Polos-Demo / polos /models /ranking /polos_ranker.py
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Polos Ranker Model
The goal of this model is to rank good translations closer to the reference and source text
and bad translations further by a small margin.
from argparse import Namespace
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm import tqdm
from polos.models.ranking.ranking_base import RankingBase
from polos.models.utils import move_to_cuda
from torchnlp.utils import collate_tensors
class PolosRanker(RankingBase): # extends ptl.LightningModule
Polos Ranker class that uses a pretrained encoder to extract features
from the sequences and then passes those features through a Triplet Margin Loss.
:param hparams: Namespace containing the hyperparameters.
def __init__(self, hparams: Namespace) -> None:
def compute_metrics(self, outputs: List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]) -> dict:
""" Computes WMT19 shared task kendall tau like metric. """
distance_pos, distance_neg = [], []
for minibatch in outputs:
minibatch = minibatch["val_prediction"]
src_embedding = minibatch["src_sentemb"]
ref_embedding = minibatch["ref_sentemb"]
pos_embedding = minibatch["pos_sentemb"]
neg_embedding = minibatch["neg_sentemb"]
distance_src_pos = F.pairwise_distance(pos_embedding, src_embedding)
distance_ref_pos = F.pairwise_distance(pos_embedding, ref_embedding)
harmonic_distance_pos = (2 * distance_src_pos * distance_ref_pos) / (
distance_src_pos + distance_ref_pos
distance_src_neg = F.pairwise_distance(neg_embedding, src_embedding)
distance_ref_neg = F.pairwise_distance(neg_embedding, ref_embedding)
harmonic_distance_neg = (2 * distance_src_neg * distance_ref_neg) / (
distance_src_neg + distance_ref_neg
return {
"kendall": self.metrics.compute(
torch.cat(distance_pos), torch.cat(distance_neg)
def compute_loss(self, model_out: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], *args) -> torch.Tensor:
# forwardの結果がmodel_outに入っているのでlossを計算
Computes Triplet Margin Loss for both the reference and the source.
:param model_out: model specific output with src_anchor, ref_anchor, pos and neg
sentence embeddings.
# 参考
# "src_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(src_tokens, src_lengths),
# "ref_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(ref_tokens, ref_lengths),
# "pos_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(pos_tokens, pos_lengths),
# "neg_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(neg_tokens, neg_lengths),
ref_anchor = model_out["ref_sentemb"]
src_anchor = model_out["src_sentemb"]
positive = model_out["pos_sentemb"]
negative = model_out["neg_sentemb"]
return self.loss(src_anchor, positive, negative) + self.loss(
ref_anchor, positive, negative
def predict(
samples: Dict[str, str],
cuda: bool = False,
show_progress: bool = False,
batch_size: int = -1,
) -> (Dict[str, Union[str, float]], List[float]):
"""Function that runs a model prediction,
:param samples: List of dictionaries with 'mt' and 'ref' keys.
:param cuda: Flag that runs inference using 1 single GPU.
:param show_progress: Flag to show progress during inference of multiple examples.
:para batch_size: Batch size used during inference. By default uses the same batch size used during training.
:return: Dictionary with model outputs
if self.training:
if cuda and torch.cuda.is_available():
batch_size = self.hparams.batch_size if batch_size < 1 else batch_size
with torch.no_grad():
batches = [
samples[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(samples), batch_size)
model_inputs = []
if show_progress:
pbar = tqdm(
total=len(batches), desc="Preparing batches....", dynamic_ncols=True
for batch in batches:
model_inputs.append(self.prepare_sample(batch, inference=True))
if show_progress:
if show_progress:
if show_progress:
pbar = tqdm(
total=len(batches), desc="Scoring hypothesis...", dynamic_ncols=True
distance_weighted, distance_src, distance_ref = [], [], []
for k, model_input in enumerate(model_inputs):
src_input, mt_input, ref_input, alt_input = model_input
if cuda and torch.cuda.is_available():
