Get very weird image

by cs1976 - opened

I tried with lama_fp32.onnx . It generated very weird image (like some mask image, the similar code works with libtorch and Would you please share your code to test the onnx?

Mat get_image(string filename, bool toGray, int pad, cv::Size new_size) {
cv::Mat matImage;
cv::Mat img_float32;
if (toGray) {
matImage = cv::imread(filename, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat mask;
if (new_size.width != 0 && new_size.height != 0)
cv::resize(matImage, matImage, new_size);

    matImage.convertTo(mask, CV_32FC1, 1.0 / 255.0);
    cv::Mat mask_float;
    cv::threshold(mask, mask_float, 0, 1, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
    mask_float.convertTo(img_float32, CV_32FC1);
else {
    matImage = cv::imread(filename, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
    matImage.convertTo(img_float32, CV_32FC3, 1.0 / 255.0);
int width = img_float32.cols;
int height = img_float32.rows;

if (pad > 0)
    int out_height = ceil_modulo(height, pad);
    int out_width = ceil_modulo(width, pad);

    if (out_height != height || out_width != width) {
        cv::Mat img_padded;
            out_height - height,
            out_width - width,

        return img_padded;

return img_float32;


void Biglama::execute(string input_img, string mask_img,string output_img)
//load image

const int LAMA_INPUT_SIZE = 512;
cv::Mat matImage = get_image(input_img, false, 8, cv::Size(0, 0));
cv::Mat matMask = get_image(mask_img, true, 8, cv::Size(LAMA_INPUT_SIZE, LAMA_INPUT_SIZE));

int Orgheight = matImage.rows;
int Orgwidth = matImage.cols;

cv::resize(matImage, matImage, cv::Size(LAMA_INPUT_SIZE, LAMA_INPUT_SIZE));
//cv::resize(matMask, matMask, cv::Size(LAMA_INPUT_SIZE, LAMA_INPUT_SIZE));

int channels = matImage.channels();
int stride = matImage.step[0];
cout << channels << stride;

vector<cv::Mat> bgrChannels(3);
split(matImage, bgrChannels);
this->input_image.resize(3 * image_area);
size_t single_chn_size = image_area * sizeof(float);
//rgb order
memcpy(this->, (float*)bgrChannels[2].data, single_chn_size);
memcpy(this-> + image_area, (float*)bgrChannels[1].data, single_chn_size);
memcpy(this-> + image_area * 2, (float*)bgrChannels[0].data, single_chn_size);

std::vector<Ort::Value> inputs_tensor;
std::vector<int64_t> input_img_shape = { 1, 3, 512, 512 };
inputs_tensor.emplace_back(Value::CreateTensor<float>(memory_info_handler, this->, this->input_image.size(),, input_img_shape.size()));

std::vector<float> mask_image;
single_chn_size = image_area * sizeof(float);
memcpy(, (float*), single_chn_size);
std::fill(mask_image.begin(), mask_image.end(), 0.0f);

std::vector<int64_t> mask_img_shape = { 1, 1, LAMA_INPUT_SIZE, LAMA_INPUT_SIZE };
inputs_tensor.emplace_back(Value::CreateTensor<float>(memory_info_handler,, mask_image.size(),, mask_img_shape.size()));

Ort::RunOptions runOptions;
vector<Value> ort_outputs = this->ort_session->Run(runOptions, this->,, inputs_tensor.size(), this->, output_names.size());

float* pdata = ort_outputs[0].GetTensorMutableData<float>(); 
std::vector<int64_t> outs_shape = ort_outputs[0].GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo().GetShape();
const int out_h = outs_shape[2];
const int out_w = outs_shape[3];
const int channel_step = out_h * out_w;
Mat rmat(out_h, out_w, CV_32FC1, pdata);
Mat gmat(out_h, out_w, CV_32FC1, pdata + channel_step);
Mat bmat(out_h, out_w, CV_32FC1, pdata + 2 * channel_step);
//Mat rmat = bgrChannels[2].clone();
//Mat gmat = bgrChannels[1].clone();
//Mat bmat = bgrChannels[0].clone();

rmat *= 255.f;
gmat *= 255.f;
bmat *= 255.f;
rmat.setTo(0, rmat < 0);
rmat.setTo(255, rmat > 255);
gmat.setTo(0, gmat < 0);
gmat.setTo(255, gmat > 255);
bmat.setTo(0, bmat < 0);
bmat.setTo(255, bmat > 255);

vector<Mat> channel_mats(3);
channel_mats[0] = bmat;
channel_mats[1] = gmat;
channel_mats[2] = rmat;
Mat matOutput;
merge(channel_mats, matOutput);
cv::imwrite(output_img, matOutput);
matOutput.convertTo(matOutput, CV_8UC3);

cv::resize(matOutput, matOutput, cv::Size(Orgwidth, Orgheight));
cv::imwrite(output_img, matOutput);


Carve org

This Jupyter Notebook is used for testing this model. This HF Space is also work with the model.

Carve org

This model works perfectly for us. Please check your code.

OK, Thank you very much for your reply , I will try to reproduce the result with the python code first. And will report back if there is any progress.

best regards

I found the problem. onnx model unlike pytorch model it directly outputs image*255, So no need to multiply the output with 255 (pytorch will output image in 0-1 float data). I fixed the problem and can output correct inpaint image.

best regards

anodev changed discussion status to closed
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