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Copy a token from your Hugging Face\ntokens page and paste it below.
Immediately click login after copying\nyour token or it might be stored in plain text in this notebook file.
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b0781339f035c72b3028d846eb2261e8115cd375\n", " Installing build dependencies ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Getting requirements to build wheel ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Installing backend dependencies ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", " Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tyro in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (0.8.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: transformers>=4.38.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (4.41.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: datasets>=2.16.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2.19.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: sentencepiece in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from unsloth[colab-new]@ 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git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (0.23.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (24.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (6.0.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: regex!=2019.12.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.38.2->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2023.12.25)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers<0.20,>=0.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.38.2->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (0.19.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: safetensors>=0.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers>=4.38.2->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (0.4.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: docstring-parser>=0.14.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (0.16)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (4.11.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: rich>=11.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (13.7.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: shtab>=1.5.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (1.7.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (1.3.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (23.2.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (1.4.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (6.0.5)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (1.9.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (4.0.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (3.3.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (3.7)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2.0.7)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2024.2.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from rich>=11.1.0->tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (3.0.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pygments<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from rich>=11.1.0->tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2.16.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2.8.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2023.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tzdata>=2022.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (2024.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: mdurl~=0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich>=11.1.0->tyro->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (0.1.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.2->pandas->datasets>=2.16.0->unsloth[colab-new]@ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git) (1.16.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: xformers in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.0.26.post1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: trl in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.8.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: peft in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.11.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: accelerate in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.30.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: bitsandbytes in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.43.1)\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from unsloth import FastLanguageModel\n", "import torch\n", "max_seq_length = 2048\n", "dtype = None # None for auto detection. Float16 for Tesla T4, V100, Bfloat16 for Ampere+\n", "load_in_4bit = True # Use 4bit quantization to reduce memory usage. Can be False.\n", "\n", "model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(\n", " model_name = \"unsloth/llama-3-8b-Instruct-bnb-4bit\",\n", " max_seq_length = max_seq_length,\n", " dtype = dtype,\n", " load_in_4bit = load_in_4bit,\n", " # token = \"hf_...\", # use one if using gated models like meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf\n", ")" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "1koEm-xiTmiG", "outputId": "5cf1ebeb-fbc9-4947-9291-e478d743b2f2" }, "execution_count": 2, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "🦥 Unsloth: Will patch your computer to enable 2x faster free finetuning.\n", "==((====))== Unsloth: Fast Llama patching release 2024.5\n", " \\\\ /| GPU: NVIDIA L4. Max memory: 22.168 GB. Platform = Linux.\n", "O^O/ \\_/ \\ Pytorch: 2.3.0+cu121. CUDA = 8.9. CUDA Toolkit = 12.1.\n", "\\ / Bfloat16 = TRUE. Xformers = 0.0.26.post1. FA = False.\n", " \"-____-\" Free Apache license: http://github.com/unslothai/unsloth\n" ] }, { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "model = FastLanguageModel.get_peft_model(\n", " model,\n", " r = 128, # Choose any number > 0 ! Suggested 8, 16, 32, 64, 128\n", " target_modules = [\"q_proj\", \"k_proj\", \"v_proj\", \"o_proj\",\n", " \"gate_proj\", \"up_proj\", \"down_proj\",],\n", " lora_alpha = 64,\n", " lora_dropout = 0.1,\n", " bias = \"none\",\n", " use_gradient_checkpointing = True, # True or \"unsloth\" for very long context\n", " random_state = 3407,\n", " use_rslora = False,\n", " loftq_config = None,\n", ")" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "kowucPC7T28x", "outputId": "89de5e29-67e0-4366-d4d9-d551b90639e5" }, "execution_count": 3, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Unsloth: Dropout = 0 is supported for fast patching. You are using dropout = 0.1.\n", "Unsloth will patch all other layers, except LoRA matrices, causing a performance hit.\n", "Unsloth 2024.5 patched 32 layers with 0 QKV layers, 0 O layers and 0 MLP layers.\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "### Prepare dataset" ], "metadata": { "id": "GVuu0gUCYiJ2" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from huggingface_hub import login" ], "metadata": { "id": "lsoLm12-ZoVm" }, "execution_count": 4, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "login()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 360, "referenced_widgets": [ "1263f0386897435f87ff8f84adc03522", "24591be0e681445d993dbfbd2adb3d34", "a330a78e2cde4047be62e5a87c62343d", "a2f1b34db97b4ff491c28f9231c6a6b7", "fb1972c4dea24fe890661b9165aec344", "c3115b28a88f4b398f2f0ebad69916d9", "41f2b9d77f5c4da28a962b390e70165f", "6bc6f811e04a4f2499ee8f8fbad1588d", "24096b1e2d174f029656760c6e94df4b", "8ecab2ebce404a89b4f7a8a8a72a90e3", "11317227abbe4711abcf0bc6a2ebd6f1", "eede3d2856614855bcd7a97005319bae", "43d4aa3fc3404fbdaefb63f044d25fff", "8ecfa3dcc4e941e29fa46feb3f81042a", "c63ad864190641ed9a77f00dfec74709", "5e9108329726468cb0dad693e539d63b", "e8e35b85ac9140358b61d24a6200f405" ] }, "id": "g9TQPB-eaYFX", "outputId": "993a8f33-ce2b-4a1f-9e97-56fcb22bf760" }, "execution_count": 5, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "display_data", "data": { "text/plain": [ "VBox(children=(HTML(value='
',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat moviie did you see\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumne konsi movie dekhi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello how are you? Have you heard of Batman Begins? It is a great movie!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello tum kaise ho? Kya tumne Batman Begins ke bare mein suna hai? Kya great movie hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nno tell me more\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi aur batao<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat is it about\\n\\n### Response:\\nye kis bare mein hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Liam Neeson. Great cast right? \\n\\n### Response:\\nIsme Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Liam Neeson starred hain. Great cast hain na?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit is\\n\\n### Response:\\nit is<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat is the movie about\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovie kis baare mein hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis is pretty much the reboot of the Batman film franchise with a new origin story. Christian Bale plays Batman. \\n\\n### Response:\\nYe kafi had tak Batman film franchise ka reboot hai nayi origin story ke saath. Christian Bale Batman play kar raha hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ncool\\n\\n### Response:\\nsahi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhow long is the movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovie kitni lambi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe film has pretty good reviews. Sorry but I am not sure how long the movie is based on the given document\\n\\n### Response:\\nFilm ke reviews kaafi acche hain. Sorry par i am not sure ki movie kitni lambi hai based on the given document.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh ok.\\n\\n### Response:\\noh ok<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat genre would you say the movie is\\n\\n### Response:\\ntum kya bolte ho movie ka genre kya hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is of course a superhero movie. T here are several DC comics characters in the movie like Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul.\\n\\n### Response:\\npakka superhero movie hai. Movie main kaafi DC comics characters hain like Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthats great\\n\\n### Response:\\nthats great<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think I would love to see it\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain soctha hoon i would love to see it<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo in the beginning, Bruce Wayne falls into a well and is attacked by bats. \\n\\n### Response:\\nSo shuru main, Bruce Wayne kuain main girta hai aur usse bats attack karte hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthen what happens\\n\\n### Response:\\nthen what happens<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n?\\n\\n### Response:\\n?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell obviously he became afraid of bats. And then his parents get gunned down in the street by a mugger\\n\\n### Response:\\nobviously wo bats se afraid hone laga. and then uske parents gali me ek chor ke hatho maar diye gaye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nis the movie an animation\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya ye ek animation movie hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo. It is not.\\n\\n### Response:\\nNo, ye nahi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHow does he become batman\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo batman kaise ban jata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe mugger is arrested for murder but soon freed in a plea deal. Bruce Wayne feels like he wants to take justice in his own hands\\n\\n### Response:\\nchor ko arrest kar liya jata hai murder ke liye par jaldi hi use plea deal me chhod diya jata hai. Bruce Wayne ko lagta hai ab kanoon ko use apne hatho me lena hi padega<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ncool\\n\\n### Response:\\ncool<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs the movie in theaters\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya ye movie theaters me hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nor on dvds\\n\\n### Response:\\nya dvds par<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe movie is from 2005. So you can watch it on DVDs\\n\\n### Response:\\nye movie 2005 ki hai. So ab tum ise DVDs par dekh sakte ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThats great\\n\\n### Response:\\nek dam badhiya , great.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI would like to watch it\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain ise watch karna chaahoonga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBruce Wayne travels around the world and finds League of Shadows\\n\\n### Response:\\nBruce Wayne duniya bhar mein travel karata hai aur League of Shadows paata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhats league of shadows?\\n\\n### Response:\\nleague of shadows kya hai ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nLeague of Shadows is a secret organization with highly trained fighters \\n\\n### Response:\\n: League of Shadows ek secret organization hai jisamen highly trained fighters hote hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhere does bruce travel to?\\n\\n### Response:\\nbruce kahaan travel karata hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAll over the world. He finds League of Shadows in Bhutan. Meanwhile in Gotham, there is trouble brewing\\n\\n### Response:\\npooree duniya mein. Bhutan mein use League of Shadows milta hai. is beech Gotham mein, sharaab banana ek museebat ka kaam hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n:)\\n\\n### Response:\\n:)<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs there any other main characters\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya koee aur main characters hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDr. Jonathan Crane, a corrupt psychiatrist, tries to transfer criminals to Arkham Asylum\\n\\n### Response:\\nDr. Jonathan Crane , ek corrupt psychiatrist, aparaadhiyon ko Arkham Asylum ko transfer karane kee koshish karata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou heard of Arkham Asylum? It is a criminal asylum for the insane\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap Arkham Asylum ke baare mein suna hein? voh asylum ka criminal hein jo insane nahi hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGood bye\\n\\n### Response:\\nacha bye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello\\n\\n### Response:\\nHELLO<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello. Have you watched The Social Network? It was a surprisingly good movie.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHELLO. KYA AAP SOCIAL NETWORK DEKHA HAIN? vah aascharya se ek achha movie tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have not\\n\\n### Response:\\nmere paas nahi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt sounds like a good film\\n\\n### Response:\\nvah ek achha film lagtha hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, I'm here\\n\\n### Response:\\nyes, main edar hoon<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe performances were great. Justin Timberlake is not only a talented singer but a pretty good actor as well. Jesse Eisenberg fit the part very well too.\\n\\n### Response:\\npradarshan bahut achha tha. justin timberlake na sirf ek achha singer hain ,ek achha actor bhee hai. jesse Eisenberg bhi apna bhaag achi tarah nibaya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello?\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm here\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain yahan hoon<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI was just going to ask how Timberlake was as an actor\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain just puchne wala tha as an actor Timberlake kaisa hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi. I was saying how Justin Timberlake and Jesse Eisenberg were pretty good actors.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHi, main keh raha tha kaise Justin Timberlake aurJesse Eisenberg kaafi ache actors hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah. He's better than I thought he would be.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeah. maine jaisa socha tha wo usse better hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm not usually into Biographies \\n\\n### Response:\\nmain aksar Biographies main dilchaspi nahi leta<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMe neither but this one was pretty good. \\n\\n### Response:\\nMe neither,lekin ye kaafi achi thi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBut this one is probably a decent one to watch\\n\\n### Response:\\nlekin shayad ye dekhne ke liye decent hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's crazy how fast Fb blew up\\n\\n### Response:\\nIt's crazy kaise jaldi Fb udh gaya<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt would be interesting to watch the film\\n\\n### Response:\\nfilm dekhna interesting hoga<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is. I didn't think Mark Zuckerberg had a very interesting life but I guess he has.\\n\\n### Response:\\nyeh aise hi hei.. muje nahi lagtha ki Mark Zuckerberg ke paas interesting life hoga<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nFacebook is a monster.\\n\\n### Response:\\nFacebook tho yek monster hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't think most people could live without it at this point in time.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje nahi lagtha ki uske bina koi log jee nahi sakthe.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI bet. He was pretty young when he made fb wasn't he\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje patha hein ki voh pretty young hein jab fb mein nahi tha<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's kind of messed up though. Zuckerberg was accused of stealing someone else's ideas to get started.\\n\\n### Response:\\nyeh thoda messed up jaisa tha.. zuckerberg tho dusron ka idea steal kiya aur apne company startup kiya.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah. He was still in college.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan. yeh tho abhi bhi college mein hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, too many people relay on fb now! \\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, jyada people fb mein hein ab<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know. It's fun but people use it a little too much.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje patha hein.. yeh fun hein lekin people tho jyada hi istamal karte<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe movie doesn't really go into that though. They need to do a sequel that talks about how FB has affected society.\\n\\n### Response:\\nis movie tho itna bhi ache nahi hein.. voh thoda sequel se baath karne chahiye ki kaise FB is society ko affect huva hein.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah, that would be cool to see\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, yeh sahi baath hein.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nmore of a documentary of sorts. \\n\\n### Response:\\nDocumentary of sorts se jyada<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt started out as a simple chat to help college students with dating but turned into something much bigger.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe ek Simple chat se start hua jo ki college students ki dating me help karne ke liye tha but ye kuch bahut bade me turn ho gaya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nKind of a dramatized documentary though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nek Dramatized Documentary ki tarah though.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nlol, right!\\n\\n### Response:\\nlol, right!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello!\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello there, how are you today?\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello there, aaj aap kaise ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm pretty good. Seems like you have the document this time. Do you have a movie you'd like to talk about?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain bilkul theek hoon. Lagta hai is baar aap ke pass document hai. kya aap ke pass koi movie hai jiske baare main aap baat karna chahenge?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo the movie is How to Train Your Dragon, have you seen this before?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntoh movie hai How to Train Your Dragon,kya aap ne pehle dekhi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI haven't but I've heard good things about it!\\n\\n### Response:\\nI haven't lekin maine achi baatein suni hai iske baare mein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat's it about?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkiske baare mein hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell let see, It came out in 2010 and was produced by Dreamworks, it is a fully animated show.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwell dekhte hai, ye 2010 mein nikli aur Dreamworks ki produced hain. ye bilkul animated show hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDreamworks huh? I do enjoy a lot of their movies. I assume from the title that it has something to do with dragons?\\n\\n### Response:\\nDreamworks huh? main unke bahut movies enjoy karta hoon. I assume from the title ke iska dragons se kuch lena hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is set back in the Viking Days, and it has a teenage character named Hiccup, who finds a wounded dragon and befiends it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nye Viking Days mein set hai, aur isme ek teenage character ka naam Hiccup hai,jisko zakhmi dragon milta hai aur dosti karta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbefriends\\n\\n### Response:\\nhum dosthen hei<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh the old boy and his dog story but with a dragon huh? That sounds pretty interesting. Was it received pretty well?\\n\\n### Response:\\nacha tho old boy aur uska dog ka story ya uska dragon ka? yeh tho badi interesting hein, kya yeh pretty hein kya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe movie is a bit unique as it uses 3D animation , its a coming of age comedy, the same producers of Lilo and Stitch created it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nis movie tho 3D animation ka hein aur voh unique se hei. yeh age comedy ka aur same producers yaani Lilo aur stitch ka created hey<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt seemed to do ok it got a 98% on rotten tomatoes, but an A in Cinema score\\n\\n### Response:\\nacha tho 98% Rotten tomatoes neh deya tha lekin yeh tho A nikla<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI see! That sounds pretty good then. You said it was animated but do you know who provides the voices?\\n\\n### Response:\\nacha! tho yeh kaafi acha rahega. aap animated bole lekin kon uska voice deya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nActually some well known names come to mind, like hiccup is played by Jay Baruchel. And Gerard Butler as the chief Viking, America Ferrera plays a friend of Hiccup. Hiccup is the main character of course.\\n\\n### Response:\\nactually kuch jaan pehechan ka naam mera mind mei aa raha hei yaani hiccup ka role tho Jay baruchel ne kiya aur gerard butler ka role chief viking aur america ferrere ka role tho hiccup ka friend ne kiya actually Hiccup tho main character hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat's really cool. I'm sure they do a great job. I really like animated movies so I might have to check that one out sometime.\\n\\n### Response:\\noh tho acha rehega. muje animated movies dekhna pasand hein mein kuch movies aisa dekha hoon<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have actually seen it and I would recommend it\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein tho dekh chuka hoon aur mein is movie ko recommend karunga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou mentioned that he befriends a dragon. Can you tell me anything more about that?\\n\\n### Response:\\njaise aap kahe vaise uska friend hi dragon hein, kya aur kuch uska baare mein aap batha sakthe ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSure, the Dragons name is Night fury. And the movie doesn't have much of a storyline, but it has battles between tamed and evil ones.\\n\\n### Response:\\njarur, Dragon ka naam hein Night fury, aur us movie mein kafi storyline nahi hein lakin uska tamed aur evil one ka battles chal raha hein.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo youlike dragons?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tumhe dragons pasand hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI see, that sounds pretty interesting though. I do! Dragons are usually the bad guys in a film so it might be cool to get a film with a good one\\n\\n### Response:\\nI see, kaafi interesting sound karta hai. Mujhe pasand hai. Dragons usually bad guys rahte hai movies me to kisi film agar wo acche hai to kaafi cool baat hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnd vikings as well. It sounds like a very unique setting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nAur vikings bhi hai. Kaafi unique setting hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYES, The isle of Berk is their village, and they are afraid of the dragons because they steal their livestock, so when they come upon the dragons they usually kill them.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan, isle of Berk unka village hai aur wo dragons se darte hai kyuki wo unke livestock chura lete hai, to jab wo aate hai usually unko maar dete hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh no! But I guess Hiccup finds out that not all dragons are bad in the end?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh nahi! But I guess Hiccup ko pata chalega sab dragons bure nahi hote.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSee Hiccup is scrawny and cant fight because he is scrawny, so he makes things, apparatuses if you will.\\n\\n### Response:\\nSee Hiccup bahut scrawny hai aur isliye fight nahi kar sakta, to wo cheeze banata hai, apparatus bol sakte ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbut he isnt very good at it\\n\\n### Response:\\nbut wo bahut accha nahi hai isme<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI see, an awkward kid makes a friend of a dragon huh? That does sound very interesting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI see , ek awkward kid dragon ko dost bana leta hai. sahi me interesting sound karta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI usually like animated films that have a good main character so this might be right up my alley.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe usually animated movies jisme accha main character ho pasand aati hai, to bilkul mere type ki movie hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSO during one of those attacks Hiccup shoots at a dragon, and believes he has shot it down. Finds it later, not dead, but damaged. Helpes the dragon fly again then finds out that thedragonsare being Bullied by a bigger one.\\n\\n### Response:\\nTo aise hi attacks k duaran Hiccup ek dragon ko shoot karta hai aur maanta hai k usne maar diya. Baad me pata chalta hai k maara nahi but damage kiya hai. Wo us dragon ko wapas udne me help karta hai aur pata lagata hai k sabhi dragons ko ek bada dragon bully kar raha hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI see! I bet he works together with his new dragon friend to help them out then.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI see! Mai sart lagata hu, ki wo apne naye gragon mitra ko madad karne ke liye, milkar kam karenge.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo Hiccup and his friends decide they are going to help out Hiccups friendly Dragon and they all learn how to train awkward dragons and go off to fight the biggest Dragon which they call Red Death.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIsliye Hiccup aur uske friends ne decide kiya ki wo biggest Dragon ki jisko Red Death kaha jata hai unse ladai ke liye, wo Hiccups friendly Dragon ko madad karenge aur wo log sikhenge ki awkward dragons ko kaise train kiya jaye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat does sound cool!\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo cool sunai padta hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnd it looks like we're done\\n\\n### Response:\\naur wo pura kiya dikh raha hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's been nice talking with you!\\n\\n### Response:\\nApke sath bath karna achha laga<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave a good day.\\n\\n### Response:\\nApka din subh rahe<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhey!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhey<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nare you still there?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tum abhi tak vaha ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat took you so long dude?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tumne bahut lamba time liya dude?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes i just finished reading, i am a slow reader\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaa meine abhi reading khatam kiya, mei show reader hui<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh great\\n\\n### Response:\\non great<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nlet's roll\\n\\n### Response:\\nlets roll<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhave you seen the wolf of wall street?