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* Copyright (C) 2023, Inria
* GRAPHDECO research group,
* All rights reserved.
* This software is free for non-commercial, research and evaluation use
* under the terms of the file.
* For inquiries contact
#include "forward.h"
#include "auxiliary.h"
#include <cooperative_groups.h>
#include <cooperative_groups/reduce.h>
namespace cg = cooperative_groups;
// Forward method for converting the input spherical harmonics
// coefficients of each Gaussian to a simple RGB color.
__device__ glm::vec3 computeColorFromSH(int idx, int deg, int max_coeffs, const glm::vec3* means, glm::vec3 campos, const float* shs, bool* clamped)
// The implementation is loosely based on code for
// "Differentiable Point-Based Radiance Fields for
// Efficient View Synthesis" by Zhang et al. (2022)
glm::vec3 pos = means[idx];
glm::vec3 dir = pos - campos;
dir = dir / glm::length(dir);
glm::vec3* sh = ((glm::vec3*)shs) + idx * max_coeffs;
glm::vec3 result = SH_C0 * sh[0];
if (deg > 0)
float x = dir.x;
float y = dir.y;
float z = dir.z;
result = result - SH_C1 * y * sh[1] + SH_C1 * z * sh[2] - SH_C1 * x * sh[3];
if (deg > 1)
float xx = x * x, yy = y * y, zz = z * z;
float xy = x * y, yz = y * z, xz = x * z;
result = result +
SH_C2[0] * xy * sh[4] +
SH_C2[1] * yz * sh[5] +
SH_C2[2] * (2.0f * zz - xx - yy) * sh[6] +
SH_C2[3] * xz * sh[7] +
SH_C2[4] * (xx - yy) * sh[8];
if (deg > 2)
result = result +
SH_C3[0] * y * (3.0f * xx - yy) * sh[9] +
SH_C3[1] * xy * z * sh[10] +
SH_C3[2] * y * (4.0f * zz - xx - yy) * sh[11] +
SH_C3[3] * z * (2.0f * zz - 3.0f * xx - 3.0f * yy) * sh[12] +
SH_C3[4] * x * (4.0f * zz - xx - yy) * sh[13] +
SH_C3[5] * z * (xx - yy) * sh[14] +
SH_C3[6] * x * (xx - 3.0f * yy) * sh[15];
result += 0.5f;
// RGB colors are clamped to positive values. If values are
// clamped, we need to keep track of this for the backward pass.
clamped[3 * idx + 0] = (result.x < 0);
clamped[3 * idx + 1] = (result.y < 0);
clamped[3 * idx + 2] = (result.z < 0);
return glm::max(result, 0.0f);
// Compute a 2D-to-2D mapping matrix from a tangent plane into a image plane
// given a 2D gaussian parameters.
__device__ void compute_transmat(
const float3& p_orig,
const glm::vec2 scale,
float mod,
const glm::vec4 rot,
const float* projmatrix,
const float* viewmatrix,
const int W,
const int H,
glm::mat3 &T,
float3 &normal
) {
glm::mat3 R = quat_to_rotmat(rot);
glm::mat3 S = scale_to_mat(scale, mod);
glm::mat3 L = R * S;
// center of Gaussians in the camera coordinate
glm::mat3x4 splat2world = glm::mat3x4(
glm::vec4(L[0], 0.0),
glm::vec4(L[1], 0.0),
glm::vec4(p_orig.x, p_orig.y, p_orig.z, 1)
glm::mat4 world2ndc = glm::mat4(
projmatrix[0], projmatrix[4], projmatrix[8], projmatrix[12],
projmatrix[1], projmatrix[5], projmatrix[9], projmatrix[13],
projmatrix[2], projmatrix[6], projmatrix[10], projmatrix[14],
projmatrix[3], projmatrix[7], projmatrix[11], projmatrix[15]
glm::mat3x4 ndc2pix = glm::mat3x4(
glm::vec4(float(W) / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(W-1) / 2.0),
glm::vec4(0.0, float(H) / 2.0, 0.0, float(H-1) / 2.0),
glm::vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
T = glm::transpose(splat2world) * world2ndc * ndc2pix;
normal = transformVec4x3({L[2].x, L[2].y, L[2].z}, viewmatrix);
// Computing the bounding box of the 2D Gaussian and its center
// The center of the bounding box is used to create a low pass filter
__device__ bool compute_aabb(
glm::mat3 T,
float cutoff,
float2& point_image,
float2& extent
) {
glm::vec3 t = glm::vec3(cutoff * cutoff, cutoff * cutoff, -1.0f);
float d = glm::dot(t, T[2] * T[2]);
if (d == 0.0) return false;
glm::vec3 f = (1 / d) * t;
glm::vec2 p = glm::vec2(
glm::dot(f, T[0] * T[2]),
glm::dot(f, T[1] * T[2])
glm::vec2 h0 = p * p -
glm::dot(f, T[0] * T[0]),
glm::dot(f, T[1] * T[1])
glm::vec2 h = sqrt(max(glm::vec2(1e-4, 1e-4), h0));
point_image = {p.x, p.y};
extent = {h.x, h.y};
return true;
// Perform initial steps for each Gaussian prior to rasterization.
