# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. | |
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the | |
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. | |
from __future__ import annotations | |
import logging | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Dict, TypedDict, Optional | |
import yaml | |
from pkg_resources import resource_filename | |
from animated_drawings.utils import resolve_ad_filepath | |
class Config(): | |
def __init__(self, user_mvc_cfg_fn: str) -> None: | |
# get the base mvc config | |
with open(resource_filename(__name__, "mvc_base_cfg.yaml"), 'r') as f: | |
base_cfg = defaultdict(dict, yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) or {}) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType]) | |
# search for the user-specified mvc config | |
user_mvc_cfg_p: Path = resolve_ad_filepath(user_mvc_cfg_fn, 'user mvc config') | |'Using user-specified mvc config file located at {user_mvc_cfg_p.resolve()}') | |
with open(str(user_mvc_cfg_p), 'r') as f: | |
user_cfg = defaultdict(dict, yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) or {}) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] | |
# overlay user specified mvc options onto base mvc, use to generate subconfig classes | |
self.view: ViewConfig = ViewConfig({**base_cfg['view'], **user_cfg['view']}) | |
self.scene: SceneConfig = SceneConfig({**base_cfg['scene'], **user_cfg['scene']}) | |
self.controller: ControllerConfig = ControllerConfig({**base_cfg['controller'], **user_cfg['controller']}) | |
# cannot use an interactive controller with a headless mesa viewer | |
if self.controller.mode == 'interact': | |
try: | |
assert self.view.use_mesa is False, 'cannot use interactive controller when USE_MESA is True' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Config error: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# output video path must be set for render controller | |
if self.controller.mode == 'video_render': | |
try: | |
assert self.controller.output_video_path is not None, 'output_video_path must be set when using video_render controller' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Config error: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# output video codec must be set for render controller with .mp4 output filetype | |
if self.controller.mode == 'video_render' and self.controller.output_video_path is not None and self.controller.output_video_path.endswith('.mp4'): | |
try: | |
assert self.controller.output_video_codec is not None, 'output_video_codec must be set when using video_render controller' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Config error: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
class SceneConfig(): | |
def __init__(self, scene_cfg: dict) -> None: | |
# show or hide the floor | |
try: | |
self.add_floor: bool = scene_cfg['ADD_FLOOR'] | |
assert isinstance(self.add_floor, bool), 'is not bool' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in ADD_FLOOR config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# show or hide visualization of BVH motion driving characters | |
try: | |
self.add_ad_retarget_bvh: bool = scene_cfg['ADD_AD_RETARGET_BVH'] | |
assert isinstance(self.add_ad_retarget_bvh, bool), 'is not bool' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in ADD_AD_RETARGET_BVH config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# config files for characters, driving motions, and retargeting | |
self.animated_characters: List[Tuple[CharacterConfig, RetargetConfig, MotionConfig]] = [] | |
each: Dict[str, str] | |
for each in scene_cfg['ANIMATED_CHARACTERS']: | |
char_cfg_fn: str = each['character_cfg'] | |
motion_cfg_fn: str = each['motion_cfg'] | |
retarget_cfg_fn: str = each['retarget_cfg'] | |
self.animated_characters.append(( | |
CharacterConfig(char_cfg_fn), | |
RetargetConfig(retarget_cfg_fn), | |
MotionConfig(motion_cfg_fn) | |
)) | |
class ViewConfig(): | |
def __init__(self, view_cfg: dict) -> None: # noqa: C901 | |
# set color used to clear render buffer | |
try: | |
self.clear_color: list[Union[float, int]] = view_cfg["CLEAR_COLOR"] | |
assert len(self.clear_color) == 4, 'length not four' | |
for val in self.clear_color: | |
assert isinstance(val, (float, int)), f'{val} not float or int' | |
assert val <= 1.0, 'values must be <= 1.0' | |
assert val >= 0.0, 'values must be >= 0.0' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in CLEAR_COLOR config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set an image to use for the background, if desired | |
try: | |
self.background_image: Union[None, str] = view_cfg["BACKGROUND_IMAGE"] | |
assert isinstance(self.background_image, (NoneType, str)), 'type not NoneType or str' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in BACKGROUND_IMAGE config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set the dimensions of the window or output video | |
try: | |
