import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import math from einops import rearrange from pdb import set_trace as st # from .dit_models import DiT, DiTBlock, DiT_models, get_2d_sincos_pos_embed, modulate, FinalLayer from .dit_models_xformers import DiT, DiTBlock, DiT_models, get_2d_sincos_pos_embed, modulate, FinalLayer # from .dit_models import DiT, DiTBlock, DiT_models, get_2d_sincos_pos_embed, modulate, FinalLayer def modulate2(x, shift, scale): return x * (1 + scale) + shift class DiTBlock2(DiTBlock): """ A DiT block with adaptive layer norm zero (adaLN-Zero) conditioning. """ def __init__(self, hidden_size, num_heads, mlp_ratio=4, **block_kwargs): super().__init__(hidden_size, num_heads, mlp_ratio, **block_kwargs) def forward(self, x, c): shift_msa, scale_msa, gate_msa, shift_mlp, scale_mlp, gate_mlp = self.adaLN_modulation( c).chunk(6, dim=-1) # st() x = x + gate_msa * self.attn( modulate2(self.norm1(x), shift_msa, scale_msa)) x = x + gate_mlp * self.mlp( modulate2(self.norm2(x), shift_mlp, scale_mlp)) return x class FinalLayer2(FinalLayer): """ The final layer of DiT, basically the decoder_pred in MAE with adaLN. """ def __init__(self, hidden_size, patch_size, out_channels): super().__init__(hidden_size, patch_size, out_channels) def forward(self, x, c): shift, scale = self.adaLN_modulation(c).chunk(2, dim=-1) x = modulate2(self.norm_final(x), shift, scale) x = self.linear(x) return x class DiT2(DiT): # a conditional ViT def __init__(self, input_size=32, patch_size=2, in_channels=4, hidden_size=1152, depth=28, num_heads=16, mlp_ratio=4, class_dropout_prob=0.1, num_classes=1000, learn_sigma=True, mixing_logit_init=-3, mixed_prediction=True, context_dim=False, roll_out=False, plane_n=3, return_all_layers=False, in_plane_attention=True, vit_blk=...): super().__init__(input_size, patch_size, in_channels, hidden_size, depth, num_heads, mlp_ratio, class_dropout_prob, num_classes, learn_sigma, mixing_logit_init, mixed_prediction, context_dim, roll_out, vit_blk=DiTBlock2, final_layer_blk=FinalLayer2) # st() # no t and x embedder del self.x_embedder del self.t_embedder del self.final_layer torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.clip_text_proj = None self.plane_n = plane_n self.return_all_layers = return_all_layers self.in_plane_attention = in_plane_attention def forward(self, c, *args, **kwargs): # return super().forward(x, timesteps, context, y, get_attr, **kwargs) """ Forward pass of DiT. c: (N, C, H, W) tensor of spatial inputs (images or latent representations of images) """ x = self.pos_embed.repeat( c.shape[0], 1, 1).to(c.dtype) # (N, T, D), where T = H * W / patch_size ** 2 if self.return_all_layers: all_layers = [] # if context is not None: # c = context # B 3HW C for blk_idx, block in enumerate(self.blocks): if self.roll_out: if self.in_plane_attention: # plane-wise output if blk_idx % 2 == 0: # with-in plane self attention x = rearrange(x, 'b (n l) c -> (b n) l c ', n=self.plane_n) x = block(x, rearrange(c, 'b (n l) c -> (b n) l c ', n=self.plane_n)) # (N, T, D) # st() if self.return_all_layers: all_layers.append( rearrange(x, '(b n) l c -> b (n l) c', n=self.plane_n)) # all_layers.append(x) else: # global attention x = rearrange(x, '(b n) l c -> b (n l) c ', n=self.plane_n) x = block(x, c) # (N, T, D) # st() if self.return_all_layers: # all merged into B dim all_layers.append(x) # all_layers.append( # rearrange(x, # 'b (n l) c -> (b n) l c', # n=self.plane_n)) else: # ! already b (n l) c # if blk_idx == 0: # rearrange once # x = rearrange(x, '(b n) l c -> b (n l) c ', n=self.plane_n) x = block(x, c) # (N, T, D) if self.return_all_layers: # all merged into B dim all_layers.append(x) else: x = block(x, c) # (N, T, D) # x = self.final_layer(x, c) # (N, T, patch_size ** 2 * out_channels) # if self.roll_out: # move n from L to B axis # x = rearrange(x, 'b (n l) c ->(b n) l c', n=3) # x = self.unpatchify(x) # (N, out_channels, H, W) # if self.roll_out: # move n from L to B axis # x = rearrange(x, '(b n) c h w -> b (n c) h w', n=3) # st() if self.return_all_layers: return all_layers else: # return return x # class DiT2_DPT(DiT2): # def __init__(self, input_size=32, patch_size=2, in_channels=4, hidden_size=1152, depth=28, num_heads=16, mlp_ratio=4, class_dropout_prob=0.1, num_classes=1000, learn_sigma=True, mixing_logit_init=-3, mixed_prediction=True, context_dim=False, roll_out=False, plane_n=3, vit_blk=...): # super().