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    "title": "Bartenura on Mishnah Yoma",
    "language": "en",
    "versionTitle": "merged",
    "versionSource": "",
    "text": [
                "Seven days... We separate the High Priest. Since all the service of Yom Kippur is not kosher except through him [Yuma 32a and many other places], as it says in regard to Yom Kippur (Vaikra chapter 16) \"And the Cohen ,who will be anointed with oil, will atone.\" [note of the translator: from this verse we see that only the anointed Cohen, i.e. High Priest can perform atonement service of Yom Kippur]. And this separation is learned out for us from what is written in regard to seven days of the dedication [of the Mishkan] (ibid. chapter 8) \"And from the entrance of the Tent of Meeting don't go away for seven days\", and after this it is written (ibid.) \"Just like was done on this day commanded Hashem to do to atone for you\", and the sages expound: [the phrase] \"to do\" this is doings of the cow [red heifer], [and the phrase] \"to atone for you\" this is doings of the Yom Kippur. Thus, the Cohen that burns the cow [red heifer] and the Cohen serving on Yom Kippur, both require separation from their houses for seven days just like were required Aharon and his sons during the seven days of dedication [of the Mishkan]. [note of the translator: thus, from the proximity of the two verses, the verse that talks about the seven days of separation during the dedication of the Mishkan and the verse that was expounded to mean \"just like was done on this day, commended Hashem to do for the procedure of the Red heifer and the Yom Kippur service\", the sages learn that the Cohen that does the burning of the red heifer and the High priest that serves on Yom Kippur should be separated from their houses similar to the seven day separation of the days of dedication of the Mishkan.]   ",
                "ืœืœืฉื›ืช ืคืœื”ื“ืจื™ืŸ โ€“ the officers of the king are called Palhedrin/counselors, for since that the High Priests that existed in Second Temple times after Shimon HaTzaddik/the Righteous (see Mishnah Avot, Chapter 1, Mishnah 2) would give money in order to serve in the High Priesthood, and because they were wicked, they would not complete their years, and would be exchanged every twelve months like the officers of the king, who would exchange them every year, therefore, they call this apartment the apartment/cell of the counselors.",
                "ื•ืžืชืงื ื™ืŸ ืœื• โ€“ They would invite another Kohen to become the High Priest in his place if a nocturnal pollution would occur to him or some other kind of defilement.",
                "ืื ื›ืŸ ืื™ืŸ ืœื“ื‘ืจ ืกื•ืฃ โ€“ if so, that he would concerned for his death, and there would be no end to this, lest she (i.e., his wife) would also die, but for defilement that is frequent we are concerned, therefore we appoint for him another Kohen, for death is not frequent that he would die suddenly, we are not concerned, therefore, we do not appoint for him another wife. And the Halakha is according to the Sages."
                "He casts the blood. Of the sacrifices, so that he will be knowledgeable in the service",
                "ื•ืžื˜ื™ื‘ ืืช ื”ื ืจื•ืช โ€“ trims them from the ashes of the wicks that went out (see also Mishnah Tamid, Chapter 3, Mishnah 9).",
                "ื•ืฉืืจ ื›ืœ ื”ื™ืžื™ื โ€“ if he wants to offer any sacrifice that he wishes, he can offer it, and the men of the division of duty cannot prevent him from doing so.",
                "ืžืงืจื™ื‘ ื—ืœืง ื‘ืจืืฉ โ€“ the head he offers of every portion that he chooses.",
                "ื•ื˜ื•ื˜ืœ ื—ืœืง ื‘ืจืืฉ โ€“ in the distribution of the Holy Things, he takes a nice portion that he chooses for him, and these words concern the Sacred things of the Altar, but the Sacred gifts [that are set apart and consumed] outside of the Temple and Jerusalem, both the High Priest and the common priest divide equally."
                "And they read before him. All seven days.",
                "From the order of the day. From parashat Acharei Mot.",
                "My master. My lord.",
                "ืฉืžื ืœื ืœืžื“ืช โ€“ During Second Temple times, it was necessary for this, as they would appoint High Priests who were not honest, according to the Kingdom, whereas during First Temple Times, they would not appoint a High Priest, other than someone who is the greatest among the Priests in wisdom, beauty, strength and riches, and if he did not have riches, his brethren among the Priests would raise him up from their own, as it states (Leviticus 21:10): โ€œThe priest who is exalted above his fellowsโ€ฆ.โ€they would raise him from among his brothers.",
                "ืฉื™ื”ื ืžื›ื™ืจ โ€“ he would take consideration of the animals passing before him to place upon his heart the laws of the order of the day [of Yom Kippur]."
                "ืœื ื”ื™ื• ืžื ื™ื—ื™ืŸ ืื•ืชื• ืœืื›ื•ืœ ื”ืจื‘ื” โ€“ even from those foods that would not bring him to sexual excitement (pollution โ€“ see Talmud Yoma 18a), and we completely prevent him [from consuming] all foods that would bring him to sexual excitement and nocturnal emission like milk and eggs and fat meat and old wine and similar kinds of things."
                "The elders of the Court would transfer him. Those who had read before him the order of the day.",
                "ืœื–ืงื ื™ ื›ื”ื•ื ื” โ€“ to teach him the priestโ€™s taking handfuls of incense (see Talmud Yoma 19a, which was the task of the House of Avtinas to teach him the manipulation of the incense), as it says (Leviticus 16:12): โ€œtwo handfuls of finely ground aromatic incenseโ€ and this was difficult work.",
                "The House of Avtinas. There they would make the incense.",
                "ื•ื”ืฉื‘ื™ืขื•ื”ื• โ€“ that he would not become a Sadducee to improve the incense upon the coal-pan from outside and to bring it in from inside, as they expound (Leviticus 16:2): โ€œfor I appear in the cloud over the cover,โ€ from the cloud of the of smoke of the incense it will come, and then I will appear over the cover, but the matter is not this, for the Biblical verse states there (Leviticus 16:13): โ€œHe shall put the incense on the fire before the LORDโ€ฆโ€",
                "ื”ื•ื ืคื•ืจืฉ ื•ื‘ื•ื›ื” โ€“ for they suspected him of being a Sadducee.",
                "ื•ื”ืŸ ืคื•ืจืฉื™ืŸ ื•ื‘ื•ื›ื™ืŸ โ€“ that they suspected him, as the Master said (Shabbat 97a): โ€œA person who suspects those who are fit, is whipped on his body.โ€"
                "If he was clever he would explain. The issue of halacha all night of Yom Kippur, so that he wouldn't fall asleep. And if he wasn't so clever, and wasn't able to understand and explain an issue of halacha, then they would explain it to him.",
                "From Job and Ezra. These are things which depress the heart and make it hard to sleep."
                "ืคืจื—ื™ ื›ื”ื•ื ื” โ€“ young men when the hair of heir beards begins to flower are called those who blossom.",
                "ื‘ืืฆื‘ืข ืฆืจื“ื” โ€“ the finger that is closest to the thumb. And the language of ืฆืจื“ื”/snap is (see Talmud Yoma 19b โ€“ a phonetic play), the match to this (the middle finger) what is it? The thumb, i.e., the sound produced with these two fingers, the nearest to the thumb, closest to it, and they would combine the thumb with the finger closest to it, and it would slip off and strike his palm and produces a sound so that the High Priest doesnโ€™t sleep.",
                "ืขืžื•ื“ โ€“ on your feet.",
                "ื•ื”ืคื’ ืื—ืช ืขืœ ื”ืจืฆืคื” โ€“ of marble in order to remove the head, for the coolness of the feet removes the sleep and the word ื”ืคื’ is the language of removal, like (Talmud Betza 14a) like spices โ€œlosing their tasteโ€ when pounded the day before."
                "ืชื•ืจืžื™ืŸ ืืช ื”ืžื–ื‘ื— โ€“ the removal of the ashes from the altar (based upon Leviticus 6:3), through which he takes the coals out with a (silver) coal-pan (see Mishnah Yoma, Chapter 4, Mishnah 4) whether there is a lot or whether there is a little on the eastern side of the ramp and it is absorbed there in its place, and it was at the beginning of the Divine Service in the morning.",
                "ืื• ืกืžื•ืš ืœื• โ€“ near the time of the cockโ€™s crowing or from before it or from after it.",
                "ื‘ื™ื•ื”\"ื› โ€“ he removes them from midnight, because of the weakness of the High Priest, since everything is upon him alone, he needs to wise earlier.",
                "ื•ื‘ืจื’ืœื™ื โ€“ since there are many Israelites and many sacrifices and a lot of ashes in the place of the pile of wood on the altar in the Temple, and he must take up the ashes from the place of the pile of wood to a place that is in the middle of the altar, which is called ืชืคื•ื—/TAPUACH, for there is a large of pile of the ashes and the community which is directed like an apple, it was necessary to arise earlier and they would rise from the first watch which is one-third of the night (i.e. 10 pm, assuming that the sun sets at 6 pm and rises at 6 pm).",
                "ื•ืœื ื”ื™ืชื” ืงืจื™ืืช ื”ื’ื‘ืจ ืžื’ืขืช โ€“ on the Festivals.",
                "ืขื“ ืฉื”ื™ืชื” ืขื–ืจื” ืžืœืื” ืžื™ืฉืจืืœ โ€“ who bring their sacrifices to offer them immediately after the morning daily-offering."
