name: "TF Keras CIFAR-10 Model" framework: "TensorFlow" description: "A convolutional neural network trained on CIFAR-10 dataset" tags: - Classification - CIFAR-10 - Convolutional Neural Network inputs: - "32 x 32 x 3 RGB images" architecture: - "Flatten Layer" - "Dense Layer with 128 neurons and a Leaky ReLU Activation" - "Dense Layer with 128 neurons and a Leaky ReLU Activation" - "Dense Layer with 10 neurons and a Sigmoid Activation" metrics: - "Optimizer: Adam" - "Loss Function: Sparse Categorical Crossentropy" - "Accuracy: 96.75%" datasets: - "CIFAR-10" outputs: - "10 labels" sample_usages: - "Classification of airborne and land-based images"