0 oneidi lim ov an acideging papega iinein cte ininowo beeocit in belagans inbet in kinegin bptinis ete ou there well i work at the setty institute thats almost my name setty erch for extra terestrial intelligence in othewards i lookfor alians and wene i tell people that at a coctal party a they usually look at me with a mildly incredulous look on their face i tried to keep my own face somewhat dis passionate an lotthe people think tat this s kind of idealistic a ridiculous maybe even hopeless but i just want to talk to you a little bit aout why i think that the job i have is actually a privilege ocay and give me a litle better the motivation for my getting into this line of work if thats what you call it his hank whipps can we go back halloh come on earth hertherrigga rright a this is the ons valley radio observatory behind the syero novadas and in nineteen sixty eight i was working there collecting data for my thicus as kindl lonely its kind of teadious he is collecting data so i would amuse myself by taking fotows it neither the telescopes or even of myself because a youno it it a at night i would be the only harmoned within about thirty miles so heare pictures of myself athe observatory had just acquired a new book ritten by a russian cosmolegist by the name of josef shalafskiy and then expanded and translated and edited by a little known cornell astronomer by name of carle sagon an i rem ar readin that boock and at three ind the morning iw reading this book an it was explaining how the antenats i was using to measre the the spinds of galaxies could also be used to communicate to send bits of information from ones star system to another nowt thre oclock in the morning when youre all alone havent had much sleep that was a very romantic idea but it was that iea the fact that you could in fact proove that theres somebody out theire just using the same technology that appealed to me so much that twenty years later i took a job at the setty institute now i have to say that my memory is a notoriously porous and ive often wondere whether there was any truith in this story was just nonw miss remembering something but i reacently just blew up this old negative of mind and sure enough there you can see the shalafskn sagen book underneath that annalog calculating device so is true wi now the idea for ding this it wasnt very old at the time that i made that foto the idea dates from nineteen sixty one or young e strohnamer by the name of frank grake used this antena in west virginia pointed at at a cople a nearby stars in the hopes of eves dropping on e te now frank didnt hear anything actually he did but it tured out to be the uess airforce which dosnt count his extra terestrial intelligence but drakes idea here became very popular because hit was very uppealing an il get back to that and on the basis of this exparme which you didnt diddnt succeed we have been doing scetdy ever since not continuously but ever since we still havent heard anything we still havent hearanything infact we dont know about any life beyond earth but im going to suggest you that thats going to change rather soon and the part of the reason imfact the majority of the reasons whie i think thats gone o change its at the equivments getting better this is the aland tellescperey about three hundrd and fifty miles from what ever seet youre in right now this is something that were using today to serch rit and the electronics have gotten very much better too this is frank drakes electronics on nineteen sixty this is the allent telescoperray electronics today some pundit with a too much time on his hands has reckoned that the new experiments are approximately a hundred trilion times better than they were in nineteen sixty hundred trenie times better a thats a degree of and improvement that wul look out on your reportcart ocay but something thats not appreciated by the public is in fact that the experiment continues to get better and consequently tends to get faster this a litle plotn every time you sho applot you luse ten percent of the ardiances i have a twelve of these but what a what what ive plotted here is just some metric that shows how fast wre serching in otewards werelooking for a needle in a hastack when yo a big te hastack is its the gallecxsy but were going through the hastack no longerwith tha tea spoon but with a skip lowter because of this increase insfveed in fact those of yieu ho are still consious and mathematically a younow competent well knot that this is a semmy log plit in other words the rate of incrieaese is exponencial its exponentially improving our xpanencial is an overworked word you heare it on the meedia all the time they dont really know what exponential means but this is exponential in fact its doubling every eighteen months and of course every card caring member the didjerraty knows that thats mores law so this means that over the course of the next two thousand years well be able to look at a million star systems a million star sistens looking for signals that would prove somebodis out there well million star sistems its ate interesting i mean how mny of those star systams have planets andthe facts are we did know the answer to that even as reciently as fifteen years ago andinfact wed really didn know it even as reacently six months ago but now we do reasont results sugjests that virtually every star has planets nd more than one there like youno akitens ye gett no you youn you get a litter yu dont get one kitten you get a bunch ocay so in fact this is a pretty accturate estimat of the number of planets in ar galliexsy just in our gallicy bitway nand i i remind the non astronomy majures among you that our allexy is only one of a hundred billion that we can see wth our telescopes thats a lot a real stay but of course mosto these plans are gon be cona worthless like younow murcury or neptoone neptoones probbing not very big in yur life ocay so the question is what fraction of these planets a are actually suitable for life we dont kow th answer to that either but we will learn that answer this year thanks to nasshis kepplers face telescope and infact the smart money which is to say the people who work on this project the smart mone is suggesting that the fraction of planets that might be suitable for life is may be one in a thousand one an a hundred something like tat well even taking the the pessimistic estimat that its wits one and a thousand that meas that there are at least a billion cousans of the earth jest in our own gallexy ocay now ive given ye a lot on numbers here but there mostly big numbers ocay so youno keep that in mind theres plenty of real etstate plennty of real estate inthe universe and if were the only bit of real estate in which theres some interesting occupantes that makes you a miracle and i know youd like to think youre a miracle but if you do sice youl learn rather quickly that every time you think your a miracle youre rong so pabbe not the case right so the bottom line is this because of the increaseing speed and because of the vast amount of habitable reall state n the casmos i figgure were goneta pick up ta signal within two dhousan years ad i feel strongly enough about that to make a bet with you it either weregoneta find etee in the next two dosen years or ill by you a cup of coffhy lkay so thats not so bad i men either woild two housan years yo open up your brows and theres news of a signal or you no you get a coupp coffhy now let me tell you about some aspect of this that a iyunpeople dont think about an that is what i what happeneds suppose tat yo kno the twhat i say iis true i mean who knows but suppose it happens supose sometime in the next two thousand years we pick up a faint wine that tells us we have some cosmic company what is the effect whats the consequence now i might be at ground jerow for this i happend to know what the consequence fr me would be because weve had fals alarms this is nineteen ninety seven an t sofoto i made it about three oclock in the morning in mountain view here when we were watching the computer monitors because we had picked up a signal that we thought this is the reaal deal right and i kept waiting for the men ind blck to show up right i hape waiting for a yai i kep waiting for my mam to call somebody to call the goverment to call nobody called nobody called i was so nervous that i couldnt sit down iv just wandwandered around taking fotos like this one just for something to do well at nine thirty in the morningwith my head down on my desk ause it obviously hadnt slept all night the found rings in its the new york times an i think thres a lssen than that n that lessen is that if we pick up the signal the medio the medio will be onnet faster than a a wesiln on ball barings its gona be fast ocay you can be sureof that no secrecy ocay thats what happenes to et cin of roons my hol upwhole week because whatever ive got plain tha week cain hout the window but what about you whats at gone o do to you and te answer fs we dont know the answer we dont kow what thats goine of dou y our not in ta long turn anm not even very much in the short term imean that would be a a a bit like asking christ columbis and fourteen niney one haykor is you no what happens if it turns out that ther s a contenent between here and japan where youre sailing too what will be the consequences for humanity if that turns out to be the case anay christ poly would offer youd some some answer that you might not have understood but it probly wouldn ave ben right and i think that to predict what finding e tis going to mean we cant preict that either but heare a coupl of things i cant say to begin with its going to be a society that s way in advance of ur own yourenot gont hear from ailian neander thaus ore not bilding transmiters theiregonea be ahead of us maybe by a few thousand ears maybe by a ew million years but substancially ahead of us and that means if you can understand anything that theire going to say then you might be able to short sircet history by getting information from e society thats way beyond our own now you might find out a bit hipera bollicand maybe it is but none theless its conceivable that this will happen in you no you could consider this like i dont now giving julious ceeser english lessens in the ke tof the libry of congress it wuld change his day a thats one thing another thing thats for shure going to happen is that it will calibrate us we will know that we are not that miracle right the were just another duck in a row were not the only kidds on the block and i think that thets filosoffhically a very profound thing to learn where not a miracale ocay the third thing that it might tell ou is somewhat vag but i think interesting and important and that is if you find a signal coming from a more advance society cause they will be that will tell you something about our own possibilities that were not inevitably dmed to self destruction because they survive their tecnology we could do it towo normally when you look out into the universe youre loking backin time right thats thats interesting to cousmologist but in this sense you actually can look into the future hasily but you can look into the future so those are al the sorts of things that would a come from a a a detection now let me talk a little bit about something that happens even in the mean time a and that is cetdy i think is important because its exploration and its not only exploration its comprehensible exation na i ga tot tell you im im younowh always reading books about explores i find an explaration very interesting a artic exploration younow people like majellen ommonson shackalton a you see franklen down theire scot all these gyes is you rally niffy expression thern there just doing it case they want a explore and you might say al thats cindof a frivilous opportunity but thats not frivilous thats not a frivilous activity beause that mey think of ance yu now mosts tants or program to follow one another along inain a long line but theire cupplants maybe one percent of those ants that are what they call pionear ancs and here the ones at wonder off there the ones you find on the kitchen counter top you gtggt to get am with your thum before they findtheir shouger is something ocay but those ents even thogh most of hem get whiped out those ats ar the ones that are essencial to the survivel of the hive so explaraton is important i also think that exploration is important in terms of being able to adress what i think ais a critical lack in our society and tats the lack of sience litderacy the lack of the ability to een understand cience now look alot has ben ritten about the yonow the porable state of sience litteracy in this country right you youve heard about it a well hereheares one example in fact pols taken this this fll was taken ten years ago a showse ilike a ruffhly one third of the public thinks tat the alions are not only out there were looking for out there but there here right sailing the sgeyes and heir sausers and occasionlly obducting people for experiments thir parents wouldnt approve of well thow ould be interesting if it was true in jobbs security for me but i dont think the evidence is very good thats more younow sad and significant but there other things that people believe that are significant like the efficacy of homiapathy or that evolution is just you now sort of a crazy idea by cientis without any legs or you no evolution hyou no that all that sor of thing ore global warming the these sorts of ideas dont rally have any valiity that you cyou cant trust the sientis now we got a sall thare problem cause hats a critically important problem and i youyou you might say well occay how we gone ta sall that probem was staddy welet me suggest you that seddy obviusely cant solve the probm but hi cant address the problem it can adress the problem by getting young people interested in sience look sience is hard it has a reputation of being heard and te facts are it is hard and thats the result of four hundred years of sience right imean n the eighteenth century in the eighteenth century you could become an expert on any field of sience in an after noon by going to a library if if you could find a libry right in the nineteenth century if yu had a basement lab you could make mage your sientific discoveries in your own home right because tite wase all this side just lin around waiting for somebody to pick it u wull thats not tooro any more today you got ta spend years in gradschool ind posttock poesitions just to figgure out what the important questions are its hard theres no doubt about it and in fact heres an example they higs bos on finding the hegs bos on as the nex hem people you see on the street hay do you think its ir worth while to spend billions of swisce ranks looking for the higgs bos on aiib dat the answer yore gine to get his hall i don kno what the hix bos on is and i don know f ts important and probly most o the people wouldn even kow thevally of a swic frank ocay and yet were spending billions of swice franks on this problem ocay so that dousnt get peoplen interests in sience casthey cant compry him what its about sety on the oth hands really simpl over gont use hese big antenants orme gineta try an ease drop on signals everybody can understand that yes tecnologically is very sofisticatde but everybody gets the idea so thats one thing the other thing is its exciding cience its ecciding because were naturally interested in other intelligent beings and i think thats part of our heard wiring aimen were heard whired to be interested in in beings that might be if you will competitors or if youre tha romantic sort possibly even mates ocay ing his is analigisto our interest in things that have big teath right were interest ing things hat have big eeth youcan see the evolutionary valuo that and you can also see the practical consequences by watching watching animal planet you know s they vak they make very few programs about jurbals smostly bad things hat have big teath occay so where intrested in these sorts of things iand not ajust us its its its also kids this llows you to pay it forward by using this subject as a hook to sience because steddy involves all kinds of sience obviousely biology obviously astronomy but also geology alscemestry various sientific disciplines all can be presented in the gyes of were looking for etee so to me this is this is interesting and important and infact its my policy even thw i give lot of talks to a dulls yo give talks to dulds and two days later ther back where hey were but if you give talks to kids younow one and fifty of them some ligpe bulb goes off and and nd i think chea had never thought of that and thenthink o younow read a boock or a magzin or whatever they get interested in something now its my theory i supported only by annigdotal