Difference from original?

by Monero - opened

What changes were made to this model from the original pygmalion 6b?

It is just a test I've tried finetuning on some specific dataset, nothing fancy.

What is it though?

What changes were made to this model from the original pygmalion 6b?

This is what it writes when given the prompt: My name is Monika, my favorite color is so there is some sort of tuning on DDLC related topics.

My name is Monika, my favorite color is green and I like playing with the other girls.
Monika: I am more or less an outsider among the Literature Club President's.

The data is very poor and not adapted for multi turn conversation as the lines are mostly from the characters and the player doesn't speak a lot.

The data is very poor and not adapted for multi turn conversation as the lines are mostly from the characters and the player doesn't speak a lot.

Since the model already has a pretty good structure for conversation this smaller improvement does actually seem to improve the Monika character if that's what you're going for . It adds a little flavor so I think it's a good job.

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