src_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(
mt_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(
ref_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(
ref_distances = F.pairwise_distance(
mt_embeddings, ref_embeddings
src_distances = F.pairwise_distance(
mt_embeddings, src_embeddings
# When 2 references are given the distance to the reference is the Min between
# both references.
if alt_input is not None:
alt_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(
alt_distances = F.pairwise_distance(
mt_embeddings, alt_embeddings
ref_distances = torch.stack([ref_distances, alt_distances])
ref_distances = ref_distances.min(dim=0).values
src_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(**src_input)
mt_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(**mt_input)
ref_embeddings = self.get_sentence_embedding(**ref_input)
ref_distances = F.pairwise_distance(mt_embeddings, ref_embeddings)
src_distances = F.pairwise_distance(mt_embeddings, src_embeddings)
# Harmonic mean between the distances:
distances = (2 * ref_distances * src_distances) / (
ref_distances + src_distances
src_distances = ref_distances.numpy().tolist()
ref_distances = ref_distances.numpy().tolist()
distances = distances.numpy().tolist()
for i in range(len(distances)):
distance_weighted.append(1 / (1 + distances[i]))
distance_src.append(1 / (1 + src_distances[i]))
distance_ref.append(1 / (1 + ref_distances[i]))
if show_progress:
if show_progress:
assert len(distance_weighted) == len(samples)
scores = []
for i in range(len(samples)):
samples[i]["predicted_score"] = scores[-1]
samples[i]["reference_distance"] = distance_ref[i]
samples[i]["source_distance"] = distance_src[i]
return samples, scores
def prepare_sample(
self, sample: List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]], inference: bool = False
) -> Union[Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], None], List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]:
Function that prepares a sample to input the model.
:param sample: list of dictionaries.
:param inference: If set to to False, then the model expects
a MT and reference instead of anchor, pos, and neg segments.
:return: Tuple with a dictionary containing the model inputs and None OR List
with source, MT and reference tokenized and vectorized.
sample = collate_tensors(sample)
if inference:
src_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["src"])
mt_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["mt"])
ref_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["ref"])
alt_inputs = (
self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["alt"]) if "alt" in sample else None
return src_inputs, mt_inputs, ref_inputs, alt_inputs
ref_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["ref"])
src_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["src"])
pos_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["pos"])
neg_inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["neg"])
ref_inputs = {"ref_" + k: v for k, v in ref_inputs.items()}
src_inputs = {"src_" + k: v for k, v in src_inputs.items()}
pos_inputs = {"pos_" + k: v for k, v in pos_inputs.items()}
neg_inputs = {"neg_" + k: v for k, v in neg_inputs.items()}
return {**ref_inputs, **src_inputs, **pos_inputs, **neg_inputs}, torch.empty(0)
def forward(
src_tokens: torch.tensor,
ref_tokens: torch.tensor,
pos_tokens: torch.tensor,
neg_tokens: torch.tensor,
src_lengths: torch.tensor,
ref_lengths: torch.tensor,
pos_lengths: torch.tensor,
neg_lengths: torch.tensor,
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
Function that encodes the anchor, positive samples and negative samples
and returns embeddings for the triplet.
:param src_tokens: anchor sequences [batch_size x anchor_seq_len]
:param ref_tokens: anchor sequences [batch_size x anchor_seq_len]
:param pos_tokens: positive sequences [batch_size x pos_seq_len]
:param neg_tokens: negative sequences [batch_size x neg_seq_len]
:param src_lengths: anchor lengths [batch_size]
:param ref_lengths: anchor lengths [batch_size]
:param pos_lengths: positive lengths [batch_size]
:param neg_lengths: negative lengths [batch_size]
:return: Dictionary with model outputs to be passed to the loss function.
return {
"src_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(src_tokens, src_lengths),
"ref_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(ref_tokens, ref_lengths),
"pos_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(pos_tokens, pos_lengths),
"neg_sentemb": self.get_sentence_embedding(neg_tokens, neg_lengths),