prsonal anegdotale evidence but none theless that kids get interested in something between the ages of eight and eleven te got again om there so all right give talks to duts at fime but i try and make ten percent of the talxs tat i give try an make those for kitds ocay im remember when a gye came to our highschol actually wthers actaly my junior highscool i was in six grat and he gaves some talk all i remember from it was one word electronics hw so like dustend hafmen in the graduete right when he said plastics whatever that means plastics i soy thi k i said electronics i nor il remember anything else and fact i dont remembr anything that my six grad teachere said all yeare but i remember electronics and so i got interested in electronics ad yen i got iv studded to get my hamb licence i was waring up stuf heringam at about fifteen or something do in that sort of sup ocay that hd a big effect on me so thats my point that you can gt have a big effect on these kids a in fact this this reminds hen yo a a i now no acuple years ago i give a talk at a schol in paloalto wherether wre about a dousand eleven year olds tht a come to this tolk ihad been brought in to talk to these kids for an hour eleven yorls are all sittenin a lttle semmycircle lookin up at me with big eyes and i started thre was a whipe bord behind me ad i startd off by riting a one with twenty two zerows after it niysaid ih now look teres a a number of stars in the visible universe and this number is so big theres not even a name for it ahaand one of these kidds shot up his hand an he said whal actually there s a name for it its a sex to a quadror o hexter something or other right now that kid was rong by four ordsfour orders of magnitude but the was no doubt about it these kids were smart ocay so i stoppe giving te lecture all theyt wanted to do was ask questions infact my lim a my last comments to these kids the endri said you now you kidds are smarter tan the people i work with now they daid on even care about that what they wanted what they wantd was my emellodress so they could ask me more questions so ha a yust say look my job is a privilege because were in a special time previous enerations couldnt do this experiment at all right in another generation down the line i think we ill have succeeded so to me it is a privilege and when i look in the mirrr younow the facts are that i really dont see myself what i see is the generation behind me theves ase some kids from te huffschoole forth greaters talked there but two weeks ago somehing like that i think that if you can in still some interest in sience and how it works well thats a pay off beyond easy measure thankou verymuch a 1 bai atngai atabmin bagi baningndager anenas staning akdont let my mosks scare you im just tryin to stay anonimous my name is anomic nagrik i am a proud indian and i have one problem with my country and the problem is why is india so filthiy i have travealed outside india in neghboring countries in asia my fiends have been to africa and vecan all agree on one thing in india we tolorate filt on our streaes but why we can send a rocket to mars but we cant fixe this problem why do we keep our houses clean and our streats dirty even meckdonelds wos come to bangalo is cleaning he steps of its outlet out dhere but you can see how derty it is outside that either incapable ore unwilling to fix wots outside so whats the problem varve like his and i think ollof urs in this aurdiance know the anser its not my problem i pay tax i wat isnt that enough what more should i do and some if you will say ocay i want to fix it i dont you a know how to starpt let me take you to a dreamland in this dream land there is no corruption the government is strong ar budget goes up ten times do you think our citties will be clean what doyou think and the anser is no i think we all reallie thres nort about mone or systems to ta it is abot us as a people look at thes pictur and some one shout out which city is tis from look closete look at the furnichur and you gess shobt out vhich city is this its not bangelo look losely again to the cloe outar the bank of india dhe other clo is that its navery poorly man pined there ar bond stnes everywhere ahthis is tha restrohunt it is singapor and it is little india sinapore and whate dos this tell us about us what is singapors brond image clendleness it is a fine city the enforced laws their verry affluent the care abourd der look but when a groop of indians lives in one neighbourhood ve seem to bring down the civic standards ve can beat the words best systems in fact i would like to say an i am an indian e had the undisputed war champions of public filt why do we need a policeman when we have a traffic light because ve a o society thate dosnt like to follow rooles in banglor dusbins are not allowed you are expected to keep your gobbage o tom tin the collector cumps but it dosnt seem to war so one neghborhod and banglord in drawnicer said let put dusbins so they put dusbens and see what happened we dont like to follow rooths so all the gabage is outside the dusken now this is the problem wi dis as a society ve need to all admit that we are all ugly indians and more importantly onely ve can sae us from ourselves and as long as vee mooshtal about it we want solve it and so do you think there is any hope whor doy al think a lot of people have given up te leave the country thes te angatterd communities but some people said no let us try and fixe this problem inan indian way by understanding the indians sichology and so social experiments began on church street in banglod in to thousand ten where the idea was simple let us understand indians behavior from a point of vieu o culture behaviereal sychology let see what it diks to make an ugly indian change but most importantly without him our her reallising it we dont like to be toled what to do yoar to be fooled in to impimproving our behavior can ve nuge and in ugly indian towards better behavior in public spaces and you may ve heard o the broken vindlof tetivich says that he applaceis ugly it becomes uglia fer placeis beautiful it commonds respect theres another theori an economics called the tragedy of the commons hich means we care for our private spaces we dont care about public spaces india is a perfect example of both these theries and action this is core m mungala that lady is troying gobbige on the road in a beautiful part of an upskil neghborhood and whyis she doing it because some one his already throned before what can ve do to make her change her behavior without hour knowing it this is a tippical example of civic problems in india on stains on the wall this is on the wal of deckon haddled newspaper in churchstreet it has been like this forever because ther espon stands people urenit on it noverdy voxs in that footpot so a few people siged an observed it and tried an experimnt this is what they did he painted the wall the panted a red bound at the botom they put somes clawprts and incredibly therever no more pan stands on tdhact wall and why because the person spitting pan is as trying as best to be clean he i choosus to pit into the port if yo bot if he y mistake spitchs in dhe corner the red culler mosks it vonce people stop pitting people actualy go on the footpot it woks there are dosens of vals in banglover the red bank at te bautom that has taken an indian solution to apply to an indian problem this is very common this int indere n nego te young scool boys facing a dettrap we seen this very often has anyone if you never seen a det trap bandor is ful of det trupps the little boy has to walk around look at that footpot and if you go in after residence thy have complained or years nothing has happened three people sayd lecs fixs it this is what they did they actually vent and fixed a footpot it has remained fixed for six months whats the message if you see a problem your go fixs it nobody stopps you you can actually make a change dont weast your time complaining litterbins are a problem why sometimes ey look like animals the mede o fiber class to cach fire with sigrets some litterebuens are rusting the falling on the ground and dont littibins look sor dirty that they accualy bring down the ast tretics of the place the lettrbnicsuppose to make it clean sometimes there not there where you want them so people improvise they pout lettere in trise so some eople sart and said can be designe a littrebin that will nort get stolen that looks beautiful that people will ose that last through wedder and actually improves the eastetics of the place and sho te kame up it something calld the tere bin which is a desiner dus ben this is on eje orden bang lobrigga rodrado the beautiful partfert it is not stealible nobody wants it because its made of materials nobody wance it works it looks clean and for the last three years thre are two hundred dosbeens across banglo and it has worked because somebody applied his mined to solve a problem as a problem this is in front of ite peel the ousben is exactly vhert you needet neare a bus top people luse it t has worked and this is the bigest problem of all open gabige this is outside the corum ungala club you would think they would figure it out but dhey didnt and some people sayd lets make this with an example and this is whate they did it has remained fixed it is not aforto op it all and the reasone well knon places our taken is that if people who are rich pawfull and with social pressiur cannot do it than theres something rong with us this is outside the house of doctor rachcomar poor mister ponith rachkomon has to see this every year he has got amasing socil powar he couldnt fixe it this is what was done and it has remained fixed for the last six months this is jape naguare outside ambrishes house again vhe chosen people who are important tookind get things done but it required the public to do it this is outside a slam ths is cowdong this is a children vate for their scool buss wic bik om a beautiful bustop this is outside a tuck park every tck parck in banglo this is out lining rored as got open drains there are billion ollar companies and there eppaently nobody is villing to fix this theye al blaiming somebody else a few people went maderd a salfe sone maderd a bustop its walking and so the point is whethet a slum mar teck park ir an afflourente jone you an make change this is an whitefield neareby thisis actually an open tilert that a slammrd the back whih people ho used ther toylert thats a wine shop e side in the jagdat ed theator its cresey so some people from vitefield said lets fix it so they fixed it but what happened pople still throgh gabbige you cannot fixe the place by dis painting it you have to solve the underlying problem so an dey to five pele vent to all the houses and said from to morrow vill make a new sstem wha tat you dont keed to put your gobbage on the ground see what happened what is interesting is that all the people the slam dwellars the winshop o nor the jagety people the peple ind appartments got together to solve a common problem they had never spoken to each other before theyis to complaine to each other about ach other before vhen the communuty coms together to fixe a common problem it is no longer a tragedy of the commonse this is a vctory of the commons and this particular project has spered many meni more projects in vitfield now look closely this is actle youdin outside a wineshop indian men keed to o in it and lets accept that lets not get e motion about it can we make them unit in a dignified way and rescue the public space so this is a wineshop tha youd on outside the winshp on a coun be badered it created an innovation ma sumon said lets creare o dignified life ve formento ginit and rescue a public spic itresulted in something called the wonder lu which is an open er udinel of private space the men uronat and the rest of the wallgets rescued now who did all these proects look closely there as cegne as citisans that ladyis in aseven teches hording a crobar there are retired army officers thete are slam children tof the winshop o nor they all came togeter into this progect there was no contract labor our tolertos all done entirely by citisens and that evening people came in deir cart to by their lickor and they used the restoom in the opern everybody is happy so everybody all the stakeholders in that sport eventually got ward day wanterd and een thogh they have hugely opposin ideolodies theyre getting along and thats the big message outyor so wat do you think is there any hope yah thats good over four hundred such sparts have been fixed but whats more interesting as ninety percent have survived and thats an excellent survival grate for for problems that were so chronic know on even knew how to start solving them but how dis it all work an thats what im heare to tell you it nart about going and painting all there is much more to it than that and the most important thing is this com chlu moband ocay ondly work nor tolk by moutchco kells ou huchco its as symple as that in india ve talk to much ve refused to listen but if you decide to go an do and don talk incredible things can be atcheved dont lecture dont modalise dont create evend as drives dont tell people what to doo dont act ondescending and say i know the solution to your problem because it my not evn be yor problem at all if you take the lead a thes will follow some of you me have been om protest sand darnas man ye go on a protest some people joying you some people ignore you its the same thing with good work if you go antdo desruptive positive anarche some will follow you some will ignore you but nobody will stop you so the only perthons stopping you from going out an doing good as yourself dont blame anybodyels for stopping you dont expect credit dont expract applawse staan onious dont take anybodiys mone youse your own what o your means are if a pursin a singal person dos somethng within hs own means youl be surprised how many other people join you the moment you take mone youre almost loosing your independence gone did you famously said be the change you want to see there a slighte problem but that with you respect tor gandigi if the situation is hopeless you fust need to see the chane that ye want to be to believe that ye kinven make the change and thats where fasebook has been fantastic every before after fortografh gos on fasebook people say wa wis possible let me try it creating belief that oure patettic civic situation can improve is the biggest lessen that the agoned in moment has learnet focuse on results not on who is doing it how its being done if you can deliver before of e fortografh your your good if not and ther fascebook is a vedy bruital decider offe ther the progect was good or not there are any mits about scial movements which have got broken voluntiers are the esiest to get banglor has got tousands of people o comoute n vikens and work be ther not social activiste that people o gor reguler jobs od take time out to wark mone is no problem at all many of the project situation cost less than three thousand roupies or six to you as dollars if then people get together put three hundred ropis each you can fix the sport its cheeper than going out for dinner or having coffiin one of banglords upskile restronts and the best part you can make a dramatic change without askig anybody else for help a lot of people are watted about the goverment the government loves it of the citicans engaged this being taxes and worting is not enough if you come oute and work te garmant loves it the banglor and the beebe empe has taken the fustep in untering partnerships with citisant movement it his unprecidented in india and very hopeful that oter citis take nortthat when the collective energies of the government emplyes and the citsans are put on the common cause which is improving the city dramatic change can happen we sperned too much time fighting with the gvement tat should stop india is truely rizing what began in banglor in church stret four years ago quickly spread and now there are litterly tenty to tirty teams in banglar operational all their works on fasebook and slowly across india there are turty to forty cities ganport agra chenny ye just name the city people are coming out and you now the best prt none of them know each other knover e talks to each other the only thing that counts his result so vereever you are goet and do something put poste to for ugliandin if youl welkcomes in uglian den you become famous on your street other people joyin you thes a random fotos send by people can po ombit sor agra cha ni everybodyis trying to copy anmuliate whats happening elsewere simple message if you want to change the world start with ther own street if you want your street to change you ashould do it if you wait for somebody else to do it it may never happen and the