Hello, I followed your instructions to apply for model weights, but it has been a week, and I haven’t received either approval. How can I reapply?

by drzqy2021 - opened

Hello, I followed your instructions to apply for model weights, but it has been a week, and I haven’t received either approval. How can I reapply?

The same. I applied on 04/01, still without approval or rejection. @fedshyvana

@fedshyvana Could you please also deal with the request to access to the UNI model? It would be very appreciateble!

AI for Pathology Image Analysis Lab @ HMS / BWH org

@yuukilp Our record indicates that your request has already been approved.

@yuukilp Our record indicates that your request has already been approved.

Yes, I can access the model now. That's great. Thanks for your kind reminder.

fedshyvana changed discussion status to closed

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