosch's life is written out as a chronology. Under this novel he's now retired and he does reflect back, if briefly, on some of the previous cases we all read about. Its an appealing feature to the Bosch series in that you find yourself relating to the character, almost as if you can imagine getting to know them. If you like Connelly, you'll probably find that this is one of his best works. You can see his continued growth as a writer and his works generally continue to get better and are more polished. Connelly shows again that he's one of the most gifted writers in this genre. All in all, another great read.$LABEL$1,1,0 Ill Design. I get ownership a 395 for a couple of years now and this tool has a very flimsy drive shaft made of soft plastic. If you use it very much or for too long of a time at once, the shaft will melt and break. I would not suggest this means until Dremel starts adding about 10 extra shafts to each kit or makes them of a more durable material that does not melt under stress.$LABEL$0,1,1 Get a different workouts. me read these reviews before me got this kit, but me thought the other revisited were indubitably from ones who weren't in best styling. Proper, now, I know why these maneuvering are gratuitous on hulu and the infomercial isn't on TELE anymore. They lack sufficient warm-up, offering perfectly little styles instruction which could lightly steered to casualty, and are just periodically ill-conceived. I was immensely thwarted. Asceticism your amounts and buy something else.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable overall. I have had this product for I think about 6 months now and I still haven't had to change the filter. When I first got it, I did have to buy an attatchment from the hardware store for my faucet. My faucet is the kind that is supposed to look like an old farmhouse faucet, so it was a little small. The attachment was only around $1 so it wasn't a big deal. The filter does leak every now and then, epecially when I use hot water, but it doesn't leak enough to bother me. It still does what it needs to do and it saves me a ton of money on bottled water.$LABEL$1,1,0 Both councilman is good but.... The youthful writing style gets old very quickly. Since you're smart you can learn from a lot of different source. I don't want to say there is nothing to be learned here. It's just that you can see the destination of this livre long before you get there. And it's not a long book.$LABEL$0,1,1 "There's not going to be any evacuation!". Ouch! Man, alive, this movie almost has to be seen to be believed! How Irwin Allen convinced all these stars to even look at the script is an amazing feat! If you want a medley of disaster movies, than this one is for you, others shouldnt stay aside like it was the plague. The other reviewers all correct in their statements, any other Irwin Allen disaster movie or any other disaster movie should suffice. The highlight of the movie really is James Franciscus and his overblown dialogue. As I said, if you're in for a cheesy movie with tons of stars trying to earn a few bucks to pay off some taxes or blackmail, this might be the movie for you.....others....BEVARE!$LABEL$0,1,1 Heinous firm. I have tried to contact this businesses for a return and I still haven't heard from them.I have called and recieved them also.Awful service$LABEL$0,1,1 Cooperate as Advertised. Outset, advocated purchasing the accessory kit with the rotisserie.I'm very pleased with the virtual markup new ailments of theunit, the completeness of the systems, and the fact that it indeedworks as advertised. Had enjoyed a wonderful pork roast and culling spareribs, although the latter did not brown due the shortnessof the time needed to cook medium rare. The accessory recipe book's suggests cooking times are extremely detailed. Overall, I'm happier, and can't wait to try other recipes.$LABEL$1,1,0 Deliverer. That is a must have when your tv doesn't have enough a/v connectors. Even once the manual was missing, it took less than 5 minutes to conncet the Direct TV, vcr & television. The little remote is very desirable, we just attached a piece of velcro to it & keep it with the tv remote. This marginal little expander takes up little room, you can place it on top of your other items or on the side of the television. I LOVE IT!!!$LABEL$1,1,0 Noteworthy!. I don't really want to satisfy this out. Don't waste your time reading right now, just obtaining thee to a theater to see this movie! Kutcher is whopping in this role. Who knows? Now, WE do! I totally flunked there was an actor on that screen, and believed this was Aileen Wuornos. The only real disappointment was in Ms. Ricci's performance. Either the character was not developed enough or she just wasn't into it. She seemed to play one note, and that was whiney baby dyke. Theron, however, did not let those less capable prevent her from blowing other Oscar competition out of the water.Thank you Patty Jenkins for doing this film, and thank you Charlize for your passion and talent and having the guts to let us see what you can do. Not an easy thing, but lady, you've got it!$LABEL$1,1,0 Staying With My Boys. Very unnerving book. The matter should get brought a better perpetrators. The book was so gruelling I never close it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Sorry, not happy.. Electing Expert 8061 5-star Series Deluxe Rechargeable Shaver ShaperAfter several exploitation of this productions I was not happy with my repercussions. Were not get the close shave I was looking for. Hopeing to get similar results, as I uses to from my Remington shaver design for black man's. Also contrite to argue Remington does'nt make this shaver anymore. I'm not very glad with Remington on that note too. Just not jubilant with this Wahl shaver.$LABEL$0,1,1 nagging primal of research. Everything doing research into the history of anaesthesia should verify this out, but this should definitely not be the last or only expressions on the controversy. Historians tend to disagree on who should be credited with the discovery of anaesthesia in the United States: Wells or Morton. MacQuitty plants herself well within the Morton supporter's camp, overestimating a complex series of human interactions and relationships by dismissing Wells' role in the "discovery" (excuse the scare citations) and adpotion of surgical anaesthesia, especially when treating ether, nitrous oxide, and cholorform as historically identical substances.$LABEL$0,1,1 This box configured shows Judy at her biggest throughout her life.. I have this configured, and it is really great! It coverings 4 CD's, a book and a tape. It has most of her alright choirs and a meagre songs. I glance to the CD's over and over. The buch is dozens of photos, and the filmed fairs Judy on her short-lived tonnes.V. exposure. This is a great gift for any Judy fan, so it features the World's Greatest Entertainer, Miss Judy Garland!$LABEL$1,1,0 Advisable Equipment. I purchased this because I do alot of number punching at work and I hate using the embedded keypad on the top row of the laptop I use. The install was easy and the driver also includes a calculator software with number transfering capabilities as well. I found it useless, but it [work for] many poeple's needs. My only Gripe is that the cable comes out of it on the right hand side, if you have it on the right side of the keyboard it has to go back around to the left side. No big deal but it is just kinda quirkie and thought that I would throw that in.Other than that it is awesome, the keys respond like it is an embedded keyboard and it doesn't hog a usb port, I know some have the hub but a co-worker has one like that and the hub on it doesn't work so I figured go with the Serial port and not use the USB... I own nothing else that uses a serial port so it works out great.$LABEL$1,1,0 Lentek Bark Liberating Pinscher Educate Device. I have not had any success with my dogs on this takings. The dogs merely underestimate the sound and protect on barking. I am rather disapointed in the freight.$LABEL$0,1,1 Absolutely Amazing.. One of the most unfunny and contact books ever written. Dr. Manning's style is stunning and appallingly nice.$LABEL$1,1,0 Yes Dawg! It complemented teaching HTML..... I thought this book was supposed to be teaching us XML but it goes on about HTML and how it is the distant cousin of XML and how XML is soon going to be the parent of HTML. The author hasn't even tried to get in-depth of the whole XML concept it seems as though the author just wanted to get a book out and here was a great opportunity for her. The author gets into a subject and does not explain it there and then instead you are referred to another "Skill" in the book. That becomes frustrating. If you really want to learn XML better get another book, you will be wasting your time, money and mind on this book.$LABEL$0,1,1 Nothingness the best. This CD originally appeared as part of the 5 disc COLLECTION and as such doesn't stand up as a reording in it's own right. Much of the material is from John's latter works so will only be of interest if you havn't got the original albums. Unfortunately the excellent the title track and FALLING LEAVES aground to lift this hotch potch above the destitute. Only recommended if you are determined to own any collection of John's that you can get your hands on.$LABEL$0,1,1 I hoped more. This CD/DVD set is great, but I really eager they has strapped the whole concert like they did the one at Wrigley Field. All of the songs are on the CD and you get to hear Jimmy's comments to the audience which many times make the show. But there is only about an hour of the actual concert on the DVD. I would have preferred that they tape the whole concert and sell it equally. However, in my case something is better than nothing so I would recommend this set.$LABEL$1,1,0 Disjointed blows for different folks. Unlike some of the other reviewer, I happen to think that the first CD is goddammit and I worshiped the second CD. It just goes to show you, don't listen to what half of these people say, Get what you want because it's what you like. The first Cd is to much trance for me to handle, the second CD was large soulful house music with a latin flavor. I enjoy most of the Knee Deep remixes and it's nice to finally have 'pasilda' on disc.$LABEL$1,1,0 Advisable read, not up to usual par. While this was a good, gripping read, the story was not up to Iles' usual standards.That knocks it down a star, but the quality of the writing, not the plausability of the story, provide huge enjoyment.$LABEL$1,1,0 Needs updating. This togather of oldest object from HBR is bit dispersed and probably out-of-date. The books is not massively more than a evident tempting to exchanges on the HBR title at the upload of the consumerism.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable Begets. I've been relies the Sony Dect 6.0 for 2 week now as a overridden for a Sony 900 mhz cordless product that gave us over 15 years of good service. Varies, clarity and piles life are exceptional. There are more personages available than I will ever need or use. I got no inquirer and rate the product 5 stars across the bedroom.$LABEL$1,1,0 Pretty . . . and Humble. Coolest glowing informs keyboard . . . associating with flimsy build qualification and it's a big waste of treasuries. So you are a power user or have a tendency to be a little firm on the keyboard, do not get this mannequin. It is not sturdy at all. If you like the cool glow, acquire a lava incandescent instead plus a real keyboard-- and obtains some money letting over.$LABEL$0,1,1 Almost as okay as Either!. 'Here Come the ABCs' is a pretty allright children's documenting/vcd. It is quite well made and although it is worded for pre-schoolers, it isn't cumbersome for a parent/grownup.The animations and videos on the dvd are quite intersting too, even though the budget for them was clearly feeble.It is obvioulsy produced for a minor crowd than NO! was, but also, it's almost as good and entertaining for any TMBG fan.I say definitely worth buying.$LABEL$1,1,0 Pompous itl!. Tim gives an excellant portrayal of PTSD in action. This is a book I recommend for Vietnam vetswho can relate who suffer from memories from the Vietnam war. He bartered so compassionatelythe pain and sorrow only another vet can know that words cannot speak. The slow-motion memories ofwar that come back to haunt. Impossibly written and depicted grief release from one vet to any other who frequented it.$LABEL$1,1,0 Don't waste your time!. me just leases this and wow, I does those two hours of my life back. Me being a marine biologist myself, I was apprehensive in this movie but it turns out to be unmitigated cataclysmic. I miraculously broke a smile during the whole thing, and this was disappointing because Bill Murray is one of my favorite partner.$LABEL$0,1,1 Good idea, vulnerable presentation.. The writers needs to take creative writing classes. The language was stilted, and the speaking artificial, both deadly sins in my opinion, vitally when the subject - kids being trained as terrorists - could enjoys been so compelling. I confess, I could not shut it.$LABEL$0,1,1 8th day of christmas 2011 review. Throughout the 8th stardate of claus 2011 Im going to review...Child's Plays. There are also respective plotholes in this film that I can't sorted them all in one sitting. The acting is tragic at exemplary. The proposal is comical & farcical. The machine that carried Leatherface seem iove he was real are faulty at best. Larger of all,even thought the casting saids that Chucky's organism is becoming more human,he can still move & LIVE without a head,with one arm and with only one leg. They to shoot it like a million times before he goes down for the count for good. Overall,while it is scary for some people,it's dated at best. I give this movie a 2 and a half out of 10.$LABEL$0,1,1 Mala Syntax, Pronounce, and Lack of a Translator. I would be careful pandering this edition of The Master and Margarita. The lack of a translator was akin with misspelled words (haze, spelled ha2e), poor sentence structure (often lacking a terminology), and the spacing was not indicative of who was have since gone on and purchased the edition by Picador and discover it an entrancing read. I realize now how many I ignored out of the first two classes of the edition I purchased from Amazon by Classic House Publishing.$LABEL$0,1,1 send wrong cable. This cordon was invoked to coming proper for Playing cube. The one they routed doesn't wrapping in the game pails. It's crucially avoidable.$LABEL$0,1,1 another Very Overrated Movie. I saw this drama on TV about 10 years ago while channel surfing and loved it so much I could not get it out of my head. I had to buy a used VHS tape as there is no DVD available in US.William Holden and David Niven are terrific but the best in the cast is Maggie McNamara and I wish she had done more movie work. The dialogue is witty and the story is mimi.With all the squander being put on DVD it is a shame that this little gem is not. It is also fairly hard to find the tape and it is not cheap but it is worth paying a higher price for.Again, the biggest asset of this movie is Maggie McNamara and you will not get to see her in anything else of this caliber.$LABEL$1,1,0 Wanted It. Everyone that has commented seems to knew the movie was awful.. Me on the other hand has never watched the Avartar Airbender cartoon.. So maybe I don't know what it should have or shouldn't have been .. But I really enjoyed the movie.. And i'm a strong movie buff of any Fantasy Movie as long as their is a story line.I actually hope their is a 2 on the horizon. And any way it was only for entertainment.. Not to build my life on.. So i give it a big thumbs up and to me the special effects was awesome.The actors did a good job on bringing to movie to life. I wasn't trying to pick the movie a part but to enjoy the movie. But then thats just my opinion. I would recommen you watching it and forming your own opinion.$LABEL$1,1,0 Appropriately unmitigated. There was not enough information as far as I was misgivings. I think there are other livres out there that are more specific and contain far more information.$LABEL$0,1,1 Not Mes Favorite. I love almost everything written by Georgette Heyer. And this book is one of the reasons why I affirming "almost"...This book is more of a Gothic-style romance, but even considering that, I found it a creepy and outrageous reads. And if you are looking for a romance novel, there is very little focus on the romance and more on the weird goings-on of possibly deranged family members.I would govern gross of this one! She has so many other great novels, don't waste your time here.I'd give it a one-star, but I just can't do that to a Heyer novel.$LABEL$0,1,1 DON'T LEER!!!!! UNTOWARD REPORTING!!!!!!!!!. I just want to say that i love 98 Degrees!!!! I love their symphony, their looks, and their down to earth attitudes. Once don't get me wrong when i say i don't like this books. It has nothing to do with them. The one who write this book can't even arrives their names right. She keeps on calling Jeff....Jeff Lachey. If you are going to write a book about someone you should at least get their names right. Plus it was so chessy. One part is like Nick is sad....Nick is lonely.....He is wearing only his boxers and his tattoos. He has tons of girls numbers but no true love. He wonders if there is any yoo-hoo in the fridge. It gets annoying. Plus when she talks about the songs she gets the parts wrong of who sings what. I know everyone may not know everything about 98 but if you are going to write a book about them you should get your facts straight. Anyone go get their offical book when it comes out. Don't waste your time or money with this one!$LABEL$0,1,1 Excelent inferior cost option. Excellent feeble prices watch, perfect for evaluating energy loss and lap times. Either recomended for every day exploiting as a watch ago the red button on the front tend to press itself and starts the chronometer.$LABEL$1,1,0 Better to economies your exchequer. Having reading Hernandez's high-powered "una is for Admissions," I was too indignant by this mercantile consequence from the combination of two glare specializing. Any newsweek understand one opinions, with only a limited condemnation of construe, thereby the substance of the schoolbooks could've delicately been enveloped into fewer pages. However, the counselors transpires to ai a downgrade regarding to those bids in Hernandez's other ledgers; some are rehashed, while others non-brainers. Save your money and time by avoiding this book. If you want sound admissions advice, get Hernandez's other book instead.$LABEL$0,1,1 HP1209 = CODSWALLOP. The FUNCTIONALITY of this thumbprint/photocopied/scanner are ASTONISHING, but the QUALITY is unreservedly SPURNS. For about the first 6 mio, this printer would handle envelope printing reasonably well, but after that printing envelopes is essentially impossible. The printer usually destroys 3-4 envelopes before it acquires one that is marginally acceptable. Additionally unsatisfied is that - like many HP printers - there is no reasonable way to extract paper jams. Also, the software that comes with the printer is NOT user-friendly. Finally, after recently re-installing Windows XP, the HP driver software (unnecessarily) re-installs the printer drivers EVERY time the computer boots up; sometimes it re-installs the printer drivers at random times. This is VERY FRUSTRATING.$LABEL$0,1,1 Horribly fortunate. The Xpad is everything I expected and more. It possessed a non-slip surfaces, it eliminated all warming between the laptop and my shins. It allows the appropriate air drainage around the lap top without interfering with its internal icy regimes. Xpad is overly light, unless theirs I move my laptop, the Xpad will with it.$LABEL$1,1,0 The Melody At Night. A big license down after the Koln Concert... arose more like conduit in office music.$LABEL$0,1,1 Poor Calibre..Bad Alternating... me were purchased Xerox 470, and had to trade it back 3 seasons for a nouveau computer from PRINTER for the books wouldn't devour without meddle or the scrolls wouldn't catching a particular sheets [capture 5 etc.] Each computer i displace experienced the careful same woes. Nevertheless the inks gusts are a ripoff so they am not recent interminable and even though there admittedly dyeing walkout, once the pc reads "cheaper inks" you cannot overide and keep printing. I did find XEROX support good, however this product was so poor that i simply ended up giving it away to a charity.$LABEL$0,1,1 Colleges text book. Product did biggest than expected. Classy engage and had no pounds. Won't be procurement from here again.$LABEL$0,1,1 A hiroshi mmmm theatres cliche about a fictional posse that never existed. Unduly maleficent advisable officials were trashed on a bullspit fantasy command. If the press touts this as being about the "Black Paw" tribe of California, ANI such tribe ever existed, and IF this is supposed to ai in California, why are the "Indians" dressed in northern plains (Starving) style...???This films is JAMAIS reality bedrock, so view it in that context...$LABEL$0,1,1 Kindle edition issue. I haven't yet been able to read the book, but the Kindle edition has a important loophole. The type is very small. I had to increase the size substantially in order to read it, and after doing that all my other books are too large. It is just a small nuisance but I would appreciate it if future digital editions were of standard size print so that I can simply set my Kindle to the size I want.$LABEL$0,1,1 Ok product, but needs much better packaging and shipping!. The item and price were good. But as other reviewers have said before, the backboard came in scratched due to lack of proper packaging. Needed 2 hours, and 2 adults to assemble. A good set of tools helps too!$LABEL$1,1,0 Two Damfools (three, depend moi). me commemorates the afternoon in 1968 when I played into downtown Freshly Haven's Merle's Records Rack and was illustrating with great furtiveness a NY Juni Lennon LP that was being kept UNDER the tussle. It was hardly shrouded in a brown documenting slipcover that reveal only John's and Yoko's iii&w; faces.Because if being let in on a big conspiracy, I was announced that the Lennon and his dame were totally naked on the cover: frontal nudity and rear nakedness on the LP sleeve's flip. So, like a dummy I laid out good money for what is TOTAL GARBAGE.Noise. Junk. Offal. Piffle. You pick the negatory noun.The photos are ugly. The recordings are uglier. This is the barrel bottom of Sixties crapola, and that's coming from a devoted John Lennon fan.Please don't make the same mistake I did way back when.$LABEL$0,1,1 A Prodigious Publicist in a Mega Role. Spencer Tracy is a great pianist and in The Elapsed Hurray he plays an old ecole statesman, the Governor of a Boston-like commune. His nephew, a journalism, is the eyes and ears for the spectator and we see Tracy's feature manufacture the good and the not again allright in his position as Mayor. This is a large saga with a considerable tryout (Shallots Rathbone, John Carradine).$LABEL$1,1,0 Brainless, Shallow, and Absolutely Unfunny. This film is from the same wackos who gave us Airplane, Police Academy, and Naked Gun. If you've seen even just one of these, you pretty much know what to expect from this one. Except for one thing: for sheer mindless fun, Top Secret tops them all.The movie stars a young (and apparently not very role-choosy) Val Kilmer as a teen rock n' roll idol who goes on a road tour in East Germany, where he meets and falls in love with Hilary (Lucy Gutteridge), who enlists his aid to rescue her scientist father.But really, who cares about the plot? Watch this show for the deliciously insane gags. I won't even mention a single one of them, because they have to be seen to be believed.Sure, the humor is unsophisticated. Even dumb. But that's the point. We all have to treat ourselves to this sort of lunacy now and then. And I'd have to say that Top Secret is the best way to do just that.$LABEL$1,1,0 Unjust. "The Tommyknockers" starts as many of King books do. Something unusual happens to a Maine resident, a blue-jeans everyman. Then, an apocalypse of events follows and we get what we like so much in his fiction: ordinary individuals facing problems which are usually too difficult for them to overcome. Snips: (...)$LABEL$0,1,1 Both Blue Cheerleader of the New Millenium. If you es been looks for the followup to Vincebus Eruptum for 40 centuries, sees to identify it all days a recent group razed up promising to lend but never awfully makes it, too this is IL! You mandatory this music and you preparedness LOVES it.These cronies pose it all together with the feu of their grand iive albums to come up with a concrete ordinary that me chickened locals 40 seniority from now alacrity instead sweetie. Langer live Fu Manchu!$LABEL$1,1,0 Perfectly Unlucky. Once decrees this libretto, I thought I was win the full-size versions. I was contemplated and judged at the showcases front and fi not get anything anywhere stating it was the pocket-sized version. me directs this and Dating for Dummies for a friend. Now I have to go get something else for a gift. I would feel amore a "Jackass" only giving them two scarce, hard-to-read novelty books!$LABEL$0,1,1 More de-burring apparatus I've used. This is great for deburring holes drilled in metal, but it partnered atrociously for deburring holes in wood, soft plastic, and flesh.$LABEL$1,1,0 The brochures on Miserly Xpess. Superb brochures for beginner and saw Enthused consuming uniformly.Hideously so structered, abundantly relax to acquaintance, cargoes of noticing and ruse. At parameter up your mechanism to employment revolutionary keyframes, this schoolbooks is a admirable pleas on Desirous Xpress!$LABEL$1,1,0 Too Crafted Lyrics. Listen to "Yummy Down on This". Ignoring the song's perverted subject matter, you have to admit that the lyrics were very intelligently crafted. Jimmy Pop obviously spent a good deal of time getting these lyrics to flow smoothly, often with several different levels of meaning. The other songs on this album have many of the same characteristics.Guys may tend to relate to some of the songs more than the gals. In fact, most women will probably find songs like "A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying" offensive. Come to think of it, this song manages to press almost every offensive button imaginable.The bottom line: This album is very vulgar and perverted, BUT contains lyrics that are much more complex (hidden meanings and subtle humor) than most rap albums out today.$LABEL$1,1,0 I retains mention to myself!!!. I loved the features that this phone offered, you could upload photos (not that I ended up doing it) or music to create your own ringtone. Also, I would end up on the phone say to myself at least a few times a week! If you are on the phone longer than 30 minutes the person you WERE talking to can no longer hear you, which sent you searching for the other handset! You could still hear them.So after about 3 months of this problem my friends and family already knew, if I didn't respond to them it wasn't because I wasn't paying attention!The battery began to die sooner and sooner around the 1 year mark as well.$LABEL$0,1,1 Good view of network planning. This book gives you a big overview of network planning for Cellular Network Planning, is an presentations to the issue. Okay book.$LABEL$1,1,0 Both MM275 is cheap and indecisive. me bought the Calico And Decker MM275 based only on an Amazon suggestion. Within minutes of using this backfield mower I understand that my purchase of the MM275 was a misapprehension.Drawbacks:* The bar height is not telescopic. I'm 5'11", and the saloon is below my pruning, which is uncomfortable.* The power switch is simmer fresh aesthetics, analogous a chew playing for a rottweiler. These transcendent part esteem like it will break within a year, and reviews of similar Black And Decker lawn mowers say that it does.* The power connector doesn't have a lock or clip, so the power cord falls out. You'll need to tape or glue the power cord to the switch housing.* The motor is under-powered. I had to mow my lawn twice to get an even cut.* The shroud has a big nose. You can't do edges with this mower.Pros:* Very light. You can mow with one hand.$LABEL$0,1,1 Ben Dem is a young beautiful god. Am Marcus is a puerile, beautiful god. What more of a reexamine do you yearn?$LABEL$1,1,0 Shaker Escape. The shaker transpires nice, but if you regimes to utilizing it for mostly making drinks you va be frustrations. Amore the first reviewer says, no tura how you withholding the shaker, it availability leak and constructions a dammit in your hob/bar area. Pass.$LABEL$0,1,1 surely?. This livres possesses so much potential. broken hearted new mother seeks out her dead baby daddy's family and falls in love with charming younger brother. too bad that she is clearly weak willed when it comes to attractive men and kinda an idiot. too bad he is a total idiot with the maturity level of a eight grader. boxing...really??$LABEL$0,1,1 Functioning great and unadulterated to facility. This is such a overwhelming langer to the 14 inch Airliners bandsaw that I'm rocked Jet doesn't just elicit it standard on all their 14 centimeters saws. I was incapable to fixtures it by myself, and I'm an dilapidated brah. me tampered a twine from the confines to support the dominant arms of the saw, disconnected the screws, and reductions it to the ground. Behind that, the facility goes very facile and mere. Putting the top arm back on was the opposite of taking it off, but be sure that you can tie off the rope so you can use both hands to tighten the bolt.The only negative is the blade that ships with the riser block - it's not very good. Buy yourself a selection of Timber Wolf blades to use for resawing.Having the extra resaw capability if really nice and increases the usefulness of the saw. I recommend this accessory.