import argparse import json import os import os.path as osp from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List import numpy as np from mmengine import list_dir_or_file, track_progress_rich from transformers import AutoTokenizer SEPCIAL_TOKENS = [ '<|plugin|>', '<|interpreter|>', '<|action_end|>', '<|action_start|>', '<|im_end|>', '<|im_start|>' ] CHATML_LLAMAV13_32K_TOKEN_CFG = dict( role_cfg=dict( system=dict( begin=dict( with_name='<|im_start|>system name={name}\n', without_name='<|im_start|>system\n', name={ 'interpreter': '<|interpreter|>', 'plugin': '<|plugin|>', }), end='<|im_end|>\n', loss=dict( meta=False, icl=False, current=False, prefix=False, )), user=dict( begin=dict( with_name='<|im_start|>user name={name}\n', without_name='<|im_start|>user\n', ), end='<|im_end|>\n', loss=dict( icl=False, current=False, prefix=False, )), assistant=dict( begin=dict( with_name='<|im_start|>assistant name={name}\n', without_name='<|im_start|>assistant\n', name={ 'interpreter': '<|interpreter|>', 'plugin': '<|plugin|>', }), end='<|im_end|>\n', loss=dict( icl=True, current=True, prefix=False, end=True, )), environment=dict( begin=dict( with_name='<|im_start|>environment name={name}\n', without_name='<|im_start|>environment\n', name={ 'interpreter': '<|interpreter|>', 'plugin': '<|plugin|>', }), end='<|im_end|>\n', loss=dict( icl=False, current=False, prefix=False, )), tool=dict( begin=dict( with_name='<|action_start|>{name}\n', name={ 'interpreter': '<|interpreter|>', 'plugin': '<|plugin|>', }), end='<|action_end|>\n', belong='assistant', ), thought=dict( begin=dict(without_name=''), end='', belong='assistant', ), ), max_len=32 * 1024, ) def chatml_format( processed_data, tokenizer, role_cfg, max_len=2048, encode_json=True, ): """ ```python dict( role='', content='', name='', -> Begin 扩增 type='', ) ``` ```python dict( system=dict( begin=dict( with_name='system name={name}\n', without_name='system\n', name={ 'interpreter': '', 'plugin': '', }), end='\n', loss=dict( meta=False, icl=False, current=False, prefix=False, )), user=dict( begin=dict( with_name='user name={name}\n', without_name='user\n', ), end='\n', loss=dict( icl=False, current=False, prefix=False, )), assistant=dict( begin=dict( with_name='assistant name={name}\n', without_name='assistant\n', name={ 'interpreter': '', 'plugin': '', }), end='\n', loss=dict( icl=True, current=True, prefix=False, end=True, )), environment=dict( begin=dict( with_name='environment name={name}\n', without_name='environment\n', name={ 'interpreter': '', 'plugin': '', }), end='\n', loss=dict( icl=False, current=False, prefix=False, )), tool=dict( begin=dict( with_name='{name}\n', name={ 'interpreter': '', 'plugin': '', }), end='\n', belong='assistant', ), thought=dict( begin='', end='', belong='assistant', ), ``` """ def format_begin(role_cfg, message): name = message.get('name', None) if name is not None: begin = role_cfg['begin'].get('with_name', '') if name in role_cfg['begin'].get('name', {}): begin = begin.format(name=role_cfg['begin']['name'][name]) else: begin = begin.format(name=name) else: begin = role_cfg['begin'].get('without_name', '') return begin def format_sub_role(messages: List[Dict], roles_cfg) -> List[Dict]: new_message = list() for message in messages: if message['role'] in [ 'assistant', 'user', 'system', 'environment' ]: new_message.append(message) continue role_cfg = roles_cfg[message['role']] begin = format_begin(role_cfg, message) new_content = begin + message['content'] + role_cfg['end'] if role_cfg.get('fallback_role'): new_message.append( dict(role=role_cfg['fallback_role'], content=new_content)) elif role_cfg.get('belong'): if new_message[-1]['role'] != role_cfg.get('belong'): new_message.append( dict(role=role_cfg.get('belong'), content=new_content)) else: new_message[-1]['content'] += new_content else: new_message.append( dict(role=message['role'], content=new_content)) return new_message token_ids = [] _processed_data = format_sub_role(processed_data, role_cfg) for dialog_item in _processed_data: role = dialog_item['role'] content = dialog_item['content'] # TODO: is strip necessary? or use lstrip? 避免开始有\n\n的情况 # content = content.lstrip() begin = format_begin(role_cfg[role], dialog_item) end = role_cfg[role]['end'] begin_token = tokenizer.encode(begin, add_special_tokens=False) if not role_cfg[role]['loss'].get('beigin', False): begin_token = [-token_id for token_id in begin_token] end_token = tokenizer.encode( role_cfg[role]['end'], add_special_tokens=False) # breakpoint() if not role_cfg[role]['loss'].get('end', False): end_token = [-token_id for token_id in end_token] content_token = tokenizer.encode( begin + content + end, add_special_tokens=False) content_token = content_token[len(begin_token):-len(end_token)] if dialog_item.get('loss', True): loss_cfg = role_cfg[role]['loss'] else: loss_cfg = dict(icl=False, current=False, meta=False) if not loss_cfg[dialog_item.get('type', 'current')]: content_token = [-token_id for token_id in content_token] if begin == '': tokens = content_token else: tokens = begin_token + content_token if end != '': tokens = tokens + end_token token_ids += tokens token_ids = [tokenizer.bos_token_id] + token_ids token_ids = token_ids[:max_len] if