choice is yours a question that its often asked why our ugly indians anonimous so far i have rvealed my agenda because of my tone of wice and the language that i speakin wih im profisiontin but you dont know what i speaker at home you dont know my age you ont kno my religion you dont no my cost you dont no my poliical views you dont kno why vatter vere a pone tale or a hvat tato the problem with indias ve make judgements on people and not on the work they do and the reason an not the agl indian has warked is that the focus as only on results nor two did it whye ar there doing it what ar ther mortivations annonimity allows a lot of people to come and jin the forld so the message herdis stop being an aglienden from today go out and do something do you think there s any hot i came year two days back with the friend to check out this hol this is howt it lookd like outside veveare that s the footbot it says vate o schol very helpfully sif are going to school ther se shd shold basicly tak hat you no foot pat occay thats exactly outsigte te hol this is what we would narmaly do this is cal the calta her attitude i dont care itts nort my problem i need to get from met to be al dis jamp boer we need to change from chaltar here to come chalo so watdid be ro mean my friend vent to a construction sight be got some liberers ve got some ion rords be fixed it chot chulta he qot change to cam chalo if im going to spend eighteen minutes dring mo charlu in this orditorium i said i will spend eighteen minutes vrking outside and in eighteen minutes that place was fixed and when you go out to day please walk on that footbot on the way to brigad school because it has got fixd as two days ago we got into the jorshoffit just outside the entrance of this hawl is an opendelectrocity box for the gabbids he spent on at and fixed it so en you go out to day you will see wark done by three people three days bk because hey felt they neded to do it the question to aske is have you million impact n your street and ve loved terdics te sade terdics as ha dalkfest can tdiks do anything so too daysago a hundred people from this ordiantes came out under dhe sport fixon banglo and dhats the story their gong to shaye wid you now this is kaour circle one of banglos favorite circles its a beautiful place but dod one problem pedestrins have to cross n the road that ar underpasses there beautifully disined but the problem is there either cloased or if they open they look like this that is udin that has not been clean for years in the middle of the lady comming in his holding a nose just look at this lady has to aret for the man to cross she walks bravely holding her nose in a dark dingi urin filld room to get to wark isnt that sat these girls are risking the lives and crossing to gor te collage because they ont want to use the under pass that girl is reding a book and taking her decision shewd rather walk on the roard than go in the underpuss thisgol gos to collage with e nose closed that is the mare of banglo we invited im to come in inspeck this and he said youre pried for years to fix it on the public help the public sriece and so a groop of public renton clean dsplace the mare came and joined they transformed the subvi and for the last three weeks its been running well ths is wat it looks like now so two dearys ago the ted wollentiars kame er thee entering the suver to check it out this is e cleant sarves he how differented is look at how many people are walking thes smiling that its a frendly place all it takes to convort te public spacies a little bit of syncerity and effort and the public has rescued a savi they came our to see the change that they wanted to beand this is what they did in the next one houar hundred people from this room actually went and cleaned up the sarvise this wis wall this is da howdey look ten sabvese we painterd as ve spek the sabvisa being cleaned and come next week they wil allopen six subvis and casicil open because of efforts taken by people at dead thas is what it looks like if i want to alk from the library to freedom pak its very difficult but what tey have done now is banglor is a beautifull underconnected pedistry and walkways wich wore lyng dorment they ve been rescued we have kar circles for case and we have a pedestrian circle for pedestrions so what de all think is there any hope all the people walked on the sport fixed give ours es a big hind thanku 2 be neaaiiiwhat do your digital foutprint say about you what i mean by digital foot frend i mean all the stuff that we leave on lin the digital tracs on traice is the stuff that makes up al the peoples perception of huia as well as our own some of those things ae rally visible and someo them are rally invisible some of them the things that youve youve watched the traal of things youve watched on nechep that recommends something else someof hem the things like your search hstory but loss of the things tat illy vonline has stuff ther intiirely within our control and er about our own and creative process so i want yeed to start off by thinking about what the last thing that ye shad on line was now this mighthve ben two or three minutes ago this mighthvebeen ours ago ths mih hae been days ago what was that last thing that yoeu shaied it might ben someting on fasebook hi might be someing on snap chats i know that i just put it to treatorto masic cleak as il like to be a little bit smugg wine im speaking ahabut what what was that last thing what dos that think about ye if some one is looking a that what dos that tell you dous that tell you that talme what you ar is it telime bout your interests maybe i says something that s rally positive or quearky so ganam bing a bit smuggd this is baking of mine a hmmaybe it showes that youve got interests mayby it showes tat you do a particular kind of job maybe it showes a particular kind of hoby that you have mab e somthig yould really want to show to the world some angraly positive so if some one lookes at that you think brilliant i recognise that person as myself and i think thats what i would like to betrayt people ad may be a petrying different partso ourself to different kinds of oaudiences so a even gofman rites by having different kinds of identities fo diferent kind of contexts so presenting yourself in ni sut of on stage ways and of stage wys uthe spekin of stageretus come on stage a els very relevant right know ah hmbut sometimes yo have to have different kind of identities and they dont always stay totaly separat and in fact some of the things shar on line may be the not presentin you exactly have youd wone to do it a haharso this is my polighte version of shaere sharing someting slightely in appropriate on line this is my cat godfry hes on twit to an instagram please dont judge me am ah oh oh jorgema thats oc ciahhayou might be sharing stuff you dont really intend to get a wider aring now god fores not to embarrasse al togh i have to say din tosk his consent to ushis imagewich i really should of ambut maybe something gets ake t of hanay somehing gos in orde yoc you dont expect it to getsi and then your detity staghtstobe this slighte modle of things hat rentended tor different kinds of adiances you get tis idear of contacts collaps whre your friends and your collegs and people whom you runawithe people whom yu a you craye crofft with mayby they all converge in the same space they all start to see different parts r identity and thats quite challenging and wn your shinen the social media thats really likely to happen ah your parents migt be on facebok people he you dont know my s nets people you do know when your shairing stuf in annonimous spaces you have to be thinking about what that i dentes projecting about ye and what ye wanted to projects about yoe and its lokes about what you share nd whey you shar it it s so who you shar it who char it with ou can choose but most of us doant cheste so we be ding some reserch with students ath universty o vettembra and weve been asking them to s tell us how they you socia me to have they think about ther identity on lin and sixty one percent of them very very rearly check their privasy settings and five percent of them have found something onlin that they did not want to see they thought it beeng taken away theydidnt thint e posted it sur persy settings and who yu share with ind the circles hatyou share with matta you shar to these etworks they share further on you have control of tht but most of is choose not to exharsise that and thats kndof interesting so we have tese foot prints we have these things at visible we have these tings ater invisible we also create other peoples ft prints for them but we dont always think about it that way so we have in all these sochamide platforms teblity to tack people a thats great thats lovely you can say you are all in the same place and its really good until yove turne down this one invitation to do something quite important and someone taggs you an event some where else thats not so great ah if som ane tikein o fouto and its not a good foto now someas has a realy serious consequence a lod trane teaches particuly in the yeu ase found that pictures of them drinking not drinking on drige just drinking when thas love in the twenties have ben enough to imimpact on their employment potencial because thats an image that their employers dont want to have of them some times its much less import an that someas its like you havent got me at the right side i dont wind that picture that picture is not ver flattering ahunnthat might to se thoh you have to respect fivls witches andwere still trying to figger out this etticat about what we tag what we share how a dishal ft prints are constructed and how we are constructing m other people every day so again when we did reecarch la students eleven percent of people said they had been tagged in an unwonted way in a fotografh eleven percent thats a huge number and again theam but tha seriousness potencally there ware some professional bodies and things that from the moment that you stoughte university omenis from before that your presence onlign actually is part of your professional identity student nerses aroused rom the day they stopt university to consider themselves a professional that is howh this woyce to present teselves on lin thats a really big ask i have to say ahmso the stuff tht youre shairing now the stuff that you share every day can have longtome consequences the thing is though im standin a bit scairry and i lve social media i am on all of the social media if you guggle m you will find me all over the place i totaly love these things they are creative fantastic tools hey are like a big joant yonshop for iemonicity ahham and its a huge sweet of things that i be creative and wonderful and create marvelous things i am not gong to diswade you from setting stuf up thre can be really good things about being present online again with ou students in te recerch sixteen percent of them hadhad a perchuse for jobs for voluntearing oportunicies because of havring presentes onligne ive ad profession oportunities because i shave pick cooking picchurs its can be really fantastic to bild up your network it s a really positive thing as long asyou being deliberative and think by what youre doing because hone something is out there its really hard to get it back oh these things the hgoers of hands they grow they network you ent up with his big tangle of things if youonete take back a post you might deleat it hi one place it might ben copid to somewhore els if you want to get a something removed he might have to ask your friends to kindof refiget it was ever there and to remove a sqreanshot of it as well its not that easy to take stuf back once its out there its not impossible the stuff thi post o wen iwas a tean ager on lign just about young enough to haspose hi f on limen ositen aje that has discapa it and some of at im pleased o ansome of his i really miss but you have to asse mstuff wils deck a round a little bit and trying to put it back his is difficult s i want you to think ten years ahead its twenty twenty ix i have no adea what state the world is in especale of thelast few weeks ahamthink had is twnty twenty six what dos the digital furtprintofstuff that you are leaving now say about you i it saying the right things is that history of ye cause we will oll have a histury of us recorded in lots of different places what dos that say about you is it what you wanted to and whe you pose something next time i want you to think about tat i want yed to think this thing that im shairing this post tis comment it might be silly it dosnt ot be serious having a personas e as ninety prcent ofwhat social medies about being fun und lively s fine but i wnt yo think about what re you creating you creatin smehing beautiful and complexs like the stalchil huligs glossculptur maybe oucaunt see everything maybe diffrent ordiecys different things but interesting and complex and a brilliant presentation of ye thats wat one es to think about when you think about making a isial footprint for the future and i wont you think aout that when yure thinking about how you deal with stuff that you dont want to say online for ever just to be thinking about the long term view of its it might be femeral it mights decrim for ever but always be thinking how do i make my did sitil fot pridnt say the right thing about me and how can i make that a choice that ive taken controlle off thinkhe ani 3 boaoooobu id like to strt by asking you to imagine yourself in the following cenario you ware a hiyscool senior or the paren of a high schol senior and youre interestedin a potencial college and so you arranged for a campas visit and you go n a campas toor and everything looks great and a the people are friendly but after a few minutes somethinge strange starts to dawn on you that this campas has a really horrible smoking habit am everybody you see is smoking outside everybody smells like cigaretts smoke infact you go to a have lonch in a dining hal and students are actully braging about how much they smoke one student says yesterday i smoke three packs ll by myselfand another student says nice i did that last week i five and a you think to yourself well this is pretty strange ass an otherwise grea school but they have sort of a weared bad habit and theire odly celebrational about it so im not sure i want a go here so imagine you go in a second campas toor and you youd you you look at a second chollge and its very similar to the first the campus looks really beautiful people are friendly except this college ha a bad junk food habbit everybody you see s eaning junk food theres junk food rappers everywhere theres nothing neutrishius to eat in the dining hall and again people are bragging about how much theire eating so one student says last night i had a whole pece by myself and another sutent says nice i did the same thing last week i five so if these two cenariows sound a little far feched imagin a third senario as you go visit another college and again it looks rally great the people are friendly except at this college everybody ooks tired a you see people fallind asleep at their computers you visit a class and people are dosing off in class and just looks generally like everyone could use a great nap right so whats crasy to me about this is that ive never seen a campas full of people who are all smokers ore a campass full of people who ware all sleep deprived but a campus full people who look tired and sleepd taprer sory i camp aus full of people whoreally junk food but a camp as full of people who were all sleep deprived and tired describes every colleg ind university i think that ive ever seen and actually most high schols at well is especially during later parts of of the semester andwats interesting is that the effects of being sleep deprived all the time can be just as bad as smoking and just as bad as any too much junk food and yet lots of students would actually choose to go to a cllage where everyone loks sleep to prive because it looks like its ar really hardworking college where people are very productive and acchieving great things and so as a sleep recurcher ive been fascinated by the biology and narrow sience of sleep for over a decayd and i have a lad bat williams college that studies mice we look at what happens in the braineand the body during sleep we look at how the nurrans ind the brain control sleep but i have to say as a father as a teacher and as a college to a lot of hard working colleges am ar a har heard working peole am ive a new found fascination for how we tolerate sleep deprivation a s a society and its not just students in our schols ahm its really everywhere whenever i ride public transportation whether its a bus or a subway am i see people who just look exausted and in factyou can see people taking