import functools import json import os from pathlib import Path from pdb import set_trace as st import torchvision import blobfile as bf import imageio import numpy as np import torch as th import torch.distributed as dist import torchvision from PIL import Image from torch.nn.parallel.distributed import DistributedDataParallel as DDP from tqdm import tqdm from guided_diffusion.fp16_util import MixedPrecisionTrainer from guided_diffusion import dist_util, logger from guided_diffusion.train_util import (calc_average_loss, log_rec3d_loss_dict, find_resume_checkpoint) from torch.optim import AdamW from ..train_util import TrainLoopBasic, TrainLoop3DRec import vision_aided_loss from dnnlib.util import calculate_adaptive_weight def get_blob_logdir(): # You can change this to be a separate path to save checkpoints to # a blobstore or some external drive. return logger.get_dir() from ..train_util_cvD import TrainLoop3DcvD # from .nvD import class TrainLoop3DcvD_canoD(TrainLoop3DcvD): def __init__(self, *, model, loss_class, data, eval_data, batch_size, microbatch, lr, ema_rate, log_interval, eval_interval, save_interval, resume_checkpoint, use_fp16=False, fp16_scale_growth=0.001, weight_decay=0, lr_anneal_steps=0, iterations=10001, load_submodule_name='', ignore_resume_opt=False, use_amp=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(model=model, loss_class=loss_class, data=data, eval_data=eval_data, batch_size=batch_size, microbatch=microbatch, lr=lr, ema_rate=ema_rate, log_interval=log_interval, eval_interval=eval_interval, save_interval=save_interval, resume_checkpoint=resume_checkpoint, use_fp16=use_fp16, fp16_scale_growth=fp16_scale_growth, weight_decay=weight_decay, lr_anneal_steps=lr_anneal_steps, iterations=iterations, load_submodule_name=load_submodule_name, ignore_resume_opt=ignore_resume_opt, use_amp=use_amp, cvD_name='cano_cvD', **kwargs) device = # self.canonical_cvD = vision_aided_loss.Discriminator( # cv_type='clip', loss_type='multilevel_sigmoid_s', # device=device).to(device) # self.canonical_cvD.cv_ensemble.requires_grad_( # False) # Freeze feature extractor # self._load_and_sync_parameters(model=self.canonical_cvD, # model_name='cvD') # self.mp_trainer_canonical_cvD = MixedPrecisionTrainer( # model=self.canonical_cvD, # use_fp16=self.use_fp16, # fp16_scale_growth=fp16_scale_growth, # model_name='canonical_cvD', # use_amp=use_amp) # self.opt_cano_cvD = AdamW( # self.mp_trainer_canonical_cvD.master_params, # lr=1e-5, # same as the G # betas=(0, 0.99), # eps=1e-8) # dlr in biggan cfg # if self.use_ddp: # self.ddp_canonical_cvD = DDP( # self.canonical_cvD, # device_ids=[], #, # broadcast_buffers=False, # bucket_cap_mb=128, # find_unused_parameters=False, # ) # else: # self.ddp_canonical_cvD = self.canonical_cvD th.cuda.empty_cache() def run_step(self, batch, step='g_step'): # self.forward_backward(batch) if step == 'g_step_rec': self.forward_G_rec(batch) took_step_g_rec = self.mp_trainer_rec.optimize(self.opt) if took_step_g_rec: self._update_ema() # g_ema # elif step == 'g_step_nvs': # self.forward_G_nvs(batch) # took_step_g_nvs = self.mp_trainer.optimize(self.opt) # if took_step_g_nvs: # self._update_ema() # g_ema elif step == 'd_step': self.forward_D(batch) _ = self.mp_trainer_cvD.optimize(self.opt_cvD) # _ = self.mp_trainer_canonical_cvD.optimize(self.opt_cano_cvD) else: return self._anneal_lr() self.log_step() def run_loop(self): while (not self.lr_anneal_steps or self.step + self.resume_step < self.lr_anneal_steps): # let all processes sync up before starting with a new epoch of training dist_util.synchronize() # batch, cond = next( # if batch is None: batch = next( self.run_step(batch, 'g_step_rec') # batch = next( # self.run_step(batch, 'g_step_nvs') batch = next( self.run_step(batch, 'd_step') if