# Copyright 2024 Microsoft and the HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Processor class for Phi4MM """ import re from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import math from enum import Enum import numpy as np import scipy import torch import torchvision from transformers import AutoFeatureExtractor, AutoImageProcessor from transformers.feature_extraction_sequence_utils import SequenceFeatureExtractor from transformers.image_processing_utils import BaseImageProcessor, BatchFeature from transformers.image_utils import ( ImageInput, make_list_of_images, valid_images, ) from transformers.processing_utils import ProcessorMixin from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import PaddingStrategy, TextInput, TruncationStrategy from transformers.utils import TensorType, logging from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # Special tokens _COMPATIBLE_IMAGE_SPECIAL_TOKEN_PATTERN = r'<\|image_\d+\|>' # For backward compatibility _COMPATIBLE_AUDIO_SPECIAL_TOKEN_PATTERN = r'<\|audio_\d+\|>' # For backward compatibility _IMAGE_SPECIAL_TOKEN = '<|endoftext10|>' _AUDIO_SPECIAL_TOKEN = '<|endoftext11|>' _IMAGE_SPECIAL_TOKEN_ID = 200010 # '<|endoftext10|>', or we can better name it (in `tokenizer_config.json`) _AUDIO_SPECIAL_TOKEN_ID = 200011 # '<|endoftext11|>' class InputMode(Enum): LANGUAGE = 0 VISION = 1 SPEECH = 2 VISION_SPEECH = 3 class Phi4MMImageProcessor(BaseImageProcessor): r""" Constructs a Phi4MM image processor. """ model_input_names = ["input_image_embeds", "image_sizes", "image_attention_mask"] def __init__( self, dynamic_hd, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dynamic_hd = dynamic_hd def find_closest_aspect_ratio(self, aspect_ratio, target_ratios, width, height, image_size): best_ratio_diff = float('inf') best_ratio = (1, 1) area = width * height for ratio in target_ratios: target_aspect_ratio = ratio[0] / ratio[1] ratio_diff = abs(aspect_ratio - target_aspect_ratio) if ratio_diff < best_ratio_diff: best_ratio_diff = ratio_diff best_ratio = ratio elif ratio_diff == best_ratio_diff: if area > 0.5 * image_size * image_size * ratio[0] * ratio[1]: best_ratio = ratio return best_ratio def dynamic_preprocess(self, image, min_num=1, max_num=12, image_size=384, mask_size=27, use_thumbnail=True): orig_width, orig_height = image.size w_crop_num = math.ceil(orig_width/float(image_size)) h_crop_num = math.ceil(orig_height/float(image_size)) if w_crop_num * h_crop_num > max_num: aspect_ratio = orig_width / orig_height # calculate the existing image aspect ratio target_ratios = set( (i, j) for n in range(min_num, max_num + 1) for i in range(1, n + 1) for j in range(1, n + 1) if i * j <= max_num and i * j >= min_num) target_ratios = sorted(target_ratios, key=lambda x: x[0] * x[1]) # find the closest aspect ratio to the target target_aspect_ratio = self.find_closest_aspect_ratio( aspect_ratio, target_ratios, orig_width, orig_height, image_size) # calculate the target width and height target_width = image_size * target_aspect_ratio[0] target_height = image_size * target_aspect_ratio[1] else: target_width = image_size * w_crop_num target_height = image_size * h_crop_num target_aspect_ratio = (w_crop_num, h_crop_num) # Calculate the ratio ratio_width = target_width / orig_width ratio_height = target_height / orig_height if ratio_width < ratio_height: new_size = (target_width, int(orig_height * ratio_width)) padding_width = 0 padding_height = target_height - int(orig_height * ratio_width) else: new_size = (int(orig_width * ratio_height), target_height) padding_width = target_width - int(orig_width * ratio_height) padding_height = 0 attention_mask = torch.ones((int(mask_size*target_aspect_ratio[1]), int(mask_size*target_aspect_ratio[0]))) if padding_width >= 14: attention_mask[:, -math.floor(padding_width/14):] = 