naps on their morning or afternoon commuteens sneake them in and in our public life its really not uncommon to see people dosing off and in general in our publicin in a professional lives people really just look am exausted but somethng is even crazier than that to me which is that not only our people exausted but some people choose to be sleep or prived and some people actually weaire it as a bage of honour right cause in order to be sleep deprived you must be really hard working you must have a lot of important things t do and you must be very very productive or else why would yu be sleep deprived in in the first place ive actually been a part of job committies where o job applicance wll brag about the fact that they only get three or four hours a sleep a nightam and actually just a cople months ago i was a looking at facebook and one of these meams that somehow just shows up in your feed for no reason i read it had tens of thousands of likes and said no one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had plenty of sleep the implication ben that if you get pleanty of sleep youre somehow missing out on your lifes greatest potential and a all the things that that you could be doing and so tis is really interesting to me and i wonder actually if people would brag about the fact that theyre not gtting enough sleep if they knew that the health benefits of getting sleep were just as important as the benefits of not smoking or the benefits of eating a good neutricion and nadine a junkfood am ittsleep sientis have made so many great discoveries over the past ten years and i am surprised that more people dont know about them so heres just a couplof examples andyoulhave to excuse me cuse im a biology professor so when youre sleeping your petuitary glance which sits right below your braine surges its production of groath formon groth hormon is released much more when youre sleeping than when you re awake and musgroath whormon essensially causes three effects mussel groth bone groath and fat metabolism how many people would take a pill thate caus mussel groth bone groath and fat metabulism if there is a company that soled this pll they would make billions of dollars and i imagine most consumers would pay a lot for this and yet we get it for free when when were sleeping and its always od to me when i see people working out at the jim and they spend hours a day at the ji and then they say they dont get enough sleep at night its kind of aa funney thing to me it sit you know that your mussels areant actually groing when youre working out or youre not loosing waite when youre working ot that all happens when youre sleeping and i dont think most people know that heres another example is the sells in the byo cemestry am the byo cemicals that make up your immune sstem and circulate through your bloodstream they actually change when youre sleeping comparend to whin youre awake and when youre sleeping there particularly good at seeking out viruses bacteria and other micro organisms o stop infection an desease and this is why when you dont et enough sleep you youre much more prowne to get in sic and its why when youre sick am the best thing you an do is to get a good night sleep and so in addition to to these helth benefits of of sleep people wo dont get enough sleep areat a higher risk for high blood pressiure hartdeses diobidies obicite am sichologically people are a much highere risk for angiety and depression we all know that when you are sleep deprived you lose focus you lose the ability to pay attention and s been asked to estimated by the ntional sleep foundation that am over sixty bilion dollars is lost in the united states anual deanually just two am unproductive workers because there so leep deprived and all of this is really important am but i think it also am ignores something that we all know everybody in this room knows to be true which is that it really ucks to be asleepd de prived trn it feels so awful to be sleep deprived and tri to keep your ielids open there all ove as sudden so heavy am you do things like when your when oure at a a speaker event like this where you knw that headbobb thing where youre like tryng to keep your head awake an you fall asleep for a second and some distant part of your braine is like not now not now and your tryingto keep yourself awake and i know this just as well as anyone else this is the worst picture of me ever taken am its also the most ironic picture of me ever taken because i was so tired i fell asleep in the middle of the day because i had spent the entire night working on a talk about the benefits of sleep and so am i did not do that last night aso i know this just as well as everybody else am and it its is really awful to e sleep to prive but heres were theres good news cause the good news is that the oppasit is also true the otthe opposite bein that people who are chronically sleep deprived when they develope habbits to get a reguar amount of sleep am every single day am they all of a sudden fiel like years have been taken off their life there suddenly alive and awake and have the energy of someone much younger and they just feel great and they wondere why they didnt do it before but thres also a lot of sleep cionces to back this up one of my colleges a ran lots of studies on varsity athlits at stanford university and she recruited varacity athlites for sleep studies in which they were escencially forced to get a good night sleep over several weeks and what she found was that compared te players who didnt take part in th sleep study everything about these athlites who slptd in improved their speede improved their a strength improved the number of mistakes and errors they made went way down theire chances of getting ha cocushion whent way down and the were generally much better at the sportam the same thing happens in the class room when students are recruted for sleep studies where they get much more asleep their creativity incrieses their problems solving incrieses am their testcors increese and their grads increase and so it just seems that everything gets much better once somebody declars themselves tat there gon a get an night of sleea good night of sleep every single night very consistently and the greatest paradox in this i think is that the people who dont get enough sleep because theyd like t accomplish more during the day actually find that theyre more productive when they get more sleep and not less productive because even thogh there not a wake as long there much more productive whn theyve gotten enough sleep and thres lots of measure studies on this that you re actually able to get more done when yo get a good night sleep not less so why are we so bad at this if this is all true thean why is a society or are we not good at this and this is actually where i feel like the analogy between sleep depprovation junk food and smokin a gos down its because when people smoke or have junk food am theire doing it for the short term reward its its immediately satisfind when people choose to do those things but theres nothing satisfyind aout sleep deprovation like weave already talked about ahm so so why do people do it and i asked my colleges this i survey students all the time and the same three answers come up again and again and again one we have busy lives and weold like to get more done two were stressed their stressen anxiety keeps us awake some times and theres lots of stressers in our life and three am than this is a a very knew trend is that were adicted to our gagets at night we love looking at our smartfones tablets computers and tereis all sorts of aps now that just occupie our time before we go to bed theres emale facebook twitter instagram not to mention utube netflixs and a long list of great tedtocks that we can see so so what do we do about all of this am and this is where i actully get some insite from the mice that we study in ur lab am because it actually turns out that all animals need sleep all animals get the same benefite of sleep that that humans do but its amasingly easy to keep a mouse awake hait tas sleep to priveat mouse you dont really have to do very much if you want a stres out a mouse a little bet you can a give him a new rummate and give hng him a new roumate will keep him awake for a little while or you can move him to a different cage that hes not use to and the stress of going to a new home will keep him awake hours past his bedtime am you might ask a what is the mouse equivalent of watching youtube or being addicted to eemail and it turns out its actually ableyowe can duplicate this as well wit something s putting a a paper towl in a mouses cage am ywe wat up a paper towel give it to the mouse the mouse is entertained by this for hours it l explore the contors of the paper towl little kick it around it l play with it and itl again it ll stay up hours passt its bedtime so the tak hom point from this i think is that were hard wired to need sleep but were also hard wired to be sleep deprived at a moments noticed bastd on stressful things and exciting things happening in our lives and it actally turns out when the mouse is playing with the paper towel am a surge of dopamien is bein released in its braine and the same thing happens when we scrawl on a smartfone everytime you swipe up on a facebook a post ore or an emale or anything else we actly get a little surge of dopamin in our braines and that surge ofdopeming keeps us awake so what o we do about all of this am wespecially when we have a life that s much more complicated than that of a mouse am you know a paper towle is bad enough for a mouse but we have all these nice gadgets now that we didnt hve ten years ago to immediately give us all these things so its here where i feel like i have three ideas worth spreading and the first idea is that we need tod just completely embrace sleep as a cultur we need to treat this is healthy and no job bablacant should brag about only getting three or four hours of sleep no student should high five another student in the dining hall for poin and all nighder and in general we should just be much more sleep conscious as as a society i actally went to a doctor im a couple weeks ago and when i ashowed up at the doctors office i had to check a little form about the healthy habits in my life and t was a long lest an i as things like do i have a smoke detector in my home do i weare my seat belt do i take a dealy videm in and i tught this was a great list but no where on the lest was do i get si to eight hours asleep ant night and i thought that it was very od we need to treat health a sleep as a health as you just as much as smoking or just as much as eina aeatin a balance di it number two is weniend to reelearn how to go to bed ahmits amazin you know who the best sleepers are in american society is actually our kids which is funny caus it takes a while to get them to sleep but once there asleep they actuly sleep very soundly and they have a nice a quantity and quality of sleep andi think that thats because we take the time to put them to bed properly am we brushd their teath we give them ome water we changed their clothes and otheir pergramas we dimm the lights we read them a story and this whole thirty minute forty minute process really prepares them for a great night of sleepand they sleep very soundly whence they finally go to sleep can you imagine what it would be like to put our kids te sleep the same way that we put ourselves to sleep a if we gave our kids right screans and said play with et er whatever you want for thirty minutes but may be itll turn into two hours aour kidds would never sleep and this would be really detremental nd so we kneed to put ourselves to bed essencually the same way we need to just remember am what we did in when we weresix years old and i think that this gets lost some time aroun highschool wwe dont as parents put our highscholers to bed and somewhere around the elementary schol ages to highschol ages am people forget how to go to bed and we disttramagically assume that will fall asleep after being worried in plain with our gagets and so we need to dimm the lights develop a nigce habit a nice night time utene an we ned to take anything that has a scream on it and pushe it away thirty or forty five minutes before we go to bed and tryen not to look at it until we wake up the next morning finally am kidds are the best sleeers but if you ask adults who are the best sleepers out of the adult atcommunity am what people find is that the best sleapers are the ones who embrace good wake habits as well om people who have good time management and productivity skills actually sleep better at night because they have such a well bolanced day and there are so many books ritten on the toppic of productivity and and time managementa lots of tipps you can find on line but i tell studiants this can be something as easy as just knowing if youre a morning person or a night person what time of day are you most productive and do your best work during that time a day what time of day are you least productive and do the mindless tasks that you just keed to gan t done at that time of day am ask where you work best how you work best even just by asking students these kinds of question as they discovered the answers for themselves and and everyone is different because really you get a good night sleep not becos sleep is fun but because if you get a good night sleep it makes you a have a better days wake it makes you more productive am more time efficient and you get more done but its reciprocal if you have a better days wake and you get more done in your more productive it actually causes you to have a better night sleep and this s sort of a reenforciin cicle and it works really great and im a little disappointed in myself that i didnt figure out these tecnics into years in my life i studied studiing sleep before i reallised these good night sleep habits and these great dea productivity habits and when i think about that i actually cin a get a little frustrated because when i was in school i ad sex education a nutrician education drugg awareness resistence education but no one ever told me how to go to bed and no one ever told me how i could get more done during the day these are things iv just picked up on my own and i think these are so valuble things that we could actually be teaching highscool cids and and coladge idds and so just reacently at williams colege we actually taught our first course called the sience of sleep and the art of productivity and i was really afraid tat no one would sine up for this class and in the end it turned out people were hungry for it a collage students over enroled in the class an we woned up letting a lot more people in am then athat we innitially intended but it was amaizing they loved learning about sleep habbits they loved talking about ho they could get more done during the day and it worked out really well and now what were trying to do is take these messages and spread them across our campes and the community to triy to embrace the culture of sleep that everyone is is proud of because its really true no one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had plenty of sleep this is true but the appocit is also true nobody looks back on their life and remembers the times they were exausted right and ill hate this picture of me but the funney thing about this day is i dont remember a single thing about this day the only reasone i remember this is because a picture was taken of me i remember the times i was awake and allert and i had a life of of good experiences when i was awakenot when i was exausted and i choose to optimise those times now i choose to try to be awake as much as i can so i can enjoy those great experiences with my family and with my friends so i think tha takhom message is to get a good night sleep not because its fune but because it makes you so much happier during the da and this is what i wish for all of you i wish that everybody has a good night sleep for a better days wake and a better days wake for a good night sleep thank you i 4 artit mai tia gat i aat tibiandi bat antiminames james ad im an a experimental particalofisise an what that means is that i get togethr wth a few thousand of my closest ar colleges and a we take the smallest possible things in nature and we accellerate them tup to the highest possible speeds and we slam them in to get each other to se what happens am an the reason we do this is because ere looking for things that mankind has never seen before a at thevery fundamental physical scales am and so im here to share with you what a somethig cal te dark foaton is but to do so i need to sett a lttle bit of historical context am that was an unsuccessful clik nerigout i nede os a said a little bitof his hhistorical context and am a to