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"From files: pickles/science_pickles/science_A,B.p, uber_topics_80.jsonl",,Which passage is more topic relevant?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Shannon,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Raymis,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Hayley,,,,,,,,,,,,
"The relationship between the human body and its environment is complex and interdependent. The environmental factors influencing metabolism, such as oxygenation, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), temperature, humidity, and temperature gradients, affect the metabolism of nutrients and proteins in the body. The effects of these environmental factors are mediated through the interaction of the cells with the cellular environment (i.e., metabolism, cell cycle","The relationship between the number of people in a country and its GDP is well known to anyone who has ever taken an economics class.
But what about other countries? What are their numbers? How do they compare with ours? And how can we use this information to make better decisions?
I have been thinking for some time that it would be interesting if there was a way to",A,4,3,,A,4,4,,A,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,16_882_839
"Emphasised are the words ""emphasised"" and ""not exaggerated"".
I am not a scientist, but this is what my understanding of science is. The idea that there could be life on other planets in our solar system has been around for quite some time. It was first proposed by Carl Sagan back in 1979. He said it would take about 100 years to find out if we were alone or not.","Emphasised are the effects of exposure to the chemical compounds that are used to make plastic in a variety of ways: plastic bags, plastic bottles and polycarbonate containers (PCBs).
The chemical pollutants in these products can also affect human health, such as cancer, reproductive problems, birth defects, and the effects of exposure.
It is also estimated that the plastic chemicals in",Both,3,4,,Both,3,4,,Both,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,14_849_744
"Foundational to this is the idea that the human brain is a highly evolved and sophisticated machine. As you learn how to use this machine to make sense of and manipulate data, you become smarter, and more efficient in your daily operations of your machine. The ability to think about and solve problems and data science problems becomes easier for all of us with data science tools. Data science tools are becoming increasingly","Foundational to this is the idea that there are two types of people in our society. The first type have a strong belief in God and believe he created everything we see around us. They also tend to be more religious than those who do not believe.
This second group has no such belief. In fact, they often think science can explain everything. For example, if you ask them why it rains when it's",A,5,4,,A,5,4,,A,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,4_610_623
"The central theme to this article is that there's no such thing as a perfect human body, and that the only real way to determine what kind of human is best is to test a lot of human body parts. I've spent some considerable effort testing different parts of the human body.
There's not much to the study, but it does have some interesting results that might lead you to","The central theme of the book is that we are all born with a certain amount of free will and it can be exercised in many different ways.
I have read some other books on this topic but they were either too technical or just didn't make much sense. This one seems to do both. It also has an interesting discussion about how our brains work which was very interesting.
If you want",A,4,3,,A,4,3,,A,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,9_50_869
"The key aspect of the story is that it was a very small group of people who were able to get together and do something about it.
I think this is what makes Reddit so great. It has an amazing community with many different types of people. There are those who just want to talk about their favorite topics or have fun in general. Then there are those like me who enjoy reading stories","The key aspect discussed in this article is that the two main sources – one from the scientific community and one from the media – are not always mutually consistent.
In science there are multiple scientific studies and many scientific papers are published each year, yet there is very little data or knowledge on which the conclusions are based and therefore, no scientific study is 100 percent scientific – or even completely scientific!",B,4,4,,B,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,11_29_754
"In this essay I will explain why the universe is expanding and how it came to be that way.
The Universe has always existed in a state of constant expansion. This expansion was caused by an event called inflation. It happened when all matter became so dense as to become undetectable from our vantage point. We can see light because we are able to detect gravitational waves which travel at nearly the speed of","In this essay, you will learn about what is meant by the ""social justice"" term ""justice"" and how it can be defined in a number of different ways: from a scientific perspective, from a moral, and from a social perspective.
The Science of Social Science
Social science is science concerned with the study of behavior and its consequences. It studies human behavior by examining data",Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,19_335_440
"Views on the subject are divided between those who believe that it is a good idea to have an atheist in charge of our country and others who think it's not necessary.