                "ื‘ืจืืฉื•ื ื” ื›ืœ ืžื™ ืฉืจื•ืฆื” ืœืชืจื•ื โ€“ Every Kohen who is from the same priestly division and wants to remove the ashes in the morning, removes the ashes, for there was no arbitration (by counting out a certain number on the raised fingers of those among whom a decision is to be made) in the matter.",
                "ื•ื‘ื–ืžืŸ ืฉื”ื ืžืจื•ื‘ื™ื โ€“ who come to remove the ashes, this one says: โ€œI am removing the ashesโ€ and that one says โ€œI am removing the ashes,โ€ this is their judgment.",
                "ืจืฆื™ื ื•ืขื•ืœื™ื ื‘ื›ื‘ืฉ โ€“ of the altar, which is thirty-two cubits in length.",
                "ื•ื›ืœ ื”ืงื•ื“ื โ€“ to enter into the upper four cubits of the ramp nearest the top of the altar, is worthy of/merits removing the ashes, and this is their lottery.",
                "ื•ืื ื”ื™ื• ืฉื ื™ื”ื ืฉื•ื™ื โ€“ through their entrance, neither one of them merits removing the ashes, but from now, all of them come to take a lottery. And what is the lottery? He who is appointed over the arbitration says to all of them to raise their fingers, that is to say, they should release their fingers so that each person can see his finger, since it is forbidden to count people from the Israelites; therefore, it was necessary for them to release the fingers in order that the fingers can be numbered, and not the people. And how would they do this? They would go around and stand together in a circle and the appointed one comes and takes hold of the turban from the head of one them (see Talmud Yoma 25a) and from him, the arbitration begins to count. And each one of them removes his finger and the appointed one/officer enunciates from his mouth a number and counts, either one hundred or sixty, many more than there are Kohanim present there, and says, whomever finishes with this total, through him will merit. And he begins to count from the one who took it from the head of the turban, and such were all of the arbitrations in the Temple Sanctuary.",
                "ืื—ืช ืื• ืฉืชื™ื โ€“ one finger if he is health or two if he is sick, for the sick are unable to control/have mastery over his fingers, and we releases one [finger], its neighbor is released with it. But the two are not counted other than as one [finger].",
                "ื•ืื™ืŸ ืžื•ืฆื™ืื™ืŸ ืื’ื•ื“ืœ ื‘ืžืงื“ืฉ โ€“ because of the deceivers, when the end of the numbering draws near and they would understand who would finish, that one standing before him would set out two fingers in order that he would count for two people and the number would hurry to end with him. But the appointed official did not comprehend because a person can distance his thumb from his finger a great deal until it appears as the fingers of two people, which one cannot do with the other fingers."
                "ืืœื ื‘ืคื™ื™ืก โ€“ as we have explained.",
                "ืืจื‘ืข ืคื™ื™ืกื•ืช ื”ื™ื• ืฉื โ€“ four times during the day, they would be gathered to arbitrate, and they would not arbitrate for all of them in one meeting, in order to announce by sound four times that there is a large gathering of people in the courtyard, and that is for the honor of the King (i.e., God), as it is stated (Psalms 55:15): โ€œ[Sweet was our fellowship;] we walked together in Godโ€™s house.โ€"
                "ืžื™ ืฉื•ื—ื˜ โ€“ the daily offering (of mid-afternoon).",
                "ืžื™ ื–ื•ืจืง ื•ื›ื•' โ€“ all the acts of Divine worship are done at one arbitration/count (i.e., by counting out a certain number of raised fingers of those among whom a decision is to be made. For whomever completed through him the count, according to how we explained it, is worthy, and he casts the blood to the altar after he receives the blood in the bowl (out of which the sprinkling of the blood is done), for the person who casts the blood is the person who receives it. And nearest him is the person who slaughters, and even though the slaughtering precedes the reception of the blood, nevertheless, because the Divine service of the casting is greater than the slaughtering, for the slaughtering is valid [when done] by a foreigner (i.e., a non-Kohen), which is not the case regarding the casting and the reception [of the blood] and further which is the commandment of the Kohanim, therefore, the first one who was found worthy in the arbitration for the casting [of the blood], and the one nearest him, in the slaughtering, and the one next to the slaughterer, removes the ashes from the altar, and the one nearest to the individual who removes the ashes from the altar removes the ashes from the candelabrum/Menorah, and similarly for all of them.",
                "ื”ืจืืฉ ื•ื”ืจื’ืœ โ€“ of the right side by one Kohen.",
                "ื•ืฉืชื™ ื”ื™ื“ื™ื โ€“ by a second Kohen.",
                "ื”ืขื•ืงืฅ โ€“ that is the tail.",
                "ื•ื”ืจื’ืœ โ€“ of the left side, with the third Kohen.",
                "ื”ื—ื–ื” โ€“ that is the fat of the of the breast which looks towards the ground, and we sever it this way and that way without the heads of the wing.",
                "ื•ื”ื’ืจื” โ€“ the place where the ruminant, which is the neck, and through it are attached the windpipe, the lung with the liver and the heart. The breast and the neck is with a fourth Kohen.",
                "ื•ืฉืชื™ ื”ื“ืคื ื•ืช โ€“ with a fifth Kohen.",
                "ื•ื”ืงืจื‘ื™ื โ€“ with a sixth [Kohen].",
                "ื•ื”ืกื•ืœืช โ€“ the one-tenth of an Ephah for the meal offering of his libation of the daily afternoon offering with a seventh [Kohen].",
                "ื•ื”ื—ื‘ื™ืชื™ื โ€“ half of one-tenth of an Ephah for the meal offering of the High Priest which is offered with the daily afternoon offering on each day, as it states (Leviticus 6:13): โ€œhalf of it in the morning and half of it in the evening,โ€ with an eighth Kohen.",
                "ื•ื”ื™ื™ืŸ โ€“ three LOGS for the libation of the daily afternoon offering, with a ninth [Kohen].",
                "ื™\"ื’ ื›ื”ื ื™ื ื–ื•ื›ื™ืŸ ื‘ื• โ€“ with this arbitration, thirteen Divine services of the Priests who are appointed for this according to the order that is written in the Mishnah.",
                "ื›ื“ืจืš ื”ืœื•ื›ื• โ€“ during his life.",
                "ื”ื™ื” ืงืจื‘ โ€“ the daily afternoon offering. The first teacher holds that the best and most beautiful is offered first, but [Shimon] Ben Azzai holds that it is according to the way in which it is walked, the head and the leg, the breast and the neck, and the two forelegs, and the chest surrounding the lungs and the rib, and the rump and the hind legs. But the Halakha is not according to Ben Azzai."
                "ื—ื“ืฉื™ื ืœืงื˜ื•ืจืช โ€“ this is what they would announce in the Temple court, that is to say, whomever was not worthy of the incense all of his life, should come and decide by chance. But they would not allow someone who was found worthy of it once [already] to repeat it, because he becomes wealthy as it is written (Deuteronomy 33:10-11): โ€œThey shall offer You incense to savor [and whole-offerings on Your altar]. Bless, O LORD, his substanceโ€ฆโ€ For since every Kohen who offers incense would become wealthy and blessed on its account, therefore, they would not allow a person to repeat it, in order that all could be wealthy and blessed through it.",
                "ื—ื“ืฉื™ื ื’ื ื™ืฉื ื™ื โ€“ he who was worthy of the lottery other times and he who never was worthy of it ever, come and participate in the lottery.",
                "ืžื™ ืžืขืœื” ืื‘ืจื™ื ืžืŸ ื”ื›ื‘ืฉ ืœืžื–ื‘ื— โ€“ when they would bring up the limbs from the slaughter house, they would not bring them to the Altar, but rather place them on the lower half of the ramp in the east and conduct another lottery โ€“ who will bring them from the place where they are lying on the ramp to the altar, and they would do such because of [the Biblical adage] (Proverbs 14:28): โ€œA numerous people is the glory of a kingโ€ฆโ€"
                "ืชืžื™ื“ ืงืจื‘ โ€“ from the time the limbs are brought and onward, it is considered.",
                "ืขืฆืžื• โ€“ on every day, nine [priests]; six for the limbs and the innards, as we stated above (Mishnah 3) and one for the fine flour, and one for the baked cakes and one for the wine.",
                "ื•ื‘ื—ื’ โ€“ [and on the holiday] which requires two libations, one of wine and one of water and in the hand of one Kohen is a flask (i.e., a bottle with a wide belly and a narrow neck) .",
                "ื•ืฉืœ ื‘ื™ืŸ ื”ืขืจื‘ื™ื โ€“ for on each day, two [things] are in their hands, two pieces of wood, to add to the wood of the arrangement of wood on the altar in the Temple, as it is written (Leviticus 1:7): โ€œ[The sons of Aaron the priest shall]โ€ฆlay out wood upon the fire,โ€ for if it was not the matter of the morning daily-offering, of which it is was already stated (Leviticus 6:5): โ€œevery morning the priest shall feed wood to it,โ€ give it for the matter of the daily offering of the mid-afternoon where they add two pieces of wood."
                "ื”ื‘ืฉืจ ื‘ื—ืžืฉื” โ€“ just like the limbs of the sheep, so too the limbs of the ram.",
                "ื”ืกืœืช โ€“ it was two-tenths of an Ephah, with two Kohanim."
                "ื‘ืžื” ื“ื‘ืจื™ื ืืžื•ืจื™ื โ€“ that we require all these Kohanim for all the animals and that we need an arbitration.",
                "ืื ืจืฆื” ืœื”ืงืจื™ื‘ โ€“ an individual Kohen [who offers] everything without an arbitration.",
                "ื”ืคืฉืชืŸ ื•ื ืชื•ื—ืŸ โ€“ of an individual and of the community, they are equivalent to be considered fit with a โ€œforeignerโ€ (i.e., a non-Kohen) and they do not require a Kohen."
                "ืืžืจ ืœื”ื ื”ืžืžื•ื ื” โ€“ he is the assistant.",
                "ืฆืื• ื•ืจืื• โ€“ on a high place that they had in the Temple.",
                "ื–ืžืŸ ื”ืฉื—ื™ื˜ื” โ€“ for the slaughtering is invalid at night, as it states (Leviticus 19:6): โ€œIt shall be eaten on the day you sacrifice itโ€ฆโ€",
                "ื‘ืจืงืื™ โ€“ the morning shines through and flashes (Talmud Yoma 28b).",
                "ื”ืื™ืจ ืคื ื™ ื”ืžื–ืจื— โ€“ this time is after the morning star that the first Tanna/teacher mentioned. And the Halakha is according to Mattitya ben Shmuel.",
                "Until Hebron: Those who are standing below ask him \"Has the light reached Hebron?\" and he answers, \"Yes.\"  Hebron is mentioned in order to invoke the merit of the forefathers."