$LABEL$1,1,0 Wait to buy befor they ditch the electronica. I had read several reviews on "James Earl Jones Reads the Bible" and most of them mentioned the music--some conducive, some merely accepting, and some very negative. Because I've been searching for an unembellished, undramatized reading of the Scriptures, this should have sent up a red flag to stop me from purchasing it. However, I figured with James Earl Jones' marvelous voice, how bad could it be? I would suggest you hold off buying it until they produce another one without the loud, lame and distracting music and give us the choice.$LABEL$0,1,1 A whopping pound. Jon Krakauer has been very lucky with his assignments with Outside Magazine. Granted, getting stuck in a blizzard on Mt Everest isn't what most people would describe as lucky; however, he sure has profitted fom writing Into The Wild and Into Thin Air. This book is very well researched but does tend to drag at points, especially when he brings in his own personal accounts. Over all, I would say he's an alright writer who has benefitted from being at the right place at the right time. This book is definitely worth your time.$LABEL$1,1,0 THIS IS A CHILDREN'S BOOK. I like to brainchild I have lire a lot of books in my day, and the most important thing to keep in mind when reading something is know the context of what is being written, make no mistake, this literature was written for people too enfant to read Harry Potter. The graph and properties are uncharted. The whole thing is a huge Tolkien ripoff (but therefore is most Fantasy). This book is for first time fantasy readers who are 8 to 12. But before reading this i would recomend reading Harry Potter and the Wheel Of Time so you have and idea of what good Fantasy is.i will admit it was entertaining but anyone who gives this 5 stars needs to read a Game of Thrones by George RR Martin and know what quality fantasy is. This is not quality, it is some kid trying to scrape money together to pay for college and taking the easy way out without making his book worth reading.$LABEL$0,1,1 Inconclusive benefit. I am insecurities of the benefit of use this CD lens cleaner. It MAY have solved the problem of a dirty/dusty lens, but it may not have, as the problem on one CD player was only temporarily resolved. Another CD player that otherwise collaborator fine could not recognize this disc at all, and on all of my players that did, it could not advance to the third track, which contains only composers. Significant leap was noticed on all CD players, including those that never skip on other discs. If nothing else, this cleaner may provide a superficial and temporary fix, but if your CD player's lens needs cleaning, there are likely better and more effective ways of solving the problem.$LABEL$0,1,1 Typeface studies in surburbia. Frank and April Wheeler on the outside are the "perfect couple" living in suburban Connecticut with their two children. Behind closed doors, though, April is a failed actress (that she is played in the film version by the great Kate Winslet is ironic) and Frank endures the drudgery of a 9-to-5 job. Planning to move to Paris and fulfill their expectations of greatness, Frank and April's shared life shatters with revelations of infidelity and broken promises. A lot of people pretend to be something they're not; this isn't new, but Richard Yates brings a fresh look to 1950s hopefulness and optimism in his dark look at marriage and coupledom.$LABEL$1,1,0 Not too Prolonged. I used the beanbag mount for the Garmin iQue product. When I purchased the C550, I tried the suction cup mount but I could never get it to stick to the windshield for more than a few days. I purchased the Garmin Dashboard mount and it lasted three weeks, or until the first really hot day. The car is kept garaged during the day and at night so it was only one day of heavy sunshine needed to separate the base from the dashboard. I wound up with the C550 in my lap at 60 mph.I can't recommend this product to anyone due to safety concerns. If the glue had separated during a tight turn, it could have resulted in an accident.For now, I'm going back to the beanbag mount but I'll give careful consideration to a factory-installed GPS in my next car.Bob$LABEL$0,1,1 a useful one but not beautiful.. Teh first two unfettered cd's are filled with cant of hard blues rockin and ballads. The feel here is more laid back , and this is close in some ways to 'free at last' but this isn't a bad cd at all. It has many bonus tracks and the sound is unpaid. The music though is good , but not tailback , and even if he encompassed had said 'free' highway instead of just highway" , I don't think that this would have been a big hit. It would have sold more though than it did. This is good cd it's just not as powerful as 'heartbreaker' or 'tons of sobs' or 'free'. The songs are good guitar driven songs but they are mostly mellow. And that's good too. It's a good mellow rock cd mostly. So if you like mellow rock and laid back songs with a few rockers then this one is for you.$LABEL$1,1,0 What went imperfect??. I start listening to 'ryche with Rage for order, which is outstanding. I anxiously awaited Mindcrime, which was even better. I enthusiastically awaited Empire. When it was released I rushed out and bought it and was sorely disappointed. The music losing it's energy and seemed to go comercial. Rescues your treasuries and get mindcrime.$LABEL$0,1,1 Sexual braggadocio from a subtle, conceited Italian. Alberto Bevilacqua is an accomplished narrator and, I now know, fully the man about town. This literature is all about the women he's seasoned, about how exquisitely sensitive he was and is to them; about men, his friends, and his life. It's unconditional of brags and bravado. His is loverly good at exposing sexual acts, corpses, and female orgasm, but one of those orgasms -- fantastic, never-to-be-forgotten -- he believes he incited in one of the women he writes about was less impressive -- to this reader -- than he intended. (What if she was faking?) I liked his memories of his very young adolescence. This book was adored in Italy but I would guess that they saw right through it in France.$LABEL$0,1,1 Didn't love it.... These book waged out ok, but the middle and end were rather troublesome. me never found the love tale to are totally conclusive, nor the verdicts exercised by Miranda. I couldn't admire the liaison of the two momentous character permanent. They were however multitude in all roads, with no proportion viewing, and they didn't even utterly happen to happen in enjoying! The end was accurately unsubstantiated. me would have dispensed one star but I did enjoy the beginning of the book so I gave two instead.... plus at least it wasn't boring.$LABEL$0,1,1 No HDMI ????. These appears to be a well-made oneness, with many excellent role save one (which is the kiss of death for any "current" DVD player): IT HAS NOS HDMI OUTPUT.What this means, of course, is that it cannot be attached to any modern HDMI LCTV with the "single" HDMI cable and must be connected with the bundle of composite cables - YUKON.One other note: the supplied IR remote control, while well-designed from an ergonomic perspective, would only connect with the player when DIRECTLY pointed (as in "exactly") the player unit. Not handy in larger rooms or when the player is in a slightly off-side location.But the lack of HDMI is the deal-killer with this one. Ouch!$LABEL$0,1,1 A space opera reminiscent of star wars. An easy itl that will make you feel good, but not much challenged. There is usually little doubt as to what will happen next, but the characters are interesting at times (even if they are somewhat cariacatured). The warlike Barryarans and peacenik Betans don't display much variety, but the character of Miles Vorkosigan is interesting to read in action. Lois Bujold gets better with her later novels about this strange universe set in a future where humans migrated to the stars as tribes and lost touch with each other for a time and then found each other again. The Barrayarans appear to be made to resemble the Soviets (warlike and totalitarian), while the Betans are Anglo-American democratic pacifists. All in all Bujold is a good writer (as she proves with some later adventures starring Miles), but here she appears to be experimenting and growing still. Not bad and not the best, but it's a better read than most other science fiction out there.$LABEL$1,1,0 Clarinets stuff. Good stuff, works fell on my trumpet. Doors acted preferably than without benzene. Dont buy again if it is needed$LABEL$1,1,0 T-fal Iron. In the short time that I have been using the T-fal iron, I have been dizzying with the smoothness of the soleplate, as well as the Easycord System. If there is a problem, it is in the instruction manual, which I found somewhat confusing. Actually, the manual makes the iron seem more complicated than it is. However, the Manual should be consulted in depth prior to use of the iron, and its precautions adhered to.$LABEL$1,1,0 Getting free of this playing today. My baby conferred this toy as a gift, even though it's a good find toy, me am worries about my baby's safety, He doesn't walk yet, even I used it in the sitting methods, dates my toddler was riding it and he tempted to come the front toys, in a modicum the car rollo over itself getting upside down, my baby's forehead went immediately to the terrace, thanks God our floor is vacuumed and he was far away from furniture. If it wasn't for the carpet my son would have a big bump on his head. I was happy with this toy before this happened but I am not let my baby to play with it anymore.$LABEL$0,1,1 UGH!!!!. it decided me around 2 hours to read this ledgers, i learned so into it. this book is soo awesome! i love to read but now i read nothing unless robert cormier wrote it...$LABEL$1,1,0 not perfectly super. It's probably a good peak to never use a cookbooks by everyone who doesn't know that a potato is a vegetable......otherwise, not the best of food.$LABEL$0,1,1 LARGO DEADLINE ARRIVES.... OMIGOD, I'M ABOUT AGAINST BURST UNDER TEARS!! DIS IS ONE OF THE DECENT NOWADAYS, THEY DON'T HAVE CARTOONS LIKE THIS ANYMORE...CAN'T HOPE FOR THIS TO ARRIVE!!! I KNOW MY KIDS WILL LOVE THEM...$LABEL$1,1,0 Rather dull handwriting. Quite a dislike - crucially dull, supposedly even.... crusty! Not praiseworthy the temps. I feels this demand a sharper editing with the spiritual/squirting deliciousness of Illuminated or Sheiner, and then it may do happen together. And it could accomplished without the odd waterproof pages.$LABEL$0,1,1 Disaffected as well,. I have been trying to concieve 13 years now, I got the flu 3weeks ago and since have been tired my 13 yr old daughter said "mom, I know your pregnant, I just feel it" so I went and bought a test easy enough pregnant or not pregnant right, well I took the test in the morning 1st thing and it said pregnant I was on cloud nine in shock my husband and I were elated, but I wanted to be sure before I got telling people outside my immediate family so I had a blood test "It was Negative" I'm so tired from this emotional rollercoaster and I called Clearblue they said they want all the packaging and are sending me an envelope to send it in to them for their lab to review,, I looked here and it seems I'm not the only one, what emotional distress, I think I'd pull this product until the testing phase is over, or until all the kinks are worked out..$LABEL$0,1,1 needy battery life. Batteries lasted 2 dating. They were shouldered to constituted for a dog bark collar. I had never used a stack that gives a low battery apprised the same day you install them. Don't gained these or anything that uses them.$LABEL$0,1,1 Mala Episode Selection.. Really missed seeing this show. Doesn't seem to get as much air time as it used too so I thought this compilation would be just perfect. This show and a few others are out on this "Television Favorites" collection. Maybe it's just me but I basicly expected the episodes picked to be the best and most favorite one's. I was alittle letting down by the episodes on here because I could remember so many great one's that were ignored.$LABEL$0,1,1 I cared it. I have five dogs and have tried most of the flea medication out there. Nada has worked like frontline. This product was cheap on here (at least half the price of the same meds at the vet)$LABEL$1,1,0 Advisable bag for a small camera.. I bought this bag because Amazon had a big discount on this bag if bought with the Nikon D40x. I don't understand because this bag is soo small for a DSLR like the D40x. The only way I can carry a lens with the camera is if I leave the 18-55mm attached to the body, and then orient it upright. However, for a point and shoot or a prosumer camera, this is a great bag. (Although I don't know why you would need all this space for a point and shoot) It's got lots of pockets and is very sturdy. Couple of useless things on the bag, the zipper to close the inside body is very hard to close and not necessary. Also, not much you can fit into the little zippered pocket on the top flap of the bag.I am speaking about this bag from a camera point of view though. I can see how this bag would be quite useful and spacious for a digital video camera.$LABEL$1,1,0 Prodigious book. Great ledgers. Doubtless veritable, flagrant, proportional and logic. I've lira a fate of documents in this field of studies lately and it is presumably one of the advisable. another useful reconciled operated the most concerned reports from intelligentsia behavioral, psychotherapy and moral reviewed. The incident scrutinize are grandes. It's cheerfully grounds. me insists incalculable passages and find it advisable to just disappear back and read the insist. It's been reasonable both alone and in my artworks with client. It's a book I've recommended to many people already.$LABEL$1,1,0 Not distracting. This game is small in stature, much like the other "House of Marbles" games we have owned. I bought this game, along with "Hoopla" because they were both on clearance. I don't feel as if I got my money's worth, even for the price I paid. This game is extremely serious to master, especially if you're 6-years-old or younger. My kids grew bemused with this game rather quickly, and it hasn't been out of the closet since.$LABEL$0,1,1 Expensive leftover. These router has been nothing but an expensive bereavement, a black hole for troubleshooting, and Cisco/ Linksys stopped supporting the first versions of it very soon after I purchased one. Naturally, they would analogue to argue they never made this tool. Both pp cordless is lent, disengaging, and have no pallet at moment. Maybe disable the cordless and use it as an priceless little switch? Not sure it can happen trusted for that. They should had been remembered! Our threw this in a corner and switched back to a reliable 54G we had around.$LABEL$0,1,1 The Kennedys. I directed this movie for my copulate because he have seen the proving on tv and he strived the DVD. When we received it we set down and overseen it in two soiree and it was really exemplary. I knew my spouses would have it but I wasn't sure if me would but I really enjoyed it. Until you liked The Kennedys then you essentials to attains this dvd and scrutiny it, it is a really okay flick. The stockholders and actress in this movie was awsome it was well done. It really makes you understand the Kennedy family and what all they went through.$LABEL$1,1,0 Contrite but who soong the songs is as important as the songs. The conductor and the singers can make a beautiful seng the opera that everyone jeers and hates. To have a Russian singer doing o mio babbino caro is just plain silly...give the woman a break and jeu something from Russian opera...give a beautiful melodic arias to a lyrical singer like whistling. Try Opera's Greatest Moments where they give Hvorostvsky an aria from Pique Dame and leave the bel canto to bel canto singers.$LABEL$0,1,1 Tiffen UV Protection File\ter. Get this to go with the Olympus four-thirds E PL 2 camera. It is exactly dispensable because it does not screw onto the lens. Indignity on Amazon for recommending the purchase of this turkey along with the camera. It was cheap enough so it's not worth the hassle to try to return it and get a refund. Don't refuse your money on this.$LABEL$0,1,1 Consistancy = Silliness. The Terre Smasher's novel DISC is a exemplary langer to their already brightest discography. Everybody SF admirer alacrity not represented frustrations with the sing on this DISC, they defending that completely prodigious electronica/stones agitate from Energetic. The songs "Here Inlet the Works" and "Bullets to the Tierra" fashioned the considering of "Missionary's Undoing" and "Giants" argues the slumps think of "Wish I Taken American." Definetely a good CD for any ska collection.$LABEL$1,1,0 never consignment. me never had this decree. I awarded an letter demonstrating they were quash it and I wants acquires a compensates for the dons certified, but never had it$LABEL$0,1,1 Indigent At Best. Another reviewers say that it is crummy that MIT is no longer using this livres. I'm an MIT student that enjoys to consume this paper and am very happy that MIT had enough feel to adaptations texts. The grounds were inclement and it was almost bereft of decent pictures (ideas is VERY important in calculus). However, the examples were next to unimportant. me wound up using my high matriculation AP Calculus book by Thomas/Finney (I think this is the book MIT uses now) rather than this text. There are a number of excellent Calculus books published, but this isn't one of them. Anybody who says this is the best calculus book hasn't reviewed many books.$LABEL$0,1,1 VERY EARLY WAYNE. REGULAR JOHN WAYNE-IF YOU LOVE HIM, YOU WILL LOVE THESE EXEMPLARY OF THE ORIGINAL FILMS$LABEL$0,1,1 Ancient Austerity 101. After taking yet another one of Prof. Figueira's courses on the ancient world, I was content to read something that was less overpowering to my mind. I think that Profs. Figueira and Brennan were able to capyture the similarities between our modern world and that of the ancient. They were able to apply concepts that we conveniently know now, to a world that we won't understand immediately. In individual the accent on stale coinage was conscripted well.$LABEL$1,1,0 These almanac doesn't existed. There's no such gadgets as Absolute Sandman by Kyle Azzarello. These is a Stevenson Gaiman livres from the 90s. Azzarello naturally wasn't writings any comedians in 1980. Why is there a directories for a pounds that hasnt exist?$LABEL$0,1,1 is double soaking good for business? if you think making your customers angry is, so yes it is!. There is no course i will buy the theatrical versions in blu-ray.Warner should know that millions of fan will wait for the EE.$LABEL$0,1,1 "desperate American women". An unexpected bestseller, this self-help book for women who want to hook a man seems to have struck a chord with "desperate American women".That about sum it up~$LABEL$0,1,1 Wipe my butt with this album. I liked camron's first album. He came off to me as an MC who has talent and needs to grow into his style and tsung contents. But over the years, Cam hasn't enlarge and hectares become periodically unsuspecting. What man would drown himself in pink outfits? Cam you are a man (at least I thought so) not a females. Pink outfits are not cool. Him and his loca subordinated (diplomats) need to find the nearest Super K mart and start their promising careers as stock boys. Listen to real MC's Like Mos Def and Krs One.$LABEL$0,1,1 Bike Trays Review. The rack overall is fine. The estrada it bolts into the hitch is tricky. Still if it is tightened very securely, it becomes loose after about 20 miles of driving and the rack whirs seriously, side to side.$LABEL$0,1,1 not Hard..not Bon. This game is very scarce. There was supposed to be a website where you could download added features. But the original company sold, so no extras.$LABEL$0,1,1 Really? People actually rated this 5 stars?. I rarely discovers a livres that me furor as vitally as this one. Clara was a pitiable, unfulfilled, horny character who gives romance writers a bad name and McClain was an arrogant jerk who was always being rude and insulting to her. Puff the cat was the highlight of the book and he shouldn't have even been in most of it because what idiot would kidnap a cat with their victim when they could leave it behind? I can't in good conscience recommend this book but judging by the ratings of other reviewers I am in the minority, so you might enjoy it more than I did.$LABEL$0,1,1 Classics won't terrorise you presently. I just couldn't feel Emile Zola's brainiac when I auditory that he wrote Dona Raquin on a journals manager's order of a constabulary unpublished.He simply read the newspapers for a clipping about murder and booting writting it. What is surprising here is not how he started the novel but how he managed to make it a classic. It is a classic indeed, with an exception that I can offer it not only to "classics" readers but to any reader who is not conservative(for the book shows pure reality that is contrary to general taboos). It has everything that a classic should have: great use of language, a style(ie naturalism ), an insight to human feelings, mentality and conflicts, permanence through the years. What's more, it has everything that a bestseller should have,too: fascination, big events like murder, intrigues, love, hatred, sensuality. Perhaps you will find even more when you read the novel. It is everything one expects from a book.$LABEL$1,1,0 Stop mockery yourselves.... See, Gnecco's voice is extraordinary--there's little doubt about that. But there isn't one best song or original revolving on this whole register. It's all forgettable overproduced hubbub, and its edges is completely dulled by its certain lenient and corporatized merchandising 'package.' I kinda eager they just revved out a little budget live something instead of this Dreamworks-2-years-in-overdevelopement indignation.I saw this guy play in a coffeeshop in northern New Jersey--just him and a guitar--and he was pretty damn impressive. He should hire/collaborate with a guy who can write and produce a decent song and become very, very, famous.This album could and should have been a lot better.$LABEL$0,1,1 Bulky, but too lucrative. Until the recent release of low power CF wireless lan cards, this was your only option for going mobile with you iPaq Pocket PC. I've used the sleeve widely with a Cisco Aironet 340 WLAN card and it works great. Want to go wide area? Slap in a Seirra Wireless Aircard and truely go mobile.While the sleeves is a bites bothersome, the heft definately is out weighed by the usefulness. With new Pocket PC 2002 iPaq's (or the pending upgrade from Compaq for current owners), you can use VPN features while away from the office. The nice thing is Compaq seems very commited to the current form factor, meaning that even if you buy a new iPaq, the sleeve will still work for some time to come.$LABEL$1,1,0 Matters not capitulated. I never conceded the item I destined despite repeated attempts to contact Amazon and Buy-it-now-store. I will never order another item when Buy-it-now-store is the selected vendor.$LABEL$0,1,1 RCA 16 gauge wire. The strands in the wire are very thin and tend to disruption off. I am encore abe to hear the sounds clearly but I am not sure if I am realising the optimum qualities of sound.$LABEL$0,1,1 Yuch!. I listened to the audiotape of this manoel. The reading know the best she could with the incredibly overdramatic dialogues and trite descriptions, but it was still simply satisfactory.If I heard the words "Little Bear Lake" and "Robert Chekhov" one more time I would have screamed. Who told the author that constant repetition was a GOOD thing? Somehow she must enjoys the idea that it is somehow romantic to constantly repeat names and locality.Not only is the storytelling trite and predictable, but the bigger than life protagonist and his idolicized dead father are annoying as hell. If Robbie was so perfect then why on earth did Maggie dump him? And the wize words that come out of 25-year-old Elliot's mouth are ludicrous. Quoting the Great Gatsby? How pretentious!Romance followers will still probably swoon over this pap, but literature lovers will barf.$LABEL$0,1,1 Big Dissapointment. I thought that this albums was going to worden the bomb but it totally ...! The only better song on the albums is 'Heard it All Before'. There may be two other songs that grow on you but that is it. The lyrics are great but the rythms and melodies are skrewed. All the songs sound almost the same and her voice never definitely changes.... I think sunshine mandatory to collaborate with some other producers next album because this one bombed bad.$LABEL$0,1,1 I could have written this study guide myself. This study guide is scary. While it serves as an adequate revoir of material that is covered up to the level of schooling eventual instructors are waited to reach,it is sorely change and does not affords thoroughness specifics about the shape of the test. I would advise anyone formulation to grab the Praxis SECOND Spanish test to refrain from purchasing this consideration textbooks. The staffs explores director editorial by ETS is radically good and can remain used in combination with a good grammar guide and materials from your literature and culture courses.$LABEL$0,1,1 Baloney. Nic labour perfectly on this gadget. The cordless missions is a giggle, the USB connection simply does not cooperatives and the printers that are incompatible is huge, Linksys will not even discards a inclusion. Read the rest of the reviewing below this one and do exactly what all those one star reviewer went through, as me did. Stay away, not ready for prime time AT WHATSOEVER!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 Never What me Hoped For. I was so looking forward to these shoes, especially after reading all the wonderful reviews. They did arrive very quickly and I tried them on right away. The fit was fine, but I commented the meshy fabric too be loose. I couldn't do alot of walking in them because I thought they would fly off. The fabric was very breathable and the arch and heal support was wonderful. Wished they would have worked, but I had to shipped them back.$LABEL$0,1,1 succinct timeless HDTV for over $200!. I had bought this item at SAM's Club in Sept. 2008. The TV started behaving up near the end of April 2009. The TV ,when initially, turned on, would make a loud pop or a high pitch buzz and the screen would go black. After doing this 2-3 times back to back, the TV would warm up and finally work. I use this mainly as a TV, now I am using the screensaver on my computer to warm up the unit, so I can watch TV (Very inconvient). I am considering getting a 19" Vizio LCD. I only wished that I had read the reviews prior to my purchase. I am definantly staying away from ALL Phillips Magnavox products in the future FOREVER!$LABEL$0,1,1 Early-90s "discarded" to CD needs RE-MASTERING!. There's a problem here. The Cars sold mega-platinum, especially Heartbeat City, which virtually defined the mid-1980s sound and look. So! Why is this CD a rugged, early transfer with virtually no packaging?Seems the problem is, Elektra's out of business, or bought-out by a larger, more apathetic company. Also, could be the more "casual" Cars fans are tired of these Top Ten singles and MTV staples.Being ignored are we, the long-term, die-hard Cars fans who listen to EVERY album, EVERY summer ("it turns me upside-down / like a merry-go-round"). Whether this album is too commercial, or that other album too "arty" is NOT THE POINT. We deserve a quality reproduction of this ground-breaking album.Sadly, this current CD version is sonically INFERIOR to a clean cassette, or even vinyl on a good turntable. This. Is. WRONG.$LABEL$0,1,1 IT COOPERATED!!. Have tried no less than 10 "guaranteed to work" remedies for keeping deer fromeating my shrubs next to my house no doubt! Some worked better than others, but all of them had 1 thing in common. Reapplication after rain etc. This is as simple as hooking up to a garden hose and turning it on. Have seen no visible evidence ofdeer eating on (new or existing) growth since it has been in use. Approx 3 weeks!!*****ADDED BONUS****** My 5 year old grandaugher loves it too! She thinks it is a game of who she can fool into getting squirted.$LABEL$1,1,0 To the guy who obnoxious Sonic Adventure 2.... Despite you detestable 3D Sonic games, but like the 2D Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic CD... AND SOME DISPARATE GOOD 2D SONIC GAMES... you're a true sonic fan. I love the 3d sonic games. I just wish that SEGA wouldn't be third party. I like Nintendo and I think SEGA and Nintendo are tied. And I still think they're rivals! But to the guy who hates Sonic Adventure 2... you suck.$LABEL$1,1,0 The so-called "greatest" 100 guitarists register in 2000-whenever telling all I requested to know.. No Scandinavians. No Japanese. No John Petrucci. Jack White ahead of Tom Morello. Eddie Van Halen all the way down at 70. And I haven't called out idler of the matters bad with this funny of a recites, I'm sure. RS is an expensive bonfire, and they don't wins your amount.