template<int C>
__global__ void preprocessCUDA(int P, int D, int M,
const float* orig_points,
const glm::vec2* scales,
const float scale_modifier,
const glm::vec4* rotations,
const float* opacities,
const float* shs,
bool* clamped,
const float* transMat_precomp,
const float* colors_precomp,
const float* viewmatrix,
const float* projmatrix,
const glm::vec3* cam_pos,
const int W, int H,
const float tan_fovx, const float tan_fovy,
const float focal_x, const float focal_y,
int* radii,
float2* points_xy_image,
float* depths,
float* transMats,
float* rgb,
float4* normal_opacity,
const dim3 grid,
uint32_t* tiles_touched,
bool prefiltered)
auto idx = cg::this_grid().thread_rank();
if (idx >= P)
// Initialize radius and touched tiles to 0. If this isn't changed,
// this Gaussian will not be processed further.
radii[idx] = 0;
tiles_touched[idx] = 0;
// Perform near culling, quit if outside.
float3 p_view;
if (!in_frustum(idx, orig_points, viewmatrix, projmatrix, prefiltered, p_view))
// Compute transformation matrix
glm::mat3 T;
float3 normal;
if (transMat_precomp == nullptr)
compute_transmat(((float3*)orig_points)[idx], scales[idx], scale_modifier, rotations[idx], projmatrix, viewmatrix, W, H, T, normal);
float3 *T_ptr = (float3*)transMats;
T_ptr[idx * 3 + 0] = {T[0][0], T[0][1], T[0][2]};
T_ptr[idx * 3 + 1] = {T[1][0], T[1][1], T[1][2]};
T_ptr[idx * 3 + 2] = {T[2][0], T[2][1], T[2][2]};
} else {
glm::vec3 *T_ptr = (glm::vec3*)transMat_precomp;
T = glm::mat3(
T_ptr[idx * 3 + 0],
T_ptr[idx * 3 + 1],
T_ptr[idx * 3 + 2]
normal = make_float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float cos = -sumf3(p_view * normal);
if (cos == 0) return;
float multiplier = cos > 0 ? 1: -1;
normal = multiplier * normal;
#if TIGHTBBOX // no use in the paper, but it indeed help speeds.
// the effective extent is now depended on the opacity of gaussian.
float cutoff = sqrtf(max(9.f + 2.f * logf(opacities[idx]), 0.000001));
float cutoff = 3.0f;
// Compute center and radius
float2 point_image;
float radius;
float2 extent;
bool ok = compute_aabb(T, cutoff, point_image, extent);
if (!ok) return;
radius = ceil(max(max(extent.x, extent.y), cutoff * FilterSize));
uint2 rect_min, rect_max;
getRect(point_image, radius, rect_min, rect_max, grid);
if ((rect_max.x - rect_min.x) * (rect_max.y - rect_min.y) == 0)
// Compute colors
if (colors_precomp == nullptr) {
glm::vec3 result = computeColorFromSH(idx, D, M, (glm::vec3*)orig_points, *cam_pos, shs, clamped);
rgb[idx * C + 0] = result.x;
rgb[idx * C + 1] = result.y;
rgb[idx * C + 2] = result.z;
depths[idx] = p_view.z;
radii[idx] = (int)radius;
points_xy_image[idx] = point_image;
normal_opacity[idx] = {normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, opacities[idx]};
tiles_touched[idx] = (rect_max.y - rect_min.y) * (rect_max.x - rect_min.x);
// Main rasterization method. Collaboratively works on one tile per
// block, each thread treats one pixel. Alternates between fetching
// and rasterizing data.