self.window_dimensions: tuple[int, int] = view_cfg["WINDOW_DIMENSIONS"] | |
assert len(self.window_dimensions) == 2, 'length is not 2' | |
for val in self.window_dimensions: | |
assert val > 0, f'{val} must be > 0' | |
assert isinstance(val, int), 'type not int' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in WINDOW_DIMENSIONS config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set whether we want the character rigs to be visible | |
try: | |
self.draw_ad_rig: bool = view_cfg['DRAW_AD_RIG'] | |
assert isinstance(self.draw_ad_rig, bool), 'value is not bool type' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in DRAW_AD_RIG config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set whether we want the character textures to be visible | |
try: | |
self.draw_ad_txtr: bool = view_cfg['DRAW_AD_TXTR'] | |
assert isinstance(self.draw_ad_txtr, bool), 'value is not bool type' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in DRAW_AD_TXTR config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set whether we want the character triangle->bone assignment colors to be visible | |
try: | |
self.draw_ad_color: bool = view_cfg['DRAW_AD_COLOR'] | |
assert isinstance(self.draw_ad_color, bool), 'value is not bool type' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in DRAW_AD_COLOR config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set whether we want the character mesh lines to be visible | |
try: | |
self.draw_ad_mesh_lines: bool = view_cfg['DRAW_AD_MESH_LINES'] | |
assert isinstance(self.draw_ad_mesh_lines, bool), 'value is not bool type' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in DRAW_AD_MESH_LINES config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set whether we want to use mesa on the back end (necessary for headless rendering) | |
try: | |
self.use_mesa: bool = view_cfg['USE_MESA'] | |
assert isinstance(self.use_mesa, bool), 'value is not bool type' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in USE_MESA config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set the position of the view camera | |
try: | |
self.camera_pos: list[Union[float, int]] = view_cfg['CAMERA_POS'] | |
assert len(self.camera_pos) == 3, 'length != 3' | |
for val in self.camera_pos: | |
assert isinstance(val, (float, int)), f' {val} is not float or int' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in CAMERA_POS config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set the forward vector of the view camera (but it renders out of it's rear) | |
try: | |
self.camera_fwd: list[Union[float, int]] = view_cfg['CAMERA_FWD'] | |
assert len(self.camera_fwd) == 3, 'length != 3' | |
for val in self.camera_fwd: | |
assert isinstance(val, (float, int)), f' {val} is not float or int' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in CAMERA_FWD config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
class ControllerConfig(): | |
def __init__(self, controller_cfg: dict) -> None: | |
# set controller mode | |
try: | |
self.mode: str = controller_cfg["MODE"] | |
assert isinstance(self.mode, str), 'is not str' | |
assert self.mode in ('interactive', 'video_render'), 'mode not interactive or video_render' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in MODE config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set timestep for user interactions in interactive mode | |
try: | |
self.keyboard_timestep: Union[float, int] = controller_cfg["KEYBOARD_TIMESTEP"] | |
assert isinstance(self.keyboard_timestep, (float, int)), 'is not floar or int' | |
assert self.keyboard_timestep > 0, 'timestep val must be > 0' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in KEYBOARD_TIMESTEP config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set output video path (only use in video_render mode) | |
try: | |
self.output_video_path: Union[None, str] = controller_cfg['OUTPUT_VIDEO_PATH'] | |
assert isinstance(self.output_video_path, (NoneType, str)), 'type is not None or str' | |
if isinstance(self.output_video_path, str): | |
assert Path(self.output_video_path).suffix in ('.gif', '.mp4'), 'output video extension not .gif or .mp4 ' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in OUTPUT_VIDEO_PATH config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# set output video codec (only use in video_render mode with .mp4) | |
try: | |
self.output_video_codec: Union[None, str] = controller_cfg['OUTPUT_VIDEO_CODEC'] | |
assert isinstance(self.output_video_codec, (NoneType, str)), 'type is not None or str' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in OUTPUT_VIDEO_CODEC config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
class CharacterConfig(): | |
class JointDict(TypedDict): | |
loc: List[float] | |
name: str | |
parent: Union[None, str] | |
def __init__(self, char_cfg_fn: str) -> None: # noqa: C901 | |
character_cfg_p = resolve_ad_filepath(char_cfg_fn, 'character cfg') | |
with open(str(character_cfg_p), 'r') as f: | |