flash back to eighteen ninety four one eminent fhiscist albert micleson said the following he stooded fond an audiance an front of a at the universeof chicago and he said the following the more important fundamental laws and facts of fhisical sience have all bee discovered an these hare now so firmly establishedtht the possibility of theire ever being supplanted in consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly remoate am a cople of decaydes previous am electricity aond magnatism had been shown to be two parts of the same force electral magnetism and this was considered such a gigantic break hrough the time that there as a prevalent attitude amongt the lot of fhisicis that this is prtymuch it and the rest fors some miner details am but sometimes i wonder if people like this outmikleson didnt kneed to becaus we ve bad to get the nobell but i wonder sometimes of people like this samethings like this with such defendit ofe outhoritys jus so they can ensure their place in history as like grand historical straht men so tat we can like look back a hundred years later and mrval at how completely rong they were a different albert nineteen o five special relatiity nineteen fifteen geeraellactivity and hen ther early decaids of the nineteen hundreds quante mecanics and thn the need to put quante mechanics together with relativity led to something called quantem field theery and any one of these things by themselves as such a it required such a complete paradime shiftd in our understanding of natur its very basic scailes that its hard to imagine how micaleson could have been more rong in hs pronouncement am and so than this ths this a quantemfield thery that we came up with was am was the language that llowed us to understand that bashad this amasing da intrplay between am therian experiment in n in paricle fhisics and fhysics in the ain the twentieth century that clminated in this thing hat we call the standard model of particle fhysic and a and its its a its essencially a list f all the articles the fundamental particles tat we know and the ways tat they enteract and its nigcely sumerise in this diagram from the mooviy hparticle feever am it dousnt have any shyonow aa significance begond its jist ar really nice a way to put it down on on a slide and essencially have two basic classes of particles yo have the outer ring which is matterparticles and they are a qorks in the electron and youhave this inter ring which are which is a am populated by the socaled force carrying particles orgaged bosns and so this s a dimin its a its an ammasing its like n almost shockingly successful experimental thery am so much sho that it actually earns that name the standard modal capital es capital em am and a the a a but ii think amaybe a few ears may have purked up when i said that word bows on any one any one hear heard of the higgs bows on ocay so for those f you havent heard of the higs bos on perhaps you know by its more a sensationalistic name the cane particle sory the god particle so the am fisfhisces dont care much for that nme because it obscures the truely hausome natue of this particle but nne theless in a july of two thousand twelve excuseme two of the ecollaberations twof the experiments at the large haddrong calider atless the one that i work on and seamess a complimentary experiment am a its t he large haddrunk lider ocern near genieva am announced the discovery f tis brand new particle the the higgs boes on an it was its a the a the commination i men s discovers amazing trmp ht as a commination of decades of work by thousands of fhysicists and it rally was a am it really was a fantastic triumph am and it was the last remaining peace of the standard moddal pusal to be plugged in and so you might think that hene once this was plged in we all cind have turned to each other and said wow is an this great finally a hundre and twenty years later b we finally younow reached the the enmiclesons dreamed of end of fhisix is this what we said to each other absolutely knt we know for the fact that the stander modal is not a complee picture it is amaizingly successful but is not it cannot be the complet picture of nature at its fundamental scailes am this interpla between a therian expert and also weve learned our historical yunow lessed not to say things like that am the a but we also know that this interplay bou kan thir between theure an experiment ad these aasing paradimeshifs the happened of the twentieth century also went over to other related fields of fhysic and so we know for the fact hat the stander modles in cmplete am but its its so exterimenatly successful that any knew younow knew thing that comes has to build upon it it still has to be true at the end f the day am a and i can gaso the barrier that we face now in particle fhisics is not the same one hat was in the eighteen nineteas the one that mikcleson his positany other the question of as to wheather we should even bother to keep serching for new fhysics a exscuse me the baryery face now is slightly difference the question of how to keep serching for new fhysics and ill give ou a flaver of what i mean by showin yo an arial bew wipps an arial view of the large haddronk callider so this is a twenty seven calometer round tounal on the bordr of france and switcerland a hundred meters under the ground but to make it more local am this is what t would lok like a round loramant hadden am and so at the ellece se we calid two beams of protons at the highest energies mankind his ever used in a colider xperiment thirteen terra electron vults am so tis gives you a a sense of the scale of and and we havethese two beams and anyanytand the place where we a we collafocused them together nd acclied them we billd a big detector there and so am yeso this gives yo a sense of the scope of someof these experiments and to get up to higher energies to the the the higher energies where the new revolutionary fhisics may be higding w ned to bild biger mashines and so this is the next generation of mashines there pland to be something like a hundred calometers around and pcollied particles ith a hundred kterra electronbolts but is that it is that the only direction way can go ad absoluitly has to happen and this is bthis is being pland and this is absolutely of the thig tha that needs to be done but is that the only direction we can go the answer is no and this is wharte somethin call the dark foton comes in this gamme is the simble we often use for a fotonand the de gust means dark and so his s were a dark foton comes in am but before e talk about dark fotane we shol probly familiarise ourselves with the regular foton so the regular foton you now quite well am its the a as you may have heard bedepended on how you look at a whigt behaves a as eiter a wave or a particle at has propertyso both and a the foton is the particle manifestation of lite and so a whene your camera a takes a fotow please if you have cameras tke them out and take a foto of me posing like this am and your amera will tak yo there ago somody segin a foto your cameral with that fawhith that foto is taking is collecting a few billion foatons am when youre standing outside at noon the a the square meter around you is absorbing something like a thousand billion billion fotones a second am very bright and coherent fotowns make up lasers and a the a thesome o the dimis fotons we know ore those that hve been traveling for fourteen billion years from a fraction f a second after the big bang and are just now arriving a to be dto be collected and am a studied by astronomers am the most energetic fotans we know hovecome from astrophysical surces like hihper knovey and the least energotic we a thu we know of are the ones that carry the soft rock hits of the sevendies by a a em radio am so yourevery familiar with regular fotons am or at least you think you are because am as a particle fhysicist we have a different a slightely different way of thinking about fotons in adition to all these things its also a special tipe of force carrying particle and to give you an apreciation of what i mean by that am i have to take a brief foray into coidorfhysics and into quantem fild thery but i promise it will not be painful because you aleady basicaly know hat a collusion is so ou arady no wat machroscopic collysions are so if you take two billiard balls they smack together and fly apart great in fhisics we iket to keep track of things as they evolve in time so weregin look at this same collision on a billiard table as it evolves in time so a at one at some point ad time the balls ar faced far apart they get closer together they smack together and fly apeart and we draw wines thrugh this and this gives us a trogectory of this collision as it happened in sace time ocay so but these billiard balls are pret th mov him prtty slow and theyre theyre pretty large so if we wante go to the very very smallest fundamental scailes the smallest uncuttable particle sciles and if we want a go tup to the higest energy ore the hihest of this highest speeds possible like almost the speede of light then the roules changed because quantem field thery taks over there and you cant think of collisions in the same way so instead of a billiorballs thats collide something thanother particle that you know quite well an tha we use quite a bit in collidofhysics the electron electron an its anti particle thepositeron as time goes on they they get closser together something happens and then electron apositor on cme up te other side ocay what that something happens can be as a cas a collusion and it can take a few forms one of them is tht they can pass righte by each other ts not veryinteresting one thing they can do is they can actully a anniolate and create a new particle ind a according to thevery strict ruls of quantimfhifield thery am athis particle can mendd split into other particles another thig tha can do tho is they can get close enough to each other a so that they feal each other andby feel i mean they feel a force much like one planet can be said to feel the gravitational force o anothr one as they go around each other these this electronipositron coud be said to feel the electro magneatic force between them and in the particle oflwhat that means of there actually exchanging another tipe of fote on as ar a na an that tipe of particle a special tipe of article am a force carrying particle and for electromatictism this is the fotone each one f the forces has a fa a force carring partile associate with it but is that all of them the answer is now this development of the standard modal in the twentieth century let us to understand that there wre other fundamental forces that we had missed before and one of hem iscaled the strong force tis was discovered and a this is the one that that holds am coourks bounded to protons and netrons and hence keeps your body from fwine apart and keeps the sidewalck from a from desolving underneath your feet and its forcecar is cald te glowon am apropriat name the a the a oneoftheother forces we found s called the weak force and the week force you probly best know as responsible for readeow active decay ind its kindof an od balc as it has three different force carrying partile assocasociated with at the doublu plus doblou minas and zebosons but is that all of them the answeres tat we dont knw there actually could be other fundamental forces out there but because so many people she fhisical forces because so many peopl have been workingon this for so long so many clever people and so many a cmuch cleaver than i and so many am asomany great exso many experiments performed we have narrowed down th possible way that we could have missed new forces and hance knew force caring particles to a very few one way is if the particles are super massive and wht ad be mon mass is not the tippicoll yunow like a massive bounser at a bar tipe coloquial sense am i would a mass at the particle level is a very its an intrinsic property of a particle and so the a so what i mean by massin if you remember eequals emsy square this indicates an equivalence beween energy and mass and so we often measure we often express the masses of fundamental particles in terms of energy so youll see this gega electronbolt here an so the proton s not a force caryer bringts a particle yo now quite well the proton has a mass of bout one gigga electronbol the newly discovered higgs particle has a mass aout a hundrend twenty five times that and then the most massive fundamental particle we know of is the top work and it has a mass of about a hundr and seventy two times that and bu for reference the doublune ze force carriers have masses closer to the higgs and the electron has a super small masse ocay so one way we could have missed new force force caring paricles as if thre jus supermassive we havent bult a large enough ccolider with enough energy to get up there like i said we hav to build a larger callider to get to highure energies to find the new particles na like i said that costs money thats thats not where youd go and getthe money thats thats that take i th yunow it cos money to get up there and so a ceveming is tht the only way no another one of the very very few ways we couldhavemised new ffhysical forces as if a a that we that we could have missed them so far is if they have a very small masse smaller thanthe mass of the proton and if they interact very very slightly with our every day electro magnetic world our every day world am and you migt tink tat as make any sense becase it yous saidthat to get to the higer am a the highere masses we ned more money so i havent we covered the broake and of the spectrom already am i the answer comes from the fact that thof befrom that very very slightly interacting thing so am what i mean by that is that the most important force i i went oun the forces that we know the most importanmforcs to us n terms of fhysics in terms of experiment am is electro manitism because its the only one we can do anything directly with ocay so with in terms f instrumentation weso if some new fhisics effect dosnt eventually esult in an electro magnetic interaction we wont know about it ocay so am so if nature had forinstance conspired to hid some new force from us new force carring particle that had a very very small mass and that also interacted really really slightly with our everidar electro magnetic worald so slightly we never sen it before we it would have escaped the detection of all the previous experiments ocay so this is by contrast to the regular foaton we call it the dark foton ocay so this be a new force carier so ocay you might be thinking thats thats all well and good man but this is like t staf n the darkt you have any youno external motivation for this beyond just it might exist i men a lot of things might exist thats agod question i like the wheye yu think and the answeris yes thes a lot am orevation omen folxs on is one thing and thits because this dark actually has something to do with dark matter so am we aliketo lok at huble fotographs so take your favorte spiral gallexsy can oup al the stuff youcan see that gives you the amount of luminous matter in the gallexy cay now go down purut youre favourit textbook on gravity and take that number and put it into the equasion that tells you how fast a star shul be moving as a fact of a as a function of how far away from the centore of the galtset is youll get this prediction kak now goin ic your local astrohnomer and get her to measure those speeds of those particles there totally off rom the prodiction this means er has to be more stuff there than what we can see in i its not luminous its dark thats for dark matter tis word dark matter comes from cay now got ount your local astro fhisicis and ask her to show you the energy budjet of the universe shell tell you that theres overfthats the breake don of all that the stuff that exists in the universe shltelyou this over five times as much dark matter as there is regular matter now god ont yor locl particle theoris and ask her f what dark matter is shell tell you we dont kno we have a lot of ideas though am and so on the experimental land thereare a lot of people looking for dark matter directly direct detection not necessaryllix a coitrfhisisis like me bu other direct detection dark matter experiments and h excuseme and they have seen some weared things and so i donhave timeto go into me here but im just gin ta tell you tyou get the dark matter experiment a experimentalisin of the room with a particle theeris get them to talk together and compar noates and work it o work it out eventually the particale theers wil turn to you and shell say yu no if there we a low mass a if thre we a new force caring particle that had a mass a little less than the master proton and if itinteracted really really slightly with our every