                "ืฉืคืขื ืื—ืช ืขืœื” ืžืื•ืจ ื”ืœื‘ื ื” โ€“ it is not speaking about Yom Kippur, for it is impossible to ascend from the light of the moon so close to the morning light on Yom Kippur which is the first third of the month, but rather, at the end of one of the months when the moon ascends near the time of the crack of dawn, an error took place, and they suspected lest it was on Yom Kippur that another mistake would occur in a similar manner, therefore, they needed all of this.",
                "ื”ื•ืจื™ื“ื• ื›ื”ืŸ ื’ื“ื•ืœ โ€“ this is an individual matter, and now he returns to that which was taught above, โ€œuntil Hebronโ€ and he answers affirmatively, and after the one who sees responded, they would bring down the High Priest to the ritual bath for he needed immersion prior to sacrificing the daily offering [of the morning].",
                "ื”ืžื™ืกืš ืจื’ืœื™ื• โ€“ it is a substituted word for his large defecation."
                "ืœืขื‘ื•ื“ื” โ€“ not necessarily",
                "ืขื“ ืฉื™ื˜ื‘ื•ืœ โ€“ and the matters are [understood] via a conclusion a minori ad majus, for just as the second to the High Priest is sanctified for the Holy {Service], from the Divine Service outside to the Divine Service inside, and from the Service inside [the Temple] to the Divine Service outside, and which requires immersion between each Divine Service, the individual who comes from his house which is from the โ€œsecularโ€ to the Holy, does he not all the more so require ritual immersion?",
                "ืขืœ ื‘ื™ืช ื”ืคืจื•ื” โ€“ on the chamber/compartment of the House of the Parveh.",
                "ื—ื•ืฅ ืžื–ื• โ€“ the first, which was in the non-holy area near the Gate of the Water, and it was at the side of his chamber."
                "ืกื“ื™ืŸ ืฉืœ ื‘ื•ืฅ โ€“ in order that he recognize that the Divine service of the Day (i.e., Yom Kippur) would be in linen garments, since he is accustomed to serve all year long in golden garments.",
                "ื•ื ืกืชืคื’ โ€“ be wiped off (i.e., dried off).",
                "ื•ืงื“ืฉ ื™ื“ื™ื• ื•ืจื’ืœื™ื• โ€“ from the basin (i.e., the laver for the priests in the Temple court), for he requires for all changes of clothing during the Day (i.e., Yom Kippur) sanctification for undressing and sanctification for dressing. But this first immersion [in the Mikveh] [is needed] since undressing was of weekday clothing, and tit was not necessary for sanctification of the hands and feet upon undressing.",
                "ืงืจืฆื• โ€“ he slaughtered it through the majority of the two signs (i.e., the windpipe and gullet), he who was fit for slaughtering.",
                "ื•ืžื™ืจืง ืื—ืจ โ€“ Another Kohen completed the slaughtering, for the receiving of he blood is not fit other than by the High Priest who needs to do it quickly and receive the blood.",
                "ืขืœ ื™ื“ื• โ€“ for him; alternatively, by him, after him and next to him, such as in the Book of Ezra (actually the Book of Nehemiah) (Chapter 3, verses 8 and 17): โ€œNext to them, Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon the Meronothite repairedโ€ฆ.โ€(and) โ€œAfter him, the Levites repaired: Rehum son of Bani. Next to Him, Hashabiah, chief of Sof half the district of Keilah, repaired for his district.โ€"
                "ื‘ื™ืŸ ื“ื ืœืื‘ืจื™ื โ€“ Not specifically, for it is taught in the Mishnah (four) above, that he received the blood and toss it, and went in to offer the incense and to cleanse the lamps and to sacrifice the head and the limbs, but the incense is offered between the blood and the lamps. But, the Tanna/teacher [of our Mishnah] does not come now to inform us the order of the offerings one after the other how they were, but wants to state only that he tossing of the blood and the offering of the limbs did follow one after the other, for the incense interrupted between them, and the same law applies regarding the cleansing of the lamps after the incense offering prior to the offering of the limbs.",
                "ืืกื˜ื ื™ืก โ€“ that his body was cooled off and cold.",
                "ืžื—ืžื™ืŸ ืœื• ื—ืžื™ืŸ โ€“ on the Eve of Yom Kippur.",
                "ื•ืžื˜ื™ืœื™ืŸ โ€“ on Yom Kippur, into the hollowed-out part of the building in the house of immersion (i.e., the Mikveh).",
                "ืฉืชืคื™ื’ โ€“ to remove its coolness partially, such as they weaken/mitigate their taste (Talmud Betzah 14b)."
                "ืœื‘ื™ืช ื”ืคืจื•ื” โ€“ One sorcerer whose name is Parvah built it (i.e., the chamber) and it is called by his name.",
                "ื•ื‘ืงื•ื“ืฉ ื”ื™ืชื” โ€“ that this second ritual immersion with all the rest of the ritual immersions, except for the first one, requires a sanctified place, as it is written (Leviticus 16:24): โ€œHe shall bathe his body in water in the holy precinct [and put on his vestments; then he shall come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people, making expiation for himself and for the people].โ€",
                "ืจ\"ืž ืื•ืžืจ โ€“ he first took off his clothing and afterwards sanctified [himself]. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Meir.",
                "ื‘ื’ื“ื™ ืœื‘ืŸ โ€“ the priestโ€™s undercoat (see Tractate Yoma 35b), undergarment, belt and turban that are mentioned in the Torah portion of Ahare Mot (chapter 16), for all of the inner Divine service was with them, but the outer Divine service such as the daily offerings and the Musaf offering were [offered] in golden garments which he would use the entire year, and between each change of clothing requires ritual immersion and two sanctifications of the hands and feet from the laver [for the priests in the Temple court]."
                "ืคืœื•ืกื™ืŸ โ€“ thin and fine linen that comes from the land of Rameses. The Jerusalem [Aramaic] translation of Ramses is Pilusa (Pelusium, a town in lower Egypt) (see Talmud Avodah Zarah 39a).",
                "ื”ื ื“ื•ื™ืŸ โ€“ from the land of India.",
                "ื•ื‘ื™ืŸ ื”ืขืจื‘ื™ื โ€“ clothing that he wears to remove the censer and the coal-pan",
                "ื”ื›ืœ ืฉืœืฉื™ื ืžื ื” โ€“ for this, the Tanna/teacher [of our Mishnah] reviews the general principles, to teach us that thirty Maneh in total, to tell you that if he spent less for those of the morning and spent more for those of the evening, it does not matter.",
                "ืื ืจืฆื” ืœื”ื•ืกื™ืฃ ืžื•ืกื™ืฃ ืžืฉืœื• โ€“ as long as he will give that addition as a gift to that which is dedicated as Temple property."
                "ื‘ื™ืŸ ืื•ืœื ืœืžื–ื‘ื— โ€“ all of the north of the Temple courtyard was fit according to the law for the placement of the bull, for all it was before God, and they would not place the bull between the hall leading to the interior of the Temple and the altar, near the hall containing the golden altar, but rather because of the weakness of the High Priest, so that the pain-staking preparations of the burden of carrying the blood from afar should not weigh upon him.",
                "ืจืืฉื• ืœื“ืจื•ื ื•ืคื ื™ื• ืœืžืขืจื‘ โ€“ by law, the head was in the hall containing the golden altar which was in the west and its back was in the east, but lest it cast excrement and it was a disgrace to show its privy to the eastern side, therefore, its head was to the south and its tail was to the north, which was much better. But the middle of its body was between the hall leading to the interior of the Temple and the altar, and it would wind/curve its head until its face was to the west.",
                "ื•ื”ื›ื”ืŸ ืขื•ืžื“ โ€“ and his back was to the east."
                "ื‘ื ืœื• ืœืžื–ืจื— ื”ืขื–ืจื” โ€“ they would not bring in the goats between the hall leading to the interior of the Temple and the altar because he wants to place lots upon them, but they were in the courtyard until the time of the slaughtering.",
                "ื•ืงืœืคื™ โ€“ a wooden hollowed utensil.",
                "ืฉืœ ืืฉื›ืจื•ืข โ€“ it is called BUSA in a foreign tongue. It is a form of tree and important.",
                "ื‘ืŸ ื’ืžืœื โ€“ Joshua ben Gamla, when he was appointed to be High Priest, made them of gold."
                "ื‘ืŸ ืงื˜ื™ืŸ โ€“ he was a High Priest.",
                "ืขืฉื” ื™\"ื‘ ื“ื“ื™ืŸ ืœื›ื™ื•ืจ โ€“ in order that there would be twelve Kohanim who would be worthy of an allotment of the daily morning offering would sanctify [themselves] at the same time, and even though there were thirteen Kohanim as we have said in the chapter at first (Chapter 2, Mishnah 3), he did not make a spigot for the slaughterer, for the slaughtering was fit to be done by a non-Kohen.",
                "ืžื•ื›ื ื™ โ€“ a wheel to sink [the wash-basin] into the cistern, so that its waters would be collected in the cistern so that it would not be disqualified through lying overnight.",
                "ื ื‘ืจืฉืช โ€“ candelabrum.",
                "ืฉืคืจืฉืช ืกื•ื˜ื” ื›ืชื•ื‘ื” ืขืœื™ื• โ€“ so that there be no need to bring a Torah to write from it the portion of the Sotah/the woman suspected of adulterous relations (Numbers chapter 5, verses 11-31).",
                "ื ืงื ื•ืจ โ€“ the name of a man.",
                "ื ืขืฉื• ื ืกื™ื ืœื“ืœืชื•ืชื™ื• โ€“ that he went to Alexandria of Egypt to bring doors, and upon his return (see Talmud Yoma 38a), a great storm arose at sea to drown them, he took one of them and cast it at the sea to make them (i.e., the ship and its passengers) lighter, and they requested [of him] to cast the other [door], he said to them: cast me with it; immediately the sea relaxed from its vehemence. When they reached the port of Acre, it [the door] burst forth and came out from under the walls of the ship."
