easyproject / app.py
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Update app.py
import os
import torch
import gradio as gr
import time
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, pipeline
codes_as_string = '''Acehnese (Arabic script) ace_Arab
Acehnese (Latin script) ace_Latn
Mesopotamian Arabic acm_Arab
Ta’izzi-Adeni Arabic acq_Arab
Tunisian Arabic aeb_Arab
Afrikaans afr_Latn
South Levantine Arabic ajp_Arab
Akan aka_Latn
Amharic amh_Ethi
North Levantine Arabic apc_Arab
Modern Standard Arabic arb_Arab
Modern Standard Arabic (Romanized) arb_Latn
Najdi Arabic ars_Arab
Moroccan Arabic ary_Arab
Egyptian Arabic arz_Arab
Assamese asm_Beng
Asturian ast_Latn
Awadhi awa_Deva
Central Aymara ayr_Latn
South Azerbaijani azb_Arab
North Azerbaijani azj_Latn
Bashkir bak_Cyrl
Bambara bam_Latn
Balinese ban_Latn
Belarusian bel_Cyrl
Bemba bem_Latn
Bengali ben_Beng
Bhojpuri bho_Deva
Banjar (Arabic script) bjn_Arab
Banjar (Latin script) bjn_Latn
Standard Tibetan bod_Tibt
Bosnian bos_Latn
Buginese bug_Latn
Bulgarian bul_Cyrl
Catalan cat_Latn
Cebuano ceb_Latn
Czech ces_Latn
Chokwe cjk_Latn
Central Kurdish ckb_Arab
Crimean Tatar crh_Latn
Welsh cym_Latn
Danish dan_Latn
German deu_Latn
Southwestern Dinka dik_Latn
Dyula dyu_Latn
Dzongkha dzo_Tibt
Greek ell_Grek
English eng_Latn
Esperanto epo_Latn
Estonian est_Latn
Basque eus_Latn
Ewe ewe_Latn
Faroese fao_Latn
Fijian fij_Latn
Finnish fin_Latn
Fon fon_Latn
French fra_Latn
Friulian fur_Latn
Nigerian Fulfulde fuv_Latn
Scottish Gaelic gla_Latn
Irish gle_Latn
Galician glg_Latn
Guarani grn_Latn
Gujarati guj_Gujr
Haitian Creole hat_Latn
Hausa hau_Latn
Hebrew heb_Hebr
Hindi hin_Deva
Chhattisgarhi hne_Deva
Croatian hrv_Latn
Hungarian hun_Latn
Armenian hye_Armn
Igbo ibo_Latn
Ilocano ilo_Latn
Indonesian ind_Latn
Icelandic isl_Latn
Italian ita_Latn
Javanese jav_Latn
Japanese jpn_Jpan
Kabyle kab_Latn
Jingpho kac_Latn
Kamba kam_Latn
Kannada kan_Knda
Kashmiri (Arabic script) kas_Arab
Kashmiri (Devanagari script) kas_Deva
Georgian kat_Geor
Central Kanuri (Arabic script) knc_Arab
Central Kanuri (Latin script) knc_Latn
Kazakh kaz_Cyrl
Kabiyè kbp_Latn
Kabuverdianu kea_Latn
Khmer khm_Khmr
Kikuyu kik_Latn
Kinyarwanda kin_Latn
Kyrgyz kir_Cyrl
Kimbundu kmb_Latn
Northern Kurdish kmr_Latn
Kikongo kon_Latn
Korean kor_Hang
Lao lao_Laoo
Ligurian lij_Latn
Limburgish lim_Latn
Lingala lin_Latn
Lithuanian lit_Latn
Lombard lmo_Latn
Latgalian ltg_Latn
Luxembourgish ltz_Latn
Luba-Kasai lua_Latn
Ganda lug_Latn
Luo luo_Latn
Mizo lus_Latn
Standard Latvian lvs_Latn
Magahi mag_Deva
Maithili mai_Deva
Malayalam mal_Mlym
Marathi mar_Deva
Minangkabau (Arabic script) min_Arab
Minangkabau (Latin script) min_Latn
Macedonian mkd_Cyrl
Plateau Malagasy plt_Latn
Maltese mlt_Latn
Meitei (Bengali script) mni_Beng
Halh Mongolian khk_Cyrl
Mossi mos_Latn
Maori mri_Latn
Burmese mya_Mymr
Dutch nld_Latn
Norwegian Nynorsk nno_Latn
Norwegian Bokmål nob_Latn
Nepali npi_Deva
Northern Sotho nso_Latn
Nuer nus_Latn
Nyanja nya_Latn
Occitan oci_Latn
West Central Oromo gaz_Latn
Odia ory_Orya
Pangasinan pag_Latn
Eastern Panjabi pan_Guru
Papiamento pap_Latn
Western Persian pes_Arab
Polish pol_Latn
Portuguese por_Latn
Dari prs_Arab
Southern Pashto pbt_Arab
Ayacucho Quechua quy_Latn
Romanian ron_Latn
Rundi run_Latn
Russian rus_Cyrl
Sango sag_Latn
Sanskrit san_Deva
Santali sat_Olck
Sicilian scn_Latn
Shan shn_Mymr
Sinhala sin_Sinh
Slovak slk_Latn
Slovenian slv_Latn
Samoan smo_Latn
Shona sna_Latn
Sindhi snd_Arab
Somali som_Latn
Southern Sotho sot_Latn
Spanish spa_Latn
Tosk Albanian als_Latn
Sardinian srd_Latn