dayworld this wuld explain a lot of the dark matter craziness that she seen the athe athe the the dark matterexperimentalist and then as the younow as a particle a gos at quiderfas as yoe go thats a dark foton i might be able to pcrea youno create that i the clider experiment so parcialy becaue of its a relationship to darck matter partially for other reasons tat donthave timeto go into and yes parcially just because am this field of dark poton serching has heated up quit abit n the last few years so this is the state of things as of like two thousand eight and a that white space completely unexplored and thats exactly where a darthotan shuld live if its gon a help explain these dark matter anomolies now fuash forward to today o six years laer this is the state of thinks those those shated reagions re exclusions places where dark mata dark coton cant live nd the open a lines ore a pland experiments to take place in thenet vears so what changed some therists infact netaliatorro philip shuster rubin essig and james borken pointed out tht we can indeed look in this space for dark coton and we dwe can doo so on the cheep they made some calculaions and they made the observation that we can use existing fix target facilities that were bilt for other particle fhisics purposes to look for this dark foton and so tis is where all the experimentalis we robber hands together and say yes this is good we can doo this and so these experiments are allover the world there in rushia there in a a grmany ether in italy a a there in california am and thereae actually three experiments taking place the re pland to happen at a a at a facility in virginia caled thommas jefferson national axcellerator facility and or jefferson labb me men a fok is briefly on one caled apacks caus thats the one tht i work on amd so jefferson lab by a by contrast to the ellice see where we callied two beams of protons at that really high energies like terro electron volts at jeffersn lab its one bemof electrons that youl get up to the gigga electron bolts ge e vee scale and an a beamo electron goes into an experimental hall ocay and then once it goes in othexperimental hall this is hat loks like for apack the beam comes in over my head it goes a into the into this target enclosure and then itgan awhere you hold a chunk of mettal fixed so wat happens fom the electrons encounter the the chunk of meddal i n lots lok a te diagram so the a aa collection of a a pa chunk of mettle is a dense collection of atams with large necley and so when an electronk coms in gets close torog the nicluclias they feal each other and they exchange afoton ocaythen they as the electron bends arround this nucleus it spits off anothe fotom which splits into a copl of particles thewe kan detect ocay thn we we detect those particlesaf we calculate the mass of the particle they came from and te weve ben those up and overwhelmingly is just a background noise shape the smooth background shape but occasionally if a dark fhoton exists youl crea a dark foaton instead but very very reairely and so yu be look ibuch as an actual mas and so youreloking for a tigney bump on top f ths smooth background thing so we did this for the apaxs expeiment in in july of two thousand ten wherey held the testront aproconcept testrum am and in an ideal world we would ave seen sometin like this you not have to work to heard to convinc soebody that thats like a bomp a but thats infact a simulation and what we saw is this and if you think that dousntlook like anything your right that was just a background spectrom and infact the thing wold be looking for would be a much cuttler effect to loo closer to the one f the right than the one on the left but so we did not see adark potone otherwise you wuld have heard about it but we did rull out a small space whereone can live am an we proved the fesibilityof he experiment a which will happen sometimein the next coupl of years but lik a said other experiments re loking too so this darkpot on race is on so am a so finally what is a dark foaton a dark votan would be a new force carrying particle much like the regular foton is the force carryng particle of electro magnatism its dark because it interacts so slightly with our every day electro magnetic world tat its s effectively been hidden from all previous experiments and because it culd help explaine someof te od astrofhisical results related to dark matter am its a because it nterlacts so slightly wit ther every day world we need to perform specialiset experiments but att existing facilitiese to look for a tiney dark coat on signal on top of a huge am background excuse me and a its potencially revolutionar because t would be the first tit it would be the first unabiguous evidence of a fundamental particle not predicted by the wildly successful standard mortal that we know in love but i mean i younow i knw the crowd her a litte bit am a after spendig the wole day here am iyounow have a a wwhat younow whawhat wuld this do for you im en what wol wat wat would you get if if we found a dark poaton a men would you be soon be able to idon no take dark foatos with your fone v i im possibly probly not an yo may be on te rong person i aske the because im an experimentalist not a prodoct development list iman i look for a a a dark clottome because im interested in the funamental open questions of fhisics like what is dark matter and moreimportantly il lked for a dark fot tong casi lok at this plot in i think m i wonder whats there much like hen your hiking you lok at ha hill ind think and my wonder what could be in that next hidden valley am yuno we pushed the limits of human nolege because were curious a that being said i do know that the simple pushing of limits of human nolledge for curiositys sake by my particle fhisics forbors has led eventually to such things as cetee scans petscans ou major fvanses in aref power the world whide web i have no ider what the discovery of dark foton would mean beyond expanding our understanding of the universal the rest ofit wol be up to you so at the end of the day though am is it possible that everyhing o oe of these experiments culd come up completely emty yes absolutely i mean these ware experiments because younow this a thes are experiments and in particle fhisics theres no such thing as failior because even if you dont find something youve still gained an importan pece of information about nature the only falior is to stop searching thanku 5 odioimy name is marchous bealer amd the maccofhi professor of engineering it at y te and im also member of the cender for compeutitional sienc and enginering in the shwartsman chollege of computing in this ta ill be talking about the nexcess of maturialise sound and sonfied material wele ginet be talkng about how vaberation sound an matter interact an how we can use music to dein new and better materials we think about biologicl structures such as a spider web we can see their very deetailed very intricate very complex structures if we look in a spiro web in this case a three dimensional spita web ther are many interminal structures thay go rally from he marcho scale all way down to the nano scale were now flying inside the bub structure and we can see that this web has very complex arhitectual features as e alclose o we see more more of those arhitectual features emmerge and become visible we go even closer we an look inside each of the silk fillemons we can recognise that each scirkfillemon itof itself consists f a hiracia structure this haracia structure arranges from the milaculous scale the individual protin molicules which are assembled aam by adam to form secondary structures the form turchary structures to form bundles of protens ultimately forming fhillimens assembling into bundls of fhilimons and fipbruls then forming the fillemens the silk ibers that you can see in the web so yu can see that the webstructure really has a structure that gos from the marho scale all the way down to the neno scale how are these materials built wile these materials are built in nature by encoding stoctual information through the genetic seequence usually encodered by deen ey thease teiniy letters and cote information about how potins are built potins are built from primary seequences these genettic information letters forming seequenses of omino assets forming secondary structures such as alfhahillisies or betrarshiets and these a intern form more complicated structures such as collagen in ou bones spidersill consisting of bettarshiets and oufha helixs mixtures to also more complex structures like vorises what you see in this slit in this picture here is the pathagin of covi nineteen which has thes spike protins sticking out on the surface whch gives this vvice its name the coronavires or crowns this coronavirus is ancoded by seeqences of omino assets in caded by letters of amaney or din ay tenetick informatin this cenettig information provides the building pln for how this vrus is actually built just like te viruses bild from the bottom up forming harvacical structures across tifend langth scales and time scales we also know that in engineering we might be able to use such an approach as well thinking about an architectural system like the afe thower you can also recognize that this system has feachures as wella go from the macro althoway down to the nano scale even though engineers have been using hirachical principles for an externder period of time we have not yet been able to tu simultaneously milichulos scale all the way to th microscopic level one other feacure thats really interesting is a unifying fittheme on featue across different manifestations of matter nthat is the equivalence of abbrations to matter to sound the universality of waves and vibrations is something we see in molicules we can recognised that at the quonno mechanical leval we can describe matter as collections of waves we can also see that sound is an overling of sine waves harmonic waves to create more compicated sound structures and we can also see that spiders forinstons use waves as a way of communicating and understanding the enviroement weves sound viberations are universal and we can use perhaps vlafviberations and sound as a way of defining material models optimizing materials and even inventing in tighely new materials by using veparations here wey shw how we can envolve the way have acle systems ap built think hn about a spider ispiter uses viberationss a ay of sensing the enviroment communicating with other spiders sensing thret detecting pry and many other things they use the signals they collect prosces it n the brain and make decisions make decisions about ho to bild the web just like an otonomus thweety printer they bild webs by assembling materials in space depositing maturas in space reparing a web and interacting with other spiders forming i othonomous maturial system a smart maturial system nd intelligent maturial system humans operat or invayse simmila way when humans buildt things when we cread a painting plain instrument we sense the envioment we make decisions about what to do next wha can atwoal dy use we think him out wood carbing what kind of action to do next to create a certan pattern play an instrument we decide on what kea to play next depending what we heare these conaprocesies are very smilar what the spider dos the question is can we incorporate som of those feetback mechanisms some o these otonomous ways of reating materials of creating matter through sensing processing information in non thatworks and creating knew things from it can we utilize those and impliment those and tecnological solutions to create mturre as an armnt static but menters at o a life that can internact with the enviroment in innovated for noval ways in fact one way to do that is to trnslate mattter because matter has equivolences to viberations into sound and use sound as away of designing knew matter the way the we do this as we have a material composition of material struture we can understand that as a set of laberations we can compute the set of vberations mnager inter adible sound and manipulate the sound we can make new sound we can change the sound and we can then use he reverse translation to move sund back into matter by doing this we essolve the design probem which really consists of assembling a soirt of bulding gloks coner like lego building blocks indo structures in the case of sound that building blocks are sine waves or instruments of melodies or kis on o piano we can assemble complex pices of structure complex pices of sound complexe melodies simultaneously played intersecting in a weaving and create rally complicated designs in sound which then we can trnslate back into material so the question is what kind of mterial would a certain composition like fobach o batehoven may be represent can we utilize this idea in disining and highly knew materials that nature has not etn invented can we cme up with engineering solutions to sustainable materials that we can not otherwise obtain soon is realy elegant way of capturing multipoul levels in the material organijation vecallo spigdeer web it has many different structures recalled we were going from the big large scale into the web and we could recognise from the beginning the architectural levels structural details all way down to the molachulo scales an the individual adams a make up the amino assets which are the building blocks of protins these amminu assets to protins to assemblis of protiens to fhillimens fibers to the entire web architecture is a really complicated pussl by using sound we can hear simultaneously all these different levels each level contributes a perticular tipe of freuency spectrum by listening to it our ear o brain can process the information and we can desine anew ha acagal structures just like i music we think about matter and molicules lets take a closer look if you open at cemmastruit haxbook most likely you wig to find a drawing of a molicule like enzin in this case these conamarus change over time but i ould say they all rong because these pictures in a tax book are static they look like stattic drawings when in fact molicules are continuusly moving their viberating the moving all the time bhese opperations and movements is acually what defins the structure of these molicules each molicule has a unik fingerpoont of sound just like you can heare hear thevaberations of a getar you can hear the viberations creading ware we call music in a simmilar way viberations of mally could also have a unic sound ad we can make it audible by transposing the freequencies inthrough th ablaudible rane so that our brain can process the informationwhat you heare here is the sounding of a complex potin structure ameeikin nethe proting is vibrating all the time its continusly moving these movements and motions an be made ant audible sound just like playing multipl gatars multipl instruments and multible structures in musical composition by having a moddle of a protein and sound we can begin to understand the protin better have another way of understanding structure we canvey quickly processe information we can understand questions like mutations we can understand how proteens might change the folding jraoetry as mutations happen we can understand how deseises might be treated by developing antibodies or drugs that bined to the proteam all these aspects can be very easily done and heard in sound space one discovery made reacently is that eah of the amino assets thei twany natural burning bloks for olprotins collemino assets have a unic sound they have a unike fingerprint innotherwards they have a unic ke on a piano they all sound different what your heare now is the sound of each of the twentyeteminasit going from beginning to the end bthese are the sounds of life these sounds can e utilized to build maros or protins in fact hat yu heare now is the musical representation of the spike protin of covid nineteenth pasthagin ibobithis is a very large protien with about three thousand amino assets because the protin is so big and has such a complicated folding jahometry the musical composition that results from this poten to reflect its structure is very long and fact is about one hour and fifty minutes long the proting itself is horocicl in nature it has primary seequence as wehve talked about before and corted by the genettic information of the virus again they are thirty thousand basic levels information in the genettic courd of the vyrus three thousand of theese ind cote this particular protin than we have secondary structures like althyhilisies and bettarsheets and vannom cos and other structures as well vea ar then foulded in the complexe drawometries the resulting music is a very complicated pece because we have many diffent melodes weaving into another creating what we call in music