Name: 2xLexicaRRDBNet_Sharp
Author: Philip Hofmann
Release Date: 01.06.2023
License: CC BY 4.0
Network: RRDBNet
Scale: 2
Purpose: Upscaling AI generated images - a bit sharper then above model
Iterations: 220'000
batch_size: 4
HR_size: 128
Epoch: 18 (require iter number per epoch: 10964)
Dataset: lexica-aperture-v3-small
Number of train images: 43856
OTF Training: No
Pretrained_Model_G: None
Description: Its like the above model, but trained for some more with l1_gt_usm and percep_gt_usm set to true, resulting in sharper outputs. I provide both so they can be chosen based on preferrence of the user.