Fix Up my

by MartialTerran - opened

Do You like/need Chat-with-PDF apps? If you agree with the HS ideology, then get a Google Gemini Pro AI model API Key and try out the Chat-With-PDFs python script version 0.4 that I wrote this weekend, and that I do not really have time to fill it out further (as it already meets my own current requirements). The current python library selected to load and extract the text from MS.doc files is not working. But loading and chatting with .Docx and PDFs and HTMLs and MHTMLs and .py is currently faultless. Go ahead and add the Chat-with-Images Feature set that is currently a def Stub, as a user-selectable feature. (So a good HS user can just drop some images into the same input_files_folder and then select the desired image(s) within the script to chat-with-images or chat-with-text-and-images)
And, go ahead and add the Google API's "chat" mode as a user-selectable feature (to save input tokens). Here is is at.

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