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap ne wolf of wall street dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nno but according to the review it does not sound too good\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi par review ke according ye acha nati hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ntalking based on the ratings i would say it is a decent movie though\\n\\n### Response:\\nrating ke base par ye kal sakte hai ki ye movie secent hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhaddya think\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya baat hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhave you seen it\\\\\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya aap ne dekha<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\na 78% from rotten tomatoes doesn't seem cheap to me\\n\\n### Response:\\n78% rotten tomatoes chep nahi hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhats a rotten tomatoes\\\\]\\n\\n### Response:\\nRotten tomatoes kya hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHey! How's it going?\\n\\n### Response:\\nhey kya haal chaal hein?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHow did you like Iron Man?\\n\\n### Response:\\nare iron man ko kaise pasand aaya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi! I like the movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nhi.. muje is movie ko pasand hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you like it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aapko<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI thought it was fun too.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan thoda fun bhi hein yar<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat was your favorite character?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumhara favorite character kon tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOfcourse it is Tony\\n\\n### Response:\\nnishchit roop se wo Tony hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe's hard to beat I must admit.\\n\\n### Response:\\nUse harana mushkil hai main ye manta hun.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat was your favorite character ?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumhara favorite character kon tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nProbably Tony as well - he cracks me up with his deadpan humor.\\n\\n### Response:\\nProbably tony bhi bahut accha hai - usne mujhe apne deadpan humar se crack kar diya<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI actually think it's the humor that helps the movie work out.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe actually lagta hai ki wo humor hi tha jis se movie ko work out karne me help mili<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes he has very good humor and acts with ease\\n\\n### Response:\\nHan uske pass bahut accha humor hai aur wo bahut ease se work karta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat element of the movie did you prefer, besides the humor?\\n\\n### Response:\\nHumor ke alawa, tum movie ka kon sa element prefer karoge?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAction sequences. I like the second movie out of all three parts\\n\\n### Response:\\nAction sequences, mujhe teeno parts me se second movie pasand aayi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nFirst movie looks more like a documentary/war\\n\\n### Response:\\nPehli movie bahut had tak documentary/war jaisi pratit hui<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, the action sequence are pretty good. Love the flying suit!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan, action sequence kafi ache hai. love udne wala suit.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nRight. But it was a good way to establish the back story.\\n\\n### Response:\\nsahi. par yeh pichli story establish krne ka acha tarika tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nsecond part is my favorite with all sports cars in action, upgraded suit\\n\\n### Response:\\ndusra part mera pasandida hai jisme sports cars aciton mai hai, upgraded suit hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah \\n\\n### Response:\\nhan<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know! All those shiny toys.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje pata hai! sab chamkne wale khilono k bare mai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nUsually, I\\n\\n### Response:\\njaydatar, mai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nm not that big on gadgets like that, but t hey really make it work.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmai uss tarah k gadgets par utna bda nai hu, par yeah sach mai kam karta hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it's the sort of aesthetics they went for that works for me.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagta hai jo mere liye kam karte hain woh aesthetics ki tarah hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nare you expecting another part?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tumhe lagta hai dusra part aye ga?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nsequel\\n\\n### Response:\\nparinam<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nProbably. They made so much money with those movies, why would they stop?\\n\\n### Response:\\nShayad. Unhone un movies se kafi paise bana liye, ve kyun rukenge?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think they made a billion dollars with those movies\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta hai unhone un movies se bees billion dollars bana liye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat do you think of the flirt/love sub story with Gwyneth Paltrow?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTum Gwyneth Paltrow ke sath flirt/love sub story ka kya sochte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHonestly I don't remember that one..remind me where exactly it happened\\n\\n### Response:\\nSach mein mujhe veh yaad nahi..mujhe yaad karwao yeh kahan hui thi<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think toward the end. I thought it was unnecessary.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain sachti hu ant ki taraf. Mujhe lagta hai yeh jaroori nahi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBut you can see the love story coming from the start.\\n\\n### Response:\\nLekin tum us prem kahani ko dekh sakte ho jo shuru se shuru hui.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI find it annoying when they feel they have to add love stories to everything.\\n\\n### Response:\\nJab unko lagta hai ki unhe har cheez mein prem kahani daal deni chaiye tab mujhe chid hoti hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBut her character still works besides the flirting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nPar uska charitra flirting ke baad bhi chalega.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSee that's why I only remember war thing\\n\\n### Response:\\nDekho isilye mujhe sirf ladai ki cheeze yaad hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know - it's more fun to watch, more action-oriented.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe pata hai action-oriented dekhne me jyada mazha aata hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat about the technology in the movies - do you like the way it's presented?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovies ke technology ke baare mein kya - kya tumhe pasand hai jis tarah se woh present kiye jate hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI loved the electro magnet in his heart.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe uske dil pe lagi electro magnet se pyaar tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh by the way, I love his attitude in serious fights, humor with music\\n\\n### Response:\\noh waise bhi, mujhe pasand hai uska attitude serious fights mein, humor music ke saath<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know! He's one of the best actors for super hero movies because he doesn't take himself too seriously.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe pata hai, woh super hero movies mein sabse achcha actor hai kyunki woh apne aap ko seriously nahin leeta.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGotta go now - fun talking with you!\\n\\n### Response:\\ngotta go now - tumse baat karne mein mazha aaya!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHI there! Have you ever seen this?\\n\\n### Response:\\nSuno zara. Kya tumne ise dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHey! Yeah I have but it was a LONG time ago\\n\\n### Response:\\nHey. Haan, par bahut time pehle.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat about you\\n\\n### Response:\\nTum kya kahte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was a long time ago for me too, but I remember because all the dark knight movies came out afterwards\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein bhi kahi saal ke peheli dekha hoon, kuch kuch tho yaad hein kyon ki sabhi dark knight movies aise hi aathe hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthough they took forever to make those ones... or at least waited forever\\n\\n### Response:\\nkuch tho aise hi bana dethe hey aur kuch tho wait karte ache movies ke liye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI personally liked the dark knight movies way more\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein personally is dark knight movies ko pasand kartha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nespecially the first one\\n\\n### Response:\\nespecially voh first one ko<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah, they didnt do a very good job of connecting the storylines\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, voh tho storyline se connect karne me itna ache job nahi karte<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nand christian bale wasnt my fav batman either\\n\\n### Response:\\naur christian bale tho mera batman ka fav bhi nahi hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni don't think too many people like him as batman honestly\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje nahi lagtha ki kaafi logo is liye batman ko pasand hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe voice he made was almost comical\\n\\n### Response:\\nvoice voh diya tho almost comical tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthe best part is he tried so hard on that voice too\\n\\n### Response:\\nbest part voice hi hey<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhahaha I know\\n\\n### Response:\\nha ha ha muje patha hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbut i cant talk too much because i always get flack for like ben affleck\\n\\n### Response:\\nbut mai iske baare me jyada baat nahi kar sakti because mera hamesha mazak banaya jata hai ben affleck ko pasand karne ke liye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nliking*\\n\\n### Response:\\nliking<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\naffleck>bale \\n\\n### Response:\\naffleck>bale<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYAS someone agrees haha\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes koi to agree hua haha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat about tom hardy in the new ones?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntom hardy ke bare me kya khyal naye wale me?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'd say he did better than both of them \\n\\n### Response:\\nmai kahunga usne dono se bahut behtar kiya<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree!!!!\\n\\n### Response:\\nI agree!!!!<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nits been years but i still can't get over heath ledgers acting as the joker \\n\\n### Response:\\nbahut saal ho gaye par mai abhi heath ledgers ki joker ke roop me acting ko nahi bhul paya hu<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthat was some next level stuff\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo sach me next level ka stuff tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAgreed. It took a lot of good ating to be as good in the role as jack nicholson\\n\\n### Response:\\nagreed. bahut saari good acting lagi hogi role me jack nicholson ke jitna behatar karne ke liye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh jeez my typing is awful today. acting*\\n\\n### Response:\\noh jeez meri taking awful hai today. acting<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nlol you're fine\\n\\n### Response:\\nlol aap thik ho<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nim not used to typing without emojis \\n\\n### Response:\\nmai used to nahi hu emoji ke bina type karne ke<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n#firstworldproblems\\n\\n### Response:\\n#firstworldproblems<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh yeah me too. too much texting\\n\\n### Response:\\noh yes me too. bahut jyada texting hai ye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyou know who i did love in these movies tho?\\n\\n### Response:\\nyou know waise mai in movies me kisko pasand karti hu<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwho?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkaun?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMICHAEL CAINE\\n\\n### Response:\\nMICHAEL CAINE<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTRUEEEEEE\\n\\n### Response:\\nsachchi<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe does so well as alfred :'D\\n\\n### Response:\\nwah bahut badhiya karta alfred ke roop me<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyou can't not like him\\n\\n### Response:\\ntum use like nahi kar sakte<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nmhmm. good in children of men too\\n\\n### Response:\\nmhmm. men ke children me bhi accha hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDidn't he have a cameo in one of the recent superhero movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nrecent ki superhero movies me uska cameo nahi tha.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOr am i thinking of someone else/\\n\\n### Response:\\nor main kisi aur ke baare me soch raha hun.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nmichael caine?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmichael caine?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyea\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh god there are so many superhero movies now that i really couldnt tell you\\n\\n### Response:\\noh god yanha par ab bahut si superhero movies, jise me sach me nahi bata sakta<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ngood point lmao\\n\\n### Response:\\naccha point imao<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nu wanna know one superhero movie that im REALLY excited for\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tum jaanna chahoge koi superhero movie ke baare me jiske liye me really excited hun.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhats that\\n\\n### Response:\\nye kya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTHE INCREDIBLES 2!!!\\n\\n### Response:\\nDo incredibles!!!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nk I just talked about this yesterday\\n\\n### Response:\\nK maine kal hi baat kiyatha<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI've waited for soooooo loooooong\\n\\n### Response:\\nMaine bahut der se wait kiya tha<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni am so excited and its taking way too long\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain itna excited hoon aur ye itna time lerahahai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni will push children out of the way to watch it\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain Bachoko out of the way push karunga ise watch karne keliye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nright at the end of the movie, we were like when is the next...ten years later...haha\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie khatam hote hi, we were like next kab hai... 10 saal ke baad...haha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhahahaha\\n\\n### Response:\\nhahahaha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think we are allowed to end our convo now?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta hai hume apna convo end kar dena chahiye?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have no idea honestly\\n\\n### Response:\\nSachimain mujhe koi idea nahi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHaha well Im gonna see, it was lovely chatting!!! have a great day!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaha mene dekungi, ee tho pyara chatting hi!!! aap ko subh din hoga aaj!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat is the name of the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovie ka nam kya tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you watch 'The Post'?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tumne 'The Post' dekhi hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo, i didnt\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi mene nahi kia<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat genre is it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkonsa genre hai ye?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit is 'Historical, Political'\\n\\n### Response:\\nye 'Historical, Political' hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndirected by Steven Spielberg\\n\\n### Response:\\nSteven Spielberg ne isey direct kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh. Does it have any actors that I might know of?\\n\\n### Response:\\noh. Kya isme koi actor hai jiska mujhe pata ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMaryl Stree \\n\\n### Response:\\nMaryl Stree<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nStreep\\n\\n### Response:\\nStreep<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTom Hanks\\n\\n### Response:\\nTom Hanks<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nis it a new movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya ye nayi movie hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes, 2017\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, 2017<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh, I guess im a bit behind the times. has it been well received?\\n\\n### Response:\\noh, mujhe lagta hai main thoda samay mein piche hun. kya ye well received hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it's worth watching\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain sochta hun ye worth watching hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you want to know something about plot?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tum plot ke bare mei janana chahte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat type of \"post\" is it named after? whats the movie about?\\n\\n### Response:\\nbaad mei post ka kya naam tha? movie ke bare mei kya kahna hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes please\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaa please<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe Post depicts the story of attempts by journalists at The Washington Post to publish the Pentagon Paers\\n\\n### Response:\\nIs post mei pentagon paerss ko prakashit karne ke liye journalists ki attempts ki story hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nPapers\\n\\n### Response:\\npapers<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh. is that related to the vietnam war?\\n\\n### Response:\\nye kya vietnam war se related hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaa<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nis the movie about a government cover up?\\n\\n### Response:\\nye movie government cover up ke bare mai hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthe government always has something to hide ;)\\n\\n### Response:\\ngoverment hamesh kuch chupane ki koshish karti hai ;)<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nisnt that the truth!\\n\\n### Response:\\nye kya sach hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit sounds like a movie id enjoy\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta he ki me ye movie enjoy karunga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think that this film is worth watching\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta he ye movie dekhne layak he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nis it a long show?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya yaha lamba show he?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you know the length?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumhe length pata he?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI dont know the length\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe length nai pata.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbut probably about 1.30h as usual...\\n\\n### Response:\\nLekin probably 1.30h as usual..<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you know if it has won any awards?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumhe pata he agar koi award jita he?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't know\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe nahi pata<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwell thanks for telling me about the post. :)\\n\\n### Response:\\nThanks mujhe post ke bare me batane ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi.\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello, have you seen the movie Dunkirk?\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste, kya tumne dunkirk filam ke dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNot yet, have you?\\n\\n### Response:\\nabhi nahi, kya tumne?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is written and directed by Christopher Nolan.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIsko likha or nirdeshit kiya hai christopher Nolan ne.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have not, but I am very interested.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmere pass nahi, par mujhe bahut ruchi hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI did notknow he wrote it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe nahi mahul usne likha hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe filmed it on a unique format film stock as well, so it's especially suited for something like an IMAX experience\\n\\n### Response:\\nye philam ek alag format mei hai to ye bahut he vishesh hai IMAX anubhave hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI wonder if it is still in theaters?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe ashcharya hai ki abhi bhi ye cinemaghar mei hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt came out a while back now.\\n\\n### Response:\\nkuch der pahale ye bahar aaya hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think..\\n\\n### Response:\\nmene shocha..<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI do not think so. And without it, there are several critical responses as well because it does not have any sentimentality\\n\\n### Response:\\nmai aisa nahi sochta. aur without iske bhi yaha par kuch critical responses bhi hai because isme koi bhi sentimentality nahi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh so are you saying some critics didn't like it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh so aap yah kah rahe ho ki kuch critics ne bhi ise pasand nahi kiya?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes. It got a really high score on Rotten Tomatoes, but there are several other who criticize it for being overwhelming\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes. Rotten Tomatoes par isne really bahut high score kiya ha, but kuch aur bhi jinhone ise overwhelming hone ke liye criticize kiya hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhmm. do you how what it's rating on rotten tomatoes is?\\n\\n### Response:\\nhmm. tumhe pata hai kya ki iske rotten tomatoes par kya rating hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBoth overwhelming in the cinimatics while not providing any one character to get attached to\\n\\n### Response:\\ncinimatics me dono overwhelming hai par bina kisi character se attach kiye bina<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nProbably more driven by the action.\\n\\n### Response:\\nprobably sab kuch action se hi drive ho raha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is about a nearly impossible evacuation, and you see all three types of assistance - naval, air, and land\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah ek nearly impossible evacuation ke baare me hai, aur aapko teeno type ke assistance dekhne ko milte hai - naval, air aur land<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is based on what truly happened at dunkirk, right?\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah dunkirk me asal me kya hua tha us par aadharit hai, right<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes. It is very true to the story.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes. yah true story ke bahut nazdeek hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am always hesitant to see very real war related movies.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmai hamesha hesitant tha asli war related movies ko lekar.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is a lot to handle.\\n\\n### Response:\\nisme bahut kutch handle karna hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThere are a few characters who get names, like Mr. Dawson and his sons Peter and George, who set out on a boat to help, but few characters who get followed throughout\\n\\n### Response:\\nUsme kutch character hain jisenaam mila hai jaise MR.Dawson aur uska beta Peter aur George jo boat nikal kar help karne gaye aur sab character just unko follow kiye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo very different from nolan's batman.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIsliye yeh bahut alag hai nolan's batman se.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nVery much so. While it seems Dunkirk may have been a technical success, you do not walk away feeling like it\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan sahi hai.lag raha hai Dunkirk sayad technically success hai , tum yeh man kar walk way nahi kar sakte.KO<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAny known actors in dunkirk?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKoi known actor hai kya dunkrik mein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThere is commander Bolton, who confirms that the 300,000 have been evacuated. It was ten times more than had been hoped for\\n\\n### Response:\\nCommander Bolton ne confirm kya ki 300,000 evacuate kar chuke hai joki 10 times jyada hai jitna hune ummed ki thi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWho plays him?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKaun use khila raha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMr Dawson gets acknowledgement for having saved so many men\\n\\n### Response:\\nMr Dawson ko acknowledgement mila itne logo ko save karne ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHmmm.. That I do not know\\n\\n### Response:\\nHmmm.. Mujhe yeh pata nahi tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThese names are unknown to me.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh name mere liye unknown hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAhh, I do see it here. Does Aneurin Barnard ring a bell? \\n\\n### Response:\\nAhh, main ise yahaan dekhata hoon. kya Aneurin barnard ek ghantee bajaata hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHmm , no.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhmm, nahi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am surprised there is no big name star.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe surprise hai ki koee bada naam sitaara nahin hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm looking at the list of the biggest roles, and they are not stars. But that goes with the anonymity of all of the characters really\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain sabase badee bhoomikaon kee soochee dekh raha hoon, aur ve sitaare nahin hain. lekin yah vaastav mein sabhee characters ke gumanaamee ke saath jaata hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMaybe it is a comment on war itself.\\n\\n### Response:\\nShaayad yah yuddh par hee ek tippanee hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHehe, I see it of course ends with an article being read, written by Churchill. \\n\\n### Response:\\nHehe, main dekhata hoon ki yah churchlil dvaara likha gaya ek lekh padha ja raha hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo many movies and shows involving Churchill lately!\\n\\n### Response:\\nBahut saaree movies aur shows me churchill haal hee mein shaamil!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nInteresting. \\n\\n### Response:\\ninteresting(dilachasp)<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes it does seem that way.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan, aisa lagata hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI guess you have to watch dunkirk than darkest hour.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagata hai ki aapako darkest hour kee tulana mein dunkirk dekhana hoga.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi there, what were you opinions?\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaay, kya raay thee?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have one great movie to recommend \\n\\n### Response:\\nmere paas siphaarish karane ke lie ek behatareen film hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nLay it on me, buddy\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujh par ise rakho dost<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you watch The Great Gatsby\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aapane The Great Gatsby dekha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe adaptation starring Leonardo DiCaprio? I did indeed, it was enrapturing!