--- license: cc-by-sa-4.0 --- Quantized model weights of https://huggingface.co/sophosympatheia/Midnight-Miqu-70B-v1.5 for macOS on Apple Silicon. ### Licence and usage restrictions 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf was based on a leaked version of one of Mistral's models. All miqu-derived models, including this merge, are **only suitable for personal use.** Mistral has been cool about it so far, but you should be aware that by downloading this merge you are assuming whatever legal risk is iherent in acquiring and using a model based on leaked weights. This merge comes with no warranties or guarantees of any kind, but you probably already knew that. I am not a lawyer and I do not profess to know what we have gotten ourselves into here. You should consult with a lawyer before using any Hugging Face model beyond private use... but definitely don't use this one for that!