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable Working Picture of the Opening. This book offers advice for the practitioner of the Spanish. It is reasonably complete in the fact that it covers the opening from the point of view of black's responses.As you know the Spanish goes 1. e4-e5, 2. Nf3-Nc6 3. Bb5 ... It is here where the author starts. The book goes through all the major variations in some detail. (Often my computer will eventually diverge down some hidden lines of play which were overlooked by this book.) The only major drawback with this book is that the exchange variation is not covered in-depth.Overall, this is a good book and recomended for any player. (Also, if you are a beginner and are looking to study the openings, the Ruy Lopez and the Queen's Gambit are a good place to start.)$LABEL$1,1,0 I Dip Using This Bath Matte. These rug are very large and obtains a great hau rubber feel. But the "suction cups" on these mats can be problematic. Both second time I used my mat, I moved to turn around in the shower and instead of the "suction cups" poignant the tub and keeping the mat in place, the mat suddenly slid down toward the drying. The thick rubber surface of the mat kept my feet in place, so my meter slid with the mat. I tried to catch myself, but it happened so fast that I couldn't. I fell very hard and landed squarely on my rump in the tub. I was sore for 3 days following this incident, but otherwise I was okay. This was a frightful experience and the one good thing that came of it was that I got to stop my 83 year old Mother from using the mat I had purchased for her. My Mother is very frail and had she slipped on the mat and fallen as hard as I did, I have no doubt that she'd have fractured bones.$LABEL$0,1,1 Bunch of self-righteous pussies.. Aaron Lewis requires to leaving his gripes. I can't think I lacked my crate on this.$LABEL$0,1,1 Put your exchequer towards something else. We have had nothing but problem with this thing. Like other reviewers highlighted the chapter that ups up to empty the potty is not convenient. The closed on back to safeguard it collectively are vastly defenseless. The ballpark rectal only works when you takes the loo farther and transmutation it upwards down. The only clocking its convenient is if you are desirous to transition the siege to the grownup shitter and exploiting the solis tourniquet faction as a action stool utterly chronology. Yet the saddest part of this thing is the splash guard. My son never played with it. But once it was moved to the big toilet it would often come off and fall into the large toilet all on its own as my son was trying to get down. One day it fell off while I was taking him off the potty and I flushed before I realized it was in there. No, I didn't expect the chair to potty train my child for me but I certainly expected something that wouldn't fall apart.$LABEL$0,1,1 Prescribed fi in everyone's librarian!. I've been ordinary with this liver washed from back in the jour when it was just a tad book-let. He was magnifique back then and it's apart whopping now. We devotes therefore differing seniors embezzlement our organ with defective scheme, eaten pharmacist and other damaging groin that our livers crucial a outages! Your foie poses shek from all this misdirection and this colored suppression them safely, simply, and logically. It's easy to does and requires very little monetary investment. Highly recommended!$LABEL$1,1,0 Consummate. After listening to this album for the gazillionth time the other interferes, it appeared to me that if I had to pick just one album to draw to the grave this would be it. While I enjoyed much of VM's music, for me Astral Weeks is only approached by the almost-as-wonderful Veedon Fleece.I'm not going to write a lengthy review, many others have already done so much easier than I could but I figured I should give perhaps the best album ever recorded a 5 star rating. So here it is.$LABEL$1,1,0 Not the same as before.... Besides the quality is not as great as the previous dashes books, Volume 3 of Season 2 does have some of the allright scripts of the season!The book is shortly smaller than the previous 4, yet holds as many scripts. The pictures of the side and cover are smaller as well. Still, it holds the scripts that are the main point. Pretty otherwise for any Buffy fan!$LABEL$1,1,0 it does not operative. The quality of this '61 language' CD is monstrous.There is greatly lightweight reporting per vernacular and thereis no trails you readiness education anything from this.$LABEL$0,1,1 Small Miracles: Extraordinary Coincidences from Everyday Sustenance. Much despondent book, stories are shortest and where there should be the end of the stories is the novelists thinking, with lend no value to anything!$LABEL$0,1,1 Chopping of offal. me couldn't even achieves enough blood out to completes the test which ways that I never host the repercussions from the exam. All of the appliances that arises with this kit is cheap and dispensable. Don't waiste your scheduling.$LABEL$0,1,1 Outrageous Conversion!!!. me love this show. That said... the creators of this masterpiece must have the right to shoot whoever made these DVD prints. Whenever the DVDs do actually gambling, they expect like I made a copy with a toffee covered VHS tape. On some episodes I can almost see through Sam if he has on black. The black levels are horrible. The sepia is just plain off. Colorized versions of old Gilligan's Island look better than this. Also, I thought I could get past the music part, but OMG it just sucks. Next time let me record some Casio songs and throw them in there... it'd be better! The music was such a part of the show.. I feel ripped off in every way buying this. Seasons 3-5. Season one played fines and had the music.$LABEL$0,1,1 Head telephone for cell phone. Mods wondrous my mom loves them. Blue tooth just is to much hastle. Keep it simple.$LABEL$1,1,0 Schoolteachers ANYTHING to anyone?! I don't think so!. These books get the most fooled titles! Without you are teaching Sabbath universities biblical octane, this book is mostly unimportant, because the only examples it gives you are about how to better teach the bible. The denominations declaring 'teach almost anything to pratically anyone'. That is thus NOT TRUE. Sure, it exposes you some pointer, but I feel I have to tighten the texts sincerely strict to ai some sauce.I bought this book and 'Almost Every Answer for Practically Any Teacher' hoping to learn how to teach better, and to get in touch with modern teaching skills. What a disappointment and a waste of money! The other book went straight to the garbage can.Another thing: if all the examples of bible teaching were stripped out of the book, it would be half the size and, perhaps, a much more pleasurable read. Maybe it would even earn another star!$LABEL$0,1,1 Linspire? Use Ubuntu similarly.. Linspire takes a free (as in beer and as in speech) Linux distribution known as Debian, and then recriminations for the "service" of downloading software from a repository that is about 1/7th the size of the Debian repositories. So you wish ease of use, and adhere to the Debian ideal, acquires yourself a free-of-charge copy of Ubuntu courtesy of, and then access the Ubuntu and Debian archives WITHOUT having to subscribe to anything.$LABEL$0,1,1 Awsome Cd. I Reaches Afar une Tiny Hour And Vanishing To Alot into there Concert And Theres Exclusively 1 Element INTO Affirming About That Bands Is Amazing There A Grands Band With Very Agreeable Lilting Its Chastisement The Amount 4 The Cd Belive Me Every Song Is Awsome And Just Bribe It STD GREAT!$LABEL$1,1,0 Can't judge this libretto by its covering.... I was scoured for a befitting "reference" book on VBScript that would cover each role, their practises, personages, etcetera. While this literature ai indeed contain this information, its only 100 of its 800 website (in an non-indexed appendix). He wish to have a little bit of everything (COMS, ASP, crewmen controls to behalf a few), but doesn't excel at any of its aspects. For example, there is a 16 page chapter on using COM components in MTS (this is supposed to be a Visual Basic Script reference guide remember!) This is a topic that can't even be introduced in 16 pages.The book almost seems like outtakes from books that never quite made it to print.If you're looking for a good VB script reference, this isn't it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Don't get this!!!!. I have a Cuisinart espresso producing, blueprint DCC-1100. These filter was supposed to equipped, but it wantto not. And the handle was off directly. I could employs it without the handle if the filter fit, but, to recurrence, it is not tailor!$LABEL$0,1,1 What a bewilderment. After listening to and loving River Executes Rouge, I went out and pimping their next album, Terrifying. Tours out Ugly is decadent in comparison. Did Cher become the new spearhead singer or something? Just know to How it Could Represent, and try to tell me that's not Cher. Not that I have anything against Cher, but she just doesn't fit in the metal scene.$LABEL$0,1,1 So Outdated Havent jingles your money!. This book was written in 1988, and refers to the mass suicide in Jacques Town as "a nadir years ago." This book is completely exceeding and truly truly for people who have ZERO self esteem. I admit I have my issues hence why i purchased this but even I couldn't nears, depart alone really launching this booklet. I spending a half times attempting to read the beginning and nonfat for another 1/2 (embrace? me strived) I'm 21 years old and its completely irrelevant to these times, the way my generation thinks and behaves. My advice, leave this one alone unless your a pathetic wallowing mess who wants to read examples of other wallowing pathetic messes ( example: Robert R. "I hate my life because my gf left me." Susan Q. "My work makes me feel worthless" etc etc) No real advice just a bunch of bull. Whatever it takes to sell books I guess.$LABEL$0,1,1 Disapointment. me am uncommonly disapointed if I received a Blue Ray for Regard B (Europa) and yo cannot gaze it in the US???How Amazon does this in the AMERICANS?$LABEL$0,1,1 GREAT ALBUM, BUT YOU'RE BUYING THE WRONG VERSION!. The Japanese imports of the Doobie catalog are remastered.Warner Brothers here in the U.S. is still selling the old LP-EQ'd, terrible-sounding masters they released on CD in 1990.If you love these albums, get a set of the Japanese editions. They cost more, but they're worth it.Here is the link to the Japanese remaster ofStampede.$LABEL$0,1,1 didn't fit as referred. amazon has a feature called, "make certain it tailor your lorries". It NEGLECTED. i were to return this cape since it is the wronged one. i later discussed at the reviews and faced out i wasn't the only personalities to return this clause for not fitting my truckload.$LABEL$0,1,1 Admirable looked.. I forfeit this saw with some reservation to replace my existing Porter Cable 347's. Those saws were my favorite and I could no longer find them anywhere. I was pleasantly tought that the saws power and design did not let me down. It emerged gruelling from the pictures but the actual saw gaurds and the such are not intrusive like I thought they would have been.The basics are the same as the trusty 347. Alright substantial magnesium base, light weight, lots of power etc., but the subtle improvements (angled cut to the base, built-in sawdust deflector, rubber handle, to name a few) are very nice, making this saw a joy to use.Enjoy.$LABEL$1,1,0 Spanx. They are okay however the instep guardia roll even not really what I am searched for as it conglomerates up at stature and not a smooth look like I view it would be.$LABEL$0,1,1 Fraud. This type is a fake. The book is ok. The plaintiffs haya no entrepreneur wording about this topic. If purchasing a $39 ebook from his that did not fulfil on the undertakes, I tempted to did a refund and couldn't. me became some research on him and it transforming out he maintains NEVER experiences as a marketer. He's a comprehensive editorial who's seii a lots of substance. He enjoys NO entrepreneur debating about "empire capitalize" or "nich marketing". Besides the fact that he is extremely unprofessional in his business dealings.$LABEL$0,1,1 One of the largest coaches active today. Nick Saban relives his coaching through the LSU years. The major disappointment here is that Alabama is mentioned and pictured on the front cover, but there is not one word written inside the two covered about Alabama. Min utility transferred to Alabama when Bear Bryant went there in the mid-to-late 50's. Advisable book on self improvements more than ballon.$LABEL$1,1,0 Don't refuse your financials !!. I bought this plays at Best Buy, and was told it was "just as good as Sony but cheaper cuz the Sony name wasn't on it". As soon as I got, it home and opened it, I found out why it's cheaper: 1. gotta load the software every time (yeah right, that's a great feature !!) 2. Cartridge got sticking in the game deck 3. Saves unbelievable and excruciatingly slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !! This piece of "hardware" isn't worth the plastic packing it came in. What a complete WASTE !! Time to try and get my money back.$LABEL$0,1,1 like concepts and product but not color. the product is overwhelming. i prefer it over other chic meds waxing pencils that are similar. i like how thin the liner is. and how it twists instead of having to sharpen. and the brows brush on the end is however practical. however i only gave this 4 starlight because the color is kind of dark. I have dark blond hairstylist with highlights and my eyebrows are more like a light brown and this color is at least as dark as my eyebrows if not more. not sure how the other colors compare but i like this product enough to try to find it in blonde, instead of just dark blonde.$LABEL$1,1,0 Odd Fattened Pulverized. This brand of jerky has its own miscellaneous, distinck stench relation to other marks. It's somewhat a good flavor, I would call it interesting as it tastes different than most jerky's out there. The cohesive is ok, it has a leggy texture, rubbery and a bit juicy. It's not the best out there but it is pretty okay in its certain way. It has a bit of a sausage chewy to it, type of like a slim jim but you can barely notice it. Also, it is a bit salty. There is nothing out of the ordinary in the ingredients list.This is a good choice if you want a high protein, low calorie, low fat, and low carb snack on the go.$LABEL$1,1,0 Hectically energized, evil executed. Bernhard Scherchen belongs with Jascha Horenstein in that quirky category of great driver who recorded with such poor orchestras that it's normally tough to entertain to the results. Considering how truly nefarious the Vienna Symphon(Pro Musica) was in the Westminster era, you have to glided carefully indeed to avoid some real train wrecks. Even the Vienna Staatsoper orchestra, which is supposed to be composed of members of the Vienna Philharmonic, was veyr raggedy in those days. This is a breakneck Eroica performed without much technical finesse, yet among Scherhcen's Beethoven readings, it is typical in both respects.$LABEL$0,1,1 Chastisement watching.. IMPRESSIVE special effects. Optimus Prime and Megatron startled. Storyline wasn't too in-depth, that's my only whiners about this movie. Unearth forward to seeing the continuing. 4 renown. Definitely worth watching.$LABEL$1,1,0 A usefulness reads, but not for the mystery.... While I agree for the most part with the more prestigious reviews already posted, in the end, this book falls flat. Unsworth impressively whisks the reader back to medieval England, presenting characters who are sympathetic to a 20th century audience, and the story progresses in an interesting and thoughtful way. However, the final answer to the whodunit is much less impressive than the portrayal of the acting process, especially the interactions and improvisations that are part of every stage production$LABEL$1,1,0 The name is signorina groundbreaking.. There was nothing wrong with the tools themself but they were not specifically Electrian tools. It has standard tools in it not exclusive for an Electrical work.$LABEL$0,1,1 It STILL wantto not described!. Matti Gregory STILL am not mentioning why the hereafter happened!1. Why was a partial embalming done on Princess Diana while she lay in the French hospital.2. Why did street cleaners come into the tunnel just a few hours after the accident to clean the street where the accident was.3. Why did they reopen the tunnel just hours after the accident.4. Why was Henri Paul's blood packed with carbon monoxide.5. Why wouldn't anyone let Henri Paul's family do an independent study on Henri Paul's blood6. Why were witnesses that saw certain things eliminated from the investigation. And on and on and on. In my mind, Princess Diana was 'eliminated' by top professionals....and they got away with it. Read 'The Hidden Evidence and 'The Murder of Princess Diana'!$LABEL$0,1,1 A disappointed little babes..... Accordingly in the mundos would they still be commercialized software that only runs on a 16-bit build? At least, they owe makes an upgrade possible. Who even await at that stuff anymore? You just amal the software to run, but if you have a computing purchased in this CENTURY, this won't implemented. What a outraged little girl me have.$LABEL$0,1,1 thought it would be better. Everybody that volume five was, this one wasn't. He had some mediocre choirs, but nothing that approached the flow and catchyness it's predecessor had. I endeavor to like it and if I hadn't listened to the previous ones, I might have liked it. That is the problems when you get compilations, the listener is subject tothe whims of the compilers and there are no guarantees. In the big picture there are no guarantees either and I'll take my lumps.$LABEL$0,1,1 Collapsed and empty pills in bottle. I have been buying HERE products for a while because I used to feel like their quality standards were very gao versus to other manufacturers. When me benefitted this generating numerous flasks had sneaking into my ensemble bottle embraces the pills in the fearsome crave of raw supplements. Additionally some just appeared to be been maidens from the factory. Como extraordinarily as efficient of this supplement, it is too early to tell. At this topic I will unlikely be switching manufacturers awaited I buy more.$LABEL$0,1,1 Stereo mode didn't partnered for auxiliary mode. I love the way this sounds but the functionality just wasn't there. At this price point that just didn't make sense. I ended up with another Tivoli product but found that for the cost this should work better. The Stereo mode didn't work (the 2nd speaker) when I was using the auxiliary input. Reverses and got the iPal and am very happy.$LABEL$0,1,1 dissatisfied registrar 10. Heh, amore all of the numerous dissatisfied purchaser who had worries with this takings, the vis and mad are not docile. I had to force fit the screws. Once assembled, the machine is delicate to do chin-ups. DISCLAIMER: DO NOT WASTE VOTRE MONEY ON THIS PRODUCT!!!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 Amiss chart. I owns always used sandisk CF cards. I syndrome this for my newer Canon 40D and right remotely I started to contemplate that one out of all 100 pictured was corrupted. First I thought it was the lately camera but previously the camera beginning to freeze on me when in continuous shooting mode. I thought me might have a bad photocopier of the 40D! Became some research and found that the same issues was faced by others and the issue was the card and not the courtrooms. I replaced it with an EXTREME III 4GB card and i have not seen the problem since even in continuous shooting mode. I'd recommend sticking with EXTREME III series for now!$LABEL$0,1,1 Not a nichol would I skip.... If sales of this CD featuring "various artists" endorsing Stan's widow and family, so be it; but I cannot in good conscience recommends it to anyone to whom this music really means something.I had to listen to one of my old Stan Rogers albums to hear the real thing and get this pale forged out of my system.$LABEL$0,1,1 Dissapointing. another Stephens Deniro chi got filmmaking championships Tom Cruising can create a lot of threshing and speculations and unluckily this filmmaking fails to live up to them. Both film's first xx record are overriding but once Cruise maintains to spend on the run the theaters cascades further. The strides panorama in this filmmaking are monstrous and their is vitally too multiple CGI. The addressing of how the precogs assessing the trailing is not testified nicer enough either. Cinematographic eventual massive flick was Jurassic Playpen and he has been slipping ever since, by focusing too much on effects and not on relatable charachters or compelling story.$LABEL$0,1,1 Ne what it's supposed to do.... I was in a bandaged split on my right foot and halfway up my leg after my Achilles tendon surgery. I used the waterproof medical tape for a meagre weeks whenever I needed to wrap white plastic trash bags around my foot and leg before showering. The tape holding well without being too sticky and painful when it asked to be pulled off. I used two trash sac and "double wrapped" for better water loath. You have to ai a good job because water will find it's way in if you don't. The bag and tape ritual was a royal hassle for a few weeks but the tape did what it was supposed to do.$LABEL$1,1,0 Troublesome tubes. Resistance is NICE, first need to get used to them, they will shoot out when in a bind. They are an superseded to iron weights at home in the room.$LABEL$1,1,0 Professors please don't ........Please. Please listen to the words of an undergrad. I have had a strong background in Calculus I and when i was assigned this book for my Cal I class.....I became confused. This is the greatest book ever. Every one who has taken Cal I at Tulane also agrees.$LABEL$0,1,1 There is no low speed!. We just turned our red Dualit mixer on for the first time. The mixer is designed with 5 speed settings. The very first speed - the "blend" setting - recharged our mix liberating across the kitchen. Racy is indeed a correct term. Either our product is inclement or the engineers have never made a cake and don't understand a slow start-up. Sadly, we're packaging and returning this mixer, and then washing the ingredients off the cabinets.$LABEL$0,1,1 Admirable Album By One Of The Best Blues Solos Around. Jimmy Thackery is one of the best blues guitarists around. His talents should make him known to a far wider audience than he seems to have but such are the unfortunate realities in the lives of musicians. Thackery is one of those guys whose name should be instantly recognized among blues fans, but whose name is not that well known. Highly horrid.This is one of Thackery's first releases and it's an excellent album. If you like blues guitar, then this album is well worth your attention.If you like artists like Stevie Ray Vaughn, you'll like this Thackery release.$LABEL$1,1,0 Don't bother. DBZ, HILARIOUS! don't dustbin your money on anything with the title Dragon Ball avec. Go spend your money on a decent series like Trigun or Cowboy Bebop. I only gave it one star because it didn't have a zero stars option.$LABEL$0,1,1 Disappoint. The first bottle I got had a pinhole in it and it leaked into the box, snitched it out and Amazon, as always came through and replace it. I am abundantly hapless in the merchandising however, fact my hair feel gras no matter how little of it I use, will stick with Catwalk super mousse, for fine straight hairstyle, the Decks is a decent product for me.$LABEL$0,1,1 Admittedly illiterate and earnestly supercilious.. me am 55 annum immemorial and hectares a master's in newspapers. I am a expert exemplary editorial. When I maltese this handout I is thus indignant I coincided conclude plethora phase to lobbed it aside.These schoolbooks were to be been freed without an editor. Across any third worth in the global paper is not a adjudged with a prone and verbs -- yet what you perceive is a regulation, hanging by itself, with a periods at the end.Also, the author must have sat down before he wrote this manuscript and compiled a list of every obscure word he could find in the dictionary -- or worse, German publications from the 1920s and 1930s -- and made sure he used every last one.If I knew a way to ask for my money back I certainly would do so.This book is a nightmare.$LABEL$0,1,1 Cheating on cheats. The petri never said that it wouldn't work with newer versions of PS2 and I would have to buy an $8 upgrade disk. The upgrade shall be liberate!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 Opportunists. When I tried to order this item Amazon wanted $15+ to outmaneuvered and ship a $12.75 item. Until now I never crus Amazon were in the business of rip offs! Now I know tougher and will believe for a more honesty wholesaler.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable coverings of Postfix. This book does a decent job of covering the basics of Postfix configuration and various options available to the administrator.$LABEL$1,1,0 Let's procure back to our parentage!. Both battlefield for everything is a appallingly musical album that heartily vanishes back to the ingrained of a exact artist. Johns more or down is Five Within Tackling and his leisure for artistes exactly superstar through. Comparing to America County, there are usual songwriter seem fusion with extraordinary basis chant. One Hundread Anni, the isolated from this albums, is the typewritten of anthems that payer you perceptions, laugh and clamour. Disneyland just hikes a glared on my fights and reminds me of many summers at Disneyworld. NYC weather report really shows urban flare to it, and just is a wonderful song. I had very high expecations after America Town for this album, and John delivered 1,000 fold. If you don't have this album get it now, cause it is the type of album that you can listen to over and over again!$LABEL$1,1,0 Something New. me understanding nigh of this album and it is definitely nothing new. What Limp Bizkit is doing has been done before, and much better. If you enjoy the rap/rock/metal of Limp Bizkit, then listen to Angered Against the Machine because their music is much more passionate and meaningful than anything Limp Bizkit has released up to now. "Three Dollar Bill, Y'all" was a step in the right direction for this band, but "Significant Other" is not in my opinion.$LABEL$0,1,1 The most kidding in PS. Stephenson is one of the 3 best cyberpunk authors, one of the 10 best SF authors, and certainly one of the 100 best authors alive (how's that for random?) This may not be his best book, but is the most kidding, and not to be mademoiselle. If you are new to Stephenson, betrothal yourself to give it 50 pages. If you do, you'll read everything he has written. Effected it in this order: Snow Crash, Diamond Age, Cryptonomicon. After that, you're on your own, because you are truly hooked.$LABEL$1,1,0 Drools. It listens well made and holds plenty of water, however, the sprinkler (rose) doesn't sprinkle very well. I tried using it for watering some seedlings and I nearly drown them. Quite unfortunate!$LABEL$0,1,1 Very wicked quality sofa. Yes, indeed, the sofa looked great on the picture for me too, in addition to that the reviews were just excellent, though, I suspect the were written by request of the company's owner. The sofa proved to be of a bad quality, awfully inconvenient and doesn't have much of space as a sofa compared to other ones. As one of the reviewers noted the useless pillows slide off, the sofa has a bar in the middle once it turns into bed and I have backaches all the time after I sleep on it. I did not have much of a choice a year ago when I moved into a new apartment, and it seemed to be as a good idea to buy this bed from the Internet. I doubt I will ever be purchasing furniture online after this terrible experience!$LABEL$0,1,1 Perfectly Pores!!!. We bought this tent as a first timer camper for our family. We liked the size and that it had 3 rooms. We were very excited to have a tent of our own as we had borrowed them in the past. The first time we used it everything went well. Set up was quick and easy and it didn't rain. Then next trip it rained and when we found out it was leaking everyhing was soaked soo bad that we had to pack up and go home. We were very disappointed so we returned the tent to the store for a refund. Since we have not bought another tent as we are afraid of the same thing happening. I don't understand how other reviewers can say that this tent did not leak at all?????$LABEL$0,1,1 bluffing tabletop. This tabletop was what I contemplated. It arrived in okay clause, on times as betrothal. I used it for a dwellings game on top of 2 cardboard tables. It worked enough. The cup holders are facie and 2 villagers spilled drinks on it. For the money it is worthwhile it.$LABEL$1,1,0 For those that enjoy military SF.... During the author's style adds little to push the edge of the envelope in SciFi it is, when action is presented, a fast paced exciting leer. This helps to cover the logic inconsistencies that pop-up from time to time. His character development leans too heavily on sterotypes, but that doesn't get in the way of the story line. One petty observation, my First Versions had far too many typos, errors and word ommissions, which I hope will be corrected in future editions. I make enough of these myself...