0 if padding_height >= 14: attention_mask[-math.floor(padding_height/14):,:] = 0 assert attention_mask.sum() > 0 if min(new_size[1], target_height) < 10 or min(new_size[0], target_width) < 10: raise ValueError(f'the aspect ratio is very extreme {new_size}') image = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize(image, [new_size[1], new_size[0]],) resized_img = torchvision.transforms.functional.pad(image, [0, 0, padding_width, padding_height], fill=[255,255,255]) return resized_img, attention_mask def pad_to_max_num_crops(self, images, max_crops=5): """ images: B x 3 x H x W, B<=max_crops """ B, _, H, W = images.shape if B < max_crops: pad = torch.zeros(max_crops - B, 3, H, W, dtype=images.dtype, device=images.device) images = torch.cat([images, pad], dim=0) return images def pad_mask_to_max_num_crops(self, masks, max_crops=5): B, H, W = masks.shape if B < max_crops: pad = torch.ones(max_crops - B, H, W, dtype=masks.dtype, device=masks.device) masks = torch.cat([masks, pad], dim=0) return masks def preprocess( self, images: ImageInput, return_tensors: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None, ): """ Args: images (`ImageInput`): Image to preprocess. Expects a single or batch of images with pixel values ranging from 0 to 255. If passing in images with pixel values between 0 and 1, set `do_rescale=False`. return_tensors (`str` or `TensorType`, *optional*): The type of tensors to return. Can be one of: - Unset: Return a list of `np.ndarray`. - `TensorType.TENSORFLOW` or `'tf'`: Return a batch of type `tf.Tensor`. - `TensorType.PYTORCH` or `'pt'`: Return a batch of type `torch.Tensor`. - `TensorType.NUMPY` or `'np'`: Return a batch of type `np.ndarray`. - `TensorType.JAX` or `'jax'`: Return a batch of type `jax.numpy.ndarray`. """ images = make_list_of_images(images) if not valid_images(images): raise ValueError( "Invalid image type. Must be of type PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray, " "torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor or jax.ndarray." ) # Basic settings. img_processor = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), torchvision.transforms.Normalize( (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ), ]) dyhd_base_resolution = 448 # Dynamic HD base_resolution = dyhd_base_resolution images = [image.convert('RGB') for image in images] # cover 384 and 448 resolution mask_resolution = base_resolution // 14 elems, image_attention_masks = [], [] for im in images: elem, attention_mask = self.dynamic_preprocess(im, max_num=self.dynamic_hd, image_size=base_resolution, mask_size=mask_resolution) elems.append(elem) image_attention_masks.append(attention_mask) hd_images = [img_processor(im) for im in elems] global_image = [torch.nn.functional.interpolate(im.unsqueeze(0).float(), size=(base_resolution, base_resolution), mode='bicubic',).to(im.dtype) for im in hd_images] shapes = [[im.size(1), im.size(2)] for im in hd_images] mask_shapes = [[mask.size(0), mask.size(1)] for mask in image_attention_masks] global_attention_mask = [torch.ones((1, mask_resolution, mask_resolution)) for _ in hd_images] hd_images_reshape = [im.reshape(1, 3, h//base_resolution, base_resolution, w//base_resolution, base_resolution ).permute(0,2,4,1,3,5).reshape(-1, 3, base_resolution, base_resolution).contiguous() for im, (h, w) in zip(hd_images, shapes)] attention_masks_reshape = [mask.reshape(1, h//mask_resolution, mask_resolution, w//mask_resolution, mask_resolution ).permute(0,1,3,2,4).reshape(-1, mask_resolution, mask_resolution).contiguous() for mask, (h, w) in zip(image_attention_masks, mask_shapes)] downsample_attention_masks = [mask[:,0::2,0::2].reshape(1, h//mask_resolution, w//mask_resolution, mask_resolution//2+mask_resolution%2, mask_resolution//2+mask_resolution%2 ).permute(0,1,3,2,4) for mask, (h,w) in