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"title": "Maaseh Rav",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "",
"text": [
"To arise at midnight and recite Tikkun Chatzot."
"One who is awake the whole night, washes his hands and blesses [the morning blessings], but not the blessings on the Torah. If he then sleeps by day, he must say the blessings on the Torah [upon arising].\n"
"The main part of washing one's hands was instituted for prayer. Therefore, one should wash and make a blessing for each prayer. And ideally one should be stringent to was with a vessel as one does for eating. And in the morning one should say the blessing before praying, and one shouldn't say it immediately upon waking when his intention is not to pray right away. But that's only if he knows for sure he will not forget to say it."
"In washing one's hands, both in the morning and for a meal, the right hand should be first.\n"
"In the morning, one should pour 4 times. Three times to remove evil spirits, and a fourth time to purify the water which became impure."
"The blessing Elokai Neshama (My G-d, the soul you placed in me) should be said together with the blessing Asher Yatzar (Who formed man with wisdom). [See Biurei haGra Shulchan Orach Orach Chaim 4:3]"
"All of the blessings from \"who gives wisdom\" until \"vayidaber\" (Editor: I am unsure what he means. Perhaps the sacrifices.) one can say immediately upon arising from bed even before daylight. For \"Vayidaber\" one should wait until daylight. (See Magen Avraham 46:13)"
"The blessing on the Torah, one should say it before reading the daily sacrifice (See the Gra's comment on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 46:17) If one wants to learn before daylight, one should say the blessings on the Torah after the order of the morning blessings before one learns."
"All of the morning blessings, if one forgot to say them immediately, one has opportunity to say them all day and the night until going to sleep, except the blessing on Torah for which one fulfills his obligation with Ahava Raba (Great Love, the blessing before Shema in the morning). (See Biurei HaGra 47:7). Thus on Yom Kippur, when one does not say 'Who met all my needs' and 'Who removes sleep', one should say these at night upon putting on leather shoes and washing one's face (See Biurei HaGra 46:15)"
"Going to a bath house is not an interruption for one's blessing on the Torah, and all the moreso sleep. (See Biurei HaGra 47:9-11)"
"Distinctions on the text of the morning blessings: \"Who gives the rooster etc.\" \"Who provided me with all my needs.\" \"Who prepares the steps of man.\" And we say \"multiple times every day Hear Israel you are\" or \"multiple times every day Hashem is our G-d Hashem is one you are etc.\" (Citation) Blessed are you Hashem, who sanctifies his name with the masses."
"After saying the portion of the Tamid, to say the verse 'v'hifshit' until 'reiach nichoach'"
"Tzitzit should be 12 thumbs-width long, and the wrapped/knotted portion one third (of this total, so 4 thumbs-widths). Each wrapped portion was one thumb-width."
"Every time he wraps himself in a tallit, he says the blessing, even many times in a day. (See Biurei HaGra 8:28) "
"He blesses, and wears, and covers his head with the tallit, but he does not need to wrap himself as the Ishmaelites wrap. (See Biurei HaGra Orach Chaim 8:4)"
"Also for a small tallit (the poncho-like undergarment) the text of the blessing is 'to wrap oneself in fringes'. (See there (Biurei HaGra OC 8) seif 14)"
"Don't hang on linen garments don't hang from them any tzitzis (Citation). However, make a small wool tallis with linen tzitzis strings, and if it is not from other varieties (of cloth) with linen tzitzis strings. And wear it under his clothes like a large tallis made of cotton."
"The time for putting on tefillin is like 'Others\" in Berachot 9. One should wear them all day, and even to do business in them is permitted, and snacking is also permitted. But idle activities are prohibited. If one is worried this seems haughty before other people, one may wear only the hand tefillin. In any case, it is better to wear a small head tefillin and keep the straps covered than to walk with only the hand tefillin."
"The compartments of the head tefillin need to be open and not glued."
"The higher tefillin are on the head, the more praiseworthy. And the knot needs to be below the base of the skull."