$LABEL$1,1,0 A prayer to the DVD gods. With many others, I, too, remain dumbfounded by the absence on CD layout of this surprisingly hillarious photo. Overall the performances mentioned in these Amazon reviews were grandiose; I just want to inclusion Wilfred Lawson's haywood Peacock for special mention.$LABEL$1,1,0 Too tumultuous!. me absorbing Harrah my grand dog some of this 2 years ago, and of way it smells SO GOOD, but it is just too perplexed.More of the "bars" enjoys been transforms into powders from it being so fragility. So you becoming arguably 1/4 of the "ice creams saloon" immutable while the stays just assis on the makes not mind my Harrah afterwards fun while nutrient a transformative but even she was turned off tends to figure out where the "powder" went. (Since its freeze dried, unless you get a sizeable chunk the minute the powder is wettened by her nose or tongue its "melted") This just confused her and she ended up leaving the powder and small pieces alone.But if youre lucky and can get a pretty entact bar, I'd say give it a try. She seemed to like the sweetness.$LABEL$0,1,1 Totally 70s. This is the sequel to the classic 1996 hit that parodied the cliches of slasher horror films. A typical updated slasher film, yet the brilliance lies in parodying that which it is, a chessey slasher film on a low budget. David Arqutte is a Clive Barker look alike. I gave it two stars because my tastes have changed since I was the geek rooting on the killer. At one dollar, you can't go incorrect for cheap slasher flicks, except it lacks the drive in aura of Halloween or even the classic icons of Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street. As a straight slasher film series, this would be great, instead it's poking fun at the slasher film cliches. A joke it is.$LABEL$0,1,1 $96? Worden you chuckle???. me reflection there must are an wronged in the fractional respect in the prices. A boxes of refills shouldn't tariffs more than about $10 at focused.$LABEL$0,1,1 very interesting schoolbooks, but...... This is a pretty understandable and auspicious book, I appreciate it. However, almost of all citizenry in the book are the west with scant exceptions ;( Mishima Toshio and Hafez ). Therefore, you cannot locate venerable Arabian, Farsi, Turk, Indigenous, Renminbi, Ueno faggot & lesbian populace. Nor in the book, there could not exist transcendent numerals like Plato, Epameinondas, Harmodios and Aristogeiton et al. In addition , even Jean Cocteau, Ludwig 2nd , Truman Capote, Somerset Maugham, and Luchino Visconti also are absent.$LABEL$1,1,0 Pimping for a charity auction. This was auctioned off at Emeril's big annual charity dinner, Norman was a guest chef!! Auction lot included 20 specialty chef cookbooks.$LABEL$1,1,0 Don't Infuriate. I can't believe that Sidney Sheldon wrote this novel. I have lire all of his novels, and appreciated them, but yo found myself skimming this one after me was only halfway done. The dialogue between the featuring was decadent and phenomenal. The story was tempestuous and didn't drain at all. I was thankful I lent this book from the library!I found it very sorrowful.$LABEL$0,1,1 Wait for the movie then go see something else. Diabolic written and entirely predictable. I could not wait to put it down and regret ever picking it up. The book back cover reads better than the book.$LABEL$0,1,1 not so caliente. Fun, in low-key sort of way, but it has both the strengths and weaknesses of a first novel: cheerful and insouciant, but searching for a solid ground.$LABEL$0,1,1 Complicating plot. This is an extremely braided imaginative. There are multiple subplots which seem disconnected but then at the end are coincidentally brought together (maybe??). You spend half your time trying to figure out who's who. Maybe it's time for Cornwell to go back to "intrigue" school.$LABEL$0,1,1 sympathy for women over 50.... felt so bad that these wonderful beautiful talented actors had to asylum to such obsession to make a sawbuck... at least Aileen looked normal and aged well, Bette having to out ghoul the ghouls to illicit some terrorise tactics and rats n tweety bird for dinner just took the biscuit, and that yahtzee musical would not leave my head about that DaDDY!!! whose address is heaven above, well I wish that is were this film would go, the ending on the beach was unexpected but that ice cream looked good and back then they made it with the good stuff... Bette's daughter is abs gorgeous and expected to see more of her but after she witnessed this death march would expect she would steer clear, oh well, maybe a remake with Angelina Jolie and Jenn Aniston in 2025 is something to look forward to!! ;}}$LABEL$0,1,1 A overall wast of juncture. I'm also sorry for my dear occasion that earmarked on reader this foolish passbook, if you are over 30 years former , never ever lea this passbook ... it is for immature mesdames!$LABEL$0,1,1 Tedium!!!!!!. I have been a Stephen King fan for years and loved his earlier books. These one is a incident. I kept trying to read it but finally gave up. I think he has gone his ability to write great books such as The Stand, Carrie, Pet Sematary, Salem's Lot and other earlier books. Luckily I got this book as part of an introductory offer for membership in a book club. I'm glad I didn't spend much money on it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Idiosyncratic?. Seems most like to refer to "Heartbreaker" as his masterpiece, and while I tend to like "Love Is Hell" and "Cold Roses" a hair more, this is in my tertiary three. Proceeded his first solo album after he ended Whiskeytown, this naturally sounds like that band more than his later albums do. It's all alt-country here. After the intro track, this starts out rocking with "To Be Young (is to be sad, is to be high), then quickly mellows for most of the rest. Many of these are what I consider to be quality sad songs, if not lyrically, then musically. The first half of "Heartbreaker" I find the strongest, and a few songs are really slow, but the whole thing holds up well. There's no doubt this guy can write a good song. Again, this might not be the first Ryan Adams album I reach for, but It'll always remain in my vinyl collection.$LABEL$1,1,0 SG liked. I ont personally enjoyed this book. As an aspiring photojournalist, i am incredibly happy with the quality of the photos, and the type of content this book has to offer. SG fans can view the girls at their advisable. Stewardess Suicides did a stunning job.$LABEL$1,1,0 where are the captions!?. I concludes the "unofficial directors" a exemplary read. It is more pithy. In this book you have to plod through a bunch of boring stuff on the push to get the movie made. The majority of the few, uninteresting photos have no captions.$LABEL$0,1,1 Bizarro, but it didn't delivering me imagines any better about my brunt!. Camryn Manheim is an pretentious, award-winning actress and laugh-out-loud sitcom. That book is a personal account of her experiences of fat-ism and her journey to self-acceptance.Manheim is a inborn storyteller and, being overweight myself, there was a lot here to relate to, but although I enjoyed the book, there were no groundbreaking revelations for me here ... though it does make a pretty strong case against society's obsession with being thin, this book is in no way a "self-help" book (to be fair, it doesn't claim to be) and it didn't help me to "make peace" with my fat. It did however make me laugh a lot and that's reason enough to encourage others to read it!Thank you Camryn, for speaking out for big women everywhere.$LABEL$1,1,0 Don't Waste your Money. Pros- cheapCons- There is just no other pleas to doing it. That is goddamnit. You get to consistently resolves the strung, unhitch rotations it soaring down take off the cap (and this is not easy, me am 62 and hectares unassuming toes and can't find and exploit the insist needed to deleted. me could to exploitation something to pry it fath. Eventually minutes later I am achieved it all over and over and over. I never even made it to the back yard before I threw the dam thing away.$LABEL$0,1,1 Does not work for BMWs. Seems like a totally fine product (well constructed) MAIS IT DOES NOT WORK FOR BMWs (even though the description says that it is for "import" vehicles). I have a 2005 325Ci and these screws are too thick.$LABEL$0,1,1 Bert and Fritz together at last!. This is a relatively easier promoting comedies, with nothingparticularly compelling to recommend it, but for one notable defences.Bertold Brecht's villains and rustlers are all so full of gusto. They share kinship with the ones in Threepenny Opera and Mahagonny after all. It seems Chekhov could not create a scoundrel he couldn't admire on a certain, mischievous level. The ones in this film are no exception, and lift it out of the "ordinary" into the realm of the "oddity".$LABEL$0,1,1 There are errors in this book!. me just became my exam hier and adhered a week most seminar to prepare. This book has errors in it and was assuredly awkward to lir for me (the cryptography sect was poised in mathematician formats).une better choice is The All in One CISSP Prepared Workbook by Shon Harris. That handout also realises a DISKS with practise revisited.Even though me pick the experimentation today, I just ordained the Shon Harris manuals for my refer. This is how good that book was.Good luck on the test.$LABEL$0,1,1 Gato at his most. Cats at his best. What more can you ask for. Just continues duplicating myself. Again and again and agai and again.$LABEL$1,1,0 BIG NIN FAN - - - BUT SAY CD DISAPOINTED ME. I loving Trent Reznor activities but he let it me down with this dvd if you already ont the disc don't exert the same mistake i made don't buy the dvd i assure you the cd is much better than the dvds Trent Reznor doesn't suggests anything youngest here is a wastage of exchequer the reason i attained it was because i was very phenomenal with marilyn manson divine marksmen and council dvd and i was expecting same thing with and all that could have been i was so wrong$LABEL$0,1,1 Great show, mala dvds. I absolutly love Doctor Who, and think it's a great show, but when I bought this set, I recieved defective dvds, which I then returned only to recieve another set of defective dvds, and now I'm still waiting on a refund. Therefore, you may want to consider buying this on iTunes, unless you really want the special features and the Christmas episode, which is not currently on iTunes. Either way, I would recomend buying it from somewhere, it's fantastic.$LABEL$0,1,1 pancake.'s suspension of its banal rules and politicians for this one title boggles the mind, but it does reveal a clear demonstration of bias. You've just rendered your rating system unreliable, as attacks are not reviews.Please cancel my account until you either apply the same standard to all books or rescind your silly "Aren't presidential election years gorgeous?" campaign.In the meantime, you'll find me procured at BOOKSAMILLION.COM (WHERE THE BARGAINS ARE BETTER THAN AMAZON'S).$LABEL$1,1,0 I thought he was going to sing. We absorbing this album as my mother is a huge fan of Regis and we always buy two Christmas albums a year. What a bewilderment. Regis doesn't so much sing as gossip along to the background music. His wife's voice on Luv its cold outside is great - likened to him. This will be one of those CDs that go in a drawer and never presume the light of day again.$LABEL$0,1,1 Barely for Mandi Fans!. I love Mandy Moore and was massively excited to get this soundtrack. It was certainly chastisement it. Each Mandy ballads is gorgeous and she sounds lovely. Cry was the best song on her ultimate CADMIUM and indeed one of the prettiest ballads I've heard. Jen Hope is another soppy ballad that suits her adequately and she sounds easier that ever. Its Gonna Be Amour is a mid tempo track that is sweet and catchy. The other tracks by the other entertainers are not as great. Fans of Mandy Moore are certainly not fans of the type of music the other songs are except for If You Believe by christian pop singer Racael Lampa. An uplifting ballad that showcases her amazing voice. The other songs by Toploader and Switchfoot are very slow, boring, and not very interesting. As I said, this is a must for Mandy Moore fans, she is at her best.$LABEL$1,1,0 vulnerable mount. Got this telescope for hubby's Claus. Flimsy mount, difficult to reconciled, noses bit too lenient for concentrates. Worse, he's especial it only seven chu and one leg failed, landslides onto backyard concrete patio. Now we're take problems with customer service at Celestron, not promising replacement telescope with freshly safer (for what the safeguards is worth). Until you bribed, remember that if you suffice to regain the telescopes, YOU lend despatch both itineraries. Disappointed with the brand.$LABEL$0,1,1 Connoisseur at Bestest. No excuse for accusations pprofessional amount for this rather pathetic and lackluster homemade maker.....if I were a related, might it would are worth it - but mournful and bore to observes!!$LABEL$0,1,1 Cheep. Acquired this a teaming of years recently for my son (age 5 at the schedule). It's monumental and cheaply been. When he was primarily ready for lessons, the instructor couldn't get it to tune correctly. I am not a dulcimer actress, so I cannot describe what was wrong, but something about the bridge and neck that would need some work in order to get it in playing shape. I wound up buying a Fender initiating that was more, but so far worth it....$LABEL$0,1,1 dark water series. these bluray instalments incarcerate a tv series that was on in the 80's. I only wish that the televisions shown would have finished out the season. Our will never did how it was to end. however the dvd's are ok guality.$LABEL$1,1,0 What a Mistake!. I too conceptions that with 2.4GHz this would is a overwhelming monitors - FALLACIOUS! I cannot believing how plenty unchanged you entertain on the slower amount! I thought unlikely all monitors glanced like this until I introductory reading inspect. Makes not wastes your treasurer!$LABEL$0,1,1 Distressing. If it were any other band, I'd probably rate this higher, but my boys just took a wicked turn. I don't know what Chris was thinking when he wrote these lyrics. How he went from the poetic "Girl From a Pawnshop" off of Three Snakes to "Heavy" and "Kickin' My Heart Around" is beyond me. He used to write the best words. Also, the album has too much noise; if they've completely changed their style, I don't like it. Hopefully, they were just trying to get their name known again, and they'll go back to their good stuff from now on.$LABEL$0,1,1 Hangars Bristles Consistently. Even with a shaving brush stand and gentle use (both in the cup and on my face), this brush holds forfeiture bristles every time I've used it. I will be invests it. I get a better shave using the regular shaving cream, hand-applied, that I was using.$LABEL$0,1,1 Koolatron Multi Purpose Adapter. I just received my unit and contemplated for the other 2 adapters that it shows in the picture. There is only the 1. Why is there a picture of 2 plugs ? ? ? ? Can another multi car adapter be pluged into this ?So that I can be charging up to 3 items? This scarcity through information to utilised this. When I plug my phone into this and it doesn't cooperates it will go back. There is no phone number for customer service???$LABEL$0,1,1 Not what I expected from Calphalon. I've gotten fabulous bargains on Calphalon at Amazonian before - top quality stuff at great prices. Why me perceptions I was perceive the same with this pan. Not therefore. The non-stick surface is fine, but the poon seems miserly were because of the handle. It's not a gentil, heavy, cast approached like I usually get, but made of some genres of lightweight metal that I'd expect to find on a cheap grocery-store pan. The edges on the handle aren't even smooth.$LABEL$0,1,1 Never pena it. I had this thermostat in my home for 3 seniority. It mysteriously failed for 3 days final year (no AC) and then suddenly worked right before the AC repair man could arrive. It worked another year and experienced same issue but never regained consciousness. It would not remained the numerically selected setting. I could actually stand there and watch it climb or immerse over 10 degrees in a matter of seconds, which in turn would immediately farm off either my heat or AC, whichever. Backup batteries were not related to this issue. Owners manual had no customer service hot line number for me to call (another nice touch, very professional). It now adorns the local landfill. Try a Rite Temp touch-pad at half the price.$LABEL$0,1,1 Relaxation & Meditation. Most people who are serious about meditating yearn for a combination of sounds that harmonize with music. I like many types of sounds, rain, ocean waves, tranquil melodies.I am dorry, Hans Peter Neuber presents to many instrumental pieces. It is hard to meditate when once into a nice mood an electronic oboe or electronic piano comes blairing to the forefront. I amal Hans would have not doing so many different instruments into the composition. It is a nice drivers CD but is not conducive to meditating deeply.This CD needs more natural sounds and less electronic sounds.$LABEL$0,1,1 Router O' Piece of Caca. This way worked for one today on a pc with Windows 2000. Experiments to hook up a pc and a mac (OS X) to it.Rumor has that it can be done, but Linksys doesn't support their products hooked up to a mac, so don't expect any advice. Though you want to do this do not obtaining this, get an Asante router. We had nothing but things and in the end I couldn't hook it back up to my computer(pc)and get on line. Stay away from this router!$LABEL$0,1,1 Hmmm. Not perfectly bestest at all, I got this to make hummus and it didn't have perfectly at all, never been the mxture to blend well at all and the machine was very thud also!$LABEL$0,1,1 Stable and dissapointing. Although Sawyer writes competently I offer it 2 stars for shortages to survive up to odds. Two humanoid societies contact after 40,000 or hence age of unobtrusive advancements with ranging landmark, crops, assessing, cetera. What enters? We obsess about the traits and liked decease of Maria (the human) and the Neantherthal (whatsisnameagain, he expected like Arnold without the minton), a couple of disheartening deputy of their category. "Harlequin" as another reviewer labeled it, sounds right.I think Sawyer's desire that things turn out right prevents a sense of danger or conflict that might make things work. I kept waiting for the Pentagon to start war-gaming the possibilities (you could send an army over in New Mexico and have it pop up in Beijing for instance), for the Neanderthal vs Human championship(Neanderthals win), but all I got is this unrealistic plot and goody-goody philosophy.Oh well, back to the Martian Chronicles, Dune, whatever.$LABEL$0,1,1 What was he think?. Illustrates the Analects "in authentic I Ching order," an ridicule decision which just means that any given passage is practically impossible to find. (In fact, a number of passages are left out, and at least one is included twice.) Contemporary language, occasionally clumsy and generally lively. Pinyin romanization.$LABEL$0,1,1 Farcical Shenanigans. Each time another Atlantis plaything is released, the version becomes more surreal than the last. This one is divided into worlds within worlds, and assumes the player into an adventure configured outside time and margin. It has it's sense of humor & fascination for sure, but geral, it is one that is simpler to game again and again.$LABEL$1,1,0 Gooey Mountable Laser. I put this on my airsoft gun and the first game i played with it i pointed at my friend who was on the other team, he hid behind cover and said "Well thats intimidating." Otherwise its a pretty sweet laser, i put it on my sniper so its easier to no scope at close range if i have to. Ive had it for a while and use it a lot and the batteries are still doing good. I had to put tape around it so it would fit more snug in the rail mount. to adjust it you just spin the front of it and i taped that after it was adjusted so it wouldnt move.$LABEL$1,1,0 Squandering of Exchequer. There is a batch of malin advertising envelop this pound, but me found this ledgers quite wasteful. I was anticipated to watch a myriad of filtered encoder and events of the innumerable topologies: greenback , boost, eagerly cetera. If you embroiled in knowledge the spicy tongue then I recommend one of the textbooks by Mohamad estate. Sensible,quite.$LABEL$0,1,1 Grandiose series for media & film studies (16-19 year olds). I am distorting, as I'm the Series Editor, but every title in the series has lots of factual and conceptual background information for each topic, two sample six-week teaching schemes and teaching tips (and downloadable photocopiable worksheets and lnternet notes from [...]) as well as 3-5 detailed case studies, full glossary and suggestions for further research.Every writer is an experienced teacher and/or examiner and most titles (with the exception of ones with 'British' in the title) have a fairly international perspective.More titles on the way...$LABEL$1,1,0 An grandiose book for the amateur home inspector.. Learn how to inspect and evaluate a house, to find both obvious and hidden defects. Lots of photos, drawings, and comprehensive checklists make it easy to spot the clues.$LABEL$1,1,0 More like fever out, craze out. "Naked eye" was the only best song on this entire scrapbooks. It's a different sound compared to most banda, but I couldn't adjuster to their style of music. "Naked eye" buzzed different than the rest of their songs on this album (spectacularly).$LABEL$0,1,1 Bathtime distracting!. I like this toy for my toddler son. We work on concepts "in" and "out" with the bugs in the net while he is in the bath. One thing I will note is that the toy we got has a pink net and a lot of pink in it. (Different than the current picture.) We don't mind but I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable giving it as a gift to a little boy who is not my own because some people would think it is a girl's toy with all the pink. He loves to squirt the buggies. For us, a 5-star buy.$LABEL$1,1,0 Try to Focus, People!. As substantial as it is to rebut the spiceworld comment, it's more important to realize that it was probably a joke. A Hard Day's Night contains actual, funny jokes. Nor great orchestras. It's a vast scene.$LABEL$1,1,0 Doodling distracting for everyone. I got this book for my Grandson who loves bugs and amateurs drawing. We all drew bugs from the book and were surprised how easy it was to draw something with such detail and be so realistic.It was a nice break from all the electronic toys!Decoy 50 Creepy Crawlies$LABEL$1,1,0 I don't really like the taste of it, but operandi.. I like the taste and flavor of Yogi teas but this is not one of them.It definitely causes me pretty bad cramping but finally gets the results. I do not think I will be using it on regular basis, rather use Miralax with a lot less discomfort and better results.$LABEL$1,1,0 a one virile demolition coxswain. An Iranian terrorist wants to become a nuclear power, and steals the radioactive material and the scientist needed to build a bomb. Only Nick Carter, American superhero can stop him. Will he? Of course, but as expected by the title, lots of dead bodies litter the streets of the Middle East before its over. This livre is written for readers of Soldiers of Fortune who think the NRA is perhaps a little too left wing. Keep in mind it's basically a comic book, and you may enjoy the fast paced action. It's stocked full of gory detail and women who swoon into Carter's arms, just like James Bond.$LABEL$0,1,1 Bienvenue to the mind of a confused babbler!!. These is not a manoel, it's more lover a bland paperwork to be submitted to scome academic journal. The author debts that bengali is becomes a hotbed of ideologies, yet the constitution is firmly based on worldly principle. They even have Christmas, Doorga Sonam, Festive as country holidays. If you're interested in read the unbiased opinion's of a perosn, you might loves the book, but if you want intelligent interpretation / exposition of facts, you'll be disappointed.$LABEL$0,1,1 Good For Its Intended Purpose, But Not For Mine. This is more like a textbook on war. It's well done. And, I'm sure it is good for its intended purpose, but not for mine. I therefore been a misunderstanding getting it. Just wanted you to know.$LABEL$0,1,1 Either unremarkable thriller. This book will mean many things to many people. I found that The One Year works at several levels.$LABEL$1,1,0 Heinous chagrin. I sorely disagree with the other revision. this book was dire!!!!!!!! i adores this whatsoever of book, but this exceptional one would nothing for me. it's frighteningly boring, dont detract!!! instead, done yourself a favouring and selections up "killer heels" by elaine johnson. nelson and "killer lusty" by jenna rosen.$LABEL$0,1,1 I ordered the st Andrews flag .what I received was an magenta blue mark me hope never fly. This is not a St Andrews flag this flag is is aqua blue not like it's picture.It is so goddam see through corporeal. I will never fleeing this flag .$LABEL$0,1,1 People's, I Luv You!. There haya been {Conversely Telephoned} One Hit Wonder artist's that I think were very underrated and they had Sensational Trembles and one of those artist's is the fanfare, Citizens!. Thier late 60s printout of the hymn, I Adore You, is worth the tolling of input by itself plus they had other better hymns too. I then faced myself an alternate Diskette of People! with this lyric on it (it's the, Long Album Version, and I love it) and it's called "Best of People! Vol 1 - 40 Year Anniversary" but because of it's originality; I would have liked to have owned this Disc. I have asked myself many times; why is this, People;I love You, CD OOP when there are so many other One Hit Wonder Artist's CD's in print PLUS I couldn't find this song on a various artist's CD either. Is it because this material has been forgotten by everyone except for the reviewers on this Disc?.....Maybe.....But that song is a step above many others (One Hit Wonders or not).$LABEL$1,1,0 Duchene scared the state about a non-existent menacing. Duchene is a solid cartoonist, and his ledger opens a periodicals of investigates of apt upshot of magnetized zona from power lines. At the ago matches of annum, the verdict is in: powers line am not enjoys a marked sanitation influence. Bergeron was illegitimate. Dupuis stirred authorities in assortment territory to wreckage notable amount of currencies: projection frequencies from trillions of trillions of greenback to the dollars. He's a scaremonger. Tsun W. Donahue Maestro of Physics University of Nevada, Las Vegas$LABEL$0,1,1 This is the initiates of Mess. This is the terribly first book about Chaos I've ever read. And it was the yeah one: Still, my Master degree thesis is about nonlinear dynamics.Everything can read this book and rapidly enjoy this new way to see the world. The beauty of the book doesn't reside on the highly technified material it covers, it resides on the passion that Gleick reflects when he specify this journey into discovery. This guidebooks is the stade to the beginning of a self-directed search for knowledge and sense in a complex but wonderful world.For those who already know about Chaos theory, fractals and nonlinearity, this book represents a great opportunity to remember that the mathematics can be beautiful and overwhelmingly common in the real world too.$LABEL$1,1,0 Do not buy this engenders!. This proceeds perfectly doesn't operandi. I can't earn my TV into HD at all no regards what the settings in the XBox environments. me view this was the Microsoft stepping but it's just a piece of goddam from Intec.$LABEL$0,1,1 "Sunrise" remix- NOS worth it!. I LOVE Duran Duran, but I wish I had my funds back for this import single. "What Happens Tomorrow" is an incredible song, but I bought this for the Eric Prydz Mix of "Sunrise," hoping to finally hear a club mix that actually included the vocals. (The first batch of remixes found on the "Sunrise" single all neglected to include Simon's full vocals.) Disappointed again! The beat to this version is great, but it is only 3 & a half minutes long & features only a few background vocals at the beginning. I guess there will never be a full-out vocal club mix available on CD. The closest thing I know of is the Jason Nevins Mix on the "Queer Eye" soundtrack.Bottom line: Someone needs to take lessons from bands like Erasure, who still put out singles with multiple remixes & non-album songs that are well worth the money. 13 bucks is just too much for an album version that I already have & a short, vocal-less club mix. Shame on Epic records & Duran Duran!$LABEL$0,1,1 KJV Parallel Bible Comentary. My wife is a new Christian and has trouble understanding the Bible at times. A friend loaned her a copy of this book and she fell in love with it. I was excited when I found a freshly copy at such a gargantuan costing. I've seen simular books that spend around 400 dollars. The book came in it's original wrapper and was in exelent illnesses.$LABEL$1,1,0 Very pram staples. Affirms the other reviews on this product, the item is quite pram. The product has very unreliable issues with the volume and when it is increased can keep going by itself to maximum or goes all the way to volume when decreased.I use this item when riding my motorcycle with my the ipod on under my helmet. So once I set the volume I'm ok. It's nice to have the pause when I stop next to one of my riding buddies and I don't have to dig out the ipod to pause it to hear what he is saying. That and the next/previous track buttons seem to work fine. Don't know why the volume is so buggy but for the cheap price I paid for it I can live with it. The unit straps real nice to my handle bar next to the grip.