\\n\\n### Response:\\nLeonardo DiCaprio abhineet anukoolan mainne vaastav mein kiya tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is based on novel from 1925\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah 1925 ke upanyaas par aadhaarit hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nLeonardo did some stunning acting \\n\\n### Response:\\nliyonaardo ne kuchh shaanadaar abhinay kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWritten by F Scott Fitzgerald? Indeed, truly the great American novel\\n\\n### Response:\\nF Scott Fitzgerald dvaara likhit? vaastav mein, vaastav mein mahaan amerikee upanyaas<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think this movie was the best in 2013 \\n\\n### Response:\\nI think ki yah 2013 ki best movie hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ngreat production and the vintage costumes were magnificent \\n\\n### Response:\\nGreat production aur vintage costume shandar the<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWithout a doubt in my mind, Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway was a casting masterstroke in my mind\\n\\n### Response:\\nMere mind mein beshak tobey maguire as nick carraway masterstroke tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe costume design definitely invoked the nouveau riche ideals which were central themes in the source material\\n\\n### Response:\\nIsme jo central theme thi wo nouveau riche ideals se invoked costume design thi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthis movie entered the Classics \\n\\n### Response:\\nYah movie classic m enter kr gayi<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNot only that, but Baz Lurhmann's direction was a magnificent sight to behold\\n\\n### Response:\\nYahi nhi baz lurhmann ki shandaar direction ne bhi roke rakha<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBaz Luhrmann put a lot of drama and tension moments and combine it with romance \\n\\n### Response:\\nBaz luhrmann ne khoob drama tension aur romance kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIndeed, I also seem to remember the film picking up a wide amount of critical acclaim, and several award nominations for the efforts behind it\\n\\n### Response:\\nMein sochta hun ki is movie ko bahut critical acclaim aur award nomination milenge<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes it was very strange that R.T gave only 48% rating\\n\\n### Response:\\nYah bahut hi strange hai ki R.T. ne sifr 48% hi rating di<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nPerhaps, but I also seem to remember some of the more positive responses to the film, responses more in line with my own.\\n\\n### Response:\\nSayad par m sochta hun ki is movie ko aur positive milne chahiye mere hisab se<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnd the budget was 190 mil. $\\n\\n### Response:\\nBUDGET THO 190MILLION $ THA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI can definitely see where the money was placed, and for me it was all money well spent, as Baz Lurhmann seemed to have such a clear idea of the kind of film he wanted to craft.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMEIN US MONEY KE LIYE THO JARUR DEKHUNGA, AUR MERE LIYE THO US MONEY JO HAM SPENT KARTHEY, BAS LURHMANN THO CLEAR IDEA HEY IS TARAH KA FILM CRAFT KARNE PE<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nEmily Foreman as Pammy did very good job i li ke it very much\\n\\n### Response:\\nEMILY FOREMAN- PAMMY KE ROLE ACHE KIYA HEIN, MUJE PASAND HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAbsolutely, another character that Fitzgerald managed to make leap of the page, doing much the same in the film version.\\n\\n### Response:\\nABSOLUTELY, DUSRA CHARACTER FITZGERALD THO MANAGE KAR RAHE THE US LEAP OF THE PAGE KO BANANE MEI, FILM VERSION THO SAME HI HOTA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you liked the car,the white limousine \\n\\n### Response:\\nAAP KO CAR PASAND HEIN, THE WHITE LIMOUSINE<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAbsolutely, a style icon of the 1920s brought to life with startling vivacity, just one of the many set dressings that this film got entirely correct.\\n\\n### Response:\\nABSOLUTELY, 1920S KA STYLE ICON HEIN JO SAARE LIFE MEIN YEK STARLING VIVACITY LE AAYA, BAS IS FILM MEIN SAARI SET DRESSINGS CORRECT HUVA HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was filmed in Australia \\n\\n### Response:\\nYEH AUSTRALIA MEIN FILMED KIYA HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nProduction started 2011\\n\\n### Response:\\nPRODUCTION 2011 MEIN START HUVA HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think 2 years was time well spent to craft such a rich and vivid film, absolutely awe-inspiring!\\n\\n### Response:\\nMUJE LAGTHA KI 2 SAAL SE CRAFT BANA RAHA HEY JO RICH AUR VIVID FILM HEIN, ABSOLUTELY INSPIRING HEIN YAR<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes indeed \\n\\n### Response:\\nHAAN YAR<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nand a lot of champagne ,and classy moves \\n\\n### Response:\\nkahi champagne hein is mein., badiya classy moves<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you left ?\\n\\n### Response:\\naap hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo, still here, just contemplating the character of Gatsby\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi, gatsby ka kuch character ko contemplating kiya hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNew York in that time was amazing city ,full with class \\n\\n### Response:\\nus time pe tho newyork badiya city hein, full with class<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIndeed, but perhaps Gatsby himself reminds us that shallow shows of wealth are no compensation for human misery\\n\\n### Response:\\nindeed, lekin perhaps gatsby tho hame reminds karthe ki wealth ka showoff itna shallow hein jo kabhi human misery ka koi compensation nahi kartha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIts interesting how such a richly written character can also work as an allegory in that way\\n\\n### Response:\\ninteresting hein, lekin yeh thoda richly character ko likha hein jo allegory se kaam karthe is tarah<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think finish button is open ,we can now finish the conversation .Bye\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje lagtha finish button tho open hein, ab mein conversation finish kartha, bye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen this movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\naap movie dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI just saw it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nha ,maine abi kuch der pahale dekha hoon.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen it?\\n\\n### Response:\\naap dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo, I usually like stuff with Benedict Cumberpatch though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi,main Benedict cumberpatch jaise movie dekhtha hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was such a thrilling movie. Based on the life of Alan Turing.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwoh bada romanchakari movie tha.woh Alan Turing ke jeevan ke bare me tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nKeira Knightly slightly annoys me however.\\n\\n### Response:\\nKeira Knightly mujeh achi nahi lagtha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nCumberbach was really the highlight of the film\\n\\n### Response:\\nCumberbach film ke mukhya akarshan tha .<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGot good reviews, Rotten tomatoes rarely goes over 90% it seems.\\n\\n### Response:\\nacha sameekhan mila , rotton tomatos ko 90% ke uper sameekshan nahi mila<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWho is Alan Turing?\\n\\n### Response:\\nAlan Turing Kaun Hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ntrue. Metacritic gave them 73/100. Turing was a mathematician who was a cryptanalyst for the British during WWII against the Germans. He is famous for breaking the Enigma code.\\n\\n### Response:\\nsach hein yar, metacritic ne 73/100 diya tha. Turing toh mathematician hein jo british ke liye cryptanalyst bane the tab wwii saari germans ke against the. aur voh enigma code ko break karne mein famous hein.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe was outed as a spy by the police who were investigating a break in at his home.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvoh toh spy the aur police ke liye investigate kar rahe the, jo unka ghar break hogaya tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDefinitely see it if you get a chance.\\n\\n### Response:\\njarur dekh na agar aapko chance mila toh<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDramas tend to kind of bore me usually, with many note-worthy exceptions. I like Comedies mostly or fantasy, Sci-fi. I will check it out though, all in all i just love movies!\\n\\n### Response:\\nvoh drama toh bore lagne laga usme jyada note worthy exceptions tha. muje comedies aur fantasy pasand aaya especially sci-fi. mein check kar lunga, overall muje movies pasand hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSounds like an interesting fellow, will definetly give it a watch.\\n\\n### Response:\\nlagtha hein interest se rahega, jarur mein watch karunga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is really more of an espionage movie. It is pretty exciting. I guess there is some drama with his experiences in boarding school and studying with Morcom, his mentor.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan yar yeh toh espionage movie nikla. bahut excite hein usme. muje lagtha hein ki usme kuch drama apni boarding school ka experiences mein se likha hoga aur morcom mein padne se likha hoga jo uska mentor tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think you will enjoy it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje laga ki tu enjoy karega<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMorton Tyldum is a great director.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmorton tyldum bahut badiya director hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAndrew grant and that rag science news never gets it right, if he liked it i will probably hate it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvoh andrew grant aur uska rag science ka news kabhi bhi right nahi hota, agar voh ushe pasand aaya tho mein use hate karunga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe hollywood reporter seems to be as fond of Cumberpatch as i am.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvoh hollywood reporter toh cumberpatch nikhla, jaisa mein hoon.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is kind of technical. It goes pretty in depth about his machine to break the code. He has some breakthroughs when he realizes he can program it with words he already knows. You will probably enjoy that.\\n\\n### Response:\\nye technical type ka hai, code break karne ke liye machine me bahut deep jana padta hai. use ek breakthrough milta hai jab use ye realize hota hai ki wo use pahle se malulm words se wo is program kar sakta hai. tum enjoy karoge ise.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nCumberbach does a great job acting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nkamal ki acting ki hai Cumberbach ne.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThese storys based on true stories tend to always add so much stuff to keep it interesting that it kinda distorts history in my opinion.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmere opinion me true stories pe based ye story hamesha history ko distort karti hain use interesting banane ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe bit about getting married to Keira Knightley might be annoying for you if you are not partial to her acting. I might warn you about all that.\\n\\n### Response:\\nKeira Knightley se marriage ko lekar jo wakya hai, wo thoda annoying hai agar aap uski acting ko leke thode favorable nahi hai to. tumhe iske bare me warn kar raha hu.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is interesting since the movie is based on a play based on a book based on his life. I see your point there.\\n\\n### Response:\\ninteresting baat ye hai ki yah movie us play par based hai, jo uski life par likhi book par based hai. tumhara point dekh sakta hu mai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI would probably enjoy the technical aspects of the film, the good acting, and even the half made up story!\\n\\n### Response:\\nmai probably film ke technical aspect ko enjoy karu, badhiya acting, aur half cooked story.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think also where it is a movie about a mathematician, it kind of helps to add in some plot elements. I think this is unusual though as his life was so interesting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI think also yah movie ek mathematician ke baare men hai, plot me thode elements dalna helpful hai. par mujhe ye unusual laga kyonki uski life to waise hi itni interesting hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThere is quite a bit of espionage involved as well. I suppose I am not spoiling it since it is history, but there is some Russian collusion involved.\\n\\n### Response:\\nisme espionage ka angle bhi involve hai. I suppose mai kuch spoil nahi kar raha hu kyonki ye history hai, but kuch Russian secret bhi involved hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIf he marries Keira knightly i may be shouting at my T.V.\\n\\n### Response:\\nagar wo Keira knightly se marriage karega to mai shayad T.V. par hi shout karne lagu.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBig drama when Turing confronts the russians.\\n\\n### Response:\\nbada drama hua jab Turning Russians ko confront karta hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah you might have to fast forward through the lurid romance. It is not so bad though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, aapako phurteela romaans ke maadhyam se aage badhana hoga. yah haalaanki itana bura nahin hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nShe is trite, absolutely, but the director does make it work here.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvah bilkul trait hai, lekin nirdeshak ise yahaan kaam karate hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nalso, turns out he is gay!\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah bhee pata chala ki vah samalaingik hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nso she gets what she deserves.\\n\\n### Response:\\nisalie use vah milata hai jisaka vah hakadaar hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyou might actualy like it.\\n\\n### Response:\\naap ise pasand kar sakate hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI didn't really get that part, but who can understand the gays?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe vaastav mein vah hissa nahin mila, lekin samalaingikon ko kaun samajh sakata hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell, that kinda of makes it more inviting to me, Keira Nightly must be sad to find that out!\\n\\n### Response:\\nkhair, yah thode ise aur adhik mere lie aamantrit karata hai, keira naitalee ko yah pata lagaane ke lie dukhee hona chaahie!<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah I think she was pretty upset. Like I said I didn't really understand all of that. I was mostly in it for the math. What an interesting, fascinating story.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, mujhe lagata hai ki vah bahut pareshaan thee. jaisa mainne kaha ki main vaastav mein us sab ko samajh nahin paaya hoon. main jyaadaatar ganit ke lie isamen tha. kya dilachasp, aakarshak kahaanee hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think Turing was gay for his mentor or something, but he dies.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagata hai ki tyooring apane guru ya kuchh aur ke lie samalaingik tha, lekin vah mar jaata hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSounds a bit like Beautiful mind that was a great movie, too!\\n\\n### Response:\\nsundar dimaag kee tarah lagata hai ki ek mahaan philm thee, bhee!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTuberculosis.\\n\\n### Response:\\nTuberculosis.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah I did love Beautiful mind. I read that that guy actually was working for the government.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan Beautiful mind accha laga.maine padha hai woh government main kaam karta tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTalk about changing the story!\\n\\n### Response:\\nstory badalne ke baare main batao!<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTuring's story is pretty sad. He got bullied a lot at boarding school. Seems to have affected him a lot. Too bad he wasn't able to find love. Maybe he should have gone for somebody besides Kiera Knightley!\\n\\n### Response:\\nTuring ki story bahut sad hai. usko boarding school main bahut bully kia gaya.Lagta hai woh bahut affect hua. Too bad use love nahin mila. Maybe use Kiera Knightley ke alava kisi aur ko jaana chahiye tha!<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHow come you dislike her so much?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkaise tum use itna dislike kar sakte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs it because you guys used to date?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya isliye ki tum log dating karte the?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMostly just for hogging that driftwood in Titanic ;)\\n\\n### Response:\\nMostly driftwood ke hogging ke liye Titanic mein:)<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh yeah. I have never seen that one. \\n\\n### Response:\\nOh haan. Maine kabhi nahin dekha tha usko.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI find her Wiry, trite, and egotistical. I only enjoy those qualities in myself.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe woh Wiry,trite aur egotistical laga. Mujhe sirf who qualities apne mein lagta hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know there is that song by celine dion.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe malum hai woh song celine dion se hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhaha that is funny. I figured that but didn't want to say.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa Bahut hi majedar hai. Hum ko malum tha ki bat karna nahi chahete<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nShe is kind of a walking plattitude. Kind of like Reese Witherspoon, but more indiana less texas\\n\\n### Response:\\nWoh ladki chalne wali sadharan hai. Reese Witherspoon ki tarah, lekin jyada indiana aur kum Texas<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nor something\\n\\n### Response:\\nya kuch kuch<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh, its ok. Im not blind. However after looking at Keira Knightley for 2 hours i might be.\\n\\n### Response:\\nArey teek hai. Hum andha nahi hai. Lekin do ghante tak hum Keira Knightly ko dekhne ke badh, ho sakta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nStill the story sounds like one of importance that should be told, ill have to tune in.\\n\\n### Response:\\nPhir bhi is kahani aisa mahatwa lagta hai ki sabhi ko batana chahiye. Humko sunna padega.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nanyways she didn't ruin the movie. If anything, Turing's life ruins the movie. It's just sad he gets bullied and takes refuge in gay love. He could have just worked out, made some friends, and been happy. It is a very important story. Reminds me of the life of Charles Darwin, or Plato.\\n\\n### Response:\\nVise bhi usne philam ko barbad nahi kiya. Turing ka jeevan film ko barbad kar deta hai. Bahut dukh ki bat hai ki voh tung agaya aur sam legik prem ka sharan leta hai. Woh kam kar sakta tha, kuch dost bana sakta tha, aur khush reha sakta tha. Yeh to ek bahut hi mahatpurna kahani hai. Charles Darwin ya Plato ka yad dilata hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh, I really like Reese, Not sure what that says about me.\\n\\n### Response:\\nArre, mujhe vastavme Reez pasand hai, lakin woh mere bare me kya bolta hai malum nahi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat is funny but you don't like Kiera. \\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh majak ki bat hai lekin apko Kiera pasand nahi hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI thought Cumberbach made a great Turing, but it would have been funnier if they cast eminem.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe laga ki Cumberbakh ne ek mahan turing banaya hai agar woh eminem dalte hai to aur hi majedar hota.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nFitness is very important. Im a big fan of Darwin so that makes me interested a bit more in the story.\\n\\n### Response:\\nFitness bahut jaruri hai. Mi Darwin ka bada prasanshak hai jise mujhe kahani me aur dilchaspi huyi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell, Darwin had a rough time on the beagle. He was the captain's special steward, which was a demanding job, if you know what I mean.\\n\\n### Response:\\nbadiya, darwin ka bura time tha beagle par. Wo captain ka special steward tha, jo ki ek demanding job thi, agar tum jante ho ki mera kya matlab he<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAll of the Hollywood rags seemed to speak highly of it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHollywood ke sare newspaper uski badi badi karte dikhai dete hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHis theory of fitness was basically an analogy for his relationship to the captain and his station in life, and his feeling of evolution to a higher station in his own life. He was certainly an interesting fellow.\\n\\n### Response:\\nUski theory darasal ek analogy thi uski captain and station ke life ke liye, or uski apni life main evolution to a higher station ke feeling ke liye. Wo waqai ek interesting admi tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI seriously loved this Turing movie. You have to see it!!!\\n\\n### Response:\\nseriously mujhe Turing movie pasand ayi. Tumhain dekhni hogi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI dont usually take anything the Hollywood reporter says to heart though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhalanki main dil par nahin leta jobhi hollywood ke reporter ne kaha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo they have their own problems. \\n\\n### Response:\\nnahin unki apni problems hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnd what do they know about science?\\n\\n### Response:\\nor wo science ke bare main kya jante hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNot since they gave The Big Lebowski such awful reviews.\\n\\n### Response:\\njabse unhone the big lebowski jese awful reviews tabse nahin<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTuring is an important guy. I'd rather see a movie about Kurt Godel or Giordano Bruno.\\n\\n### Response:\\nTuring ek important admi he. Main iske bajae kurl Godel ya giordano bruno ki movie dekhunga<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOr maybe a serious horror/drama about Galileo.\\n\\n### Response:\\nor shayad Galileo ke bare main serious horror/drama<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think the Big Lebowski was a great film I didn't realize it had a poor critical reception.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmere vichar se Big Lebowski great film thi, mujhe nahi maloom tha ki ise poor critical reception mila<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI actually think I might write a script about the life of Galileo\\n\\n### Response:\\nme actually sochta hu ki mujhe Galileo ki life ke bare me ek script likhna chahiye<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYour right, because Scientifically The Big Lebowski is the best movie ever made. yet, magazines like empire and Variety pee'd on its rug.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntum right ho, kyunki scientifically big Lebowski aaj tak banayi gayi best film he. iske bawajood, Empire aur Variety jaisi magazines iski apman janak alochna karti he.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\npeople would love that it would make them feel smart.\\n\\n### Response:\\npeople pasand karenge ki ye unhe smart feel karayega.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nactually, that makes sense.\\n\\n### Response:\\nactually , ye mayne rakhta he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am actually ordained as a Dudist Priest.\\n\\n### Response:\\nme actually Dudist Priest ke rup me jana jata hu<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou can do it online for free, and then you can legally marry people.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntum ise online free me kar sakte ho, aur uske bad tum legally kisi se bhi marriage kar sakte ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGo forth and Abide my son.\\n\\n### Response:\\nage bado aur mere bete ko abide karo<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIndeed. I shall Abide.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIndeed. me paloonga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh i know, im also a member dude.\\n\\n### Response:\\noh, me janata hu, me bhi ek member hu dude<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh nice. I knew you were coolio foolio.\\n\\n### Response:\\noh achchha. mujhe pata tha ki tum kooliyo moorkh the.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthere is a fun facebook page too, dudeism, check it out!\\n\\n### Response:\\nek majedaar phesabuk pej bhee hai, yaar, yah jaanch!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat is up with this study though? I feel we are being watched. Do you think we will be in a movie with Benjamin Cumberbach?\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaalaanki is adhyayan ke saath kya ho raha hai? mujhe lagata hai ki hamen dekha ja raha hai. kya aapako lagata hai ki ham benjaamin kambarabaich ke saath ek philm mein honge?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI will for sure check it out on the myface.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain nishchit roop se ise myfachai par dekhoonga.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think there should be parallel networks called myface and spacebook.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagata hai ki myfachai aur spachaibook naamak samaanaantar netavark hona chaahie.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhaha i use that term Myface all the time.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhah ki main har samay myfachai shabd ka upayog karata hoon.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ngreat minds think alike.\\n\\n### Response:\\nbade man vaale aisa sochate hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI once toyed with the idea of opening a coffee shop called dunkin buckstar's\\n\\n### Response:\\nmainne ek baar dankin bakestaar naamak ek kophee kee dukaan kholane ke vichaar ke saath khilavaad kiya<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbut yes, they say iron knows iron\\n\\n### Response:\\nlekin haan, ve kahate hain ki loha lohe ko jaanata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt said there would be three pages, yet we seem to be done.\\n\\n### Response:\\nisane kaha ki teen pej honge, phir bhee ham aisa karate prateet hote hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nanyways though, it is pretty exciting to see Turing recalibrate that machine. You will enjoy that.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvaise bhee, us masheen ko tyooring reekailibret dekhana kaaphee romaanchak hai. aapako maja aaega.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndid you leave?\\n\\n### Response:\\naapane chhod diya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi What's up?\\n\\n### Response:\\nHi Kya chal raha hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI only see that you have entered the room. Are we chatting?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMaine bas dekha ki tum room mein enter kar chuke ho. Kya hum chat kar rahe hain?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAre you there?\\n\\n### Response:\\nAre you there?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, sorry\\n\\n### Response:\\nHan, sorry<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen Monsters University?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumne Monsters University dekhi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWas almost ready to give up.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain bas give up karne hi wala tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI was reading the directions\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain directions read kar raha tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo is that a Pixar movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nNahi kya ye Pixar movie hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes it's a Pixar movie from 2013\\n\\n### Response:\\nHan Pixar movie hai 2013 ki<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nokay and was it fun?\\n\\n### Response:\\nokay aur kya ye fun thi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, it is a prequel for the Monsters Inc movie from 2001. It stars John Goodman and Billy Crystal as the main characters.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes, wo 2001 ki Monsters Inc movie ka prequel hai. Isme John Goodman aur Billy Crystal main characters hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAll I can see is what you write\\n\\n### Response:\\njo tum likhte ho is all I can see<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh two good actors what happens in it?\\n\\n### Response:\\noh do acche actors what happens in it?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's about the main characters, Mike and Silley. They are going on a school field trip.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe main characters Mike aur Silley ke baare mein hai . Wo dono ek school field trip par jaa rahe hain.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI take it that it's their voices\\n\\n### Response:\\nI take it ki ye unki voices hain<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, they play the main characters. It's a computer animated movbie.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes, wo main characters play kar rahe hain. Ye ek computer animated movbie.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnd in a bus?