musicscopegen /
ziqiangao's picture
ef39bd6 verified
import gradio as gr
import librosa
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, APIC, TIT2, TPE1
import io
from colorthief import ColorThief
import colorsys
import math
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import tempfile
import ffmpeg
import subprocess
import traceback
import shutil
import LRC2SRT
import sys
import re
flag = 1
path = "" # Update with your path
def safe_read(i: int, a: list):
if i >= len(a):
return 128
return a[i]
def getRenderCords(ta: list, idx: int, res: int = 1024, size: tuple = (1280, 720)) -> list:
i = idx - res // 2
x, y = size[0] * .9 / -2, (safe_read(i, ta) - 128) * \
(size[1] / 2000) + (size[1] * .7 / -2)
c = []
while i < idx + (res // 2):
c.append((x, y))
i += 1
y = (safe_read(i, ta) - 128) * (size[1] / 2000) + (size[1] * .7 / -2)
x += (size[0] * .9) / res
return c
def center_to_top_left(coords, width=1280, height=720):
new_coords = []
for x, y in coords:
new_coords.append(totopleft((x, y), width=width, height=height))
return new_coords
def totopleft(coord, width=1280, height=720):
return coord[0] + width / 2, height / 2 - coord[1]
def getTrigger(ad: int, a: list, max: int = 1024) -> int:
i = ad
while not (safe_read(i, a) < 126 and safe_read(i+10, a) < 130 or i - ad > max):
i += 1
return i
def extract_cover_image(mp3_file):
audio = MP3(mp3_file, ID3=ID3)
if audio.tags == None:
return -1
for tag in audio.tags.values():
if isinstance(tag, APIC):
image_data =
cover_image =
return cover_image
print("No cover image found in the MP3 file.")
return None
def getTitleAndArtist(mp3_file):
audio = MP3(mp3_file, ID3=ID3)
title = audio.get('TIT2', TIT2(encoding=3, text='')).text[0]
artist = audio.get('TPE1', TPE1(encoding=3, text='')).text[0]
return title, artist
def getColour(img):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", delete=False) as tmpfile:, format="PNG")
color_thief = ColorThief(
dominant_color = color_thief.get_color(quality=1)
return dominant_color
def clamp(number):
return max(0, min(number, 1))
def normalizeColour(C):
cc = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(C[0] / 255, C[1] / 255, C[2] / 255)
ccc = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(cc[0], clamp(1.3 * cc[1]), .8)
return math.floor(ccc[0] * 255), math.floor(ccc[1] * 255), math.floor(ccc[2] * 255)
def normalizeColourBar(C):
cc = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(C[0] / 255, C[1] / 255, C[2] / 255)
ccc = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(cc[0], clamp(1.4 * cc[1]), .6)
return math.floor(ccc[0] * 255), math.floor(ccc[1] * 255), math.floor(ccc[2] * 255)
def stamp_text(draw, text, font, position, align='left'):
text_bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), text, font=font)
text_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0]
text_height = text_bbox[3] - text_bbox[1]
x, y = position
y -= text_height // 2
if align == 'center':
x -= text_width // 2
elif align == 'right':
x -= text_width
draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill="#fff")
def linear_interpolate(start, stop, progress):
return start + progress * (stop - start)
def filecount(p):
files = os.listdir()
file_count = len(files)
return file_count
def render_frame(params):
n, samples_array, cover_img, title, artist, dominant_color, width, height, fps, name, oscres, sr = params
num_frames = len(samples_array) // (sr // fps)
img ='RGB', (width, height), normalizeColour(dominant_color))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
s = math.floor((sr / fps) * n)
e = center_to_top_left(getRenderCords(samples_array, getTrigger(
s, samples_array, max=oscres), res=oscres, size=(width, height)), width=width, height=height)
d.line(e, fill='#fff', width=round(min(2*height/720, 2*width/1280)))
cs = math.floor(min(width, height) / 2)
cov = cover_img.resize((cs, cs))
img.paste(cov, (((width // 2) - cs // 2), math.floor(height * .1)))
fontT = ImageFont.truetype(
path+'Lexend-Bold.ttf', 50*(min(width, height)/720)//1)
fontA = ImageFont.truetype(
path+'Lexend-Bold.ttf', 40*(min(width, height)/720)//1)
fontD = ImageFont.truetype(
path+'SpaceMono-Bold.ttf', 30*(min(width, height)/720)//1)