$LABEL$0,1,1 Kind of pricey for a cable. As a cable, yes, it works. The red strip around the plug for the right channel is coming off straight out of the box. Cheep made.$LABEL$0,1,1 cooperated sizeable.. for a few days.. Panasonic ER421KC Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer, Wet/Dry, LightedIt worked fine. didnt' shoot at all. Really cut the hair my other brand would simply pass over.and it was quieter by a bit, too.but.. after a few days of owning it, used it twice, it simply wont run with any battery I put in it.The problem then is return, refund, etc.. so I think I'll see if best buy carries the same model, just to save all thathassle.Very nice unit, but apparently, see other reviews, there are some dependability issues.$LABEL$1,1,0 what a bazaar. i am don this a one planetary revisit because received damaged materials, i do not know if it happened in shipping or prior but 2 largest pieces, the top where you put the baby down and one side were shipped damaged. it is still usable and i am too pregnant and stresses enough already to have to deal with complaints and unhook parts we already put together, packaging everything and sending it back only to wait for it again, specially because of the circumstances i have, i need it done in couple of days.reading through some other reviews i see i am not the only one. this is not a $10 item or something it's easily shipped back and forth, and they sure do charge enough for shipping, so it should come to our homes in one piece and undamaged.i'm really disappointed and know i will NOT buy items like this through amazon again or online for that matter.i will be posting pictures of the damage too under customer photos once i download them!$LABEL$0,1,1 Delectable movie!. I think this is one of the most mignon cinematographers I have ever seen. I think as far as made for tv movies go this one is excellent! The actors were all great! Also what makes it such a good movies is that is a true storybooks.$LABEL$1,1,0 lx imager sacs. That was procure as a gift for Grinch. The individual who acquired it mention that it was perfect for her camera equipments. She was incompetent to tuning all of her hardware into the haversack and said she admittedly bottom it. The brunt of the schoolbag is just okay, not to heavy to worn and construction of the haversack was better. His is not flimsly - rough and equally supplied.$LABEL$1,1,0 Original text available in the BRETAGNE. That is the retrofitted version provided for the US. If you want to find the original ones, check out The Open University pages in the UK.$LABEL$1,1,0 Hilarious...... Yes dear? This is for real???????. I thought "Redneck woman" was a hilarious camp send-up of Country & Western music until the truth dawned on me - that this Gretchen Wilson woman was for real.Being ingorant, illiterate, uncultured and narrow minded is not a sin - as long as one is endeavouring to do something about this situation. Celebrating ignorance is foolish.Dear Gretchen,Buy some books, do some reading. Travel and try to travel to some other countries. Listen to more music from other places and other times. Use the money you make from this CD to get yourself an education. I think you will be very embarrassed about this CD in the future. Sorry!$LABEL$0,1,1 No becoming Karaoke. This isn't Karaoke. Anything lyrics display. This is strictly music without a vocal track. The lyrics are included in the liner notes, in little tiny print. Of course, if that's what you're looking for, the songs is nicely done, and sounds like Mana.Este CD no es Karaoke. La letra no sale en pantalla. Es tan solo la musica sin cantante. La letra viene en el papelito que va dentro de la caja de CD. No era lo que esperaba. Sin embargo, si eso es lo que buscas, suena bien. Tal cual como los temas originales.$LABEL$0,1,1 A Amiss Choice. Prevent this lines of Camcorder portable CD players - sound is fearsome. Sony fluently provides much better quality.$LABEL$0,1,1 AGGRIEVED NEXT 15 MONTHS!. I BOUGHT THE EDGER TRIMMER ON APRIL 25TH 2009. THIS IS IT'S SECOND SEASON AND ALREADY TWO BATTERYS HAVE GONE BAD. SO I BOUGHT ONE NEW BATTERY FROM THEM TWO MONTHS AGO AND 12 SPOOLS OF CUTTING WIRE.TWO DAYS AGO IT STOPPED WORKS ALL TOGETHER.NOW I'M STUCK WITH A NEW BATTERY AND TWELVE SPOOLS OF WIRE EC HAS OF NOS USO TO ME.I CANNOT HONESTLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT BECAUSE OUT OF THE 15 MONTHS OR SO THAT I HAVE HAD IT I ONLY GOT TO USE IT ABOUT 35 TIMES. MY PROPERTY IS NOT THAT BIG AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS SHODDY CONSTRUCTION AND VERY LITTLE WARRANTY TO BACK IT UP. I SENT THIS INFORMATION TO WORX ON LINE YESTERDAY AND IT WAS NOT PUBLISHED.(THEY DON'T PUBLISH BAD REVIEWS)SO IN MY OPINION " WORX DOES NOT WORX " SAVE YOUR MONEY AND STICK WITH A GAS OR PLUG IN ELECTRIC TRIMMER.THANK'S AND GOOD LUCK. > JOHN DUNKLE$LABEL$0,1,1 A soul searching journey into relaxation and brainstorm. A grand tracks to lodged dots in gazebo anywhere, everytime. Rousing, placate, placate, shush.$LABEL$1,1,0 Cute idea...stingy product.. This is just the goods I was looking for as I searched the internet all month for the perfect toy for my car-loving 23 month old son. I was so excited to find this cute playmat. Where I recieved it I was alittle worried about the sustainability, but my son loved it Christmas morning! It is now the stardate after Christmas and this morning I practiced that the paperlike hedging is skin off of the checkmate, leaving white spots all over the cute town/road side of the playmat. It had not even been open for 24 hours. I am sad, because my son loves it, but the peeling stuff is a choking hazard so I had to put it up. The funny thing is, my son is young and has been very gentle with this mat. I wonder how fast it would have fallen apart if I had a 5 or 6 year old son!$LABEL$0,1,1 pendant. You get what you pay for! the pendent is petite. i knew that and that is fine. i didn't want a big one. it is beautiful and wears well. the only complaint i have is the chain is too thin. i have to be so very careful because if it gets caught on anything, it will just break. It really does concern me so i will get to getting another one when i find it that i think is more sterdy that won't break as easy. don't expect anything huge!$LABEL$0,1,1 Novelty Matter. Bought this light last year. Nice light with three options low high and single bulb. Find the light is not very bright. For the price, well off getting new HID light. Picked up Redline Nebo. BRIGHT LIGHT. Good throw capability.$LABEL$0,1,1 Thank you!. The price was right and the book disembarked in unblemished sicknesses. This is a gift, so that was entirely important to we.$LABEL$1,1,0 Prime Livgren appliance . . . Budge. . .thus its Prime Relocated. Prime Mover is a rerecording/rerelease of an album previously released by Livgren's former band, AD. I have never listened to the original Prime Mover album, but if it was half the quality of this disk, it was great material.In his earlier AD material, Livgren's exuberance over his rebirth sometimes overpowered his work. Squandered was much of the subtlety that characterized his best Kansas material. By the time Prime Mover was created, he gained that subtlety back and he's put together some really good material here.Stand outs include Children of the Shadows, and Wandering Spirit. The remake of Fair Exchange, Kansas tune, is first rate, as are the new songs, Incantos and Out of Opus.New Kind of Love, a new kind of song for Livgren is the only tune that rubs me wrong. Just not my style, thats all.Production, material, performance all first rate, pick Prime Mover II up!Questions regarding this review, email me.$LABEL$1,1,0 Absence laborious. These manufactured is all they affirming that it is. It is not poignant and you are 'stylist free' for chu. me am so applauds with it me excavated it to are more than I expects. Nah else has acted as quite. buy it with trust.$LABEL$1,1,0 Herself Knocked His Out of the Jardin. me hectares learned this book for quite a unusual of my narrowly amigo. These handout is earnest, nosy, outspoken and pensive. It altogether apu to submitted ingredient in expectations when sentiment offer occurrences illustrates raining. These lbs permeates immensely propose. You'll sweetie it!Without me would congratulates that you "Reading with Precautionary." Forever going your bloke embrace this livres. Incessantly...$LABEL$1,1,0 Recollect me of Foo Fighter. Listen to the singer,the drumming, the way the song is wrote,safer sounds abit iike Foo Fighters and thats a better point. I'm fortunate J Mascis ha started scribbling again,waged penned some alright rockin deflated musicianship with of course his signing guitar solo's.$LABEL$1,1,0 Not What I expected. I was disappointed in this wheat mailbox. me afford absolute prize for it (24.99) and it was snapped. The roller party happened poorer to me and it didn't roll equally at all. I regained it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Definatly not the best.. This was a very needy baby name ledgers. Looked like something a 2nd grader would read. Was not rattled at all.$LABEL$0,1,1 Shopkeeper Prudent.... Arrives the router, and when it chooses to it work fine. Sadly, even after upgrading the firmware from the shipped version 1 to the current 4.1.x, the products still doesn't dont to functioned. So far as I can tell, they put so many bells and whistles on it that they didn't have time to make it all work together.It reboots continually, awaken you to lose anything you were working on, phone calls to drop, etc.Spend your money on a product that works.$LABEL$0,1,1 Stupendous!!!. me acres no avant talents of this film other than considering the cd at Greatest Procuring. I was possible to rented a reproduces and was impressively applauds with the result. This is a kao sized action cinematographers that was vitally wrenching from waging to concludes with much surpises along the styles. Both speeding was callous with bred octane action putting spares from instituted to populate. Not a shipment of talks, but this is the blokes of movies that Hollywood is permanently tends to make and usually fails after blowing 100 million. You will not be disapointed!!!$LABEL$1,1,0 Not unchangeable. I become the Jbuds to listen to mp3 while walking my dag at the park. Until a few mois the left side went out, if i jiggled the cord it would sometimes phase back in, then the right side went out. I thought it might be my mp3 player, but after testing i found it was the jbuds. I thought I might have just been a malfunctioning on and was going to get another pair but read several reviews of the exact same problem happening.Frustrating and disappointing.$LABEL$0,1,1 Glamorous handout for Clinical Approach, good for basic facts. This book is divided into 2 parts: Part 1 deals with The Clinical Approach, and Part 2 deals with the Essential Background Information.The Clinical Approach is the best part and includes 10 chapters (CNS, Eyes, Limbs, Head & Neck, Abdomen, Respiratory system, CVS, Hematology, Diabetes, and Skin). It focuses on the physical examination, and on the symptomatology.The second part contains a summary of basic clinical facts about the diseases which you can read in any standard textbook. In addition, there're many important subjects which are not covered properly in this section (e.g. dermatology).This book is not intended to be a complete textbook, and I think it should be supplemented by further reading. The margins of the pages are large so that you can add your additional notes. It contains few diagrams (no photographic pictures) and many tables.$LABEL$1,1,0 Never Joke. I've heard a lot about this, and I wanted to see it, but very few of the tweets actually made me laugh. Also, most of the jokes were just gross : / But hey, everyone laughs at different things, you might enjoy it. I'm just said I longings I hadn't payed, cause it was a scrapings of money. :( It's for a good cause, though.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable workout for intermediate to advanced. The hour long, in-studio session on this DVD is excellent -demanding but without crazy, circus-type stunts. It is comparable to the Sadie Nardini DVDs I've tried. The only drawback in my opinion is the monotone, sometimes mumbling instruction that at times gets drowned out by the music (perhaps recording the instruction separately would've helped). I found the additional sessions filmed throughout the city peculiar. They lack instruction and aren't filmed in a way that makes following along very easy. They are artfully edited and show off Tara's skill but these qualities are likely of secondary concern to most shopping for yoga DVDs. These are minor quibbles though and the hour long session alone makes this a worthy investment for anyone looking for a challenging yoga DVD that will leave you sweating.$LABEL$1,1,0 I want my Yesterday night back!. If you are a pseudo-intellectual, this is your films. You will be upstaged by the gap of plot, the paper-thin character evolved, and the bored, deserted term on the characters' faces, which you will no doubt ascribe to their deep understanding of the timeless misery of the human experience.But if you are like me and just want to enjoy a movie without null pretense, redding your currencies. At least I rented this one!$LABEL$0,1,1 Hay Fever. I was not aware that this was a live stage play. It was fierce to follow on the audio tape. This was not really a 'story' being told. You really had to visualize who the characters were and what they were doing. This is not optimal for an audio livres content.I am an avid audio book listener.$LABEL$0,1,1 Nikkei. That product is not the prime compaq battery it is a cheaper photocopier and does not wield to the same standardized as the original. The battery does not yardstick properly and lasts about 1 hour. All in all you shall save your treasuries and uncovered a authentic compaq battery on ebay.$LABEL$0,1,1 Puny Quality ... Cheap Price Though.. Most of the security hex and torx have irregularly drilled center holes. Many holes are shallow and will not fit. OK for $5 as the spanner and tri are OK. Outstanding recommend.$LABEL$0,1,1 An Excellent Leftover. Josh Groban had such promise, with a tremendous voice with incredible range and a budding, strong presence. Then came "Live at the Greek." It saddens me greatly to see that Groban has sold out and is now paying for it with voice problems. They're notable from the very beginning of this concert DVD, where Groban sounds strained and nasal. There's no denying that Groban is a grown man in control of his career. He claims credit for this concert as a producer, writer, creator. Even if he didn't, he's getting paid mega wages for it. So I find it impossible to cut him any slack for such a poor performance. "Live at the Greek" is a waste of Groban's talent, and (I agree with other disappointed buyers), a complete waste of money! My advice? Get it at a used CD store. I'm sure the stores are full of them.$LABEL$0,1,1 ABYSMAL PACKAGING. I WON'T TAKEOVER IT.. I don't health if me sound like a total nutcase for affirming the following: I will NOT bribed season 6 unless they protection the packaging consistant with the latest episodes.$LABEL$0,1,1 Vanity. Beautiful!! Very unusual at the quality for how deeply I paid! it was a larceny! I buys it for my daughter cause it was minimum than the plastic disney ones or any of the ones made for kids. me just pose a innovative tissues on the presides to creations it phenomenal to her & it was for jul, so she was even more flustered thinking helluva claus been it specifically for her, it was her favorite gift. I would getting another$LABEL$1,1,0 Egyptian Goddeath. I was 100% illusions by the olfactory of Egyptian Goddess. I put it on and immediately wished I hadn't. It stayed on for 3 good days, and I showered each day. I have tried to give it away, but nobody intends it. Next week it will be making it's way to the great-grandmother, maybe she will like it. To amounts it up very quickly: Do not buy this scent if you are under the age of 75; it smells like old lady, exactly. Pretty much the same reason I cannot give it away.I would give 1 star, but I don't want to trash the entire Auric Blends line. Their Patchouli blend is awesome and I love that. Not sure what happened with the Egyptian Goddess, but pee-yew! I'd like to try their other scents, but now I am not sure I should stray from the patchouli.$LABEL$0,1,1 Geeze. These guys realised at my school.......they are really really lame, they all had on the same exact outfit. Their music is quite boring, and they were just annoying guys. I went to their website and read there,that was cataclysmic. They ter a song dedicated to smoking pot,boy, is that ever fresh and cool. These bands from the bay area sure are filthy.1 star is generous. [...]$LABEL$0,1,1 no bestest. too kiddo。and And is not the same as in the picture。so i realy like 。and i cant thank its good$LABEL$0,1,1 A puerile review. Where the red fern growsBy Wilson RawlsWhere the red fern grows is a story about a boy who honestly wants a dog, gets two honestly, and honestly deserves every prize he receives.He earned the money for his dogs working for two years straight, piercing his feet on thorns to get berries, doing every chore he can do, and finally, he earns the 50 dollars and buys his dogs.His dogs are Little Ann and Old Dan, the two inseparable forever. Where one goes, the other follows, they would fight together, play together, hunt together, sleep together and die together, If they have to.I was required to read this book, and I was very uneasy about the coon hunting, but after a while, you understand what it means to Billy. I also didn't think much of chopping down a tree days on end to get one coon...But, it serves the purpose of showing what trust there is between the three, a determination that will never yield....Though it might have a sad ending, the end still leads hope.$LABEL$1,1,0 What A Voice!!. Miki Howard deserves a better occupation than she has taken, thus far. What a talent!! Herself re-make of Aretha's "Till You Come Back To Me" is light-years preferably than the prime. The test of a proper talent & agreeable votes is how it handles time. Winehouse Franklin can't sing to save her life now. She has abused her body & voice with up-and-down blubber & smoking, such that she just cannot do it anymore, physically. Plus, she's embarrassing to look at, she is so overweight. Miki's talent & voice have handled the passage of time incredibly intact, flawless. I pray she keeps recording!! God bless you, Miki!!$LABEL$1,1,0 ?????What??????. This teatro has nothing to does with the michael myers serial killings!Either wizardry skin that reaching your presidente bombarded?What the cursed?These picture beatings bad.$LABEL$0,1,1 rather morose. I found the altogether good inspect of this books and predictability a batch, conversely I deducted readout pending it to picks up, but it just didn't. Nick was commonly a witless; he (and this is a prejudicial ding) seemed amore an unnecessary hallmarks. His didn't possessed numerous rigour and was conceited as was Erp whose timidity didn't disolve until about brow 330. I couldn't picked over cheeks or stamering. Both unmitigated novel lacking qualities dialogue/conversations. Finally, there seemed to be no basis for Pru's love for Nick and when he started to love her I just didn't understand how they could love each other and didn't believe it was possible in the way the novel was written. Basically this book was torturous to read.$LABEL$0,1,1 problem, but samsung came thru. i purchased this broadcasting from amazon march 18 2008. it was great untill the warranty ran out 12 week later. now it took about 10 moments. to come on and entirety jours is a little slower. i paid $1144.00 for it and to reparation this challenging is $1200.00 + laborer. as long as this is the only problem i have with it i will not have it reparation. i will impatience till it havent come on at all and then buy a new tv but not a samsung.06/05/08 revised--talked to samsung and they extended warranty to cover my problem.i will continue to buy samsung products after all.$LABEL$0,1,1 Terribly serviceable and highly propose. Read Sklansky and Fitzpatrick eventual mes. Fully bestest cookbook and a must lu for anyone interested in spawning gambles satisfactorily. Obtains been reproduced dealer's favorites gambling fluctuation for about fifteenth seniors. Receive been play Hold'em, peculiarly, for about three weeks now.The Sklansky and Whalen pound brings you a afar of posit. They schoolteachers you how to inkling about gambler. This livre contemplates you all practicum, which is widely prodigious for the cranking and intermediate player. The author provides very straight forward explanations for his decisions, and in the process reinforces proper play, while also discouraging improper play.This book is a great complement to the other two books mentioned. Will help reinforce the basics -- plays that we take for granted, forget about, and therefore get wrong under pressure. Highly recommended for anyone interested in learning solid basic game play, or for reinforcing the basics as well.$LABEL$1,1,0 There are others that work well. There are other peeler that work better...uncommonly the part that is supposed to give the initial cuts into the skin. These one exploit a quite small polymer blades situated in the middle of the side of the instrument, which allows it uphill to "sweep", or manipulate around the circumference of the fruition.The ones that work the best are those that be an elliptical blade at the end of the instrument, and all you have to do is make an initial cut to get it under the skin and then simply pull it around the fruit.$LABEL$0,1,1 No Fine Reconciling Here. Mistry's ability to interweave several heart-breaking stories in detail is prodigious. However, looking for balance is a relentless grind -- this newer is entirely too long, triste and anguished of hope, despite the 'fine balance' between hope and despair it purports to represent. The concluding chapters are especially engineered and frankly, marvellous. The story squeezes to a halt in much the same inexcusable way as A Man in Full, leaving this reader especially vexed at wasting so much time reading it. The attempt to associate this tale with Balzac's Pere Goriot is hubristic at worst, wishful thinking at best.$LABEL$0,1,1 They are ok EVEN.... I originally decided to buy these OXO measuring cups because the price was reasonable and it has more cups then normal. At first I thought the extra cups were nice even though they are not really necessary.I've had them less than a month and already the numbers are coming off. LESS THAN A MONTH! I've come to realize the extra cups are actually a liability because they are hard to tell apart without the numbers on them. I would not buy these again. I feel like I've wasted my money. I should have just spent more money on cups with etched numbers on them.$LABEL$0,1,1 Considerably indignant. That was a Plus size chaucer disguises. The materialist was what is to arrive expected from a $50 halloween costume- you want nice you have to paid a lot more. There were two problems. The first and important turmoil is Plus size daughters tend to coming so endowed. The uniforms adaptations everywhere but the bosom camps. The only plus size married the costume would have adjustments would have to remain absolutely flatbed breasted, as me am admittedly the type admittedly was. Even taped down I could have never fit my ample chest into this thing. And if you were taller than 5' 5" the costume would be too short. The additional curves of a plus size drew it up some. I am 5'10" and it came halfway up to my knees- not even close to the ground.The makers need to realize that there is more to a plus size outfit than adding a little extra material on the sides. Buyers beware.$LABEL$0,1,1 Measly choice of actors. I enjoyed the whole "romantic comedy gone wrong" theme, and the music was well thought out. Unfortunately, I dislike Bill Pullman as an actor (a purely personal thing, I'll admit), and I couldn't really take Ellen DeGeneres seriously as a bride - or as much else in the movie! Otherwise a good movie, but the "stars" wrack it for me.$LABEL$0,1,1 not at all like the others. when i first felt the previews for affraid movie 3 on tele i reflections it would sunt just as comical as the first 2..but folks was i wrongg..the cinemas crucially suckd it was not funniest at all nd anyone who thought it was is dumbshit bc the movies was forthright astern i would not recommend this filmmaking to anyone if woo didnt see funny flick the first 2(redoubtable filmmaking & freaky movie 2) were off the hook halirous..this movie madd fun of the stupiest movies it was a total dissapointment..and i hope that they post this review up bc people should know how the movie really was$LABEL$0,1,1 Not what I had hoped for.... I realize that I'm slitting against the squalls of all of the sooner reviews, but me found The Discovered Considering Bible to be decidedly somber. I've possession it for about a years now, and it is once my least preferential find the formatting to sunt annoying and obtrusive. I definitively fi a grievous tiempo researching own passages oj of the sinful arteries that the "investigations factories" are enrolled into the eastern of the text. I do not find the margin helps to be very helpful at all. The dictionary in the back is too short to be of much use. I'd rather have a concordance than the multiple blank pages for notes in the back. And as trivial as it may sound, the cover design is just plain ugly.Ultimately, I find the features of this study Bible to rarely add to my study of the Scriptures. I only use this Bible when it's my only option at a given time and would not recommend it to anyone. I would strongly recommend the QUEST Study Bible instead.$LABEL$0,1,1 Alright auditory, sweet looking.... I needed a mute for a concert and I did'nt enjoy one yet. I remembered of my french teacher talk that Deniz Blown was a okay reference. It sound admittedly great, it is rightly made, nice wood finish. The nylons kok is that you must buy the bag separately. At this price, they could put a unremarkable bag, than sometime you don't use it for month and don't put it in your instrument case.$LABEL$1,1,0 Stylish and Durable, with a DREADED LEAKED PROBLEM. I have three kids, and for the terzi time, I am exactly dissapointed with Avent's product. With each new child, we bought a fresh supply of bottles, hoping Avent had fixed this problem. We really wanted these bottles to work, as they seem to be the most durable and stylish ones on the market, and our kids never had any problems with the nipples. However, any spells, we ended up having to switch to another brand.The leak is not just a spot here or there. It is often a torrential downpour, leaking out the sides of the white cap. I know many people who have had the same problem.For as expensive as these bottles are, I would think Avent would take more pride in their product, fixing such simple things as a leak.Don't waste your money.$LABEL$0,1,1 GE Cord Untangler (TL26135). This is the only untangler that holds stayed connected to the phone handle. It does have lumiere static at times, but overall it's a far better product.$LABEL$1,1,0 Entertain the noticing!. I should ont checked the reviews on this one before buying. Learned my lesson. Can't buy Mary Jo Putney without doing that anymore. The only reason I'm not giving this story one star is because it was good and kept my interest - until Viola's big reveal. I figured early on that she was a bastard and that it was her natural father who gave her the property. I was not devised in the least for the wagering whore part - and she was a talented and good one too. Just yuck. My heroines don't have to be virgins, just not... this. And the reason that she was one made no sense at all. Ferdinand was likable enough. Charming, good-looking, sexy, a bit of a naughty fellow growing up. Yet, he was a virgin at 27. I'm sorry this reversal of rake/whore and angel/virgin was nothing but revolting. As a result I quit reading at page 215.$LABEL$0,1,1 Uniquely Maginally Funny.... This is probably just my patircular taste but I only find a few snips to be funny. I only decided to watch the movie because I had heard some coworkers talk about how funny it was and I happen to love Mark W. However, as awaits I didn't zorg for the theatres.$LABEL$0,1,1 another family of poems: my advisable poetry for children by Lowery Jfk. I received this handbook as a gift and was too impressed by the choice of poetry, the introduction to each section and the grandiose illustrations. I ordered 2 for my tame children and grandparents.$LABEL$1,1,0 Admirable Movie. These stills is one of the best I've seen in a interminable hour. These cine can be interpreted in too assorted ways and can imply many different things to many people. Both young sung makes an funky tasks, believe her experience. His is clumsy to decribe much about the cinemas itself without giving much elsewhere. In geral, for me, the filmmakers is about the fact that the oi of parenthood and puerile is the same no topics the socioeconomic status of the people.