\\n\\n### Response:\\nAur ek bus mein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat kind of antics do they do?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKis tarah ka antics do they do ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMike goes on a field trip to Monsters Inc on a school trip and decides he wants to be a scarer when he grows up. He goes to Monsters University when he grows up and meets Sulley.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMike Monsters Inc mein jaata hai on a school trip aur decide karta hai ki usko bade hokar scarer banna hai. Wo bada hokar Monsters University mein jaata hai and meets Sulley.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think my screen has a delay and doesn't move very quickly\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta hai my screen has a delay and doesn't move very quickly<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have to read the info they are providing and then tell you information about it, so it takes a few seconds for me to write\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje padna padega puri information jo wo de rhe hai aur tab btaunga iske liye kuch seconds lagenge muje likhne mai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\na scarey?\\n\\n### Response:\\ndarawani?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOkay so it's not me then?\\n\\n### Response:\\nha to wo mai nhi hu phir?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\na scarer. Basically they harvest energy from scaring children at night.\\n\\n### Response:\\ndarawani wo energy dare hue bachi se lete hai raat mai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo it's not you\\n\\n### Response:\\nnhi wo tum nhi ho<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noic monsters under th bed kind of?\\n\\n### Response:\\nrakshas jaisa kuch palang ke niche?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo they join a fraternity on campus and try to enter the Scare Games, kind of like Hunger Games I guess.\\n\\n### Response:\\nto wo campus mai ghusne ki kosis kerte hai Scare khel ko join kerne ke liye jaisa ki Hanger khel mai hai, shayad<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, like that, or in a closet.\\n\\n### Response:\\nho isse tra aur pass mai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nokay I get the idea\\n\\n### Response:\\nha muje idea mil gaya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThey have a hard time during the Scare Games and get disqualified.\\n\\n### Response:\\nunka wo kafi khatin samay tha Scare khel mai aur wo disqualified hogye<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm sorry if this is not making sense. The plot seems a little ridiculous, lol\\n\\n### Response:\\nI' m sorry agar ye sense nahi make kar raha. plot ridiculous lag raha hai, lol<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat? they don't know how to scare?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya? unhe pata nahi tha scare kaise karein?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI haven't seen it so lllll\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaine isey nahi dekha so lllll<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo, when they enter the Scare Games, one of them cheated, so they get disqualified. Sulley was the one who cheated. \\n\\n### Response:\\nTo, jab wo Scare Games mein enter karte hain, unme se ek cheat karta hai, to wo disqualify ho jate hain. Sully tha jisne cheat kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI never go see this type of movie now that I don't have kids to go with me.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain is type ki movie dekhne ke liye kabhi nahi jaata kyunki ab mere sath koi kids nahi hain sath jane ke liye<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThey go to \"college\" to learn the best strategies to scare.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo \"college\" jaate hain scare karne ki best strategies learn karne ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nnow that is funny!\\n\\n### Response:\\nnow ye funny hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI saw the first one and it was really good, but my kids were young then. Now I have no reason to see it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaine pehli wali dekhi thi aur wo really good thi, lekin tab mere bacche young they. Ab mere pas koi reason nahi hai isey dekhne ka.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell, I guess I have to go see for myself. It's probably on TV somewhere.\\n\\n### Response:\\nWell, I guess mujhe khud hi dekhni padegi. Shayad ye TV pe kahin hogi.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo, after they get disqulified from the Scare Games, they both take jobs at Monsters, Inc, in the mail room and they work their way up until they are able to join the \"scarer team\"\\n\\n### Response:\\nTo Scare Games se disqualify hone ke baad wo job le lete hai Monsters, Inc, ke mail room me aur mehnat karke upar jaate hain jab tak wo \"scarer team\" join nahi kar lete<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt got 79% on Rotten Tomatoes.\\n\\n### Response:\\nROTTEN TOMATOES PAR ISE 79% MILA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nokay bye now\\n\\n### Response:\\nTHEEK HAI BYE.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBye\\n\\n### Response:\\nBYE / PHIR MILENGE<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe movie is called The Imitation Game, a drama that received a score of 91% on Rotten Tomatoes.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovie ka naam The Imitation Game hai, ek drama jo Rotten Tomatoes main 91% score mila.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNice, what is the movie about?\\n\\n### Response:\\nBadhiya, movie kis baare meinhai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you heard of this movie? It is about a cryptanalyst named Alan Turing who decrypted German intelligence codes for the British government during WW2.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIs movie ke baare suna tumne? Wo ek cryptanalyst Alan Turing naam ke vyakti ke bare mein hai jisne German intelligence codes ko decrypt kia British Government ke liye WW2 ke dauran.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have not heard about it. If sounds like it would be a good movie. I already like the plot of the movie. Who plays in it? \\n\\n### Response:\\nUske baare mein nahi suna maine.Lagta hai accha movie hai.Already muje us movie ka plot accha laga.Kaun play kar raha hai usme?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis movie stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing, Keira Knightley as Joan Clarke, Matthew Goode as Hugh Alexander and Tom Goodman-Hill as Sgt. Staehl - in all honesty I don't think I have heard of any of them haha.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIs movie mein Benedict Cumberbatch ne Alan Turing, Keira Knightley ne Joan Clarke, Matthew Goode ne Hugh Alexander aur Tom Goodman-Hill ne Sgt character nibhaya hai. Staehl - honestly maine in kisi ke bare mein nahi suna hai haha.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have heard of Keira Knightley, I liked the Disney Pirate moves with Jack Sparrow. She played in all the movies. Good actress. I am surprised you have not heard of her. \\n\\n### Response:\\nMaine Keira Knightley ke bare mein suna hai, Mujhe Disney Pirate ke moves Jack Sparrow ke ssath ache lage. Woh sare movies me play ki. Acchi actress. Mujhe surpise hai ki tumne uske bare mein suna nahi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have seen the movies, other than Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom I probably couldn't name the rest of the cast.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMaine movies dekha hai. Johnny Depp aur Orlando Bloom ke alava probably kisi ka naam nahi bata paya cast mein.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe Imitation Game received great reviews from critics and a CinemaScore of A+\\n\\n### Response:\\nThe Imitation Game ko badhiya reviews mile critics se aur A+ CinemaScore se<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI do not think I can either, I would need to google them just to see who they are and what they have been in the past. I hope they put together a good cast and crew for this movie. \\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe nahi lagta mujhe Google krna padega ye dekhne ke liye ki wo kaise he aur wo vartaman kal me kaise the. Me asha karta hu ki wo achi film cast aur baki member ko movie me lenge.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthat is nice, that gives me hope that it will be good. \\n\\n### Response:\\nYe acha he, ye mujhe asha deta he aur acha he.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe Imitation Game is directed by Morten Tyldum, are you familiar with any of his other movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nThe Imitation Game Morten Tyldum ne direct kiya he, kya aap inki bakio ki film se vanchit ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI dont think so, what else has he produced? \\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe nahi lagta ki usne aur kuch banaya he.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI honestly have no idea... \\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe sachme koi idea nai he.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm sorry, this is taking too long to progress to the next one I'm going to return this HIT.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI'm sorry, mujhe bohot time lag raha he dusre task pe jane ke liye aur me ye HIT se wapas chala jaunga.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnother item we would have to google to look up. \\n\\n### Response:\\nDusra item ke liye hume Google karna padega.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis movie is awesome!\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe movie bahut achi hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat was the title of the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie ka title kya hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nReal Steel\\n\\n### Response:\\nReal Steel<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh, who's in it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh, vah kon hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSounds like an action movie.\\n\\n### Response:\\nAction movie ki tarah hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHugh Jackman \\n\\n### Response:\\nHugh Jackman<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI love Hugh Jackman!!\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe Hugh Jackman pasand hai !!!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat year was it released?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKon se year mei released hogi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n2011\\n\\n### Response:\\n2011<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs it an action or drama?\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe action or drama movie hai kya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nits an action movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe ek action filam hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI thought so, sounds interesting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMene bhi socha, bahut achchi baat hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat score did Rotten Tomatoes give?\\n\\n### Response:\\nRotten Tomatoes ne kya score diya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n59%\\n\\n### Response:\\n59%<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat's pretty low...but I don't always agree with critics...\\n\\n### Response:\\nVah achcha hai... Par mei hamesha aalochak se sahamat nahi hui...<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nPeople seemed to like it\\n\\n### Response:\\nLog isko pasand karte hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWho directed the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nFilam ko kisne nirdeshit kiya hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nShawn Levy\\n\\n### Response:\\nShawn Levy<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnything else you can tell me about the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTumko kuch or batana hai filam ke bare mei?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nits like rocky but with robots\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe rocky ke jesa hai par saath mei robots hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs Hugh Jackman a robot?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKYA HUGH JACKMAN ROBOT HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOr does he play a human?\\n\\n### Response:\\nYA, VOH HUMAN KA ROLE PLAY KARTHA<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou think it's a good movie to watch with kids? \\n\\n### Response:\\nKYA KIDS KE SAATH DEKHNE KE LIYE YEH ACHE MOVIE HEI?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhe is a human\\n\\n### Response:\\nVOH HUMAN HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah i do\\n\\n### Response:\\nHAAN MEIN BHI<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI couldn't imagine Hugh Jackman as a robot...lol\\n\\n### Response:\\nMUJE IMAGINE HI NAHI HOTA KI HUGH JACKMAN THO ROBOT HEIN... LOL<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWho else is in the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nAUR KON HEIN IS MOVIE MEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nD akota Goyo\\n\\n### Response:\\nD AKOTA GOYA<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't think I know who that is...\\n\\n### Response:\\nMUJE THO UNKE BAARE MEIN KUCH PATHA HI NAHI<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah\\n\\n### Response:\\nYAH<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNot a romantic date movie then...\\n\\n### Response:\\nromantic date movie nahi hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI wouldnt say so\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje bhi nahi lagtha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello!\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat do you think of John Lee Hancock?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTum John Lee Hancock k baare me kya sochte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello. \\n\\n### Response:\\nHello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nJaws was such a good movie!\\n\\n### Response:\\nJaws kya good movie thi!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree. It was well made.\\n\\n### Response:\\nme agree karta hu. yah well made thi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe scares were well timed.\\n\\n### Response:\\nscares well timed the<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI liked the soundtrack.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmene soundtrack like kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat was your favorite part?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumhara favorite part kon sa tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it was utilizing a location like Amity Island. It made me feel as if the plot could happen anywhere.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagta he yah Amity Island jaisa location use kar raha he.mujhe aisa lagata he jaise plot kahi bhi ho sakta he.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWas the soundtrack your favorite part?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya soundtrack tumhara favorite part tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat makes sense. Yes, especially the part that it is so famous for. The sound they played whenever they wanted to increase the audience's fear and anxiety.\\n\\n### Response:\\nisme sense he. ha, especially voh part jiske liye ye itna famous he.jab bhi ve audience ki fear aur anxiety badana chahte the unhone ye sound play kiya.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nJust another affirmation that Spielberg knew what he was doing even in post-production.\\n\\n### Response:\\nek dusra affirmation ki Spielberg knew ki voh post-production me kya kar raha tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo you usually like this type of movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap aamataur par is tarah kee philm pasand karate hain?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo doubt. He is very good at making movies. No, it is not my favorite kind. I am not much into jump scares. I like documentaries. How about you?\\n\\n### Response:\\nisamen koee shak nahin, vah philmen banaane mein bahut achchhe hain. nahin, yah meree pasandeeda kism nahin hai. main bahut jyaada dara hua nahin hoon. mujhe vrttachitr pasand hain. aap kaise hain?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI like this type of movie around Halloween; otherwise, I enjoy action films.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe hailoveen ke aasapaas is tarah kee philm pasand hai; anyatha, mujhe ekshan philmon ka aanand milata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat is understandable. Halloween is a good time to scare yourself. \\n\\n### Response:\\nyah samajh mein aata hai.hailoveen khud ko daraane ka ek achchha samay hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think of the mayor's reaction to the shark attack?\\n\\n### Response:\\nshaark ke hamale par meyar kee pratikriya ke baare mein aapane kya socha?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it was greedy. I agree it is best not to panic the public, but putting people in danger out of greed is not okay.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagata hai ki yah laalachee tha.main maanata hoon ki janata ko ghabaraana nahin chaahie, lekin laalach se logon ko khatare mein daalana theek nahin hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nExactly, I thought it was neat to think of real world implications both fiscally and morally.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntheek, mainne socha tha ki vaastavik duniya ke nihitaarth ko naitik aur naitik roop se donon ke baare mein sochana saaph tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOf how to present this to the public.\\n\\n### Response:\\nise janata ke saamane kaise pesh kiya jae.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhich in the end resulted in a shark-hunting frenzy\\n\\n### Response:\\njisake parinaamasvaroop ant mein ek shaark-shikaar unmaad paida hua<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI like to think of those things too. I did not like that part. I think I would have liked it better if the shark was led out to sea, but most people would probably not enjoy a movie like that, not enough drama.\\n\\n### Response:\\nun cheejon ke baare mein bhee sochana pasand karate hain.mujhe vah hissa pasand nahin tha.mujhe lagata hai ki shaark ko samudr tak le jaaya jaata to mujhe achchha lagata, lekin jyaadaatar log shaayad us tarah kee philm ka aanand nahin lenge, paryaapt naatak nahin<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou are right on that.\\n\\n### Response:\\naap us par sahee hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was nice to see characters such as Brody step up - though it took his son to go into shock in order to spur him to action.\\n\\n### Response:\\nbrodee ke kadam jaise charitron ko dekhana achchha tha - haalaanki isane unake bete ko kaarravaee ke lie prerit karane ke lie sadame mein le liya.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think Spielberg hit the nail on the head as far as portraying small town politics.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagata hai ki speelabarg ne chhote shahar kee raajaneeti ko chitrit karane ke lie naakhoon par sir maara.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes. It was realistic, though I think much of it applies to politics of all types. \\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan. yah yathaarthavaadee tha, haalaanki mujhe lagata hai ki yah sabhee prakaar kee raajaneeti par laagoo hota hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMoney seems to always be highest priority.\\n\\n### Response:\\npaisa hamesha sarvochch praathamikata lagata hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nUnfortunately, true.\\n\\n### Response:\\ndurbhaagyavash yah sach hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAnd sadly we do not get galvanized to action sometimes until tragedy strikes.\\n\\n### Response:\\naur dukh kee baat yah hai ki hamen traasadee ke hamalon tak kabhee-kabhee kaarravaee ke lie jastee nahin milata hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen other Spielberg movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aapane any speelabarg philmen dekhee hain?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, he has his shining moments and some duds along the way. I feel that more of his movies fall into the former rather than latter category.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, usake paas apane chamakadaar kshan aur raaste mein kuchh yugal hain. mujhe lagata hai ki unakee adhik philmen baad kee shrenee ke bajaay poorv mein aatee hain.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou?\\n\\n### Response:\\naap?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know I have and that his movies are usually really well made, but I cannot remember which movies are his. I am very bad at stuff like that.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhey muje toh unka movies bahut pasand hein lakin unka movies muje yaad nahi aatha hein. mein yaad karne me thoda kamjor hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI did not like the scuba part. I enjoy enjoy breathing .\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje toh voh scuba part bilkul pasand nahi hein, magar voh breathing toh mein enjoy kar raha tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n I usually am as well.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein tho aise hi hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSorry, for the typo.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaaf kar na us typo ko<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo worries. Completely agree on breathing/ I would not be getting in the water even with a cage.\\n\\n### Response:\\njaane de yar, mein toh us breathing ko completely agree karunga, aur mein kabhi bhi us cage mein pani mein nahi jaavunga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell, thanks for sharing this conversation with me. It seems that our time has come to an end. I hope you have a wonderful morning, afternoon, night wherever you are.\\n\\n### Response:\\nacha, aapse baath karne mein bahut dhanyavad. muje lagtha hein ki hamara time ab khatma ho raha hein, aapka din acha rahane ka mera subh kamna<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou as well.\\n\\n### Response:\\naapko bhi<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHey, there's this movie called Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey in it, have you seen it or would you like to?\\n\\n### Response:\\nHey, ek movie hai Bruce Almighty jisme Jim Carrey hai,kya tumne dekhli ya dekhna chahoge?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI haven't seen it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaine nahi dekhi<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tum ne dekhi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat's it about?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntho yeh kis baare ka hein?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI have seen it, it's really funny. It's a comedy made in 2003 about a down on his luck tv reporter who complains to god and in return becomes god for a week\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein dekha hoon, yeh tho funny hein. yeh 2003 me tho comedy film hein aur lucktv reporter tho down huva jo god ke complaints nikla aur return mein tho voh god ban gaya yek week ke liye<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n I like comedies. Is Jim Carrey pretty good in it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje comedies pasand hein. kya jim carrey ache hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit is known as one of his best films, so I would say yes, it is very slapstick comedy\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje tho inme best film laga, tho definately haan hi hein, yeh slapstick comedy hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs it also a romance?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya isme romance hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nno, it's a comedy\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi yeh comedy hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nno it is not\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi isme nahi hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nToo bad. I like romantic comedies.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntoo bad. muje romantic comedies pasand hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDoes being God work out for him?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya god uske liye work kar raha hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen Zootopia?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumne Zootopia dekhi hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo I haven't have you?\\n\\n### Response:\\nNahin mene nahin, kya tumne?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, I have I found it to be quite entertaining. It's animated so it's more geared toward children.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan mujhey kafi mazedaar laga. Wo animated hai isliye bacho ke liye accha hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh that's awesome. I like foxes and really like that it has a fox duo even though they are cons\\n\\n### Response:\\narey waah bahut hi shaandaar. Mujhey lomdi pasand hai or yeh bahut accha hai ki usme do lomdi hai jabki wo nakaratmak hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI liked the scene when Cheif Bogo assigned her to parking duty, it is funny. Do you intend to see this movie in the future?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhey wo chitra pasand aaya, jab chief Bogo ne usse parkin duty di, wo mazedaar tha. Kya tumhara vichar hai is movie ko bhavishya me dekhne ka?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOoops I did see it.. Sorry I misunderstoof/ was thinking about a different movie. My family thoroughly enjoyed Zootopia especially teaching that even a bunny can be a police officer! Very funny and inspiring movie!\\n\\n### Response:\\narey mene dekha tha. Maaf kartna me galat samajha, mein koi doosri movie ke baare be soch raha tha. Mere pariwaar ne Zootopia ka maza lia, khaaskar a kahargosh bhi police afsar ho sakta hai. Bahut hi hasyamay or prerna dayak movie.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat is quite alright, I really enjoyed it as well. I was laughing more than I'd care to admit. The foxes were also great. Do you agree with the ratings?\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh bilkool sahi hai, mene sacchi me ise enjoy kia. Me has raha tha jitna me kabool nhin karoonga. Lomdi bhi bahut acchi thi, kya tum rating se sehmat ho?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI always seem to get caught up in childrens movies especially when they are funny. Yeah I think the ratings were right on at 98% and 8/10!\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein hamesha se bacchon ki movies me kho jata hu kyunki wo jyada hasyamay hoti hai. Haan mujhey uski rating sahi lagti hai 98% and 8/10!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI also have to agree, I thought it was an original way to teach kids about stereotypes.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein bhi issey sehmat hu, mene socha tha wo original tarika hai bachon ko padane ka setereotypes ke bare me<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes definitely! That is a good lessen for children to learn especially in this way!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan jaroor! wo ek bahut hi accha tarika hai bacchon ko kuch sikhane ka khaaskar aise.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think about Otterton going \"Savage\"?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumne kya soch tha otterton ke savage hone pe?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAt that point in the movie, I wasn't really sure where they were headed but the mystery kept me watching.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie me us point par, mujhe definitely sure nahi tha ki ve kahan gaye lekin mystery ki vajah se me dekhta raha.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you enjoy the animated depiction of the crime boss, Mr. Big?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMr. Big ,kya tumne Crime Boss ka animated depiction enjoy kiya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah I agree. It definitely took a few turns with that one! Yes I thought he was a great character! \\n\\n### Response:\\nyeah me agree hu. ye definitely uske sath kuch turn leta he! ha mene socha ki hoh ek great director tha!<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHis limo was a very important part, don't you think?\\n\\n### Response:\\nuski limo ek important part he, tumhe nahi lagta?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe limo was a very important find for Judy Hopps.\\n\\n### Response:\\nLimo ak very important find thi Judy Hopps ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think the \"night howlers\" were?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumhe kya think karte ho , \"Night howlers\" kya the?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah I thought so too! I really didn't have a clue until they showed it! It was somehwat suspenseful for a childrens movie, don't you think? \\n\\n### Response:\\nyeah mere bhi ese hi thoughts he.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt had me on the edge of my seat, I also had no idea. \\n\\n### Response:\\nisne mujhe apni seat ki edge par la diya, mujhe bhi koi idea nahi tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWere you upset when Lionheart was arrested?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tum upset the jab Lionheart ko arrest kiya gaya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah I didn't really like that part! \\n\\n### Response:\\nyeah mene really voh part like nahi kiya!