I am one of the latter group. I'm also very skeptical about religion as well. But what do you guys think? Is there any way we can get rid of this guy without having him be president? Or should he just stay","Views on the issue are mixed. The American Medical Association recently concluded that the practice of circumcision has no medical benefits and that it is unethical, and a recent study suggests some medical experts disagree.
But in an article posted online, scientists from the University of California, Berkeley, show the scientific evidence is inconclusive, at best, and that circumcision has health benefits for children.
"In summary:
The main goal of this paper is to examine whether a specific form of self-regulation, the self–regulation of emotion (or emotion‐driven behavior), can explain a wide range of observed and hypothesized effects of social and psychological data on intelligence, including those that are observed in the scientific literature and are associated with intelligence (e.g., research studies of the brain,","In summary , the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate . The expansion of space and time are two different things that can be measured independently by measuring how fast something moves in a straight line ( i.e. speed ) or how far away it appears to move from you ( distance ).
* If we measure both these things simultaneously then they will cancel each other out so there 's no acceleration . This",Both,2,4,,Both,3,4,,B,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,0_644_197
"It has been shown that in the human retina the photoreceptor cells of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC), which are involved in visual perception, are sensitive to light, which in turn leads to visual acuity, which is important for the function of the visual system. However, it was not until the advent of cell-based photoreceptors which are made in vivo","It has been shown that the brain is able to process information in a way similar to how it processes visual information.
This means that we can use our brains as computers and have them do things like play games or read books on paper. The problem with this idea is that there are no known ways for us to make these connections between what we see and what we think about it. We know",A,4,4,,A,4,5,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,17_518_199
"More importantly, it's the right time to do something.
It's time to step away from the comfort of home and the world of business and move on to an exciting new chapter. The new chapter will take the business and technology world to a new scale. It will transform how we build, measure and understand data.
This book, Data Science for Business and Data Scientists:","More importantly, why is it that the US government has been so slow to recognize and address this problem?
I know there are a lot of reasons for this, but one thing seems clear - they have not done enough research into how these things work. The problem with our current system is that we do not understand what happens when you take away your right to vote. We don't even really think about",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,12_720_219
"An illustration of the difference between a normal human and an alien
I was reading about aliens in my science class today and this is what they were talking about. The picture shows two people standing next to each other with their arms outstretched like they're holding hands. One looks at the other, then back up again. They look very much alike. This is because both are","An illustration of a quantum superconductor with a superposition of states, one in which the energy content increases, and one in which there is no energy, showing the transition to quantum entanglement. (Courtesy of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University Physics Department)
The most important quantum phenomena that scientists have studied so far are those that can occur between",Both,4,5,,Both,4,4,,B,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,6_237_700
"Furthermore, in his book The End of Man (2004), the physicist Stephen Hawking states that ""The future is going to be very different"" and, in this context, a very different kind of science is at the core of that evolution.
The Future
As I write this, the planet Mars, the third planet from the Sun, is about 5 billion years old. We are","Furthermore, the fact that there is a difference between the two means that it would be impossible to have both of them in one universe at once.
I think this is an interesting idea, but I'm not sure how much evidence for or against it we have. If you could provide some evidence, I'd appreciate it.
**TL;DR** - The Big Bang Theory says that everything came from nothing, and",Both,4,4,,Both,5,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,8_730_743
"Prior to this year, we had no idea that the government could force Americans to buy the devices we use every day. This was a revelation, and a victory for consumer advocates who fought hard to make it illegal to sell our phones without a warrant.
The new bill would also require a warrant for all cellphone searches, including those of our cell towers. That will require new rules, but","Prior to this I had never heard of the term ""reddit"" and now that I've seen it used in a post about reddit, I'm curious as to what it's actually called.
The title is pretty self explanatory, but if you want more information on how reddit works or why people use it, check out [/r/explainlikeimfive](/r/ExplainLikeImFiv",Neither,4,4,,Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,13_642_745
"The connection to the internet and to technology is one of many factors that contribute to our current problems, and the Internet of Things could be one of the first to help us address the problem. In a new study, researchers found that IoT applications were responsible for the majority of the energy in a building, with solar-thermal-hydroelectric (THH) plants supplying around 80% of","The connection between the brain and body is a complex one that has been studied for many years but it seems to be getting more complicated every year.