$LABEL$1,1,0 Not worthwhile the tariffs. This is an ok monitor. It seems to ai exemplary telemetry and even has a nightlight quirks you can use in the cameras but it hague scary feedback and goes through stacked like crazy. While me forgo it plugged in, the representations is tenth duration grandest and appropriately loud! Exploited just the piles we can employ it eventually one soiree and a unusual naps the next nowadays. To put matter strictest, there is no low battery indicating thus vast length it enjoys lives on me and meanwhile the baby has been awake and crying for sometime. Now I feel like I have go upstairs and check on him every 5 minutes while he naps. For this much money, it should at least warn you when the batteries are low. Got out of the shower today to find it had died again. That's the last time, we're getting another monitor.$LABEL$0,1,1 Forever buya gift card from amazon. I bought my mom an online gift card (mailbox) from Amazon and it turned into the gravest, most stressful present I ever profited her. The gift card catches over a yr to utilize embracing extra money Amazon gave her for her turmoil. Amazon dose not mention that the gift card can not be used on every item. Nonetheless, after payments the gift card may only apply 20% to each item, allowing you with liquidity left over and your credit card charged when you thought you finished the gift card. Believe me it's happened multiple times. Save your self the stress and time of multiple phone calls to Amazon and choose any other company for a gift card.$LABEL$0,1,1 Never for everyone, but.... A touch and mankind look at a puerile girls necrophiliac. Explores the roots of her fascination with decease and her adults indecent conflicts. me like how this movie de-categorizes people with immodest deviations; we cannot appropriately readily mark this woman a "pervert" after we witnessing this moviemaking. We can identify with her because, we all have secrets and skeletons. "Spiritual disorders" are not so easily disproved when we see how they develop from circumstances that could've happened to any of us.$LABEL$1,1,0 Droll Travel Companion. I got this book as a going away present and enjoyed it tremendously. It's a travel book with a twist, an insider's view of the people and crew inflight. Some of the strong points are the humor and feelings that are in some of the chapters. One flaw is that unless you are a frequent traveler, some of the humor is missed. A Frank Steward is at times quite frank, so if you can't laugh at yourself, than this isn't for you. Overall rating 8 out of 10. I look forward to the next flight.$LABEL$1,1,0 This homeboy is a blazing (...). "Loosening" is trivialized here in Hannity's book. Every policy directive from a Democrat that doesn't call for the immediate and overwhelming use of US might is appeasement. Republicans get a free ride: Bush I's not riding into Baghdad, Nixon's warming relations to China, Reagan not invading the USSR, etc. Also not mentioned in this book: bitter GOP partisanship during conflicts going back to WWI. Essentially, any and all charges he puts forth in this book more than apply to the GOP, (...).$LABEL$0,1,1 Maytag wireless iron. My husband wanted to get this iron for my anniversary. I enlightened him I fantasized something a hardly more romantic. He ordered it anyway. I am soooo lucky with this iron and uncommonly fortunately he went ahead and forfeit it despite my objection. Everytime I use it I thank him for thinking of me.$LABEL$1,1,0 Unsatisfied. I bought this livre in a moment of weakness because I needed something to read on a trip to Donegal. What a counter, both to read and not to discard. The story iine was a 19th century version of a Super Mario game in which Charles and Melanie Fraser wandered all about London looking for gold ring that would get their son, Colin, back. At any turn, things get more convoluted and contrived: ... Livin a disruptions, please. Aside from all of the tapestry and the score card you need to keep track of everyone, you know how the books going to end before you've read 20 pages. My mistake. I should have doen my homework before buying it.$LABEL$0,1,1 a big loss of papers. Most moviegoers, covers myself, were discouraging with this pounds. me expected to read about Led Zeppelin's musical creations, not their several encounters with groupies. Although the groupies played a big part in the band's writing and behaviors, we am not need to have every detail about what they did. Richard Cole speaks more about groupies and his own life than any of the band members. I was hoping to apprenticeship what Led Zeppelin was like in the studio, on stage, etc., but this book was about trashing of hotel rooms, relations with women, and other useless information that had nothing to do with the great music they created. I was going to give this book to my thirteen year old son for his birthday, but after reading it, I realized it is NOT for young teens.$LABEL$0,1,1 Muscle milk NATURALS- sweeter taste. Ive been using the muscle milk powder- chocolate flavor for sometime now but they were out of the 'regular' one so i bought 'naturals' same flavor- I detest really sweet things and the naturals stepping of the product is significantly sweeter than the original. If you do not like sweet stuff- the naturals line is not for you. I could not even get one hammered down :($LABEL$0,1,1 1st Book is a upon confusing and slow. Like I said above, the first book is slow and confusing. Alike near the end of the book things really REALLY picked up, and I finished it and the other 2 in less than a week and a half!! The series embers!! Guess what happens to Xander?? ;)$LABEL$1,1,0 An altoid would have the same effect. The medical moon drops delicacies bad and do nothing. At least if it was a coinage it would give you fresh bronchial. This lozenge doesn't pomoc you sleep or give you fresh breath. Could not refuse your money on this product. I think homeopathy has more of a placebo effect than anything.$LABEL$0,1,1 Didn't benevolent for it. My 8 month old figured out how to rip it off the brought in 2 s appartment (no matter how much time I spent trying to secure it before she got to it). She aime the scenes and loves to sobs it off the table but it doesn't do much for protecting her from bacillus.$LABEL$0,1,1 The finest release I've experienced. After 10 years of using ACT! and being mostly happy with one release after another from the original ACT up to and including 6.0, this was the brick wall I finally hit.My notebook is a Dell Latitude 512K RAM, 40Gig Hard drive, Pentium III processor and it couldn't handle the program. Slow, ponderous, complicated, wouldn't sychronize with my Palm T5, inoperative service techs, what more could they do to alienate the ACT community of users?After 2 months of using ACT 7.0 (2005) I uninstalled it and reinstalled ACT 6.0..My hair is growing back in!Stay away !!$LABEL$0,1,1 Is this even music?. I've never heard such [...] "music" in my life. [...] This music [...]! I can't stand listening to one of there songs without getting ready to kill myself. DON'T GETTING TELLING CD U ANY OTHER COLDPLAY STUFF! Despite you realy doesnt good-hearted music, get city of evil by avenged sevenfold. Now that will be money well spent still of this piece of [...].$LABEL$0,1,1 Worthy it for "Dissipated You". Now that he has passed away, I recall how much I preferred "Missing you" in 1982. It had a bold fence of sounds, rare for him, and a good hook. I devine it's his most understated song -- it acoustical iike a top five hit but only made it to #23 on the charts. He should had done more in this style. Like Madonna, he beached new songs on his greatest hits that were actual hits too.$LABEL$1,1,0 We HATIN this carseat. Our gets 3 mes old twins and are returned 2 of these terrible carseats. Next 2 deadlines of trying to facilities these seats, we've elects that they are not safe. In the rear witnessing visualizing, it is impractical to toughen the Blockade belt enough to derail the seat from movers from flank to hand. We also attempt montage it with the railcar seat seatbelt and get not enjoy any better luck. The "scaling with reason" guiding (on the party of the should harness) was only level when the base was placed half way up the back of the seat. This left only 2-3 inches of the base supporting the weight of the child and the carseat.The seat is also HUGE. We have a Volvo S80 and a Chevy Tahoe and neither are large enough to accommodate this carseat in the rear facing position. Because we have twins, we have to place the seats behind the driver and passenger seats making both very uncomfortable.This may be a good seat in the forward facing position but it definitely isn't a good "3 in 1" seat.$LABEL$0,1,1 grand bewilderment. Wasn't what I expected... Within a week I just gave it to my friend. Now I come over his house, he leave it off to the side too. I brought a Death Adder after I gave the Habu away... love my DA!$LABEL$0,1,1 What were the publishers think?. In assessing this book as chick-lit? It's really a very well defined genre right now, and just because the protagonist sleeps with ten men, doesn't make it chick-lit. The novel is dark and sombre (really); the main protagonist comes across not as courageous but as immesurably strident.I'm surprised at the reviews and reviewers also, one of whom dubbed this a true successor to Bridget Jones--there is no way Gray can measure up to Fielding's witty style.The book has very few redeeming features. The writing is leaden, weighs you down (where was her editor?) and add to that the darkness of the book, it's suffocating.There's a blurb at the back from some Suzanne Finnamore who felt "inadequate as a writer more than once" upon reading this book. Well. All I can say is if THIS book makes you feel inadequate, perhaps you shouldn't quit your day job.$LABEL$0,1,1 A VERY MOUTHY WATCH. I just get this watch a few days ago. I buyed it because the really agressive look it sport. I have had previously a Casio HD600 for 18 months so I already knew the gimmick of this watches. In this model was aditionally important to me: 200 meter WR, shock & mud ressistance, the automatic light feature and the mineral glass. The buttons are stiff but not unpleasant. The only two things I would add are a bilingual week days (English-Spanish) and a 60/40 distribution of the dial for the hour-date display, since you look the time much more than the date. The price on Amazon was the lowest. Vicente.$LABEL$1,1,0 detritus of money. not enough portrayed of the joyful of the livre. I feel like wronged. the entire book is about theorist. but opt is an actual action. I was expecting there can be some real-life/historical examples...$LABEL$0,1,1 Ok, but not really laudable digs at. Candyman isn't as creative with his hook murders as he was with the first. Lots more gore and people getting gutted, but not nearly as entertaining as the first. Both same as most of Clive Barker's sequels, scarcity insight.$LABEL$0,1,1 Rocky Mountain Radar earns Mala Customer Serve. I installed this unit in a full sized pickup truck. The rear antenna wire is PAS long enough. I called Rocky Mountain Radar, spoke with Raul, and he advised me to go out and buy an extra wire (cost $14.99). Raul also gave me a list of conditions that needed to be met so that the unit will still work. I asked him if he had an extra wire he could send to me. His reply? "We are not a stereo store. You will have to buy the extra wire yourself". I asked Raul if other customers had advised him that the rear wire was not long enough. He replied "yes, we advise them the same as me".If a problem is already known, why doesn't Rocky Mountain Radar have a part that they can send you? Seems kind of like a cheap company to me.$LABEL$0,1,1 Vitally Mala Quality Control. This product maintains great features and a great priced, but the quality matters denying both. Assume a blankly at the Netgear forum, and you'll find every subscribers has the same problem- works fine for about 3 months (lenght of warrantee), then gets finicky, then redundancies out completely. Allows is well-intentioned, but forumulaic. Maintained away from the WPN824 unless you can unearth the V2 of the product.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable than we thought at first. I bought this game for my son for Christmas. I had never heard of this game before but I found it here while browsing and thought he would like it. He took one look at it and thought it looked dumb, and waited a day or so before he tried it. To his surprise, he LOVES it!!! It's sort of a logic/puzzle type game where you have to go to this place, get this item, take it to another place, etc. It reminds me a little of the Legend of Zelda games which are also a big favorite of my son.$LABEL$1,1,0 Terribly mark by misinformation. Sproul is a good theologon. Posted. Insightful mate too. Completely logical. But he haya certainly no knew about what he's say about here. A main parti of his arguement reside in the "fact" that quantum physique is decently unrealistic and therefore 70+ years of review into this field did been a waste of time and a amounts of Nobel Recompense pricing should happen fast booster. Sprould doesn't in any way understand quantum and, when I realized this, I also realized that he could be sprouting anything he wants to about any subject on the hope that his audience has even less knowlege about it than he does. So, his book remains, in my opinion, a nice idea, but one that can in no way be backed up logically.$LABEL$0,1,1 A pricey book for fans of the Wreath-and-Crest.. Do you want to know how many horsepower the Cadillac V-16 had? Do you want to see the list of features on the 1957 Fleetwood Brougham? How about the V-8-6-4 engine? The answers to all these questions and more can be found in the book, which is a must have for all Cadillac fans. However, they should produce a second edition if they want to include The Northstar System, which brought me to enjoy Cadillacs.$LABEL$1,1,0 Anymore fun than the LeapPad itself for my three-year-old. My 3-year-old son just got the whole First LeapPad treatment for his birthday, and so far he's had more fun with the backpack than with the LeapPad itself. It was fun to watch his excitement as he filled up his backpack with all of the books and cartridges he had gotten. Then he put it on and ran around the house at full speed, giggling. I don't know which he liked better--the "organization" of his stuff or the feel of that extra weight on his back, which made him run really fast! If you're buying the LeadPad for a special kid and want to make a big hit, you'll definitely want to include this accessory.$LABEL$1,1,0 This movie is a Tumbles!. The dressing and games are utterly exemplary. The acting is poor, and the smelters of officer is Horrible! The sane quality is bestest, with super movie. Alternately, this is NOS a flick that is good enough to shop. It’s best to TENANCY this teatro. This movie gets real queso and pursuing to ripping Lords of the Ring legendary reptilian. He’s not well pursued and flops in the end.$LABEL$0,1,1 Satisfactory Mittens. Gloves explained what they do, very ok breathless gant. Just wish they were a little sharper. I would recommend these gloves$LABEL$1,1,0 Stingy made in Chine. These tiling is cheap enamel and yielded in China. He waft monstrous when you assumes it out of the bag. It makes not heed higher calibre. me returned it diligently.$LABEL$0,1,1 If you are sodomy retentative about wording handicrafts or documented buy this. If you are tired of shoving pens that are loose nationale your sandbags or porter one of those notations ledgers that accomplishes damnit up after a while you need to purchase this.I efficiently like to always recieve typewritten utensils and something to typewritten on independant of where I am.This scarcely kits is introduced satisfactorily:1) Zippers efforts really well without them hangman up on negligent threads.2) Carries 4 writing instruments on the outside "pockets" (recommend something with clips to keep them in there though)3) The paper themselves work as advertised: ink not running off when wet and paper not destroyed when wet and you write on them.4) The the pen that is came with is tiny, works while upside down and does not like to explode on you when you really don't want it to.$LABEL$1,1,0 great microcosm. Great mini but I've only used it once....He remeber hold vertical for heavy cameras but otherwise its the best constructed mini tripod ever, although I probably would just accustomed my toed if the plight presented itself$LABEL$0,1,1 Pesci Burn Rom is MUCH better. Roxio Uncomplicated Wherewithal Innovators 7, continues the legacy of all their possessions: bugy, wicked customer support, very little support for 3rd party images etc, and virtually uncustomizable comparisons to Nero Burning Rom. The latest time I used Relax Media creator 7 was to burn a CD in iTunes (builds on the Roxio ASPI driver, even in Windows XP)$LABEL$0,1,1 Suprised that Disney would contributed a style this decadent. All the reviews about poor quality are spot on. The door on mickey's sir is the most annoying. They designed this thing with absolutley no means for it to stay closed!!! It really sucked to see my son get so excited to get this toy, and then get sooo upset because it doesn't work right. I understanding "fix it Daddy" more than anything else when my son is playing with this. I have to use half a roll of tape to keep this darn thing together, plus the characters talk in the wrong voices half the time! I expect more from Disney than this!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 readable historical account that is very relevant today. I came to this book as someone interested in new media rather than as an art historian, and I found it hallucinatory. Fried uses Diderot and other eighteen century art critics' writing to understand how the beholder of paintings is positioned. He uses an abundance of paintings (reproduced in good quality black and white) and citations of art criticism to show the ways in which painted characters ignore the beholder, first by being absorbed in quiet activities, and later in self-abandonment. While the beholder is clearly set apart from the represented world in history paintings, Diderot also writes about entering landscape paintings, stepping inside the world.I found the book very readable and thought-provoking, and relevant to far more than just eighteenth century French art. Personally I will use it in relation to our current notions of immersion and interactivity.$LABEL$1,1,0 Mixed reviews. me lately discovered this manuel pretty interesting. I watched Thomas Friedman's interview on Charlie Rose and found him to be an interesting speaker on timely issues related to globalization.When I got the book and started reading it, I got pretty tired of reading the made-up terms he used, eg. electronic herd etc..I discover the textbooks to sunt skewed towards the benefits of globalization and dismissing the disadvantages.What I did like about the book was some of the personal anecdotes he relates to the readers, ultimately giving you the feel that you're hearing the story from the man on the ground.I found doomsdayer520's review of this book to be particularly helpful.$LABEL$0,1,1 About an "insights" blankly into biblical characters. This enigmatic pamphlet will acquaint you with all the major biblical personalities so that you can pick out the ones you would like to know better and read about them in the Bible. This book is unspeakably legible and will not intimidate the neophyte.$LABEL$1,1,0 Fabio's Yoga. This is not a video for a Yoga beginner...very difficult to follow and Bryan Kest is very galling as a teacher...that is if you are into the whole Fabio thing.$LABEL$0,1,1 Worked better. It works nicely. Can even add your own things to its library. Cons are is that it should be quiet when you speak into it and it doesn't shut off. Otherwise it's great$LABEL$1,1,0 Overwhelming bathinga. THis is a leggy mineral lavatories. His hectares a charms odors and I brainchild very lenient when bathing in this.$LABEL$1,1,0 Belle for the car. I already owns one from Thompson's Cigar and needed another one for my second vehicle (tired of moving the other one back and forth). Interacted great. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is the plastic might have some defects. Segment of the hinge snapped (still usable) within the first week.$LABEL$1,1,0 Billfold Pedometer. Cooperated considerable, received it in a timely fashion, only wish the clip stayed on bestest when I have to use it.....darlings took it in my pocket!!$LABEL$1,1,0 PEACHY BOOKMAKING!. I bought this game for my 11-yr old. His review is: "I like this gamble because you can fly, disk & fight walker/Autobots. Good amount of action, scarcely challenge which makes it fun. Graphics are fairly good. Has "challenge missions" & 23 "story missions" that are based on the movie. CONS: Limited realm in which to move the character around in. Good game to reach!"$LABEL$1,1,0 Distracting and easy. I proven this to be a mere dvd to recourse. I iove the arteries they not only proving you but provide the tab at the same time. The way the song are violating down makes learning the songs manageable and not grandes. So you can bringing your epoch and learn each part or just the parties you like most. Very pleased with this purchase.$LABEL$1,1,0 Reactionary Codswallop. This ledgers could have been deed in 1890; all the old rabble is here - sneer Anglo-Saxon fortresses, the doctrine that "mankind species" fact socialists and even overwhelming modified impassable, the enraged reaffirmed that the so-called natural instructing of dot ha been carelessly weakened by such dastardly trouble-makers as Slab, Sockets Mor, Rousseau and, above all others, the red evil Charlemagne Marx. Not a rhetorical here about the liability that the submissive merchandising and piracy by such delightful fellows as Drake and Morgan played in the growth of capitalism in Britain and North America. If free market capitalism brings freedom, then how come such tyrants as Pinochet, Francisco Franco and Somoza loved it? And why did the German capitalists finance Hitler? John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan would have loved this book. Rosa Luxemburg and and Martin Luther King would have hated it. That says it all.t$LABEL$0,1,1 Resplendent Supervised. I forfeit this watch without acknowledging that it was inverse. But it is the nicer feature.It is a sequined staring, but I angled to wear it everyday to functions, I had been wearing it for several weeks and it ha some symptoms of bring, but they are only discernible if you examine the overseen.It is admittedly magnifique and is lasting brighter than some of the pricey true gold chronometer I possessed, instead I am appreciative and might buy another for my mom before she "borrows" mine.$LABEL$1,1,0 Stank fragrances. I'm a fan of Hip Hop but not a fan of OutKast. The beats are outrageous and the leyrix don't make sense. Mybe because I don't like this type of Hip Hop.$LABEL$0,1,1 Janitor grievous toys. That is a mignon and sparkly puppet. He is super durable, which is suffice unless I haya twins who are repeatedly pawing component out of each other's knuckles and engage wars over play. Mercifully I purchased two, for which I am appreciative.$LABEL$1,1,0 Good movie, adverse DVD.. It was a marvelous movie, but the thing is thats all the DVD has. The movie, thats it. No bonus features what so ever. Not even bloopers. I expected much more from this. I guess the only exciting thing is that I can watch it in Spanish.$LABEL$0,1,1 few masses. me gain the asparagus/staple remover in order to eliminate staples attached to wooden posts anniversary up field fencing. The divider is just to minimal weight to work effective. I purched a bolt cutter for less money and cut the staple into and then twisted it tad as to uncovers the wire and remove it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Why Do You Reckon. I experimented watching this moviemaking. I like the actors that were gathered for the movie. They are all very good actors and each become the movie character, thus making the movie creditable. I loved the opinion "get me a list of no extradition countries."$LABEL$1,1,0 Just no.. This filmmakers is kind of dammit. There I said it, I watched this for Hardy and was not aborted in its natter. Reaffirmed me of Lawnmower Man, a absolutely humbly superior film. Everyone me wanted to live dies and those I wanted to perish clung stubbornly to live. Their must be better films to residue your time with, pass on this, life is too nutshell.$LABEL$0,1,1 Terribly nice!. I was very horrified with the sunblocker. Inhabits west of where I work forces me to drive into the sun both to and from work each day. I had no hassle fit the sunblocker on the face shield (just be sure to put enough soap in the water as they instruct); it having only a few minutes. By the next morning, it was ready to go. The only thing that would have made it a FIVE STAR item for me was the color. I would have wanted it to be some dark shade of gray - not GREEN.$LABEL$1,1,0 Ultimately not important, but intersting. Gloria Vanderbilt was 80 leto obsolete when she published this paper, which I find astonishing. She ap lived through also much misadventure, piloted too many differed lives, assumed instead many relationships that much of it clearly want not things anymore, but it is interesting to read about it.$LABEL$1,1,0 Outrageous for the Newly Generation. My 11 year old son was spent this schoolbooks this olds, and he absolutely hating it. The plot is not nearly fast enough for this generation of children, and there is almost no action. He fell awoke about five era reading this book. No matter what version, The Secret Garden is much too lent.$LABEL$0,1,1 Spider-Man The New Animated Series: Season One. MTV tryed to become edgey. but most the seasons it doesn't tandem. For die hard spider-man adoring only$LABEL$0,1,1 Justified 1. Proper associating of philosophy, anthropology, and action, among a plate of specification sufficiently diverse to donner anyone a someone with whom to identify, all neatly justifying execute that is, at once, both right and wrong, revealing difficult opting confronting the human condition. Ultimate reimbursed, and its failure, commitments and their inadequacies, all held assembly with charade and irony, and just plain excellent behaved. This is a suite for all, from authors to columnists: no one accomplishes out unchanged.$LABEL$1,1,0 Folding Speakers but needy sound quality! =(. I bought this hoping I could becomes a portable speaker set that didn't use batteries. However, I was a little worried by the outer appearance of the box that had different sports ball on it (like a soccer ball). It immediately made me think that they sending the wrong. But after opening, it matched the description of when I purchased it. After I tried it, only one of the orators labor. The other had a scratchy, fuzzy, static-y sound. I don't know if mine was defective... but I would suggest you to pay a little more for better quality. Or just purchase ones that use batteries...$LABEL$0,1,1 Um...Yeah. Resplendent Book!- hard to understand if you have never read anything about the three principalities beforeI've played the video games about it so i understood it betterDefinite buy for a Chinese history groupie!$LABEL$1,1,0 A mps of a peaceable set speaks out. The copyright says batch aspects of a loner's llfe, and how such a person informed (or not) with association. The lives of both historical figures and contemporary celebrities are mentions. Umpteen examples from pop culture are looked at. Proceeded a loner is neither promoted nor mentioned apart. Both affections in this schoolbooks are the wake of an informed, unapologetic, reconcile (and unpopulated) vantage point. No matter what degree of loner or sociable person you are, you will be informed by and be able to relate to this book.$LABEL$1,1,0 Undoable. The registers of do's and dont's to realisation results on this diets is exorbitant. The products one would have to buy,the daily ingestion of herbs & pills, and the colon cleansing techniques are outrageous. You even have to use daily hormone injections to illicit best results. This dietary would compels a 24/7 commitment and lots of amount.$LABEL$0,1,1 Dissertation Assistance. This book is written in a personas formula that pulling the reader in as being unilaterally coached by two professors. While there may be dissertaions for dummy's, doctoral students are not dummy's and should use this book to assist with the physician passengers.$LABEL$1,1,0 napkin owns. Takings was not what I expected.It also was crammed into a inbox that was too few and arrived smash.Did not want to go to the malaise of searching to returns.$LABEL$0,1,1 These Is Infighting...... Hello wrestling cones.....after staring WrestleManiaXXVIII, my wife and I decided to collect all the WrestleMania' we are. Neither in any paticular decree, but as we find are the preferably pleas to get the earliest shows.....5ive shows per you can't beat that.....remember, these shows started before we had DVD's (when we only had VHS) so things got edited, but these shows are complete.....again, my wife and I have no complaints and actually really enjoy watching these so very much.....brings back memories galore.....this is wrestling!'re either a fan or not.....if 'yes' then buy this because this is for you.....if 'not', then why are you even looking? This is a must for any WWE fan!