char_cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) | |
# validate image height | |
try: | |
self.img_height: int = char_cfg['height'] | |
assert isinstance(self.img_height, int), 'type not int' | |
assert self.img_height > 0, 'must be > 0' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in character height config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate image width | |
try: | |
self.img_width: int = char_cfg['width'] | |
assert isinstance(self.img_width, int), 'type not int' | |
assert self.img_width > 0, 'must be > 0' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in character width config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# based on height and width, determine what final img dimension will be (post padding) | |
self.img_dim: int = max(self.img_height, self.img_width) | |
# validate skeleton | |
try: | |
self.skeleton: List[CharacterConfig.JointDict] = [] | |
for joint in char_cfg['skeleton']: | |
# ensure loc input is valid... | |
loc: List[int] = joint['loc'] | |
assert len(loc) == 2, 'joint loc must be of length 2' | |
assert loc[0] >= 0, 'x val must be >= 0' | |
assert loc[0] < self.img_width, 'x val must be < image width' | |
assert loc[1] >= 0, 'y val must be >= 0' | |
assert loc[1] < self.img_height, 'y val must be < image height' | |
# ... then scale to between 0-1 based on img dim | |
loc_x: float = loc[0] / self.img_dim # width | |
loc_y: float = loc[1] / self.img_dim + (1 - self.img_height / self.img_dim) # height | |
# validate joint name | |
name: str = joint['name'] | |
assert isinstance(name, str), 'name must be str' | |
# validate joint parent | |
parent: Union[None, str] = joint['parent'] | |
assert isinstance(parent, (NoneType, str)), 'parent must be str or NoneType' | |
self.skeleton.append({'loc': [loc_x, loc_y], 'name': name, 'parent': parent}) | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error in character skeleton: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate skeleton joint parents | |
try: | |
names: List[str] = [joint['name'] for joint in self.skeleton] | |
for joint in self.skeleton: | |
assert isinstance(joint['parent'], NoneType) or joint['parent'] in names, f'joint.parent not None and not valid joint name: {joint}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error in character skeleton: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate mask and texture files | |
try: | |
self.mask_p: Path = character_cfg_p.parent / 'mask.png' | |
self.txtr_p: Path = character_cfg_p.parent / 'texture.png' | |
assert self.mask_p.exists(), f'cannot find character mask: {self.mask_p}' | |
assert self.txtr_p.exists(), f'cannot find character texture: {self.txtr_p}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating character files: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
class MotionConfig(): | |
def __init__(self, motion_cfg_fn: str) -> None: # noqa: C901 | |
motion_cfg_p = resolve_ad_filepath(motion_cfg_fn, 'motion cfg') | |
with open(str(motion_cfg_p), 'r') as f: | |
motion_cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) | |
# validate start_frame_idx | |
try: | |
self.start_frame_idx: int = motion_cfg.get('start_frame_idx', 0) | |
assert isinstance(self.start_frame_idx, int), 'type not int' | |
assert self.start_frame_idx >= 0, 'start_frame_idx must be > 0' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating start_frame_idx: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate end_frame_idx | |
try: | |
self.end_frame_idx: Optional[int] = motion_cfg.get('end_frame_idx', None) | |
assert isinstance(self.end_frame_idx, (NoneType, int)), 'type not NoneType or int' | |
if isinstance(self.end_frame_idx, int): | |
assert self.end_frame_idx >= self.start_frame_idx, 'end_frame_idx must be > start_frame_idx' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating end_frame_idx: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate frame time override | |
try: | |
self.frame_time: Optional[float] = motion_cfg.get('frame_time', None) | |
assert isinstance(self.frame_time, (NoneType, float)), 'is not None or float' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error in frame_time config parameter: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate groundplane joint | |
try: | |
self.groundplane_joint: str = motion_cfg['groundplane_joint'] | |
assert isinstance(self.groundplane_joint, str), 'groundplane joint must be str' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating groundplane joint: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate forward_perp_joint_vectors | |
try: | |
self.forward_perp_joint_vectors: List[Tuple[str, str]] = motion_cfg['forward_perp_joint_vectors'] | |
assert len(self.forward_perp_joint_vectors) > 0, 'forward_perp_joint_vectors len must be > 0' | |
for each in self.forward_perp_joint_vectors: | |