"The place of the hand tefillin is in the half of the (upper) arm. Meaning, the middle half to the exclusion of the (upper) arm’s top quarter and the (upper) arm’s bottom quarter. (See Shulchan Aruch 27:5 and 27:19):"
"If one spoke (between putting on arm and head tefillin) he recites two blessings, and if he did not speak, he recites one blessing, in accordance with Rashi of blessed memory. For if he did not speak he recites on both hand and head one (blessing of) 'to place tefillin', but if he spoke, he recites on the head (a separate blessing of) 'on the mitzva of tefillin'."
"One needs to bless each time he puts on (tefillin) even many times in a day."
"One may urinate in tefillin when they are on his head in a temporary bathroom as is explained in Shulchan Aruch."
"One should pray the morning service at 'V'Tikin' (sunrise), but only with a quorum of ten. "
"The prayer leader should begin from 'Baruch Sh'amar\" and don't say from 'Mizmor shir chanukat habayit'. Other verses should not be recited communally neither before nor after prayer except the Song of the Day (shir shel yom)."
"One may sit during the Verses of Praise until the kaddish before Barchu."
"In 'Pesukei Dezimra' the phrase \"You, GD, don't withhold Your mercy from me\" is with a Yud, and one who says it with a Vav is in error [Lit: on his hand]. In the paragraph of 'Ashrei' the phrase \"They will recount your bountiful goodness\" contains two Segol (vowels). (Presumably on the word 'Zecher')"
"In the Song at the Sea, recite until 'Hashem rules forever and ever' and say after it 'to Hashem is the kingship' and do not say the verse 'for Pharaoh's horse came'."
"Do not say \"and in your Torah it is written to say 'Hear O Israel...'\" before Yishtabach, because there should be from 'and he saved' until 'Hashem reigns' 18 mentions of G-d's name, and from 'Az Yashir' until 'Yishtabach' also 18 names and no more."
"Do not say the 13 Praises (of Yishtabach) in one breath. Only do not interrupt between them with speech, Heaven forbid."
"\"Life of the worlds\" (at the end of Yishtabach) is with a 'Tzeirei' vowel underneath the letter 'Chet.'"
"One should daven communally and skip like was written in Shulchan Aruch. And on this was explained one should say 'Baruch Shemar' and 'Tehilah L'Dovid' (Ashrei) and 'Yishtabach' for if he will with start 'Yotzer Ohr' the blessings of 'Pesukei Dezimera' will be cut out."
"(In the passage 'Tisbarach Tzureinu') the proper text is \"B'Eimah Ritzon Konam\" and not \"Koneihem\": "
"One is able to answer 'Amen' when he hears the blessing even after 'Yotzer Ohr' to whichever 'Amen' he desires except for after 'Shira Chadasha' (prior to Shemonah Esrei) is begun. "
"Release from the nostril or the ear is not considered a \"release\" concerning the recitation of 'Keriat Shema' and prayer, for if you would think that it was considered a \"release\" you would need to distance yourself four Amos:"
"One should have in mind prior to reciting 'Kriat Shema' to fulfill their requirement to recite 'Kriat Shema': "
"[Translation In Progress] If one performed 'Kriat Shema' like the opinion of 'Beit Shammai' he has not done (the mitzvah of Kriat Shema) and (it is as if) he has done nothing. Meaning, he does not receive reward because he accepted upon himself the stringency of 'Beit Shammai' like Jonah found when it was there that 'Beit Hillel' conceded but disagreed in regards to unintentional sin. But here, it does not seem to 'Beit Hillel' the ideas of 'Beit Shammai' at all, and from this is a proof from if so, we would have the practice to not maintain the mitzvah of 'Succah' from 'your days'. But certainly one is not required to go back and repeat 'Kriat Shema':"
"During ‘Kriat Shema’ one grasps the two tzitzit strings which are before him and does not kiss (the strings) at all."
"[Translation in Progress] And how much liquid emerges (to be) urine? A fourth. And from here, even many times if the urine is less (than the water) it is nullified in the water (as it is the majority)."
