import math import torch import torch.nn as nn class Deltas(torch.nn.Module): """Computes delta coefficients (time derivatives). Arguments --------- win_length : int Length of the window used to compute the time derivatives. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.randn([10, 101, 20]) >>> compute_deltas = Deltas(input_size=inputs.size(-1)) >>> features = compute_deltas(inputs) >>> features.shape torch.Size([10, 101, 20]) """ def __init__( self, input_size, window_length=5, ): super().__init__() self.n = (window_length - 1) // 2 self.denom = self.n * (self.n + 1) * (2 * self.n + 1) / 3 self.register_buffer( "kernel", torch.arange(-self.n, self.n + 1, dtype=torch.float32,).repeat( input_size, 1, 1 ), ) def forward(self, x): """Returns the delta coefficients. Arguments --------- x : tensor A batch of tensors. """ # Managing multi-channel deltas reshape tensor (batch*channel,time) x = x.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, -1) or_shape = x.shape if len(or_shape) == 4: x = x.reshape(or_shape[0] * or_shape[2], or_shape[1], or_shape[3]) # Padding for time borders x = torch.nn.functional.pad(x, (self.n, self.n), mode="replicate") # Derivative estimation (with a fixed convolutional kernel) delta_coeff = ( torch.nn.functional.conv1d( x,, groups=x.shape[1] ) / self.denom ) # Retrieving the original dimensionality (for multi-channel case) if len(or_shape) == 4: delta_coeff = delta_coeff.reshape( or_shape[0], or_shape[1], or_shape[2], or_shape[3], ) delta_coeff = delta_coeff.transpose(1, -1).transpose(2, -1) return delta_coeff class Filterbank(torch.nn.Module): """computes filter bank (FBANK) features given spectral magnitudes. Arguments --------- n_mels : float Number of Mel filters used to average the spectrogram. log_mel : bool If True, it computes the log of the FBANKs. filter_shape : str Shape of the filters ('triangular', 'rectangular', 'gaussian'). f_min : int Lowest frequency for the Mel filters. f_max : int Highest frequency for the Mel filters. n_fft : int Number of fft points of the STFT. It defines the frequency resolution (n_fft should be<= than win_len). sample_rate : int Sample rate of the input audio signal (e.g, 16000) power_spectrogram : float Exponent used for spectrogram computation. amin : float Minimum amplitude (used for numerical stability). ref_value : float Reference value used for the dB scale. top_db : float Minimum negative cut-off in decibels. freeze : bool If False, it the central frequency and the band of each filter are added into nn.parameters. If True, the standard frozen features are computed. param_change_factor: bool If freeze=False, this parameter affects the speed at which the filter parameters (i.e., central_freqs and bands) can be changed. When high (e.g., param_change_factor=1) the filters change a lot during training. When low (e.g. param_change_factor=0.1) the filter parameters are more stable during training param_rand_factor: float This parameter can be used to randomly change the filter parameters (i.e, central frequencies and bands) during training. It is thus a sort of regularization. param_rand_factor=0 does not affect, while param_rand_factor=0.15 allows random variations within +-15% of the standard values of the filter parameters (e.g., if the central freq is 100 Hz, we can randomly change it from 85 Hz to 115 Hz). Example ------- >>> import torch >>> compute_fbanks = Filterbank() >>> inputs = torch.randn([10, 101, 201]) >>> features = compute_fbanks(inputs) >>> features.shape torch.Size([10, 101, 40]) """ def __init__( self, n_mels=40, log_mel=True, filter_shape="triangular", f_min=0, f_max=8000, n_fft=400, sample_rate=16000, power_spectrogram=2, amin=1e-10, ref_value=1.0, top_db=80.0, param_change_factor=1.0, param_rand_factor=0.0, freeze=True, ): super().__init__() self.n_mels = n_mels self.log_mel = log_mel self.filter_shape = filter_shape self.f_min = f_min self.f_max = f_max self.n_fft = n_fft self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.power_spectrogram = power_spectrogram self.amin = amin self.ref_value = ref_value self.top_db = top_db self.freeze = freeze self.n_stft = self.n_fft // 2 + 1 self.db_multiplier = math.log10(max(self.amin, self.ref_value)) self.device_inp = torch.device("cpu") self.param_change_factor = param_change_factor self.param_rand_factor = param_rand_factor if self.power_spectrogram == 2: self.multiplier = 10 else: self.multiplier = 20 # Make sure f_min < f_max if self.f_min >= self.f_max: err_msg = "Require f_min: %f < f_max: %f" % ( self.f_min, self.f_max, ) print(err_msg) # Filter definition mel = torch.linspace( self._to_mel(self.f_min), self._to_mel(self.f_max), self.n_mels + 2 ) hz = self._to_hz(mel) # Computation of the filter bands band = hz[1:] - hz[:-1] = band[:-1] self.f_central = hz[1:-1] # Adding the central frequency and the band to the list of nn param if not self.freeze: self.f_central = torch.nn.Parameter( self.f_central / (self.sample_rate * self.param_change_factor) ) = torch.nn.Parameter( / (self.sample_rate * self.param_change_factor) ) # Frequency axis all_freqs = torch.linspace(0, self.sample_rate // 2, self.n_stft) # Replicating for all the filters self.all_freqs_mat = all_freqs.repeat(self.f_central.shape[0], 1) def forward(self, spectrogram): """Returns the FBANks. Arguments --------- x : tensor A batch of spectrogram tensors. """ # Computing central frequency and bandwidth of each filter f_central_mat = self.f_central.repeat( self.all_freqs_mat.shape[1], 1 ).transpose(0, 1) band_mat =[1], 1).transpose( 0, 1 ) # Uncomment to print filter parameters # print(self.f_central*self.sample_rate * self.param_change_factor) # print(*self.sample_rate* self.param_change_factor) # Creation of the multiplication matrix. It is used to create # the filters that average the computed spectrogram. if not self.freeze: f_central_mat = f_central_mat * ( self.sample_rate * self.param_change_factor * self.param_change_factor ) band_mat = band_mat * ( self.sample_rate * self.param_change_factor * self.param_change_factor ) # Regularization with random changes of filter central frequency and band elif self.param_rand_factor != 0 and rand_change = ( 1.0 + torch.rand(2) * 2 * self.param_rand_factor - self.param_rand_factor ) f_central_mat = f_central_mat * rand_change[0] band_mat = band_mat * rand_change[1] fbank_matrix = self._create_fbank_matrix(f_central_mat, band_mat).to( spectrogram.device ) sp_shape = spectrogram.shape # Managing multi-channels case (batch, time, channels) if len(sp_shape) == 4: spectrogram = spectrogram.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) spectrogram = spectrogram.reshape( sp_shape[0] * sp_shape[3], sp_shape[1], sp_shape[2] ) # FBANK computation fbanks = torch.matmul(spectrogram, fbank_matrix) if self.log_mel: fbanks = self._amplitude_to_DB(fbanks) # Reshaping in the case of multi-channel inputs if len(sp_shape) == 4: fb_shape = fbanks.shape fbanks = fbanks.reshape( sp_shape[0], sp_shape[3], fb_shape[1], fb_shape[2] ) fbanks = fbanks.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) return fbanks @staticmethod def _to_mel(hz): """Returns mel-frequency value corresponding to the input frequency value in Hz. Arguments --------- x : float The frequency point in Hz. """ return 2595 * math.log10(1 + hz / 700) @staticmethod def _to_hz(mel): """Returns hz-frequency value corresponding to the input mel-frequency value. Arguments --------- x : float The frequency point in the mel-scale. """ return 700 * (10 ** (mel / 2595) - 1) def _triangular_filters(self, all_freqs, f_central, band): """Returns fbank matrix using triangular filters. Arguments --------- all_freqs : Tensor Tensor gathering all the frequency points. f_central : Tensor Tensor gathering central frequencies of each filter. band : Tensor Tensor gathering the bands of each filter. """ # Computing the slops of the filters slope = (all_freqs - f_central) / band left_side = slope + 1.0 right_side = -slope + 1.0 # Adding zeros for negative values zero = torch.zeros(1, device=self.device_inp) fbank_matrix = torch.max( zero, torch.min(left_side, right_side) ).transpose(0, 1) return fbank_matrix def _rectangular_filters(self, all_freqs, f_central, band): """Returns fbank matrix using rectangular filters. Arguments --------- all_freqs : Tensor Tensor gathering all the frequency points. f_central : Tensor Tensor gathering central frequencies of each filter. band : Tensor Tensor gathering the bands of each filter. """ # cut-off frequencies of the filters low_hz = f_central - band high_hz = f_central + band # Left/right parts of the filter left_side = right_size = right_size = all_freqs.le(high_hz) fbank_matrix = (left_side * right_size).float().transpose(0, 1) return fbank_matrix def _gaussian_filters( self, all_freqs, f_central, band, smooth_factor=torch.tensor(2) ): """Returns fbank matrix using gaussian filters. Arguments --------- all_freqs : Tensor Tensor gathering all the frequency points. f_central : Tensor Tensor gathering central frequencies of each filter. band : Tensor Tensor gathering the