                "ืœื ืจืฆื• ืœืœืžื“ ืขืœ ืžืขืฉื” ืœื—ื ื”ืคื ื™ื โ€“ for the rest of the artisans did not know how to detach the bread from [where it sticks in] the oven (see Tractate Yoma 38a), so that it would not bread, because it was made like a broken chest.",
                "ืœื ืจืฆื• ืœืœืžื“ ืขืœ ืžืขืฉื” ื”ืงื˜ื•ืจืช โ€“ they recognized one herb/grass whose name is a โ€œsmoke-raiserโ€ (see Talmud Keritot 6a), that they would combine it with the ingredients of frankincense, and the smoke of the incense would raise straight up like a rod and would not turn to either side.",
                "ืคืจืง ื‘ืฉื™ืจ โ€“ producing a pleasant sound.",
                "ืขืœ ืžืขืฉื” ื”ื›ืชื‘ โ€“ he would tie four reeds with his four fingers and write there four letters at once.",
                "ืขืœ ื”ืจืืฉื•ื ื™ื โ€“ Ben Gamla and Ben Ketin and Munbaz and Heleni his mother and Nikanor.",
                "ื•ืขืœ ื”ืื—ืจื•ื ื™ื โ€“ the House of Garmu and the House of Abtinas, and Hugares the son of Levi and Ben Kamtzar, for even though the House of Garmu and the House of Abtinas gave reasons for their words that they did not want to teach [their special skills], lest a person who is not honest would learn and he will go and worship idolatry with this, but the Sages did not accept their words."
                "ื˜ืจืฃ ื‘ืงืœืคื™ โ€“ seized forcibly, hastily and took suddenly with a haste of the ballot, as we taught [in the Mishnah] above (Tractate Yoma, Chapter 3, Mishnah 9), and there was an urn for the drawing of lots. And why with haste? In order that they should that they should not intend to recognize with his touch which was for God and take it in his right hand, because it was a pleasant sign when he would raise it with his right hand.",
                "ื•ื”ืขืœื” ืฉื ื™ ื’ื•ืจืœื•ืช โ€“ one in his right hand and one in his left, and the goats stand one to his right and the other to his left, and he would give the lot that came up on the right [hand] on the goat of the right side, and the lot that rose in his left [hand] on the goat of the left.",
                "ืœื”' ื—ื˜ืืช โ€“ he would mention the explicit name of God, and that is the name of Yud, Hei, (Vav, Hei) as it is written.",
                "ื•ืจ' ื™ืฉืžืขืืœ ืื•ืžืจ ืœื ื”ื™ื” ืฆืจื™ืš ื•ื›ื•' โ€“ But the Halakah is not according to Rabbi Yishmael.",
                "ื•ื”ืŸ ืขื•ื ื™ืŸ ืื—ืจื™ื• โ€“ when he would mention the Name [of God]."
                "ืœืฉื•ืŸ ืฉืœ ื–ื”ื•ืจื™ืช โ€“ red colored wool.",
                "ื›ื ื’ื“ ื‘ื™ืช ืฉืœื•ื—ื• โ€“ corresponding to the gate that it would be taken out.",
                "ื•ืœื ืฉื—ื˜ โ€“ he would tie a crimson-colored strap corresponding to its slaughter house, that is to say, at its neck, and now it would not come to be switched with the goat that is to send off, for this one (i.e., the goat that is to be sent off) is tied at its head, and this one at its neck. And [regarding] both of them, with the rest of the goats, they are not switched, for these, a crimson-colored strap is tied and the other goats, there is no crimson-colored strap tied to them.",
                "ืขื•ื™ืชื™ ืคืฉืขืชื™ ื—ื˜ืืชื™ โ€“ Our Mishnah is [according to] Rabbi Meir, as it is written (Leviticus 16:21): โ€œ[Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat] and confess over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites, whatever their sins, [putting them on the head of the goatโ€ฆ]}. But the Sages dispute him and say, that โ€œiniquitiesโ€ are those acts committed wantonly, and โ€œtransgressionsโ€ are [acts of] rebellion, and โ€œsinsโ€ are inadvertent sins, for after he (i.e., the High Priest) confessed on the iniquities and on the [acts of] rebellion, he returns and confesses on the inadvertent acts, in astonishment, but rather, he states, I sinned, I committed iniquities, I committed transgressions. And similarly, regarding David, he says (Psalms 106:6): โ€œWe have sinned like our forefathers; we have gone astray, done evil.โ€ And the Halakha is according to the Sages. But what is it that Moses stated (Exodus 34:7): โ€œ...forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin?โ€ Such said Moses before God, that the Jewish people sins and does repentance, their iniquities become like inadvertent sins."
                "ืžืžืจืก โ€“ he stirs and shakes and mixes it, so that it not become congealed when he delays until he performs the service of the incense.",
                "ืขืœ ื”ืจื•ื‘ื“ ื”ืจื‘ื™ืขื™ โ€“ each row of the stones of the floor is called a terrace (i.e., a paved level space between the steps in the Temple hall) (see Tractate Yoma 43b), and it is impossible to explain the fourth terrace in the hall containing the golden altar. The fourth row that is in the midst of the hall containing the golden altar from the opening of the hall containing the golden altar and inwards, for it is written (Leviticus 16:17): โ€œ[When he goes in to make expiation in the Shrine], nobody else shall be in the Tent of Meeting [until he comes out],โ€ but it teaches the fourth terrace of the hall containing the golden altar, that is to say, the fourth terrace in the courtyard, that goes from the hall containing the golden altar to the courtyard, he counts the terraces and places it on the fourth terrace and stands there and stirs it. For inside the hall containing the golden altar, it is impossible as we have stated.",
                "ื•ื—ื•ืชื” โ€“ he takes coals out with a pan and sets down the coal-pan until he grabs handfuls of the incense [with both hands] and places it within the pan and afterwards brings the pan and the coal-pan inside."
                "ื‘ื›ืœ ื™ื•ื โ€“ when he takes the coals out with a pan from the second pile of wood on the altar in the Temple of the incense to bring it into the inner altar for incense in the morning and evening.",
                "ื—ื•ืชื” ื‘ืฉืœ ื›ืกืฃ ื•ืžืขืจื” ื‘ืฉืœ ื–ื”ื‘ โ€“ and he does not take the coals out with a golden pan for the removal of the coals rubs/pounds the utensil and causes diminution of itand the Torah had compassion on the funds of the Jewish people.",
                "ื•ื”ื™ื•ื ื—ื•ืชื” ื‘ืฉืœ ื–ื”ื‘ โ€“ in order to not trouble the High Priest to intermix from one utensil to another.",
                "ื›ื‘ื“ื” โ€“ for its wall was thick.",
                "ื•ื”ื™ื•ื ืงืœื” โ€“ for its wall was thin.",
                "ื•ื”ื™ื•ื ืืจื•ื›ื” โ€“ in order that the forearm of the High Priest assists him.",
                "ื•ื”ื™ื•ื ืื“ื•ื โ€“ from gold which is called Parvayim (i.e., the name of a district or place known for its gold mines), which is a name that is similar to the blood of bulls.",
                "ืคืจืก โ€“ one-half of a Maneh.",
                "ื“ืงื” ืžืŸ ื”ื“ืงื” โ€“ as it is written (Leviticus 16:12): โ€œand two handfuls of finely ground aromatic incense, [and bring this behind the curtain].โ€ And what then is to be learned here, for doesnโ€™t it already state (Exodus 30:36): โ€œBeat some of it into powderโ€ฆโ€™ but rather, to tell you that the incense of Yom Kippur should be the finest of the finest."
                "ื‘ื›ืœ ื™ื•ื ืขื•ืœื™ืŸ ื‘ืžื–ืจื—ื• ืฉืœ ื›ื‘ืฉ โ€“ as the Master stated: โ€œAll turns/movements that you face should not be other than in the path of the right side, which is to the east. For the ramp is in the south, therefore when one ascends to the east of the ramp which is nearest to the right turn.",
                "ื•ื”ื™ื•ื ื›ื”ืŸ ื’ื“ื•ืœ โ€“ because of his honor [in order to] demonstrate his importance that he is like a member of the household, and he walks in the place where he desires, what the other priests are not allowed to do."
                "ื‘ื›ืœ ื™ื•ื ื”ื™ื• ืฉื โ€“ in the outer altar.",
                "ืืจื‘ืข ืžืขืจื›ื•ืช โ€“ [piles] of wood which are burned with fire; one large pile [of wood] that we offer upon it the daily offering and a second pile [of wood] that from it we take fire to the altar of the incense, and one pile [of wood] of maintaining the fire, in order that fire not depart from it ever, and another pile of limbs and fats of the daily offering of the eventide that had not been consumed by evening, and which was not burned all night long, we burn them in this pile, and we add for Yom Kippur an additional pile to take from it coals for the incense for the innermost part.",
                "ืจื‘ื™ ื™ื•ืกื™ ืื•ืžืจ ื‘ื›ืœ ื™ื•ื ื’' โ€“ for three verses are written (Leviticus 6:2): โ€œ[This is the ritual of the burnt offering: The burnt offering itself] shall remain where it is burned upon the altar all night until morning,โ€ โ€“ this is the large pile of wood. (Leviticus 6:2): โ€œwhile the fire on the altar is kept going on itโ€ โ€“ this is the second pile of the incense. (Leviticus 6:5): โ€œThe fire on the altar shall be kept burning, not to go out,โ€ โ€“ this is the third pile for the preservation of the fire. But the fourth pile for the limbs and fats that were not consumed, Rabbi Yosi does not have, for he holds that the limbs and fats that were not consumed are burned on the sides of the large pile.",
                "ืจื‘ื™ ื™ื”ื•ื“ื” ืื•ืžืจ ื‘ื›ืœ ื™ื•ื ืฉืชื™ื โ€“ He (i.e., Rabbi Yehuda) does not hold the third pile for the preservation of the fire, and from the third Biblical verse of (Leviticus 6:5): โ€œThe fire on the altar shall be kept burning, not to go out,โ€ Rabbi Yehuda expounds it that the one burns thin chips in order to kindle the fire of the large pile [of wood], he should not kindle it on the floor and raise them while they are burning to the altar but he should kindle them at the top of the altar. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yosi."