__init__(input_size, patch_size, in_channels, hidden_size, depth, num_heads, mlp_ratio, class_dropout_prob, num_classes, learn_sigma, mixing_logit_init, mixed_prediction, context_dim, roll_out, plane_n, vit_blk) # self.return_all_layers = True ################################################################################# # DiT2 Configs # ################################################################################# def DiT2_XL_2(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=28, hidden_size=1152, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_XL_2_half(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=28 // 2, hidden_size=1152, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_XL_4(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=28, hidden_size=1152, patch_size=4, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_XL_8(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=28, hidden_size=1152, patch_size=8, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_2(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=24, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_2_stage1(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=24-6, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_2_stage1(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=24-6, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_2_half(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=24//2, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_2_half_ninelayer(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=9, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=2, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_4(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=24, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=4, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_L_8(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=24, hidden_size=1024, patch_size=8, num_heads=16, **kwargs) def DiT2_B_2(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=768, patch_size=2, num_heads=12, **kwargs) def DiT2_B_2_stage1(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, # ! just 12, stage-2 3 layers afterwards. hidden_size=768, patch_size=2, num_heads=12, **kwargs) def DiT2_B_4(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=768, patch_size=4, num_heads=12, **kwargs) def DiT2_B_8(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=768, patch_size=8, num_heads=12, **kwargs) def DiT2_B_16(**kwargs): # ours cfg return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=768, patch_size=16, num_heads=12, **kwargs) def DiT2_S_2(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=384, patch_size=2, num_heads=6, **kwargs) def DiT2_S_4(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=384, patch_size=4, num_heads=6, **kwargs) def DiT2_S_8(**kwargs): return DiT2(depth=12, hidden_size=384, patch_size=8, num_heads=6, **kwargs) DiT2_models = { 'DiT2-XL/2': DiT2_XL_2, 'DiT2-XL/2/half': DiT2_XL_2_half, 'DiT2-XL/4': DiT2_XL_4, 'DiT2-XL/8': DiT2_XL_8, 'DiT2-L/2': DiT2_L_2, 'DiT2-L/2/S1': DiT2_L_2_stage1, 'DiT2-L/2/S1-v2': DiT2_L_2_stage1, 'DiT2-B/2/S1': DiT2_B_2_stage1, 'DiT2-L/4': DiT2_L_4, 'DiT2-L/2-half': DiT2_L_2_half, 'DiT2-L/2-ninelayer': DiT2_L_2_half_ninelayer, 'DiT2-L/8': DiT2_L_8, 'DiT2-B/2': DiT2_B_2, 'DiT2-B/4': DiT2_B_4, 'DiT2-B/8': DiT2_B_8, 'DiT2-B/16': DiT2_B_16, 'DiT2-S/2': DiT2_S_2, 'DiT2-S/4': DiT2_S_4, 'DiT2-S/8': DiT2_S_8, }