dify-run / api /core /helper /position_helper.py
Severian's picture
initial commit
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any
from configs import dify_config
from core.tools.utils.yaml_utils import load_yaml_file
def get_position_map(folder_path: str, *, file_name: str = "_position.yaml") -> dict[str, int]:
Get the mapping from name to index from a YAML file
:param folder_path:
:param file_name: the YAML file name, default to '_position.yaml'
:return: a dict with name as key and index as value
position_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
yaml_content = load_yaml_file(file_path=position_file_path, default_value=[])
positions = [item.strip() for item in yaml_content if item and isinstance(item, str) and item.strip()]
return {name: index for index, name in enumerate(positions)}
def get_tool_position_map(folder_path: str, file_name: str = "_position.yaml") -> dict[str, int]:
Get the mapping for tools from name to index from a YAML file.
:param folder_path:
:param file_name: the YAML file name, default to '_position.yaml'
:return: a dict with name as key and index as value
position_map = get_position_map(folder_path, file_name=file_name)
return pin_position_map(
def get_provider_position_map(folder_path: str, file_name: str = "_position.yaml") -> dict[str, int]:
Get the mapping for providers from name to index from a YAML file.
:param folder_path:
:param file_name: the YAML file name, default to '_position.yaml'
:return: a dict with name as key and index as value
position_map = get_position_map(folder_path, file_name=file_name)
return pin_position_map(
def pin_position_map(original_position_map: dict[str, int], pin_list: list[str]) -> dict[str, int]:
Pin the items in the pin list to the beginning of the position map.
Overall logic: exclude > include > pin
:param position_map: the position map to be sorted and filtered
:param pin_list: the list of pins to be put at the beginning
:return: the sorted position map
positions = sorted(original_position_map.keys(), key=lambda x: original_position_map[x])
# Add pins to position map
position_map = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(pin_list)}
# Add remaining positions to position map
start_idx = len(position_map)
for name in positions:
if name not in position_map:
position_map[name] = start_idx
start_idx += 1
return position_map
def is_filtered(
include_set: set[str],
exclude_set: set[str],
data: Any,
name_func: Callable[[Any], str],
) -> bool:
Check if the object should be filtered out.
Overall logic: exclude > include > pin
:param include_set: the set of names to be included
:param exclude_set: the set of names to be excluded
:param name_func: the function to get the name of the object
:param data: the data to be filtered
:return: True if the object should be filtered out, False otherwise
if not data:
return False
if not include_set and not exclude_set:
return False
name = name_func(data)
if name in exclude_set: # exclude_set is prioritized
return True
if include_set and name not in include_set: # filter out only if include_set is not empty
return True
return False
def sort_by_position_map(
position_map: dict[str, int],
data: list[Any],
name_func: Callable[[Any], str],
) -> list[Any]:
Sort the objects by the position map.
If the name of the object is not in the position map, it will be put at the end.
:param position_map: the map holding positions in the form of {name: index}
:param name_func: the function to get the name of the object
:param data: the data to be sorted
:return: the sorted objects
if not position_map or not data:
return data
return sorted(data, key=lambda x: position_map.get(name_func(x), float("inf")))
def sort_to_dict_by_position_map(
position_map: dict[str, int],
data: list[Any],
name_func: Callable[[Any], str],
) -> OrderedDict[str, Any]:
Sort the objects into a ordered dict by the position map.
If the name of the object is not in the position map, it will be put at the end.
:param position_map: the map holding positions in the form of {name: index}
:param name_func: the function to get the name of the object
:param data: the data to be sorted
:return: an OrderedDict with the sorted pairs of name and object
sorted_items = sort_by_position_map(position_map, data, name_func)
return OrderedDict([(name_func(item), item) for item in sorted_items])