"""Interface to play against the model. """ import huggingface_hub import chess import uuid import random import wandb import gradio as gr from . import constants model_name = "yp-edu/gpt2-stockfish-debug" headers = {"X-Wait-For-Model": "true"} client = huggingface_hub.InferenceClient( model=model_name, headers=headers ) inference_fn = client.text_generation def plot_board( board: chess.Board, ): try: last_move = board.peek() arrows = [(last_move.from_square, last_move.to_square)] except IndexError: arrows = [] if board.is_check(): check = board.king(board.turn) else: check = None svg_board = chess.svg.board( board, check=check, size=350, arrows=arrows, ) id = str(uuid.uuid4()) with open(f"{constants.FIGURE_DIRECTORY}/board_{id}.svg", "w") as f: f.write(svg_board) return f"{constants.FIGURE_DIRECTORY}/board_{id}.svg" def render_board( current_board: chess.Board, ): fen = current_board.fen() pgn = current_board.variation_san(current_board.move_stack) image_board = plot_board(current_board) return fen, pgn, image_board def play_user_move( uci_move: str, current_board: chess.Board, ): current_board.push_uci(uci_move) return current_board def play_ai_move( current_board: chess.Board, temperature: float = 0.1, top_k: int = 3, ): uci_move = inference_fn( prompt=f"FEN: {current_board.fen()}\nMOVE:", temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, ) current_board.push_uci(uci_move) return current_board def try_play_move( username: str, move_to_play: str, current_board: chess.Board, ): if current_board.is_game_over(): gr.Warning("The game is already over") return render_board(current_board) try: current_board = play_user_move(move_to_play, current_board) if current_board.is_game_over(): gr.Info(f"Congratulations, {username}!") with wandb.init(project="gpt2-stockfish-debug", entity="yp-edu") as run: run.log( { "username": username, "winin": current_board.fullmove_number, "pgn": current_board.variation_san(current_board.move_stack), } ) run.finish() return render_board(current_board) except: gr.Warning("Invalid move") return render_board(current_board) temperature_retries = [ (i+1)/10 for i in range(10) ] for temperature in temperature_retries: try: current_board = play_ai_move(current_board, temperature=temperature) break except: gr.Warning(f"AI move failed with temperature {temperature}") else: gr.Warning("AI move failed with all temperatures") current_board.pop() return render_board(current_board) with gr.Blocks() as interface: with gr.Row(): current_fen = gr.Textbox( label="Board FEN", lines=1, max_lines=1, value=chess.STARTING_FEN, ) current_pgn = gr.Textbox( label="Action sequence", lines=1, value="", ) with gr.Row(): username = gr.Textbox( label="Username to record on leaderboard (should you win)", lines=1, max_lines=1, value="", ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): move_to_play = gr.Textbox( label="Move to play (UCI)", lines=1, max_lines=1, value="", ) play_button = gr.Button("Play") with gr.Column(): image_board = gr.Image(label="Board") static_inputs = [ username, move_to_play, ] static_outputs = [ current_fen, current_pgn, image_board, ] is_ai_white = random.choice([True, False]) init_board = chess.Board() if is_ai_white: init_board = play_ai_move(init_board) state_board = gr.State(value=init_board) play_button.click( try_play_move, inputs=[*static_inputs, state_board], outputs=[*static_outputs, gr.State()], ) interface.load(render_board, inputs=[state_board], outputs=[*static_outputs, gr.State()])