<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWere you surprised about Judy and Nick teaming up?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumhe aacharya hua ki Judy and Nick teaming up?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI was very surprised that she was able to coerce him with her carrot pen.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe bahut aacharya hua ki she was able to coerce him with her carrot pen<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI couldn't believe it was the flowers causing that effect! Did you see that coming?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain vishwaas nahin kar saka ki yeh flowers causing that effect! Did you see that coming?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nUser 2 left the chat 6 minutes ago with no response.\\n\\n### Response:\\nUser 2 left the chat 6 minutes pahle bina batayee<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHI\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHI\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDID YOU SEE THIS FILM WONDER WOMAN\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aapne wonder woman film dekha hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYES \\n\\n### Response:\\nhaa<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDO U LIKE THIS FILM?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya yah film aap ko pasand hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nS I LIKE THIS FILM\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe ye film pasand hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIT IS BASED ON DC COMISC. THE DISTRIBUTED BY WAMER BROS. PICTURES\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah dc comic par aadharit hai. wamer bros pictures ne vitarit kiya hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYEAH IT IS A FAMOUS DC COMICS. \\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan wo ek famous DC Comics hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGOOD\\n\\n### Response:\\nAccha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTHIS IS German Army (German Empire) \\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh hai German Army (German Empire)<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes i know. The term Deutsches Heer is also used for the modern German Army, the land component of the Bundeswehr.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan main jaanta hu. Ye term Deutsches Heer modern German Army k lie bhi use hoto hai. Bundeswehr ka land component<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nS APART FROM THIS Jenkins's role as director makes her the first female director of a live-action, theatrically released comic book superhero film.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIske alawa Jenkin ka role as a director use pahli women director bana deta hai kisi bhi live-action theatrically released comic book superhero film ka<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nARE YOU LIKE THAT MOVIE\\n\\n### Response:\\nTumhe wo movie pasand aayi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYES I LIKE THAT. AND ALSO I ENJOYED THIS MOVIE.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan mujhe pasand aayi aur maine is movie ko enjoy bhi kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOH HOW MANY TIMES YOU SEE THIS MOVIE\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh kitne baar dekh chuke ho ye movie?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n2 TIMES I WATCHED THIS MOVIE.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain ye movie 2 baar dekh chuka hu<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nARE YOU LIKE THIS MOVIE DIRECTOR\\n\\n### Response:\\nTumhe movie ki director pasand aayi kya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nARE YOU FROM\\n\\n### Response:\\nAap kaha se hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYEAH I LIKE THIS FILM DIRECTOR. \\n\\n### Response:\\nHa mujhe ye film director pasand hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYEAH\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWHAT YEAH\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya ha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nARE YOU FROM\\n\\n### Response:\\nAap kaha se hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYES I AM HERE\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa my yaha hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWHY DO LIKE THIS FILM?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKyu ye film pasand hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYES I LIKE THIS FILM\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa mujhe ye movie pasand hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBUT IAM NOT SEE THIS MOVIE\\n\\n### Response:\\nLekin my ye movie nahi dekha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWHY DO DID NOT SEE THAT? DO YOU KNOW THIS MOVIE IS REALLY GOOD\\n\\n### Response:\\nKyu dekh nahi sakte ho?tumhe pata hai yah movie bahut achi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWHICH CHARECTER YOU LIKE THIS MOVIE\\n\\n### Response:\\nIS FILM ME KAUN SE BHUMIKA AAP KO ACHHA LAGA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI LIKE ALL THE CHARACTER IN THIS FILM\\n\\n### Response:\\nIS FILM MEMUJHE SAB BHUMIKA ACHHI LAGI<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOH REALLY\\n\\n### Response:\\nSACH<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTHAT NICE\\n\\n### Response:\\nBEHTHAR<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOK FINE\\n\\n### Response:\\nBAHUT ACHHA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nJohn returns to the criminal underworld\\n\\n### Response:\\nJohn criminal underworld k pas wapas chala jata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI wonder if that was triggered by the death of his wife.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI wonder agar ye uski wife ki death se trigger hua ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthats interesting\\n\\n### Response:\\nkaafi interesting hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe movie sounds exciting\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie bahut exciting hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes very interesting\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan bahut interesting.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAre you a fan of Keanu Reeves?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap keanu reeves ke prashanshak hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's an action thriller movie. I love action thrillers.\\n\\n### Response:\\nye ek action or thriller filam hai. mujhe action thrillers film pasand hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMe too. I also like mystery and adventure movies.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmei bhi. mujhe mystery or adventure film pasand hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhen do you plan on seeing the movie? or have you seen it already?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap film dekhane ki yojana bana rahe hai? or kya tumne film pahale he dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis movie deserves a follow up\\n\\n### Response:\\nye film follow up ki patra hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree\\n\\n### Response:\\nmei sahamat hu.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nrevenge thrillers are intense\\n\\n### Response:\\nbadala or romanchkari bahut tezz hota hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes they are.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaa vo hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt only only got 6.9/10 hmmm\\n\\n### Response:\\nusne shirf shirf 6.9 mile hai 10 mese.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWow. Im surpried.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvah. mei ashchryachakit hui.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMade in 2014. Kind of old\\n\\n### Response:\\nMade in 2014. thodi old.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh ok. Good to know.\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh ok. Jan ke acha laga.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI would have thought it was newer\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe laga ye nayi hogi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI remember when the trailer came out.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe yaad hai jab traler aya tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt had a lot of hype around it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nuske around kafi hype thi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWho returns to crime after the death of a loved one hmmm\\n\\n### Response:\\nloved one ke death ke baad crime ki taraf kon wapas jaata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo one in their right mind.\\n\\n### Response:\\ndimag se sahi koi bhi nahi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh I should have know seeking vengence\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe pata hona chahiya tha ki badla lene ke liye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah. Revenge would be a good reason for some people.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan, badla ek good reason ho sakkta hai kuch logo ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThey stole his car and killed his puppy, a gift from the dead wife.\\n\\n### Response:\\nunhone uski car churai aur uska puppy mar diya, jo uski dead wife ki taraf se gift tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWow. T hats bad.\\n\\n### Response:\\nVah.T buri bat he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI hate torture in movies though\\n\\n### Response:\\nMuje touture movies me accha nahi nahi lagta<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah. Its very unpleasent.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa.wo bahut unpleasant he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI like action though like fighting\\n\\n### Response:\\nMuje fighting jesi tough action acchi lagi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah. Me too.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa.me bhi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis role probably fit Keanu so well\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe role Keanu ko shayad fit ho jayega<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think so. He does well as an actor.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMe sochta hu.wo actor ke jese accha he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhi\\n\\n### Response:\\nhi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHI\\n\\n### Response:\\nHi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nZootopia have u see this movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumne zootopia movie dekha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello!\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste!<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhey, what's up\\n\\n### Response:\\nhey, kya ho raha hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhave you watched la la land before?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumne pehle la la land dekhi hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes. I really appreciated how much thought went into the movie's title. I think it's really cool how it refers to Los Angeles, music, and having your head in the clouds all at once. It's really spectacular how they summed up so many elements of the movie in such a short title\\n\\n### Response:\\nHan, mein sach mein iss baat ki kadra karta hu ki iss film k title mein kitni soch lagayi hai. Mein sochta hu ki ye bohat cool hai ki ye film Los Angeles, snageet, aur apne sir badalon mein hone ka jikra ek sath karti hai. Yah bohat shandar hai ki unhone itne sare tatvon ko ek sath shamil kar lia film k itne chhote title mein.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHave you seen it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumne dekha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyep - i watched it because critics seemed to like it\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan - meine usse dekha hai kyuki wah aalochakon ko achhi lagi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree with most of the critics in the paper\\n\\n### Response:\\nMein zyadatar aalochakon k sath sehmat hu<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes. I especially agree with the review that La La Land is successful at showing the hardships that are involved with chasing a dream\\n\\n### Response:\\nHan. Mein uss review se khaaskar sehmat hu jismein kaha hai ki La La Land sapno k peeche bhaagne par aaney wali pareshaniyon ko dikhane mein safal huyi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI disagree with the two reviews that the film is dull and that the middle was boring. I really found the entire movie to be enthralling. \\n\\n### Response:\\nmein disgree hu dono reviews se ki film dull hai or middle boring tha. Mujhe really puri movie enthralling lagi<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyep, i agree with you - i do believe we have to cut emma stone and ryan gosling some slack, since they're not singers\\n\\n### Response:\\nYep, mein aapse agree hu - mujhe believe hai humko emma stone and ryan gosling kuch slack hai, kyuki woh singers nahi hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAgreed. I really liked the scene where Sebastian improvs jazz music when he is supposed to be playing Christmas music only. \\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe really woh scene pasand aaya jaha Sebastian jazz music play kiya, jaha usne sirf christmas music play kar raha hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was one of those scenes that really stuck with me after I watched the movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh un scenes mein se ek hai jo movie dekhne ke baad mere se stuck ho gaye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwould you do that, if you were in his position?\\n\\n### Response:\\naap yesa karte, if aap uski position mein hote<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm not sure. I liked how that was when Mia first heard Sebastian sing and was truly moved by it. I think it was interesting way to initiate their relationship\\n\\n### Response:\\nI'm not sure, mujhe accha laga jab Mia ne pheli baar Sebastian ka gana suna aur kaise woh truly moved ho gayi. I think yeh unka relationship start karne ka interesting way hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah, it was just sad how he brushed her off, since things could've been different\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeah, yeh sad hai usne kaise brush kiya, kyuki things different ho sakti thi<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI do like how the next time Mia sees Sebastian he is also singing. I also liked how she kind of teased him by requesting a song she knew he would hate to sing\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe accha laga next time Mia, Sebastian ko dekthi hai waih bhi gaa raha hai. Mujhe yeh bhi accha laga ki woh kaise unko ek song ka request karke tease kar rahi hai jabki woh janti hai woh gaane se hate karta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you usually watch musicals?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntum usually musicals dekhte ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOccasionally. I also enjoyed the development of Sebastian and Mia's relationship, such as when Mia decides to begin writing a play all by herself because Sebastian suggests it to her. I feel like the two of them really grow as individuals when they get into a relationship\\n\\n### Response:\\nOccasionally, mujhe Sbesatian aur Mia ke relationship ka development accha laga, jaise Mia se decide kiya apne aap se play write karne ka kyuki Sebastian ne usko suggest kiya. Mujhe yesa feel hua dono jab grow hue jab wo relationship mein aaye<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI enjoyed that part too, since it also shows how hard both of them are working to achieve their dreams\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaine bhi wo part enjoy kiya, isme ye bhi dikhaya gaya hai kaise dono mehnat karte hai apne dreams achieve karne<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthey both want to become successful in their separate areas, but they have to struggle a lot\\n\\n### Response:\\ndono apne separate areas mein kamiyaab hona chahte hai,lekin unhe bahut struggle karna hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nRight. I feel like the review that mentions the cruelty that's involved in following your dreams really sums it up. The film is not afraid to show how much hard work and hardship is involved in making it big\\n\\n### Response:\\nsahi. mujhe lagta hai review jisme zulm ka zikar hai tumhaare khawaab puray karne wo bahut acha sum up kiya hai. film darti nahi hai ye dikhaane ke kitne mehnat aur hardship lagti hai kuch bada karne<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni also thought it was difficult for sebastian to take keith's offer\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe bhi laga sebastian ko keith ka offer lene mushkil hui<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni mean, he gets paid, but it's not something he wants to do. This happens in life a lot\\n\\n### Response:\\nmera matlab hai, usko pay mila lekin wo ye nahi karna chahta. Life mein aisa bahut hota hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree. It must be hard to do something you're not passionate about- especially when it's something you must do in order to one day live out your dreams\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain maanta hoon. aap jiske baare main passionate nahi hai,wo karna mushkil hai-especially jub wo kuch aisa hai jo aap ko karna hota hai ek din apne dreams puray karne<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think of the scene when Mia and Sebastian get into a fight about Mia thinking Sebastian is giving up on his dreams?\\n\\n### Response:\\nus scene ke baare mein aap ka kya khayal hai jub Mia aur Sebastian ka jhagda hota hai aur Mia samajhti hai Sebastian is giving up on his dreams?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit was definitely well acted, and i sympathize with both of them\\n\\n### Response:\\nye yaqeenan well acted tha aur mujhe dono se sympathy hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbut i think sebastian was harsh when he said that mia liked him more when he was unsuccessful\\n\\n### Response:\\nlekin shayad sebastian harsh tha jub usne kaha ke mia uskozyada pasand karti thi jub wo unsuccessful tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt truly was heartbreaking when Mia moved back home to Nevada\\n\\n### Response:\\nsach mein bahut heartbreaking tha jub Mia wapis apne ghar Nevada chale jaati hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni feel he didn't want to hear the truth, because he was really giving up on his dreams\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta hai wo sach nahi sunna chahta kyunki wo apne sapno ko chod raha hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit really was sad\\n\\n### Response:\\nWo sach mein sad tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree. It was also a very unpredictable plot twist. I did not see it coming at all\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain bhi maanta hun ki unpredictable twist tha kahani mein jiska bilkul andaza nahi tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwould you say that was the low point in the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tum maante ho ki wo kahani ka low point tha ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes but I wouldn\\'t say any part of the movie \"sagged badly\" as one review claims\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan but mujhe nahi lagta ki movie ka koi bhi part sagged badly tha jaisa ki ek review ne claim kiya tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni agree - overall, i would recommend the movie to a friend\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain bhi maanta hun and main apne friend ko movie zaroor recommend karunga.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree. As another review points out it was a \"genuinely romantic comedy\", which I completely agree with because I feel as though Sebastian and Mia\\'s relationship was not as cliche as many love stories are in movies. I appreciated the realness of their relationship\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain maanta hun ki movie genuinely romantic comedy thi jaise ki ek aur reviewer ne point out kiya kyunki mujhe lagta hai jaise Sebastian aur Mia ka relationship itna cliche nahi tha jitna dusri love stories mein hota hai. Mujhe unki relationship ki sachai achi lagi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes, that was one thing i loved about the movie - while it was sad, it was not a cliche ending\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan, Movie ki wo ek cheez achi thi chahe wo sad thi par wo ek cliche ending nahi thi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree. I think Damien Chazelle really did a good job directing the film. \\n\\n### Response:\\nMain bhi agree karta hun ki Damien Chazelle ne film directing ka bahut acha kaam kiya hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni'm curious, are you an ai\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe utsukta ho rahi, kya aap ai hain ?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nif so, i was completely fooled\\n\\n### Response:\\nagar aisa hai to i was fooled<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am not! \\n\\n### Response:\\nmain nahi hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBut I really was surprised that someone reviewed Sebastian as a \"jazz snob\" because I did not get that vibe at all\\n\\n### Response:\\nlekin main bohat surprised tha ki kisine Sebastaian ko \\'jazz snob\\' review kia kyunki mujhe aisi vibe nahi aati<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah, i disagreed with that characterization, but i can see why someone might say that.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan mujhe bhi disagree hua is characterization se, lekin main samajh sakta hun kisine aisa kyun kaha hoga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhe is a purist, or whatever they called it in the film\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo ek purist hai, ya fir jo be usey movie mein bulaya gaya<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI also really didn't think Mia's character lacked depth. I think she was a rather round character, especially with the large amount of independence she possessed. It took a lot of courage for her to move back to Nevada\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe ye bhi nahi lagta ki Mia ke character mein depth ki kami thi. Mujhe lagta hau uska characted kafi round tha, khaaskar jis large amount mein uske paas independence thi. Use Nevada waapis move karne mein kafi courage laga.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes, i thought her character was pretty nuanced, but i'm not sure it being courageous of her to move back to Nevada. After the play didn't go well, I think that was her only option\\n\\n### Response:\\nhan mujhe laga uska character kafi nuanced tha lekin main sure nahi hun ki kya Nevada wpas jaana courageous tha. Play kharab jaane ke baad mujhe lagta hai uske paas sirf yahi option tha.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n*about it\\n\\n### Response:\\nuske baare me<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI suppose you have a point. I just think she was more independent of the average woman portrayed in films as she didn't cling on to Sebastian when things didn't work out for her. \\n\\n### Response:\\naapke pas point hai. Mujhe lagta hai wo films mein portray ki jaane wali average woman se zyada independent thu kyunki jab uska kaam sahi nahi bana to usne Sebastian ko cling nahi kia.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nalthough I wish they reconciled before achieving their dreams\\n\\n### Response:\\nlekin main chahta tha ki wo apne dreams achieve karne se pehle reconcile ho jaate<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthe bit at the end that showed what could have been actually made me sad\\n\\n### Response:\\nend me jo dikhaya tha, wah mujhe actually kafi sad kar sakta tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree! It was very sad but also, as one reviewer puts it quite \"bittersweet.\" I wasn\\'t sure how to feel at the end. \\n\\n### Response:\\nI agree! ki wah bhi bahut sad tha, jaise ek reviewer ne kaha hai yah kafi \"bittersweet\" hai, mai sure nahi tha ki end mai kaisa feel karu.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was nice discussing the film with you! Have a great day!\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumhare sath film discuss karna nice tha! have a great day!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyou guys have a pretty good ai system\\n\\n### Response:\\ntum logo ke pass kafi badhiya ai system hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni was actually completely fooled\\n\\n### Response:\\nmai actually complete fool ban gaya tha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi, I just saw a movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nHi, maine just ek movie dekhi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh what movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh kaunsi movie?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMean Girls starring Lindsay Lohan\\n\\n### Response:\\nMean Girls jisme Lindsay Lohan star karti hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWas it good?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya wo acchi thi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell, I love High School movies for some reason. But this was exceptional. \\n\\n### Response:\\nWell kuch reason k liye mujhe High School movies acchi lagti hai. But ye to exceptional thi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo it was a comedy?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTo kya wo ek comedy thi ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid it win any awards?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya usne koi awards jeete?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah. Hilarious. It was written by Tina Fey, not to be mistaken for Sarah Palin.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan . Hilarious. Tina Fey ne likha hai Sarah palin k liye mistake na karna<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh I love comedies, who else was in the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh mujhe comedies bahut pasand hai aur kaun tha us movie me ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni didn't recognize anyone else. Lindsay's always in the news, so I know her. \\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe aur koi pehchan me nahi aaya. Lindsay hamesha news me rahti hai, to wo mujhe pata hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah she's in a lot of good movies\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan wo kaafi achi movies me hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI dunno about awards, but I read that the critics loved it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nAwards ka to pata nahi, but main padha hai k critics ko kaafi pasand aayi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNice, I'm looking for a good movie to watch, do you recommend this one?\\n\\n### Response:\\nNice, main ek acchi movie dhund raha hu dekhne k liye , kya tum ise recommend karoge?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, but she's also famous for real life stuff...wild personal life. Sounds like she'll be POTUS one day\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan but wo real life k liye bhi famous hai, wild personal life. Lagta hai wo ek din POTUS banegi.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'd recommend it. Besides being a teen movie, its a great conversational flick\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain to recommend karunga. Teen movie hone k sath sath bahut achi conversational movie hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nshe seems just like all the other young actresses\\n\\n### Response:\\nWo to sabhi young actress type ki lagti hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nso is it suitable to watch with children do you think?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTo kya tumhe lagta hai ye movie baccho k sath dekhne k liye theek hai ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nor do you think it'd be better for a date night movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nYa phir ye date night movie k hisaab se better hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThere's some dark comedy involved. At one point, one of the Mean Girls is struck by a bus. So more date night than family one. \\n\\n### Response:\\nThodi dark comedy involved hai. Ek point me Mean Girls me se ek ko bus thok deti hai. To family night se jyada Date night k liye hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh that sounds traumatic\\n\\n### Response:\\noh, jo traumatic lagata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nare there any scary parts?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya koi scary parts hisse hain?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni'm a total wuss\\n\\n### Response:\\nmeh total weak hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nRegarding awards, it is listed by Rotten Tomatoes as one of the Top 50 Teen Comedies.\\n\\n### Response:\\nPuraskaaron ke sambandh mein, ise top 50 teen comedies mein se ek ke roop mein rotten tomatoes dvaara soocheebaddh kiya gaya hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo scary parts. Don't worry.\\n\\n### Response:\\nkoi daraavana hissa nahin. chinta mat karo<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwow so it should be a good time then\\n\\n### Response:\\nvaah to yah ek achchha samay hona chaahie<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nis there anything else i should know?