SD3 HyperSD

by KeMiliUs - opened

Are you planned making Hyper-SD for SD3?

ByteDance org

Hi, @KeMiliUs
Thanks for your attention!
The answer is YES and we're working on it.
It will be released ASAP.

That's really exciting! @Yanzuo , how long does the distillation normally take? In your paper, you mentioned 200 hours on A100.

ByteDance org

This is not as simple as using the same method and changing the model.
SD3 uses a completely different way of modeling the scheduler so it might takes more time for exploration to get better results.
Sorry that we can't give an exact time.

Hi @Yanzuo , thanks for the information, and no worries. I was just wondering about the time requirements.
Thanks for doing it. Hyper SD has been my favorite model to play with. I'm looking forward to playing with Hyper-SD3.

Will it correct the strange human body deformities?

ByteDance org

Hi @zhaoqi , we'll try best.

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