Request: Casual-Autopsy/L3-Umbral-Mind-RP-v1.0-8B

by Casual-Autopsy - opened

Model Name:


Brief Description:

A merge with the intent of making a model more suitable for RPs with heavy themes such as self-harm, mental illness, trauma, ect.
The writing style's tone was made to be less overly positive and hopeful and I've merged it with a bunch of psychology models and LoRAs to be more competent in portraying mentally unwell/broken characters.

An Image to Represent the Model:


Additional Notes:

mradermacher has already made his own imat quants, however, his always seems to be more about quantity over quality.

Plus, I like to believe that you're truly the best when it comes to making imat quants for RP models.

I'm positive his quants should be pretty solid, but I don't mind doing these since it's been requested directly. Interesting concept for the merge.

Lewdiculous changed discussion status to closed

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