stamp_text(d, title, fontT, totopleft(
(0, min(width, height) * .3 // -2), width=width, height=height), 'center')
stamp_text(d, artist, fontA, totopleft(
(0, min(width, height) * .44 // -2), width=width, height=height), 'center')
d.line(center_to_top_left([(width * .96 // -2, height * .95 // -2), (width * .96 // 2, height * .95 // -2)], width=width, height=height),
fill=normalizeColourBar(dominant_color), width=15 * height // 360)
d.line(center_to_top_left([(width * .95 // -2, height * .95 // -2),
(linear_interpolate(width * .95 // -2, width * .95 // 2, s / len(samples_array)),
height * .95 // -2)], width=width, height=height), fill='#fff', width=10 * height // 360)'out/{name}/{str(n)}.png', 'PNG')
return 1 # Indicate one frame processed
def RenderVid(af, n, fps=30):
.input(path+f'out/{n}/%d.png', framerate=fps)
.output(n + '.mp4', vcodec='libx264', r=fps, pix_fmt='yuv420p', acodec='aac', shortest=None)
invisible_chars = ["\u200B", "\uFEFF"]
def remove_bom(data: str) -> str:
BOM = '\ufeff'
return data.lstrip(BOM)
def stripinvisibles(s):
e = remove_bom(s)
for i in invisible_chars:
e.replace(i, "")
return e
def start_progress(title):
global progress_x
sys.stdout.write(f"[{'-'*60}] 0%\r")
progress_x = 0
def progress(x):
global progress_x
sys.stdout.write(f"[{'#'*round(60*x)}{'-'*(60-round(60*x))}] {x:.2%}\r")
progress_x = x
def end_progress():
sys.stdout.write(f"[{'#'*60}] 100.00%\r\n")
haslyrics = False
def main(file, name, fps=30, res: tuple = (1280, 720), oscres=512, sr=11025, lyrics=None, img=None, tit=None, ast=None):
global flag
p = gr.Progress()
if os.path.exists(""):
global haslyrics
haslyrics = False
if lyrics:
p(0.5, "parsing lyrics")
outf = open("", mode="x", encoding="UTF8")
sf = stripinvisibles(open(lyrics, encoding="UTF8").read())
if sf[0] == '[':
gr.Info("Lyrics of LRC type was detected, converting to SRT")
haslyrics = True
elif sf[0].isdigit():
gr.Info("Lyrics of SRT type was detected")
haslyrics = True
gr.Warning("Lyrics file is invalid, skipping")
except Exception as e:
"Failed to parse lyrics, ensure there are no blank lines in between, you may use Lyrics Editor to ensure compatability")
os.makedirs(path + f'out/{name}/', exist_ok=True)
global iii
iii = 0
# Load the audio file
if flag:
gr.Info("This is the first file since startup, this may take some time")
flag = 0
p(0.25, "loading file")
audio_path = file
y, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=sr) # Resample to 11025 Hz
y_u8 = (y * 128 + 128).astype('uint8')
samples_array = y_u8.tolist()
p(0.5, "extracting metadata")
# Extract cover image, title, and artist
cover_file = None
if img:
cover_file =
cover_img = extract_cover_image(audio_path)
if img:
cover_img = cover_file
if cover_img is None:
raise gr.Error(
"Mp3 must have a cover image, upload the image under the 'Metadata' section", duration=None)
elif cover_img == -1 and not (tit or ast or img):
raise gr.Error(
"Mp3 is missing tags, add the info under the 'Metadata' section", duration=None)
title, artist = getTitleAndArtist(audio_path)
if tit and ast:
title, artist = tit, ast
if title == '' or artist == '':
gr.Warning('Missing Title or Artist')
if img:
color_thief = ColorThief(img)
dominant_color = color_thief.get_color(quality=1)
cover_img = cover_file
dominant_color = getColour(cover_img)
# Frame rendering parameters
width, height, fps = res[0], res[1], fps
num_frames = len(samples_array) // (sr // fps)
# Prepare parameters for each frame
params = [(n, samples_array, cover_img, title, artist, dominant_color,
width, height, fps, name, oscres, sr) for n in range(num_frames)]
print('Info:' + "External" if img else "ID3")
print("Title: " + title)
print("Artist: " + artist)
print(f'Resolution: {str(width)}x{str(height)}')
print("Background Colour: " + str(dominant_color))
print('Framerate: ' + str(fps))
print('Frame Count: ' + str(num_frames))
print('Segments per frame: ' + str(oscres))
with Pool(cpu_count()-1) as pool:
num_frames = len(samples_array) // (sr // fps)
# Use imap to get progress updates
for _ in pool.imap_unordered(render_frame, params):
iii += 1 # Increment frame count for progress
p((iii, num_frames), desc="Rendering Frames")
except Exception as e:
raise gr.Error("Something went wrong whilst rendering")