zip(attention_masks_reshape, mask_shapes)] downsample_attention_masks = [mask.reshape(mask.size(1)*mask.size(2), mask.size(3)*mask.size(4))for mask in downsample_attention_masks] num_img_tokens = [256 + 1 + int(mask.sum().item()) + int(mask[:,0].sum().item()) + 16 for mask in downsample_attention_masks] hd_images_reshape = [torch.cat([_global_image] + [_im], dim=0) for _global_image, _im in zip(global_image, hd_images_reshape)] hd_masks_reshape = [torch.cat([_global_mask] + [_mask], dim=0) for _global_mask, _mask in zip(global_attention_mask, attention_masks_reshape)] max_crops = max([img.size(0) for img in hd_images_reshape]) image_transformed = [self.pad_to_max_num_crops(im, max_crops) for im in hd_images_reshape] image_transformed = torch.stack(image_transformed, dim=0) mask_transformed = [self.pad_mask_to_max_num_crops(mask, max_crops) for mask in hd_masks_reshape] mask_transformed = torch.stack(mask_transformed, dim=0) returned_input_image_embeds = image_transformed returned_image_sizes = torch.tensor(shapes, dtype=torch.long) returned_image_attention_mask = mask_transformed returned_num_img_tokens = num_img_tokens data = { "input_image_embeds": returned_input_image_embeds, "image_sizes": returned_image_sizes, "image_attention_mask": returned_image_attention_mask, "num_img_tokens": returned_num_img_tokens, } return BatchFeature(data=data, tensor_type=return_tensors) AudioInput = Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], int] AudioInputs = List[AudioInput] def speechlib_mel(sample_rate, n_fft, n_mels, fmin=None, fmax=None): """Create a Mel filter-bank the same as SpeechLib FbankFC. Args: sample_rate (int): Sample rate in Hz. number > 0 [scalar] n_fft (int): FFT size. int > 0 [scalar] n_mel (int): Mel filter size. int > 0 [scalar] fmin (float): lowest frequency (in Hz). If None use 0.0. float >= 0 [scalar] fmax: highest frequency (in Hz). If None use sample_rate / 2. float >= 0 [scalar] Returns out (numpy.ndarray): Mel transform matrix [shape=(n_mels, 1 + n_fft/2)] """ bank_width = int(n_fft // 2 + 1) if fmax is None: fmax = sample_rate / 2 if fmin is None: fmin = 0 assert fmin >= 0, "fmin cannot be negtive" assert fmin < fmax <= sample_rate / 2, "fmax must be between (fmin, samplerate / 2]" def mel(f): return 1127.0 * np.log(1.0 + f / 700.0) def bin2mel(fft_bin): return 1127.0 * np.log(1.0 + fft_bin * sample_rate / (n_fft * 700.0)) def f2bin(f): return int((f * n_fft / sample_rate) + 0.5) # Spec 1: FFT bin range [f2bin(fmin) + 1, f2bin(fmax) - 1] klo = f2bin(fmin) + 1 khi = f2bin(fmax) khi = max(khi, klo) # Spec 2: SpeechLib uses trianges in Mel space mlo = mel(fmin) mhi = mel(fmax) m_centers = np.linspace(mlo, mhi, n_mels + 2) ms = (mhi - mlo) / (n_mels + 1) matrix = np.zeros((n_mels, bank_width), dtype=np.float32) for m in range(0, n_mels): left = m_centers[m] center = m_centers[m + 1] right = m_centers[m + 2] for fft_bin in range(klo, khi): mbin = bin2mel(fft_bin) if left < mbin < right: matrix[m, fft_bin] = 1.0 - abs(center - mbin) / ms return matrix class Phi4MMAudioFeatureExtractor(SequenceFeatureExtractor): model_input_names = ["input_audio_embeds", "audio_embed_sizes", "audio_attention_mask"] def __init__(self, audio_compression_rate, audio_downsample_rate, audio_feat_stride, **kwargs): # Check if parameters are already in kwargs to avoid duplicates if 'feature_size' not in kwargs: kwargs['feature_size'] = 80 if 'sampling_rate' not in kwargs: kwargs['sampling_rate'] = 16000 if 'padding_value' not in kwargs: kwargs['padding_value'] = 0.0 super().