template <uint32_t CHANNELS>
__global__ void __launch_bounds__(BLOCK_X * BLOCK_Y)
const uint2* __restrict__ ranges,
const uint32_t* __restrict__ point_list,
int W, int H,
float focal_x, float focal_y,
const float2* __restrict__ points_xy_image,
const float* __restrict__ features,
const float* __restrict__ transMats,
const float* __restrict__ depths,
const float4* __restrict__ normal_opacity,
float* __restrict__ final_T,
uint32_t* __restrict__ n_contrib,
const float* __restrict__ bg_color,
float* __restrict__ out_color,
float* __restrict__ out_others)
// Identify current tile and associated min/max pixel range.
auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
uint32_t horizontal_blocks = (W + BLOCK_X - 1) / BLOCK_X;
uint2 pix_min = { block.group_index().x * BLOCK_X, block.group_index().y * BLOCK_Y };
uint2 pix_max = { min(pix_min.x + BLOCK_X, W), min(pix_min.y + BLOCK_Y , H) };
uint2 pix = { pix_min.x + block.thread_index().x, pix_min.y + block.thread_index().y };
uint32_t pix_id = W * pix.y + pix.x;
float2 pixf = { (float)pix.x, (float)pix.y};
// Check if this thread is associated with a valid pixel or outside.
bool inside = pix.x < W&& pix.y < H;
// Done threads can help with fetching, but don't rasterize
bool done = !inside;
// Load start/end range of IDs to process in bit sorted list.
uint2 range = ranges[block.group_index().y * horizontal_blocks + block.group_index().x];
const int rounds = ((range.y - range.x + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE);
int toDo = range.y - range.x;
// Allocate storage for batches of collectively fetched data.
__shared__ int collected_id[BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float2 collected_xy[BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float4 collected_normal_opacity[BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float3 collected_Tu[BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float3 collected_Tv[BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float3 collected_Tw[BLOCK_SIZE];
// Initialize helper variables
float T = 1.0f;
uint32_t contributor = 0;
uint32_t last_contributor = 0;
float C[CHANNELS] = { 0 };
// render axutility ouput
float N[3] = {0};
float D = { 0 };
float M1 = {0};
float M2 = {0};
float distortion = {0};
float median_depth = {0};
// float median_weight = {0};
float median_contributor = {-1};
// Iterate over batches until all done or range is complete
for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++, toDo -= BLOCK_SIZE)
// End if entire block votes that it is done rasterizing
int num_done = __syncthreads_count(done);
if (num_done == BLOCK_SIZE)
// Collectively fetch per-Gaussian data from global to shared
int progress = i * BLOCK_SIZE + block.thread_rank();
if (range.x + progress < range.y)
int coll_id = point_list[range.x + progress];
collected_id[block.thread_rank()] = coll_id;
collected_xy[block.thread_rank()] = points_xy_image[coll_id];
collected_normal_opacity[block.thread_rank()] = normal_opacity[coll_id];
collected_Tu[block.thread_rank()] = {transMats[9 * coll_id+0], transMats[9 * coll_id+1], transMats[9 * coll_id+2]};
collected_Tv[block.thread_rank()] = {transMats[9 * coll_id+3], transMats[9 * coll_id+4], transMats[9 * coll_id+5]};
collected_Tw[block.thread_rank()] = {transMats[9 * coll_id+6], transMats[9 * coll_id+7], transMats[9 * coll_id+8]};
// Iterate over current batch
for (int j = 0; !done && j < min(BLOCK_SIZE, toDo); j++)
// Keep track of current position in range
// Fisrt compute two homogeneous planes, See Eq. (8)
const float2 xy = collected_xy[j];
const float3 Tu = collected_Tu[j];
const float3 Tv = collected_Tv[j];
const float3 Tw = collected_Tw[j];
// Transform the two planes into local u-v system.
float3 k = pix.x * Tw - Tu;
float3 l = pix.y * Tw - Tv;
// Cross product of two planes is a line, Eq. (9)
float3 p = cross(k, l);
if (p.z == 0.0) continue;
// Perspective division to get the intersection (u,v), Eq. (10)
float2 s = {p.x / p.z, p.y / p.z};
float rho3d = (s.x * s.x + s.y * s.y);
// Add low pass filter
float2 d = {xy.x - pixf.x, xy.y - pixf.y};
float rho2d = FilterInvSquare * (d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y);
float rho = min(rho3d, rho2d);
// compute depth
float depth = (s.x * Tw.x + s.y * Tw.y) + Tw.z;
// if a point is too small, its depth is not reliable?
