Can not be load in whisper.cpp
whisper_model_load: unknown tensor 'model.encoder.conv1.weight' in model file
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: failed to load model
Please provide the specific runing scripts
hi, please help to confirm, the scripts used here is simple:
def test_pywhisper():
from pywhispercpp.model import Model
# model = Model('base.en', n_threads=6)
#model = Model("large-v3-turbo", n_threads=6)
audio_f = "temp/yyxh3_1206/parts_asr/50.9_51.4.wav"
model = Model('checkpoints/belle_whisper_v3_turbo_ggml/ggml-model.bin', n_threads=6)
# segments = model.transcribe('data/lei-jun-test.wav')
# segments = model.transcribe('temp/yyxh3_1206/extracted_audio_clean.wav')
# segments = model.transcribe('temp/yyxh3_1206/extracted_audio.wav')
segments = model.transcribe(audio_f, language="zh")
for segment in segments:
All default models is OK, except belle model load faild.
Any help?
I using pywhispercpp because it's the only workable whipser.cpp binding, it should be exactly same as whisper.cpp, also other default models are inferencable the lib itself should be OK.
fail too
$ ./ ~/Downloads/14_14_02.WAV
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from '~/Workspace/huggingface/Belle-whisper-large-v3-turbo-zh-ggml/ggml-model.bin'
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: use gpu = 1
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: flash attn = 0
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: gpu_device = 0
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: dtw = 0
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: backends = 3
whisper_model_load: loading model
whisper_model_load: n_vocab = 51866
whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx = 1500
whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 768
whisper_model_load: n_audio_head = 12
whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 12
whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx = 448
whisper_model_load: n_text_state = 768
whisper_model_load: n_text_head = 12
whisper_model_load: n_text_layer = 12
whisper_model_load: n_mels = 128
whisper_model_load: ftype = 1
whisper_model_load: qntvr = 0
whisper_model_load: type = 3 (small)
whisper_model_load: adding 1609 extra tokens
whisper_model_load: n_langs = 100
whisper_model_load: Metal total size = 487.23 MB
whisper_model_load: unknown tensor 'model.encoder.conv1.weight' in model file
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: failed to load model
error: failed to initialize whisper context
$ shasum -a 256 ggml-model.bin
fa40644ba8947b91474c6d7c3d760d95693db745205c1feae890f72de5fa1eae ggml-model.bin
$ cat
$asr_engine -m "$asr_model" -l zh -pc -nt -osrt --prompt ${init_prompt} -f "$1"
I am checking the model
The issue is resolved; download the model again
greate, it works now.
$ ./ ~/Downloads/14_14_02.WAV
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from '~/Workspace/huggingface/Belle-whisper-large-v3-turbo-zh-ggml/ggml-model.bin'
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: use gpu = 1
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: flash attn = 0
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: gpu_device = 0
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: dtw = 0
whisper_init_with_params_no_state: backends = 3
whisper_model_load: loading model
whisper_model_load: n_vocab = 51866
whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx = 1500
whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 1280
whisper_model_load: n_audio_head = 20
whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 32
whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx = 448
whisper_model_load: n_text_state = 1280
whisper_model_load: n_text_head = 20
whisper_model_load: n_text_layer = 4
whisper_model_load: n_mels = 128
whisper_model_load: ftype = 1
whisper_model_load: qntvr = 0
whisper_model_load: type = 5 (large v3)
whisper_model_load: adding 1609 extra tokens
whisper_model_load: n_langs = 100
whisper_model_load: Metal total size = 1623.92 MB
whisper_model_load: model size = 1623.92 MB
whisper_backend_init_gpu: using Metal backend
ggml_metal_init: allocating
ggml_metal_init: found device: Apple M3 Max
$ shasum -a 256 Belle-whisper-large-v3-turbo-zh-ggml/ggml-model.bin
2a3bba5bfdb4d4da3d9949a83b405711727ca1941d4d5810895e077eb3cb4d99 Belle-whisper-large-v3-turbo-zh-ggml/ggml-model.bin
Hi, it is the ggml weights too old for newest whisper.cpp to load?
The issue arose due to a mismatch in the conversion scripts. I have addressed this bug, and the corrected scripts are now available at this GitHub repository. You can use these updated scripts for converting models without encountering the previous problems.