/Midrash Rabbah
/Kohelet Rabbah
/Rabbi Mike Feuer, Jerusalem Anthology.json
{ | |
"language": "en", | |
"title": "Kohelet Rabbah", | |
"versionSource": "", | |
"versionTitle": "Rabbi Mike Feuer, Jerusalem Anthology", | |
"status": "locked", | |
"license": "CC-BY", | |
"versionTitleInHebrew": "רבי מייק פוייר, לקט ירושלים", | |
"shortVersionTitle": "Rabbi Mike Feuer", | |
"actualLanguage": "en", | |
"languageFamilyName": "english", | |
"isBaseText": false, | |
"isSource": false, | |
"direction": "ltr", | |
"heTitle": "קוהלת רבה", | |
"categories": [ | |
"Midrash", | |
"Aggadah", | |
"Midrash Rabbah" | |
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"text": [ | |
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"…R’ Berachia said in the name of R’ Yitzchak the last redeemer will be just as the first. Just as it says of the first redeemer “So Moses took his wife and his sons, mounted them upon the donkey…” (Shemot 4:20) so too the last redeemer, as it says “…humble, and riding a donkey…” (Zechariah 9:9) Just as the first redeemer brought down the manna, as it says “Behold! I am going to rain down for you bread from heaven…” (Shemot 16:4) so too the last redeemer will bring down manna, as it says “May there be an abundance of grain in the land…” (Tehillim 72:16) Just as the first redeemer brought up the well, so too the last redeemer will bring up the water, as it says “…and a spring will issue from the house of the Lord and will water the valley of Shittim…” (Yoel 4:18)" | |
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"R’ Yehoshua of Sakhnin explained the text as referring to Israel. A time to be born, the Holy One said ‘for a brief moment I was the midwife to my children,’ as is written “And as for your birth, on the day you were born…” (Yechezkiel 16:4) A time to die, as is written “…in this desert they will end, and there they will die.” (Bamidbar 14:35) A time to plant, as it says ”And I will plant them on their land…” (Amos 9:15) A time to uproot the planted, as is written “And the Lord uprooted them from upon their land…” (Devarim 29:27) A time to kill, as is written “…and He has slain all that were pleasant to the eye…” (Eicha 2:4) A time to heal, as is written “Behold, I will bring it healing and cure…” (Yirmeyahu 33:6) A time to wrech, as is written “And [through the] breaches they shall emerge, each woman straight before her…” (Amos 4:3) A time to build, as is written “…and build it up as in the days of yore.” (Amos 9:11) A time to weep, as is written “She weeps, yea, she weeps in the night…” (Eicha 1:2) A time to laugh, as is written “Then our mouths will be filled with laughter…” (Tehillim 126:2) A time to lament, as is written “And the Lord God of Hosts called on that day, for weeping, and for lamenting…” (Yeshayahu 22:12) A time to dance, as is written “And the streets of the city shall be filled, with boys and girls playing in its streets.” (Zechariah 8:5) A time to scatter stones, as is written “The holy stones are scattered at the head of every street.” (Eicha 4:1) A time to gather stones, as is written “Behold, I have laid as a foundation a stone in Zion…” (Yeshayahu 28:16) A time to embrace, as is written “…and his right hand would embrace me.” (Shir haShirim 2:6) A time to shun embraces, as is written “And the Lord removes the people far away…” (Yeshayahu 6:12) A time to seek, as is written “And from there you will seek the Lord your God…” (Devarim 4:29) A time to lose, as is written “…and you will perish quickly from upon the good land that the Lord gives you.” (Devarim 11:17) A time to keep, as is written “Behold the Guardian of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” (Tehillim 121:4) A time to discard, as is written “…and He cast them to another land…” (Devarim 29:27) A time to rend, as is written “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you…” (Shmuel I 15:28) A time to mend, as is written “…and they shall be one in your hand.” (Yechezkel 37:17) A time to be silent, as is written “I was silent from time immemorial…” (Yeshayahu 42:14) A time to speak, as is written “Speak to the heart of Jerusalem…” (Yeshayahu 40:2) A time to love, as is written “I loved you, said the Lord…” (Malachi 1:2) A time to hate, as is written “…she raised her voice against Me; therefore, I hated her.” (Yirmiyahu 12:8) A time for war, as is written “…and He was turned to be their enemy; He fought with them.” (Yeshayahu 63:10) A time for peace, as is written “Behold, I will extend peace to you like a river…” (Yeshayahu 66:12)" | |
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"... “One who moves stones from place to place shall be wearied by them; one who hews wood shall be warmed by it.” (Kohelet 10:9) R’ Mishiya said: in reward for the two chunks of wood which Avraham split on Mount Moriah, he merited that the sea be split into twelve divisions for his children. " | |
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"... R’ Yehoshua ben Levi explained the verse as referring to the Holy Temple: The prophet said to Israel “And remember your Creator in the days of your youth (bachurotecha)…” (Kohelet 12:1) Remember your Creator while your youth (bachureichem) lasts. While the covenant with the priests lasts, as it says “And I did choose (u’vachor) him from all the tribes of Israel…” (Shmuel I 2:28) While the covenant with the Levites lasts, as it says “For the Lord, your God, has chosen (bachar) him out of all your tribes…” (Devarim 18:5) While the covenant with Jerusalem lasts, as it says ““…the city which I have chosen (bacharti).” (Melachim I 11:13) While the kingship of David lasts, as it says “And He chose (v’yivchar) His servant David…” (Tehillim 78:70) While the Holy Temple is still standing, as it says “I have chosen (bacharti) and consecrated this House…” (Divre HaYamim II 7:16) As long as you exist, as it is written “…the Lord your God has chosen you…” (Devarim 7:6) " | |
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"sectionNames": [ | |
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"Chapter", | |
"Midrash" | |
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