p = gr.Progress()
p(0, desc="Compiling video")
if haslyrics:
ffmpeg_cmd = [
'-framerate', str(fps),
'-i', path + f'out/{name}/%d.png', # Input PNG images
'-i', file, # Input MP3 audio
'-i', path + '', # Input SRT subtitles
'-c:v', 'libx264',
'-r', str(fps),
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
'-c:a', 'aac',
'-c:s', 'mov_text', # Use mov_text codec for subtitles
path + f'{name}.mp4' # Output MP4 filename
ffmpeg_cmd = [
'-framerate', str(fps),
'-i', path + f'out/{name}/%d.png', # Input PNG images
'-i', f'{file}', # Input MP3 audio
'-c:v', 'libx264',
'-r', str(fps),
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
'-c:a', 'aac',
path + f'{name}.mp4' # Output MP4 filename
process = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
# Regular expression to match frame information
frame_re = re.compile(r"frame=\s*(\d+)")
p = gr.Progress()
#start_progress('Compliling video')
while True:
output = process.stderr.readline()
if output == '' and process.poll() is not None:
if output:
# Check if the output line contains frame information
match =
if match:
frame =
p((int(frame), num_frames), desc="Compiling Video")
# Wait for the process to complete
return f"{name}.mp4", haslyrics
def gradio_interface(audio_file, lyrics, output_name, fps=30, vidwidth=1280, vidheight=720, oscres=512, img=None, tit=None, ast=None):
if audio_file is None:
raise gr.Error("Please Provide an Audio File")
if not str(audio_file).endswith(".mp3"):
raise gr.Error("Only MP3 Files are supported at this time")
# Check MP3 duration limit (15 min = 900 sec)
audio = MP3(
if > 900:
raise gr.Error("The uploaded MP3 file exceeds the 15-minute limit. Please upload a shorter file.")
resolution = f"{vidwidth}x{vidheight}"
res = tuple(map(int, resolution.split('x')))
video_file, haslyrics = main(audio_file, output_name, fps=fps,
res=res, oscres=oscres, lyrics=lyrics, img=img, tit=tit, ast=ast)
# Clean up the temporary file
srt_output = "" if haslyrics else None
return video_file, srt_output, haslyrics
def update_srt_output_visibility(haslyrics):
return gr.update(visible=haslyrics)
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
'Upload an MP3 file and configure parameters to create a visualization video.')
'Optionally upload a word or line synced lyric file in the advanced section.')
with gr.Row():
# Inputs on the left
with gr.Column():
with gr.Accordion(label="Audio Settings", open=True):
gr.Markdown('## Load your mp3 file here')
audio_file = gr.File(
label="Upload your MP3 file", file_count='single', file_types=['.mp3'])
with gr.Accordion(label="Mp3 Metadata", open=False):
'## Add Metadata here if your mp3 does not have one')
cover_img = gr.Image(label='Cover Art', type="filepath")
title_input = gr.Textbox(label='Title')
artist_input = gr.Textbox(label='Artists')
with gr.Accordion(label="Video Output Settings", open=False):
gr.Markdown('## Configure Video Output Here')
output_name = gr.Textbox(
label="Output Video Name", value='Output')
fps_slider = gr.Slider(
label="Frames per Second", minimum=20, maximum=60, step=1, value=30)
vidwidth_slider = gr.Slider(
label="Output Video Width", minimum=100, maximum=2000, value=1280, step=2)
vidheight_slider = gr.Slider(
label="Output Video Height", minimum=100, maximum=2000, value=720, step=2)
with gr.Accordion(label="Advanced Options", open=False):
oscres_slider = gr.Slider(
label="Number of Visualization Segments", minimum=256, maximum=2048, step=2, value=1024)
'If uploading LRC, ensure a blank timed line at the end to avoid conversion errors')
lyrics_file = gr.File(label="(Optional) Upload Lyrics as LRC or SRT",
file_count='single', file_types=['lrc', 'srt'])
# Add a submit button
submit_btn = gr.Button("Generate Video")
# Outputs on the right
with gr.Column():
output_video = gr.Video(label="Output")
with gr.Accordion(label="SRT File (Only used if lyrics is provided)", open=False):
srt_output = gr.File(label="SRT Output")
# Bind the button to the function
inputs=[audio_file, lyrics_file, output_name, fps_slider, vidwidth_slider,
vidheight_slider, oscres_slider, cover_img, title_input, artist_input],
outputs=[output_video, srt_output]
# Launch Gradio interface
if __name__ == '__main__':