                "ื”ื•ืฆื™ืื• ืœื• โ€“ from the chamber of the utensils.",
                "ื•ื›ืš ื”ื™ืชื” ืžื“ืชื” โ€“ as its measurement outside, so its measure inside, what on the outside he would take grabs of incense with his actual hands and not with a utensil, so also inside, when he pours the incense from the ladle into his handfuls, he would not pour with a utensil that is made like the measure of his handfuls, but into his actual handfuls.",
                "ื ื˜ืœ ืืช ื”ืžื—ืชื” ื‘ื™ืžื™ื ื• โ€“ since it is heaven and hot and the ladle of the incense is lighter than it, therefore, the firepan is in his right-hand and the ladle is in his left-hand.",
                "ื”ื™ื” ืžื”ืœืš ื‘ื”ื™ื›ืœ โ€“ he enters and walked within towards the west.",
                "ืœื‘ื™ืŸ ืฉืชื™ ื”ืคืจื•ื›ื•ืช โ€“ since they were doubtful in Second Temple times if the partition that separates between the Holy and the Holy of Holies which was [found] in the First Temple and was a cubit thick, if that cubit was within or from the outside, therefore, they made two curtains, one an outer one and one an inner one. ื•ื‘ื™ื ื™ื”ืŸ โ€“ the airspace of a cubit to retain between them the air space of the partition.",
                "ื”ื—ื™ืฆื•ื ื” ืคืจื•ืคื” ืžืŸ ื”ื“ืจื•ื โ€“ The Rabbis stated it, that they dispute on that of Rabbi Yosi and state that the curtain divided them in the Tabernacle alone, it was stated.",
                "ืคืจื•ืคื” โ€“ its top was doubled to the outer side and was held with a gold clasp in order [to be open] from the south and standing.",
                "ืžื”ืœืš ื‘ื™ื ื™ื”ืŸ โ€“ he entered in the southern clasp and walked between them until he reaches the northern clasp.",
                "ื”ื’ื™ืข ืœืฆืคื•ืŸ โ€“ when he entered into the space between the Holy of Holies, he turned his face to the south to walk until he was between the bars projecting from the Ark (Tractate Yoma 42b) which is in the middle of the empty space, for the bars were long until the curtain, one head facing to the west and the other one to the east, one at the top of the ark to the north and one at the top to the south.",
                "ืžื”ืœืš ืœืฉืžืืœื• ืขื ื”ืคืจื•ื›ืช โ€“ when he walks from the north to the south, his left is to the east and the curtain was in the east, his left side is found with the curtain.",
                "ืขื“ ืฉื”ื•ื ืžื’ื™ืข ืœืืจื•ืŸ โ€“ to the place of the Ark and not to the Ark itself, for the in the Second Temple, there was no Ark there.",
                "ื“ืจืš ื›ื ื™ืกืชื• โ€“ so that he would not turn his face to leave, but rather depart in the path of his back with his face towards the Ark.",
                "ื•ืžืชืคืœืœ ืชืคืœื” ืงืฆืจื” โ€“ and this is (Talmud Yoma 53b): โ€œMay it be Your will, O LORD my God, for if this year is parched (explanation: hot), that it be rainy, and that the rulerโ€™s staff will not depart from the House of Judah, and that your people Israel will not need substance either one from the other nor from another people, and that the prayers of those on the crossroads will not enter before You,โ€ meaning that people they pray that rain will not fall.",
                "ื‘ื‘ื™ืช ื”ื—ื™ืฆื•ืŸ โ€“ in the Temple/the hall containing the golden altar.",
                "ืฉืœื ืœื”ื‘ืขื™ืช ืืช ื™ืฉืจืืœ โ€“ that they will say that he has died."
                "ื•ืฉืชื™ื” ื”ื™ืชื” ื ืงืจืืช โ€“ on account that from it, the world was founded where the Holy One blessed be He stabled His world. And Stetiyah is foundation."
                "ืœืžืงื•ื ืฉื ื›ื ืก โ€“ in the House of the Holy of Holies.",
                "ื‘ืžืงื•ื ื”ื‘ื“ื™ื โ€“ between the beams",
                "ื•ืœื ื”ื™ื” ืžืชื›ื•ืŸ ืœื”ื–ื•ืช ืœื ืœืžืขืœื” โ€“ so that it would be one above on a point of the upper cover of the Holy Ark (i.e., the innermost of the Temple, the Holy of Holies), and the seven [sprinklings] below [at its thickness], for they do not touch the upper cover of the Holy Ark (i.e., the innermost of the Temple) but fall to the ground.",
                "ืืœื ื›ืžืฆืœื™ืฃ โ€“ like one who flogs who begins between the shoulders and goes down below, such he would intend that these eight sprinklings [of blood] would be in the ground appropriately, this one under the next one.",
                "ืื—ืช ื•ืื—ืช โ€“ for if he did not count the first sprinkling that is above for itself with all the seven that are below, sometimes, he would error and count the first sprinkling with the seven that are below, and the first sprinkling that is below he would count tow, and that is not to say that he should count the sprinkling that is above with the seven that that are below until eight, for one can say, that it is Mitzvah to interrupt the gifts that are below in the midst of the seven and not in the midst of eight."
                "ื ื˜ืœ ื“ื ื”ืคืจ ื•ื”ื ื™ื— ื“ื ื”ืฉืขื™ืจ โ€“ the final result of the matter is that it is Rabbi Yehuda, who said that there was only one stand there, and he had to take the blood of the bullock first in order to set aside the blood of the goat in the stand, for he had upon him the blood of the bullock. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Yehuda.",
                "ืขืœ ื”ืคืจื•ื›ืช โ€“ as it is written (Leviticus 16:16): โ€œ[Thus he shall purge the Shrine of the uncleanness and transgression of the Israelites, whatever their sins;] and he shall do the same for the Tent of Meeting,[which abides with them in the midst of their uncleanness].โ€",
                "ืขื™ืจื” ื“ื ื”ืคืจ โ€“ as it is written (Leviticus 16:18): โ€œhe shall take some of the blood of the bull and of the goat [and apply it to each of the horns of the altar],โ€ from the blood of both of them together.",
                "ื•ื ืชืŸ ืืช ื”ืžืœื ื‘ืจื™ืงืŸ โ€“ and he goes back and empties the full bowl (out of which the sprinkling is done) into the empty one in order that blood combines/mixes extremely well."
                "ื”ื™ื” ืžื—ื˜ื ื•ื™ื•ืจื“ โ€“ this Tanna/teacher held that the Kohen would walk on his feet to each and every corner. And each and every sprinkling was in the corner that was before him and nearest him. And for this reason, [the Mishnah] takes [the words] โ€œpurifying [the altar by sprinkling], that is to say, that he would give sprinkling from above to below, for if he had given [sprinkling] from below to above in the corner that was before him, the blood would flow into his handle and soil his clothing. But Rabbi Eliezer held that the Kohen would stand in one corner and from there give sprinklings on all the corners, for the entire altar was not other than one cubit by one cubit squared, and since the three corners were near him, he can sprinkling from below to above without soiling his clothing, except for this corner that he was standing near, for it was impossible for him to turn sideways the tops of his fingers downward but [only] upwards, for if he would turn the tops of fingers downward and give a sprinkling from the bottom to the top, the blood would flow into the handle of his undercoat. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Eliezer."
                "ืขืœ ื˜ื”ืจื• โ€“ after having finished all the sprinklings of the corners, he sprinkles upon them seven times, as it is written (Leviticus 16:19): โ€œAnd the rest of the blood he shall sprinkle on it [with his finger seven times]. Thus he shall purify it [of the impurity of the Israelites and consecrate it],โ€ the place that is uncovered where he takes the ashes and the burning coals on this side and that, and sprinkles on the gold of the altar.",
                "ืืœื• ื•ืืœื• โ€“ the outer and inner blood is poured on the altar of the burnt-offering, they would flow gently from the foundation to the floor and mix in the sewer duct that is in the courtyard that goes out to the Kidron Valley.",
                "ืœื’ื ื ื™ื โ€“ the owners of the gardens.",
                "ื•ืžื•ืขืœื™ืŸ ื‘ื”ื โ€“ it is prohibited to benefit from them without payment."
                "ื›ืœ ืžืขืฉื” ื™ื•ื”\"ื› โ€“ all the Divine Services that he performs in white clothing inside and in the hall containing the golden altar.",
                "ื”ืืžื•ืจ ืขืœ ื”ืกื“ืจ โ€“ in our Mishnah (Chapter 5, Mishnayot 3-5).",
                "ื•ื›ืŸ ื‘ื”ื™ื›ืœ โ€“ he gave part of the sprinkling on the curtain and the blood was powered, he would bring another bull and begin the sprinklings of the curtain, and there would be no need to go back and begin inside.",
                "ืฉื›ื•ืœืŸ ื›ืคืจื” ื‘ืคื ื™ ืขืฆืžืŸ โ€“ Therefore, when the atonement is completed, it is completed.",
                "ืžืžืงื•ื ืฉืคืกืง โ€“ and even if he had not completed that particular atonement, he does not need to go back and give what he had given. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Eleazar or Rabbi Shimon."