// depth = (rho3d <= rho2d) ? depth : Tw.z
if (depth < near_n) continue;
float4 nor_o = collected_normal_opacity[j];
float normal[3] = {nor_o.x, nor_o.y, nor_o.z};
float opa = nor_o.w;
float power = -0.5f * rho;
if (power > 0.0f)
// Eq. (2) from 3D Gaussian splatting paper.
// Obtain alpha by multiplying with Gaussian opacity
// and its exponential falloff from mean.
// Avoid numerical instabilities (see paper appendix).
float alpha = min(0.99f, opa * exp(power));
if (alpha < 1.0f / 255.0f)
float test_T = T * (1 - alpha);
if (test_T < 0.0001f)
done = true;
float w = alpha * T;
// Render depth distortion map
// Efficient implementation of distortion loss, see 2DGS' paper appendix.
float A = 1-T;
float m = far_n / (far_n - near_n) * (1 - near_n / depth);
distortion += (m * m * A + M2 - 2 * m * M1) * w;
D += depth * w;
M1 += m * w;
M2 += m * m * w;
if (T > 0.5) {
median_depth = depth;
// median_weight = w;
median_contributor = contributor;
// Render normal map
for (int ch=0; ch<3; ch++) N[ch] += normal[ch] * w;
// Eq. (3) from 3D Gaussian splatting paper.
for (int ch = 0; ch < CHANNELS; ch++)
C[ch] += features[collected_id[j] * CHANNELS + ch] * w;
T = test_T;
// Keep track of last range entry to update this
// pixel.
last_contributor = contributor;
// All threads that treat valid pixel write out their final
// rendering data to the frame and auxiliary buffers.
if (inside)
final_T[pix_id] = T;
n_contrib[pix_id] = last_contributor;
for (int ch = 0; ch < CHANNELS; ch++)
out_color[ch * H * W + pix_id] = C[ch] + T * bg_color[ch];
n_contrib[pix_id + H * W] = median_contributor;
final_T[pix_id + H * W] = M1;
final_T[pix_id + 2 * H * W] = M2;
out_others[pix_id + DEPTH_OFFSET * H * W] = D;
out_others[pix_id + ALPHA_OFFSET * H * W] = 1 - T;
for (int ch=0; ch<3; ch++) out_others[pix_id + (NORMAL_OFFSET+ch) * H * W] = N[ch];
out_others[pix_id + MIDDEPTH_OFFSET * H * W] = median_depth;
out_others[pix_id + DISTORTION_OFFSET * H * W] = distortion;
// out_others[pix_id + MEDIAN_WEIGHT_OFFSET * H * W] = median_weight;
void FORWARD::render(
const dim3 grid, dim3 block,
const uint2* ranges,
const uint32_t* point_list,
int W, int H,
float focal_x, float focal_y,
const float2* means2D,
const float* colors,
const float* transMats,
const float* depths,
const float4* normal_opacity,
float* final_T,
uint32_t* n_contrib,
const float* bg_color,
float* out_color,
float* out_others)
renderCUDA<NUM_CHANNELS> << <grid, block >> > (
W, H,
focal_x, focal_y,
void FORWARD::preprocess(int P, int D, int M,
const float* means3D,
const glm::vec2* scales,
const float scale_modifier,
const glm::vec4* rotations,
const float* opacities,
const float* shs,
bool* clamped,
const float* transMat_precomp,
const float* colors_precomp,
const float* viewmatrix,
const float* projmatrix,
const glm::vec3* cam_pos,
const int W, const int H,
const float focal_x, const float focal_y,
const float tan_fovx, const float tan_fovy,
int* radii,
float2* means2D,
float* depths,
float* transMats,
float* rgb,
float4* normal_opacity,
const dim3 grid,
uint32_t* tiles_touched,
bool prefiltered)
preprocessCUDA<NUM_CHANNELS> << <(P + 255) / 256, 256 >> > (
P, D, M,
W, H,
tan_fovx, tan_fovy,
focal_x, focal_y,