self.step % self.log_interval == 0 and dist_util.get_rank( ) == 0: out = logger.dumpkvs() # * log to tensorboard for k, v in out.items(): self.writer.add_scalar(f'Loss/{k}', v, self.step + self.resume_step) if self.step % self.eval_interval == 0 and self.step != 0: if dist_util.get_rank() == 0: self.eval_loop() # self.eval_novelview_loop() # let all processes sync up before starting with a new epoch of training dist_util.synchronize() if self.step % self.save_interval == 0:, 'cano_cvD') #, 'cano_cvD') dist_util.synchronize() # Run for a finite amount of time in integration tests. if os.environ.get("DIFFUSION_TRAINING_TEST", "") and self.step > 0: return self.step += 1 if self.step > self.iterations: print('reached maximum iterations, exiting') # Save the last checkpoint if it wasn't already saved. if (self.step - 1) % self.save_interval != 0:, 'cano_cvD') #, 'cano_cvD') exit() # Save the last checkpoint if it wasn't already saved. if (self.step - 1) % self.save_interval != 0: #, 'cvD') def forward_D(self, batch): # update D # self.mp_trainer_canonical_cvD.zero_grad() self.mp_trainer_cvD.zero_grad() self.rec_model.requires_grad_(False) # update two D self.ddp_nvs_cvD.requires_grad_(True) # self.ddp_canonical_cvD.requires_grad_(True) batch_size = batch['img'].shape[0] # * sample a new batch for D training for i in range(0, batch_size, self.microbatch): micro = { k: v[i:i + self.microbatch].to( for k, v in batch.items() } with th.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=th.float16, enabled=self.mp_trainer_cvD.use_amp): novel_view_c =[ micro['c'][batch_size // 2:], micro['c'][batch_size // 2:] ]) latent = self.rec_model(img=micro['img_to_encoder'], behaviour='enc_dec_wo_triplane') # TODO, optimize with one encoder, and two triplane decoder cano_pred = self.rec_model(latent=latent, c=micro['c'], behaviour='triplane_dec') # nvs_pred = self.rec_model(latent=latent, # c=novel_view_c, # behaviour='triplane_dec') # d_loss_nvs = self.run_D_Diter( # real=cano_pred['image_raw'], # fake=nvs_pred['image_raw'], # D=self.ddp_cvD) # TODO, add SR for FFHQ d_loss_cano = self.run_D_Diter( real=micro['img_to_encoder'], fake=cano_pred['image_raw'], D=self.ddp_nvs_cvD) # TODO, add SR for FFHQ # log_rec3d_loss_dict({'vision_aided_loss/D_nvs': d_loss_nvs}) log_rec3d_loss_dict({'vision_aided_loss/D_cano': d_loss_cano}) self.mp_trainer_cvD.backward(d_loss_cano) # self.mp_trainer_cvD.backward(d_loss_nvs) def forward_G_rec(self, batch): # update G self.mp_trainer_rec.zero_grad() self.rec_model.requires_grad_(True) # self.ddp_canonical_cvD.requires_grad_(False) self.ddp_nvs_cvD.requires_grad_(False) batch_size = batch['img'].shape[0] for i in range(0, batch_size, self.microbatch): micro = { k: v[i:i + self.microbatch].to( for k, v in batch.items() } last_batch = (i + self.microbatch) >= batch_size with th.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=th.float16, enabled=self.mp_trainer_rec.use_amp): pred = self.rec_model( img=micro['img_to_encoder'], c=micro['c'] ) # render novel view for first half of the batch for D loss target_for_rec = micro pred_for_rec = pred if last_batch or not self.use_ddp: loss, loss_dict = self.loss_class(pred_for_rec, target_for_rec, test_mode=False) else: with self.rec_model.no_sync(): # type: ignore loss, loss_dict = self.loss_class(pred_for_rec, target_for_rec, test_mode=False) # add cvD supervision vision_aided_loss = self.ddp_nvs_cvD( pred_for_rec['image_raw'], for_G=True).mean() # [B, 1] shape last_layer =[ # type: ignore -1].weight # type: ignore d_weight = calculate_adaptive_weight( loss, vision_aided_loss, last_layer, # disc_weight_max=1) * 1 disc_weight_max=0.1) * 0.1 loss += vision_aided_loss * d_weight loss_dict.update({ 'vision_aided_loss/G_rec': vision_aided_loss, 'd_weight': d_weight }) log_rec3d_loss_dict(loss_dict) self.mp_trainer_rec.backward(loss) # no nvs cvD loss, following VQ3D # ! move to other places, add tensorboard if dist_util.get_rank() == 0 and self.step % 500 == 0: with th.no_grad(): # gt_vis =[batch['img'], batch['depth']], dim=-1) gt_depth = micro['depth'] if gt_depth.ndim == 3: gt_depth = gt_depth.unsqueeze(1) gt_depth = (gt_depth - gt_depth.min()) / (gt_depth.max() - gt_depth.min()) # if True: pred_depth = pred['image_depth'] pred_depth = (pred_depth - pred_depth.min()) / ( pred_depth.max() - pred_depth.min()) pred_img = pred['image_raw'] gt_img = micro['img'] if 'image_sr' in pred: pred_img = [self.pool_512(pred_img), pred['image_sr']], dim=-1) gt_img = [self.pool_512(micro['img']), micro['img_sr']], dim=-1) pred_depth = self.pool_512(pred_depth) gt_depth = self.pool_512(gt_depth) gt_vis = [gt_img, gt_depth.repeat_interleave(3, dim=1)], dim=-1) # TODO, fail to load depth. range [0, 1] pred_vis = [pred_img, pred_depth.repeat_interleave(3, dim=1)], dim=-1) # B, 3, H, W vis =[gt_vis, pred_vis], dim=-2)[0].permute( 1, 2, 0).cpu() # ! pred in range[-1, 1] # vis_grid = torchvision.utils.make_grid(vis) # HWC vis = vis.numpy() * 127.5 + 127.5 vis = vis.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) Image.fromarray(vis).save( f'{logger.get_dir()}/{self.step+self.resume_step}_rec.jpg' ) print( 'log vis to: ', f'{logger.get_dir()}/{self.step+self.resume_step}_rec.jpg' ) def forward_G_nvs(self, batch): # update G self.mp_trainer_rec.zero_grad() self.rec_model.requires_grad_(True) # self.ddp_canonical_cvD.requires_grad_(False) self.ddp_nvs_cvD.requires_grad_(False) # only use novel view D batch_size = batch['img'].shape[0] for i in range(0, batch_size, self.microbatch): micro = { k: v[i:i + self.microbatch].to( for k, v in batch.items() } with th.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=th.float16, enabled=self.mp_trainer_cvD.use_amp): pred_nv = self.rec_model( img=micro['img_to_encoder'],[ micro['c'][batch_size // 2:], micro['c'][:batch_size // 2], ])) # ! render novel views only for D loss # add cvD supervision vision_aided_loss = self.ddp_nvs_cvD( pred_nv['image_raw'], for_G=True).mean() # [B, 1] shape loss = vision_aided_loss * 0.1 log_rec3d_loss_dict({ 'vision_aided_loss/G_nvs': vision_aided_loss, }) self.mp_trainer_rec.backward(loss) # ! move to other places, add tensorboard if dist_util.get_rank() == 0 and self.step % 500 == 0: with th.no_grad(): # gt_vis =[batch['img'], batch['depth']], dim=-1) gt_depth = micro['depth'] if gt_depth.ndim == 3: gt_depth = gt_depth.unsqueeze(1) gt_depth = (gt_depth - gt_depth.min()) / (gt_depth.max() - gt_depth.min()) # if True: pred_depth = pred_nv['image_depth'] pred_depth = (pred_depth - pred_depth.min()) / ( pred_depth.max() - pred_depth.min()) pred_img = pred_nv['image_raw'] gt_img = micro['img'] if 'image_sr' in pred_nv: pred_img = [self.pool_512(pred_img), pred_nv['image_sr']], dim=-1) gt_img = [self.pool_512(micro['img']), micro['img_sr']], dim=-1) pred_depth = self.pool_512(pred_depth) gt_depth = self.pool_512(gt_depth) gt_vis = [gt_img, gt_depth.repeat_interleave(3, dim=1)], dim=-1) # TODO, fail to load depth. range [0, 1] pred_vis = [pred_img, pred_depth.repeat_interleave(3, dim=1)], dim=-1) # B, 3, H, W # vis =[gt_vis, pred_vis], dim=-2)[0].permute( # 1, 2, 0).cpu() # ! pred in range[-1, 1] vis =[gt_vis, pred_vis], dim=-2) vis = torchvision.utils.make_grid( vis, normalize=True, scale_each=True, value_range=(-1, 1)).cpu().permute(1, 2, 0) # H W 3 vis = vis.numpy() * 255 vis = vis.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) # print(vis.shape) Image.fromarray(vis).save( f'{logger.get_dir()}/{self.step+self.resume_step}_nvs.jpg' ) print( 'log vis to: ', f'{logger.get_dir()}/{self.step+self.resume_step}_nvs.jpg' )