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eval (#6)
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import re
import time
import os
import json
import random
import string
from enum import Enum, auto
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import OrderedDict
import dataclasses
import pandas as pd
import timeout_decorator
import mpmath
import sympy as sp
from sympy.parsing.latex import parse_latex
import sympy as sp
from sympy import simplify
from sympy.printing import latex
from sympy.core.relational import Relational
from sympy.solvers.solveset import solvify
from sympy.solvers.inequalities import reduce_inequalities
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import (
def compare_numerical_ans(ans_p, ans_l):
if ans_p is None:
return False
ans_p = ans_p.replace(",", "").replace("$", "")
ans_l = ans_l.replace(",", "").replace("$", "")
if ans_p.endswith("%"):
ans_p = float(ans_p.rstrip("%")) / 100
if isinstance(ans_p, str):
ans_p = float(ans_p)
if isinstance(ans_l, str):
ans_l = float(ans_l)
except Exception as e:
return False
return abs(ans_p - float(ans_l)) < 1e-3
def my_parse_latex(expr_str):
expr_str = expr_str.replace("dfrac", "frac")
expr = parse_latex(expr_str)
if "\\pi" in expr_str:
expr = expr.subs({sp.Symbol("pi"): sp.pi})
expr = expr.subs({sp.Symbol("i"): sp.I})
return expr
def is_number(element: str) -> bool:
float(element.replace(" ", ""))
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def percentage_to_fraction(text):
pattern = r"(\d+(\.\d+)?%)"
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
for match in matches:
percentage_str = match[0]
percentage = float(percentage_str.strip("%")) / 100
fraction = str(percentage)
text = text.replace(percentage_str, fraction)
return text
def clean_expr_str(expr_str):
expr_str = (
expr_str.replace(" . ", ".")
.replace(". ", ".")
.replace("**", "^")
.replace("\\pm", "")
.replace("*", "\\times ")
.replace("\\\\", "\\")
.replace("\\ne ", "\\neq ")
.replace("!=", "\\neq")
.replace(">=", "\\ge")
.replace("<=", "\\le")
.replace("≠", "\\neq")
.replace("dfrac", "frac")
.replace("tfrac", "frac")
.replace("\\$", "")
.replace("$", "")
.replace("\\%", "")
.replace("%", "")
.replace("\\!", "")
.replace("^\circ", "\\times \\pi / 180")
.replace("//", "/")
.replace('"', "")
# .replace(",", "") # TODO
# expr_str = re.sub(r"\^\s(.*)", r"\^\s{\1}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\\+", r"\\", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\^\s?\((.*?)\)", r"^{\1}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\\frac\s?(\d)\s?(\d+)", r"\\frac{\1}{\2}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\\log_\s?(\d)\s?(\d+)", r"\\log_{\1}{\2}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\\frac\s?{(.*?)}\s?(\d)", r"\\frac{\1}{\2}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\\frac\s?(\d)\s?{(.*?)}", r"\\frac{\1}{\2}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"\\sqrt\s?(\d)", r"\\sqrt{\1}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"sqrt\s?\((\d+)\)", r"\\sqrt{\1}", expr_str)
expr_str = re.sub(r"sqrt\s?\((.*?)\)", r"\\sqrt{\1}", expr_str)
expr_str = expr_str.replace(" sqrt", "\\sqrt")
expr_str = (
expr_str.replace("\\left", "").replace("\\right.", "").replace("\\right", "")
return expr_str
def parse_latex_answer(sample):
if isinstance(sample, int) or isinstance(sample, float):
sample = str(sample)
# return sample
sample = clean_expr_str(sample)
expr = my_parse_latex(sample)
print("[parse failed]", sample)
return None
return expr
def my_equals(ans_p, ans_l):
return ans_p.equals(ans_l)
def is_expr_equal(ans_p, ans_l, is_strict=False):
def is_equ_num_equal(equation, number):
if (
isinstance(equation, sp.Eq)
# and isinstance(equation.lhs, sp.Symbol)
and equation.rhs.is_number
and number.is_number
ret = my_equals(equation.rhs, number)
return bool(ret)
return equation.rhs == number
if ans_p is None or ans_l is None:
return False
if isinstance(ans_l, str):
return ans_p == ans_l
if (
not is_strict
and is_equ_num_equal(ans_l, ans_p)
or is_equ_num_equal(ans_p, ans_l)
return True
if ans_p.free_symbols != ans_l.free_symbols:
return False
if ans_p == ans_l:
return True
if isinstance(ans_l, sp.core.relational.Relational):
if (
type(ans_l) == type(ans_p)
and my_equals(ans_p.lhs, ans_l.lhs)
and my_equals(ans_p.rhs, ans_l.rhs)
return True
except Exception as e:
print(ans_p, ans_l, e)
ret = my_equals(ans_p, ans_l)
return bool(ret)
return False
