Zwea Htet
integrated langchain openai model
import datetime
import os
import openai
import requests
import uvicorn
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# from flask import Flask, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for
from fastapi import (Cookie, Depends, FastAPI, Form, HTTPException, Request,
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, RedirectResponse
from import APIKeyHeader
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from models import bloom, langOpen
app = FastAPI()
app.secret_key = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', 'my-secret-key')
# openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
openai_api_key_header = APIKeyHeader(name="token")
bloomLlama = None
langChainAI = None
# index = initialize_index("index.json")
# mounts the static folder that contains the css file
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static", html=True), name="static")
# locates the template files that will be modified at run time
# with the dialog form the user and bot
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
# user data
user = {}
@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def home(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse('login.html', {"request": request})
def validate(token: str):
api_endpoint = ""
api_key = token
headers = {
"Content-Type" : "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"
messages = [
{"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test!"}
data = {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": messages
response =, json=data, headers=headers)
return response
# Beware that most browsers cache GET requests
# (i.e., saved in browser's history), thus making
# them less secure compared to POST, as the data
# sent are part of the URL and visible to anyone
# who has access to the device. Thus, GET method
# should not be used when sending passwords or
# other sensitive information.
#"/login", response_class=HTMLResponse)
# async def login(token: str, request: Request):
# # form = await request.form()
# # print("login form data:", form.values())
# # api_key = form.get("access_token")
# print("apikey from login ", token)
# try:
# response = validate(token)
# print("login response: ", response.json())
# if ("error" in response.json()):
# error = response.json()["error"]
# raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=error["message"])
# except Exception as e:
# context = {"request": request, "error_message": str(e)}
# print("login error: ", context)
# return templates.TemplateResponse('login.html', context=context)
# return templates.TemplateResponse("chatbot.html", {"request": request})
# async def login(token: str, response: Response):
# print("apikey from login ", token)
# response = validate(token)
# print("login response: ", response.json())
# if ("error" in response.json()):
# error = response.json()["error"]
# # Redirect back to the login page with an error message
# response.set_cookie(key="message", value=error.message)
# return RedirectResponse(url="/login")
# # Store the session token or other identifying information in a cookie
# # response.set_cookie(key="username", value=username)
# # Redirect to the chatbot page upon successful login
# return RedirectResponse(url="/chatbot")"/login")
async def login(token: str, response: Response):
result = validate(token)
print("login response: ", result.json())
if ("error" in result.json()):
error = result.json()["error"]
response.set_cookie(key="message", value=error["message"])
return {"error": error["message"]}
return {"redirect": "/chatbot"}"/initLlamaIndex")
async def initLlamaIndex(token: str):
openai.api_key = token
global bloomLlama
bloomLlama = bloom.initialize_index("bloomLlama.json")
return {"success": True}"/initLangOpen")
async def initLangOpen(token: str):
openai.api_key = token
global langChainAI
langChainAI = langOpen.initialize_index("langOpen")
return {"success": True}
# Chatbot endpoint
@app.get("/chatbot", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def chatbot(request: Request):
startTime = ""
context = {"request": request, "startTime": startTime}
return templates.TemplateResponse("chatbot.html", context=context)
def reply(input: str, modelName: str):
if (modelName == "bloom"):
bot_reply = bloomLlama.query(input)
return {"bot_reply": bot_reply}
bot_reply = langOpen.answer_question(langChainAI, input)
print("bot reply: ", bot_reply)
return {"bot_reply": bot_reply}
if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", reload=True)