__init__(**kwargs) self.compression_rate = audio_compression_rate self.qformer_compression_rate = audio_downsample_rate self.feat_stride = audio_feat_stride self._eightk_method = "fillzero" self._mel = speechlib_mel(16000, 512, 80, fmin=None, fmax=7690).T self._hamming400 = np.hamming(400) # for 16k audio self._hamming200 = np.hamming(200) # for 8k audio def duration_to_frames(self, duration): """duration in s, estimated frames""" frame_rate = 10 num_frames = duration * 1000 // frame_rate return num_frames def __call__( self, audios: List[AudioInput], return_tensors: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None, ): # Ref: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/v4.47.0/src/transformers/models/audio_spectrogram_transformer/feature_extraction_audio_spectrogram_transformer.py#L161 returned_input_audio_embeds = [] returned_audio_embed_sizes = [] audio_frames_list = [] for audio_data, sample_rate in audios: audio_embeds = self._extract_features(audio_data, sample_rate) audio_frames = len(audio_embeds) * self.feat_stride audio_embed_size = self._compute_audio_embed_size(audio_frames) returned_input_audio_embeds.append(torch.tensor(audio_embeds)) returned_audio_embed_sizes.append(torch.tensor(audio_embed_size).long()) audio_frames_list.append(audio_frames) returned_input_audio_embeds = pad_sequence( returned_input_audio_embeds, batch_first=True ) returned_audio_embed_sizes = torch.stack(returned_audio_embed_sizes, dim=0) audio_frames = torch.tensor(audio_frames_list) returned_audio_attention_mask = torch.arange(0, audio_frames.max()).unsqueeze(0) < audio_frames.unsqueeze(1) if len(audios) > 1 else None data = { "input_audio_embeds": returned_input_audio_embeds, "audio_embed_sizes": returned_audio_embed_sizes, } if returned_audio_attention_mask is not None: data["audio_attention_mask"] = returned_audio_attention_mask return BatchFeature(data=data, tensor_type=return_tensors) def _extract_spectrogram(self, wav, fs): """Extract spectrogram features from waveform. Args: wav (1D array): waveform of the input fs (int): sampling rate of the waveform, 16000 or 8000. If fs=8000, the waveform will be resampled to 16000Hz. Output: log_fbank (2D array): a TxD matrix of log Mel filterbank features. D=80, and T is the number of frames. """ if wav.ndim > 1: wav = np.squeeze(wav) # by default, we extract the mean if stereo if len(wav.shape) == 2: wav = wav.mean(1) # Resample to 16000 or 8000 if needed if fs > 16000: wav = scipy.signal.resample_poly(wav, 1, fs // 16000) fs = 16000 elif 8000 < fs < 16000: wav = scipy.signal.resample_poly(wav, 1, fs // 8000) fs = 8000 elif fs < 8000: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported sample rate {fs}") if fs == 8000: if self._eightk_method == "resample": # Input audio is 8 kHz. Convert to 16 kHz before feature # extraction wav = scipy.signal.resample_poly(wav, 2, 1) fs = 16000 # Do nothing here for fillzero method elif fs != 16000: # Input audio is not a supported sample rate. raise RuntimeError(f"Input data using an unsupported sample rate: {fs}") preemphasis = 0.97 if fs == 8000: n_fft = 256 win_length = 200 hop_length = 80 fft_window = self._hamming200 elif fs == 16000: n_fft = 512 win_length = 400 hop_length = 160 fft_window = self._hamming400 # Spec 1: SpeechLib cut remaining sample insufficient for a hop n_batch = (wav.shape[0] - win_length) // hop_length + 1 # Here we don't use stride_tricks since the input array may not satisfy # memory layout requirement and we need writeable output # Here we only use list of views before copy to desination # so it is more efficient than broadcasting y_frames = np.array( [wav[_stride : _stride + win_length] for _stride in range(0, hop_length * n_batch, hop_length)], dtype=np.float32, ) # Spec 2: SpeechLib applies preemphasis within each batch y_frames_prev = np.roll(y_frames, 1, axis=1) y_frames_prev[:, 0] = y_frames_prev[:, 1] y_frames = (y_frames - preemphasis * y_frames_prev) * 32768 S = np.fft.rfft(fft_window * y_frames, n=n_fft, axis=1).astype(np.complex64) if fs == 8000: # Need to pad the output to look like 16 kHz data but with zeros in # the 