                "ืฉื ื™ ืฉืขื™ืจื™. ื‘ืžืจืื” โ€“ both of them are white or both of them are black.",
                "ื•ื‘ืงื•ืžื” ื•ื‘ื“ืžื™ื โ€“ Three verses are written (Leviticus 16:5,7,8): โ€œAnd from the Israelite community he shall take two he-goatsโ€ฆ,โ€ โ€œAaron shall take the two he-goatsโ€ฆ,โ€ โ€œAnd he shall place lots upon the two goatsโ€ฆโ€ And since [the word] โ€œhe-goatsโ€ implies two, what does the thrice-time repetition of โ€œtwoโ€ come to teach us? But that they should be equivalent in appearance and in height and in worth/value.",
                "ื•ื™ืืžืจ ืื ืฉืœ ืฉื ืžืช โ€“ this is how it should be explained: If the [goat designated] for โ€œthe LORDโ€ died, this one, upon which the lot โ€œfor the LORDโ€ has come will stand in its place. ื•ืื ืฉืœ ืขื–ืื–ืœ ืžืช โ€“ he should say, this one [upon which the lot โ€œfor Azazelโ€ has come will stand in its place] etc.",
                "ื•ื”ืฉื ื™ โ€“ if [the goat] โ€œfor Azazelโ€ died and now there are two goats โ€œfor the LORD,โ€ one that remains from the first pair and one from the second pair, and with one of them, they have been atoned, the second should be put out to pasture. And similarly, if [the goat] โ€œfor the LORDโ€ had died, and behold, there are two [goats] โ€œfor Azazel,โ€ the one should be sent away into the wilderness and the second one should be sent out to pasture. And it is the second one of the second pair that should be sent out to pasture until a defect occurs to, but the second [goat] of the first pair is what should be offered, if it is โ€œto the LORD, โ€ or it should sent to the wilderness if it is โ€œfor Azazel,โ€ for animals (dedicated for sacrifices) cannot be removed forever from sacred use (as long as the obstacle lies not in their physical unfitness โ€“ See Talmud Yoma 64a), and if they reach a point of time of being ritually unfit, one can repair it when you pair it with another animal.",
                "ืฉืื™ืŸ ื—ื˜ืืช ืฆื‘ื•ืจ ืžืชื” โ€“ for when they derive that sin-offerings die, it is regarding an individual that they derive it. And the goats of Yom Kippur are community sin-offerings, as it is written (Leviticus 16:5): โ€œAnd from the Israelite community he shall take [two he-goats for a purification offering and a ram for a burnt offering].โ€ But sin-offerings that die, he should bring it into one house and leave it there until it should die.",
                "ื•ืขื•ื“ ืืžืจ ืจ\"ื™ ื ืฉืคืš ื”ื“ื โ€“ of the he-goat โ€œfor the LORDโ€, let the one to be sent to the wilderness die, for it does not become a marked-off place of blood and in all of the Divine Services that are performed in white clothing, whether inside or outside, [the word] โ€œstatuteโ€ is written regarding them to invalidate an act by an omission, and one must bring other blood and it is impossible other than through a lottery, and since he holds that animals [dedicated for sacrifice] can be removed forever from sacred use, the first he-goat that was to be sent away to the wilderness should die.",
                "ืžืช ื”ืžืฉืชืœื— โ€“ even though the sending out is not indispensable (i.e., to invalidate an act by an omission), according to everyone, when it is written, โ€œstatuteโ€ to be indispensable for the things that the Kohen does in white clothing, or on things that are done โ€œthrough a designated manโ€(Leviticus 16:21), nevertheless, we derive from the Biblical verse, as it is written (Leviticus 16:10): โ€œ[while the goat designated by lot for Azazel] shall be left standing alive before the LORD to make expiation with it [and to send it off to the wilderness for Azazel],โ€ until when is it necessary for the goat to be sent to the wilderness to be left standing alive? Until the time when the blood of its fellow [goat] is sprinkled; but if it dies prior to that, the atonement of the blood is worthless, and therefore requires compensation. But without a lottery, it is impossible and it needs two โ€“ the first is superseded, and everyone admits that with slaughtered animals that are superseded."
                "ื‘ื ืœื• ืืฆืœ ืฉืขื™ืจ โ€“ after he completed the sprinkling of the blood of the bull and the goat, the Kohen comes near the he-goat that is to be sent off into the wilderness in the place where he placed it, corresponding to the place where it is to be sent off (i.e., the Eastern Gate; see Mishnah Yoma, Chapter 4, Mishnah 2)."
                "ืืœื ืฉืขืฉื• ื”ื›ื”ื ื™ื ืงื‘ืข โ€“ in order to send it out and the Jewish court of Kohanim would not let an Israelite lead it out.",
                "ืขืจืกืœื โ€“ the name of a person."
                "ื•ื›ื‘ืฉ โ€“ they made a kind of ascent which is tall and goes out the path of the ramp outside of the courtyard and outside of the city, in order the Babylonians would not be able to touch the goat sent out to the wilderness. Since they were accustomed to pull at its hair and say to him: โ€œTake quickly and leave, and our transgressions should not tarry with us any longer.",
                "ืžื™ืงื™ืจื™ ื™ืจื•ืฉืœื™ื โ€“ from the important people of Jerusalem.",
                "ืขื“ ืกื•ื›ื” ืจืืฉื•ื ื” โ€“ they made booths for him (who leads on the goat to be sent to the wilderness) on the path and people would go to live there before Yom Kippur when they accompany him from Sukkah to Sukkah.",
                "ืชืฉืขื™ื ืจื™ืก โ€“ there were [ninety ris] from Jerusalem until the precipice. Every tall and bent mountain is called a precipice.",
                "ืฉื‘ืขื” ื•ืžื—ืฆื” โ€“ [seven and one-half] Ris for each mile. I heard that we have the reading of ROS with a โ€œVAV.โ€ And they are two-hundred and sixty-six steps according to the sum of a ROS. It was found that seven and one-half RIS is two thousand steps less five, close to the measurement of the Sabbath limit. And ninety RIS are twelve miles."
                "ื”ืจื™ ืžื–ื•ืŸ ื•ื”ืจื™ ืžื™ื โ€“ they would not say this to him other than in order that his heart be gladdened, for whomever has bread in his sack is not hungry like one who lacks bread in his sack (who is hungry), but a person never was in need of this.",
                "ื•ืžืœื•ื™ืŸ ืื•ืชื• ืžืกื•ื›ื” ืœืกื•ื›ื” โ€“ that from Jerusalem until the first Sukkah is a mile, and there ten Sukkot, and between each Sukkah was a mile, so that from Jerusalem until the final Sukkah was ten miles. There remained from the last Sukkah until the precipice two miles. They accompany him for a mile according to the measure of the Sabbath limit and they stand from afar and watch his actions."
                "ื—ืฆื™ื• ืงืฉืจ ื‘ืกืœืข ื•ื—ืฆื™ื• ืงืฉืจ ื‘ื™ืŸ ืงืจื ื™ื• โ€“ he did not tie the entire crimson strap to the rock lest it turn white immediately prior to pushing the goat, and from the joy of the whitening of the crimson strap for the transgressions that were already atoned for, he would forget the commandment of pushing [the goat off of the precipice] and it would appear that the commandment had already been completed from after the strap turned white. And he would not tie all of it between its horns, lest at the time of the pushing, the goat would bend its head underneath its body and when it would fall backwards, and he would not be able to see the strap when it turned white and all of the Jewish people would be sad. Therefore, he tied half of it onto the rock, and that half would not turn white until the entire task was completed. And when he tied at the end half of it between its horns, even though it would turn white immediately, he would not leave from pushing it, since he was engaged with it.",
                "ื‘ื ื•ื™ืฉื‘ ืœื• โ€“ he returned up until the final Sukkah, and even though that he left outside the [Sabbath] limit, even with the permission of the Sages, he only has two-thousand cubits from the place that he left for there with permission. And for this they permitted to him because he was afraid to stand in the wilderness when it became dark.",
                "ืžื˜ืžื ื‘ื’ื“ื™ื โ€“ as it is written (Leviticus 16:26): โ€œHe who sets the Azazel-goat free shall was his clothes.โ€",
                "ืจื‘ื™ ืฉืžืขื•ืŸ ืื•ืžืจ โ€“ etc. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Shimon."
                "ื‘ื ืœื• โ€“ after the High Priest handed over the he-goat that is to be sent to the wilderness to the person leading it [to the precipice], he comes near the bull and the goat that are about to be burned and tears them and removes their innards.",
                "ื•ื ืชื ื ื‘ืžื’ื™ืก โ€“ in a bowl of the utensils of ministration.",
                "ื•ื”ืงื˜ื™ืจืŸ โ€“ it is impossible to say that he would offer them up now, since he was dressed in white garments and he still had to read the portion [of Yom Kippur] in white garments, but this is how it should be understood, that he places them in the plate in order to the offer them up as incense afterwards, and when the time would arrive after he immersed and dressed in golden garments.",
                "ืงืœืขืŸ ื‘ืžืงืœื•ืช โ€“ like a twist/screen, and they are complete with their hides, their flesh and their dung, but their stomachs are torn out to remove the innards.",
                "ื•ื”ื•ืฆื™ืืŸ ืœื‘ื™ืช ื”ืฉืจื™ืคื” โ€“ outside of Jerusalem.",
                "ื•ืžืื™ืžืชื™ ืžื˜ืžืื™ืŸ ื‘ื’ื“ื™ื โ€“ those who are engagedwith them, as it is written (Leviticus 16:28): โ€œHe who burned them shall wash his clothes.โ€",
                "ืจื‘ื™ ืฉืžืขื•ืŸ ืื•ืžืจ ื›ื•' โ€“ But the Halakha is not like Rabbi Shimon."
