fishv2 / logs /train /events.out.tfevents.1698360147.w-yusye-fish-93c488524fe84e469abfb4db4d275806-695b575d88-k9dzt.13381.21.v2
yusyel's picture
Push Keras model using huggingface_hub.
This file is stored with Git LFS . It is too big to display, but you can still download it.

Git LFS Details

  • SHA256: 133cd436cb9461957136f51877ba374dbd1fcce0c4cb27c0e98cd2d26fb83a7a
  • Pointer size: 131 Bytes
  • Size of remote file: 694 kB

Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server. More info.