qianxiao1111's picture
upgrade: add benchmarks eval
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import gzip
import json
import os
from typing import Dict, Iterable
ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
HUMAN_EVAL = os.path.join(ROOT, "..", "data", "HumanEval.jsonl.gz")
def read_problems(evalset_file: str = HUMAN_EVAL) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
return {task["task_id"]: task for task in stream_jsonl(evalset_file)}
def stream_jsonl(filename: str) -> Iterable[Dict]:
Parses each jsonl line and yields it as a dictionary
if filename.endswith(".gz"):
with open(filename, "rb") as gzfp:
with gzip.open(gzfp, "rt") as fp:
for line in fp:
if any(not x.isspace() for x in line):
yield json.loads(line)
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
for line in fp:
if any(not x.isspace() for x in line):
yield json.loads(line)
def write_jsonl(filename: str, data: Iterable[Dict], append: bool = False):
Writes an iterable of dictionaries to jsonl
if append:
mode = "ab"
mode = "wb"
filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
if filename.endswith(".gz"):
with open(filename, mode) as fp:
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fp, mode="wb") as gzfp:
for x in data:
gzfp.write((json.dumps(x) + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
with open(filename, mode) as fp:
for x in data:
fp.write((json.dumps(x) + "\n").encode("utf-8"))