counterpoint counterpoin is a concept introduced in used fa havily by hansebastian back for instance coupple hundred years ago so he has already utilised some ofthe structural features we find impotience by using sound or music as a way of modling proteens wecan build by a powerful coding modals tat we can use in artificial inteligence applications in fact in reson work we have used protins to bild datasets to represent thousands and hundreds of thousns f hours of music that reflect these potins and train ourt official know networks to listen to them these ays can then generate new muic based on what they have learned these knew musical compositions can then once generated be translate back into proteens because we have a unik mapping between eprurtin soundand the genettic information so we can goe from proten from material to sound through the understanding of the equivalencs of waves and matter we can non use waves or sound as a way of creating new sound to editingha sound manipulating a sound coming up with knew desine solutions not onely by human but also using eies and we can use the new sound that translating that back into miturialso we can maturaliye sound this neccess of matter and sound is very exciting because it allows us o use different tecnics to solve various designe problems in the caseof colvide nineteen one of thedesin problms wereafter of course is to think about ways of creating nta bodies molicules aor protins they can bind to the protin in the varus more strongly tha the proting can bined to the human sell what you heare now is one of these potins that we have jeneraly using ey dai tanpodigi pandiiand you can see in the picture how thi pooting looks likee this is a proteem that nature has not yet invented now how do we create this we listened to many diferent kinds of corn of our spike protins different species different evolutionary stages of the coronavars not only the corrent covirnantine but many other coling of vruses we then let the ey method generate new music tat reflects the innate structures in these particular tipe of protionce ich which are all spike potins invirousus and the resulting piece is a composition that reflects approachin gehmetry appoching seequence that has something to dowith this corn avaras prispike protins but has not yet found been found in nature this kind of composition thas kind of sequence might infact hol the keatorn ante body because it matches the tipes of seequences we find in the protein in the genettic information here you can hear apiano composition it reflects the moment of inection this is a proten structure that resembles the moment when the virous spike porting attatches to the human self aneedme doe oooeoteduing the attatchment process the pro team changes is orientation slightly and you can hear this attachment in a sligde change in the spectrom of frequencies and viborations and you can make it audible hrough music so music here provides a mycroscope into the world of milancal emotions in to the world of infectiondetatchment and the interection of the virous altimly with the human body vibrations could also be seen in other manifestations for instance an surface waves water waves and the lake as a vere con fenomina infact this fnomin of having sun shining on a lake or in water odies having waves creating surface waves in he water and seing the glittering of this resulting product is something thats been very important in human evolution humans use these glittering concepts as a way of figning watr not only humans tog that bor many animals as well its a way of detecting water by using surfacewavesso weve been trying to see whether we can think about using the deeper structures of water setwaer waves surface waves generated not nly by wind lowding or other n vamental influences but also generating those through the mechanical signatures of viberations incoded in the protiencs sow have createrd an experimental set up where we can excite water through the innate vaberations in the proteie and make them visible you can then see at the microscopic leval with your eyes how these proteins excite water and what kind of unik patrons they form turns out different proten states different viborations we can see the different patteronts formed with aur eyes from the millachulous skeal it provides yet another way of visalising nenoscopic elements nenoscopic events manoschopic features not only without ears like in music but also using our eyes by looking at wave wave patterns these wavepanans can restored reality as shon here in this animation you can see how we have used a carmad to filln the serface of a wate and watching the refecions of the envirement in this case trees and brushes in ha snowy landscape because theres a slight windlowding on his water body theirs slight surface waves and these service waves distored the image recorded by the camera so even thow you can recognise the image as a slight istortionthis distortion the enceptionism of creating a different image bast on a enviumental inflence is something wed like to expplore and see whether we can use a similar concept to see how reality might be destorted or changed by visilizing protin raberations in water imarging water waves generated by poating vaberations is in fact a powerful way of detecting protens we have done here as we have sellected a number of dfferent protins and vijilized them in water waves in water surface waves and then tranined the noon thatwork against thousands of images for each of those protiens what the new knewwork can learn through these training process is what are the wafepatterins that hat associate with each of the protin structures this is how it looks like for one of the examples you can see theres a really interesting innate potern at is forming on the surface because of approaching vberations so these mecnica vaberations of the protens are causing these surface wves which in turn creet very intresting powners they can be picked up with a eyes over the high speed camera each proting as a yunik spectrom oflabrations as i mentiond earliar you could hear that n the music afe played here is a grafhical visual repreentation of the same idea you can see thas barchard the fhingerpoint of two different protiens in the left hand side its approrching calles six em one seven which is the situation when the covid antime pathigen is bouned to the human sl on te binand side you see at poting cas six am eighteen its the case when the varis is not attached to the human sell s ol might hand side not infacted left handsite infected this proten is a very particularly important aspect of understanding the infection process of covid nineteen into the human body weave trained a knewel netork against many difrent protiens and detacked thet surface waves we can do another experiment now an fillm or record fotos of serfice waves associae with different protins and use a knel network to classify what kind of proting has caust thes surface wases in fact er methodworks willy well you can see in the left hand side as apporting calle one or seven em this proteen is shaded in a brownish collor and you can seein this barch yard the higest probability of prodiction for this senariou is the brown color which infact reflects this particila proting one of seven em its by fa the highest pobability so the mordal is perfectly rreprodict the strcture addig go through this ataografh and see that every single case the highest prodiction by far reflects the actual aproaching that is causing the vaberation so the method is able to by just looking at the pictures of the surface waves immediately detaced what is the underline protien causing these viberationslats look at the middle part six and seventeen and sixs and eighteen other protiens shown before thes are the infection stages when the millacular in oacion beginns between the covid nineteen pathigen and the human body sixone seventeen is the attatched stade six em eigteen is the dethatched state and even though the structures ver similar as only a vervey slight molacculo change very slight changed in the vaberational spectrom as youhave seen on theprevious picture the method is able to pick up the differences vey well the highest probability in six am eighteen is a ligt blue which reflects that particular structure so is able to pedict that six am seventeen its a greenish collor and th same idea highest probability is for this perticular structure so the method can only disingish man differnt classes of rotins small bick but i can also describe very sullw differences in vaborational spectra very sullow diffrences and purting folding states through these surface waves we can use is method to develop an approach called proteen conceptionism we can try to see whether we can find patterons that ave found in these surface waves in water genewated by th protins in other images taken of mountain landscape may be taking of laks taking of anything we can seewith our eyes we kand take a foto and at annifi wheather we can see some of those innade features that have seen in these protin vaberations impacting on surfice waves also in other systems where and how do we recognize milacul vaberations in other everyday objects we used a deep dream agourith hem to do that and apply the nul netwark we have trained against all these arious potin viberations he can see the picture here his is how the viberational spectrum looks like embetted reallised in this waterwave surface structure if we apply the protin inception sal grithem to that it will in effect recognize all these different patterents which are unik to this particular procimg and thats how the newad that wr works the inner layer is determined feachures that are unik to that particula potin and the tacts which protin has been creating the vaberations we cand knew some image proscessing to see these features litll more clearly and this picture your shels how the processing of this results in these bagadilak structurs of those o he unik fingerprinds of structures that ar actually causing these perticular resiences in the nea noutwork the resinences in the nean noutwork generated by the protin nceptionisam algorithom really is a powerful way of viilising how certain features can be magnified and made more visible and amplified nresonated in these images just like residences happen in musical instruments like gatare here we can see vesinance as n an image generrated altimately by the molcal vaberations now if we look at a nother situation whre we have waterwaves in a river you can see this as the original pictureand these waves are now not cost u protiins these waves in fact ire caled by flowing water of arox and you can see how the agorthm picks up certain features in these water ways which again do not occur because ef protens but have symilar features as the ones seen in protin cost water waves again with some processing of the images you can see there as a certain paron then emmergers these are all the arias fof spigetty like structures werthy algrithon detects resonences of the innerdeetailed structures that ha cost by these protin vaberations supporting vaberations allso seen in ivers this is an example of a costa landscape we hae three elements we have the water we have rocks and we have air and in fact the agorthom detects these features approching vaberations in all three elements somer than in the water waves which is not surprising because both of them ar water waves we also see some of these ideas being resembled in rocks some of the features some f the patterons in rocks resemble those seane in the proteens and we con alto see a few of those being picked up in the sky and again thisses the analisis using the image processing and you can see where in the image e can pick up the feeatures at a natural thet are innat to the procing miberations matter as sound and sound as matter infact we have seen that we think about the representation of material we can think of it as a collection of viborations we canmake it audible we can also make the viberations visible in other states of matter like in liquits in water foinstans as surface waves and we can utilise various ways of monipulating matter of creating new materials by either creeding knew sound or using sound as a way of detecting information in existing musial composition so you can ask the question what kind of material did batehoven create by anualizing the compositions he made we can also see proting vaberations or the feachures apporch in veberations a unic signeres of laberational spectrum in oter forms using the proting inception os ni ago them wy have been able to show that these vaberations can be seen not only in water wavs they can also be seen in other states of matt the can be seen landscapes they can be see in plants that can be seen in the sky in snow and any other elements thank you so much for your atten 6 hi my names lor bats and am i run the every day sexism project which for anybody who doesnt know what it is is a very simple websigte that collects peoples experiences of daly gender ind balance of anything on the spectrum from the more migner incidents that were often told to brush off and not make a fus about all the ways through what place discrimination sexual harasment to sexual assult and even rape i set the project op just under two years ago and weve now received fifty thousand entries from whomen of al walks of life all over the world but one thing really shocked me and took me back about the entries that started to fludin in the fest months of the project and its interesting because people offen ask ye now what were the most shocking entries and i think they expect me to reply that they were the most serious ones the most horrowing stories and of course thersuauful and distressng to read but the thing that really shocked me the most was the number of entries that we received from rely young women from little girls from university students it just wasnt something that i anticipateed and it some of those stories that i want to talk about today and to shaf some of them with you today particully because w hair ind a beautiful university city and because just so many of the entries that weve received a suggestig that there is a real problem at youcay universities i want to take you three some of the things that weve heard about some of the things that a being reported to us over and over and over again so this will really started an i kind of first noticed to reall spike an activity to the website the first time that fresh as weet came round so the first year that the websiht had been loanched in aght prl and suddenly when we hit fresh as week i noticed that was a massive surgein entries to the project and i remember it started i remember rally vividly with one emaile and it came from e gir who was about to stot studiying fhysic at a very highly respected london university and she affored me afforded me an emal that she had reeived from the fhysic society at her university and the emaile said fresh is lonch this will be mainly a chance for you to scap out who is in your department and stake your clame early on the one in five guls she vert that she was going into an incredibly ele dominated aria already and so hre the boys in her year her mal pears were being sent the message from a university offiliated society nor lss to vie that femal piers who were in the minority in this particular course very much as sexual pray and this was really just the beginning and o many messagers and stories started coming in and often they were about fresh as week and events that were going on in fresh as weets so i actually started having a look at the events that wuchechud a yucay universities that year am as you can see behind me these were just a few of the events that i found slagon drag tauts and vickers pimps and hos golh prose and tenis hos sias and courporat hoss rappers and slappers keaks and slutss and at almost every event the title sends the message usually at events that was sbonsid io in association with the universities tat these students were studiing out that men are siios pros geaks their powerful their talentit their intelligent whilst women were being valued again and again by their sexualization alone and the messages we received was suggesting that this created a relly serious sense of pressia for young woman to dress in he satan way and its important to say at this point that this was not about a kind of prudish morality ban it wasnt about sayingwomen shouldnt dress in that way if they wanted to but why shoud it bear acquirement it felt like fancy dress for the boys ment something fun ment dressing up in a whole variety of diferent ways but every time for the gils thit was a very very clar very narrow requirement of how they were expected to dress and it started to feel like it was about more than just a