Is the original model allganize/Llama-3-Alpha-Ko-8B-Instruct?

by coconut00 - opened
Quant Factory org

thanks. Can I ask you one more thing? the model answer is strange.
model = Llama.from_pretrained(
chat_format = 'llama-3',
output = model.create_chat_completion(
{"role": "system", "content": 'you are kind assistant.'},
{"role": "user", "content": "안녕"}

then, the output is
<?utzerutzer<?<? Destruction<?<?<?utzer_<?<?utzer姫<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?utzer<?<?utzerutzer<?<?<?<?<?<?utzer<? Rica_<?<?<?<?<?<?<?utzerutzer_<?utzer_<?<?<?utzer_<?utzer_<?<?<?<?<?<? sna<?<?utzer<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?utzer<?<?utzer<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?<?utzer姫<?<?utzer<?<?<?utzer
i dont understand. The code is the same as when running other models, but only this model responds strangely.
am i something wrong?

Quant Factory org

Hey @coconut00 ,I have updated the files, they should be working now

coconut00 changed discussion status to closed

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