I have read about how our brains are wired in such a way as to make us feel pain when we get hit by an object or even if something hits us. This makes sense because of what happens at the level of the brain. But why",B,5,4,,B,5,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,3_818_679
"To review, I've got a couple of things to tell you. First I want you to remember how to get into it. I've tried to explain this in more detail elsewhere, for example here or here . But there's another side to this story. The first time that I did this exercise my partner was on the receiving end of a nasty case of the ""Hockey Stick ","To review, I am a high school student who is studying for the SAT. My SAT scores are in the 98th percentile and my GPA is 3.8.
The reason why I want to take this test is because it will help me get into college. However, there have been many times where I've had trouble with math problems on the test. For example, when you solve an equation that has two variables,",Neither,2,3,,Neither,4,3,,Neither,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,5_890_353
"To conclude, I think that the universe is a computer simulation and we are just playing with it in some kind of simulation.
This seems to be an interesting idea for me because I have always been interested in how things work on this level. It makes sense to me, but I'm not sure if it's true. If you could explain why or what you're trying to say here, I'd appreciate it. Thanks :)
","To conclude, it would be helpful to note that there are no direct comparisons between the two types of data. This would help make it easier to understand, and more transparent for the research community.
This is a small sample of results from a few hundred papers, so there are likely many more. However it is a good example that shows the potential for data science data to help researchers understand",Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,10_867_684
"In brief, a ""super-sized"" (super-molecular) molecule has the energy of a million suns and can be made in a laboratory. It could be used to make a super-strong nuclear bomb. In a recent study, scientists from University of California, Santa Cruz, reported the discovery in Science.
A new study by a team of scientists at the National","In brief, the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and we are not yet able to detect it .
* The expansion of space has been observed by measuring how fast galaxies move away from us , but this does n't tell you anything about what 's happening inside them or where they 're going . We can measure their distance because light travels faster in a vacuum than through air ( which means that",Both,4,4,,Both,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,7_662_837
"The issue focused on a single issue, but there are several that affect our lives as well:
1) the environment. We live in the world that is increasingly dependent on fossil fuel energy. We are the main cause of CO2 concentrations rising over the past 30 years, and we are the biggest polluter in the world.
2) the climate. We must adapt to climate","The issue focused on the fact that a woman who was raped by her husband could not get an abortion because she had been raped.
I think this is one of those things where you can either say it doesn't matter and move on, or you have to take sides. If you're going to make such a statement, then at least do so with some sort of logic.
This isn't just about",A,4,3,,A,5,4,,A,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,18_456_519
"This essay discusses a recent study from the Department of Public Health and Environment, which showed that the use of fluoride to treat tooth decay has reduced the risk of cancer by about 50% compared to untreated fluoride in the water.
Fluoride is a highly toxic chemical used in dental care. The most common form of fluoride toxicity is dental fluorosis (DFCS) (refs","This essay discusses the relationship between religion and science.
>The scientific method is a way of discovering what we know about nature by testing hypotheses against observations that are consistent with our best theories. It has been used to explain many natural phenomena, including how life arose from non-living matter, why some animals have eyes, how plants can photosynthesize, how viruses work, etc. In recent years, however, scientists",Both,5,5,,Both,4,3,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,1_212_247
"To summarise, it was an interesting experiment and a very useful tool. But we can never know exactly why.
This paper is not meant to convince anyone of the validity or even the utility of these techniques. We simply report results from an experiment that we did. In fact, it was just experiment after experiment that was used to verify that experiments are reliable. In the experiment above,","To summarise the story of my life so far...
I was born in a small town on the coast of New Zealand and grew up with two older brothers who were both very close to me. My parents divorced when I was young but they still lived together until about age 18. They had me at home for most of that time as it wasn't financially feasible for them to move out and live",A,4,5,,A,4,4,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,15_856_503