from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import numpy as np import torch from import context from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from ..rome import repr_tools from ...util import nethook from .rome_hparams import ROMEHyperParams def compute_v( model: AutoModelForCausalLM, tok: AutoTokenizer, request: Dict, hparams: ROMEHyperParams, layer: int, left_vector: torch.Tensor, context_templates: List[str], ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the value (right) vector for the rank-1 update. Runs a simple optimization procedure. """ print("Computing right vector (v)") # Tokenize target into list of int token IDs target_ids = tok.encode(request["target_new"], return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to('cpu')[0] # if target_ids[0] == tok.bos_token_id or target_ids[0] == tok.unk_token_id: # target_ids = target_ids[1:] # Compile list of rewriting and KL x/y pairs rewriting_prompts, kl_prompts = [ context.format(request["prompt"]) + tok.decode(target_ids[:-1]) for context in context_templates ], ["{} is a"] all_prompts = rewriting_prompts + kl_prompts input_tok = tok( [prompt.format(request["subject"]) for prompt in all_prompts], return_tensors="pt", padding=True, ).to("cpu") # Compute rewriting targets rewriting_targets = torch.tensor(-100, device='cpu').repeat( len(rewriting_prompts), *input_tok["input_ids"].shape[1:] ) for i in range(len(rewriting_prompts)): ex_len = input_tok["attention_mask"][i].sum() rewriting_targets[i, ex_len - len(target_ids) : ex_len] = target_ids # Compute indices of the tokens where the fact is looked up vanilla_input_prompts = [ context.format(request["prompt"]).format(request['subject']) for context in context_templates ] + [f"{request['subject']} is a"] lookup_idxs = [ find_fact_lookup_idx( prompt, request["subject"], tok, hparams.fact_token, verbose=(i == 0), input_prompt=vanilla_input_prompts[i] ) for i, prompt in enumerate(all_prompts) ] # Finalize rewrite and loss layers loss_layer = max(hparams.v_loss_layer, layer) print(f"Rewrite layer is {layer}") print(f"Tying optimization objective to {loss_layer}") # Set up an optimization over a latent vector that, when output at the # rewrite layer, i.e. hypothesized fact lookup location, will induce the # target token to be predicted at the final layer. if hasattr(model.config, 'n_embd'): delta = torch.zeros((model.config.n_embd,), requires_grad=True, device=f"cpu") else: delta = torch.zeros((model.config.hidden_size,), requires_grad=True, device=f"cpu") target_init, kl_distr_init = None, None # Inserts new "delta" variable at the appropriate part of the computation def edit_output_fn(cur_out, cur_layer): nonlocal target_init if cur_layer == hparams.mlp_module_tmp.format(layer): # Store initial value of the vector of interest if target_init is None: print("Recording initial value of v*") # Initial value is recorded for the clean sentence target_init = cur_out[0, lookup_idxs[0]].detach().clone() for i, idx in enumerate(lookup_idxs): if len(lookup_idxs)!=len(cur_out): cur_out[idx, i, :] += delta else: cur_out[i, idx, :] += delta return cur_out # Optimizer opt = torch.optim.Adam([delta], lr=hparams.v_lr) nethook.set_requires_grad(False, model) # Execute optimization for it in range(hparams.v_num_grad_steps): opt.zero_grad() # Forward propagation with nethook.TraceDict( module=model, layers=[ hparams.layer_module_tmp.format(loss_layer), hparams.mlp_module_tmp.format(layer), ], retain_input=False, retain_output=True, edit_output=edit_output_fn, ) as tr: logits = model(**input_tok).logits # Compute distribution for KL divergence kl_logits = torch.stack( [ logits[i - len(kl_prompts), idx, :] for i, idx in enumerate(lookup_idxs[-len(kl_prompts) :]) ], dim=0, ) kl_log_probs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(kl_logits, dim=1) if kl_distr_init is None: kl_distr_init = kl_log_probs.detach().clone() # Compute loss on rewriting targets log_probs = torch.log_softmax(logits, dim=2) loss = torch.gather( log_probs, 2, torch.where(rewriting_targets != -100, rewriting_targets, 0).unsqueeze(2), ).squeeze(2) mask = (rewriting_targets != -100).float() # Aggregate total losses nll_loss_each = -(loss * mask).sum(1) / target_ids.size(0) nll_loss = nll_loss_each.mean() kl_loss = hparams.kl_factor * torch.nn.functional.kl_div( kl_distr_init, kl_log_probs, log_target=True, reduction="batchmean" ) weight_decay = hparams.v_weight_decay * ( torch.norm(delta) / torch.norm(target_init) ** 2 ) # weight_decay = hparams.v_weight_decay * torch.norm(delta) ** 2 loss = nll_loss + kl_loss + weight_decay print( f"loss {np.round(loss.item(), 3)} = {np.round(nll_loss.item(), 3)} + {np.round(kl_loss.item(), 3)} + {np.round(weight_decay.item(), 3)} " f"avg prob of [{request['target_new']}] " f"{torch.exp(-nll_loss_each).mean().item()}" ) if loss < 5e-2: break if it == hparams.v_num_grad_steps - 1: break # Backpropagate loss.backward() opt.step() # Project within L2 ball max_norm = hparams.clamp_norm_factor * target_init.norm() if delta.norm() > max_norm: with torch.no_grad(): delta[...] = delta * max_norm / delta.norm() target = target_init + # Retrieve cur_input, the current input to the 2nd MLP layer, and # cur_output, the original output of the 2nd MLP layer. cur_input, cur_output = get_module_input_output_at_word( model, tok, layer, context_template=request["prompt"], word=request["subject"], module_template=hparams.rewrite_module_tmp, fact_token_strategy=hparams.fact_token, ) # Solving the linear system to compute the right vector right_vector = (target - cur_output) /, left_vector) print(f"Delta norm: {(target - cur_output).norm().item()}") print( f"Change in target norm: {target_init.norm().item()} to {target.norm().item()} => {(target.norm() - target_init.norm()).item()}" ) print(f"Division Factor: {, left_vector).item()}") print(f"Right vector norm: {right_vector.norm()}") return right_vector def get_module_input_output_at_word( model: AutoModelForCausalLM, tok: AutoTokenizer, layer: int, context_template: str, word: str, module_template: str, fact_token_strategy: str, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """ Retrieves detached representations for a word at the input and output of a particular layer module. """ word_repr_args = dict( model=model, tok=tok, layer=layer, module_template=module_template, ) if "subject_" in fact_token_strategy and fact_token_strategy.index("subject_") == 0: subtoken = fact_token_strategy[len("subject_") :] l_input, l_output = repr_tools.get_reprs_at_word_tokens( track="both", subtoken=subtoken, context_templates=[context_template], words=[word], **word_repr_args, ) elif fact_token_strategy == "last": l_input, l_output = repr_tools.get_reprs_at_idxs( track="both", contexts=[context_template.format(word)], idxs=[[-1]], **word_repr_args, ) else: raise ValueError(f"fact_token={fact_token_strategy} not recognized") l_input, l_output = l_input[0], l_output[0] return l_input.detach(), l_output.detach() def find_fact_lookup_idx( prompt: str, subject: str, tok: AutoTokenizer, fact_token_strategy: str, verbose=True, input_prompt=None ) -> int: """ Computes hypothesized fact lookup index given a sentence and subject. """ ret = None if fact_token_strategy == "last": ret = len(tok.encode(input_prompt)) - 1 elif ( "subject_" in fact_token_strategy and fact_token_strategy.index("subject_") == 0 ): ret = repr_tools.get_words_idxs_in_templates( tok=tok, context_templates=[prompt], words=[subject], subtoken=fact_token_strategy[len("subject_") :], )[0][0] else: raise ValueError(f"fact_token={fact_token_strategy} not recognized") sentence = prompt.format(subject) if verbose: print( f"Lookup index found: {ret} | Sentence: {sentence} | Token:", tok.decode(tok(sentence)["input_ids"][ret]), ) return ret