"""Server that will listen for GET and POST requests from the client.""" import base64 import time from typing import List import numpy from fastapi import FastAPI, File, Form, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from utils_demo import * from utils_demo import SERVER_DIR from concrete.ml.deployment import FHEModelServer # Load the FHE server FHE_SERVER = FHEModelServer(DEPLOYMENT_DIR) # Initialize an instance of FastAPI app = FastAPI() # Define the default route @app.get("/") def root(): """ Root endpoint of the health prediction API. Returns: dict: The welcome message. """ return {"message": "Welcome to your encrypted anonymization use-case with FHE!"} @app.post("/send_input") def send_input( user_id: str = Form(), files: List[UploadFile] = File(), ): """Send the inputs to the server.""" # Save the files using the above paths write_bytes(SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_valuation_key", files[0].file.read()) write_bytes(SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_input", files[1].file.read()) write_bytes(SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_len_input", files[2].file.read()) @app.post("/run_fhe") def run_fhe( user_id: str = Form(), ): """Inference in FHE.""" evaluation_key_path = SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_valuation_key" encrypted_input_path = SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_input" encrypted_input_len_path = SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_len_input" # Read the files (Evaluation key + Encrypted symptoms) using the above paths with encrypted_input_path.open("rb") as encrypted_output_file, evaluation_key_path.open( "rb" ) as evaluation_key_file, encrypted_input_len_path.open("rb") as lenght: evaluation_key = evaluation_key_file.read() encrypted_tokens = encrypted_output_file.read() length = int.from_bytes(lenght.read(), "big") timing, encrypted_output = [], [] for i in range(0, len(encrypted_tokens), length): enc_x = encrypted_tokens[i : i + length] start_time = time.time() enc_y = FHE_SERVER.run(enc_x, evaluation_key) timing.append(round(time.time() - start_time, 2)) encrypted_output.append(enc_y) # Write the files write_bytes(SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_output", b"".join(encrypted_output)) write_bytes( SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_output_len", len(encrypted_output[0]).to_bytes(10, "big") ) return JSONResponse(content=numpy.mean(timing)) @app.post("/get_output") def get_output(user_id: str = Form()): """Retrieve the encrypted output from the server.""" # Path where the encrypted output is saved encrypted_output_path = SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_output" encrypted_output_len_path = SERVER_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_output_len" # Read the file using the above path with encrypted_output_path.open("rb") as f: encrypted_output = f.read() # Read the file using the above path with encrypted_output_len_path.open("rb") as f: length = f.read() time.sleep(1) # Encode the binary data to a format suitable for JSON serialization content = { "encrypted_output": base64.b64encode(encrypted_output).decode("utf-8"), "length": base64.b64encode(length).decode("utf-8"), } # Send the encrypted output return JSONResponse(content)