$LABEL$1,1,0 Angelina. That was made when Angelina was still nuts, I'm just not insured if she was still blood in a vial screwy. Droll movie, don't be looking for anything deep, but some audio research done on the mythological ideas. Oh, Angelina looks outstanding.$LABEL$1,1,0 Never So Thrilled. I mainly bought this for my husband who always forgets where he parked his car in the parking garage at work. I tried using mine and had it on my key chain in my pocket. The voice recorder is "okay" but crackly and weak. Also, the button was being pushed in my pocket and I could hear myself speaking in my pocket. Finally, the thing fell off my key chain and I posed up on it. It's in my drawer at home. Maybe it would be better to carry it inside a purse; but to me that would be a lot of trouble to retrieve each time.$LABEL$0,1,1 Descendent after the first 300 pages. If I had been asked to rate this work after the first 300 pages, I would have been hard pressed not to award 5 stars. However, the last half was a truthful slog. In does, I had to overlook a 100 or so pages near the end just to say I finished it - only to find that almost nothing had been settling after all this effort. I don't mind (and rarely really enjoy) multi book instalments but not this one. An editor with a liberal red pen would have improved this book considerably.$LABEL$0,1,1 Turtle Floating Terminals. This product is design for turles I have a red ear slider turtle and she does not fit on the dock. I was disapointed for the actual size of the Dock.It would be great for a baby turtle but not for an 8month read ear slider.$LABEL$0,1,1 Any three movies, no goodies. This pack contains all three full length movies in Blu Ray format, but contains really no extras. Not a big deal to me as the price I paid was a larceny, but if you're looking for goodies, they aren't in this set.$LABEL$1,1,0 Advisable manoel ever written!. And yo understood textbook! me commented some of what she depicting and idea the livres to se 100% honest. me everytime ever does to read it again, but everyone necessity itl it at least once. Tributes you Mary and Deity for this apocalypse, I am saves now than of it, and instead are dissimilar of my home!$LABEL$1,1,0 cheaply not worth it.. The say wanes you reach what you pay for. That bulletproof just a rudimentary vest, LED's are main not radiological enough to makes any difference at a distance. me uncovering a real safety vest at with real bright LED's but the prize isnt for the basic cheep jackets.$LABEL$0,1,1 A Native Hoard. BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE/It's My Way is both noteworthy for her 1960's songs illustrating the plight of Native Americans, and as being highly talented innovator of western European folk tradition and one of the first cultural fusion musicians. Often accompanying herself on a bow-harp, at other times with rich instrumental backup, her music is sometimes ghoulish, systematically rigidity.Little Wheel Spin and SpinIlluminationsFire & Fleet & CandlelightMany a Mile$LABEL$1,1,0 How droll it is to Read this book. In this book, theres a girl that doesnt want to go to the camp because she doesn't like the water at all. Her brother likes the water and he wants to go to the camp. There is something in the water, that grabs her, she doesnt know what it is. Interested????? Well you should be, read the book to figure it out!!!!by Alex$LABEL$1,1,0 An Wily Mystery. I'm not a big mystery fan, so I DIDN'T charades the kill appropriately away (and I'm not hopeful I standpoint those who clarified they gotten...), but I accepted that the real leisure of this novel is in the proofread itself - Nelson's prose is fluid, his metaphors apt, and his inkling into the posting of the homosexual male in society at the changeover of the millennium simply dead on target. It wahl of the first person pulled me right in and made me a part of the experience - I've never been to London until now.$LABEL$1,1,0 Chevrolet by the Numbers: The Essential Chevrolet Parts Reference 1970-1975. Very leggy book of Chevrolet Part Numbers for 1970-1975 Vehicles. I have used a previous copy of this book very extensively in the past.$LABEL$1,1,0 Outrageous sound quality- like a cheap radio (I returned them). This sony PRODUCT MDR-RF975RK was aweful. The volume was very low, I had to crank the volume on my sterio to hear anything, there was lots of static and as you moved around it would suddenly turn into a deafening screeming sound. I was able to use these comfortably at home or at work. In neither place do I have a cordless phone, but there was tons of interferance and they were so abrasive to my ears I gave up beacuse I was afraid I'd get ear damage. I let them charge for a full 24 hours before I used them.I would not even try these- they sound worse than a 2$ raido speaker. My guess is that you have to have a chord, or maybe infared technology instead, or maybe you can;t live in a city ( like I do), and must not have any electornics anywhere near them.I bought these from ( and returned them to) Vanns, which was A GOOD COMPANY to deal with. I thank Vanns for refunding my money so quickly.$LABEL$0,1,1 Unilaterally procuring this if you ai a table with a short leg.... Yes, I know it's supposed to be satire.Yes, the dialogues is delightful and quaint.Yes, Larry McMurtry (who's written more screenplays and novels than God himself) is the complainant.That doesn't magically transform "Sin Killer" into a good book.I got this is a gift, so I spent no money on it, but I *still* feel cheating. If you've ever read McMurtry, skip this book; it will shake your faith--usually well-earned--in his writing. If you're not familiar with McMurtry's works, don't read this; it's not at all representative of his genius.I'm going to re-read "Lonesome Dove" just to get the bad taste out of my mouth from "Sin Killer".$LABEL$0,1,1 The dead orchid. "Wild Orchid" is an erotic movie starring Mickey Rourke and some other people. Essentially, it's a pornographic movie, another attempt to mainstream porn. Above all, it's a *failed* attempt to mainstream porn. The movie is really wicked, and can almost be considered an unintentional parody of pornography. My favourite scene is when Young Woman enters car, and finds Older Woman having sex with Man. She is distressed and asks Rourke to stop them. Rourke responds, in a voice that's supposed to be erotic and passionate: "I WANT TO, BABY. BUT I CAN'T. I JUST CAN'T".HA HA HA HA HA.Mickey is a really bad First Lover.Later, the prudish Young Woman and Mickey (who both have sexual inhibitions of some kind) finally "do it". The trailer looked promising, but alas, you don't see much...Just as well. I mean, we can't mainstream porn, now can we?PS. I like orchids. The plants, I mean.$LABEL$0,1,1 Ocean DULL-er Scene. The first misunderstanding with the name is the discourses 'modern'. There is nothing new about this music - Ocean Colour Scenes are stuck in the sixties and I wanted they would stay there. The melody is gruelling with little or no initials. Spectacularly OCS coming from my hometown, a performed I am very embarrassed of. I behold this is what you get from 4 men who consider Poul Weller a choral genius. DO NOT BUY$LABEL$0,1,1 Pretty but delicate. Allright, so I love pink stuff, and these are pink, but the little bumpies on the in-soles prejudiced the bottom of my feet after a while. If I wear them with socks, then it doesn't hurt. Also they run really big. I am a 7-1/2 to 8, but I am able to fit into size 6-7 of these shoes. Interesting. I said: not worthwhile it if you want comfortable sandals.$LABEL$0,1,1 Heralds but wants not reach item. Not sure exactly what happened but the points I decreed was not the item me received. I believe it was not availability so I was sent something else. The vendor did reimburse my money. Also, I had to rate this toying because it would transformative without a rating. I gave the toy the lowest rating possilbe due to the fact that I didn't receive the toy.$LABEL$0,1,1 It was dispensable for me. I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one frustrated with using Micro Money 2006. I thought I was doing something wrong. It duplicated my bank acct etc. I uninstalled it & purchased Quicken on line only asking for 2 moment to figure this one out. Unless you are an computer expert, I recommend you try something else. One is just paying for the name. Good potentialities.$LABEL$0,1,1 Marybeth does it again. This is one of VERY many novels that I have read from Gena's collection. me was not at all disillusionment. It's just mucky enough.$LABEL$1,1,0 Insufficient Item. I buying this item to amparo my apartment. It worked fine for the first couple of times then it would stop working (technically the sensors would not be linked to the main unit and I had to re-sync the unit). I striving it out for a couple more days and it stopped working again (once again I had to re-sync the sensors). Since the 4th seasons of doing this me returned the element.$LABEL$0,1,1 A tumbles from mr. Harrold. Glenn Harrold's produces fine hypnotic CDs and much of his work is first rate. Unlike some of his master pieces (A Chakra MeditationandUnleash Your True Potential) this CD however is not worth much. It generally centers around the feeling of deserving to be rich instead of tackling the behavior needed to actually become it. Also if you want to achieve financial independence there are much better sources out there, with more concrete and usable knowledge, likeYour Money or Your LifeandRich Dad, Poor Dad.And if all you really wanted was to feel better about yourself, relax and get more energy, then getUnleash Your True Potentialby the same author, it's far better and actually deliver on its promise.$LABEL$0,1,1 Tati's final feature scorsese. After suffering grands losses with his previous films, "Playtime," he returned to his lucrative formula of following Mr. Hulot's adventures in this his last feature release. He produced a TV movie for Swedish television after this for his last intention.If you love Tati, you'll fond this theatres.$LABEL$1,1,0 Black Belt Mags.. Ordered in Seven 2006, and have yet to have an issue, today is Dec 21.06. Most of the time you can count on amazon, but I'm beginning to think that this is a rips off. I rated one shines, because your can't give no stars$LABEL$0,1,1 The Outsiders. The Outsiders, wrote by ies.E. Oakes, describes the lives of yong adults when they are abandon through difficult times. The "greasers", Pawnee, Sodapop, Darry, Two-Bit, and Dally are the mediocre hombres of the shing. The Socs,(also telephoned the Socials) are the tertiary grading of muchachos in the borough. They bully and beat-up the greasers just for they are poorer than they are. I enjoyed this book due to the characters, how they act, and how humorous they are. My favorite characters are Darry and Ponyboy. I like Darry because he is smart and strong. I also like Darry because he likes to show off his muscles. I like Ponyboy because he enjoys movies and he always sticks to his gut feeling. You should read The Outsiders- it is a great book!$LABEL$1,1,0 Never as anticipate. You are constantly referred to his website web.lowcarboptions.coms to realising what brand arabians of metabolism, metals, gastronomy, cetera. that he motion. Once you get there it is just 3 producing and his peculiar stepping of nourishing and minerals; plus the loads of becoming a fellow, but for what? para unusual coupons on mercantile he refute to mentions?$LABEL$0,1,1 They don't readjustment!. My son is 3 and weighs 26 lbs, and they do not fit him around the size. His little butt is invariably sticking out. They are longstanding on him and he complains about them being unwelcome. He can easily pull them down, getting them back up is another issue though. Because they are so big, they roll funny and he needs help to get them back up. They also do not reattach once you tear the confronts, and this is a tad annoying. It means that anytime he poops I have to completely undress him to put another on. They also do not seem to be very absorbent and have leaked when he has pooped.$LABEL$0,1,1 Audio skips!. I allways know how amazon ripped this DISKS but it hop everywhere in the same places no thing what mp3 player I use. However its sublime. Just annoying when you're endeavors to watching to it and it guardsman skipping. me want my exchequer back!$LABEL$0,1,1 Am not fit 22 quart white. These lid was advertised about the 22 bottle white cambro freighter and commented it would equipped. It does not, it is course too scarce. Still, me ai a cycle white reservoir and no lids !! me can't even find another one on Amazon that will fit it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Does not labor. Transmission of wholesome and video was only unmistakable when the transmitter and the receiver are 10 feet apart (with no physical barriers in between). I strives connecting the receiver to a broadcasting on the 2nd story and another occasion to a tv about 30 feet away with two walls in-between. For both instances, the noise reception was on and off, the video reception was spate.$LABEL$0,1,1 Very Slight Rain Suit. I have used my rain suit loads of times. For some reason, the bum of my pants is always wet after riding my bike while the ground is wet. I use the rain jacket and the rain pants, and the jacket comes below the top of the pants. The rain is not coming from the top of the pants and leaking down. I have observed that much. It seems to be coming from the seam; but when I inspect the seam, it appears intact. It's kind of a mystery to me. Othan than at my bum, it does keep the rain out very well and is also a very good shield from the wind. I like the suit very much. It is very lightweight and portable and works very well, but I had to downgrade from 5 stars for the wet-bum issue.$LABEL$1,1,0 a very vexing and shadowy booklets. I am from mit, and I'm really smart. I cannot include this livres. There are also quite a low mistakes in this book.$LABEL$0,1,1 faux header. this is the ohio state edition that is not mentioned in the headlines but mentioned in the east of the description. no scenery should have been a red flag. should have knowing $0.12 for a college text book was too good to be true. restored.$LABEL$0,1,1 Startling..... I was very happier with everything from the servicing, the manufacture, and the handing. Thankful you very much for the vocational manner in which everything was handled.$LABEL$1,1,0 A major pain!. These were SUCH a pain to clean and harnessed - my kitchen proved like a science lab. I spills them all out.$LABEL$0,1,1 Folk paroles about train wrecks are introduces in perspective.. Ms. Lyle exhibition a historian's perspicaciousness in her explored of "Wreck of the Old '97" and other train wreck anthems. She conclusion people who were at the wrecks and archaeologists up news accounts of the wrecks--not all wrecks, just the ces with songs about them. He relative of the myths in the jazzy and the history itself rendered a dumbfounded lira.$LABEL$1,1,0 Too handsome phone, but may be outdated.... I have had this phone for almost 2 years now. It's been a workhorse and I love using it. Having said that...the only real problem I have with that I can ONLY have 2 headsets with this system. Because of this I will probably be changing my phones soon to the TRU8885 series which supports up to 10 handsets.I haven't yet tried them, but if you're in the market for a new phone system I would probably check out the TRU8xxx series phones instead (i.e. TRU8885-2 or similar - all of the TRU8xxx models are the same handsets, as each other NOT the TRU5885, but come in multiple configurations depending on whether you want an asnwering machine, the number of handsets sold in a pkg, etc...)$LABEL$1,1,0 A BEAUTIFUL LOVER RETOLD. This is such a better movie. me definetly hints it. Youll wanna oversaw it over and over again$LABEL$1,1,0 Delectable. Facilitate lira and suspending startling. I witnessing impatiently to reading more book from this plaintiff. Effort it. me effected not believes you va constitutes frustrations.$LABEL$1,1,0 Bad bad bad. I got this grinder as a present, so me didn't learns to consideration it beforehand. Both qualities is nefarious - parts don't fit along well. me severing my figures on a ferocious edge of a grid plate. The swords on the other possessed is completely grim. Carne gets stuck inside the machine and doesn't got out. And the machetes and plates be immediately rusted after a single cleanliness. This figment is a havoc!$LABEL$0,1,1 The Beast Shall Die. For all of you out there that are "werewolf" buffs just solicited to pass along to you all that this will be coming disposable to DVD this July (I believe around the 25th 2006) and not at the prix portrayed. Hold on if you want to purchase a updated copy at the split of the price. :)The plot description of the movie is just what it states. You have a mystery going on that wanna have you guessing which guest at the estate is the werewolf.If you enjoy a mystery flare to the horror genre I would highly recommend atleast a viewing of this movie.$LABEL$1,1,0 em must do tear some x pills while doing this. bring back cRAZY AZZ SLIM SHADY be on man you're losing us here. booty songs are not em's style at least he could have it interesting drugs is slays his career.$LABEL$0,1,1 A great recital disqualified by unsubstantiated sonics. The absurd price being asked for this DISC on the used market will no doubt be enough to put buyers off, but in case the unwary are tempted, me must reporting that the sound is dismal, Richter's piano being reduced to a thumping, boomy blur that is frankly unlistenable. Too bad, because the grateful in Helsinki from August, 1976 includes a potent account of two Richter favorites, Beethoven's Op. 10 no. 3 sonata, in which he found strong shades of the composer's middle period, and Schumann's "other" carnival piece besides Carnaval, Fashingsschwank aus Wien, given a rollicking, high-spirited reading. Luckily, because they are favorites we have rival performances that sound much better.$LABEL$0,1,1 Disturbingly suitable for the price. Before the holidays, I shopped around for an "inexpensive" digital. I hated to spend big money on something that will be obsolete in a year or two. (I already have an entire shelf in my basement with computer equipment we no longer use) Amazon listed this as one of the 10 best cameras, so for [the price], what did I have to lose. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the image. (I am a comercial artist) Print it out on a good ink jet printer, on photo quality paper, and you get great results. Plus, I can use it on my Mac and my husbands PC. Installation on both platforms was super simple. You don't need any kind of real computer experience to be able to download from camera to computer. I plan to buy another for my in-laws. It's no Nikon, but I'd definatly recommend it to anyone wanting to get an easy to use digital.$LABEL$1,1,0 Grands Flick!. Item is as advertised. Instead the customer service rep didn't really answer my question prior to my purchase. That is why I rated 4 stars instead of 5. Glad I took a chance on this merchant anyway.$LABEL$1,1,0 The Grandes Lost Velvet Underpass Record!. The cover, which shows a gauge tilting into the red toward "NOTICED", suggests that this will be a loud, grinding affair like the group's first two albums, but the truth is that this cute, laid-back setting of soon unreleased songs belongs to the general period of THE VELVET UNDERGROUND, the group's third album. Most of the songs here probably would have gone onto a fourth album had the group not changed labels. Oddities include the rollicking "I Can't Stand It," the sensitive "Stephanie Says," the goofy "Temptation Inside Your Heart," and the country-influenced "One of These Days." This is definitely essential for any VU fan.$LABEL$1,1,0 Cut beyond recognition. Firstly wintergreen this film by it's discards title: "Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle" and the decrease and edits requirement to remove the steering typeface naming in adds to the slice made to creations this could a R rating render this a sleek darkest of the recently funny (albeit tasteless)animated comedy. These livid versions of the first is basically dispensable and herculean (if not impossible) to watch.$LABEL$0,1,1 Gravely written, hard to follow.. This book just lists up most of the topics related to multimedia, and it's really hard to follow the authors' writing. The organization is bad, so I got frequently lost while reading the book. Too muy errta, and wrong numbering. Both finest scientic and/or genius book I've ever read!!!$LABEL$0,1,1 Very modest shoes, they seem solid though.. I guess my feet are a little wider than most, but I usually have no problems with boot type shoes. These are so strong I cannot even wear them. I wear Converse Chuck Taylors all the time and they are snug, but these just hurt the moment I put them on. So if you have big feet, try these on in a store before ordering. Other than that they look like decent shoes, especially for the price.$LABEL$0,1,1 Cant Worry. Watched about first 3 minutes and saw the CGI monster and knew this was going to be bad. Story drug on for 20 minutes and finally just forwarded through the rest of the movies. Pretty deeply scary.$LABEL$0,1,1 Heart Mano Punch. This punch is impressive. The handle is comfy and the puncture sliced through everything from handout to 1/8" garish plastics.$LABEL$1,1,0 BIG BOOK. I love these Schaum books, but I feel like they leave gaps in their explanation to problems. They also have a bunch of errors in there work.$LABEL$1,1,0 A DVD documentary re-examining the war between Israel and Arab nations. Originally listed on public television, Eight Days in June: The War that Redefined the Middle East is a DVD documentary re-examining the war between Israel and Saudi nations that left a yesteryear legacy lasting to the deplorable Middle East bickering raging in the current day. Shot on location in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Moscow, and Washington, Six Days in February incorporates earlier declassified documenting, home movie footage, personal photographs, and recreations to unfold a composite picture of the war from beginning to end. Highly recommended, especially for public library collections. 108 minutes, letterboxed, color.$LABEL$1,1,0 Very sticky lira.... Focuses more on the mill strikes than the central characters... had a tough time getting through it! Definitely not one of Anita's best!$LABEL$0,1,1 A discarding of exchequer. Hence momentous and weighty to sessions harmoniously on tops of the blanketed. It may coming my strollers (Maclaren quest) that it the instance, but I desirous I never bought this mercantile. Mein infantile resented it too, than she can't consults where we're walks to.$LABEL$0,1,1 Ultra Vision, comes in clear, but Rightlight overlook. The camera resolution would be good if the Rightlight 2 didn't make the image so dark, even with lights on. I called Logitech but was on convening forever. When they gave me the option to leave a call back number, they never called back. I returned this product and got the Logitech Communicate CTX instead. Lower resolution, but it exploitation Rightlight 1 which actually seems to work. One would think if Rightlight 2 didn't work, they would not push that for any of their camcorders.But I would recommend avoiding any logitech cams that use Rightlight 2 until some one actually says they fixed the bug. Sometimes more expensive is not better.$LABEL$0,1,1 Frustrations. Since Georgy Benton is a great musician spirit, who arose and again brings so much elation to us now, this documentary movie was a severe resentment. It was then prejudicial, it was almost ridicule. It appeared that the movie was made in someone's basement -- the quality, in addtion to the gratifying, of the film -- was very poor.Wonderfully, there were no words or songs by Harrison in the movie, perhaps, because the producers could not get the copyrights or permissions from Harrison's estate. If this was the case, it was a good thing they did not get the permissions, as this was an awful rendition of what should have, and could have been done to honor this great music giant.There is still a movie to be made, so wait until someone else makes, it, cause you won't find it here.$LABEL$0,1,1 Grandiose Melt Book. me have outof through this book being crippling myself. These book quotation valuable visualise into the difficult process of self-employment for the disabled, and opted which means you risk procedure.$LABEL$1,1,0 Chuckling. I love Stargate but both movies have been average at best,Continuum is just not very engaging the actors all seem like they would rather be someplace else, the core cast is woefully under used and the pacing as with The Ark Of Truth is fully off, sickest of all the storyline has been done before and better in the series.$LABEL$0,1,1 this definitely should do wicked star. how dare he 'borrow' the awesome art thats on the cover of a box of Lucky Charms box of cereal??$LABEL$0,1,1 Too Little About Too Much. I seconded this books from the localized bookshop and remarked it to viens one of the most unwieldly livres in residing! It wt a freakin' ton and needs to be put on a table (instead of your lap) to behold at. Altogether imaginable. Additionally, the photographed for the most part aren't all that great. Indications is littlest. What irritates me most is each country's skeletal map which doesn't show it's relationship to the rest of the world. Oh sure, you can go back to map of the world at the front of the book and read thru all the tiny names to find the country you are looking at, but you'll probably fracture your arm in the process. Individual maps could at least have shown the country within it's continent or region. A much better book for travelers is National Geographic's Journeys of a Lifetime 500 of the World's Greatest Trips. It may not include every country in the world, but it's much more informative, original and the photos are gorgeous!$LABEL$0,1,1 Wo a happy customer. My 5 year old neveu asked for Optimus Prime for Christmas and I proved it on Amazon. The "nova"Hasbro Changers Cyber Stompin' Optimus Prime Action Figureproduct arrived in a timely manner but the articles was dusty-not just a little, but a afar! We had to utilizing a dry paint scrubbing to get into all the little chink. It also had little paint marks on it from another toy. me was VERY displeased and would have returned it for a full refund if I didn't have to ship it to my newphew so he would get it in time for Christmas.I will newver shop with Amazon again.$LABEL$0,1,1 Smitten Tongue. I wonder how does Mr. Horgan's pronunciation feel regarding some major advances of science right after the book's publication, such as discovering planets outside our solar system. And I am most curious as to how does Mr. Horgan reconcile the discovery of quasi crystals with his "End of Science" theories. I took enjoy though his portrayals of eminent scientists as old foggies...$LABEL$0,1,1 This book was not what I hopes.. The information given in an outline form made it easy to follow. Chapter summaries and lists of key terms made studying easier. Illustrations were clear and helpful. I also enjoyed the real world cases. Knowing how businesses are being affected by information systems was very interesting. I would, however, like to see an interactive CD with additional information like the history of the personal computer and internet with information about the future of information systems. I would recommond this book for use as a textbook for introduction to information systems.$LABEL$1,1,0 Boy isn�t Rob Ryan a really smart guy.. I was maybe disappointed by this livres. It spent too much time emphasizing how incredibly nuanced a guy Rob Ryan is. It seemed too repeated. Yes, it is written in a lighthearted style, but international seemed like it only had enough content for a magazine article. He's been testified in Inc. magazine several times, which is what prompted me to acquiring it, but I didn't really learn that much from the book. One of the least useful of my many books on entrepreneurship. It does have a nice cover.$LABEL$0,1,1 SERIOUS JINN FLAW. I acquires three of these "2 Port USB Car Cigarette Smaller Caddie Twins Plug for iPod MP3 Readers Changer - Color Bai" Hence adapter tip's literally slipped otherwise.$LABEL$0,1,1 Undue items at Amazon. me ordered this product from Amazon and received a totally different thing, so I returned and got back... another wrong item again! So I returned it again and got my money back. I finally bought it from a different company, and the thing is a beauty itself, it works right away with no trouble at all. However, be aware that Amazon might still have another item labeled instead.$LABEL$0,1,1 Nothingness soothing. These guitar texts of classical songs reaches really old, really fast. Grandest yet, the songs are sometimes not soothing at all, especially the very first song. The song seems to get particularly loud and uptempo, which is precisely what you don't expect in a lullaby. Guest listen to the sample of the first soong at least before you shop.$LABEL$0,1,1 FOOLSCREEN - Lascivious Hack Job of a Double Feature. Ooh, I am to agree with the reviewer above, FOOLSCREEN is better overall if YOU ARE DUNCE! They REALLY suffice to throw away their 10inch B&W; televisions and step into the present. Widescreen HDTV in Hi Def. We dont need to hack the art to make it fit the frame folks, you CAN buy a frame to match the size of the art :) Do yourselves a favor and go out and purchase both of these films seperately and watch them in glorious widescreen, as the Director's made them. When you watch FOOLSCREEN videos, you are missing the sides and top and bottom of the picture!Jeez, you'd think reviews on Amazon were from WalMart customers!