encode_json: line = str.encode(json.dumps({'tokens': token_ids}) + '\n') return line, len(token_ids) return token_ids, len(token_ids) def write_bin_meta_bin(path, dataset_name, filename, samples): train_path = osp.join(path, f'train/cn/{dataset_name}') valid_path = osp.join(path, f'valid/cn/{dataset_name}') train_dir = Path(train_path) valid_dir = Path(valid_path) train_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) valid_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) train_f = open(train_dir.joinpath(f'{filename}.bin'), 'wb') valid_f_path = valid_dir.joinpath(f'{filename}.bin') valid_f = open(valid_f_path, 'wb') print(train_dir) print(valid_dir) train_tokens = 0 valid_tokens = 0 last_train_position = 0 last_valid_position = 0 train_samples = 0 valid_samples = 0 train_meta = [] valid_meta = [] for line, token_num in samples: train_tokens += token_num train_f.write(line) train_meta.append((last_train_position, token_num)) last_train_position += len(line) train_samples += 1 if (train_samples) % 100 == 0: # ? valid_tokens += token_num valid_f.write(line) valid_meta.append((last_valid_position, token_num)) last_valid_position += len(line) valid_samples += 1 train_f.close() valid_f.close()'{filename}.bin.meta'), 'wb'), train_meta) # remove the length of `valid_samples` is less than 500 # 500 is a magic number, you can change it to any number you want # the number must bigger the DP. if valid_samples > 500: open(valid_dir.joinpath(f'{filename}.bin.meta'), 'wb'), valid_meta) else: print(f'{valid_f_path} is removed because the number of', f'`valid_samples`({valid_samples}) is less than 500') os.remove(valid_f_path) return train_tokens, valid_tokens, train_samples, valid_samples def tokenize_and_save(tokenizer, processed_dir, tokenized_dir): tokenized_save_dir = osp.join(tokenized_dir, 'chatml_llamav13_32k') data_dir = processed_dir all_train_tokens = 0 all_valid_tokens = 0 all_train_samples = 0 all_valid_samples = 0 for filename in list_dir_or_file(data_dir, recursive=True, list_dir=False): file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename) if '/processed/' not in file_path: continue assert '.jsonl' in filename # dataset name such as char_x10_chat_format dataset_name = filename.split(os.sep)[0] # Hardcode here to skip tokenizing the file if it already exists # (Refactor the `write_bin_meta_bin`!). train_f = osp.join(tokenized_save_dir, 'train', 'cn', dataset_name, f'{osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename))[0]}.bin') if osp.isfile(train_f): print(f'{train_f} already exists, skip it') continue tokenize_fun = partial( chatml_format, tokenizer=tokenizer, **CHATML_LLAMAV13_32K_TOKEN_CFG) samples = [] with open(file_path) as f: dataset = f.readlines() task_num = len(dataset) dataset = map(lambda x: (json.loads(x), ), dataset) for sample in track_progress_rich( tokenize_fun, dataset, nproc=32, task_num=task_num, chunksize=32, description=f'{os.path.basename(file_path)}...'): samples.append(sample) train_tokens, valid_tokens, train_samples, valid_samples = write_bin_meta_bin( # noqa E501 path=tokenized_save_dir, dataset_name=dataset_name, samples=samples, filename=osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename))[0]) if train_tokens is None: print(f'{osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename))[0]} already ' 'exists, skip it') continue print(f'train_tokens {train_tokens}', flush=True) print(f'train_samples {train_samples}') print(f'valid tokens {valid_tokens}') print(f'valid_samples {valid_samples}') all_train_tokens += train_tokens all_valid_tokens += valid_tokens all_train_samples += train_samples all_valid_samples += valid_samples print(f'all train tokens {all_train_tokens}') print(f'all train samples {all_train_samples}') print(f'all valid tokens {all_valid_tokens}') print(f'all valid samples {all_valid_samples}') def tokenizer_add_special_tokens(tokenizer): print(f'Before adding special tokens, Vocabulary Size: {len(tokenizer)}') for special_token in SEPCIAL_TOKENS: if special_token not in tokenizer.get_vocab(): tokenizer.add_tokens([special_token], special_tokens=True) print(f'After adding special tokens, Vocabulary Size: {len(tokenizer)}') def save_new_tokenizer(tokenizer, save_dir): tokenizer.save_pretrained(save_dir) print(f'save new tokenizer to {save_dir}') def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--processed-dir', help='The folder to save untokenized data.') parser.add_argument( '--tokenized-dir', help='The folder to save tokenized data.') parser.add_argument( '--tokenizer-path', help='The path to the hf tokenizer.') parser.add_argument( '--tokenizer-w-special-tokens-save-dir', default=None, help='We have to add special tokens to the vocabulary of ' 'the given tokenizer, and save the new tokenizer to this folder.') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( args.tokenizer_path, trust_remote_code=True, padding_side='right') ori_vocab_size = len(tokenizer) tokenizer_add_special_tokens(tokenizer) if len(tokenizer) != ori_vocab_size: save_new_tokenizer(tokenizer, args.tokenizer_w_special_tokens_save_dir) tokenize_and_save(tokenizer, args.processed_dir, args.tokenized_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': main()