I don't know how to install this Face Fixer.

by Pleasehelp - opened

Please help me. I just tried it like the other extensions, but I failed. I cannot understand this installation, please, help.

assuming you're running automatic1111 webui
in your SD webui's extension folder:
git clone https://github.com/crucible-ai/ControlNet (if you already have a previous controlnet, you can re/move it)
download the models - let's say the control_mediapipe_face_sd15_v2.safetensors & yaml from the "FILES AND VERSIONS" section here
put the model files in SD webui's models\ControlNet folder

Thank you very much for the response. I try it now.

I have tried but there occurs connection error, the browser stops. My computer has 48GB RAM, and RTX 4090.

not sure how a connection error came to be
when you're running the webui bat file, do you see errors on console?

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