'Shivers down his spin'

by Feldherren - opened

His... spin. I assume spine, but it consistently refuses to spell the full word out in this case. There are no prior cases of 'spin' in context, either (no prior cases of 'spine' either, though). Otherwise the settings I have produce perfectly coherent output, and there aren't any cases of 'spin' or 'spine' in context to bias things.

Hi, thank you for the feedback.

The models this merge is based off has a severe case of what we call "claudeism" which is inspired ny Anthropic Claude's 'writingstyle' which has an obsession with such terms.
There is no direct 'solution' to this as the trainingdata which has been used to enhance e.g. Magnum's prose is EXTREMELY claude influence and has adapted both its prose and choice of words.

Well, it's not that it's outputting 'shivers down his spine'; I'm well aware that's a claudism.
It's that it's consistently going 'spin' instead of 'spine'; for some reason the tokens that lead up to and comprise 'shivers down his' resolve with 'spin' instead of 'spine'.

Sorry! I was in a rush so i might've coughed up my reply a bit too hasty.

But what you pointed out to me seems odd, it sounds like there might be a hiccup with the tokenizer there, i'll investigate the issue! Thank you!

Luni changed discussion status to closed

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