4 to 8 kHz bins. frames, bins = S.shape padarray = np.zeros((frames, bins)) S = np.concatenate((S[:, 0:-1], padarray), axis=1) # Nyquist bin gets set to zero spec = np.abs(S).astype(np.float32) return spec def _extract_features(self, wav, fs): """Extract log filterbank features from waveform. Args: wav (1D array): waveform of the input fs (int): sampling rate of the waveform, 16000 or 8000. If fs=8000, the waveform will be resampled to 16000Hz. Output: log_fbank (2D array): a TxD matrix of log Mel filterbank features. D=80, and T is the number of frames. """ spec = self._extract_spectrogram(wav, fs) spec_power = spec**2 fbank_power = np.clip(spec_power.dot(self._mel), 1.0, None) log_fbank = np.log(fbank_power).astype(np.float32) return log_fbank def _compute_audio_embed_size(self, audio_frames): integer = audio_frames // self.compression_rate remainder = audio_frames % self.compression_rate result = integer if remainder == 0 else integer + 1 integer = result // self.qformer_compression_rate remainder = result % self.qformer_compression_rate result = integer if remainder == 0 else integer + 1 # qformer compression return result class Phi4MMProcessor(ProcessorMixin): r""" Constructs a Phi4MM processor which raps an image processor, a audio processor, and a GPT tokenizer into a single processor. [`Phi4MMProcessor`] offers all the functionalities of [`Phi4MMImageProcessor`] and [`GPT2Tokenizer`]. See the [`~Phi4MMProcessor.__call__`] and [`~Phi4MMProcessor.decode`] for more information. Args: image_processor ([`Phi4MMImageProcessor`], *optional*): The image processor is a required input. tokenizer ([`GPT2Tokenizer`], *optional*): The tokenizer is a required input. """ attributes = ["image_processor", "audio_processor", "tokenizer"] tokenizer_class = "GPT2TokenizerFast" image_processor_class = "AutoImageProcessor" # Phi4MMImageProcessor will be registered later audio_processor_class = "AutoFeatureExtractor" # Phi4MMAudioFeatureExtractor will be registered later def __init__(self, image_processor, audio_processor, tokenizer): self.image_processor = image_processor self.audio_processor = audio_processor self.tokenizer = tokenizer def __call__( self, text: Union[TextInput, List[TextInput]], images: Optional[ImageInput] = None, audios: Optional[AudioInputs] = None, padding: Union[bool, str, PaddingStrategy] = False, truncation: Optional[Union[bool, str, TruncationStrategy]] = None, max_length=None, return_tensors: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = TensorType.PYTORCH, ) -> BatchFeature: """ Main method to prepare for the model one or several sequences(s) and image(s). This method forards the `text` and `kwargs` arguments to GPT2Tokenizer's [`~GPT2Tokenizer.__call__`] if `text` is not `None` to encode the text. To prepare the image(s), this method forwards the `images` and `kwrags` arguments to Phi4MMImageProcessor's [`~Phi4MMImageProcessor.__call__`] if `images` is not `None`. Please refer to the doctsring of the above two methods for more information. Args: text (`str`, `List[str]`, `List[List[str]]`): The sequence or batch of sequences to be encoded. Each sequence can be a string or a list of strings (pretokenized string). If the sequences are provided as list of strings (pretokenized), you must set `is_split_into_words=True` (to lift the ambiguity with a batch of sequences). images (`PIL.Image.Image`, `np.ndarray`, `torch.Tensor`, `List[PIL.Image.Image]`, `List[np.ndarray]`, `List[torch.Tensor]`): The image or batch of images to be prepared. Each image can be a PIL image, NumPy array or PyTorch tensor. Both channels-first and channels-last formats are supported. padding (`bool`, `str` or [`~utils.PaddingStrategy`], *optional*, defaults to `False`): Select a strategy to pad the returned sequences (according to the model's padding side and padding