# @timeout_decorator.timeout(5)
# def compare_ans(ans_p_str, ans_l_str, is_strict=False):
# ans_p_str = clean_expr_str(ans_p_str)
# ans_p_str = ans_p_str.replace(",", "").replace("$", "")
# ans_l_str = clean_expr_str(ans_l_str)
# ans_l_str = ans_l_str.replace(",", "").replace("$", "")
# if ans_p_str is None:
# return False
# if ans_p_str.replace(" ", "") == ans_l_str.replace(" ", ""):
# return True
# ans_p = parse_latex_answer(ans_p_str)
# if ans_p is None:
# return False
# ans_l = parse_latex_answer(ans_l_str)
# if ans_l is None:
# return False
# return is_expr_equal(ans_p, ans_l, is_strict=is_strict)
def extract_answer_number(sentence: str) -> float:
sentence = sentence.replace(",", "")
pred = [s for s in re.findall(r"-?\d+\.?\d*", sentence)]
if not pred:
return ""
return pred[-1]
def compare_ans(ans_p_str, ans_l_str, is_strict=False):
ans_p_str = clean_expr_str(ans_p_str)
ans_p_str = ans_p_str.replace(",", "").replace("$", "")
ans_l_str = clean_expr_str(ans_l_str)
ans_l_str = ans_l_str.replace(",", "").replace("$", "")
if ans_p_str is None:
return False
if ans_p_str.replace(" ", "") == ans_l_str.replace(" ", ""):
return True
ans_p = parse_latex_answer(ans_p_str)
if ans_p is None:
return False
ans_l = parse_latex_answer(ans_l_str)
if ans_l is None:
return False
if is_expr_equal(ans_p, ans_l, is_strict=is_strict):
return True
# TODO not suitable
ans_p_str = extract_answer_number(ans_p_str)
if is_number(ans_p_str):
ans_p = parse_latex_answer(ans_p_str)
if is_expr_equal(ans_p, ans_l, is_strict=is_strict):
return True
return False
def vote(answers):
counter = Counter(answers)
return counter.most_common(1)[0][0]
def contains_number(s):
return any(i.isdigit() for i in s)
def rough_compare_ans(generation, answer):
for line in generation.split("\n")[::-1]:
if contains_number(line):
words = line.split()
for i, w in enumerate(words):
if i > 0 and words[i - 1] in ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"]:
if i < len(words) - 1 and words[i + 1] in ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"]:
if not contains_number(w):
if compare_numerical_ans(w.replace("$", ""), answer) and "=" not in " ".join(
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
pred = "To find the minimum value of $f(x)$, we need to find the critical points where the derivative of $f(x)$ is either zero or undefined. Let's write a function to solve this problem:\n\n```python\nfrom sympy import symbols, diff, solve\n\ndef find_minimum_value():\n x, p = symbols('x p')\n f = abs(x - p) + abs(x - 15) + abs(x - p - 15)\n f_prime = diff(f, x)\n critical_points = solve(f_prime, x)\n \n # Evaluate f(x) at the critical points and endpoints\n values = [f.subs(x, p), f.subs(x, 15)]\n for point in critical_points:\n values.append(f.subs(x, point))\n \n # Find the minimum value\n minimum_value = min(values)\n \n return minimum_value\n\nresult = find_minimum_value()\nprint(result)\n```\n```output\nValueError(\"\\nCan't calculate derivative wrt re(x) + I*im(x).\")\n```\nIt seems that there is an error in the code. Let's modify the code to handle the case when the derivative is undefined.\n\n```python\nfrom sympy import symbols, diff, solve, oo\n\ndef find_minimum_value():\n x, p = symbols('x p')\n f = abs(x - p) + abs(x - 15) + abs(x - p - 15)\n f_prime = diff(f, x)\n critical_points = solve(f_prime, x)\n \n # Evaluate f(x) at the critical points and endpoints\n values = [f.subs(x, p), f.subs(x, 15)]\n for point in critical_points:\n if point.is_real:\n values.append(f.subs(x, point))\n \n # Find the minimum value\n minimum_value = min(values)\n \n return minimum_value\n\nresult = find_minimum_value()\nprint(result)\n```\n```output\nValueError(\"\\nCan't calculate derivative wrt re(x) + I*im(x).\")\n```\nApologies for the error in the code. It seems that the derivative calculation is causing an issue. Let's modify the code to handle the absolute value function and find the minimum value using a different approach.\n\n```python\nfrom sympy import symbols, Piecewise, Min, oo\n\ndef find_minimum_value():\n x, p = symbols('x p')\n f = abs(x - p) + abs(x - 15) + abs(x - p - 15)\n \n # Define the piecewise function for f(x)\n f_piecewise = Piecewise((f, x <= p), (f.subs(x, p), p < x <= 15), (f.subs(x, 15), x > 15))\n \n # Find the minimum value\n minimum_value = Min(f_piecewise, (x, p, 15))\n \n return minimum_value\n\nresult = find_minimum_value()\nprint(result)\n```\n```output\nTypeError('cannot determine truth value of Relational')\n```\nApologies for the error in the code. It seems that the piecewise function is causing an issue. Let's modify the code to handle the absolute value function and find the minimum value using a different approach.\n\n```python\nfrom sympy import symbols, Min, oo\n\ndef find_minimum_value():\n x, p = symbols('x p')\n f = abs(x - p) + abs(x - 15) + abs(x - p - 15)\n \n # Find the minimum value\n minimum_value = Min(f, (x, p, 15))\n \n return minimum_value\n\nresult = find_minimum_value()\nprint(result)\n```\n"
label = "15"
print(compare_ans(pred, label))