# Copyright (c) 2022-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. | |
# | |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
# limitations under the License. | |
[project] | |
name = "nvidia-pytriton" | |
readme = "docs/pypi.rst" | |
description = "PyTriton - Flask/FastAPI-like interface to simplify Triton's deployment in Python environments." | |
dynamic = ["version"] | |
classifiers = [ | |
"Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", | |
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research", | |
"Intended Audience :: Developers", | |
"Topic :: Software Development", | |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering", | |
"Programming Language :: Python", | |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3", | |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", | |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", | |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", | |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", | |
"Operating System :: Unix", | |
] | |
authors = [] | |
maintainers = [] | |
keywords = [] | |
license = {text = "Apache 2.0"} | |
requires-python = ">=3.8,<4" | |
dependencies = [ | |
"numpy ~= 1.21", | |
"protobuf>=3.7.0", | |
"pyzmq ~= 23.0", | |
"sh ~= 1.14", | |
"tritonclient[all] ~= 2.39", | |
"typing_inspect ~= 0.6.0", | |
"wrapt >= 1.11.0", | |
] | |
[project.urls] | |
"Documentation" = "" | |
"Source" = "" | |
"Tracker" = "" | |
[project.optional-dependencies] | |
test = [ | |
"pytest ~= 7.2", | |
"pytest-codeblocks ~= 0.16", | |
"pytest-mock ~= 3.8", | |
"pytest-timeout ~= 2.1", # timeouts for non-asyncio tests | |
"alt-pytest-asyncio ~= 0.7", # timeout for asyncio tests | |
"pytype!=2021.11.18,!=2022.2.17", | |
"pre-commit >= 2.20.0", | |
"tox >= 3.23.1", | |
"tqdm >= 4.64.1", | |
"psutil ~= 5.1", | |
"py-spy ~= 0.3", | |
] | |
doc = [ | |
"GitPython >= 3.1.30", | |
"mike >= 2.0.0", | |
"mkdocs-htmlproofer-plugin >= 0.8.0", | |
"mkdocs-material >= 8.5.6", | |
"mkdocstrings[python] >= 0.19.0", | |
] | |
dev = [ | |
"nvidia-pytriton[test]", | |
"nvidia-pytriton[doc]", | |
"black >= 22.8", | |
"build >= 0.8, <1.0.0", # to support --plat-name for multiarch build | |
"ipython >= 7.16", | |
"isort >= 5.10", | |
"pudb >= 2022.1.3", | |
"pip >= 21.3", # to support editable installation | |
"twine >= 4.0", | |
] | |
[build-system] | |
requires = [ | |
"setuptools>=65.3.0", | |
"setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2", | |
"wheel>=0.37.1", | |
] | |
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" | |
[tool.setuptools] | |
include-package-data = true | |
license-files = ["LICENSE"] | |
[tool.setuptools.packages.find] | |
namespaces = false | |
include = ["pytriton"] | |
[tool.setuptools.package-data] | |
pytriton = [ | |
"**/*", | |
] | |
[tool.setuptools.exclude-package-data] | |
pytriton = [ | |
"tritonserver/external_libs/*", | |
] | |
[tool.setuptools_scm] | |
[tool.distutils.bdist_wheel] | |
plat-name = "linux_x86_64" | |
[] | |
line-length = 120 | |
target-version = ['py38'] | |
include = '\.pyi?$' | |
exclude = ''' | |
( | |
/( | |
\.eggs # exclude a few common directories in the | |
| \.git # root of the project | |
| \.hg | |
| \.mypy_cache | |
| \.tox | |
| \.venv | |
| _build | |
| buck-out | |
| build | |
| dist | |
)/ | |
) | |
''' | |
[tool.isort] | |
profile = "black" | |
line_length = 120 | |
[tool.vulture] | |
exclude = [] | |
ignore_decorators = [] | |
ignore_names = [] | |
make_whitelist = true | |
min_confidence = 80 | |
paths = ["pytriton"] | |
sort_by_size = true | |
verbose = false | |