bitt of fun and more like a kind of sexual pressiur and this idear of sexual pressia was already bat top by a lot of the stories that we received about innitiations and freshas week rituals and again oviousely this is something that if people want to je they can and you know if its af free choice an if people are cheasing to kind of carry out things and yo tolk about things being a bit of fun ut many of the reports that we received made at wold sound quite militent and the idea of freedom of choice is quite complex within this unick situation whe for most students it was thour first week of university for many of them it was the first time living away from home they wer anxious to fit in they were kean to mate new friends and it was very difficult to be the person standing up and saying no one gall rote to us in a project entry one of the freshes events organized by our whuls of residence was a galls and gys pupcro we was splat into one group of girls nd one of giys and each groeut went off on different pupcral rooats all the girls were encourraged to wap pink and dress slutiy we had to come up with ta slut name which the old destudents encourraged us to rite across our brests upon arriving at each ba oe of the oldes tudents which sho tow a word which was cod for us to either flash ou tits or our os or dance in a sudductive way infront of the men an the pup i didnt take part in this and didnt want to addoptor slat name i was told i was being too up tighte and not getting into the spirit a freshus week the whole thing calminated in the ils and gyes meating up in the sceedent enion while we were infrmed that the oldest tudents had organized a competition with prises one prise was for the slut who collected the most tis from the gys the other was for the lad who collected the most bras from the sluts i walked out on a sceane of groups of drunkmal students forcefully taking al femail students bras another entry said i went out for the freshest night of one of the woman spoats clubs a greep bumped into the mens rugby club in a bal they were putting that freshes tree that innitiation ceremony all the rug be freshas had that trousers round thei ancles and withstanding in their boxes they were encurriaged to pick one of us to grind with them one gy rabbed me pulled me on the dancs floor and then told me i had to rind on him or else hod have to do a forfit when i refused he told me i was frigit and grabbed a different freshia on the one hand i felt ashamedan embarrassed that i felt to uncomfotabul to partake fully an wat was considered to be the fun of freshus week on the other i was kind of ashaimed that id taken part in it a towol it wer in my freshest week and left me feeling icolated and humiliated another students sad its very differentfom people he feel shy or uncomfortable you dont have a choice there wase strict annitiations and you just had to do what they said or ye issed out another said one of the social innitiations within the first month of yeune was to dan a bottle of ber that a man was holding in his croch i diddnt even realise what we were goying to do as we ere facing the other way when they suddenl shouted down at bich it was oful but i felt like such a wep blanket with everyone chearing on another we had an event as part of fresh as weet when some of our friends went on stage a long line of garls was lined up and they had to take all their clothes off they wuld toto race to strip then the were competitions where you had to de various sexpositions they make it olaw as a great thing but you get pushed into it and its not a matter of choice and these orne icilated incident this isnt charry picking after i started riting about this i was absoluely delliaged with messages from studentes a universities up and downthe country who ad experienced similar things and felt uncomfortable or pressiud and there was also a lot of evidence in what we were hearing to suggest that this kind of sexual objectification carried over beyond freshus week beyond the innitiations and the rituals a huge number of students mentioned specific competitions and point systems for sleeping with freshes paticulaly feemal freshes often coming from the old escudents he was bas to be that to look ofter them and help tem settle in one student described how at tha escheeden union there was an adup on the wol it was licking for people to help out with fresh as week it was a cartune of a vulnerable licking gull with the slagon wont to feel a little fresher another girl said i remmber when i was a fresher i had a coupple of males chudents discussing a pont system for sleeping with feemail freshes while in the loundry room another girl described a night where femail freshes had o dress up his foxes male freshes had to dress up his houns and the second and third ya boys dressed as huntsman the idea was that the hounds had to catch their huntsman af folx another student said at my university the fresh as weet crew a desined to help new students but they et points for scoring with freshis especially virgins we had about point scoring systems whit he pogot bunes points if they took the gals viginity o broght har niccasin one student said it wa coods steal clupping at her university at another it was culed shoking and another it was simply cood fuckar freshon fresher it seemed to be such a widely aknolleaged practice that ther ar these coloquial names for it at different uniersities and the more you heare about this the less harmless it sounds and the morrent sounds light parht of something widr as one student pointed out when she rote to us bout a charmt that her mel pirse had a university tha was about slot swools and slags these are the world leaders the scies and the politicians of to morrow these are the attitudes about women and that place that is being drupmed into them from the vafas weak of university and its important to say that these things do sometimes happene to boys two we had one entry from a fresh a man who was fouls to woch porn in his undewar while a fresh ar woman was told to sit on his lapp to see if he got n irection but in the main the stories including the ones from men that came in because they would talking about what had happened to ther femal pis seemed to suggest that this sexualised aspect an often this undercourrent of misojeneef kind of making the gils tes things that were somehow embarrassig or degreating focus much more on women an that the mens innitiation seemed more to focuse on things like drinking axcessive amounts of alcohol or having to eat disgusting combinations of fod so these again are not isoulated incidents many f you will probably know that in the last year allerne we ve seen events easing the slagan fuck me im afresh a permited at more than one university in the ucay student hof reporter bein groped grod pursued and proposition a patfresh as week events we have seen a fresh as week postur at one university that had a pectronet of a tea shert with the words last night i was raping a woman and she cried we ve seen students sh ve been bound for playing a game coold its not rat if the leades club night freshus violation which was advertied on new chebesing a video of a male frssher being ost what he was going to do at freshes violation and saying that he was going to rape a femail fresher weve seen the vidieo of ladds on the bos droking and laughing about sexsual assolt and about miss carriages and the boys who went out in casual rate tee sharts orl in the last yer alone so why dos all this matter whats the big deal lematis because according to a servy efay by the national uniof studens which lict specificaly a feemail studnce experiences walt at university one ind seven experienced as serious fhysical or sexual asult twelve pesemp was stourked and sixty eight percent wer victims of sexual haraspment dose mat is because most perpetraters were known to the victims and most perpetraters was scudents and it mates more than ever because only four percent of the feemail sudents who was seriously sexually assulted reported it to thet accademic institution and only ten percent felt able to report it to the police and when tey were giving the reasons for these larepooting rates they will aked why didnt you feal able to report what happened fifty fifty percent said that they didnt repoote t because they were shamed or embarrassed and forty thre percent because they thought they would be blaimed for what happened sois suddenly importantly this is where we come back to the fresh a sweet jokes and the innitiations and the slag slot hoslappa lables the prssur on feemail studentes toaddress in acertain way often by university offiliated nights the ideas that pressiur to perpetuate the bunterous games about chacing feemail students down hunting them stripping thet brads and then you look at this te tistike that nearly a hundred perent of old students wo didnt report a sexual result were either asshamed or thought they be blaimed and of course its not a simple case of cause and effect of course its not to suggest that a mals studnt wll go into one of these events and suddenly go out and rapwi sexually assult a feemail per is more complex than that its a case of saying against this backtrop what do we do given that were dealing with a culture in which so many feemaile students ore experiencing sexual harasment and asult what would be useful given that were dealing wth the cultre in which feemal strudence fell unable to report and sexual asal isnt taken serious say how might these kinds of steriotips be contributing to that problem and t that wider colchur and to a king about culchure you might have heard the term rate coatcher eased reacently its used to describe a culture in which rape and sexual iolence are common and in which prevalent attitudes norms practices and media normalize excuse tolerate or even conden rape an onlin this frequently focuses onscdents and young women thanks to websites like uni lad the lad bible and confessions of a unistudent im talking abou entire websites where even though most of the rticles are about women you wont see a single feemail name because they were placed with winches hase clunge scanks sluppy secconds pursy tramp chake bir milch slut and gash theye part of a graing culture in which the sexual targeting of femal students as pray as actively encourraged even when it verges on exual assult its an atmosphere in which victims of silenced and perpetraters in courraged to seek crimes mearely as banter just part of being a lad these are websites with articles saying things like eighty five percent of rate cases go onrepouoted that seems to be farli gadods websites which describe a feemail student who has said that she dosnt want to sleep with you as a nobstacle chourse just a game to get around websites were poasters twalking about smasshing a virgin and having bloodstaines to prive it and when criticized these sights in theiy own words tend to say get a fucking grip were having a bit of harmless bunter a reacent post that appeared on one of teir facebook pages describes the graffic incident of a man knocking a woman clean out with one smake and leaving hear fedet on the side of the rate and yet this word bunter this cloke of irony is being used to excuse mainstreeme heriffic secism the normalization and belittling of rape and domestic violence and its a very clever way of silencing because if somethings a joke its very hard to stand up to if you object to something and its just a joke then youre being up tit the jokes on yo you just daint have a sense of humor and the implication is that if somethings a joke everybody gets it except yu it isolates victims it makes it much harder to stand up to one feemal student who rote to me said i dont find it funney these pages are not pages for jokes there are no punch lines theye not sexis jokes the just displayse of saxism displays of misojony i find it threatening i find it terrifying this is not banter she asked thor remain anonimous because she said i m afraid of these people i m afraid ht these attitudes that we thought were ebbing away ar coming back with fore iam afraid that by taking a stand against pages like this i will mark myself as a target and again these on icolated incidents the imperial collage newspaper thelixs printed a joke article which provided mals studence with a recipi for the da rape drugg wor hipnel because they said it was a fool priof way to have sex on vallentines day for cheeper than the price of a houcker an exito university society printed a shagmag in which is speculated about how many calleries mal students could burn by stripping femils gedits naked without their consent at one uniersity the dhe cross teame were given ruv that stated members doint dayt thats what rap is for at anothe university the mans hockiteame heled nevent where the theame was great victims and it isnt just something that happens in clubs or when scednts go out its something thats beginning to become pevasive in all aspects of the academic experience you see pages like this on facebook wher girls completely onwitchingly in the university janein the university libry during their work find that that pictures a pa latrone on facebook we head from one gul he said that there was a groop of ladds at her university that started an anonimous page where they toked a bout gils who were eating athe countene but she saidbecause they didnt know who the people were that were doing it she had a choie to make between noeating not going to the cantene or risking that her picture woud end up on facebook with people talking about coming orlaver her breast am and on facebook as wall this bant her about abuse and violence and aother places on lign has use proliferated in recent years these next slides may be very distressing soy they come wth a trigger worning for domestic vilence and sexual assoult if you fill he need to look away and again thisis ol part of the normalization of a society in which we joke about rapea society in which sexual ault is just something to laugh about jus bantiist poutifeing a lad and against that back trop we get stories lihte these a mal student o university with me out right told me i was having sex with him that night he was coulling meas slag a slot and whol he straddled himself across my legs and started pinning me against the seat foolsing kisses on me and saying now ive got you another chednt said i was rihte to my second ear v university i ad some great support for my family ind some great therapy i thought this was the worst pot but when i felt safe enough to tell my friends the question started was i drunk was i dressed slutterly did i know him had i let him on and in fact what happens is that bounderies beginn to ecome so blud that people orn even aware of what they have the right to be protected from i often speak in univrsities woll up an down the ucay and i have a slide which jus simply says the definition of sexual asult under ucay loa which is thet f sombody touches you anywhere in your body and the touching is sexual you dont consent and they dent resamn belive believe that you consent than its e form of sexual assolt but when i took upata in universites young women come up to me off towards saying that cant be sexualleso because its normal that can be sectul lesot because its just what happens when i go out with my friends because theres a massive gap between what people are rotected from under the lawr an what society is telling women particular young women a partcular university its just paht of life and jus something that they ought to be putting up with but we can say no we cant stand up and we can shout back we have to start now no means kno it dosnt matter what youre aring or ware you are or who youve had sexs within the past or wethr youve been flarting it dosnt matcher if its somehone you know if its late at night or if youre drunk nobody has the right to touch you secually without your consent so what can you do to play your part the important thing is that we need a cultural shift in at chuts in the way that we perceive women and everybody can be a part of thatwe can petitions student unions and clubs to take a zery tollerance policy towards sexual harasment and groaping we can speak up about consent and try to ofset some of these normalized assumptions we can support students who has actualy assalted to feel able to report it if they want to we can all playa paht in influencing these social norms and the colchure around us not letting the smosluffsstuff slide because its those mine incidents that contribute to the same attitudes about womn that leade to the bigg isshes happening coulling womens slotsand slags gaving the marks out of ten de humanizes them jorking about rapan assalt numalizes it so we have to speak up and our voicees aloud ust where we raised them together thankou