assert len(each) == 2, 'each list in forrward_perp_joint_vectors must have len = 2' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating forward_perp_joint_vectors: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate scale | |
try: | |
self.scale: float = motion_cfg['scale'] | |
assert isinstance(self.scale, (int, float)), 'scale must be float or int' | |
assert self.scale > 0, 'scale must be > 0' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating scale: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate up | |
try: | |
self.up: str = motion_cfg['up'] | |
assert self.up in ['+y', '+z'], 'up must be "+y" or "+z' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating up: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate bvh_p | |
try: | |
self.bvh_p: Path = resolve_ad_filepath(motion_cfg['filepath'], 'bvh filepath') | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating bvh_p: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
def validate_bvh(self, bvh_joint_names: List[str]) -> None: | |
""" Performs all the validation steps that depend upon knowing the BVH joint names. This should be called once the BVH had been loaded.""" | |
try: | |
for prox_joint_name, dist_joint_name in self.forward_perp_joint_vectors: | |
assert prox_joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'invalid prox_joint name in motion_cfg.forward_perp_joint_vectors: {prox_joint_name}' | |
assert dist_joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'invalid dist_joint name in motion_cfg.forward_perp_joint_vectors: {dist_joint_name}' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating forward_perp_joint_vector joints: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
class RetargetConfig(): | |
class BvhProjectionBodypartGroup(TypedDict): | |
bvh_joint_names: List[str] | |
method: str | |
name: str | |
class CharBodypartGroup(TypedDict): | |
bvh_depth_drivers: List[str] | |
char_joints: List[str] | |
class CharBvhRootOffset(TypedDict): | |
bvh_projection_bodypart_group_for_offset: str | |
bvh_joints: List[List[str]] | |
char_joints: List[List[str]] | |
def __init__(self, retarget_cfg_fn: str) -> None: # noqa: C901 | |
retarget_cfg_p = resolve_ad_filepath(retarget_cfg_fn, 'retarget cfg') | |
with open(str(retarget_cfg_p), 'r') as f: | |
retarget_cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) | |
# validate character starting location | |
try: | |
self.char_start_loc = retarget_cfg['char_starting_location'] | |
assert len(self.char_start_loc) == 3, 'char start loc must be of len 3' | |
for val in self.char_start_loc: | |
assert isinstance(val, (float, int)), 'type must be float or int' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char start location: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate bvh project bodypart groups | |
self.bvh_projection_bodypart_groups: List[RetargetConfig.BvhProjectionBodypartGroup] | |
try: | |
self.bvh_projection_bodypart_groups = retarget_cfg['bvh_projection_bodypart_groups'] | |
for group in self.bvh_projection_bodypart_groups: | |
assert group['method'] in ['pca', 'sagittal', 'frontal'], 'group method must be "pca", "sagittal", or "frontal"' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating bvh_projection_bodypart_groups: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# Check that group names are unique | |
try: | |
group_names = [group['name'] for group in self.bvh_projection_bodypart_groups] | |
assert len(group_names) == len(set(group_names)), 'group names are not unique' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating bvh_projection_bodypart_groups: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char bodypart groups | |
self.char_bodypart_groups: List[RetargetConfig.CharBodypartGroup] | |
try: | |
self.char_bodypart_groups = retarget_cfg['char_bodypart_groups'] | |
for group in self.char_bodypart_groups: | |
assert len(group['bvh_depth_drivers']) > 0, 'bvh_depth_drivers must have at least one joint specified' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_bodypart_groups: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char bvh root offset | |
self.char_bvh_root_offset: RetargetConfig.CharBvhRootOffset | |
try: | |
self.char_bvh_root_offset = retarget_cfg['char_bvh_root_offset'] | |
assert len(self.char_bvh_root_offset['bvh_joints']) > 0, 'bvh_joints list must be greater than zero' | |
for each in self.char_bvh_root_offset['bvh_joints']: | |
assert len(each) > 0, 'each list in bvh_joints must have len > 0' | |
assert len(self.char_bvh_root_offset['char_joints']) > 0, 'char_joints list must be greater than zero' | |
for each in self.char_bvh_root_offset['char_joints']: | |
assert len(each) > 0, 'each list in char_joints must have len > 0' | |
assert isinstance(self.char_bvh_root_offset['bvh_projection_bodypart_group_for_offset'], str), 'bvh_projection_bodypart_group_for_offset must be str' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_bvh_root_offset: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char joint bvh joints mapping | |
