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@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ prompt_wav, sr = sf.read("太乙真人.wav") # you can find wav in Files
146 |
prompt_wav = torch.from_numpy(prompt_wav).float().unsqueeze(0)
147 |
148 |
prompt_text ="对,这就是我万人敬仰的太乙真人,虽然有点婴儿肥,但也掩不住我逼人的帅气。"
149 |
150 |
target_text = '突然,身边一阵笑声。我看着他们,意气风发地挺直了胸膛,甩了甩那稍显肉感的双臂,轻笑道:"我身上的肉,是为了掩饰我爆棚的魅力,否则,岂不吓坏了你们呢?"'
151 |
#target_text = "Dealing with family secrets is never easy. Yet, sometimes, omission is a form of protection, intending to safeguard some from the harsh truths. One day, I hope you understand the reasons behind my actions. Until then, Anna, please, bear with me."
152 |
input_text = prompt_text + target_text
146 |
prompt_wav = torch.from_numpy(prompt_wav).float().unsqueeze(0)
147 |
148 |
prompt_text ="对,这就是我万人敬仰的太乙真人,虽然有点婴儿肥,但也掩不住我逼人的帅气。"
149 |
#prompt_text = "A chance to leave him alone, but... No. She just wanted to see him again. Anna, you don't know how it feels to lose a sister. Anna, I'm sorry, but your father asked me not to tell you anything."
150 |
target_text = '突然,身边一阵笑声。我看着他们,意气风发地挺直了胸膛,甩了甩那稍显肉感的双臂,轻笑道:"我身上的肉,是为了掩饰我爆棚的魅力,否则,岂不吓坏了你们呢?"'
151 |
#target_text = "Dealing with family secrets is never easy. Yet, sometimes, omission is a form of protection, intending to safeguard some from the harsh truths. One day, I hope you understand the reasons behind my actions. Until then, Anna, please, bear with me."
152 |
input_text = prompt_text + target_text