index) among: - `True` or `'longest'`: Pad to the longest sequence in the batch (or no padding if only a single sequence if provided). - `'max_length'`: Pad to a maximum length specified with the argument `max_length` or to the maximum acceptable input length for the model if that argument is not provided. - `False` or `'do_not_pad'` (default): No padding (i.e., can output a batch with sequences of different lengths). max_length (`int`, *optional*): Maximum length of the returned list and optionally padding length (see above). truncation (`bool`, *optional*): Activates truncation to cut input sequences longer than `max_length` to `max_length`. return_tensors (`str` or [`~utils.TensorType`], *optional*): If set, will return tensors of a particular framework. Acceptable values are: - `'tf'`: Return TensorFlow `tf.constant` objects. - `'pt'`: Return PyTorch `torch.Tensor` objects. - `'np'`: Return NumPy `np.ndarray` objects. - `'jax'`: Return JAX `jnp.ndarray` objects. Returns: [`BatchFeature`]: A [`BatchFeature`] with the following fields: - **input_ids** -- List of token ids to be fed to a model. - **input_image_embeds** -- Pixel values to be fed to a model. - **image_sizes** -- List of tuples specifying the size of each image in `input_image_embeds`. - **image_attention_mask** -- List of attention masks for each image in `input_image_embeds`. - **input_audio_embeds** -- Audio embeddings to be fed to a model. - **audio_embed_sizes** -- List of integers specifying the size of each audio in `input_audio_embeds`. - **attention_mask** -- List of indices specifying which tokens should be attended to by the model. """ image_inputs = self.image_processor(images, return_tensors=return_tensors) if images is not None else {} audio_inputs = self.audio_processor(audios, return_tensors=return_tensors) if audios is not None else {} inputs = self._convert_images_audios_text_to_inputs( image_inputs, audio_inputs, text, padding=padding, truncation=truncation, max_length=max_length, return_tensors=return_tensors, ) # idenfity the input mode if len(image_inputs) > 0 and len(audio_inputs) > 0: input_mode = InputMode.VISION_SPEECH elif len(image_inputs) > 0: input_mode = InputMode.VISION elif len(audio_inputs) > 0: input_mode = InputMode.SPEECH else: input_mode = InputMode.LANGUAGE inputs["input_mode"] = torch.tensor([input_mode.value], dtype=torch.long) return inputs @property def special_image_token_id(self): return self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.special_image_token) def get_special_image_token_id(self): return self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.special_image_token) @property def chat_template(self): return self.tokenizer.chat_template @chat_template.setter def chat_template(self, value): self.tokenizer.chat_template = value def _convert_images_audios_text_to_inputs( self, images, audios, text, padding=False, truncation=None, max_length=None, return_tensors=None ): # prepare image id to image input ids if len(images) > 0: input_image_embeds = images["input_image_embeds"] image_sizes = images["image_sizes"] image_attention_mask = images["image_attention_mask"] num_img_tokens = images['num_img_tokens'] else: input_image_embeds = torch.tensor([]) image_sizes = torch.tensor([]) image_attention_mask = torch.tensor([]) num_img_tokens = [] # prepare audio id to audio input ids if len(audios) > 0: input_audio_embeds = audios["input_audio_embeds"] audio_embed_sizes = audios["audio_embed_sizes"] audio_attention_mask = audios.get("audio_attention_mask", None) else: input_audio_embeds = torch.tensor([]) audio_embed_sizes = torch.tensor([]) audio_attention_mask = None # Replace certain special tokens for compatibility # Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475885/python-replace-regex if isinstance(text, str): text = [text] assert