self.char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] | |
try: | |
self.char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping = retarget_cfg['char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping'] | |
for key, val in self.char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping.items(): | |
assert isinstance(key, str), 'key must be str' | |
assert isinstance(val, tuple), 'val must be tuple' | |
assert len(val) == 2, 'val must be of len 2' | |
assert isinstance(val[0], str) and isinstance(val[1], str), 'values must be str' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_bvh_root_offset: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char runtime checks | |
self.char_runtime_checks: List[str] | |
try: | |
self.char_runtime_checks = retarget_cfg['char_runtime_checks'] | |
for check in self.char_runtime_checks: | |
assert check[0] in ['above'], 'currently only above check is supported' | |
if check[0] == 'above': | |
assert len(check) == 4, 'above check needs 3 additional parameters' | |
except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_runtime_checks: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
def validate_char_and_bvh_joint_names(self, char_joint_names: List[str], bvh_joint_names: List[str]) -> None: # noqa: C901 | |
# validate bvh_projection_bodypart_groups | |
try: | |
for group in self.bvh_projection_bodypart_groups: | |
for bvh_joint_name in group['bvh_joint_names']: | |
assert bvh_joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'bvh_joint_name not valid: {bvh_joint_name}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating bvh_projection_bodypart_groups: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char_bodypart_groups | |
try: | |
for group in self.char_bodypart_groups: | |
# check that bvh joint drivers are valid bvh joints | |
for bvh_joint_name in group['bvh_depth_drivers']: | |
assert bvh_joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'bvh_depth_driver joint name invalid: {bvh_joint_name}' | |
# check that all char_joints are valid character joints | |
for char_joint_name in group['char_joints']: | |
assert char_joint_name in char_joint_names, f'char_joints joint name invalid: {char_joint_name}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_bodypart_groups: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char_bvh_root_offset | |
try: | |
# check that bvh_projection_bodypart_group_for_offset matches a bvh_projection_bodypart_group name | |
group_names = [group['name'] for group in self.bvh_projection_bodypart_groups] | |
assert self.char_bvh_root_offset['bvh_projection_bodypart_group_for_offset'] in group_names, 'invalid bvh_projection_bodypart_group_for_offset' | |
# check bvh_joints contains valid joints | |
for bvh_joint_name_group in self.char_bvh_root_offset['bvh_joints']: | |
for joint_name in bvh_joint_name_group: | |
assert joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'invalid joint name in bvh_joints: {joint_name}' | |
# check char_joints are valid joints | |
for char_joint_name_group in self.char_bvh_root_offset['char_joints']: | |
for joint_name in char_joint_name_group: | |
assert joint_name in char_joint_names, f'invalid joint name in char_joints: {joint_name}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_bvh_root_offset: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping | |
try: | |
# check that dict keys correspond to valid character joints | |
for char_joint_name in self.char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping.keys(): | |
assert char_joint_name in char_joint_names, f'invalid char_joint_name: {char_joint_name}' | |
# check that dict values correspond to valid bvh joints | |
for bvh_prox_joint_name, bvh_dist_joint_name in self.char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping.values(): | |
assert bvh_prox_joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'invalid bvh_prox_joint_name: {bvh_prox_joint_name}' | |
assert bvh_dist_joint_name in bvh_joint_names, f'invalid bvh_dist_joint_name: {bvh_dist_joint_name}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_joint_bvh_joints_mapping: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
# validate char runtime checks | |
try: | |
for check in self.char_runtime_checks: | |
if check[0] == 'above': | |
# check that, if above test, following 3 params are valid character joint names | |
_, target_joint_name, joint1_name, joint2_name = check | |
assert target_joint_name in char_joint_names, f'above test target_joint_name invalid {target_joint_name}' | |
assert joint1_name in char_joint_names, f'above test joint1_name invalid {joint1_name}' | |
assert joint2_name in char_joint_names, f'above test joint2_name invalid {joint2_name}' | |
except AssertionError as e: | |
msg = f'Error validating char_runtime_checks: {e}' | |
logging.critical(msg) | |
assert False, msg | |
NoneType = type(None) # needed for type checking | |