Serbian srp_Cyrl
Swati ssw_Latn
Sundanese sun_Latn
Swedish swe_Latn
Swahili swh_Latn
Silesian szl_Latn
Tamil tam_Taml
Tatar tat_Cyrl
Telugu tel_Telu
Tajik tgk_Cyrl
Tagalog tgl_Latn
Thai tha_Thai
Tigrinya tir_Ethi
Tamasheq (Latin script) taq_Latn
Tamasheq (Tifinagh script) taq_Tfng
Tok Pisin tpi_Latn
Tswana tsn_Latn
Tsonga tso_Latn
Turkmen tuk_Latn
Tumbuka tum_Latn
Turkish tur_Latn
Twi twi_Latn
Central Atlas Tamazight tzm_Tfng
Uyghur uig_Arab
Ukrainian ukr_Cyrl
Umbundu umb_Latn
Urdu urd_Arab
Northern Uzbek uzn_Latn
Venetian vec_Latn
Vietnamese vie_Latn
Waray war_Latn
Wolof wol_Latn
Xhosa xho_Latn
Eastern Yiddish ydd_Hebr
Yoruba yor_Latn
Yue Chinese yue_Hant
Chinese (Simplified) zho_Hans
Chinese (Traditional) zho_Hant
Standard Malay zsm_Latn
Zulu zul_Latn'''
def load_models():
# build model and tokenizer
model_name_dict = {
'nllb-1.3B': "ychenNLP/nllb-200-distilled-1.3B-easyproject",
model_dict = {}
for call_name, real_name in model_name_dict.items():
print('\tLoading model: %s' % call_name)
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(real_name)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M")
model_dict[call_name+'_model'] = model
model_dict[call_name+'_tokenizer'] = tokenizer
return model_dict
def translation(source, target, text):
if len(model_dict) == 2:
model_name = 'nllb-1.3B'
start_time = time.time()
source = flores_codes[source]
target = flores_codes[target]
model = model_dict[model_name + '_model']
tokenizer = model_dict[model_name + '_tokenizer']
translator = pipeline('translation', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, src_lang=source, tgt_lang=target)
output = translator(text, max_length=400)
end_time = time.time()
full_output = output
output = output[0]['translation_text']
# result = {'inference_time': end_time - start_time,
# 'source': source,
# 'target': target,
# 'result': output,
# 'full_output': full_output}
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('\tinit models')
codes_as_string = codes_as_string.split('\n')
flores_codes = {}
for code in codes_as_string:
lang, lang_code = code.split('\t')
flores_codes[lang] = lang_code
global model_dict
model_dict = load_models()
# define gradio demo
lang_codes = list(flores_codes.keys())
inputs = [gr.inputs.Dropdown(lang_codes, default='English', label='Source'),
gr.inputs.Dropdown(lang_codes, default='Chinese (Simplified)', label='Target'),
gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=5, label="Input text"),
outputs = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Output text")
title = "EasyProject: a simple end-to-end label projection method for cross-lingual transfer"
demo_status = "Check out our paper: Frustratingly Easy Label Projection for Cross-lingual Transfer (https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.15613). Powered by (ychenNLP/nllb-200-distilled-1.3B-easyproject)."
description = f"{demo_status}"
examples = [
['English', 'Akan', "Davies is leaving to become chairman of the [London School of Economics]"],
['English', 'Telugu', 'Only [1] France [/1] and [2] Britain [/2] backed Fischer ’s proposal.'],
['English', 'Chinese (Simplified)', "[1] Gordon Brown [/1] on Tuesday named the current [2] head [/2] of the country 's energy regulator as the new chairman."],
['English', 'Afrikaans', "[1] Former [/1] senior banker [2] Callum McCarthy [/2] begins what is one of the most important jobs in London"],
['English', 'Kyrgyz', 'i would like to find flights from [0] columbus [/0] to [1] minneapolis [/1] on [2] monday june fourteenth [/2]'],