isinstance(text, list) processed_text = [re.sub(_COMPATIBLE_IMAGE_SPECIAL_TOKEN_PATTERN, _IMAGE_SPECIAL_TOKEN, t) for t in text] processed_text = [re.sub(_COMPATIBLE_AUDIO_SPECIAL_TOKEN_PATTERN, _AUDIO_SPECIAL_TOKEN, t) for t in processed_text] input_ids_list = [self.tokenizer(t).input_ids for t in processed_text] img_cnt, audio_cnt = 0, 0 # only needed for later assertion image_token_count_iter = iter(num_img_tokens) audio_embed_size_iter = iter(audio_embed_sizes.tolist()) new_input_ids_list = [] for input_ids in input_ids_list: i = 0 while i < len(input_ids): token_id = input_ids[i] if token_id == _AUDIO_SPECIAL_TOKEN_ID: token_count = next(audio_embed_size_iter) audio_cnt += 1 elif token_id == _IMAGE_SPECIAL_TOKEN_ID: token_count = next(image_token_count_iter) img_cnt += 1 else: i += 1 continue tokens = [token_id] * token_count input_ids = input_ids[:i] + tokens + input_ids[i + 1:] i += token_count input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) new_input_ids_list.append(input_ids) lengths = torch.tensor([len(input_ids) for input_ids in new_input_ids_list]) max_len = lengths.max() input_ids = input_ids.new_full((len(new_input_ids_list), max_len), self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) # batched inference requires left padding for i in range(len(new_input_ids_list)): input_ids[i, max_len - len(new_input_ids_list[i]):] = new_input_ids_list[i] # If the below assertion fails, it might be that input pure-text # messages contain image/audio special tokens literally # (<|endoftext10|>, <|endoftext11|>). assert ( img_cnt == len(num_img_tokens) ), ( f"Number of image tokens in prompt_token_ids ({img_cnt}) " f"does not match number of images ({len(num_img_tokens)})" ) assert ( audio_cnt == len(audio_embed_sizes) ), ( f"Number of audio tokens in prompt_token_ids ({audio_cnt}) " f"does not match number of audios ({len(audio_embed_sizes)})" ) # prepare attention mask seq_range = torch.arange(max_len - 1, -1, -1) attention_mask = seq_range.unsqueeze(0) < lengths.unsqueeze(1) # prepare batch feature data = { "input_ids": input_ids, "input_image_embeds": input_image_embeds, "image_sizes": image_sizes, "image_attention_mask": image_attention_mask, "input_audio_embeds": input_audio_embeds, "audio_embed_sizes": audio_embed_sizes, "audio_attention_mask": audio_attention_mask, "attention_mask": attention_mask, } return BatchFeature( data=data ) # Copied from transformers.models.clip.processing_clip.CLIPProcessor.batch_decode with CLIP->Llama def batch_decode(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method forwards all its arguments to GPT2Tokenizer's [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.batch_decode`]. Please refer to the docstring of this method for more information. """ return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*args, **kwargs) # Copied from transformers.models.clip.processing_clip.CLIPProcessor.decode with CLIP->Llama def decode(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method forwards all its arguments to GPT2Tokenizer's [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.decode`]. Please refer to the docstring of this method for more information. """ return self.tokenizer.decode(*args, **kwargs) @property # Copied from transformers.models.clip.processing_clip.CLIPProcessor.model_input_names def model_input_names(self): tokenizer_input_names = self.tokenizer.model_input_names image_processor_input_names = self.image_processor.model_input_names audio_processor_input_names = self.audio_processor.model_input_names return list(dict.fromkeys(tokenizer_input_names + image_processor_input_names + audio_processor_input_names)) AutoImageProcessor.register("Phi4MMImageProcessor", Phi4MMImageProcessor) AutoFeatureExtractor.register("Phi4MMAudioFeatureExtractor", Phi4MMAudioFeatureExtractor)