from typing import Tuple, List, Sequence, Optional, Union from torchvision import transforms from torch import nn, Tensor from PIL import Image from pathlib import Path from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import numpy as np import numpy.typing as npt from numpy import uint8 ImageType = npt.NDArray[uint8] from transformers import AutoModelForObjectDetection import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.patches import Patch from utils import draw_only_box from unitable import UnitablePredictor from ultralyticsplus import YOLO, render_result from doctrfiles import DoctrWordDetector,DoctrTextRecognizer from utils import crop_an_Image,cropImageExtraMargin from utils import denoisingAndSharpening """ USES YOLO FOR DETECITON INSTEAD OF TABLE TRANSFORMER Table TransFORMER """ html_table_template = ( lambda table: f""" {table}
""" ) class DetectionAndOcrTable3(): #This components can take in entire pdf page as input , scan for tables and return the table in html format #Uses the full unitable model - different to DetectionAndOcrTable1 def __init__(self,englishFlag = True): self.unitablePredictor = UnitablePredictor() self.detector = YOLO('foduucom/table-detection-and-extraction') # set model parameters self.detector.overrides['conf'] = 0.25 # NMS confidence threshold self.detector.overrides['iou'] = 0.45 # NMS IoU threshold self.detector.overrides['agnostic_nms'] = False # NMS class-agnostic self.detector.overrides['max_det'] = 1000 # maximum number of detections per image self.wordDetector = DoctrWordDetector(architecture="db_resnet50", path_weights="doctrfiles/models/", path_config_json ="doctrfiles/models/db_resnet50_config.json") if englishFlag: self.textRecognizer = DoctrTextRecognizer(architecture="master", path_weights="./doctrfiles/models/", path_config_json="./doctrfiles/models/master.json") else: self.textRecognizer = DoctrTextRecognizer(architecture="parseq", path_weights="./doctrfiles/models/doctr-multilingual-parseq.bin", path_config_json="./doctrfiles/models/multilingual-parseq-config.json") @staticmethod def save_detection(detected_lines_images:List[ImageType], prefix = './res/test1/res_'): i = 0 for img in detected_lines_images: pilimg = Image.fromarray(img)'.png') i=i+1 @staticmethod def build_table_from_html_and_cell( structure: List[str], content: List[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """Build table from html and cell token list""" assert structure is not None html_code = list() # deal with empty table if content is None: content = ["placeholder"] * len(structure) for tag in structure: if tag in ("[]", ">[]"): if len(content) == 0: continue cell = content.pop(0) html_code.append(tag.replace("[]", cell)) else: html_code.append(tag) return html_code """ Valid 'Boxes' object attributes and properties are: Attributes: boxes (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): A tensor or numpy array containing the detection boxes, with shape (num_boxes, 6). orig_shape (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): Original image size, in the format (height, width). Properties: xyxy (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xyxy format. conf (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): The confidence values of the boxes. cls (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): The class values of the boxes. xywh (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xywh format. xyxyn (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xyxy format normalized by original image size. xywhn (torch.Tensor) or (numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xywh format normalized by original image size. """ # Image is page image def predict(self,image:Image.Image,debugfolder_filename_page_name = None,denoise =False): results = self.detector.predict(image) #Array of bboxes bbxs = results[0] #Array of confidences conf = results[0].boxes.conf.float().tolist() print(bbxs) print(conf) #images_to_recognizer = cropImage(bxs, img) img_to_save = draw_only_box(image, bbxs)"detectionBoxRes.png", quality=95) # we need something to draw the detection cropped_tables =[] for i in range (len(bbxs)): # TODO: find the right confidence and padding values if conf[i]< 0.65: continue padded = [bbxs[i][0]-10,bbxs[i][1]-10,bbxs[i][2]+10,bbxs[i][3]+10] cropped_table = image.convert("RGB").crop(padded) +"yolo_cropped_table_"+str(i)+".png") cropped_tables.append(cropped_table) print("number of cropped tables found: "+str(len(cropped_tables))) # Step 1: Unitable #This take PIL Images as input if cropped_tables != []: if denoise: cropped_tables =denoisingAndSharpening(cropped_tables) pred_htmls, pred_bboxs = self.unitablePredictor.predict(cropped_tables,debugfolder_filename_page_name) table_codes = [] for k in range(len(cropped_tables)): pred_html =pred_htmls[k] pred_bbox = pred_bboxs[k] # Some tabless have a lot of words in their header # So for the headers, give doctr word ddetector doesn't work when the images aren't square table_header_cells = 0 header_exists = False for cell in pred_html: if cell=='>[]' or cell == '[]': table_header_cells += 1 if cell =='': header_exists = True break if not header_exists: table_header_cells = 0 pred_cell = [] cell_imgs_to_viz = [] cell_img_num=0 # Find what one line should be if there is a cell with a single line one_line_height = 100000 for i in range(table_header_cells): box = pred_bbox[i] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box current_box_height = abs(ymax-ymin) if current_box_height 0 and current_box_height>one_line_height+5: cell_img= cropImageExtraMargin([fourbytwo],cropped_tables[k],margin=1.4)[0] table_header_cells -= 1 #List of 4 x 2 detection_results = self.wordDetector.predict(cell_img,sort_vertical=True) input_to_recog = [] if detection_results == []: input_to_recog.append(cell_img) else: for wordbox in detection_results: cropped_image= crop_an_Image(,cell_img) if cropped_image.shape[0] >0 and cropped_image.shape[1]>0: input_to_recog.append(cropped_image) else: print("Empty image") else: cell_img = crop_an_Image(fourbytwo,cropped_tables[k]) if table_header_cells>0: table_header_cells -= 1 if cell_img.shape[0] >0 and cell_img.shape[1]>0: input_to_recog =[cell_img] cell_imgs_to_viz.append(cell_img) if input_to_recog != []: words = self.textRecognizer.predict_for_tables(input_to_recog) cell_output = " ".join(words) pred_cell.append(cell_output) else: #Don't lose empty cell pred_cell.append("") #self.save_detection(cell_imgs_to_viz,prefix = './res/test4/cell_imgs_') print(pred_cell) #Step3 : pred_code = self.build_table_from_html_and_cell(pred_html, pred_cell) pred_code = "".join(pred_code) pred_code = html_table_template(pred_code) soup = bs(pred_code) #formatted and indented) string representation of the HTML document table_code = soup.prettify() print(table_code) table_codes.append(table_code) return table_codes return []