from typing import * import random import torch from torch import Tensor from torchmetrics.metric import Metric from torchmetrics.utilities import rank_zero_info import clip import torch.nn.functional as F from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image def read_image(imgid): from pathlib import Path vanilla = Path(imgid) fixed = Path(f"data_en/images/{imgid}") assert not (vanilla.exists() == fixed.exists()) # 両者共に存在/不在だと困る path = vanilla if vanilla.exists() else fixed return"RGB") class MID(): def __init__(self,device="cuda"): self.clip, self.clip_preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device=device) self.device = device def batchify(self, targets, batch_size): return [targets[i:i+batch_size] for i in range(0,len(targets),batch_size)] def __call__(self, mt_list, refs_list, img_list, no_ref=False): B = 32 mt_list, refs_list, img_list = [self.batchify(x,B) for x in [mt_list,refs_list,img_list]] scores = [] assert len(mt_list) == len(refs_list) == len(img_list) for mt, refs, imgs in (pbar:= tqdm(zip(mt_list,refs_list, img_list),total=len(mt_list))): pbar.set_description(f"MID") imgs = [read_image(imgid) for imgid in imgs] refs_token = [] for ref_list in refs: refs_token.append([clip.tokenize(ref,truncate=True).to(self.device) for ref in ref_list]) refs =[,dim=0) for ref in refs_token], dim=0) mts = clip.tokenize([x for x in mt],truncate=True).to(self.device) imgs =[self.clip_preprocess(img).unsqueeze(0) for img in imgs],dim=0).to(self.device) imgs = self.clip.encode_image(imgs) mts = self.clip.encode_text(mts) refs = self.clip.encode_text(refs) compute_pmi(imgs,refs,mts) return scores def log_det(X): eigenvalues = X.svd()[1] return eigenvalues.log().sum() def robust_inv(x, eps=0): Id = torch.eye(x.shape[0]).to(x.device) return (x + eps * Id).inverse() def exp_smd(a, b, reduction=True): a_inv = robust_inv(a) if reduction: assert b.shape[0] == b.shape[1] return (a_inv @ b).trace() else: return (b @ a_inv @ b.t()).diag() def compute_pmi(x: Tensor, y: Tensor, x0: Tensor, limit: int = 30000, reduction: bool = True, full: bool = False) -> Tensor: r""" A numerical stable version of the MID score. Args: x (Tensor): features for real samples y (Tensor): features for text samples x0 (Tensor): features for fake samples limit (int): limit the number of samples reduction (bool): returns the expectation of PMI if true else sample-wise results full (bool): use full samples from real images Returns: Scalar value of the mutual information divergence between the sets. """ N = x.shape[0] excess = N - limit if 0 < excess: if not full: x = x[:-excess] y = y[:-excess] x0 = x0[:-excess] N = x.shape[0] M = x0.shape[0] assert N >= x.shape[1], "not full rank for matrix inversion!" if x.shape[0] < 30000: rank_zero_info("if it underperforms, please consider to use " "the epsilon of 5e-4 or something else.") z =[x, y], dim=-1) z0 =[x0, y[:x0.shape[0]]], dim=-1) x_mean = x.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) y_mean = y.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) z_mean =[x_mean, y_mean], dim=-1) x0_mean = x0.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) z0_mean = z0.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) X = (x - x_mean).t() @ (x - x_mean) / (N - 1) Y = (y - y_mean).t() @ (y - y_mean) / (N - 1) Z = (z - z_mean).t() @ (z - z_mean) / (N - 1) X0 = (x0 - x_mean).t() @ (x0 - x_mean) / (M - 1) # use the reference mean Z0 = (z0 - z_mean).t() @ (z0 - z_mean) / (M - 1) # use the reference mean alternative_comp = False # notice that it may have numerical unstability. we don't use this. if alternative_comp: def factorized_cov(x, m): N = x.shape[0] return (x.t() @ x - N * m.t() @ m) / (N - 1) X0 = factorized_cov(x0, x_mean) Z0 = factorized_cov(z0, z_mean) # assert double precision for _ in [X, Y, Z, X0, Z0]: assert _.dtype == torch.float64 # Expectation of PMI mi = (log_det(X) + log_det(Y) - log_det(Z)) / 2 rank_zero_info(f"MI of real images: {mi:.4f}") # Squared Mahalanobis Distance terms if reduction: smd = (exp_smd(X, X0) + exp_smd(Y, Y) - exp_smd(Z, Z0)) / 2 else: smd = (exp_smd(X, x0 - x_mean, False) + exp_smd(Y, y - y_mean, False) - exp_smd(Z, z0 - z_mean, False)) / 2 mi = mi.unsqueeze(0) # for broadcasting return mi + smd