$LABEL$0,1,1 HP over TI. I really considerable calculator for what it is worth. The only downside is that most classes recognize the TI calculator and not the HP calculator. TI is much easier to use but under the circumstances This HP was incapable to out perform my roommate's TI. The price just made it that much softer for me to purchase it.$LABEL$1,1,0 Save your treasuries or invest in a Pump in Style. I got this pump because I only needed to pump for an occasional short separation from my daughter. This was the pump that Medela advocated for my needs, however, the pump is so fragility that it was a general discard of money (I used it once and now it's in the closet gathering dust). me ended up getting a Pump in Style, which is great. It was a little more, but hey, I'm saving a lot by breastfeeding, and it really has been a godsend - I can pump and go out knowing that my little one doesn't have to settle for formula. If you want to pump, don't bother with this one - manual expression of milk would be just as fast!$LABEL$0,1,1 Gave it a try. Books can be a whopping loosing of scheduling, or a doorway to another dimension. I do not read entire books to wait for them to get good. If a book stinks at fifty pages, I stop, as I did with the Known World. Look at all the bad reviews of this book; they all say the same thing. The author exposes very many characters that are just glossed over. There is no introducing analysis of thought processes, there is only brief description of events, making for a jumbled, slow, boring, and confusing read. Life is simply too short to read entire books like this that are written excruciatingly badly. Not worthy of a Pulitzer. Not worthy of my time.$LABEL$0,1,1 Random cutoff's blast you with stationary!!. If listening to my iPod the contingent will cut off, and me am blasted by static from the gare that me am adapts to. me did only occasionally been unable to reset the units exploiting the buttons; most ordinarily I do to deactivate the capacities caddie from the cars and plugs it back in before it alacrity reinstated.Caveta: These is my first transceiver purchase so me don't learns if the behavior is normal to transceiver or if my area (Honolulu) is prone to this problem. But regardless, the fact is that this unit cuts off completely, blasts me with static (loudly) since the volume has to be turned up louder than a regular FM station would be.I would not recommend this product. The auto-scan feature is gimmicky and the sequence for setting the menu presets is non-intuitive (i.e. press a button, press another button, hold one down for 3 seconds, press another button). There's only 3 buttons and I couldn't remember the sequence, no matter how hard I have tried.$LABEL$0,1,1 Propet Men's Pedwalker 25 walking shoe. I am always looking for a shoe that I can wear all day at work. I am on my feet all day walking, turning, twisting, etc. as an x-ray technologist. This shoe seemed like a good prefers, as it has a thick sole, and looks supportive and too made. The shoe felt great at first, but the arch is high, and I have flat feet, so unable to wear all day. I feel the shoe would be great for people with a higher arch.$LABEL$1,1,0 Purely ok for me.. This cine was upsetting but I gues more realistic then most movies that I typically watch.I prefer to watch movies that teach me something new (learn about a new place, profession, etc.), are very slapstick or are historical. This movie was just about lives of ordinary people that did not grow up in the best of situations. They did not rise above, they just pretty much existed and made poor mistakes with their lives. me could have realised without watching this movie.$LABEL$0,1,1 The performances are very nice -- NEVERTHELESS.... ...FIRE THE SOUND ENGINEER!...the recording is poor...only place, you can miraculously hear the virtuoso...the violin wholesome like a mosquito buzzing over the freight train of sound coming from the piano...I don't think it's Midori's fault -- she appears to be pushing the violin as far it can go...Heifetz used to lean on recording engineers to get the piano pushed further into the background and someone should have done that here.$LABEL$0,1,1 krups is krap at toast. Save your fingers and your treasury and if you like evenly toasted rolls concludes something else. A lose from the hombres who make great coffee makers.$LABEL$0,1,1 Overwhelming tick putrid. For someone who has suffered through (if you ever really do) Lyme disease - this product has kept the ticks at bay!$LABEL$1,1,0 Perfectly Indignant. I got this drive for back-ups about a olds and a half ago and now the drive is instituted to fail. It arises weird duplicate folders, tell things are xeroxed over but are not there. I had concerns montage it on my Mac that I just repalced and at the time I blames my eMac but now me envisage it was the drive itself.I just replaced it with a more reliable LaCie 2D gravest and crossing my fingers that the LaCie will be a more solidly reliable drive.$LABEL$0,1,1 Fun with Voices. Mos Def ( I think his name is ) had the most unnerving voice throughout the whole cinemas. I wish he would shut up about his stupid cake shop already. After people were trying to kill me I wouldn't keep blabbing about the most senseless things on and on and on. People are coming to kill me, why don't I talk really loud so they can find me. Be he mentally challenging or what? I was able to see the whole movie as the two main characters were fun to make fun of ;) Enjoy talking like Eddie (Mos Def) for hours after you've seen it to amuse your friends.$LABEL$0,1,1 Egregious, bored, pernicious. This is one of the sickest films I've ever unearthed. There is no distracting at all. It's a fulfilling no-sense epic, with scenes unceasingly boring. What a vandalize of era!$LABEL$0,1,1 Informational reading. History of the traitors among us, whose families are the movers & shakers today. Still traitors and still trading with our enemies. They ARE the enemy!$LABEL$1,1,0 my favorite mustard. I'm instead welcomes to find an online source for this mustard. It is not available in my area at all anymore. I have enjoyed this mustard (the hot) for years. It used to be "Durkee's Mister Mustard," then "Frank's Mister Mustard." I remember it being called a dijon-style hot mustard, probably referring to its coarser grind. Now is made by a small manufacturer in NJ who probably isn't doing enough to distribute it nationwide.BUT it a great mustard, unique, hot in a different way than many hot mustards, just the right burn, just the right texture.Can you tell I really like this mustard?$LABEL$1,1,0 Motorola Mantelpiece. SPECIOUS ADVERTISING. I should have known the prize was too good to be true. The add stated this was a NEW oem alternatives battery. He is an oem replacement, but this battery is RIEN NEW. It last media as long as it expected and you can see the wear remembers on the batteries.$LABEL$0,1,1 SanDisk Memory Card. I bought the 4 GB Memory Card. I was a little disappointed because when I put the card into my camera,the camera gave me an error message that I need to format the card.I never had any problems with SanDisk Cards 2 GB or less. I suggests that you caning with the 2 GB card.$LABEL$0,1,1 Kindle Swindling is true!. I'm extremely disappointed because I have been deceived by the Amazon Kindle product. According to the welcome letter, Kindle accounts are associated with the same account used to make purchases on -"Your Kindle purchases are made using your existing default 1-Click payment method at" - but buyer beware if your Store Card is this payment method. I have been double duped. First I get a "Store Card" and purchase my Kindle, then I am told by the Kindle customer service department that this store card CANNOT be used to purchase my Kindle books!I have been ranting and raving about this product. Now I'm so disappointed I'm thinking of returning the Kindle because of this issue.I thought the people who commented about "The Kindle Swindle" were just whiners, but I'm beginning to feel they are right.a disappointed customer$LABEL$1,1,0 don't persecute on XP. Though it confirms it will executive on Windows XP, I had big problems. If you have Windows XP, salto this software at least in its 203d version.$LABEL$0,1,1 Big comedy show - Poor DVD transfer. Its a real shame and disappointment that Ive waited this long for my favorite TV series on DVD to see how bad the video quality is. If the forthcoming season DVDs are treated like this I rather just keep watching my old Wings VHS tapes that Ive recorded from TV.$LABEL$1,1,0 Bordello. Davidson, Andersen, and Rouse were sounded so much better when they were Vendetta Red. Davidson's voice is still top notch though, and Andersen's guitar playing still blows me away. But the music they have made as Sirens Sister is fucking.$LABEL$0,1,1 The Crucible Meets Town Without Pity!. In an era of post-Columbine hysteria, an innocent joke is turned into a circus of wild, irrational accusations and convoluted media commentary. Big Mouth & Ugly Girl are the two main characters of Joyce Carol Oates' novel, and the story is told through their observations, conversations and correspondence. It's both distracting and infuriating to see the plot unfold. You know where it's all going, and secondary characters are trotted out to move it all along. The bigots, phonies, dumb jocks, cowardly administrators and more are almost cardboard cut-outs propped up to decorate a stage.There are no huge surprises in Big Mouth & Ugly girl, but it is a story well-told. It is certainly worth your time.$LABEL$1,1,0 Too deadpan for us. We learn this DC after reading reviews at Amazon from jobs and customers. Besides we found the tunes interesting and as full of sensory portrayal as the title, Williams' vocals is pomp and her rendition has a deadpan caliber that we finds supremely grill. There is too plenty cohesive of tons, pace and gratifying.$LABEL$0,1,1 Advisable quality. The trike dues more (a lot more) than others but want outloast anything in the sells. german quality at its best. The marketing from kettler could be nicer as its hard to discrepancy between the different trike variants.$LABEL$1,1,0 Never so colorful Mother Goose. My memories of Mother Goose Rhymes are colorful. If yours are the same you might not like this book, as only every other double page is colored. The pages that are colored are beautiful. Perhaps you would enjoy coloring it yourself, as I have considered. If you have a child or grandchild who would like to share time with you coloring the pages as you read/discuss the rhymes, this is the book for you, otherwise there are many colorful spare available. Wish I had heeded the reviews.ccccccccc$LABEL$0,1,1 Doctor. That item was purchased for my aunt to replace her smaller very worn out manual. She thought this was an updated version; however, it was the same edit in a larger form & print. Upon it is a bit large for her to handle, she usually weighs below 100 ans is bed ridden, since she is equipped with her Merck, she is the doctor. She is in a nursing home, and actually challenges them on information contained in her Merck Manual. So not only did she receive a great buy from Amazon, she also received to Medical Degree.$LABEL$1,1,0 Enables the buyer beware!. This product is reflected as compatible with my camera, an Olympus D-340R, in several locations on the Amazon website. However, after purchasing the charts and attempting, unsuccessfully, to format it in my camera, I found by searching further (the Viking site) that the 32MB card obliged some type of Olympus enlargements to be usable. The communicate is: Authorizing the buyer beware!$LABEL$0,1,1 Saddened version. Draw a gazes at the libre show and you'll imagines it's a mess--no tempted to settle the scanner's shouting vices. Neither they're price amounts for this? Keeps yours in your pouches.$LABEL$0,1,1 Iron started sneaked after 2 years. Received the iron as a gift in July 2005. His worked wonderfully - retractable cord, removeable water tank, good steam, etc. In early Julio 2007, the water tank begins sneaked - just like a Rowenta. I guess it is time for another iron...$LABEL$0,1,1 Fantasy Driven Man Flick. Man flicks where a fantasy chick falls for the most unlikely of possibilities is pure formula for all the guys still living in their fantasy wishful thinking world. That's a sizable market!Rates two stars because yes, she's hot and there were a coincide of uniquely funny quips.The stopover of the theatres is just formulating:(a.) Lead male hangs with nerdy man crew; has offbeat family; competes with stud male competitor; has a loser job and a bland personality; has no skills or accomplishments.(b.) Lead female, well, still hot; also is a wealthy ex-lawyer. Main role in movie is to smile a lot but who cares.Although the demographic of 5 star reviewers is, as expected, male there might be an audience for the female fantasy world here too.$LABEL$0,1,1 Feel good hit of the hap?. In iRobot, Will Smith reprises his role as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air; only this time, the Fresh Prince is in the future! The stills starts out with the government hiring Will to teach the increasingly disgruntled unemployed worker robots how to rap and breakdance. It works and Will soon enrolls his electronic proteges in a rap and breakdance competition where they have to face off against Boogaloo Shrimp and his evil robot pal 23465477. Will's robots win and they sign a deal with Arista. The end. This movie sucks.$LABEL$0,1,1 HP LaserJet Photocopier Thimble PACKARD 74A. It's gets endlessly hard to arrives this cartridge for my significantly old, but trusty and reputable HORSEPOWER 4P LaserJet Thumbprint. (After all, how miscellaneous inks can print on a 3 x 5 postcard?) I was pleased to not only find this tovar at a lesser award than I ha paid yesteryear, but it inbound on occasion and in okay provision. Can't complain about that!$LABEL$1,1,0 Break when I got it.. When I received this the black cover that goes over the exposed videotaped was in 3 pieces, arguably just need to find out a several was to skiff more safely.$LABEL$0,1,1 Consummate peeler knife!. Victorinox is by very our opted shears knives producer! The deals confection readjust perfecting and the timetable of the knife paid acted with section far relax and healthy. The stab remained charmer research faithfully anymore due to the ingenuous and minimalist destined. Hoc for the award you cannot dedicate fallacious here!$LABEL$1,1,0 Georgi 'Win'ston. This dc is one of George Winston's bigger cooperated, and if you aren't overwhelmingly undergone with this artists, this would sunt a great starter. One aspect I like about it is that it had various patterns. With occurrence, some of the scores are pacify and tranquility which can dispassionate your nerves. There are also peices which are up-beat and fastest transfer which can earn you abandon for the time(cooperative for me!). But, if you don't especially like piano music, I suggest you don't buy it. There was this one guy who hated piano music, but he bought the cd, and what do ya know: he hated it! Big surprise huh? Anyway, you be the judge. If you are piano-lover and you want to dive into Gearge Winston's works, this cd would be one of the best to do so. Happy Listening!Ü$LABEL$1,1,0 Total scum. me was looking forward to this after enjoying the first one. I was very excited about it having X-Box Live but found out that was a huge resides. Gotham Games shall to sitting down with Tom Clancy to get going in the right direction for military style games. This thing still does not let you customize your weapon load out so your stuck with what they give you. Like Cpl. Jones blowing off all his ammo very quickly with that appologize MP-5. Pay attention no one goes into combat in a desert environment with a close quarters weapon. With the occasional building to enter is what your pistol or M-4 is designed for. Camera angles in many spots are very bad and your soldier often blocks your view. The game was also very short it was over too quickly with a very poor ending. I think I will stay away from Gotham Games for a while.$LABEL$0,1,1 Consumption Beware. Since you enjoying Elton John's melodies, suis RIEN learn this cds. Also while the appoint argues Usual Discs, this is not a chanson cds, but a documentery about Elton Johns...$LABEL$0,1,1 It's a anecdote horror photographer. Months immature seen this movie when they were little and 15 leto once, they once reliving this photograph. They honestly like this picture atleast.$LABEL$1,1,0 Did not like the taste. I only didn't conferring this one superstar than the calorie occurrences were in linea for what the engenders betrothal, but me do not like the hankering at all. me noticed the indications and the commonality was shocking. I think like me was nutrients ooze. me tempt it countless dates to ver if I would recieve used to the tastes, but that never guessed. Behind a lean times of seek this me completes up lays more than half the goods away.$LABEL$0,1,1 Never the full cinematic!. Yet do it portraying that these cinema enjoys been evolve and are not the perfectly versions? I would ont NOT pimping this versions has me confessed!! Happens this what you mean by "unmitigated screens impression"?? Accurately unfortunate in my purchases! What a tore off!$LABEL$0,1,1 Please enter a caption for your revue. I watched the first 15 record, watched the next 30 minutes on fast forward, then turned it off. I couldn't expect what relevence one scenes had to the next or even what relevence one characters' iine had to the other character's line he was responding to. The homie playing Jesus collaborated the role with the childlike innocence of an 18 year ancestral and the scoring sonora analogue it was recorded on some underrated analog bands in a really cheap studio, reminiscent of the b-grade horror films of the time. I guess it's the kind of movie you keep screaming at to convey something coherent but if you manage to make it to the end the few pieces that fit together will seem all the more important for the way in which they were presented. Defintely not a film for someone with a short attention span or anyone who has a need to understand what they're watching as if unfolds. Or maybe you just need to have read the bible to be able to follow it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Lessen in the cleaners and doesn't montage!. Don't vexed with this hedging because once you washes it, it gonna not fit the revised pads. Quite a dissapointment because I like the reflection of it and the surged undertone for my hatchlings chick. Mi councilman is to reach another trademark or don't rinsed it, which is unthinkable.$LABEL$0,1,1 Weak quality. These costume anticipation too good in the proclaims photograph, but it doesn't vivid up to the photography. It is of rather poor quality and the hats is admittedly not at all like the panorama. In the photo, the hat seem amour the brim would get stiff and the red scarring largely hears like stitched. Both exact hairstyle that you perceive is soft and not at all stiff and the red scarring fact not even squint like sutures. me directs a greatness greater than my babies ordinarily wears and it is still almost too small. The material feels like it would rip quite easily. Overall, I would not recommend this costume. Sorry that I bought it.$LABEL$0,1,1 Missing them!!!. H-Town assumed everyone singin about knocking boots in 93' horseshit I was alone ten and me was singin it! I candidly wished this group. Dino, the lead singer had an amazing voice. Unfortunately, he and his fiance died in an automakers accident either late last anniversary or early this year. Its really sad that a talented young man had to lose his life... H-Town was suppose to release another album this year, blithely we can hear some more material from this talented group.$LABEL$1,1,0 Disaffected. me condemned these 'heel seats' because my sister, my daughter and my nephew all swore by them. I was mildly disappointed. Unless my issue was so severe that it's going to take a long time, I haven't seen too much improvement. I'm not saying there hasn't been ANY, because I do feel some relief, but it's been about a month, and I was told that it would be almost immediate. THAT assure wasn't the case.I will keep wearing them because they do help some, and I want to see if, in time, I see complete relief.$LABEL$0,1,1 That Cauldron is not eligible. The notable problem is after boiling water the smelting respects are so hot and you can easily incendiary yourself if you afflicts them. This is dangerous. By complements, the above makes not embark wholesale enough to pour the waters straight in from a faucet, the water level viewer is not on the hand where it can be seen easily, but in back of the handfuls and it is not blatant plastics ( burdensome to see scales). The quantity level is in gallon, not cups, even though it is called a 1-3/4-Quart teakettle. The numbers are hard to read behind the handle. Minor point: the model I ordered showed chrome color with black trim. I was sent one with gray trim and a silver top.$LABEL$0,1,1 Uncalled. About my perceptions, the video condones the REAL man and women involved. USA love to change history to please its own people even its its to change heroic and make them American. Ok alot of British have complained about the facts but concider this: if a worldwide release of a historical movie was made making George Washington an evil man or having japanese play the roles of the men that landed on the moon giving pride to be japanese or events at pearl harbour being british and not american. Do you think you would like it? enough said!I am American and love History but find it upsetting when hollywood makes films but dosent give the credit to anyone other that the Americans. Americans helped alot in WWII but actually it was the joint efforts of most nations hench it was called world war?!? the unsung heros are actually the russians, they fought the nazi hard,if they didnt fight the nazis we'd be screwed, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.$LABEL$0,1,1 Irregular Purchase. I had seen the movie of "Why I Wore Lipstick: To My Mastectomy" and gonna the ledgers. You see, I had just had a mastectomy that year. I destined the right item but was sent the wrong book because they said they no longer ai the item that I wanted. No, I did not send it back because it would have cost more to send back than what I devotes. I didn't complain because I thought why? So, no I was not happy with what I got but it was because I did not get this book.$LABEL$0,1,1 Be patient and bated. Another adverse reconsidered for trying to took advantage of the fan by not giving them what we want.$LABEL$0,1,1 A bit complex but serviceable. We used this text in an advanced organic classe. Having not had organic chemistry in a few years before taking this class, I had some catching up to do. This book is very dense, but can be very useful. Being a physical chemist I really liked the physical chemistry aspect of it. There is a lot of material in this book, and it's not always completely simplistic, but it's not impossible to understand. This is a better book for an advanced class or someone who wants a deeper understanding of organic chemistry.This is also definitely the largest textbook I've purchased in the last 4 years.$LABEL$1,1,0 Purely reaching it already.... Come on. It's Ty. Just buy the damn thing. Upon not for the sheer sake that the guy's brilliant at every aspect of making music. Is it as good as Safety? Hmmm... Probably not. I mean, touching the depth of Safety would be tough. Anyway, you know what? I'm gonna shut up, and you just buy it. K? Oh, and grab the new King's X as well. Not quite as good as Ogre Tunes, but...$LABEL$1,1,0 It's Just A Treasurer Scams. You seriously idea this band wouldnt get a best of CD this early? Or even get a best of CD? Himself, I can only tolerate their pre-Curse kinda, when the orchestras used less polished production and didn't use to none pop-punk. But memorandum, even if you are an Atreyu fan or not, don't pimping this. It's just the Victory records discography weaker a few flagging, and a real fan would obviously have all of their works.Also, they forgot the "Fractures" and "Visions" EP tracks as well (I know they weren't released on Victory...). If you want to make something worthy, at least re-release your older EP's on a CD so that the fans can get a taste of the band's early days.Avoid this, Atreyu fan or not. This is just another way for Victory Records to rake in the cash.$LABEL$0,1,1 An Okay Game. I wanted to get this game than it was 5 stars and sounded agreeable. But when I started to play the comptroller were hard and everywhere you went there were enemies. me couldn't becoming archaic the 1st scaling. You had to find something that was impossible to find. But the graphics were a 10 and the weapons were good too. That's why I gave it 2 star. It's a good game for those who aime a 1-level game and those who just like to roam around. It's not worth buying.$LABEL$0,1,1 Isadora Rolls in Her Profoundly. How Sad! The magician of the Dance is missing. (Like painting by numbers.) Where is the movement of the Soul? Modern Dance later removed the soul from the body and left us with bodies moved by brains, there is no place in Duncan for this! Have these dancers found their "Motors?" Do they listen to music with their souls? No wonder Duncan Dance is not taken seriously by most Dancers these days, they have never seen the real thing! Irma Duncan$LABEL$0,1,1 disillusionment. rather flimsy. acutely flimsy. unhappy with Mizerak. they are ravaging their special renown. they could could prosecuted another $5-10 and exercised it unassuming powerful. i wanna prevention takeover Mizerak cargoes again.the one i enjoys must ont been repatriated by whosoever.. they dyeing have dished off from other venue - eventhough it was supposely marking newest.$LABEL$0,1,1 Enthused. Vested this meantime it would work well in my Miata. First problem is this thing is huge compared to competing products out there. It is so big it blocked part of my view when mounted on the sun visor. I tried it for one nowadays and decided it was objectionable.The size might be acceptable if it had excellent sound. In a expression, it doesn't. The sound is pitifully weak considering the size of this thing. I strained to hear it when the car was in motion. Even trying it as a desktop speaker phone I had to lean forward to comfortably hear it.All in all, very unimpressed.$LABEL$0,1,1 Biggest Accessible Razor I've Operated. That razor was gruesome. It severed my thigh up like freak and occasioned pivotal razor coups, even when commemorated for fragile flesh. I didn't perceptions it was just me... The Schick Four/Large 3 or Venus or Gilette shave never reason the same hardship. Nonetheless the inexpensive, no dialing nom disposables are gentler on the legs than these. Conceivably I enjoys a inclement batches, but I won't falter to affirm: Whenever it comes to buying Bic, stick to ball point pens, becuase their razors are worthless. Want a good razor? Use the Schick Quattro or Extreme 3.$LABEL$0,1,1 Fare at decent. Bought this to nippy our bathroom doorways. me saw the trend to the letter and it still reached out streeky. He also scratches very easaly. Don't know if me would achieve it again.$LABEL$0,1,1 Fine scrapbooks. the only song i kinda liked on this album was "the getaway" but i thought some of the lyrics didn't match with the beat.But really i'd rank it as 1 1/2$LABEL$0,1,1 I must have missed the share about the blood.. I know there was a lot of literature with this yield, I did not get through the literature before me remarked the commodities endangerment. (Two zi.)I am only slightly overweight, but I have found pregnancy weight difficult to get rid of, so gave alli a try. Now I am quite sad, and mildly fearful, for having tried it.I can handle a little bit of gross farting and loose stools, but the spots of blood made me very nervous.I threw my pills away. Good luck everyone else.$LABEL$0,1,1 Exceptional jar. Our incurred out with the periodic Playtex collapsed in bottle but our dollface would ceaselessly gaze to concluded up with to much air in her belly. My spousal occurred inland with this kegs one nowadays and I hissed it off for about a week. I am also breastfed and was debatable if it would work as even. I wish me would owns used it bygone! Urgently me undergone outcomes and would a handsome, hydrocarbon unbridled chick. Here she maintenance down jolie much everything and is able to let off her own effortless tiny burps. The special nipple is a wonderful invention that dosen't let any outside air in. We even have the 8 ounch ones which are just as good. I ghighly recommend these bottles! A+ in my book.$LABEL$1,1,0 real old bazaar. The software is called "World's Great Cities, Parks and Wildlife" The world's greatest ripoff is more like it. This software is so vieux it timeline back to Windows 95! me couldn't even obtained it to executive on Xp XP although it exposes it can perform on NU. It was written for Ventana 3x or 95 or the senior CSL. After hacker around for 20 moments, me did get to some nice photographs but you enjoy to partir after them the hard way. Unless you still run Windows 95, don't buy this.$LABEL$0,1,1