### CycleGAN Datasets |
Download the CycleGAN datasets using the following script. Some of the datasets are collected by other researchers. Please cite their papers if you use the data. |
```bash |
bash ./datasets/download_cyclegan_dataset.sh dataset_name |
``` |
- `facades`: 400 images from the [CMP Facades dataset](http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~tylecr1/facade). [[Citation](../datasets/bibtex/facades.tex)] |
- `cityscapes`: 2975 images from the [Cityscapes training set](https://www.cityscapes-dataset.com). [[Citation](../datasets/bibtex/cityscapes.tex)]. Note: Due to license issue, we cannot directly provide the Cityscapes dataset. Please download the Cityscapes dataset from [https://cityscapes-dataset.com](https://cityscapes-dataset.com) and use the script `./datasets/prepare_cityscapes_dataset.py`. |
- `maps`: 1096 training images scraped from Google Maps. |
- `horse2zebra`: 939 horse images and 1177 zebra images downloaded from [ImageNet](http://www.image-net.org) using keywords `wild horse` and `zebra` |
- `apple2orange`: 996 apple images and 1020 orange images downloaded from [ImageNet](http://www.image-net.org) using keywords `apple` and `navel orange`. |
- `summer2winter_yosemite`: 1273 summer Yosemite images and 854 winter Yosemite images were downloaded using Flickr API. See more details in our paper. |
- `monet2photo`, `vangogh2photo`, `ukiyoe2photo`, `cezanne2photo`: The art images were downloaded from [Wikiart](https://www.wikiart.org/). The real photos are downloaded from Flickr using the combination of the tags *landscape* and *landscapephotography*. The training set size of each class is Monet:1074, Cezanne:584, Van Gogh:401, Ukiyo-e:1433, Photographs:6853. |
- `iphone2dslr_flower`: both classes of images were downlaoded from Flickr. The training set size of each class is iPhone:1813, DSLR:3316. See more details in our paper. |
To train a model on your own datasets, you need to create a data folder with two subdirectories `trainA` and `trainB` that contain images from domain A and B. You can test your model on your training set by setting `--phase train` in `test.py`. You can also create subdirectories `testA` and `testB` if you have test data. |
You should **not** expect our method to work on just any random combination of input and output datasets (e.g. `cats<->keyboards`). From our experiments, we find it works better if two datasets share similar visual content. For example, `landscape painting<->landscape photographs` works much better than `portrait painting <-> landscape photographs`. `zebras<->horses` achieves compelling results while `cats<->dogs` completely fails. |
### pix2pix datasets |
Download the pix2pix datasets using the following script. Some of the datasets are collected by other researchers. Please cite their papers if you use the data. |
```bash |
bash ./datasets/download_pix2pix_dataset.sh dataset_name |
``` |
- `facades`: 400 images from [CMP Facades dataset](http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~tylecr1/facade). [[Citation](../datasets/bibtex/facades.tex)] |
- `cityscapes`: 2975 images from the [Cityscapes training set](https://www.cityscapes-dataset.com). [[Citation](../datasets/bibtex/cityscapes.tex)] |
- `maps`: 1096 training images scraped from Google Maps |
- `edges2shoes`: 50k training images from [UT Zappos50K dataset](http://vision.cs.utexas.edu/projects/finegrained/utzap50k). Edges are computed by [HED](https://github.com/s9xie/hed) edge detector + post-processing. [[Citation](datasets/bibtex/shoes.tex)] |
- `edges2handbags`: 137K Amazon Handbag images from [iGAN project](https://github.com/junyanz/iGAN). Edges are computed by [HED](https://github.com/s9xie/hed) edge detector + post-processing. [[Citation](datasets/bibtex/handbags.tex)] |
- `night2day`: around 20K natural scene images from [Transient Attributes dataset](http://transattr.cs.brown.edu/) [[Citation](datasets/bibtex/transattr.tex)]. To train a `day2night` pix2pix model, you need to add `--direction BtoA`. |
We provide a python script to generate pix2pix training data in the form of pairs of images {A,B}, where A and B are two different depictions of the same underlying scene. For example, these might be pairs {label map, photo} or {bw image, color image}. Then we can learn to translate A to B or B to A: |
Create folder `/path/to/data` with subfolders `A` and `B`. `A` and `B` should each have their own subfolders `train`, `val`, `test`, etc. In `/path/to/data/A/train`, put training images in style A. In `/path/to/data/B/train`, put the corresponding images in style B. Repeat same for other data splits (`val`, `test`, etc). |
Corresponding images in a pair {A,B} must be the same size and have the same filename, e.g., `/path/to/data/A/train/1.jpg` is considered to correspond to `/path/to/data/B/train/1.jpg`. |
Once the data is formatted this way, call: |
```bash |
python datasets/combine_A_and_B.py --fold_A /path/to/data/A --fold_B /path/to/data/B --fold_AB /path/to/data |
``` |
This will combine each pair of images (A,B) into a single image file, ready for training. |