"One should pray with proper focus and intention for each and every word and have in mind the meaning of the words. If a (foreign) thought enters one's mind during prayer they should stand until the thought passes. One is not required to have the proper intention for all the names (of G-d), only ‘Adon HaKol’:"
"In the ḥazzan’s repetition (of shemona esrei) the ḥazzan says prior to the prayer ‘Hashem Siftai’ and at the end ‘Yehyu L’Ratzon’:"
"One should listen to 18 blessings (of ‘shemoneh esrei’) from the ḥazzan’s voice and from within a siddur. One should respond ‘amen’ after each blessing and should not respond ‘Barukh Hu U’Barukh Shemo’ (Blessed is He and Blessed is His name) as the ḥazzan does not wait until the community stops (saying the words) and therefore cuts off the repetition of the blessings. "
"'Nekadesh' or 'Nareitzicha' (in 'Kedusha') until 'V'Amar' is only said by the ḥazzan alone, and the community is silent and listens to the ḥazzan."
"'Modim D’Rabanan' should be concluded with the name of G-d - \"Blessed are You G-d, the Almighty to Whom all thanks are due.\" (See the Gra's comments on Shulchan Aruch 127:2) and the blessing of 'Borei Nephashot Rabot' is also concluded with the name of G-d."
"The Blessing of 'Birkat Cohanim' should be heard from the mouth of the ḥazzan and one should respond 'Kein Yehi Ratzon' (It shall be His will)."
"One is able to respond to Kadesh, Kedusha, and Amen when one hears (the prayer) from house to house, even when there is a physical barrier in the way as brought up in Shulchan Aruch (55:20), (when it discusses responding to blessings) despite being unable to see (the person making the blessing). "
"Distinctions in the text of the prayer: 'V'Konei Hakol'. 'B'Kedusha U'Shevachecha'. 'Birchat HaShanim' and 'V'Shabeinu M'Tuvecha'. 'Birchat V'Lamalshinim... V'Kol HaRasha' etc, 'V'Kol Oivecha Meheira Yichareitu V'HaZeidim' etc. 'Al HaNisim V'Al HaPurkan' ?. 'Bimei Mordechai K'Sheamad Aleihem Haman'. 'V'Hashavot Lo Et Gamulo Al Rosho'. 'V'Kol HaChaim' with a Kamatz vowel under the letter Kaph. "
"In Tachanun one should not say the verse 'V'Yomer Dovid' as it is said regarding retribution, rather one should begin the prayer with 'Rachum V'Chanun'."
"Also at Shachrit one should use their left hand to fall on their face (during Tachanun). (As is written in Shulchan Aruch 131:5). And one does not say 'Shomer Yisrael' unless it is a communal fast day. "
"For Mincha and also for Maariv wash hands and bless (make a bracha) on the washing of the hands, And pray Mincha with Tallis and Teffilin of Rashi Z\"L."
"The third completing bracha in (birkas hamazon) is \"Build Jerusalem Amen\" (meaning instead of saying \"Boneh Berachamav Yerushalyim\" it is \"Boneh Yerushalayim\""
"The time to light Candles for Chanukkah is when the sun sets (Shkiah). Before Nightfall (Tzeis Hakochavim) Therefore, we light before prayer of Maariv. "
"Half hour after the time (people are) walking from the market, light without a bracha."
"Candle (lighting) of Chanukkah (comes) before lighting candle Shabbos, and before Havdalah."
"The text for the Blessing is \"L'Hadlik Ner Chanukkah\" (Instead of \"L'Hadlik Ner Shel Chanukkah\")"
"Bless (make the bracha) every day on the main (candle), for it is on the hand-breadth next to the door, and not on the additional (candle)."
"Psalm of the day for all eight days of Chanukkah is (Psalm 30) \"A song for dedication\" "
"versions": [
"Sefaria Community Translation",
"heTitle": "מעשה רב",
"categories": [
"sectionNames": [
} |