bands of each filter. smooth_factor: Tensor Smoothing factor of the gaussian filter. It can be used to employ sharper or flatter filters. """ fbank_matrix = torch.exp( -0.5 * ((all_freqs - f_central) / (band / smooth_factor)) ** 2 ).transpose(0, 1) return fbank_matrix def _create_fbank_matrix(self, f_central_mat, band_mat): """Returns fbank matrix to use for averaging the spectrum with the set of filter-banks. Arguments --------- f_central : Tensor Tensor gathering central frequencies of each filter. band : Tensor Tensor gathering the bands of each filter. smooth_factor: Tensor Smoothing factor of the gaussian filter. It can be used to employ sharper or flatter filters. """ if self.filter_shape == "triangular": fbank_matrix = self._triangular_filters( self.all_freqs_mat, f_central_mat, band_mat ) elif self.filter_shape == "rectangular": fbank_matrix = self._rectangular_filters( self.all_freqs_mat, f_central_mat, band_mat ) else: fbank_matrix = self._gaussian_filters( self.all_freqs_mat, f_central_mat, band_mat ) return fbank_matrix def _amplitude_to_DB(self, x): """Converts linear-FBANKs to log-FBANKs. Arguments --------- x : Tensor A batch of linear FBANK tensors. """ x_db = self.multiplier * torch.log10(torch.clamp(x, min=self.amin)) x_db -= self.multiplier * self.db_multiplier # Setting up dB max. It is the max over time and frequency, # Hence, of a whole sequence (sequence-dependent) new_x_db_max = x_db.amax(dim=(-2, -1)) - self.top_db # Clipping to dB max. The view is necessary as only a scalar is obtained # per sequence. x_db = torch.max(x_db, new_x_db_max.view(x_db.shape[0], 1, 1)) return x_db class STFT(torch.nn.Module): """computes the Short-Term Fourier Transform (STFT). This class computes the Short-Term Fourier Transform of an audio signal. It supports multi-channel audio inputs (batch, time, channels). Arguments --------- sample_rate : int Sample rate of the input audio signal (e.g 16000). win_length : float Length (in ms) of the sliding window used to compute the STFT. hop_length : float Length (in ms) of the hope of the sliding window used to compute the STFT. n_fft : int Number of fft point of the STFT. It defines the frequency resolution (n_fft should be <= than win_len). window_fn : function A function that takes an integer (number of samples) and outputs a tensor to be multiplied with each window before fft. normalized_stft : bool If True, the function returns the normalized STFT results, i.e., multiplied by win_length^-0.5 (default is False). center : bool If True (default), the input will be padded on both sides so that the t-th frame is centered at time t×hop_length. Otherwise, the t-th frame begins at time t×hop_length. pad_mode : str It can be 'constant','reflect','replicate', 'circular', 'reflect' (default). 'constant' pads the input tensor boundaries with a constant value. 'reflect' pads the input tensor using the reflection of the input boundary. 'replicate' pads the input tensor using replication of the input boundary. 'circular' pads using circular replication. onesided : True If True (default) only returns nfft/2 values. Note that the other samples are redundant due to the Fourier transform conjugate symmetry. Example ------- >>> import torch >>> compute_STFT = STFT( ... sample_rate=16000, win_length=25, hop_length=10, n_fft=400 ... ) >>> inputs = torch.randn([10, 16000]) >>> features = compute_STFT(inputs) >>> features.shape torch.Size([10, 101, 201, 2]) """ def __init__( self, sample_rate, win_length=25, hop_length=10, n_fft=400, window_fn=torch.hamming_window, normalized_stft=False, center=True, pad_mode="constant", onesided=True, ): super().__init__() self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.win_length = win_length self.hop_length = hop_length self.n_fft = n_fft self.normalized_stft = normalized_stft = center self.pad_mode = pad_mode self.onesided = onesided # Convert win_length and hop_length from ms to samples self.win_length = int( round((self.sample_rate / 1000.0) * self.win_length) ) self.hop_length = int( round((self.sample_rate / 1000.0) * self.hop_length) ) self.window = window_fn(self.win_length) def forward(self, x): """Returns the STFT generated from the input waveforms. Arguments --------- x : tensor A batch of audio signals to transform. """ # Managing multi-channel stft or_shape = x.shape if len(or_shape) == 3: x = x.transpose(1, 2) x = x.reshape(or_shape[0] * or_shape[2], or_shape[1]) stft = torch.stft( x, self.n_fft, self.hop_length, self.win_length,,, self.pad_mode, self.normalized_stft, self.onesided, return_complex=True, ) stft = torch.view_as_real(stft) # Retrieving the original dimensionality (batch,time, channels) if len(or_shape) == 3: stft = stft.reshape( or_shape[0], or_shape[2], stft.shape[1], stft.shape[2], stft.shape[3], ) stft = stft.permute(0, 3, 2, 4, 1) else: # (batch, time, channels) stft = stft.transpose(2, 1) return stft def spectral_magnitude( stft, power: int = 1, log: bool = False, eps: float = 1e-14 ): """Returns the magnitude of a complex spectrogram. Arguments --------- stft : torch.Tensor A tensor, output from the stft function. power : int What power to use in computing the magnitude. Use power=1 for the power spectrogram. Use power=0.5 for the magnitude spectrogram. log : bool Whether to apply log to the spectral features. Example ------- >>> a = torch.Tensor([[3, 4]]) >>> spectral_magnitude(a, power=0.5) tensor([5.]) """ spectr = stft.pow(2).sum(-1) # Add eps avoids NaN when spectr is zero if power < 1: spectr = spectr + eps spectr = spectr.pow(power) if log: return torch.log(spectr + eps) return spectr class ContextWindow(torch.nn.Module): """Computes the context window. This class applies a context window by gathering multiple time steps in a single feature vector. The operation is performed with a convolutional layer based on a fixed kernel designed for that. Arguments --------- left_frames : int Number of left frames (i.e, past frames) to collect. right_frames : int Number of right frames (i.e, future frames) to collect. Example ------- >>> import torch >>> compute_cw = ContextWindow(left_frames=5, right_frames=5) >>> inputs = torch.randn([10, 101, 20]) >>> features = compute_cw(inputs) >>> features.shape torch.Size([10, 101, 220]) """ def __init__( self, left_frames=0, right_frames=0, ): super().__init__() self.left_frames = left_frames self.right_frames = right_frames self.context_len = self.left_frames + self.right_frames + 1 self.kernel_len = 2 * max(self.left_frames, self.right_frames) + 1 # Kernel definition self.kernel = torch.eye(self.context_len, self.kernel_len) if self.right_frames > self.left_frames: lag = self.right_frames - self.left_frames self.kernel = torch.roll(self.kernel, lag, 1) self.first_call = True def forward(self, x): """Returns the tensor with the surrounding context. Arguments --------- x : tensor A batch of tensors. """ x = x.transpose(1, 2) if self.first_call is True: self.first_call = False self.kernel = ( self.kernel.repeat(x.shape[1], 1, 1) .view(x.shape[1] * self.context_len, self.kernel_len,) .unsqueeze(1) ) # Managing multi-channel case or_shape = x.shape if len(or_shape) == 4: x = x.reshape(or_shape[0] * or_shape[2], or_shape[1], or_shape[3]) # Compute context (using the estimated convolutional kernel) cw_x = torch.nn.functional.conv1d( x,, groups=x.shape[1], padding=max(self.left_frames, self.right_frames), ) # Retrieving the original dimensionality (for multi-channel case) if len(or_shape) == 4: cw_x = cw_x.reshape( or_shape[0], cw_x.shape[1], or_shape[2], cw_x.shape[-1] ) cw_x = cw_x.transpose(1, 2) return cw_x class Fbank(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, deltas=False, context=False, requires_grad=False, sample_rate=16000, f_min=0, f_max=None, n_fft=400, n_mels=40, filter_shape="triangular", param_change_factor=1.0, param_rand_factor=0.0, left_frames=5, right_frames=5, win_length=25, hop_length=10, ): super().__init__() self.deltas = deltas self.context = context self.requires_grad = requires_grad if f_max is None: f_max = sample_rate / 2 self.compute_STFT = STFT( sample_rate=sample_rate, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, ) self.compute_fbanks = Filterbank( sample_rate=sample_rate, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=n_mels, f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, freeze=not requires_grad, filter_shape=filter_shape, param_change_factor=param_change_factor, param_rand_factor=param_rand_factor, ) self.compute_deltas = Deltas(input_size=n_mels) self.context_window = ContextWindow( left_frames=left_frames, right_frames=right_frames, ) def forward(self, wav): """Returns a set of features generated from the input waveforms. Arguments --------- wav : tensor A batch of audio signals to transform to features. """ STFT = self.compute_STFT(wav) mag = spectral_magnitude(STFT) fbanks = self.compute_fbanks(mag) if self.deltas: delta1 = self.compute_deltas(fbanks) delta2 = self.compute_deltas(delta1) fbanks =[fbanks, delta1, delta2], dim=2) if self.context: fbanks = self.context_window(fbanks) return fbanks