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aur kuchh hai jo mujhe jaanana chaahie?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni'm not a fan of gross out humor\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain sakal haasy ka prashansak nahin hoon<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, its an intelligent take on the genre. Seems to kinda make fun of it too...ends with the Prom...though not like Carrie fyi, since ur a self-described wuss.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan, isaka intelligent genre par hai. thora lagata hai ki yah bhee mazedaar hai ... prom ke saath samaapt hota hai ... haalaanki carrie fyi tarah nahin, kyonki ur ek varnit weak hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo, no gross-out humor. \\n\\n### Response:\\nNahin, koi sakal haasy nahin.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHere's what's interesting. It was based on a non-fiction book\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya interesting hai ki woh ek no-fiction book par based hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh i love movies based on books\\n\\n### Response:\\noh muje books par based movie pasand hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was based on a book that studied social cliques in high school and their psychological effects on girls. So Tina Fey took that and made it into a comedy. Very unique. \\n\\n### Response:\\nyeh ek book par based hai jisme high school mai girls ke upar psychological effect par study ki hai islye tina ne le liya aur comedy bana di bhot hi unique hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nsounds interesting\\n\\n### Response:\\ndilchesp lag rhi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat is the name of the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\ns movie ka naam kya hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDespicable me is the name of the movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nDespicable me movie ka naam hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyou should watch it. it has an A cinema score\\n\\n### Response:\\naapako ise dekhana chaahie. isaka a cinema score hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you like animation movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aapako nimation movies pasand hain?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n?\\n\\n### Response:\\n?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI do like anmation movies\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe anmation movies pasand hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat is the movie about?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovie kiske cheez baare mein kya hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthe movie is about a megalomanical rogue supervillian named Gru\\n\\n### Response:\\nmovie ek megalomanical rogue supervillian ke baare mein hai jiska naam Gru hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh nice. Who is Gru voiced by?\\n\\n### Response:\\nohnice. Gru kisne voice kiya hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGru is voiced by Steve Carell\\n\\n### Response:\\nGru ko Steve Carell ne voice kia hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat rotton tomato score did it get>\\n\\n### Response:\\nisko Rotten tomato score kitna mila<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt got a 81% on rotten tomatoes and an average of 6.8/10 \\n\\n### Response:\\nIsey rotten tomatoes par 81% aur average 6.8/10<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it was better than that for a comedy. Do you like movies that are good for all ages?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe laga ye comedy ke liye usse behtar thi. Kya tumhe aisi movies pasand hain jo sab ages ke liye sahi ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWow thats pretty good\\n\\n### Response:\\nWow ye kafi acha hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nso both parents and adults would like it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nto kya both parents aur adults ko ye achi lagegi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes! It is good for parents and kids. \\n\\n### Response:\\nHan! ye parents aur kids dono ke liye achi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo what is the movie about? What happens in the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTo ye movie kis bare mein hai? Isme kya hota hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe supervillain, Gru, has a rivalry with another villain named Vector after he steals the great pyramid. \\n\\n### Response:\\nsupervillain, Gru ki rivalry hai ek aur villain Vector ke saath jab wo great pyramid steal kar leta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nooh interesting\\n\\n### Response:\\nooh interesting<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWho is Vector voiced by?\\n\\n### Response:\\nVector kisne voice kiya hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nvector is voiced by jason segel\\n\\n### Response:\\nVector ko jason segel ne voice kiya hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh nice\\n\\n### Response:\\noh nice<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSo what else happens?\\n\\n### Response:\\nto aur kya hota hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGru steals a shrink ray fro m Vector and becomes responsible for some children named Margo, Edith, and Agnes\\n\\n### Response:\\nGru Vector se ek shrink ray chura leta hai aur kuch bacche Margo, Edith, and Agnes ke liye responsible ban jaata hau<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwhat does he do with the shrink ray?\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo shrink ray ke sath kya karta hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhe steals it because he wants to steal the moon when it is nearest to the earth\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo isey steal karta hai kyunki wo moon ko churana chahta hai jab wo earth ke nearest ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh goodness\\n\\n### Response:\\noh goodness<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthis movie sounds really funny\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah movie bahut funny lagta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat do the critics say about it?\\n\\n### Response:\\ncritics kya kehte hain is movie ke bare mein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ncritics said that is has \"Despicable Me is a 3D cartoon comedy of whiplash-quick laughs, funny punch lines and a wickedly gimmicky appreciation for 3D.\"\\n\\n### Response:\\ncritics kehte hain ki \"Despicable Me ek 3D cartoon comedy hai jisme whiplash-quick hasi, funny punch lines hain aur wickedly gimmicky tarif hai 3D ke liye\"<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI bet the 3d would be fun to see it it\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain bet karta hoon ki 3d bahut fun hoga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nin*\\n\\n### Response:\\nin*<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you generally watch 3d movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya tum generally 3d movies dekhte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nnot usually, but I would be interested\\n\\n### Response:\\nusually nahin, lekin main interested hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthe ending is very cute too. I liked how there is a mid-air rescue\\n\\n### Response:\\nending bi bahut cute hai. mujhe wah mid-air rescue accha laga<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello. Do you like movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nHELLO, KYA AAP KO MOVIES PASAND HEIN?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, but ones based on old toys are werid\\n\\n### Response:\\nHAAN, OLD TOYS KE BASED HO THO PASAND HEIN, THODA WERID HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis one is called Real Steel and I trying to remember if I've watched it.\\n\\n### Response:\\nREAL STEEL THO YAAD HEIN, MEIN DEKHA HOON<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI haven't, no interest in it\\n\\n### Response:\\nMEIN NAHI, MUJE KOI INTEREST NAHI HEI<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree with the reviewer stating it's Rocky with robots\\n\\n### Response:\\nMEIN MAANTHA HOON, ROCKY KA REVIEWER KO US ROBOTS KE BAARE MEIN<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI also think it's a little bit inspired by rock em sock em robots, an old toy\\n\\n### Response:\\nMEIN BHI SOCH RAHA HOON, KI YEH KUCH ROCK SE INSPIRED HEIN, JO SOCK JO ROBOTS AUR OLD TOY SE<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOkay. I do remember watching it, because I saw that Hugh Jackman was in it. \\n\\n### Response:\\nACHA, MUJE BHI YAAD AAYA, KYON KI MEIN HUGH JACKMAN KO DEKHA US SAMAI<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSometimes I'll watch these if they keep my interest. I think I only watched it because of him.\\n\\n### Response:\\nSOMETIMES, MUJE INTEREST KE ANUSAR DEKHNA PASAND KARTHA.. MEIN THO UNKE LIYE HI WATCH KARTHA<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe is a good actor Nice to see him as someone other than Logan once in a while, lol\\n\\n### Response:\\nVOH ACHE ACTOR HEIN, LOGAN SE ACHE HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYea, I like thrillers or drama, who-dun-it kind of movies.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHAAN, MUJE THRILLER AUR DRAMA KO PASAND HEIN,<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis is more of an action film with robots\\n\\n### Response:\\nYEH ROBOTS KA JYADA ACTION FILM MEIN SE YEK HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nRotten tomatoes gives it 59 percent. I guess that means they say it's an ok kind of move. I remember the boxing robots though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nROTTEN TOMATOES NEH THO 59% DIYA.. I GUESS KI YEH US KIND KA MOVIES KE LIYE THO OK HE HEY.. MUJE VOH BOXING ROBOTS KO YAAD HEIN<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe deal where the winner gets the loser's robot seems a bit extreme\\n\\n### Response:\\nDEAL THA KI JO WIN KAREGA USSE US HAARA VALA ROBOT MILEGA, THODA EXTREME THA US DEAL<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nLol. I see the movie was filmed totally in Michigan. Good for them. Tax credits. \\n\\n### Response:\\nLOL, MEIN MICHIGAN KA MOVIE PURRA DEKHA, ACHA HEI, TAX CREDITS<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, that was nice while it lasted. Seems to have dried up though\\n\\n### Response:\\nHAAN, VOH VAAKAHI MEIN ACHE HEIN.. LAGHTHA HEIN KI VOH DRIED UP KIYA HEIN<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI live in Ohio and I hear about those \"credits\" for movies being made here. Normally I\\'d watch Hugh Jackman in other movies.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMEIN OHIO ME REHENE VALA HOON, AUR ME KAAFI US MOVIES KA CREDITS SUNA HOON... NORMALLY MEIN HUGH JACKMAN KA MOVIES DEKHNA PASAND KARTHA<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe's a decent actor. \\n\\n### Response:\\nVOH DECENT ACTOR HEIN<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDidn't realize this movie was that old - 2011, time goes quick. I don't recognize the other actors.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMUJE YAKIN HI NAHI HOTA KI VOH 2011 KA HEIN, TIME THO QUICK JAATHA HEIN... MUJE DUSRE ACTORS KO RECOGNIZE NAHI HUVA<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNeither do i\\n\\n### Response:\\nMUJE BHI<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis reads like a standard boxing movie... but with robots\\n\\n### Response:\\nMEIN STANDARD BOXING MOVIES KE TARAH PADTHA THA, LEKIN ROBOTS KE SAATH<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo you like boxing as a sport?\\n\\n### Response:\\naapko sport yek boxing ka pasand hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNah\\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't like most sports though\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje kuch sports pasand nahi hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI\\'m reading through here looking for interesting facts about the movie. It says the film\\'s based on a short story called \"Steel\" which was orginally published in 1956, later adapted into a Twilight Zone episode in 1963. Now that\\'s interesting. The old Twilight Zone shows frightened me. lol\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein is movie ka interesting facts ko read karne ki koshis kar rahi thi.. isme likh hein ki, yeh film short story se based hein aur steel ka originally published kiya hein jo 1956 mein released, later twilight zone us episode ko 1963 ko adapt kiya, ab interesting hein, purana twilight zone tho kitna frightened hein. lol<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI love old Twilight Zone but don't recall the one this is based on\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje old twilight zone hi pasand hein, ab recall mat karo<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nTrue. Weird, but even today some of the episodes spooked me. It says the Metacritic Score 56/100. Who's Metacritic? \\n\\n### Response:\\ntrue, weird tha lekin kuch episode tho muje spooked hein.. metacritic ka score tho 56/100, vaise metacritic kon hein?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think they're another review aggregate site?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje lagtha ki, vo another review site hoga<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI watch the Twilight Zone mrathons on Syfy all the time\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein tho kahi baar twilight zone mrathons dekha hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIf I watch them, it's only in daytime. I'm such a wimp. lol. I'm not familiar with director either - Shawn Levy\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein tho daytime mein hi dekhtha.. mein tho wimp hoon.lol.. muje us film ka director itna familiar nahi hein- shawn levy<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDoesn't ring any bells for me either\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje bhi koi bell mat ring karo<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGenre is Science, Sports, yep that's true.\\n\\n### Response:\\nGenre tho science, sports hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello!\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello so the movie we will be talking about is Batman V. Superman\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello to hum aaj jis movie k baare me baat karege wo hai Batman V Superman<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGreat! I haven't actually seen that yet, but have been really wanting to. Which actors play Batman and Superman?\\n\\n### Response:\\nGreat, maine abhi tak wo dekhi nahi hai, but sahi me dekhna chahta hu. Batman aur Superman kaun actors bane hai?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe actors are really great and you probably know all of them. Ben Affleck , Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, and Jesse Eisenberg to name a few.\\n\\n### Response:\\nActors sahi me acche hai aur tum probably sabhi ko jaante ho. Unme se kuch Ben Affleck , Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, and Jesse Eisenberg hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh, that is a great cast? Henry Cavill played Superman in the latest Superman film right?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh, ye to badhiya cast hai? Henry Cavill ne latest Superman film me Superman play kiya tha na?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nSorry, a great cast!\\n\\n### Response:\\nSorry badhiya cast hai!<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am not sure but the film is still a part of the DC extended universe. Also it will be featuring wonder woman.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain sure to nahi but ye movie DC extended universe ka part hai. Also isme wonder woman bhi ayegi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOoh, that is excellent. I am looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman! Are Batman and Superman enemies at the start of the film?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOooh ye to excellent hai. Mujhe Wonder Woman dekhni hai. Kya film k start me Batman aur Superman dushman hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell lex luthor manipulates batman into a battle with Superman because he is obssessed with cloning superman.\\n\\n### Response:\\nWell Lex Batman ko Superman se ladne me manipulate kar deta hai because wo superman ko clone kar ke liye obssessed hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh! So Batman is supposed to bring Superman to Lex Luthor?\\n\\n### Response:\\nOh! To Batman Superman ko Lex Luthor k paas leke jata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo that is not the case however he is manipulated into helping. By the way did I mention this is going to be the first time batman and superman are in a movie together?\\n\\n### Response:\\nNahi, waise nahi hota hai but wo use help karne me manipulate ho jata hai. By the way kya maine mention kiya ye pahli movie hai jisme batman aur superman saath me hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nReally? The first time? That seems pretty amazing knowing that the characters have been around for so long! Very cool. Is the story set in Metropolis or Gotham?\\n\\n### Response:\\nReally? pahli baar? Ye jaante huye ke dono character itne time se hai ye cheez to bahut amazing hai. Bahut cool. Story Metropolis me set hai k gotham me?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe film appears to take place in both cities, and Batman comes to view Superman as a threat to humanity.\\n\\n### Response:\\nAisa lagta hai k film dono cities me hoti hai, aur Batman ko lagta hai k Superman humanity k liye ek threat hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat is interesting, to have the film set in both cities. So Batman sees it as his duty somewhat to take Superman down?\\n\\n### Response:\\nyeh tho interesting hei yar, is film tho dono cities ke hein. tho batman ko aasan padega us superman ka duty karne mein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWell the relationships of the characters are quite complex because Clark Kent A.K.A. Superman learns of Batman's justice methods and tries to expose him. All this happening while Lex luthor makes moves to get approval to obtain kryptonite from a senator.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntho is characters ka relationships tho bada complex hein yar kyon ki clark kent ke vaje. superman tho batmans ka justice method learn kiya aur usse expose bhi kiya. tho lex luthor ne kryptonite ko approval kiya us senator se<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nInteresting. And so, I imagine Lois Lane is in this story? If so, does she serve a greater purpose? Does she know both superheroes?\\n\\n### Response:\\ninteresting yar, mein ab is story ko imagine ki.. tho uska greater purpose kya hein? kya voh dono superheroes ko jaanthi hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMaybe but I am not sure. By the way do you usually care about reviews?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein kuch sure nahi hoon. kya aap reviews ke anusar movie dekhne chalte?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI will often read reviews to see what people have to say, but I don't change my mind about wanting to see a movie based on reviews. I think that I can't really know unless I see for myself. Do you care about reviews?\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein tho reviews ke anusar hi jaatha ki kaise logo is movie ko dekhthe lekin mein reviews se apna mind change nahi kartha. muje lagtha hein ki yeh sab bakvas hein. kya aap review ko care karte?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNot usually I like to be my own judge however if the reviews are overwhelmingly bad or good then it may influence whether or not I watch in theatres. I have to say for this movies though the reviews are quite mixed. \\n\\n### Response:\\nnahi yar mein apne aap judge kartha.. lekin kuch reviews tho overwhelmingly acha ya bura hota jo muje theathres mein movie dekhte samai relate kartha hoon. muje lagtha hein ki is movies ka reviews thoda mixed hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you enjoy this film?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap is film ko enjoy kiya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI did. I really liked seeing the scenes where batman manages to subdue the superman.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan yar.. muje vakahi mein is scene pasand hein .. batman tho superman ko kisi tarah manage kar raha tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nCool. I guess that's one of the ultimate questions, which one could beat out the other. Do they team up at all in the film ?\\n\\n### Response:\\ncool.. tho konsa yeh beat karega? kya yeh film teamup hoga?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes in Batman chooses to save Supermans mother while Superman confonts Lex.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan... isme tho batman ne superman ka mom ko bachana ke liye choose kiya lekin superman tho lex ko confonts<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh wow! The pairing of Batman and Superman's mom is a really cool part of the story, heartwarming.\\n\\n### Response:\\noh wow! Batman aur Superman ke mom ki pairing really sabse cool part tha story ka, heartwarming.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI know but the film ends with sadly the death of Superman.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI know but sadly fim ka end Superman ki death ke sath hota hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh wow! I am surprised by that, I thought they would keep their story line going for another movie or two. \\n\\n### Response:\\noh wow! mujhe surprise hua isse, I thought wo log apni story line ko aage badhne denge aage ki ek do aur movie ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDont worry the dirt on top of the coffin vibrates a nice wink from the Director.\\n\\n### Response:\\nDon't worry coffin ke upar ki dhool ko hilte hue dikhaya director ne kisi badhiya wink ki tarah.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHaha! That's the closing shot?!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaha! wo to closing shot tha?!<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI believe so it is in the last scene.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI believe so ye last scene me ha na<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAwesome! Take care.\\n\\n### Response:\\nawesome! take care<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello\\n\\n### Response:\\nHELLO<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndo you see the movie info?\\n\\n### Response:\\nAAP MOVIE KE BARE ME JANKARI DEKHA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ntime to abort\\n\\n### Response:\\nBANDH KARNE KA SAMAY AA GAYA<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhi\\n\\n### Response:\\nHI<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you see Zootopia?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aapne Zootopia dekhi hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI did, it was great.\\n\\n### Response:\\nDekhi hai, bahu great ha ye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think of Judy?\\n\\n### Response:\\nJudy ke bare me kya thoughts hai aapke?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am not sure who that is\\n\\n### Response:\\nMai sure nahi wo kaun hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nShe is the main character, a bunny that becomes a police officer.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwahi to main character hai, wo bunny jo ek police officer banta hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOkay, I see. Yeah, I thought she was cool. I liked the sloth\\n\\n### Response:\\nOkay, ab samjha. Yes I thought wo cool thi. Mai sloth ko like karta hu<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe was good but I also grew to like the fox towards the end.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwah achcha tha but end aate aate mujhe fox ka character bhi achcha laga.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt got a 98 on rotten tomatoes. That is very impressive\\n\\n### Response:\\nRotten tomatoes par ise 98 mile hai. yah bahut impressive hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat's very high, probably because it is so likeable and funny\\n\\n### Response:\\nyah bahut high hai probably yah bahut likeable aur funny hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe story is really good\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh Kahani is really good<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you see that NIck was bullied as a child?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTumne Dekha kya NIck was bullied as a child?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhich character is Nick?\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh kaun sa character hai Nick?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe is the fox that eventually starts working with Judy, the main character.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh woh Fox hai joh main character Judy ke sath aant main kaam karne laga.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOkay, I don't remember him being bullied\\n\\n### Response:\\nAccha, mujhe nahi yaad being bullied<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOn IMDB, it didn\\n\\n### Response:\\nOn IMDB yeh nahin<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nt get as high of a rasting\\n\\n### Response:\\nget rasting jitna uccha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt was when he was younger and he tried joining the Ranger scouts, they stereotyped him because he was a fox.\\n\\n### Response:\\nJab woh jawwan tha tab he tried joining the Ranger scouts, unhone usse rok diya because he was a fox.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n*rating\\n\\n### Response:\\nKitnee Rating hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOkay. \\n\\n### Response:\\nAccha theek hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is still a pretty high rating, ecsepcially for an animated movie.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYeh fir bhi high rating hai, especially animated movie ke liye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree. I didn't know it was that high\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain agree karta hoon. Mughe nahi pata tha ki yeh itna high tha<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI like that Judy asks Nick to be his partner.\\n\\n### Response:\\nI like ki Judy ne Nick ko uska partner banane ke liye poocha.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nher partner*\\n\\n### Response:\\nuska partner*<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI see it had two directors as well\\n\\n### Response:\\nI see usme two directors bhi hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI didn't notice that\\n\\n### Response:\\nMaine woh notice nahi kiya<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThere were a lot of suspenseful moments in the movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie mein bohot saare suspense wale moments the.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes there was but I think it was so well liked because of all the characters, it was relatable.\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes woh tha but mughe lagta hai ki woh uske characters ki wajah se bohot pasand ki gayi, uska relate kar sakte the.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain agree karta hoon<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat do you think was the nest part of the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTumhe kya lagta hai ki movie ka next part kya tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI liked towards the end when they start working together to out the mayor.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwo log milke kam kar hi, ye mere ko acha lag raha hi bina mayor ke.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi\\n\\n### Response:\\nHi<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello\\n\\n### Response:\\nHello<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI've seen this movie before\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaine ye movie pehle bhi dekhi hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ni have not i heard it was good though\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaine nahi suna, Par ye accha hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI like any movie that has leonardo dicaprio tho\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe koi bhi movie pasand hai jisme leonardo dicaprio tho ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, it is hard to understand in the beginning but you get hooked later on\\n\\n### Response:\\nYes, beginning me ise samjhna hard hai but baad me aap ise kar paate hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\n Is it an action movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya ye ek action movie hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes\\n\\n### Response:\\nyes<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nit's a thriller/science fiction movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nye ke thriller/science fiction movie hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\noh ok. \\n\\n### Response:\\noh ok<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHello! Do you like superhero movies?\\n\\n### Response:\\nNamaste! aap ko superhero movies aaccha lagega kya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyes. batman begins! I think this a great batman film. have you seen it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nha. batman start huwa! mene socha hi ki ee batman film tho great hi. aap dekha hi kya?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes, I have. Christian Bale is my favorite Batman so far.