#! /usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018 The Uber AI Team Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # print """ Example command with bag of words: python examples/run_pplm.py -B space --cond_text "The president" --length 100 --gamma 1.5 --num_iterations 3 --num_samples 10 --stepsize 0.01 --window_length 5 --kl_scale 0.01 --gm_scale 0.95 Example command with discriminator: python examples/run_pplm.py -D sentiment --class_label 3 --cond_text "The lake" --length 10 --gamma 1.0 --num_iterations 30 --num_samples 10 --stepsize 0.01 --kl_scale 0.01 --gm_scale 0.95 """ import gradio as gr import argparse import json from operator import add from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union from random import choice, randint import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable from tqdm import trange from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer from transformers.file_utils import cached_path from transformers.modeling_gpt2 import GPT2LMHeadModel from pplm_classification_head import ClassificationHead PPLM_BOW = 1 PPLM_DISCRIM = 2 PPLM_BOW_DISCRIM = 3 SMALL_CONST = 1e-15 BIG_CONST = 1e10 QUIET = 0 REGULAR = 1 VERBOSE = 2 VERY_VERBOSE = 3 VERBOSITY_LEVELS = { 'quiet': QUIET, 'regular': REGULAR, 'verbose': VERBOSE, 'very_verbose': VERY_VERBOSE, } BAG_OF_WORDS_ARCHIVE_MAP = { 'legal': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/legal.txt", 'military': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/military.txt", 'monsters': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/monsters.txt", 'politics': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/politics.txt", 'positive_words': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/positive_words.txt", 'religion': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/religion.txt", 'science': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/science.txt", 'space': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/space.txt", 'technology': "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/bow/technology.txt", } DISCRIMINATOR_MODELS_PARAMS = { "clickbait": { "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/discriminators/clickbait_classifier_head.pt", "class_size": 2, "embed_size": 1024, "class_vocab": {"non_clickbait": 0, "clickbait": 1}, "default_class": 1, "pretrained_model": "gpt2-medium", }, "sentiment": { "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/pplm/discriminators/SST_classifier_head.pt", "class_size": 5, "embed_size": 1024, "class_vocab": {"very_positive": 2, "very_negative": 3}, "default_class": 3, "pretrained_model": "gpt2-medium", }, "3_PerSoothe": { "path": "/content/drive/Shareddrives/COS_IW04_ZL/COSIW04/Discriminators/3_class_opt_lowlr_medgpt/3_PerSoothe_classifier_head_epoch_10.pt", "class_size": 3, "embed_size": 1024, "class_vocab": {"soothes": 0, "neutral": 1, "worsens": 2}, "default_class": 2, "pretrained_model": "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium", }, "3_PerSoothe_eot": { "path": "/content/drive/Shareddrives/COS_IW04_ZL/COSIW04/Discriminators/3_class_opt_eot_lowlr_medgpt/3_PerSoothe_classifier_head_epoch_10.pt", "class_size": 3, "embed_size": 1024, "class_vocab": {"soothes": 0, "neutral": 1, "worsens": 2}, "default_class": 2, "pretrained_model": "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium", }, "3_PerSoothe_lrg": { "class_size": 3, "embed_size": 1280, "class_vocab": {"soothes": 0, "neutral": 1, "worsens": 2}, "default_class": 2, "pretrained_model": "microsoft/DialoGPT-large", }, "3_PerSoothe_med": { "class_size": 3, "embed_size": 1024, "class_vocab": {"soothes": 0, "neutral": 1, "worsens": 2}, "default_class": 2, "pretrained_model": "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium", }, } def to_var(x, requires_grad=False, volatile=False, device='cuda'): if torch.cuda.is_available() and device == 'cuda': x = x.cuda() elif device != 'cuda': x = x.to(device) return Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad, volatile=volatile) def top_k_filter(logits, k, probs=False): """ Masks everything but the k top entries as -infinity (1e10). Used to mask logits such that e^-infinity -> 0 won't contribute to the sum of the denominator. """ if k == 0: return logits else: values = torch.topk(logits, k)[0] batch_mins = values[:, -1].view(-1, 1).expand_as(logits) if probs: return torch.where(logits < batch_mins, torch.ones_like(logits) * 0.0, logits) return torch.where(logits < batch_mins, torch.ones_like(logits) * -BIG_CONST, logits) def perturb_past( past, model, last, unpert_past =None, unpert_logits=None, accumulated_hidden=None, grad_norms=None, stepsize=0.01, one_hot_bows_vectors=None, classifier=None, class_label=None, loss_type=0, num_iterations=3, horizon_length=1, window_length=0, decay=False, gamma=1.5, kl_scale=0.01, device='cuda', verbosity_level=REGULAR ): # Generate inital perturbed past grad_accumulator = [ (np.zeros(p.shape).astype("float32")) for p in past ] if accumulated_hidden is None: accumulated_hidden = 0 if decay: decay_mask = torch.arange( 0., 1.0 + SMALL_CONST, 1.0 / (window_length) )[1:] else: decay_mask = 1.0 # TODO fix this comment (SUMANTH) # Generate a mask is gradient perturbated is based on a past window _, _, _, curr_length, _ = past[0].shape if curr_length > window_length and window_length > 0: ones_key_val_shape = ( tuple(past[0].shape[:-2]) + tuple([window_length]) + tuple(past[0].shape[-1:]) ) zeros_key_val_shape = ( tuple(past[0].shape[:-2]) + tuple([curr_length - window_length]) + tuple(past[0].shape[-1:]) ) ones_mask = torch.ones(ones_key_val_shape) ones_mask = decay_mask * ones_mask.permute(0, 1, 2, 4, 3) ones_mask = ones_mask.permute(0, 1, 2, 4, 3) window_mask = torch.cat( (ones_mask, torch.zeros(zeros_key_val_shape)), dim=-2 ).to(device) else: window_mask = torch.ones_like(past[0]).to(device) # accumulate perturbations for num_iterations loss_per_iter = [] new_accumulated_hidden = None for i in range(num_iterations): if verbosity_level >= VERBOSE: print("Iteration ", i + 1) curr_perturbation = [ to_var(torch.from_numpy(p_), requires_grad=True, device=device) for p_ in grad_accumulator ] # Compute hidden using perturbed past perturbed_past = list(map(add, past, curr_perturbation)) _, _, _, curr_length, _ = curr_perturbation[0].shape all_logits, _, all_hidden = model(last, past_key_values=perturbed_past) hidden = all_hidden[-1] new_accumulated_hidden = accumulated_hidden + torch.sum( hidden, dim=1 ).detach() # TODO: Check the layer-norm consistency of this with trained discriminator (Sumanth) logits = all_logits[:, -1, :] probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) loss = 0.0 loss_list = [] if loss_type == PPLM_BOW or loss_type == PPLM_BOW_DISCRIM: for one_hot_bow in one_hot_bows_vectors: bow_logits = torch.mm(probs, torch.t(one_hot_bow)) bow_loss = -torch.log(torch.sum(bow_logits)) loss += bow_loss loss_list.append(bow_loss) if verbosity_level >= VERY_VERBOSE: print(" pplm_bow_loss:", loss.data.cpu().numpy()) if loss_type == PPLM_DISCRIM or loss_type == PPLM_BOW_DISCRIM: ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # TODO why we need to do this assignment and not just using unpert_past? (Sumanth) curr_unpert_past = unpert_past curr_probs = torch.unsqueeze(probs, dim=1) wte = model.resize_token_embeddings() for _ in range(horizon_length): inputs_embeds = torch.matmul(curr_probs, wte.weight.data) _, curr_unpert_past, curr_all_hidden = model( past_key_values=curr_unpert_past, inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds ) curr_hidden = curr_all_hidden[-1] new_accumulated_hidden = new_accumulated_hidden + torch.sum( curr_hidden, dim=1) prediction = classifier(new_accumulated_hidden / (curr_length + 1 + horizon_length)) label = torch.tensor(prediction.shape[0] * [class_label], device=device, dtype=torch.long) discrim_loss = ce_loss(prediction, label) if verbosity_level >= VERY_VERBOSE: print(" pplm_discrim_loss:", discrim_loss.data.cpu().numpy()) loss += discrim_loss loss_list.append(discrim_loss) kl_loss = 0.0 if kl_scale > 0.0: unpert_probs = F.softmax(unpert_logits[:, -1, :], dim=-1) unpert_probs = ( unpert_probs + SMALL_CONST * (unpert_probs <= SMALL_CONST).float().to(device).detach() ) correction = SMALL_CONST * (probs <= SMALL_CONST).float().to( device).detach() corrected_probs = probs + correction.detach() kl_loss = kl_scale * ( (corrected_probs * (corrected_probs / unpert_probs).log()).sum() ) if verbosity_level >= VERY_VERBOSE: print(' kl_loss', kl_loss.data.cpu().numpy()) loss += kl_loss loss_per_iter.append(loss.data.cpu().numpy()) if verbosity_level >= VERBOSE: print(' pplm_loss', (loss - kl_loss).data.cpu().numpy()) # compute gradients loss.backward() # calculate gradient norms if grad_norms is not None and loss_type == PPLM_BOW: grad_norms = [ torch.max(grad_norms[index], torch.norm(p_.grad * window_mask)) for index, p_ in enumerate(curr_perturbation) ] else: grad_norms = [ (torch.norm(p_.grad * window_mask) + SMALL_CONST) for index, p_ in enumerate(curr_perturbation) ] # normalize gradients grad = [ -stepsize * (p_.grad * window_mask / grad_norms[ index] ** gamma).data.cpu().numpy() for index, p_ in enumerate(curr_perturbation) ] # accumulate gradient grad_accumulator = list(map(add, grad, grad_accumulator)) # reset gradients, just to make sure for p_ in curr_perturbation: p_.grad.data.zero_() # removing past from the graph new_past = [] for p_ in past: new_past.append(p_.detach()) past = new_past # apply the accumulated perturbations to the past grad_accumulator = [ to_var(torch.from_numpy(p_), requires_grad=True, device=device) for p_ in grad_accumulator ] pert_past = list(map(add, past, grad_accumulator)) return pert_past, new_accumulated_hidden, grad_norms, loss_per_iter def get_classifier( name: Optional[str], class_label: Union[str, int], device: str, verbosity_level: int = REGULAR, fp: str = None, is_deep: bool= False, is_deeper: bool=False, ) -> Tuple[Optional[ClassificationHead], Optional[int]]: if name is None: return None, None params = DISCRIMINATOR_MODELS_PARAMS[name] classifier = ClassificationHead( class_size=params['class_size'], embed_size=params['embed_size'], is_deep=is_deep, is_deeper=is_deeper ).to(device) if "url" in params: resolved_archive_file = cached_path(params["url"]) elif "path" in params: resolved_archive_file = params["path"] elif fp != None: resolved_archive_file = fp else: raise ValueError("Either url or path have to be specified " "in the discriminator model parameters") classifier.load_state_dict( torch.load(resolved_archive_file, map_location=device)) classifier.eval() if isinstance(class_label, str): if class_label in params["class_vocab"]: label_id = params["class_vocab"][class_label] else: label_id = params["default_class"] if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print("class_label {} not in class_vocab".format(class_label)) print("available values are: {}".format(params["class_vocab"])) print("using default class {}".format(label_id)) elif isinstance(class_label, int): if class_label in set(params["class_vocab"].values()): label_id = class_label else: label_id = params["default_class"] if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print("class_label {} not in class_vocab".format(class_label)) print("available values are: {}".format(params["class_vocab"])) print("using default class {}".format(label_id)) else: label_id = params["default_class"] return classifier, label_id def get_bag_of_words_indices(bag_of_words_ids_or_paths: List[str], tokenizer) -> \ List[List[List[int]]]: bow_indices = [] for id_or_path in bag_of_words_ids_or_paths: if id_or_path in BAG_OF_WORDS_ARCHIVE_MAP: filepath = cached_path(BAG_OF_WORDS_ARCHIVE_MAP[id_or_path]) else: filepath = id_or_path with open(filepath, "r") as f: words = f.read().strip().split("\n") bow_indices.append( [tokenizer.encode(word.strip(), add_prefix_space=True, add_special_tokens=False) for word in words]) return bow_indices def build_bows_one_hot_vectors(bow_indices, tokenizer, device='cuda'): if bow_indices is None: return None one_hot_bows_vectors = [] for single_bow in bow_indices: single_bow = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) <= 1, single_bow)) single_bow = torch.tensor(single_bow).to(device) num_words = single_bow.shape[0] one_hot_bow = torch.zeros(num_words, tokenizer.vocab_size).to(device) one_hot_bow.scatter_(1, single_bow, 1) one_hot_bows_vectors.append(one_hot_bow) return one_hot_bows_vectors def full_text_generation( model, tokenizer, context=None, num_samples=1, device="cuda", bag_of_words=None, discrim=None, class_label=None, length=100, stepsize=0.02, temperature=1.0, top_k=10, sample=True, num_iterations=3, grad_length=10000, horizon_length=1, window_length=0, decay=False, gamma=1.5, gm_scale=0.9, kl_scale=0.01, verbosity_level=REGULAR, fp=None, is_deep=False, is_deeper=False, stop_eot=False, **kwargs ): classifier, class_id = get_classifier( discrim, class_label, device, REGULAR, fp, is_deep, is_deeper ) bow_indices = [] if bag_of_words: bow_indices = get_bag_of_words_indices(bag_of_words.split(";"), tokenizer) if bag_of_words and classifier: loss_type = PPLM_BOW_DISCRIM if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print("Both PPLM-BoW and PPLM-Discrim are on. " "This is not optimized.") elif bag_of_words: loss_type = PPLM_BOW if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print("Using PPLM-BoW") elif classifier is not None: loss_type = PPLM_DISCRIM if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print("Using PPLM-Discrim") else: raise Exception("Specify either a bag of words or a discriminator") unpert_gen_tok_text, _, _, _ = generate_text_pplm( model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, context=context, device=device, length=length, sample=sample, perturb=False, verbosity_level=verbosity_level, stop_eot=stop_eot ) if device == 'cuda': torch.cuda.empty_cache() pert_gen_tok_texts = [] discrim_losses = [] losses_in_time = [] perplexities = [] for i in range(num_samples): pert_gen_tok_text, discrim_loss, loss_in_time, perplexity = generate_text_pplm( model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, context=context, device=device, perturb=True, bow_indices=bow_indices, classifier=classifier, class_label=class_id, loss_type=loss_type, length=length, stepsize=stepsize, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, sample=sample, num_iterations=num_iterations, grad_length=grad_length, horizon_length=horizon_length, window_length=window_length, decay=decay, gamma=gamma, gm_scale=gm_scale, kl_scale=kl_scale, verbosity_level=verbosity_level, stop_eot=stop_eot ) pert_gen_tok_texts.append(pert_gen_tok_text) if classifier is not None: discrim_losses.append(discrim_loss.data.cpu().numpy()) losses_in_time.append(loss_in_time) perplexities.append(perplexity) if device == 'cuda': torch.cuda.empty_cache() return unpert_gen_tok_text, pert_gen_tok_texts, discrim_losses, losses_in_time, perplexities def generate_text_pplm( model, tokenizer, context=None, past=None, device="cuda", perturb=True, bow_indices=None, classifier=None, class_label=None, loss_type=0, length=100, stepsize=0.02, temperature=1.0, top_k=10, sample=True, num_iterations=3, grad_length=10000, horizon_length=1, window_length=0, decay=False, gamma=1.5, gm_scale=0.9, kl_scale=0.01, verbosity_level=REGULAR, stop_eot=False ): output_so_far = None if context: context_t = torch.tensor(context, device=device, dtype=torch.long) while len(context_t.shape) < 2: context_t = context_t.unsqueeze(0) output_so_far = context_t # collect one hot vectors for bags of words one_hot_bows_vectors = build_bows_one_hot_vectors(bow_indices, tokenizer, device) grad_norms = None last = None unpert_discrim_loss = 0 loss_in_time = [] if verbosity_level >= VERBOSE: range_func = trange(length, ascii=True) else: range_func = range(length) pert_total_prob = 1 pert_times = 0 last_reps = torch.ones(50257) last_reps = last_reps.to(device) for i in range_func: # Get past/probs for current output, except for last word # Note that GPT takes 2 inputs: past + current_token # run model forward to obtain unperturbed if past is None and output_so_far is not None: last = output_so_far[:, -1:] if output_so_far.shape[1] > 1: _, past, _ = model(output_so_far[:, :-1]) unpert_logits, unpert_past, unpert_all_hidden = model(output_so_far) unpert_last_hidden = unpert_all_hidden[-1] # check if we are abowe grad max length if i >= grad_length: current_stepsize = stepsize * 0 else: current_stepsize = stepsize # modify the past if necessary if not perturb or num_iterations == 0: pert_past = past else: accumulated_hidden = unpert_last_hidden[:, :-1, :] accumulated_hidden = torch.sum(accumulated_hidden, dim=1) if past is not None: pert_past, _, grad_norms, loss_this_iter = perturb_past( past, model, last, unpert_past=unpert_past, unpert_logits=unpert_logits, accumulated_hidden=accumulated_hidden, grad_norms=grad_norms, stepsize=current_stepsize, one_hot_bows_vectors=one_hot_bows_vectors, classifier=classifier, class_label=class_label, loss_type=loss_type, num_iterations=num_iterations, horizon_length=horizon_length, window_length=window_length, decay=decay, gamma=gamma, kl_scale=kl_scale, device=device, verbosity_level=verbosity_level ) loss_in_time.append(loss_this_iter) else: pert_past = past pert_logits, past, pert_all_hidden = model(last, past_key_values=pert_past) pert_logits = pert_logits[:, -1, :] / temperature # + SMALL_CONST pert_probs = F.softmax(pert_logits, dim=-1) if classifier is not None: ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() prediction = classifier(torch.mean(unpert_last_hidden, dim=1)) label = torch.tensor([class_label], device=device, dtype=torch.long) unpert_discrim_loss = ce_loss(prediction, label) if verbosity_level >= VERBOSE: print( "unperturbed discrim loss", unpert_discrim_loss.data.cpu().numpy() ) else: unpert_discrim_loss = 0 # Fuse the modified model and original model if perturb: unpert_probs = F.softmax(unpert_logits[:, -1, :], dim=-1) pert_probs = ((pert_probs ** gm_scale) * ( unpert_probs ** (1 - gm_scale))) # + SMALL_CONST if i < 2: pert_probs = top_k_filter(pert_probs, k=max(2, top_k), probs=True) # + SMALL_CONST if i == 0: pert_probs[0][50256] = 0 if i == 1: tmp = pert_probs[0][50256] pert_probs[0][50256] = 0 pert_probs[0][50256] = min(torch.max(pert_probs[0]), tmp) else: pert_probs = top_k_filter(pert_probs, k=top_k, probs=True) # + SMALL_CONST pert_probs = torch.div(pert_probs, last_reps) # rescale if torch.sum(pert_probs) <= 1: pert_probs = pert_probs / torch.sum(pert_probs) else: pert_logits = top_k_filter(pert_logits, k=top_k) # + SMALL_CONST pert_probs = F.softmax(pert_logits, dim=-1) # sample or greedy if sample: last = torch.multinomial(pert_probs, num_samples=1) pert_total_prob = pert_total_prob * pert_probs[0][last[0][0]] else: _, last = torch.topk(pert_probs, k=1, dim=-1) last_reps[last[0][0]] = last_reps[last[0][0]] * 8 # update context/output_so_far appending the new token output_so_far = ( last if output_so_far is None else torch.cat((output_so_far, last), dim=1) ) if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print(tokenizer.decode(output_so_far.tolist()[0])) pert_times += 1 if last[0][0] == 50256 and stop_eot: break perplexity = (1/pert_total_prob)**(1/pert_times) return output_so_far, unpert_discrim_loss, loss_in_time, perplexity def set_generic_model_params(discrim_weights, discrim_meta): if discrim_weights is None: raise ValueError('When using a generic discriminator, ' 'discrim_weights need to be specified') if discrim_meta is None: raise ValueError('When using a generic discriminator, ' 'discrim_meta need to be specified') with open(discrim_meta, 'r') as discrim_meta_file: meta = json.load(discrim_meta_file) meta['path'] = discrim_weights DISCRIMINATOR_MODELS_PARAMS['generic'] = meta pretrained_model="microsoft/DialoGPT-large" cond_text="" uncond=False num_samples=1 bag_of_words=None discrim="3_PerSoothe_lrg" discrim_weights=None discrim_meta=None class_label=0 length=100 stepsize=0.32 temperature=1.3 top_k=2 sample=True num_iterations=10 grad_length=10000 horizon_length=1 window_length=0 decay=False gamma=1.0 gm_scale=0.95 kl_scale=0.01 seed=0 no_cuda=False colorama=False verbosity="quiet" fp="./paper_code/discrim_models/persoothe_classifier.pt" #"/content/drive/Shareddrives/COS_IW04_ZL/COSIW04/Discriminators/3_class_lrggpt_fit_deeper_2/3_PerSoothe_classifier_head_epoch_8.pt" model_fp="./paper_code/discrim_models/persoothe_encoder.pt" #None calc_perplexity=False is_deep=False is_deeper=True stop_eot=True # set