                "ื”ืขืฉ ืฉืขื™ืจ ืœืžื“ื‘ืจ โ€“ for he is not permitted to begin other Divine Service until the goat reaches the wilderness, as it states (Leviticus 16:22): โ€œโ€ฆand the goat shall be set free in the wilderness.โ€ But after that (verse 25): โ€œThe fat of the purification of offering he shall turn into smoke [on the altar].โ€",
                "ื“ื•ืจื›ื™ืื•ืช โ€“ large and tall stones one on top of the other, that there the guards stands and wave the flags.",
                "ื•ืขื“ ื‘ื™ืช ื—ื“ื•ื“ื• โ€“ this is the top of the wilderness. And Rabbi Yehuda holds that when goat reaches there, he has completed the commandment, even though it has not reached the precipice. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Yehuda.",
                "ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ืŸ ืžื™ืœ โ€“ as we said above (Tractate Yoma, Chapter Six, Mishnah Four), that the eminent of Jerusalem would accompany it until the first Sukkah. But they return and wait after that as long as it took to walk a mile, they already knew that the goat reached the wilderness."
                "ื‘ื ืœื• ื›ื”ืŸ ื’ื“ื•ืœ ืœืงืจื•ืช โ€“ the [Torah] portion of the day (i.e., Leviticus, chapter 16).",
                "ื‘ื‘ื’ื“ื™ ื‘ื•ืฅ โ€“ that he performed the Divine Service of the day.",
                "ืงื•ืจื โ€“ for it is permitted to wear the clothing of the Priesthood even not at the time of Divine Service, for the clothing of the Priesthood was given to derive benefit from them.",
                "ื‘ืืฆื˜ืœื™ืช โ€“ clothing made in the form of a white garment/undershirt.",
                "ืžืฉืœื• โ€“ for the reading of the [Torah] portion is not Divine Service.",
                "ื—ื–ืŸ ื”ื›ื ืกืช โ€“ the sexton/beadle.",
                "ืจืืฉ ื”ื›ื ืกืช โ€“ through his word, all the needs of the community are decided, who recites the Maftir portion (i.e., Haftarah), and who spreads a cloak over the head for the recitation of the prayers preceding the Shema (Kaddish and Barchu) (alternatively, to recite the prayers for the benefit of those who come too late for the regular service), and who goes before the Ark (to lead the service). And we give the Torah Scroll from this one to that one, because of the honor/dignity of the High Priest to demonstrate that there are many authorities below him.",
                "ืขื•ืžื“ ื•ืžืงื‘ืœ โ€“ it follows that until here he was sitting, and we find that we learned that he would read in the Ezrat Nashim/courtyard of the women, for if he read in the courtyard of Israel/Ezrat Yisrael and all the more so, in a holier place than that, it would be prohibited to sit other than the Kings of the House of David that were permitted to them to sit in the courtyard, as it is written (2 Samuel 7:18): โ€œThen King David came and sat before the LORD.โ€",
                "ื•ืงื•ืจื ืื—ืจื™ ืžื•ืช ื•ืืš ื‘ืขืฉื•ืจ โ€“ that is in the [Torah] portion of Emor (Leviticus chapter 23, verses 26-32). For it is permitted to skip in the Torah in one subject matter when it is close in order that the [Aramaic] translator not stop. But if prior to his rolling the Torah Scroll until the place of the skip that the [Aramaic] translator would stop who is translating the verse that the reader read/recite, it is prohibited to skip and to roll, for it would be found that the community is sitting and waiting/anticipating and this is not the dignity of the congregation.",
                "ื™ื•ืชืจ ืžืžื” ืฉืงืจื™ืชื™ ืœืคื ื™ื›ื ื›ืชื•ื‘ ื›ืืŸ โ€“ so as to not to spread evil talk against/to discredit the Torah scroll, when they see him (i.e., the High Priest) read a third portion by heart that they would think that the Torah scroll is missing that portion.",
                "ื•ื‘ืขืฉื•ืจ ืฉื‘ื—ื•ืžืฉ ื”ืคืงื•ื“ื™ื ืงื•ืจื ืขืœ ืคื” โ€“ [Numbers chapter 29, verses 7-11] which is far from the portion of Aharei Mot, and โ€œMark the tenth day of the monthโ€ (Leviticus 23:27 and following), which is more than the [Aramaic] translator can stop, therefore, he cannot roll the Torah scroll to there since we do not roll a Torah scroll in public because of the honor/respect of the congregation, and he cannot bring another Torah scroll because of the [perceived] defect of the first [scroll] so that people wonโ€™t say that it is lacking/missing parts.",
                "ืขืœ ื”ืชื•ืจื” โ€“ two blessings, one before [the reading] and one after it in the manner that we recite the blessings in the synagogue.",
                "ืขืœ ื”ืขื‘ื•ื“ื” ื•ืขืœ ื”ื”ื•ื“ืื” โ€“ โ€œAcceptโ€ (i.e. the third-to-last blessing of the Amidah) and โ€œWe give thanksโ€ (the second-to-last blessing of the Amidah).",
                "ื•ืขืœ ืžื—ื™ืœืช ืขื•ืŸ โ€“ โ€œForgive us.โ€",
                "ื•ืขืœ ื”ืžืงื“ืฉ โ€“ that the Divine Presence should dwell in it.",
                "ื•ืขืœ ื”ื›ื”ื ื™ื โ€“ that they should be blessed and that their sacrifices [would be accepted] with favor.",
                "ื•ืขืœ ื™ืฉืจืืœ ื•ืขืœ ืฉืืจ ื”ืชืคืœื” โ€“ it is explained in the Gemara (Tractate Yoma 70a): a prayer for grace, chant and request from before You that Your people Israel needs to be saved. Praised are You, who Hears prayer."
                "ืœื ืžืคื ื™ ืฉืื™ื ื• ืจืฉืื™ โ€“ for you might have thought that the person who sees one Divine Service is not permitted to leave it in order to work and see another Divine Service, for we do not forgo the occasion for performing a religious act. And the viewing of the Divine Service is a Mitzvah because of (Proverbs 14:28): โ€œA numerous people is the glory of a king,โ€ which comes to tell us that he does foregoing a commandment since he is not engaged in it."
                "ืื™ืœื• ื•ืื™ืœ ื”ืขื โ€“ the reason of Rabbi Eliezer is because his ram and the ram of the people, and the innards of the sin offering and the removal of the ladle and coal-pan, all these are written at the beginning of Leviticus in the portion of the day (Leviticus chapter 16), he does them at the outset, and goes back and performs the additional sacrifices/Musaf of a burnt offering of a bull and the seven lambs and the he-goat which are done outside, all of them with the daily offering offered at eventide, as it is written, at the end, in the Book of Numbers (chapter 29, verses 7-11).",
                "ื•ืจ\"ืข ืื•ืžืจ โ€“ the burnt offering of a bull and the seven lambs of the Additional Service/Musaf.",
                "ืขื ืชืžื™ื“ ืฉืœ ืฉื—ืจ ื”ื™ื• ืงืจื‘ื™ื โ€“ as it is written (Numbers 28:23): โ€œYou shall present these in addition to the morning portion of the regular burnt offering,โ€ etc. Hence we see, that the Musaf/Additional offerings are made with the morning burnt offering near it, and afterwards, the Divine Service of the day, and after that the goat that offered outside, and even though it is from the Musaf, it cannot precede the Divine Service of the day, as it is stated concerning it (Numbers 29:11): โ€œin addition to the sin offering of expiation [and the regular burnt offering with its meal offering, each with its libation],โ€ we learned that the inner goat which is part of the Divine Service of the day precedes it, and afterwards, his ram and the ram of the people, and after that, the innards of the sin offering, all of these at the third ritual immersion. But the removal of the ladle and the coal-pan is after that and after that the daily offering of the eventide. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Akiba."
                "ื•ืœื”ื˜ื™ื‘ ืืช ื”ื ืจื•ืช โ€“ this trimming/cleansing of the lambs is kindling."
                "ื‘ืืœื• ื ืฉืืœื™ืŸ โ€“ the Kohen who received inquiries for the Urim and Thummim needs to dress in eight [sets] of clothing. And how do they inquire of the Urim and Thummim? The face of the one who asks is behind the Kohen who receives inquiries and the one who receives inquiries, his face is directed towards the Ark, but the inquirer asks, โ€œMay I do a certain thing or not do it?โ€ And he does not inquire in a loud voice nor does he meditate/think in his heart, but in a low voice, and the Holy Spirit clothes/envelopes the Kohen and he looks at the breastplate, and sees letters protruding in the breastplate corresponding to his face, โ€do this or donโ€™t do that.โ€ For since the names of the twelve tribes were written on the stones of the breastplate, and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the tribes of God, it is found that the entire Alphabet is there, and the Holy Spirit would inform the Kohen how to combine the protruding letters one with the other until he would understand the implication of the matters (see Talmud Yoma 73 a-b).",
                "ืืœื ืœืžืœืš ื•ื›ื•' โ€“ as it is written (Numbers 27:21): โ€œBut he shall present himself to Eleazar the priest, [who shall on his behalf seek the decision of the Urim before the LORD]โ€ฆโ€ โ€œHeโ€ is the king, โ€œand all of the Israelites that are with himโ€ all of the children of Israel that are with him go out to war. After him, that is the priest anointed as the chaplain of the army [that is] all of the needs of the community are upon him. โ€œthe whole communityโ€ โ€“ this is the Great Sanhedrin."