\\n\\n### Response:\\nha. mere pas hi. Christian Bale tho mera favorite Batman hi abhi tak.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo you usually check the ratings of movies before you see them?\\n\\n### Response:\\naap movies ka ratings dekega kya , dekhne ke pehle ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI usually do. but the rating dose not determine whether i will watch the movie or not\\n\\n### Response:\\nmene dekungi. lekin rating se kuch farak nahi padega , jho mene dekungi ya nahi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe film has several great big name actors, which is another reason I like this one and would watch it based on the actors alone\\n\\n### Response:\\nee film tho bahut great bada actors tha, ee tho dusara reason hi mere kho aacha laga aur mene dekungi bina actors keliye.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI agree, there are quite a few great actors in Batman Begins. I like Liam Neeson too, even though he is one of the villains.\\n\\n### Response:\\nha, bahut sara great actors hi Batman Begins me. mene like karungi Liam Neeson tho bi, vo tho eek villain be hi.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nseeing the potential for great actors together on a big screen defiantly gets my interest. along with super heros and villans. a good rating does help me feel like I will not waste my time watching something awful\\n\\n### Response:\\nutna potential hi actors me dekhke big screen mere kho bahut interest aaya tha. milke dono super heros aur villans bhi hi. isko aacha rating help karega , mene time waste mat karungi dusara awful movie dekhke.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbut the same time will not deter me from a film If i am just into the genre\\n\\n### Response:\\nlekin same time me mene nahi deter karungi ee film se if mene just genre dekhke.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI personally prefer good ratings. Even if a movie has many good actors, if it's rated poorly, I usually won't watch it in theaters.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain personally acchi ratings prefer karta hun .Even agar kisi movie mein kayi acche actors hain lekin agar uski rating kharab hai to main usko usually theaters mein nahi dekhta.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI'm not sure if I agree with the Metacritic Score of 70/100, though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nWaise mein sure nahi hun ki mein Metacritic ke 70/100 score se agree karunga.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe 84% on Rotten Tomatoes seems more accurate.\\n\\n### Response:\\nRotten Tomatoes pe 84% zyada accurate lagta hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI will generally have enough patience to wait for a film to be released on DVD/Video if the rating turn me off.\\n\\n### Response:\\nGenerally mere paas enough patience hota hai to wait for a film to be released on DVD/Video agar mujhe rating pasand nahi aati.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think of the bat scene in the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie ke bat scene ke baare mein kya khyal hai ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI felt that scene shows the story of this film well, and is thought out.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMain sochta hun ki ye scene shows the story of this film well, kaafi socha samjha hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI wonder if there was a better place for the bats besides a dry well, though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nWaise I wonder ki bats ke liye dry well se behtar koi place ho sakti thi kya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nbatman as a child was good step by the filmm aker to show how his life started out\\n\\n### Response:\\nbatman as a child accha step tha by the filmmaker ye dikhane ke liye ki uski life kaise start hui<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBecause this movie is called Batman Begins, I agree that it was appropriate to show Bruce's beginnings.\\n\\n### Response:\\nBecause movie ka naam Batman Begins hai so I agree ki Bruce ki shuruaati life dikhana appropriate hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it's ironic that the mugger's name is Joe Chill, but he isn't chill if he murders people.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMere khyal se ye ironic hi hai ki mugger's name is Joe Chill , lekin wo chill nahi hai if he murders people.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nunlikely yes, I think they were going for a mysterious beginning to show how batman came to be. but still want to leave some mystery as he still develops a phobia to the bats\\n\\n### Response:\\nunlikely haan, mujhe lagta hai wo batman kaise bana k ek mysterious beginning dikhana chahte the, but phir bhi thodi mystery chhodna chahte the ke use bats ka phobia kaise hota hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nvery ironic. mr chill is more of a bone chilling murderer. \\n\\n### Response:\\nbahut ironic, mr chill to ek bone chilling murdered hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe is also murdered too, so at least he gets what he deserves.\\n\\n### Response:\\nUska bhi murder hojata hai, to kam se kam wo jo deserve karta hai use mil jata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhe got whats coming to him. but bruce dosent get to murder him so i think that leaves him wanting revenge \\n\\n### Response:\\nJo uske liye hona tha usko mil jata hai. But brucse uska murder nahi karta to main sochta hu wo uski badla leni ki chahat rah jaati hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think it helps to establish that Bruce will not directly murder anyone. Even when he burns down the League of Shadows, he doesn't directly kill Ra's al Ghul.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta hai iss ye establish hone me help hoti hai k Bruce kabhi kisi ka directly murder nahi karte. Even jab wo league of Shadows ko jala deta hai, Ra's al Ghul ko directly nahi maarta hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nInjustice should be not be used as a reason to murder, in any case.\\n\\n### Response:\\nInjustice kabhi bhi murder ka reason nahi hona chaiye<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI feel hes lucky become part of the league of shadows, and to purge his fear of bats. this key part I think is pretty lucky break for him. as he is doing jail time in a foreign country.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe lagta hai ke wo lucky tha k league of shadows ka part ban gaya aur apne bats k dar ko hata diya.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt is strange that his family could afford a butler but he goes to prison for stealing...\\n\\n### Response:\\nYe kaafi strange hai k uski family butler afford kar sakti hai but wo jail chor karne k liye jata hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI really like Gary Oldman as Gordon. He plays a good cop really well.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe Gary Oldman as Gordon accha laga. Wo ek good cop accha play karta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhat did you think of the Scarecrow scenes?\\n\\n### Response:\\nTum Scarecrow wale scenes k baare me kya sochte ho?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe scarecrow was particularly scary character. trying to poison the water supply\\n\\n### Response:\\nscarecrow kafi scary character tha, water supply ko poison karne ki try kar raha tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nand batman was poisoned with the fear-inducing drugs, I thought it was over for him.\\n\\n### Response:\\naur batman fear-inducing drugs se poisoned tha, mujhe laga uska sab over hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt appeared to be over for many characters in this movie at different points, yeah.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, puri movie mein kafi points par aisa laga ki kafi character ke liye it was over<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI was surprised when the real Ra's al Ghul showed himself, too. The League of Shadows doesn't die easily.\\n\\n### Response:\\nmain bhi surprised tha jab asli Ra's al Ghul ne khud ko dikhaya. League of Shadows asaani se nahi marta<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHe seems to have otherworldy power after surviving his past experiences\\n\\n### Response:\\nlagta hai past experience survive karne ke baad usme otherworldy power they<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi there\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHi, I just saw Dunkirk\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste, mene abhi dunkirk ko dekha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou did? I have wanted to see that since I first heard about it. How was it?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumane kiya? mujhe isko dekhana tha jab se mene iske baare mei suna tha.vah kesa ha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't like war movies. \\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe yudda philam pasand nahi hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWas the acting any good?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya koi acting achchi thi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello?\\n\\n### Response:\\nnamaste ?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, acting is good but the effects are better. However, I don't like war movies and can't recommend it, even though it is a visual feast. \\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan, acting tho good hein lekin effects thoda better rehega tho acha lagta.. vaise bhi muje war movies pasand nahi aur mein koi ko recommend nahi karta, lekin voh tho visual feast tha<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nare you not recommending it just because you personally don't like war movies or for another reason?\\n\\n### Response:\\nare tuje pasand nahi tho kya tu koi recommend nahi kartha war movies ko.. ya dusra kya reason hey yar<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI also like dialogue. But there is little of that. It's mostly an action flick. \\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje dialogue pasand hein. lekin yeh thoda hein. mostly tho action flick hi hey<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nso if I like war movies, it sounds like this one has a lot of action and good acting, I would like it?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntho agar muje war movies pasand hein tho uska sounds tho kuch aisa rehana chavunga ki kaafi action aur good acting tho muje pasand aayega<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwas it a long movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya yeh long movie hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMaybe. It\\'s also very \"artsy\", something critics like. If you like going to museums and looking at meaningless stuff then maybe. If not, stay home.\\n\\n### Response:\\nho saktha.. yeh thoda artsy lagtha hein. agar aap museums jaana pasand karenge tho is stuff meaningless hoga. agar nahi tho ghar mein hi baitna<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwas it graphic, like lots of blood and guts?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya hey graphic hein , kaafi blood aur guts hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ncan you respond a little quicker please\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya thoda quick se respond nahi karenge<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYes. Graphic. Little dialogue. Visually gripping but pretentious like an impressionist painting.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan graphic hein.. thoda dialogue... visually gripping hein lekin uska pretention tho jaisa impressionist painting tarah hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhow are impressionist paintings pretentious? \\n\\n### Response:\\nkaise impressionist paintings pretentious ban jaathe hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat is my impression. \\n\\n### Response:\\nWo mera impression hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nwere there any famous actors or actresses in it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya usme koi famous actors ya actresses hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's not long though. 106 minutes,\\n\\n### Response:\\nWo itni lambi nahi hai 106 minutes ki hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nok, that is pretty short for a war movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nOk , war movie k liye kafi short hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhave you heard any reviews of it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya tumne uske koi review sune hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nNo one famous in it. Fionn Whoitehead. Never heard of him bbefore. Jack Lowden\\n\\n### Response:\\nUsme koi famous nahi hai. Fionn Whitehead. Uske baare me kabhi nahi suna. Jack Lowden<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nGreat reviews from critics. But critics like artsy stuff. They were deeply moved. \\n\\n### Response:\\nCritics ne badhiya review diya hai. But critics ko artsy stuff pasand ata hai. Kafi move hogaye the wo log.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIs it better than Saving Private Ryan?\\n\\n### Response:\\nKya ye Saving Private Ryan se better hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI didn't like that one either. So even.\\n\\n### Response:\\nMujhe wo pasand nahi aayi. To even hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHow was the soundtrack?\\n\\n### Response:\\nSoundtrack kaisa tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't recall There was a lot of sound, but mostly of war. If you see it, go to a cinema with a great sound system. \\n\\n### Response:\\nmei yaad nahi kar pa rahi hui vaha bahut jayada aawaj thi,par jayada yudha ki thi. yadi aap dekhana chahate ho to bahut achcha sound system ke sath jao.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo you remember who directed it?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumko yah yaad hai ki kisne isko direct kiya tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou definitely need surround sound.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntumko surround sound ki bahut jayada jarurat hai.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nChirstopher Nolan directed. Is he any good?\\n\\n### Response:\\nchistopher nolan ne isko nirdeshit kiya hai.kya vah achcha hai?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think he is\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe lagata hai ki vah hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nWhere was it filmed?\\n\\n### Response:\\nye kaha filmaya gaya tha?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIt's set in France. WWII. It's about the British Army. Churchill makes an appearance.\\n\\n### Response:\\nvah france mei set ho gaya hai. WWII. Yah British sena ke bare mei hai.churchil ne apni upasthiti darj karai hai.<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHey, what's the movie name?\\n\\n### Response:\\ntho movie ka naam kya hein?<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhello\\n\\n### Response:\\nhello<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI am reading the document, lets see, ok RE AL STEEL\\n\\n### Response:\\nmein document pad raha tha, acha dekhta hoon, ok real steel<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHAve you seen it?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya aap dekhe?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nOh I remember that, I haven't seen it but it's about fighting robots.\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan kuch yaad hein, lekin mein dekha nahi hoon, yeh kuch robots ka fight ke baare mein hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid it get good reviews?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya uska reviews ache hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nInteresting, in this write up, it does not mention robots until the last sentence\\n\\n### Response:\\ninteresting yar... voh last sentence tak, robots ko nahi mention kiya<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo you remember who starred in the movie?\\n\\n### Response:\\naapko is movie ka starred yad hein?<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe wolverine actor. Can't remember his name.\\n\\n### Response:\\nwolverine actor, muje unka naam kuch yaad nahi hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHugh Jackman\\n\\n### Response:\\nhugh jackman<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, that's it!\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan,<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nAlso stars Dakota Goyo, but I do not know her at all (assuming iy is a woman)\\n\\n### Response:\\ndakota goyo, lekin muje unke baare mein kuch nahi patha<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYou never know these days with names but I'd guess you are right!\\n\\n### Response:\\naaj ka deno mein, is naam aapko patha bhi nahi chaltha,<|eot_id|>\",\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThat was probably Hugh's love interest in the movie.\\n\\n### Response:\\nprobably, voh hugs ka love interest hein is movie mein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nMaybe not, the role is \"Max\\'\\n\\n### Response:\\nmaybe, nahi, uska role tho max<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI think that is Hugh's kid in the movie. \\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje lagtha, is movie mein hugh's ka kid hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nso I guess we were wrong\\n\\n### Response:\\nmuje lagtha humara guess wrong hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDo you know how long it is? I'm not that interested in super long movies anymore.\\n\\n### Response:\\ntho aapko is movie ka long patha hein? muje aise super long movies par koi interested nahi hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nalso stars Evangeline Lilly (woman for sure\"\\n\\n### Response:\\nNicole Evangeline Lilly (born August 3, 1979)[1][2] is a Canadian actress and author.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, that must be the love interest.\\n\\n### Response:\\nLooking for the best Tumblr love quotes? We have collected them here. These quotes about love are the best love images gathered from Tumblr.<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDid you like the movie\\n\\n### Response:\\ntamil<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThe plot makes it seem like WWE\\n\\n### Response:\\nIt is fair to say that the WWE Universe is struggling to book in a non-kayfabe business and world.<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI haven't seen it. It looked ok in the previews though.\\n\\n### Response:\\nIf you want to get your movie noticed, you need an eye-catching trailer. Just follow these simple rules<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nhow so?\\n\\n### Response:\\ni like<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nFighting Robots\\n\\n### Response:\\nyes<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nFrom what I remember, this is in the future so instead of humans fighting, robots fight.\\n\\n### Response:\\nyes i love my lover my life<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nand I guess Hugh used to be good at robot fighting but then they had some problems and they weren't good anymore.\\n\\n### Response:\\nto change passtive<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nBut then they find a better robot and are good again.\\n\\n### Response:\\nyes<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nseemed like a simplistic popcorn movie from the previews\\n\\n### Response:\\nSimplistic popcorn movie from the previews jesa he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI guess not WWE, but boxing, less humans, just robots\\n\\n### Response:\\nMe sochta hu wwe nahi ne,par boxing,less human,just robots<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah\\n\\n### Response:\\nHa<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nHonestly it seems dumb, orobably why I did not see it\\n\\n### Response:\\nHonestly wo dumb jesa he,orobaly kyu me dekh nahi saka<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nprobably made my disney too, so it could be a kiddy movie\\n\\n### Response:\\nProbably my disney ne bhi banaya tha,wo kiddy movie he<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\ndoes not sound kiddy\\n\\n### Response:\\nKiddy jesa sound nahi he<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't think it was a mature movie though, it was marketed towards kids (teens)\\n\\n### Response:\\nMe sochta nahi hu ki wo ek mature movie thi,wo kids(teen)ke baju marketed ki gai thi<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nnot little kids\\n\\n### Response:\\nChhote bacche nahi he<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nlike the kind of movie you'd take a 14 year old to\\n\\n### Response:\\nMovie ke jese aapne bhi chuda sal liye<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIn fact now that I read this, it sounds like one of the movies that is so stupid it might be \"stupid enjoyable\"\\n\\n### Response:\\nIn fact now mene padha tha,wo ek movie ki tarah wo bhi \"stupid enjoyable\" tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nYeah, it definitely sounds like that.\\n\\n### Response:\\nHaan, ye definitely aisa sound karta hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nprobably a feel good movie where they conquer all\\n\\n### Response:\\nshayad ek feel good movie jahan wo sab conquer kar lete hain<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nDoes it say what kind of problems they have in that document?\\n\\n### Response:\\nkya document mein batata hai unhe kis tarah ki problems huyi?<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nlike what the main plot is about\\n\\n### Response:\\njaisi ki main plot kiske baare mein hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nThis also sounds like that , I think, Brad pitt movie about underground fight venues\\n\\n### Response:\\nye waisa lagta hai, I think, Brad Pitt ki movie underground fight venues ke baare mein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyeah except nobody is crazy like the brad pitt character\\n\\n### Response:\\nhaan sivaye ki koi bhi brad pitt ke character ki tarah crazy nahi hai<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nIllegal, mush be done out of the view of the law\\n\\n### Response:\\nIllegal, ye view of the law ke bahar kiya hoga<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI don't think it was illegal\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe nahi lagta ye illegal hai<|eot_id|>\",\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nmaybe though\\n\\n### Response:\\nshayad ho<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nI remember there were crowds of people cheering them on\\n\\n### Response:\\nmujhe yaad hai wahan logo ka jhund unhe cheer kar raha tha<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nlike it was an athletic specacle \\n\\n### Response:\\nlagtha hein ki yeh athletic specacle hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " 'Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nthe write up says Now working as a small-time promoter, Charlie pieces together scrap metal into low-end fighters, barely earning enough to make it from one underground venue to the next. \\n\\n### Response:\\nis write up kaha gaya hein ki ab small time promoters se work kare tho, charlie us scrap metal ko low end fighters dono pieces karega, barely uska earning ab yek underground venue jo next pe hein<|eot_id|>',\n", " \"Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nyup that's the struggle\\n\\n### Response:\\nyup, voh tho struggle hein<|eot_id|>\",\n", " ...]" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 10 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "eval_dataset = load_dataset(\"suyash2739/Hinglish\",split='test')\n", "eval_dataset = dataset.map(formatting_prompts_func, batched = True,)\n", "eval_dataset" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "X3DfFUYea0Mo", "outputId": "4cc87f44-59ae-4b80-bb94-399689b504a7" }, "execution_count": 11, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "Dataset({\n", " features: ['output', 'input', 'text'],\n", " num_rows: 8060\n", "})" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 11 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "### Set trainer" ], "metadata": { "id": "ZPZzyIFHtAMA" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from trl import SFTTrainer\n", "from transformers import TrainingArguments\n", "from unsloth import is_bfloat16_supported\n", "\n", "trainer = SFTTrainer(\n", " model = model,\n", " tokenizer = tokenizer,\n", " train_dataset = dataset,\n", " eval_dataset= eval_dataset,\n", " dataset_text_field = \"text\",\n", " max_seq_length = max_seq_length,\n", " dataset_num_proc = 2,\n", " compute_metrics= None,\n", " packing = False, # Can make training 5x faster for short sequences.\n", " args = TrainingArguments(\n", " per_device_train_batch_size = 4,\n", " gradient_accumulation_steps = 8,\n", " warmup_steps = 5,\n", " num_train_epochs=3,\n", " learning_rate = 1e-4,\n", " fp16 = not is_bfloat16_supported(),\n", " bf16 = is_bfloat16_supported(),\n", " logging_steps = 1,\n", " optim = \"adamw_8bit\",\n", " weight_decay = 0.01,\n", " lr_scheduler_type = \"linear\",\n", " seed = 3407,\n", " output_dir = \"outputs\",\n", " ),\n", ")" ], "metadata": { "id": "rMVixlV2VCR_" }, "execution_count": 12, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "#@title Show current memory stats\n", "gpu_stats = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0)\n", "start_gpu_memory = round(torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3)\n", "max_memory = round(gpu_stats.total_memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3)\n", "print(f\"GPU = {gpu_stats.name}. Max memory = {max_memory} GB.\")\n", "print(f\"{start_gpu_memory} GB of memory reserved.\")" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "HIU9eXT6WOFD", "outputId": "51f6b4d4-f10c-407a-9ffd-e753cd15e9d8" }, "execution_count": 13, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "GPU = NVIDIA L4. Max memory = 22.168 GB.\n", "6.699 GB of memory reserved.\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "### Train the model" ], "metadata": { "id": "i6mE5rJrYb70" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "trainer_stats = trainer.train()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 }, "id": "HDK-qceuYVHn", "outputId": "9ddcf6a1-aa26-456a-b3cc-d9ea1a1623ee" }, "execution_count": 14, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "==((====))== Unsloth - 2x faster free finetuning | Num GPUs = 1\n", " \\\\ /| Num examples = 8,060 | Num Epochs = 3\n", "O^O/ \\_/ \\ Batch size per device = 4 | Gradient Accumulation steps = 8\n", "\\ / Total batch size = 32 | Total steps = 753\n", " \"-____-\" Number of trainable parameters = 335,544,320\n" ] }, { "output_type": "display_data", "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " [753/753 1:22:31, Epoch 2/3]\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " 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\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
StepTraining Loss

" ] }, "metadata": {} } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "evaluate_stats=trainer.evaluate()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 37 }, "id": "PdxSJrWNZ7YX", "outputId": "c4de6822-f8fe-41b9-a253-c1b1b2db543a" }, "execution_count": 16, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "display_data", "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "

\n", " \n", " \n", " [1008/1008 07:23]\n", "
