language: All languages datasets: ISML datasets (80 thousands hours unlabeled data) + babel datasets (2 thousands unlabeled data)
Chinese W2v-conformer
Model description
This is the set of Speech W2v-conformer model pre-trained by UER-py. You can download the model either from the UER-py Github page:
How to use
You can use the model directly with a pipeline for speech recognition:
>>> from wenet.dataset.dataset import CollateFunc, AudioDataset
>>> from wenet.transformer.asr_model import ASRModel
>>> from wenet.transformer.encoder import ConformerEncoder
>>> from wenet.transformer.decoder import TransformerDecoder
>>> from wenet.transformer.ctc import CTC
>>> from wenet.utils.executor import Executor
>>> from wenet.utils.checkpoint import save_checkpoint, load_checkpoint
>>> encoder = ConformerEncoder(input_dim, **configs['encoder_conf'])
>>> decoder = TransformerDecoder(vocab_size, encoder.output_size(), **configs['decoder_conf'])
>>> ctc = CTC(vocab_size, encoder.output_size())
>>> with open(args.config, 'r') as fin: configs = yaml.load(fin)
>>> model = ASRModel(
>>> infos = load_checkpoint(model, args.checkpoint)
Training data
ISML datasets (80 thousands hours unlabeled data) and babel datasets (2 thousands unlabeled data) are used as training data.
Training procedure
The model is pre-trained by wav2vec2 ( on Tencent Cloud. We pre-train 70 epochs with a batch size of 128. We use the same hyper-parameters on different model sizes. The downstream models are finetuned:
Stage 1:
python wenet/bin/ --gpu 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 \
--config $train_config \
--train_data \
--cv_data \
${checkpoint:+--checkpoint $checkpoint} \
--model_dir $dir \
--ddp.init_method $init_method \
--ddp.world_size 7 \
--ddp.dist_backend nccl \
--num_workers 2
### BibTeX entry and citation info
@article{baevski2020wav2vec, title={wav2vec 2.0: A framework for self-supervised learning of speech representations}, author={Baevski, Alexei and Zhou, Henry and Mohamed, Abdelrahman and Auli, Michael}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.11477}, year={2020} }
@article{zhang2020pushing, title={Pushing the limits of semi-supervised learning for automatic speech recognition}, author={Zhang, Yu and Qin, James and Park, Daniel S and Han, Wei and Chiu, Chung-Cheng and Pang, Ruoming and Le, Quoc V and Wu, Yonghui}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.10504}, year={2020} }
@article{zhang2021wenet, title={WeNet: Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit}, author={Zhang, Binbin and Wu, Di and Yang, Chao and Chen, Xiaoyu and Peng, Zhendong and Wang, Xiangming and Yao, Zhuoyuan and Wang, Xiong and Yu, Fan and Xie, Lei and others}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01547}, year={2021} }