Midnight Miqu v1.0
Quants of Sophosympatheia's Midnight Miqu series of models.
15 items
These are GGUF quants of sophosympatheia/Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0
Details about the model and the merge info can be found at the above mode page.
Note: I'd recommend checking out mradermacher/Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-GGUF quants as well. He has IQ quants which are likely better than my non-IQ ones.
Name | Disk Size (GB) |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q2_K.gguf | 35.31 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-IQ3_XXS.gguf | 39.14 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q3_K_XS.gguf | 39.08 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q3_K_S.gguf | 41.40 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q3_K_M.gguf | 46.20 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q3_K_L.gguf | 50.35 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_0.gguf | 54.13 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_K_S.gguf | 54.55 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_K_M.gguf | 57.64 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_0.gguf | 66.12 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_K_S.gguf | 66.12 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_K_M.gguf | 67.92 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf | 78.85 |
Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q8_0.gguf | 102.13 |
Note: HF does not support uploading files larger than 50GB. Therefore I have uploaded some quants as split files.
For split files, please download all parts of the file.
To join the files, do the following. The below example is for the Q6_K quant.
Linux and macOS:
cat Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf-part-* > Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf && rm Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf-part-*
Windows command line:
COPY /B Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf-part-a + Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf-part-b Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf
del Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf-part-a Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf-part-b
For reference, below are the commands used to create the splits:
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q3_K_L.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q3_K_L-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_0.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_0-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_K_M.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_K_M-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_K_S.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q4_K_S-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_0.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_0-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_K_M.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_K_M-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_K_S.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q5_K_S-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q6_K-part-
split -b 40G -a 1 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q8_0.gguf Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.0-Q8_0-part-
For reference, this is the script used for quantization.
# Activate the conda environment
source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate llamacpp
# Define MODEL_NAME above the loop
# Define the output directory
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "${outputDir}"
# Make the F32 quant
if [ -f "${f32file}" ]; then
echo "Skipping f32 as ${f32file} already exists."
python convert.py "~/src/models/${MODEL_NAME}" --outfile "${f32file}" --outtype "f32"
# Define the array of quantization strings
quants=("Q2_K" "IQ3_XXS" "Q3_K_L" "Q3_K_M" "Q3_K_S" "Q3_K_XS" "Q4_0" "Q4_K_M" "Q4_K_S" "Q5_0" "Q5_K_M" "Q5_K_S" "Q6_K" "Q8_0")
# Loop through the quants array
for quant in "${quants[@]}"; do
# Check if the outfile already exists
if [ -f "${outfile}" ]; then
echo "Skipping ${quant} as ${outfile} already exists."
# Run the command with the current quant string
./quantize "${f32file}" "${outfile}" "${quant}"
echo "Processed ${quant} and generated ${outfile}"