\n", " " ] }, "metadata": {} } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "evaluate_stats" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "RI6GcUyYfjik", "outputId": "5ab315ae-ec13-4e1b-8b5c-c70255c506e2" }, "execution_count": 17, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'eval_loss': 0.7847753167152405,\n", " 'eval_runtime': 400.9437,\n", " 'eval_samples_per_second': 20.103,\n", " 'eval_steps_per_second': 2.514,\n", " 'epoch': 2.989578163771712}" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 17 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "trainer_stats" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "ofAAJ0ocdxD8", "outputId": "5156b862-2549-4cc0-a4db-fce64a028525" }, "execution_count": 18, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "TrainOutput(global_step=753, training_loss=1.2023904081359802, metrics={'train_runtime': 4960.1539, 'train_samples_per_second': 4.875, 'train_steps_per_second': 0.152, 'total_flos': 9.500202191978496e+16, 'train_loss': 1.2023904081359802, 'epoch': 2.989578163771712})" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 18 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "trainer.state.log_history" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "GVPgZ6mDeMt-", "outputId": "6e0abb9e-9406-401c-ab04-da6ce88b0046" }, "execution_count": 19, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "[{'loss': 3.8425,\n", " 'grad_norm': 2.2922215461730957,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.003970223325062035,\n", " 'step': 1},\n", " {'loss': 3.9281,\n", " 'grad_norm': 3.122206449508667,\n", " 'learning_rate': 4e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.00794044665012407,\n", " 'step': 2},\n", " {'loss': 3.7335,\n", " 'grad_norm': 2.6502513885498047,\n", " 'learning_rate': 6e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.011910669975186104,\n", " 'step': 3},\n", " {'loss': 3.3153,\n", " 'grad_norm': 1.6958870887756348,\n", " 'learning_rate': 8e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.01588089330024814,\n", " 'step': 4},\n", " {'loss': 3.0988,\n", " 'grad_norm': 2.025275945663452,\n", " 'learning_rate': 0.0001,\n", " 'epoch': 0.019851116625310174,\n", " 'step': 5},\n", " {'loss': 2.5777,\n", " 'grad_norm': 2.2442030906677246,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.986631016042781e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.02382133995037221,\n", " 'step': 6},\n", " {'loss': 2.1906,\n", " 'grad_norm': 2.1447043418884277,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.973262032085562e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.027791563275434243,\n", " 'step': 7},\n", " {'loss': 2.0867,\n", " 'grad_norm': 1.1038589477539062,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.959893048128343e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.03176178660049628,\n", " 'step': 8},\n", " {'loss': 1.7717,\n", " 'grad_norm': 1.1039676666259766,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.946524064171123e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.03573200992555831,\n", " 'step': 9},\n", " {'loss': 1.9248,\n", " 'grad_norm': 1.1076114177703857,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.933155080213903e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.03970223325062035,\n", " 'step': 10},\n", " {'loss': 1.9227,\n", " 'grad_norm': 9.805952072143555,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.919786096256684e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.04367245657568238,\n", " 'step': 11},\n", " {'loss': 1.8636,\n", " 'grad_norm': 1.9260424375534058,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.906417112299465e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.04764267990074442,\n", " 'step': 12},\n", " {'loss': 1.7431,\n", " 'grad_norm': 2.065769672393799,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.893048128342246e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.05161290322580645,\n", " 'step': 13},\n", " {'loss': 1.6917,\n", " 'grad_norm': 1.342193841934204,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.879679144385027e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.055583126550868486,\n", " 'step': 14},\n", " {'loss': 1.5798,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.6177140474319458,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.866310160427808e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.05955334987593052,\n", " 'step': 15},\n", " {'loss': 1.7447,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8423908948898315,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.852941176470589e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.06352357320099256,\n", " 'step': 16},\n", " {'loss': 1.6155,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.6064366102218628,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.83957219251337e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.0674937965260546,\n", " 'step': 17},\n", " {'loss': 1.6937,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.6327974200248718,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.82620320855615e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.07146401985111663,\n", " 'step': 18},\n", " {'loss': 1.7284,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.6162031292915344,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.812834224598931e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.07543424317617867,\n", " 'step': 19},\n", " {'loss': 1.5198,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.594369113445282,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.799465240641712e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.0794044665012407,\n", " 'step': 20},\n", " {'loss': 1.7012,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.6247877478599548,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.786096256684493e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.08337468982630274,\n", " 'step': 21},\n", " {'loss': 1.6572,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5556477308273315,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.772727272727274e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.08734491315136476,\n", " 'step': 22},\n", " 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0.48098474740982056,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.598930481283423e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.13895781637717122,\n", " 'step': 35},\n", " {'loss': 1.5003,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5495439767837524,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.585561497326203e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.14292803970223325,\n", " 'step': 36},\n", " {'loss': 1.6965,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5446119904518127,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.572192513368984e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.14689826302729528,\n", " 'step': 37},\n", " {'loss': 1.4671,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.49442335963249207,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.558823529411765e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.15086848635235733,\n", " 'step': 38},\n", " {'loss': 1.6128,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.47020676732063293,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.545454545454546e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.15483870967741936,\n", " 'step': 39},\n", " {'loss': 1.7006,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5038200616836548,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.532085561497327e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.1588089330024814,\n", " 'step': 40},\n", " {'loss': 1.3915,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.49780383706092834,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.518716577540108e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.16277915632754342,\n", " 'step': 41},\n", " {'loss': 1.6666,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5374959707260132,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.505347593582889e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.16674937965260547,\n", " 'step': 42},\n", " {'loss': 1.486,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5043519139289856,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.49197860962567e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.1707196029776675,\n", " 'step': 43},\n", " {'loss': 1.3513,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.4891325533390045,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.47860962566845e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.17468982630272953,\n", " 'step': 44},\n", " {'loss': 1.4725,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.4800727665424347,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.46524064171123e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.17866004962779156,\n", " 'step': 45},\n", " {'loss': 1.568,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5861383080482483,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.451871657754011e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.1826302729528536,\n", " 'step': 46},\n", " {'loss': 1.5971,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5276069045066833,\n", " 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9.358288770053476e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.21042183622828783,\n", " 'step': 53},\n", " {'loss': 1.6677,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5280523300170898,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.344919786096256e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.2143920595533499,\n", " 'step': 54},\n", " {'loss': 1.505,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.47852957248687744,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.331550802139037e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.21836228287841192,\n", " 'step': 55},\n", " {'loss': 1.4585,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.45841851830482483,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.318181818181818e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.22233250620347395,\n", " 'step': 56},\n", " {'loss': 1.4174,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.6338369846343994,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.3048128342246e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.22630272952853597,\n", " 'step': 57},\n", " {'loss': 1.6226,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.539889931678772,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.29144385026738e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.23027295285359803,\n", " 'step': 58},\n", " {'loss': 1.5171,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.4713524878025055,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.278074866310161e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.23424317617866006,\n", " 'step': 59},\n", " {'loss': 1.5394,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.4950512647628784,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.264705882352942e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.23821339950372208,\n", " 'step': 60},\n", " {'loss': 1.5887,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.4526529014110565,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.251336898395723e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.2421836228287841,\n", " 'step': 61},\n", " {'loss': 1.6915,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5326218008995056,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.237967914438503e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.24615384615384617,\n", " 'step': 62},\n", " {'loss': 1.3746,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.49327099323272705,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.224598930481284e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.2501240694789082,\n", " 'step': 63},\n", " {'loss': 1.4196,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.5036686658859253,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.211229946524065e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 0.2540942928039702,\n", " 'step': 64},\n", " {'loss': 1.3747,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.49033963680267334,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.197860962566846e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 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" 'epoch': 2.310669975186104,\n", " 'step': 582},\n", " {'loss': 0.9491,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.7627964615821838,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.272727272727273e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3146401985111664,\n", " 'step': 583},\n", " {'loss': 0.8466,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.7526178956031799,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.2593582887700535e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3186104218362282,\n", " 'step': 584},\n", " {'loss': 0.9589,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8219982981681824,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.2459893048128343e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3225806451612905,\n", " 'step': 585},\n", " {'loss': 0.9469,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.7650595903396606,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.2326203208556152e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3265508684863523,\n", " 'step': 586},\n", " {'loss': 0.8587,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.7351649403572083,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.2192513368983957e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3305210918114145,\n", " 'step': 587},\n", " {'loss': 0.9232,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.755765438079834,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.2058823529411766e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 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" 'step': 600},\n", " {'loss': 0.9333,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8551129102706909,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.0320855614973263e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.386104218362283,\n", " 'step': 601},\n", " {'loss': 0.9792,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.9135034680366516,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.018716577540107e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3900744416873447,\n", " 'step': 602},\n", " {'loss': 0.9217,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8808794617652893,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.0053475935828877e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.394044665012407,\n", " 'step': 603},\n", " {'loss': 0.8784,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8630968332290649,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.9919786096256686e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.3980148883374692,\n", " 'step': 604},\n", " {'loss': 0.8434,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.7418364882469177,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.9786096256684494e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.401985111662531,\n", " 'step': 605},\n", " {'loss': 0.8393,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.7269518971443176,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.96524064171123e-05,\n", " 'epoch': 2.405955334987593,\n", " 'step': 606},\n", " 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2.540106951871658e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9141439205955333,\n", " 'step': 734},\n", " {'loss': 0.9585,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8718207478523254,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.4064171122994653e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9181141439205955,\n", " 'step': 735},\n", " {'loss': 0.8524,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8308897614479065,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.2727272727272728e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.922084367245658,\n", " 'step': 736},\n", " {'loss': 0.7921,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8072474002838135,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.1390374331550802e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9260545905707196,\n", " 'step': 737},\n", " {'loss': 0.9751,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8544979095458984,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.0053475935828877e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9300248138957814,\n", " 'step': 738},\n", " {'loss': 1.0045,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.890168309211731,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.8716577540106951e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9339950372208436,\n", " 'step': 739},\n", " {'loss': 0.8542,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8201895952224731,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.7379679144385028e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.937965260545906,\n", " 'step': 740},\n", " {'loss': 0.8632,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8221670389175415,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.6042780748663105e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9419354838709677,\n", " 'step': 741},\n", " {'loss': 1.0235,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.9725755453109741,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.4705882352941177e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9459057071960295,\n", " 'step': 742},\n", " {'loss': 0.9097,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8618150949478149,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.3368983957219252e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9498759305210918,\n", " 'step': 743},\n", " {'loss': 0.9642,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8619613647460938,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.2032085561497326e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.953846153846154,\n", " 'step': 744},\n", " {'loss': 0.8478,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8888134956359863,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.0695187165775401e-06,\n", " 'epoch': 2.957816377171216,\n", " 'step': 745},\n", " {'loss': 0.8172,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8609557151794434,\n", " 'learning_rate': 9.358288770053476e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.961786600496278,\n", " 'step': 746},\n", " {'loss': 0.838,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8770453333854675,\n", " 'learning_rate': 8.021390374331552e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.96575682382134,\n", " 'step': 747},\n", " {'loss': 0.9834,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.932941198348999,\n", " 'learning_rate': 6.684491978609626e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.969727047146402,\n", " 'step': 748},\n", " {'loss': 0.9692,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8672398328781128,\n", " 'learning_rate': 5.347593582887701e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.973697270471464,\n", " 'step': 749},\n", " {'loss': 0.9364,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8851674199104309,\n", " 'learning_rate': 4.010695187165776e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.977667493796526,\n", " 'step': 750},\n", " {'loss': 0.9073,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.81667160987854,\n", " 'learning_rate': 2.6737967914438503e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.981637717121588,\n", " 'step': 751},\n", " {'loss': 0.8504,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8293771743774414,\n", " 'learning_rate': 1.3368983957219251e-07,\n", " 'epoch': 2.9856079404466502,\n", " 'step': 752},\n", " {'loss': 0.872,\n", " 'grad_norm': 0.8411135673522949,\n", " 'learning_rate': 0.0,\n", " 'epoch': 2.989578163771712,\n", " 'step': 753},\n", " {'train_runtime': 4960.1539,\n", " 'train_samples_per_second': 4.875,\n", " 'train_steps_per_second': 0.152,\n", " 'total_flos': 9.500202191978496e+16,\n", " 'train_loss': 1.2023904081359802,\n", " 'epoch': 2.989578163771712,\n", " 'step': 753},\n", " {'eval_loss': 0.7847753167152405,\n", " 'eval_runtime': 400.9437,\n", " 'eval_samples_per_second': 20.103,\n", " 'eval_steps_per_second': 2.514,\n", " 'epoch': 2.989578163771712,\n", " 'step': 753}]" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 19 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "data=trainer.state.log_history\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "df = pd.DataFrame(data)\n", "df\n" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 443 }, "id": "GXqcWTpGEiLt", "outputId": "59e61300-e402-4216-bb69-2cf5476e6c02" }, "execution_count": 20, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ " loss grad_norm learning_rate epoch step train_runtime \\\n", "0 3.8425 2.292222 2.000000e-05 0.003970 1 NaN \n", "1 3.9281 3.122206 4.000000e-05 0.007940 2 NaN \n", "2 3.7335 2.650251 6.000000e-05 0.011911 3 NaN \n", "3 3.3153 1.695887 8.000000e-05 0.015881 4 NaN \n", "4 3.0988 2.025276 1.000000e-04 0.019851 5 NaN \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "750 0.9073 0.816672 2.673797e-07 2.981638 751 NaN \n", "751 0.8504 0.829377 1.336898e-07 2.985608 752 NaN \n", "752 0.8720 0.841114 0.000000e+00 2.989578 753 NaN \n", "753 NaN NaN NaN 2.989578 753 4960.1539 \n", "754 NaN NaN NaN 2.989578 753 NaN \n", "\n", " train_samples_per_second train_steps_per_second total_flos \\\n", "0 NaN NaN NaN \n", "1 NaN NaN NaN \n", "2 NaN NaN NaN \n", "3 NaN NaN NaN \n", "4 NaN NaN NaN \n", ".. ... ... ... \n", "750 NaN NaN NaN \n", "751 NaN NaN NaN \n", "752 NaN NaN NaN \n", "753 4.875 0.152 9.500202e+16 \n", "754 NaN NaN NaN \n", "\n", " train_loss eval_loss eval_runtime eval_samples_per_second \\\n", "0 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "1 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "2 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "3 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "4 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", ".. ... ... ... ... \n", "750 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "751 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "752 NaN NaN NaN NaN \n", "753 1.20239 NaN NaN NaN \n", "754 NaN 0.784775 400.9437 20.103 \n", "\n", " eval_steps_per_second \n", "0 NaN \n", "1 NaN \n", "2 NaN \n", "3 NaN \n", "4 NaN \n", ".. ... \n", "750 NaN \n", "751 NaN \n", "752 NaN \n", "753 NaN \n", "754 2.514 \n", "\n", "[755 rows x 14 columns]" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "

755 rows × 14 columns

\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "
\n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", "
\n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "\n", "
\n", "
\n" ], "application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json": { "type": "dataframe", "variable_name": "df", "summary": "{\n \"name\": \"df\",\n \"rows\": 755,\n \"fields\": [\n {\n \"column\": \"loss\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 0.3139872469347093,\n \"min\": 0.7407,\n \"max\": 3.9281,\n \"num_unique_values\": 721,\n \"samples\": [\n 1.3316,\n 0.9737,\n 1.478\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"grad_norm\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 0.40636415737116793,\n \"min\": 0.4010803699493408,\n \"max\": 9.805952072143555,\n \"num_unique_values\": 753,\n \"samples\": [\n 0.8160801529884338,\n 0.8817135095596313,\n 0.574781596660614\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"learning_rate\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 2.88944235927468e-05,\n \"min\": 0.0,\n \"max\": 0.0001,\n \"num_unique_values\": 753,\n \"samples\": [\n 4.812834224598931e-06,\n 1.3502673796791445e-05,\n 5.0935828877005355e-05\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"epoch\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 0.8658547287197379,\n \"min\": 0.003970223325062035,\n \"max\": 2.989578163771712,\n \"num_unique_values\": 753,\n \"samples\": [\n 2.846650124069479,\n 2.5885856079404466,\n 1.476923076923077\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"step\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 218,\n \"min\": 1,\n \"max\": 753,\n \"num_unique_values\": 753,\n \"samples\": [\n 717,\n 652,\n 372\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"train_runtime\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 4960.1539,\n \"max\": 4960.1539,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 4960.1539\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"train_samples_per_second\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 4.875,\n \"max\": 4.875,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 4.875\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"train_steps_per_second\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 0.152,\n \"max\": 0.152,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 0.152\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"total_flos\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 9.500202191978496e+16,\n \"max\": 9.500202191978496e+16,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 9.500202191978496e+16\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"train_loss\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 1.2023904081359802,\n \"max\": 1.2023904081359802,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 1.2023904081359802\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"eval_loss\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 0.7847753167152405,\n \"max\": 0.7847753167152405,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 0.7847753167152405\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"eval_runtime\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 400.9437,\n \"max\": 400.9437,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 400.9437\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"eval_samples_per_second\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 20.103,\n \"max\": 20.103,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 20.103\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"eval_steps_per_second\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": null,\n \"min\": 2.514,\n \"max\": 2.514,\n \"num_unique_values\": 1,\n \"samples\": [\n 2.514\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n }\n ]\n}" } }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 20 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "plt.figure(figsize=(20, 6))\n", "plt.plot(df['epoch'], df['loss'], linestyle='-', color='b')\n", "plt.title('Loss Curve')\n", "plt.xlabel('Epoch')\n", "plt.ylabel('Loss')\n", "plt.grid(True)\n", "plt.show()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 343 }, "id": "fg5pGIIdEtgS", "outputId": "bac0e290-6bb5-4ee4-c396-e0aee48222c0" }, "execution_count": 27, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "display_data", "data": { "text/plain": [ "
" ], "image/png": 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}, "metadata": {} } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "metadata": { "id": "pCqnaKmlO1U9", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "b9a96303-ae5d-48ab-a665-9721f8aa4af5" }, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "4960.1539 seconds used for training.\n", "82.67 minutes used for training.\n", "Peak reserved memory = 16.365 GB.\n", "Peak reserved memory for training = 9.666 GB.\n", "Peak reserved memory % of max memory = 73.823 %.\n", "Peak reserved memory for training % of max memory = 43.603 %.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "#@title Show final memory and time stats\n", "used_memory = round(torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3)\n", "used_memory_for_lora = round(used_memory - start_gpu_memory, 3)\n", "used_percentage = round(used_memory /max_memory*100, 3)\n", "lora_percentage = round(used_memory_for_lora/max_memory*100, 3)\n", "print(f\"{trainer_stats.metrics['train_runtime']} seconds used for training.\")\n", "print(f\"{round(trainer_stats.metrics['train_runtime']/60, 2)} minutes used for training.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory = {used_memory} GB.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory for training = {used_memory_for_lora} GB.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory % of max memory = {used_percentage} %.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory for training % of max memory = {lora_percentage} %.\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "\n", "### Inference\n", "Let's run the model! You can change the instruction and input - leave the output blank!" ], "metadata": { "id": "ekOmTR1hSNcr" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "FastLanguageModel.for_inference(model) # Enable native 2x faster inference\n", "inputs = tokenizer(\n", "[\n", " prompt.format(\n", " \"Interglobe Aviation is currently trading at ₹4306.30, up by 157.85 points or 3.81% from its previous closing of ₹4148.45 on the BSE. The scrip opened at ₹4167.85 and touched a high and low of ₹4313.75 and ₹4133.35 respectively. So far 32998 shares have been traded on the counter.\", # input\n", " \"\", # output - leave this blank for generation!\n", " )\n", "], return_tensors = \"pt\").to(\"cuda\")\n", "\n", "outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens = 2048, use_cache = True)\n", "tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs)" ], "metadata": { "id": "kR3gIAX-SM2q", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "71eee54d-46ea-4a5b-a241-d014a54b6ed7" }, "execution_count": 23, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:128001 for open-end generation.\n" ] }, { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "['<|begin_of_text|>Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\\n\\n### Input:\\nInterglobe Aviation is currently trading at ₹4306.30, up by 157.85 points or 3.81% from its previous closing of ₹4148.45 on the BSE. The scrip opened at ₹4167.85 and touched a high and low of ₹4313.75 and ₹4133.35 respectively. So far 32998 shares have been traded on the counter.\\n\\n### Response:\\nInterglobe Aviation abhi trading kar raha hai ₹4306.30, up by 157.85 points or 3.81% from its previous closing of ₹4148.45 on the BSE. The scrip opened at ₹4167.85 and touched a high and low of ₹4313.75 and ₹4133.35 respectively. abhi tak 32998 shares have been traded on the counter.<|eot_id|>']" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 23 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ " You can also use a `TextStreamer` for continuous inference - so you can see the generation token by token, instead of waiting the whole time!" ], "metadata": { "id": "CrSvZObor0lY" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# alpaca_prompt = Copied from above\n", "FastLanguageModel.for_inference(model) # Enable native 2x faster inference\n", "inputs = tokenizer(\n", "[\n", " prompt.format(\n", " \"\"\"Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, \"There used to be a poverty index...a human development index and all of them continue, but today what is keenly watched is VIX, the volatility index of the markets.\" Stability of the government is important for markets to be efficient, she stated. PM Narendra Modi's third term will make markets function with stability, she added.\"\"\", # input\n", " \"\", # output - leave this blank for generation!\n", " )\n", "], return_tensors = \"pt\").to(\"cuda\")\n", "\n", "from transformers import TextStreamer\n", "text_streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer)\n", "_ = model.generate(**inputs, streamer = text_streamer, max_new_tokens = 2048)" ], "metadata": { "id": "e2pEuRb1r2Vg", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "1246bc20-f0a5-499b-8b1d-c4e28142a6c9" }, "execution_count": 24, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:128001 for open-end generation.\n" ] }, { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "<|begin_of_text|>Translate the input from English to Hinglish to give the response.\n", "\n", "### Input:\n", "Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, \"There used to be a poverty index...a human development index and all of them continue, but today what is keenly watched is VIX, the volatility index of the markets.\" Stability of the government is important for markets to be efficient, she stated. PM Narendra Modi's third term will make markets function with stability, she added.\n", "\n", "### Response:\n", "Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman ne kaha, \"poverty index...human development index sab chale the, lekin aaj kal jo keenly watch kiya jata hai wo VIX hai, markets ki volatility index.\" Government ki stability markets ko efficient bana deta hai, usne statement ki. PM Narendra Modi ki third term markets ko stability se function karegi, usne add ki.<|eot_id|>\n" ] } ] } ] }