                "ื™ื•ื ื”ื›ืคื™ื•ืจื™ื ืืกื•ืจ ื‘ืื›ื™ืœื” ื•ื‘ืฉืชื™ื” โ€“ even though that regarding eating and drinking [on Yom Kippur] which are punishable by extirpation, because the Mishnah is required to teach the rest of the โ€œafflictionsโ€ that lack [the punishment of] extirpation, it is taught [in the Mishnah] that it is prohibited. And these five afflictions correspond to the five [times] affliction is written in the Torah, of โ€œThe Sabbath of complete restโ€ of the Torah portion โ€œSay to the Kohanimโ€ (Leviticus 23:32) and โ€œThe Sabbath of Complete Restโ€ of โ€œAharei Mot/After the Deathโ€ (Leviticus 16:31), and โ€œon the tenth day of the seventh monthโ€ (Numbers 29:7) of the Book of Numbers and โ€œMark the tenth day of this seventh monthโ€ (Leviticus 23:27) of โ€œSpeak to the Kohanimโ€ (EMOR), and โ€œThis shall be to you for a law for all timeโ€ (Leviticus 16:34) of Ahahrtei Mot, in all of them, it is written, \"ืชืขื ื• ื•ืขื ื™ืชื\"/โ€you shall afflictโ€ (singular and plural), and these of our Mishnah are also five forms of affliction, as drinking and eating are considered as one.",
                "ื”ืžืœืš โ€“ needs to appear nice, as it is written (Isaiah 33:17): โ€œWhen your eyes behold a king in his beauty.โ€",
                "ื•ื”ื›ืœื” โ€“ she requires beauty in order to make her beloved to her husband, and all thirty days [immediately following her marriage] she is called a bride.",
                "ื•ื”ื—ื™ื” โ€“ a woman in childbirth.",
                "ืชื ืขื•ืœ โ€“ on account of the cold.",
                "ื“ื‘ืจื™ ืจ\"ื โ€“ these refer to all of them โ€“ to the king, the bride and the woman in childbirth. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Eliezer."
                "ื›ื›ื•ืชื‘ืช โ€“ a huge date, which is smaller than an egg. And even though that all measures of eating are like an olive, this is because it is written regarding them as food, but here, as it is not written other than that (Leviticus 23:29): โ€œIndeed, any person who does not practice self-denial [throughout that day shall be cut off from his kin],โ€ we learn that less than like a date [in size], one does not make one come to it (see Talmud Yoma 81a) and it is self-denial. But however, we hold that one half of this measurement is prohibited from the [text of the] Torah but they are not liable for extirpation nor are they flogged other than according to the measure.",
                "ื›ืžืœื ืœื•ื’ืžื™ื• โ€“ all that if he had removed it to one side,, that side would protrude and appear, it is called โ€œa mouthful/quantity of liquid filling one cheekโ€ And this measure is with an average person which is less than one-quarter of a LOG."
                "ืื™ื ื• ื—ื™ื™ื‘ ืืœื ื—ื˜ืืช ืื—ื“ โ€“ since from one verse, [the prohibition of] eating and drinking is derived and it is considered one thing.",
                "ืื›ืœ ื•ืขืฉื” ืžืœืื›ื” โ€“ from two verses it is derived and they are two different things."
                "ืื™ืŸ ืžืขื ื™ืŸ ืื•ืชืŸ โ€“ we donโ€™t obligate to prevent from them food",
                "ืžื—ื ื›ื™ืŸ ืื•ืชืŸ โ€“ [we educate them] by hours. If he was accustomed to eat at the fourth hour, we feet him at the fifth [hour] or at the sixth, according to the strength of the child/son.",
                "ืงื•ื“ื ืœืฉื ื” โ€“ one year prior to his period of maturity, if the young child is sick or weak, and if he cannot endure it.",
                "ื•ืงื•ื“ื ืœืฉืชื™ื โ€“ or two years prior to his period of maturity if the young child is healthy, and the periods of maturity for young girls is twelve years of age and one day, for it is not her nature to show evidences of puberty until this time and then she is considered liable for punishment. But the period of maturity for a male child is thirteen years and one day, and prior to that he is not liable for punishment."
                "ืขื•ื‘ืจื” ืฉื”ืจื™ื—ื” โ€“ the fetus smells the scent of a cooked dish and she desires it But if she does not eat, both of them (i.e., the fetus and the mother) are endangered.",
                "ืขืœ ืคื™ ื‘ืงื™ืื™ื โ€“ physicians who are specialists in their craft.",
                "ืื™ืŸ ืฉื ื‘ืงื™ืื™ืŸ ืžืื›ื™ืœื™ืŸ ืื•ืชื• ืขืœ ืคื™ ืขืฆืžื• โ€“ this is how it is explained in the Gemara (Talmud Yoma 83a), when is it said that they rely on the words of specialists? At the time when the sick person says: โ€œI donโ€™t need itโ€ or is silent, but when he says, โ€œI need it,โ€ if there is no specialist [available] at all, that is to say, their specialty is not considered worth anything, we feed him on his own word. And even though the specialists say that he doesnโ€™t need it."
                "ื‘ื•ืœืžื•ืก โ€“ an illness that grabs hold on account of hunger and is in danger of dying, and when his appearance returns, it is clearly known that he has recovered.",
                "ื›ืœื‘ ืฉื•ื˜ื” โ€“ an evil spirit rests upon him (i.e., the dog), and these are its sign: mouth is open, spittle drips, its ears are lacerated and its tail lies between its legs and it walks on the sides of the public thoroughfare, and there are those who say that it even barks and yet its voice is not heard.",
                "ืื™ืŸ ืžืื›ื™ืœื™ืŸ ืื•ืชื• ืžื—ืฆืจ ื›ื‘ื“ ืฉืœื• โ€“ But even though the doctors that engaged in medicine, this is not complete medicine to permit him the prohibition of an impure/unclean animal through this.",
                "ื•ืจ' ืžืชื™ื ื‘ืŸ ื—ืจืฉ ืžืชื™ืจ โ€“ holds that it is complete healing. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Matyah ben Harash.",
                "ื”ื—ื•ืฉืฉ ื‘ืฉื™ื ื™ื• โ€“ that the skin of the palate begins to be consumed and from there it goes to the plate and to the throat.",
                "ืžื˜ื™ืœื™ืŸ ืœื• ืกื โ€“ the root of grass for medicinal purposes.",
                "ื•ื›ืœ ืกืคืง ื ืคืฉื•ืช ื“ื•ื—ื” ืืช ื”ืฉื‘ืช โ€“ [the word] โ€œallโ€ includes when it becomes obvious to us that he will not die on this Shabbat, but there is a doubt if they wonโ€™t do [something] for him today, lest he die on the next Shabbat, and just as they estimate for him to drink this drug/medication for eight days and the first day is Shabbat. You might have thought to delay it until the evening in order that it would not occur on two Sabbaths; it comes to tell us that this is not the case."
                "ืžืคืงื—ื™ืŸ ืขืœื™ื• โ€“ we dig the heap of stones/ruins and search after him. But if they checked until his nostrils whether from above to below or from below to above, and they did not find in him a breath, it is clear that he is dead and they no longer have to dig him out any further, as it is written (Genesis 7:22): โ€œAll in whose nostrils was the merest breath of life.โ€",
                "ืžืฆืื•ื”ื• ื—ื™ ืžืคืงื—ื™ืŸ ืขืœื™ื• โ€“ it was not necessary other than when they saw him that it is impossible that he would live other than a brief period of time, and that he would immediately die, whenich comes to teach us that we rescue a person buried in debris for that even temporary period of life [remaining].",
                "ืžืช ืื™ืŸ ืžืคืงื—ื™ืŸ ืขืœื™ื• โ€“ this comes to teach us, that even according to the one who says that we save a dead person because of the fire/conflagration, in this he admits that we do not rescue a person buried in debris, for concerning a fire, [the Sages] permitted to carry the dead and to remove him, for it they had not permitted him, it would come to extinguish the fire since a person is anxious to save his dead relative from the fire (Talmud Yoma 85a). But here, if we donโ€™t permit him to remove the debris of heap of stones/ruins, what is he to do for it is a Torah prohibition that we should permit this beforehand."
                "ื—ื˜ืืช ื•ืืฉื ื•ื“ืื™ โ€“ atones with repentance. For if the Tanna did not consider mentioning it, for undefined, when he brings his sin-offering and guilt-offering, he has already done repentance, for if he had not felt regret/remorse, he would not have brought a sacrifice.",
                "ืืฉื ื•ื“ืื™ โ€“ such as the guilt-offering for thefts and the guilt-offering for sacrilege.",
                "ืขืœ ืขืฉื” ื•ืขืœ ืœื ืชืขืฉื” โ€“ [a negative commandment] that has been transformed into a positive commandment (i.e., which must be repaired by the performance of a succeeding act), repentance atones. But a negative commandment that has flogging associated with it and repentance is held in suspense and Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement atones [for it]. And the final result of the matter is in the Gemara (Talmud Yoma 86b), that if he wantonly committed a transgression with a positive commandment and a negative commandment that has been transformed into a positive commandment, or if he sinned inadvertently with a negative commandment which has flogging [as a punishment] and repented, he does not move from there until he is pardoned. But if he wantonly committed a transgression on a negative commandment which has flogging [as a punishment], repentance hangs in suspense and Yom Kippur atones. But if he sinned inadvertently where he would be liable for extirpation or death at the hand of the Jewish court, the sin-offering atones with repentance, but if he wantonly committed a transgression with them, repentance and Yom Kippur hangs in suspense, and affliction cleanses. And these words [apply] when he did not desecrate the Name [of God], that is to say, that he did not sin and cause others to sin. But if he desecrated the Name [of God], his atonement is not completed until he dies. And all of this is when there is no scapegoat, but at the time when there is a scapegoat, it atones for all the light and grave sins, outside of those sins between man and his fellow, which are not pardoned until he appeases his fellow."
                "ืื—ื˜ื ื•ืืฉื•ื‘ ืื—ื˜ื ื•ืืฉื•ื‘ โ€“ two times.",
                "ืื™ืŸ ืžืกืคื™ืงื™ืŸ ื‘ื™ื“ื• ื•ื›ื•' โ€“ for since he had committed a transgression and repeated it, he is not abstaining/withdrawing from it, for it is similar to him as a permission."
    "versions": [
            "Sefaria Community Translation",
            "Bartenura on Mishnah, trans. by Rabbi Robert Alpert, 2020",
    "heTitle": "ื‘ืจื˜ื ื•ืจื ืขืœ ืžืฉื ื” ื™ื•ืžื",
    "categories": [
        "Rishonim on Mishnah",
        "Seder Moed"
    "sectionNames": [