Random seed torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) # set verbosiry verbosity_level = VERBOSITY_LEVELS.get(verbosity.lower(), REGULAR) # set the device device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not no_cuda else "cpu" if discrim == 'generic': set_generic_model_params(discrim_weights, discrim_meta) if discrim is not None: discriminator_pretrained_model = DISCRIMINATOR_MODELS_PARAMS[discrim][ "pretrained_model" ] if pretrained_model != discriminator_pretrained_model: pretrained_model = discriminator_pretrained_model if verbosity_level >= REGULAR: print("discrim = {}, pretrained_model set " "to discriminator's = {}".format(discrim, pretrained_model)) # load pretrained model model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained( pretrained_model, output_hidden_states=True ) if model_fp != None and model_fp != "": model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_fp, map_location=device)) model.to(device) model.eval() # load tokenizer tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_model) # Freeze GPT-2 weights for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False starters = ["How are you feeling and why?", "Tell me about your day", "What would you like to talk about?"] eot_token = "<|endoftext|>" def get_reply(response, username = None, histories = {}, in_stepsize = 0.32, in_horizon_length = 1, in_num_iterations = 10, in_top_k = 2): if username == None or username == "": return "
Enter a username
", histories stepsize = in_stepsize horizon_length = int(in_horizon_length) num_iterations = int(in_num_iterations) top_k = int(in_top_k) if response.endswith(("bye", "Bye", "bye.", "Bye.", "bye!", "Bye!","Hello", "Hi", "hello")): starter = choice(starters) histories[username] = starter+"<|endoftext|>" html = "
Chatbot restarted" html += "
" html += "
" return html, histories history = histories.get(username, None) convo_hist = (history if history != None else "How are you?<|endoftext|>") + response + eot_token # figure out conditioning text tokenized_cond_text = tokenizer.encode( eot_token + convo_hist, add_special_tokens=False ) # generate perturbed texts # full_text_generation returns: # unpert_gen_tok_text, pert_gen_tok_texts, discrim_losses, losses_in_time _, pert_gen_tok_texts, _, _, _ = full_text_generation( model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, context=tokenized_cond_text, device=device, num_samples=1, bag_of_words=bag_of_words, discrim=discrim, class_label=class_label, length=length, stepsize=stepsize, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, sample=sample, num_iterations=num_iterations, grad_length=grad_length, horizon_length=horizon_length, window_length=window_length, decay=decay, gamma=gamma, gm_scale=gm_scale, kl_scale=kl_scale, verbosity_level=verbosity_level, fp=fp, is_deep=is_deep, is_deeper=is_deeper, stop_eot=stop_eot ) # iterate through the perturbed texts for i, pert_gen_tok_text in enumerate(pert_gen_tok_texts): try: pert_gen_text = tokenizer.decode(pert_gen_tok_text.tolist()[0]) convo_hist_split = pert_gen_text.split(eot_token) html = "
" for m, msg in enumerate(convo_hist_split[1:-1]): cls = "user" if m%2 == 0 else "bot" html += "
".format(cls, msg) html += "
" if len(convo_hist_split) > 4: convo_hist_split = convo_hist_split[-4:] convo_hist = eot_token.join(convo_hist_split) except: starter = choice(starters) histories[username] = starter+"<|endoftext|>" html = "
Chatbot restarted" html += "
" html += "
" return html, histories histories[username] = convo_hist return html, histories css = """ .chatbox {display:flex;flex-direction:column} .msg {padding:4px;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:4px;width:80%} .msg.user {background-color:cornflowerblue;color:white} .msg.bot {background-color:lightgray;align-self:self-end} .footer {display:none !important} """ gr.Interface(fn=get_reply, theme="default", inputs=[gr.inputs.Textbox(placeholder="How are you?"), gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Username"), "state"], outputs=["html", "state"], css=css).launch(debug=True, enable_queue=True, share=True)